THSNŸ83A PAT» C1TV JOURNAL, THl’ BgPAY, fEBBUAHV » , IMI Classified Legal Advertising Legal Advertising Legal Advertising NOTICE TO UREDprORS NOTICE O f PROPOSAL TO SELL THE COUNTY COURT OF THF NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to *17,455.0« OF FUNDING BONDS STATE OF OREGON FOR the creditors and all other persOhs OF AND BY UNION H I G H MALHEUR COUNTY Interested in the estate of Harrison SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 4. MAL In the Matter of the Estate of ) Fay Brown, commonly known as HEUR COUNTY, OREGON, AND' Elizabeth J. McDonald, deceased ) INVITING BIDS THEREFOR. __ t < THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Harry F Brown, late of Nyssa, de ceased: that the undersigned has NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, RATES: Two cents per word (or each Issue. Minimum cash lil OREGON TO: Douglas M Mc been appointed Administrator of That sealed bids will be received by Donald, John A. McDonald, Wil the estate of Harrison Fay Brown, advance Is 30c. the Board of Directors of Union liam McDonald, Mrs. Annie Olb- deceased, with the will annexed, High School District No. 4, Malheur son and Kenneth McDonald, and and has qualified as such. County, Oregon, by Florence Otis, all other persons or devisees In All persons having claims against Clerk of said District at Adrian, MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS terested in the estate of Elizabeth said estate are hereby notified and Oregon, until 8:00 o'clock p. m. on For Sale J. McDonald, deceased GREET BRAKE WORK—Let US put your the 3rd day of March, 1942, for required to present same with INGS: car or truck brakes In first class the purchase of an issue of funding FOR SALE—Bliss Triumph seed proper vouchers duly verified By order of this court made and within six months of the date of potatoes grown Irom McKay's condition. Special equipment and bonds of said Union High School certified seed. Rcgued. Inquire S. trained men at your service. Pruyn District No. 4, Malheur County, entered on the 27th day of January this notice, to the undersigned at E. Flanagan Route 2, Nyssa, Ore Auto Repair. Phone 56W. Oregon, In the amount of $17,455.00. 1942. upon the verified petition of his office in Nyssa, Oregon, which gon. 12ftfc KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi Said bonds will be negotiable cou Dcuglas M. McDonald, the Adminis office Is hereby designated as .the pon bonds: each will be designated trator of said estate praying for an place of business In all matters tive prices. First class quality. FOR SALE!—Young heavy team, "Funding Bond”; will be dated as of order of this Court for the sale of connected - with said, estate, Feb good workers. Inquire Wm. E. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and March 1, 1942, and will be In de certain real estate of said deceased 10th, 1942. 16Mtfc Schweizer one mile west of Owy Highway 201, Phone 108. A L. FLETCHER nominations of *500.00 each, except for the purpose therein stated, you hee school. 12flxp FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. the last thereof which will be In and each of you are hereby cited Administrator with the will an nexed of the estate of Har tfc. the sum of $455.00; will be numbered and required to appear before the FOR SALE—100 sacks of Bliss Phone 78J. consecutively from 1 to 35, both Judge of this Court, at the Court rison Fay Brown. Tramp potatoes one year out of Rcom thereof in the City of Vale, First publication Feb. 12, 1942. AIRPLANE factory training. Nat- ( numbers Inclusive; will mature certification, rield run. for >1.75. ional finance plan. Write for de- i serially in numerical order in the Malheur County, State of Oregon, Last publication March 12, 1942. Inquire Phk Dunbrasky, Kingman tails to Clinton P. Haight, Jr. 2533 amount of *2,500.00 on the 1st day on the 28th day of February 1942, Kolony. 12f2xp 10th St., Baker, Oregon. 29j4xp of March in each of the years 1943 at eleven o'clock A. M. of that day, Mr and Mrs. Herbert Shaw and FOR SALE—Four room modem FOR TRADE—Income property In to 1948, both years inclusive, and In then and there to show cause, If sons, Sam and Paul, were In Cald any you have, why Douglas M. Mc houso with glassed In porch and the ameunt of $2,455.00 on the 1st well Thursday. Union to trade for Nyssa proper- , . , ,, . ___ , two lots, nice lawn and lots of ty. Inquire at Journal office. 12flxc! ^ay °L March, 1949, will be re Donald, the Administrator of said The Pinochle club was enter estate should not be authorized and shade trees. Inquire J. T. Lon*. deemable at option of district on - 12ftfc March 1, 1943 or on any Interest licensed to sell so much of the fol tained by Mrs. Carl Hill of Newell FARM LANDS paying date thereafter, at par plus lowing described real estate be Heights Thursday afternoon. Miss FOR SALE;—New John Deere two- For Reni accrued interest; will bear in longing to said estate as may be May Beaumont received the prize way plow with two sets of shears terest at a rate not to exceed four necessary, or such part thereof as for high score and Mrs. Raymond and two horse Jchn Deere corn cul DAIRY AND STOCK Farm near per cent (4%) per annum, payable may be proper, for the purpose of Holton received the traveling Parma, silo, artesian well, excel tivator. Inquire Qerrlt Grot. 5f2xp paying the debts and expense of prize. Mrs. Dennis Patch of Adrian lent beet grouna. Tractor equip semi-annuaUy on the 1st day of administration as set forth In the was a guest. September and the 1st day of March FOR SALE—400 egg Incubator and ment required. November 1. Mrs. C. said petition on file herein, to wit: Milo Lamberson left this week 500 chick oil burner brooder. See T. Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd., of each year untU maturity; will Lots 11, 12 and 13 of Block 2, for his home in Sa'em after spend be payable both as to principal and Nyssa Implement Co. Nyssa, Ore. Phone 873-W, Caldwell, Idaho. Taylor Addition; three-fourth in ing the past three months with interest In lawful money of the 5f2xp 25s tfc. terest in common and undivided his sister, Mrs. Robert Clark, and United States of America at the in and to lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 family. FOR SALE—Day old chicks. Pullets, FOR RENT—160 acres near Ad office of the County Treasurer of of Block 21, Teutsch’s Addition E. M. Hauser of Ontario was In cockerala, (American Sexor). High rian. 40 or 50 acres in cultivation. Malheur County, at Vale, Oregon; All of Lots 12, 13 and 14 of Block the Kolony on Monday making ar quality, old tested stock. Custom Call or write Mrs. W. B. Hoxie, box and will be callable after March 1, 7 and 8 of Block 72 Green’s Ad rangements for 4-H club leaders to 5f2xp 1943. hatching done. Vale Electric Hatch 174, Nyssa. dition, all in the City of Nyssa, attend the conference In Union Said bonds are issued by author ery. Box 382 Vale, Oregon. 22Jtfc Malheur County, State of Ore February 14 and 15. ity of a majority vote of the legal CITY PROPERTY gon. FOR SALE — McCormlck-Deerlng The Defense Helpers Sewing club voters of said Union High School For Rent 15-30 four-wheel tractor on rub District No. 4, Malheur County, WITNESS, the Honorable David met at the home of Arlene Piercy her Reconditioned, good shape. A. FOR RENT Oregon, voting at an election called F. Graham, Judge of the County Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Piercy Xi. Atkeson. 29Jtfc HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. 8Jtfc and held on November 15, 1941, and Court cf Malheur County,, State of instructed the girls. Mrs. Thelma Elliott attended a by virtue of a resolution of the Oregon, this 27 day of January BABY CHICKS—For delivery every 1942, 4-H leaders meeting In Ontario Wednesday and Saturday. For FOR RENT—Clean three room fur Board of Directors of Union High HARRY S SACKETT, Saturday afternoon. nished and heated apartment with School District No. 4, duly passed Information and prices come In or Clerk Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cole and fam •write Thompson's Ontario Hatch laundry facilities. Inquire J. C. Bow and adopted on the 26th day of By HILTON CLARK, ily of Adrian spent Sunday visit January, 1942. and pursuant to the man. 29jtfc ery Box 578 Ontario. Oregon. 5ftfc Deputy ing Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thrasher. Constitution of the State of Ore Jan 29—Feb 26 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McConnell gon, and the laws of Oregon, in FOR SALE — White rose potatoes FOR RENT THE KEIZER house. Modern. See of Nyssa were Sunday guests of cluding Chapter 17 Title 111 O. C. 75c hundred bulk. Inquire Leslie Frank D. Morgan. Utfc L. A., and laws amendatory thereof Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Shaw. ORDINANCE NO. 285 Schafer, Kingman Kolony. 5ftfc Mrs. K. I. Peterson and daugh and supplemental thereto, and Sec SECTION 1. That Section 7 of FOR RENT—Three room, furnished LOST—A set of gold aviator wings. tion 97-101 O. C. L. A., and Sections Ordinance No. 259 of the City of ters, Dcnna and Arlene of Adrian, apartment. Modern, close In. Nys Reward. Phone 145-W or write 5f2xc 97-201 to 97-207, inclusive, O. C. L. Nyssa, Oregon, is hereby amended called on Mrs. Conrad Martin and box 707, Nyssa. 12ftfc sa Lumber company. A. being Chapter 505, Oregon Laws, to read as follows: Section 7. Ef Mrs. William Toomb and family FOR RENT—Six room house. In 1939. fective March 1, 1942, the following Sunday afternoon. STOCK AND GRAIN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cartwright quire Star Hotel. 12ftfc Each bid, except when made by rates and tolls shall be charged a state or government agency, must and collected from every person, entertained at dinner Sunday for Let us print ycur envelopes, state be accompanied by a certified check t or Sale Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker and ments, letterheads, etc. The Gate in the amount of One Thousand firm or corporation using water Doris, Melvin, Merton and Les FARM LANDS from the Nyssa Water System, to- City Journal. ter of Newell Heights, Mr. and Dollars ($1,000) made payable _ to wit: FIVE ACRES with Improvements In Mrs. Ray Cartwright and sons, the order of Union High School Minimum charge of $2.00 per FOR RENT—Three room modern Apple Valley. See Frank Morgan. George, of Big Bend and Mr. and District No. 4, Malheur County, month is hereby established, 30 O tfc apartment. Inquire Mrs. Bessie Oregon. Checks of unsuccessful bid same to apply In all instances Mrs. Wayne Wood and family. Mr. Long. ‘Rt. 7, box 92E, Salem, Ore where there is no water meter and Mrs. Wood plan to move In 12f3xc ders will be returned upon awarding FOR SALE or rent at low price, gon or see Frank Morgan. of the bonds, and the check of the Installed, and where the water the next few days to a farm near Bar-N ranch, next to highway, successful bidder will be retained to is used in a residence, business Payette. six miles west of Vale. 150 acre WANTED Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch of be applied toward payment for the house, or other place not herein water right, all in cultivation, 1-3 subject to a greater rate, and Newell Heights visited Mr. and In new last fall’s alfalfa seeding. TRUCKERS to haul manure. See bends or for the security of Union Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc High School District No. 4, Malheur such minimum charge shall en Mrs. Earl Osborn Friday. For particulars write to blx 116, title the user to 3,000 gallons of •Vale. 12f3xc WE PAY HIOHEST PRICES for County, Oregon, in case of default by bidder. water per month and no more. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay All bids must be In writing, must The council may order a meter ette. i7Ntfc be unconditional, and must be for installed in any place where not less than par and accrued In water is used and when so instal Dr. Walker and the couuntv PAINTING, KALSOMININO, paper terest. Approving legal opinion of led the rates so charged shall nurse, Mrs. Ferris, called a t the Thirty-six ladies attended the cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone Teal. Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler & be in accordance with the meter Owyhee school again Monday Arcadia Sunshine club meeting 39M. 24Atfc. Kelley will be furnished, but for rates hereby established. Such morning and re-examined the pup February 5. The Valley View club which opinion the successful bidder meter rates to be as follows: ils. While the condition of the •was well represented. A potluck Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure returned shall pay in addition to the price First three thousand gallons...... chUdren’s mouths was much im ■dinner was enjoyed at 1 p. m. last week from a two-weeks visit bid for the bonds. Bids will be ............................................ * 2.00 proved it was thought best by the Afterwards games, sponsored by In Salt Lake City. Mrs. Ure was opened properly Immediately after doctor to close school for another Second three thousand gallons .Mrs. L. E. Robbins and Mrs. Lester called there because of the death the final hour hereinabove set forth ............................40 per 1,000 gal. week in hopes it would, by care .Jameson, were played. Readings of a sister. for submitting bids, at the High ful doctoring, be entirely cleared Next ten thousand gallons were given by Mrs. Lillian Snader Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shenk and School building at Adrian, Oregon. ......................... .23 per 1,000 gal. up. ■and Irene Ogle, several musical The Board of Directors reserves the Next eighty-four thousand gal Mr. and Mrs. Van Maltsburger numbers were given by Mrs. Syl family returned last week from a right to reject any or all bids and lons ...................... 17 per 1,000 gal. and family of Cairo junction and via Roth. A short business meeting week’s visit at Salt Lake City. Over one hundred thousand gal Misses Clara and Betty Skinner Mr. and Mrs. John Snow and to re-advertise the sale of said bonds was held. The secretary, Mrs. Olen lons ...................... 13 per 1,000 gal. were dinner guests at the Frank Mrs. Snow’s brother, Tom Cole, If the bids are not satisfactory. Dowers, was asked to write to By order of the Board of Direc the Salvation Army post at Boise, moved last week from the Ira Ure tors of Union High chool District When not meted the following Crother home Sunday. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Keith rates shall apply; asking what kind of help the club place to Nyssa. They purchased the No. 4, Malheur County. Oregon. Hotels, rooming houses, lunch Kygar gathered at the Lynn Kyger Rev. Ragsdale home on the out could do for the army. FLORENCE OTIS rooms, restaurants, service sta home Saturday evening to charvari Mrs. Sam Caldwell delivered a skirts of Nyssa. Mr. Snow has Clerk, Unlcn High School tions, and clinic 3.15 per month the newlyweds. been employed by Ira Ure the past large donation to the Ontario Red District No. 4, Malheur Residences and other small Mrs. Lewis Skinner will be host two years. Cross chapter Friday from the club County, Oregon. businesses and places not other ess to the Owyhee Community club Mr. and Mrs. Amos Berthelsen here. Donations may be sent to First publ. Febr. 12, 1942. wise provided for 2.00 per month. at the ergular meeting February 19 the club here. The articles will visited Mr. and Mrs. Reinkie of Last publ. Febr. 26, 1942. Passed by the Common Council of at her home. Wilder Saturday evening. be delivered promptly. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and the City of Nyssa, this 9th day of Sunday school was held at 2 p. m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The next club meeting will be Sunday. The superintendent. Mrs. Bonna Rae Franklin of the Parma Febmary, 1942. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE February 19 at the school house Ellis Warner, was absent due to j STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL- the Charles J. C. OLSON, Mayor vicinity called at with Irene Ogle and Norma Ulness. The Sunday school was led I HEUR COUNTY Attest: M. F SOLOMON, Recorder Culbertson family home Sunday. .Jameson as hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald by Mrs. Otis Bullard. After Sun In the matter of the Estate of Approved this 9th day of February, The Arcadia school pupils under day school Rev. Honeyford of On and daughter, Kay, of Caldwell 1942. ELIZA SMITH, Deceased the direction of the teachers. Mr. tarto delivered a message on “How were dinner guests of the Kling- Notice hereby is given by the un and Mrs. Amos Berthelsen, are to Become a Christian.” Sunday back family Sunday. dersigned Administrator of Estate ■ conducting a drive In this com- school will be at 10 p. m. next Sun The minute men for the sale of Eliza Smith. Deceased, to the muunlty for the Oregon defense day. of defense bonds and stamps in creditors of and all persons having ■ council. H ie cooperation has been John Johnson, F.F.A. teacher at the Owyhee precinct were Charles Elmer Hlill has started the base .splendid. The children also voted ment of a new house on his place claims against the said deceased Adrian, was a dinner guest of Mr. Bradley. Nell Dlmmick, Otto Wolfe to file them with the necessary .to exchange defense stamps In on Oem avenue. vouchers within six months, after and Mrs. Charles Wilson and fam and Mrs. Tom Lowe. This precinct stead of valentines on Valentine's is so large It was divided. Mrs. | the date of first publication of Ihi ily Wednesday evening. •day. Mrs. Conrad Martin and Mrs. Lowe, given the South Mitch notice, at the office of the under Mr. and Mrs. Olen Dowers and Elmer Dutton spent Friday after- ell Butte section, reported that she J signed at Nyssa, Oregon. family visited Mrs. Dower's parents. neon at the home of Mrs. Wesley called on every home and not one | CARL H COAD. Administrator Air. and Mrs. Bert Dowers of Cald Piercy, making posters to adver failed to buy either stamps or Dated and 1st publ. Jan. 29. 1942. well, last week. tise the box social, which the King- bonds. Mrs. Lowe was the first Last publ. Febr. 26, 1942. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Kipp and fam man Grange will give February 14 of the four to finish her allot- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and ment January 31. NOTICE TO CREDITORS at the Legion hall In Adrian. Mrs. Carl Kipp of Boise IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Mrs. Anna Dali spent last week STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL at the Theodore Matherly home. HEUR COUNTY Melvin Dodge of Caldwell visited IN THE MATTER OF THE ES his mother. Mrs. John Snow, last TATE OF CASSIUS M NICH OLS. Deceased Notice hereby Is given by the undersigned Administratrix of Es tate of Cassius M Nichols. Deceased, Assistance given in preparing state and to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said de federal income tax returns ceased to file them with the neces sary vouchers within six months after the date of first publication BONDS — GENERAL INSURANCE REAL of this notice, at the residence of the It only takes one visit to our store to convince you how much undersigned administratrix near ESTATE lower priced our meats are I The high quality you discover Adrian. Oregon, which residence Is just as soon as you start cookl ng. Come in soon! designated as the place where busi — NOTARY WORK DONE — ness of the estate will be transacted MARY F NICHOLS. Administratrix Dated and 1st publ Jan. 29. 1942 Last publ. Febr 28. 1942. Advertising O w yh e e Arcadia Kingman Kolony QUALITY MEATS Nyssa Realty & Insurance Co. Nyssa Packing Company PAGE THREE cHyton ie 'Wall was a wsefr-ttic Id ths tntsrsit a t naU:nal d«- gueit of Mf. and Mrs Tom Lowe i ?hse, the army will use one type Me had just received nctlc* to re- of stahdard gasoline instead of the poh for advanced C.A.A. traiHlhg four vartties formerly used. In Spokahe beginhtng February 9 The pre-achocl group gave a blue and pink shower for Mrs Harold Fivecoat at the home o: Mrs. Ernest Smith last Friday- Many beautiful gifts were receiv ed by the honoree. Games, visiting and refreshments were enjoyed by an unusual number of friends During the week of February S S & 16 mobilization of women for de fense wUl be started. A special committee will be appointed for the Owyhee district. This inventory Is to be used as We carry complete coverage a reserve labor pool, as a means In all types of Insurance. of bringing women into agricul You can’t afford to be with tural, business and Industrial pro duction if and when a labor short out full coverage, wind and age arises through Oregon men be fire on your house, barn and ing drawn into military service or heavy defense occupation. outbuildings. Questionnaires will be distributed Consult us about your all over Oregon In a house-to-house insurance problem canvass beginning February 16. The Owyhee district chairman Is Reuth McMillan. Various clubs in the community wiU be called Frank M organ upon to help contact each woman over high school age. with Morgan s is for STRENGTH That all kids get From Drinking Shelton’s The bent milk yet! Sh elton 's Dairy Milk and Cream PHONE 05 J 2 ATTENTION FARMERS SEEDS Soiree We Have a Supply Of All Kinds While They Last • ___ See, Call or Write J. C. W A T S O N CO. PAR M A — PHONE 42 Or James A. Duncan, Exclusive local dealer PAR M A — PHONE 43 ProLesslooai Anil Business Directory ABSTRACTORS Laundries Complete abstracting service. Nyssa's Own & Nyssa Owned Ontario Title Abstract Co. ONTARIO, OREGON AUCTIONEERS W. L. LANE Farm and Ranch Sales, Purebred Livestock 22 Years Experience In the Auction Business “For the Beat Prices—Sell It At Anctlon” Res. Ph. 25W P. O. Box 425 Nyasa, Oregon DENTISTS ~ J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON Electric Shops Consult us on your wiring needs and meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State requirements. Prices right—Information free NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP JEW ELR Y STORES WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WATCHES Main Street at Second — Seventh Sc Park Streets — Phone 146 Ny»«a Steam Laundry OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. McFALL “See McFaU and See Better” EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO________ OREOON PHYSICIANS L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally- Except Sunday Pry Building Ml'SCELLANEFOUS NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m. to I p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME L ibrarian___Mrs. S. B Davis NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Ntght AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, 8ec. ROSCOE FINDLEY. CUSTOM BUTCHERINO Every MONDAY and FRIDAY Beef, Sheep and Perk Sanitary Butchering Guaranteed Phene 95-B-l One Mile Weet of NYSSA en Alberta Are. JAKE FISCHER