Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, February 12, 1942, Image 1

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f o i
ìn TV s s a , ü r e c o n ;
Registrants To
Have 3 Days To
Sign For Draft
r* *♦
T h u r s d a y ; F e b r u a r y 12,1942
$1.50 PËR YEAR
Nyssa Retains
Chance To Win
County Pennant
Councilmen Reverse Stand And Vote For
Pacific Time; Confusion Continues About
Bulldogs Defeat Emmett
Issue; Increase In Water Rates Is Voted
And Payette Friday
Beginning today, the Nyssa Theatre company,
Merchants Give A w ay
Free Theatre Tickets
Registration To Be Con­
ducted in City Hall,
And Saturday
Beginning S at
the Gate City Journal and merchants cooperating in
Council Plans To Buy
Apparently No One Ha»
Registration of men from 20 to
Northern Division
Authority to Settle Ques­
Dump Truck; New Li­
45 who are not already registered theatre tickets each week to readers of advertise­
W L Pet
W L Pet
tion Satisfactorily
for passible military service will ments appearing in the Gate City Journal.
Vale ...... 6 1 .857 Welser
3 4 . 429
brary May Be Secured
be held In the city hall beginning
Persons receiving the tickets will be under Nyssa . 6 2 .750 Emmett 2 5 .286
Attorney General I. II. Van
Saturday, February 14.
Ontario 3 4 .429 Payettfc 2 6 .250
The city council passed a resolu­
Chadwick’s Drive-In
Winkle notified city officials this
The regular time of registration no obligation whatever to the merchants, the theatre
Pruyn Garage
Friday, Welser at Emmett, Vale tion on Monday night increasing
afternoon that Nyssa Is in the
_ .’111 be Monday, February 16 from company or the Journal. All that these concerns at Ontario. Saturday, Nyssa at the mlnumum charge for water
AI Thompson St Sons
mountain time belt.
a. m. to 9 a m For the con- want you to do is read the advertisements and en­ Welser, Ontario at Emmett.
from $1.75 to $2 a month. The act­
Nordale Furniture Store
Mr. Van Winkle based his in­
'enience of men who are not able
ion was taken on ordinance No.
Southern Division
Golden Rule Store
formation on a regulation adopted
to register during those hours the joy the motion picture show.
Wilson Grocery
W L Pet
W L Pet 285 amending ordinance No. 259.
by the Interstate commerce com­
From 2 to 10 tickets will be given away each Fruit-
.iglstratlon place will be kept
The amendment, which will be­
Nysaa Pharmacy
mission, which Is now in effect.
open Saturday from 1 to 5 a. week. The names will be selected by the newspaper land ...... 5 0 1.000 Plym........ 2 3 .400 come effective March 1, reads In
Eder Hardware Co,
After quoting from the regula­
m. and Sunday, February 15 from
2 3 .400 Parma
14 .200 part: “The mlnumum charge of
firm and placed in the advertisements of the par­ Saturday, New Plymouth at Par $2 per ir.cnth Is hereby established,
tion, Mr. Van Winkle said that
10 a. m. to 2 p. m.
"From these provisions It Is seen
The Ny-sn post of the American ticipating merchants. The names may not appear in ma.
same to apply in all instances
that Nyssa, being on the boundary
Legion will have charge of the all of the ads each week, but each person receiving
NYSSA (Special)—Frultland re­ where there Is no meter Installed Work Of Laying
line between the two zones, is plac­
moved any mathematical possibil­ and where the water is used in a
ed In the mountain time zone,
Final arrangements for registra­ a free ticket should remember that ne is a guest of ity of any other team taking the residence, business house or other Main Scheduled
while all of the parts of Oregon,
tion will be made at a meeting of all the participating firms and not just the merchant championship in the southern divi­ place not herein subject to a
which are west and south of the
those In charge of the program this in whose advertisement his name appeared.
sion of the Snake River Valley con­ greater rate and such mlnumum
evening In the Legion hall. A. L.
ference last week by tripping Par­ charge entitle the user to 3000 Reduction in Police Force boundary line as described in the
The names of the participating merchants will ma
regulation are in the Pacific time
Heldt, Legion commander, and
while Adrian lost to New Ply­ gallons of water per month and
Not Acted On By
'Gene Seybold met with the county appear on the front page of the Journal every Thurs­ mouth. The northern division race no more”.
Business Men
City officials, meeting this af­
draft board In Vale Friday to re­ day, so the readers will know where to look for their suddenly developed Into a two-way
The council may order a meter
ternoon, decided that clocks in Nys­
ceive Instructions.
The city council, at an adjourned sa are to be moved ahead one
The president's proclamation cal­
Vale with both teams taking games Is used and when so Installed
Persons finding their names in the advertise­ scheduled.
led for registration of all men In
the rates so charged shall be In meeting Tuesday night, placed hour at 12 o’clock Friday night.
The city council, meeting in the
the United States, subject to cer­ ments will be admitted to the theatre free of -charge
Nyssa, by disposing of Emmett, accordance with the meter rates Cliff Greer of the water depart­
tain exceptions, who ware born upon presentation of the advertisements containing 32 to 22, and Payette, 41 to 23, hereby established. The second 3000 ment In charge of laying the water city hall at an adjourned meeting
on or after February 17, 1897, and
a strong bid for the pen­ gallons will be scld at the rate of main on Main street from the new Monday night, reversed Its decis­
The fanned
on or before December 31, 1921, un­ their names and payment of the defense tax.
nant. Vale kept In front, however, 40 cents per thousand, the next well, located near the grade school. ion of the Monday before and vot­
less previously registered under tickets will be good until the following Thursday.
by overwhelming Weiser at Vale. 10,000 at 23 cents, the next 84,000 The work will be started im m e d ­ ed to recommend to the residents
of Nyssa that they adopt Pacific
the selective training and service
two leading squads will meet at 17 cents and more than 100,000 iately.
Start today enjoying this interesting goodwill
act. This means that any man
in the final game of the season at gallons at 13 cents.
A. L. Heldt was employed to time to conform with the remain­
der of Malheur county until further
who, on or before December 31,
Vale on February 21. Before that
The officials voted to buy a dump construct two pump houses, one
1941, had reached his twentieth
Read the names of the participating firms on meeting, thought „ Vale has
two truck from the Malheur Motor over well No. 2 and the other Investigation establishes the proper
birthday, and who, on the 16th the front page of this paper and look through the
over well No. 3. The houses. 12 by legal time.
yssa who
was once
0ne con PRny for the street department. 14 feet, will be constructed of
day of February, 1942, has not
The Ontario n Tigers,
On the night of February 2 the
reached his 45th birthday, will be ads. If your name appears in an ad, clip the ad, take before this season in conference They also passed a motion provid­ brick or concrete.
council voted to conform to the
required to register unless he has it to the box office, pay the defense tax and walk play solved the Viking system, form
The total cost of the project will government request that clocks be
masks and the necessary nozzles
heretofore registered or is In the into the theatre for an evening of entertainment.
a hurdle on Vale's pennant path. and fire extinguishers for the be approximately $18,000, which turned ahead one hour. During
'group excepted by law.
Only nine simple questions will
be asked those men who register.
When registered each registrant
m ust answer the following nine
questions: (1) name of registrant;
43) place of residence; (3) mailing
address If other than place of res­
idence; (4) telephone; (5) age In
years and date of birth; (6) place
■of birth; (7) name and address
<of person who will always know
r-dt’t»?*:. '!>. employer's
am i
address, and (8) place of em­
ployment or business.
The places of registration In­
•Ontario, Oregon
J. L. Turnbull, Chief Registrar.
Place: City Hall.
Time: February 14—1 p. m. to 8
p. m.; February 15, 10 a. nr., to 2
p. m.; February 16, 7 a. m. to 0
p. m.
Oregon Slope Community
Roy Wrinkle, Chief Registrar
Place: District Community Hall.
Time: February 16, 7 a. m. to 9
•p- an.
Wywta. Oregon
A. L. Heldt, chief registrar.
Place: City hall.
Time: February 14, 1 p. m. to 5
p. m.; February 15, 10 a. m. to 2
p. tr..; February 16. 7 a. m. to 9
p. m.
Adrian, Oregon
Perle Davis, chief registrar.
Place: Legion Hall.
Time: February 14, 1 p. m. to 5
■p.. m.: February 15, 10 a. nr., to 2
p. m.; February 16, 7 a. m. to 9
p. m.
Malheur, Oregon
Sylvia Locey. chief registrar.
Place: school house.
Time: February 16, 7 a. m. to 9
’p. m.
.Jordan Valley, Oregon
L. Ethel Park, chief registrar.
Place: Helm Ac Yturrl’s store.
Time: February 16, 7 a. m. to
'9 p. m.
IMBLER. Feb. 12 (Special) —
.Albert Hopkins, former Malheur
■ county teacher, waa elected sup-
• erlntendent of the Imbler Public
Schools at a special meeting of
: the Imbler board last week.
'.Hopkins will take over the duties
Immediately as Wilfred Burgess,
¡former superintendent, resigned to
accept the prlncipalship of the
senior high school at Tillamook.
Mr. Hopkins, principal of the Ore­
gon Trail school for eight years
before leaving Nyssa. has acted as
athletic coach at Imbler fer the
past two yean.
Hera Frans Union—
Mr. and Mrs. McClellan of Un­
ion spent the last week-end in
Nysaa visiting friends and a t­
tending to business.
A state examiner of operator*
and chauffeurs will be on duty in
the city hall from 0 a. m. to 9 p.
m. February 19 to give
Time Change Is
Chamber Topic
After a general discussion on
the subject cf "time", the Nyssa
chamber of commerce, meeting
Wednesday noon, aaked A. L. Flet­
cher. city attorney, to Investigate
Ahe reported copy ?f •* law or
other article that was used as the
basis for action taken by Ontario
and Vale in going Into Pacific
The paper Is said to be held by
H. F. Logue, secretary .of the On­
tario chamber of commerce.
Herschel Thompson proposed that
the directors of the chambers of
commerce of Nyssa, Vale and On­
tario and Orange masters In this
vicinity meet to agree on the
question of time. The motion was
A suggestion was offered at the
meeting that Chief of Police A. V.
Cook be placed on night duty and
that Oeorge Elchener, who la now
night policeman, be placed on the
city water tower watching Job. Cliff
Greer of the city water depart­
ment, who Is a deputy policeman,
could handle the day police work,
the speaker said. Lee Miller, now
watchman at the water tower,
would be placed on the anticipated
main-laying project. The chamber
members voted to leave the matter
In the hands of the city council.
The proposed placing of Jap­
anese evacuated from coastal areas
In the CCC camp to do hand labor
In this vicinity was discussed. The
proposal was received here from
an outside source.
The county agent's office will
again be headquarters for receiv­
ing 1942 seed and feed loans. These
loans are available to farmers who
are unable to secure credit facilit­
ies through other agencies such
as the farm security administration,
production credit administration or
local banks. Evidence of this fact
should be submitted at time of
making the application. Other feat­
ures of this loan include a maxi­
mum of 9400 available to any one
fanner and a minimum of $25 A
certain amount of the loan Is
allowable for fecJ and fuel for
putting In crops and for paying
water expense.
Farmers coming In to fill out
applications for loans of this kind
should have with them the legal
description of *hetr property, be
sure that they can obtain a waiver
signed by the landlord if they are
tenant farmers, and have a defi­
nite idea of the acreage o t various
crops that their torn will be need­
ed for. Fanner should also have
sufficient implements for harvest­
ing and seeding their crop* either
of their own or available for their
The Red Cross war relief fund
quota for Malheur county has Just
been Increased 30 per cent by the
national Red Cross, according to
Rev. B. Stanley Moore of Ontario,
county chairman of the drive.
The Increase boosts the quota
from $200 to $2600, an Increase of
$150 each for Nyssa and Vale and
their surrounding farm areas and
$300 for Ontario and Its surround­
ing territory. The Red Cross chap­
ter asks all individuals and or­
ganizations that have not made
some response to former appeals to
do so as early as possible.
Mr. Moore stated that “about
two w ¿ks ago I sent out war re­
lief find material to the Oranges
of the county, but so far no money
has been turned over to the caunty
treasurer as coming from the
Granges of the county, although
It is understood that some benefits
have been given, the proceeds of
which were to be used for that
“We are hoping that the Oranges
will carry out whatever plans have
been made and will make further
plans so that every farm family
will be given the opportunity to
make its contribution to this very
necessary part of our national de
The Ontario team tripped Vale at fire department.
Vale on January 17 and the two
The council approved amotion
teams split In two pre-season authorizing City Recorded M. F.
games. Whether Coach Del Scott's Solomon to write to the state high­
squad can control big Bill Musgrove, way commission to inquire as to
of the Vikings in the game on On­ the price of the former Fletcher
tario's floor Friday night Is the Oil company service station at
f q“tstl0,n ,rark th f * eek PRy- 1 First and Main streets. Mr. Bol-
ette, the leagues ta lender, upset omon has suggested that the build.
will be provided by a bond issue
voted last fall. The water main
will consist of translte pipe.
The councilmen also voted to
hire one man to be Janitor at the
city hall and truck and grader
operator. The man has not been
land cf the southern division UPf
also l in* * used ■* » c‘ty library,
defeated them li» a non-conference
(Continued on page two)
Nyssa Teachers
Are Re-elected
All teachers In the Nyssa union
Setting in motion machinery to high school were reelected with
counteract the threatened labor salary raises In accordance with
shortage faced by Oregon farmers the system's salary schedule, plus
Rationing board 24-3 of Nyssa, during this coming year, the Ore- an emergency bonus, at a meeting
issued eight tires and four tubes | B°n State Grange has announced of the school’s board of education
from January 5 to February 8. that during the week of February this week.
board members announced today. 15, It will conduct a series of con­
Henry H. Hartley, superintend­
The tires and tubes were rat­ ferences throughout the state to ent, and Gordon E. Aspengren, di­
ioned as follows: Frank Ray, three survey anticipated farm labor rector of music In the Nyssa public
tractor tires and tubes; R. L. Ha­ needs, and to present a construct­ schools, were reelected a few weeks
worth, farm, equipment tire; David ive program for meeting those re­ ago by the high school and grade
Beers, one truck tire; Ralph Cur- quirements.
school boards, acting pointly.
The meeting scheduled for this
rey, one truck tire; Dr. Z. O.
High school teachers who will re­
Edelson. one passenger tire and area will be held at the Boulevard ceive contracts are Prank Parr,
tube, and Charles Garrison, two Grange hall at 8 p. m. February 19. principal; John Young, Irwin El­
Working in close harmony with der, Stella Young, Wesley Sherman,
truck tires.
A total of 24 truck tires, 19 the Grange will be the U. 8. em­ Fred Stark, Leon Christensen, Flora
truck tubes, six passenger car ployment service, which will have Urqulrl, Margaret Stevenson, Gil­
tires and two tubes, four obsolete representatives at each of the bert Henry, Hartley, and Aspen
tires and three tractor tires were meetings to outline plans already gren.
Issued by the Malheur county rat­ under way to insure that the nec­
ioning board during January, ac­ essary labor to harvest crops will
cording to Kermit J. Myers, county be available when and where need­ SCHOOL SMOKER
chairman. The rationing was far ed. These representatives will also W ILL BE STAGED
under the quota of 65 truck tires confer with growers present at the
and 19 passenger tires, which could meetings to ascertain the types and
The Nyssa high school will en­
have been allowed had there been numbers of agricultural workers
which will be required at various ter their second smoker against
Adrian Wednesday evening, Feb­
The work of rationing sugar times throughout the year.
State Orange Master Ray W. ruary 18 at 8:30, In the Nyssa gym.
The Oregon Trail Grange, meet­ has been given to the school teach­
ing Tuesday night, voted 100 per ers of the nation by the govern­ Oill has requested that each Po­ Ten or more bouts will be staged
mona and subordinate Orange The Adrian boxers lost a previous
cent in favor of this community ment.
master appoint a committee of five smeker to the Bulldogs.
going on Pacific time.
Issuance of stamp booklets gov­
Those who will probably com­
Speakers gave as the reason that erning sugar purchases for the from their respective Granges and
during the haying season farmers duration of the war are expected also to invite several leading farm­ pete from the Bulldogs are Dave
have to do their chores before 7 to be Issued within the next few ers in the community who do not Malone, John Lopes, Tom Church.
Lamar Orr, Gilbert Marez, Robert
a. m. On the advanced time they weeks. In the meantime persons belong to the Orange to attend.
Bowen, Art Callahan, Everett Cal­
would be required to carry lanterns found guilty of hoarding and falsi­
lahan, Leonard Cleaver, Roeel An­
to do their chores.
fying statements on the amount TREES SECURED
derson, Clyde Adamz, Jim Reid.
A committee was appointed to of sugar they have on hand will
Clarence Merrick, Vem Maw, Alvin
confer artth the city council cf be fined as much as $10,000 and FOR FARM AREAS
Ekanger, Chet Ashby, Marlon Suit­
Nyssa in case the city goes Into sentenced to prison for as much
Perry Coleman, Ken Lomax and
Word has Just been received at
mountain time.
as 10 years.
Huston Keck.
A committee was also chosen to
Teachers, registering consumers,
Those who will enter from Ad­
consider construction of a new will be required to obtain signed trees are available for 1942 farm
rian are Kenneth Buck, Emil Codr,
Orange hall.
statements on the amount of
Melvin Crocker, Dave Oale, Don
sugar the applicants have at home follows; Douglas fir, ponderosa Davis, Gene Davis, Jim Cummings.
Norway spruce, Austrian pine,
Each book will contain 28 stamps, pine,
Scotch pine. Chinese arborvltae. Mert11 Ditty, Frank Davis, Wilfred
each one good for a week's quota
Prosser, Don Pitkin, Tim Hatch,
of sugar, which has not been de­ European larch, black locust, Rus­ and June Zamora.
The smoker will also feature a
Q rant Rinehart has been ap­ cided -upon.
Through precautions in the law. agana.
special event.
pointed chairman of a committee
that will solicit pledges for the a person will not be able to buy all suitable for windbreaks and the
purchase of defense bonds and several weeks' supply at once
black locust Is also suitable for FARM MACHINERY CARE.
planting for posts. The locust may REPAIR TO BE TAUGHT
Every wage earner and business LION8 VOTE IN FAVOR
be planted In rows, then cut se­
Leno Christensen, new agricul­
man will be asked to pledge to OF MOVING CLOCKS I T
lectively and made Into long last­ tural teacher In the Nyssa high
buy a certain amount of bonds or
The Lions club, at Its regular ing posts.
school, will start a claaa in the
stamps regularly. Anyone who is meeting In Brownie's cafe Monday
These trees are available to
not contacted and desires to make noon, voted In faV>r of advancing fanners at a cost of 82.50 per care and repair of farm machinery
tonight In the high school build­
a pledge is asked to see Mr Rine­ clocks one hour in order to con- thousand, plus express, but must ing.
I form with the time program of be ordered in multiples of 25 for
Mr. Christensen plans to let the
Mr R inrhsrt will select his as- I the rest of the nation The vote. each different kind of tree as all
farmers decide when to hold the
sistant* today and hopes to flnlah taken after a general discussion, tree« come from the nursery with next meeting and what machines
the drive Saturday night
was 10 to 3. A picture featuring 25 In a bundle. These tree* should they want to work with. All farm­
Fred Burgesser la soliciting the the sugar factory was sliown Fred be ordered by March I through ers are Invited to attend tee* of
employes In the sugar factory.
, Burgassor. president presided
the county agent's office.
the week. Mayor J. O. Olson was
Informed that Ontario and Vale
intended to go Into Pacific time
February 9. Nyssa was asked to
take the same* action. The mayor
Indicated that Nyssa would follow
suit. The fact that Malheur county
was going to switch to Pacific time
to avoid setting clocks ahead one
hour was givenwide publicity In
dally newspapers of Idaho and
Oregon by Ontario correspondents
and as a result when Monday
morning arrived part of the local
residents were observing mountain
time and part of them mountain
war time.
Much confusion was caused by
the mix-up In whether Nyssa was
In the Pacific or mountain time
belt. The schools were operating
on advanced time, the post office
on regular mountain time and the
sugar factory on advanced moun­
tain time.
City officials called Governor
Charles A. Sprague Monday for a
decision, but the chief executive
referred the local men to Attorney
General I. H. Van Winkle. Coun­
cilman Herschel Thompson report­
ed at the council meeting that
the attorney general declined to
give a decision immediately over
the telephone, but promised to
give the information In a letter
after Inspecting the statutes.
With several business men In the
council chambers, the meeting was
thrown open and a general discus­
sion was held. A. C. Sallee said
there Is no question but that Nys­
sa should be on Pacific time. He
pointed out that advancing clocks
one hour would not save electricity.
J. B. Olezentanner stated that
Nyssa is on an extreme bulge In
the time belt and therefore should
be on Pacific time. He stated that
this area was originally placed
on mountain time because of the
desire of railroad officials.
A1 Thompson, Clifford Main and
several others expressed the opin­
ion that Nyssa should be on an
advanced time. Several speakers
said the farmers are In favor of
Pacific time. Others contended the
merchants could change the open­
ing and closing hours of their
stores If the town went on advanc­
ed time. The question as to whether
the city had the right to decide
the Issue was advanced. Apparent­
ly most of the business firms had
switched to Pacific time today.
Enlist« In Navy—
Harold Rookstool enlisted In the
navy recently and went to Salt
Lake City. He did not know where
he would be transferred from there.
Mr. Rookstool, son of B F. Rook­
stool. moved to Nyssa In 193« from
Nebraska. Later the family moved
to a ranch 7H miles southwest of
the Nyssa “Y".
Visit In Baker—
Mr and Mrs. 8. D Ooshert and
Mr. and Mrs Marion Kllnkenberg
and children went to Baker Sun­
day to visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs Ooshert’.» daughter and
son-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Harry