Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1942)
m t mm m WYMÀ0 at » m yjou m i, Lagal Advertising Legal AdvartUlfti Adrîëft Classified kih feyhAlte et Lith'j bridge Cxnafio. 1» vfeltinf h«r »is«! Alboria Valley NOTICE OF PftOPOSAL TO SELL jU , THp C O U flH CÒVRT OF TH3 i , h “ __ j ter, Mrs. Hsrro, an a hu$* $11,455.00 .OF FUNDING BONDS d l A l ’E OF OREGON FOR RìLe nomali at ftosWéÜ, Mary \ band. Sirs. Reynolds made ine tr p | kif and Mrs i„ . J«n*en m l I OF AND BY UNION H I G H Mr. and Mr . O. R. Ar.^tison wer 4 Wy tiler ol T*arma and Virginia Jär MALHEUR COUNTY from Lethbridge to Bets.* by air SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 4. MAL In the Matter of the Et tate of I - vi were guests at the Howard visitors in Boise Friday. plane. HEUR COUNTY, OREGON. AND Elisabeth J. McDonald, deceased ) Hitch hon e Sunday ev nine They Mrs. Charles Black and Ml. i Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin I INVITING BIDS THEREFOR. THE PEOPLE OF 1 HE STATE O l’ celebrated Mrs Hatch’s birthday. T.mlinscn went to tins Anderso.t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Mrs Harry T.LSot; :f In* n.nd RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. Minimum cash In and Mrs. Carrie McLai ;hun were OREGON TO: Douglas M Mc spent Friday with Mrs. Howard Sunday visitors in the home rf lam Saturday. That sealed bids will be received by Donald, John A. McDonald, Wil Hatch. advance is 30c. Mrs. E. C. WtlWams and Barbara the Board of Directors of Union ’ heir sister and daughter. Mrs. M. liam McDonald, Mrs. Annie Gib Ioia parser cf Big Bend has L. Kurtz and husband, at Newel and Carol have the mumps. High School District No. 4, Malheur son and Kenneth McDonald, and been staying at the home of her Heights. County, Oregon, by Florence Otis, Charley Black has returned to the all other persons or devisees in MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS brother, Vernon Parker during the Clerk of said District at Adrian, terested in the estate ol Elizabeth Mrs. Willard Bartles was disrrt'; Anderson dam, where he is em last week because of the illness cf Oregon, until 8:00 o'clock p. m. on For Sale WANTED—Ail your weldmg job J. McDonald, deceased GREET Mr. and Mrs. Parker, who are now *ert from Memorial Park hospital, ployed. We promise good work and fan the 16th day of February, 1942, for Wednesday and Is staying with her INGS: FOR SALE—Sixty high quality improved. Mr. and Mrs. Rrymcnd Pierce and the purchase of an -asue of funding daughter, Mrs. Howard Mullen, in By order of this court made and Hereford bulls, breeding age, 35 orlces. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phom bonds of said Union High School Rosalie were dinner guests at the Mrs. Bill Ashcraft shopped in Caldwell. entered on the 27th day of January excellent late fall and winter yearl lome of Mary Pierce in Nyssa Sun District No. 41, Malheur County, 1942, upon the verified petition of Nampa and Caldwell Saturday. Her ings and 23 registered females to King Eighne has returned to Em BRAKE WORK—Let us put youi Oregon, in the amount c f $17,455.00. Douglas M. McDonald, the Adminis daughter, Donna, who attends busi mett, where he has work in an day. be sold Red Bluff Hereford Show Mrs. Dwight Seward left Wednes- Said bonds will be negotiable cou returned car or truck brakes in first clas. trator of said estate praying lor an ness college in Nampa, crchant He spatjt several weeks and Sale, Peb. 6 and 7. Consign ay for Seattle, where she will be jonoitlon. Special equipment ant pon bonds; each will be designated jrder of this Court for the sale cf home with her fer the week-end. with his sister, Mrs. Fred Rumple, viih her husband, who ii working ments from leading herds Nevada, trained men at your service. Pruyn "Funding Bond” ; will be dated as ol certain real estate of said deceased Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hatch wer- and family. Oregon, Washington and Montana. •n a defense factory. March 1, 1942. and will be in de vuto Repair. Phone 56W. Sunday guests s. the Boyce Vanhle for the purpose therein stated, yot Inquire Sam Ayers, president Te Mr. and Mrs. Plymn Carpenter R salie Ann Pierce lias recovered nominations of $500.00 each, except hama Cattlemen’s Association, Red KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi the last thereof which will be in ;nd each of you are hereby cite; Water home in Big Bend. returned to their home at Nyssa last from the measles. Mrs. Howard Hatch. Mrs. Alvin and required to appear before th( Bluff, California. 5jlxc tive prices. First class quality the sum of $455.00; will be numberea ■veek. after spending several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Morgan McGinnis, Mrs. James McGinnis, Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. ana consecutively from 1 to 35, both fudge of this Court, at the Court at the Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin rfere dinner guests at the Charles FOR SALE—New John Deere two- Highway 201, Phone 108. ind Mr. Ellen Sparks of Adrian, ai- Rcom thereof in the City of Vale heme. ltiMttc numbers inclusive; will mature Crider home Friday. way plow with two sets of shears ended the Jolly Jane meeting at Malheur County, State of Oregon and two horse John Deere corn cul FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith serially In numerical order hi the >n the 28th day of February 194a he home cf Mrs. L. Eachus In Big 'end Thursday. tivator. Inquire Oerrit Grot. 5f2xp Phone 78J. tic. amount cf $2,500.00 on the 1st day at eleven o'clock A. M. cf that day of March in each of the years 1941 Mr. and Mrs. Jock Simpson of is for STRENGTH hen and there to show cause, ii * FOR SALE!—400 egg Incubator and STRAYED—One black cow three to 1948. both years inclusive, and in lyssa were guests at the K. I. Peter- iny you have, why Douglas M. Mc T h a t all kids get 500 chick oil burner brooder. See years old. With diamond far on the amount of $2,455.00 on the 1 on home Tuesday. Donald. the Administrator of sal F rom D rinking Shelton's Nyssa Implement Co. Nyssa, Ore. left hip. Notify Earl G. Ray, Vale, day of March, 1949; will bear in Miss Eleanor Beier and Miss Da- jstate should not be authorized an 5f2xp Oregon. * terest at a rate not to exceed foui 15j3xp T h e beet m ilk y et! hne Molstron- wer: dinner guests .censed to sell so much of the fcl per cent (4%) per annum, payabl, t the heme of Alva Watts In Par- j owing described real estate bt FOR SALE—Day old chicks. Pullets, LOST—Mattress off of pick-up be semi-annually on the 1st day o. ma Friday. cockerals, (American S ex op . High tween Nyssa and Buena Vista. September and the 1st day of March onging to said estate as may b Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Petersen cal- | quality, old tested stock. Custom Call Inland oil station or Mary of each year until maturity; will leoessary, or such part thereof a- hatching done. Vale Electric Hatch Pierce. Reward. 22j2xp be payable both as to principal ana nay be proper, for the purpose o: ’ed cn Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simpson I f Nyssa Wednesday. paying the debts and expense o ery. Box 382 Vale, Oregon. 22jtfc Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill and AIRPLANE factory training. Nat interest in lawful money of th€ administration as set forth in tki Milk and Cream United States of America at thc- FOR SALE — McCormick-Deering hildren of Kingman Kolcny were ional finance plan. Write for de ;aid petition on file herein, to wit: office cf the County Treasurer ol PHONE 05J2 15-30 four-wheel tractor on rub tails to Clinton P. Haight, Jr. 2533 Lots 11. 12 and 13 of Block : Thursday dinner guests at the ber. Reconditioned, good shape. A. 10th St., Baker, Oregon. Valter McPartland home. 29j4xp Malheur County, at Vale, Oregon; Taylor Addition; three-fourth in and will be callable after March 1, L. Atkeson. 29Jtfc Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson were terest in common and undlvidc 1943. in and to lots It, 12, 13 and 1 tuests at the hon e of Mr. and Mrs FARM LANDS FOR TRADE—Gcod single shot 12 Said bonds are Issued by author luigley of Nyssa Saturday evening. of Block 21, Teutsch’s Additio For Rent gauge shot gun for milking goat ity of a majority vote of the legal The 4-H sewing club II of King- All of Lots 12, 13 and 14 cf Bloc Address box 571, Nyssa, Oregon. DAIRY AND STOCK Farm near voters of said Union High School nan Kolony met at the home cf 7 and 8 of Block 72 Green’s Ad 29j2xp Parma, silo, artesian well, excel- District No. 4, Malheur County, 'ean Thrasher. Saturday morning dition, all In the City of Nyss. BABY CHICKS— For delivery every i lent beet grouna. Tractor equip Oregon, voting at an election called Miss Dayshne Molstrcm and Miss Malheur County, State of Ore Wednesday and Saturday. For ment required. November 1. Mrs. C. and held on November 15, 1941, and Eleanor Beier were Tuesday dinner gon. information and prices come in or IT. Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd., by virtue of a resolution of the WITNESS. the Honorable Davit tuests at the Frank de Lespinass' write Thompson’s Ontario Hatch Phone 873-W, Caldwell, Idaho. Board of Directors of Union High F. Graham, Judge of the Count; heme. ery. Box 578 Ontario, Oregon. 5ftfc School District No. 4, duly passed Court cf Malheur County,, State ol 25s tic. Mr. and Mrs: Everett Points were FOR SALE — White rose potatoes BABY Lima bean acreage to con and adepted on the 26th day of Oregon, this 27 day of January in Nyssa on business Thursday. January, 1942, and pursuant to the 1942. Irma Points called on Dorothy I W e have moved our stock to 75c hundred bulk. Inquire Leslie tract. 35.00 cwt. See the Nyssa Constitution of the State of Ore HARRY S. SACKETT. Toombs, who has been ill, at her Schafer, Kingman Kolony. 5ftfc Elevator. 29j2xp gon, and the laws of Oregon, in borne in Kingman Kolony, Thurs Clerk cluding Chapter 17 Title 111 O. C. the building formerly occupied By HILTON CLARK day evening. FOR RENT—160 acres near Ad WANTED L. A„ and laws amendatory thereof Deputy rian. 40 or 50 acres in Cultivation. WANTED—To lease or buy farm Call or write Mrs. W. B. Hoxie, box and supplemental thereto, and Sec Jan 29—Feb 26 by The Nyssa Trader. near Nyssa. 5flxp 174, Nyssa. 5f2xp tion 97-101 O. C. L. A., and Sections 97-201 to 97-207, inclusive, O. C. L. TRUCKERS to haul manure. See A. being Chapter 505, Oregon Laws. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Highway 20 at Alberta Ave. STOCK AND GRAIN OF THE INTERIOR Members of the Social circle en Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc 1939. General Land Office at tertained their husbands last Wed- Each bid, except when made by FOR SALE—Guernsey and Holstein The Dalles, Oregon WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for esdnay at the community hall. A springer heifers. $75. Herb Fisher. a state or government agency, must live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay Jan. 6, 1942 covered dish luncheon was served 22J2xp be accompanied by a certified check ette. $7Ntfc NOTICE is hereby given that Wil at 1 o ’clock. Chinese checkers and in tlie amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) made payable to liam Alexander Mettlen, for the heirs pinochle were played after lunch. CJTY PROPERTY PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin enter the order of Union High Schoc'. f Charles Robert Mettlen, deceased, For Rent cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone District No. 4, Malheur County, f Sylvan Grove, Kans., Rt, No. 1, tained a pinochle party Saturday 39M. 24Atfc. Phone 4. NYSSA FOR RENT Oregon. Checks of unsuccessful bid- who. on April 5, 1937, made Hd. En night. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. | try. Act of June 17, 1902, No. 030635, Orville Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Carl HELP WANTED—Woman wanted HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. 8Jtfc ters will be returned upon awarding of the bonds, and the check of the for Farm Unit "B" or the NE’ iS W ’ i, Gotsch, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hen for general housework and care successful bidder will be retained to N W ' j SEH, Section 31, Township 20 derson, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bower. FOR RENT—Clean three room fur of baby. Steady work. Apply at nished and heated apartment with be applied toward payment for the S., Range 46 E., Willamette Meridi Mr. and Mrs. Guy Miller, Mr. and Gamble store. 5flxp laundry facilities. Inquire J. C. Bow bonds or for the security of Union an. has filed notice of intention to Mrs. Harvey McLaughlin. Jello, WANTED—Will pay cash for choice man. 29jtfc High School District No. 4. Malheur make final proof, to establish claim -alad. cake and coffee were served. Mrs. Anna Piercy received word cf 80 to 160 acres along Snake river County. Oregon, in case of default to the land above described, before Frank T. Morgan, Notary Public, at the death of her father, W. M. from Adrian to Weiser or under FOR RENT by bidder. Black Canyon. Must be level and THE KEIZER house. Modern. See All bids must be in writing, must Nyssa, Oregon, on the 13th day of Mayberry, at Berringtcn. Arkansas. Frank D. Morgan. Utfc Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Sebree and priced right. Qtve full particulars be unconditional, and must be for February, 1942. Claimant names as witnesses: Beverly were Boise visitors Friday. in first letter. F. W. Dalton, % D. FOR RENT—Three room, furnished not less than par and accrued In Clinton Snyder, Roy Warren, Pete Misses Grace and Anna Jeanne L. Hendry, Rt. 4, Boise, Idaho. apartment. Modern, close in. Nys terest. Approving legal opinion of Wilson and Hudson Robb, all of Tucker were Sunday dinner guests 18Dtfc sa Lumber company. 5f2xc Teal, Winfree, McCulloch, Shuler & Nyssa, Oregon. at the Buford Kuhn home in Cald Kelley will be furnished, but for well. W. F. JACKSON, For Sale Let us print your envelopes, state which opinion the successful bidder Register. ments, letterheads, etc. The Gate shall pay in addition to the price FARM LANDS bid fer the bonds. Bids will be City Journal. FIVE ACRES with Improvements in NOTICE TO CREDITORS opened properly immediately after ABSTRACTORS OPTOMETRISTS Apple Valley. See Frank Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farmer and the final hour hereinabove set forth IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE OREGON TRAIL 30 O tfc STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL for submitting bids, at the High DR. J. A. McFALL Don Bcgart of Hermlston visited at School building at Adrian, Oregon. HEUR COUNTY Complete abstracting “See McCall and See Bettrr” the Frank Lewis home last week. service. FOR SALE—Ten acre ranch, good The Beard of Directors reserves the IN THE MATTER OF THE ES house and buildings. Deep well. TATE OF CASSIUS M. NICH John Stringer has moved his right to reject any or all bids and Ontario Title OLS, Deceased Two acres in pasture and the rest sheep to his lambing sheds here to re-advertise the sale cf said bonds Abstract Co. in alfalfa. First cross road south of Bob Barber’s and Ben Shaw’s sheep if the bids are not satisfactory. Notice hereby is given by the Just Received ONTARIO, OREGON Apple Valley school and first house are lambing. By order of the Board of Direc undersigned Administratrix of Es west on right hand side of road. In tors of Union High chool District tate of Cassius M. Nichols. Deceased, Carl Kipp of Boise was a dinner to the creditors of and all persons This beautiful n e w quire Lee Hobbs. 22j2xp No. 4, Malheur County. Oregon. AUCTIONEERS guest at the Bill Kipp home Sun EYESIGHT SPECIALIST having claims against the said de FLORENCE OTIS day. ONTARIO OREGON Clerk. Union High School ceased to file them with the neces W. L. LANE furniture is made of Conley Butler, who visited here at ARCADIA District No. 4, Malheur sary vouchers within six months Farm and Ranch Sales, the home cf his brother, Vernon, ~ PHYSICIANS County, Oregon. after the date of first publication Purebred Livestock last fall, left for Texas in Decem First publ. January 29, 1942. of this notice, at the residence of the 22 Yrars Experience In the knotty pine and is There were 30 present at Sunday ber. He has enlisted in the navy. L. A. Maulding, M.D. undersigned administratrix near Last publ. February 12, 1942. Auction Business school Sunday. A special number Physician and Surgeon Mrs. Charles Barnhart and son Adrian, Oregon, which residence Is “ For the Best Prices—Sell • ns given by Mrs. Amos B t ltils e n UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT designated as the place where busi sturdily built. Phone 37 It At Auction” of the adult class. Sunday school of Elgin, spent the week-end here OF THE INTERIOR ness of the estate will be transacted. Hours; 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Res. Ph. 25W P. O. Box 425 will be held next Sunday at 2 p. m. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J General Land Office at The Dally- Except Sunday MARY F. NICHOLS. Administratrix Nyssa, Oregon At 3 p. m. Rev. Honeyford of On N. Hickey, and with her husband, Dalles, Oregon Fry Building Dated and 1st publ. Jan. 29, 1942. tario will give a message. Every who is employed at the Ontario air December 30. 1941 port, as radioman. Last publ. Febr. 26, 1942. DENTISTS one is invited to attend. NOTICE is hereby given that Uel TRUCK LINES June Bogart, who has been visit E. Parker, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, Mrs. Leslie Topliff was hostess to | ing at the home of her uncle, Frank J. R. CUNDALL on February 23, 1937, made Home the “Out Our Way” club Thursday j Local and Long Distance Lewis, left last week for the home stead entry, under act of June 17, afternoon. Mrs. Glenn Hoffman Dentist of another uncle, Jim Lewis, at HAULING 1902, No. 030585, for Farm Unit “B” gave an interesting history of the I Phone 56-J Enterprise. Dr. Walker of Vale and Mrs. Fer or the SW ’ i, Section 11, Township club. 1 Phone 72W Sarazln Clinic Bert Johnson, who has been visit ris, county nurse, again examined 20 S„ Range 45 E.. Willamette Meri NYSSA OREGON ing at the heme of a sister In Kan the children at the Owyhee school dian, has filed notice of intention to aszm Lawrence and Barnett sas since Christmas, arrived at the for mouth infection Monday morn make final proof, to establish claim ! home of John Zittercob last week ing and it was thought advisable to the land above described, before . Electric Shops MISCELLANEA HJS to work. to keep school closed another week Frank T Morgan, Notary Public, at Consult us on ycur wiring Otis Bullard is serving on the to further control the disease. The Nyssa. Oregon, on the 13th day of NYSSA LIBRARY needs and meter set-ups. Jury In Vale this week. evangelistic meetings, which were February, 1942. Open each week day from Claimant names as witnesses: Work guaranteed to meet Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali left Mon scheduled for February 6, have also 2 p. m to 6 p. m. State requirements. day for Carrolton. Oregon, where been cancelled because of the condi Russell Howell. Leslie Wing. George Saturday. 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Gabriel and Wilbur Chapin, all of tion of the children. Mr. Dail will be employed. Prices right—Information free ALL PATRONS WELCOME Rev. Chandler of Caldwell was Rt. No. 2, Nyssa, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs John Snow were NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP Librarian Mrs 8 B Davis W F. JACKSON, business visitors in Payette cne day a visitor at Sunday school and an Register. overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs D. last week. 1942 SUGAR BEET CONTRACTS ARE JEW ELR Y STORES I NYSSA AERIE G. F. Don has moved his sheep to S. Bigelow Saturday. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOW AVAILABLE. Ray Olenn Strickland has been IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THF. F. O. E. NO. 2134 the Ben Shaw place where he will WYCKOFF quite ill the post week. lamb this winter. Meets Wednesday Night STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL Contracts can be obtained at the Nyssa AT EAGLES HALL HEUR COUNTY JEWELRY STORE factory office on Jan. 31, Feb. 3, Feb. 5, In the matter cf the Estate of j Visiting Eaglet Welcome Official Time Inspector for Feb. 7, Feb. 10, Feb. 12, Feb. 14. HARRY MINER. Sec ELIZA SMITH. Deceased Union Pacific Assistance given in preparing state and Notice hereby is given by the un ROSCOB FINDLEY, Pres ONTARIO OREGON Please bring correct legal land description. dersigned Administrator of Estate ■— — __ | CUSTOM BUTCHERING federal income tax returns of Eliza Smith, Deceased, to the Advertising s S h e lt o n ’s D a iry MOVED T e n D a v is NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. Professional And Business Directory Furniture Nordale O w yhee Furniture Co. Attention Beet Growers BONDS — GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE — NOTARY W ORK DONE — Nyssa Realty & Insurance Co. creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to file them with the necessary vouchers within six months, a fter, the date of first publication of this notice, at the office of the under- j signed at Nyssa. Oregon CARL H. COAD. Administrator Dated and 1st publ. Jan. 29. 1942. Last publ. Febr. 28, 1942. The Amalgamated Sugar Company Laundries Nyssa s Own Sc Nyssa Owned — 8eventh Sc Park Streets — Phone 148 Nysia Steam Laundry MONDAY and FRIDAY Beef, Sheep and Pork Sanitary Butchering Guaranteed Phene 85-B-l One Mile Weat of NYSSA en Alberta Aye. JAKE FISCHER