Y /VjeNYSSA GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON lu JC 7 TON i ROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON S SUGAR EMPIRE Published at Nyssa VOLUME XXXVII, No. 3 Defense Group Seeking Money For Activities Oregon’s Sugar City NYSSA. ORECfQN, THURSDAY. FEU], t : Aj; $1.50 PER YEA Nyssa Divides Week-end Tilts On Hoop Court «late Will Oil 3 Nyssa Blocks Miss Aurcra Zamcra, route 1. Nys- | sa, has been awarded a scholarship! During Summer to the 4-H summer school to b e ! SCHOLARSHIP IS GIVEN A. ZAMORA BILL KURTZ WILL ENTER AIR CORPS Population Oi Nyssa Trading Area Is Large r i ’l Kurtz cf Newell Heights, a graduate of Nyssa high sv I k o ', has enUsitd in th e arm y air c a p s and ha p.. »sej id- physical examination. held at Corvallis for her current I j Last Tv^ > Heme Games to He is now hom e waiting to be called. Friendly Relations Are Campaign Will Be Con champion canning exhibit, which | Council Passes Ordinance Mr Kurtij was among nine stud was awarded the championship in E« Played T his W eek Increasing Salaries ducted for Council by ents In the secondary civilian pilot Stressed; Chamber Gives all classes at the county fair last W ith Emmett, Payette Of Employes training course at the Eastern Ore Local School fall. To 4-H Leaders gon College of Education in La- The scholarship will provide for | The city of Nyssa signed a con SNAKE RIVER VALLEY Grande who tock examinations in The Nyssa civilian defense council. registration, board and rccm at the The great possibilities of increas STANDINGS earodynamiC8, power plants and ing social and business relations be In line with plans cf the ccunty summer school. Miss Zamora will tract Monday night for oiling three Northern Division blocks of Nyssa's streets. navigation. The highest score, 92 council, will conduct a campaign be notified later as to the dates of W L. Pot. W. L. Pet. was made by Glenn McKenzie. Bill tween Nyssa and the surrounding The oiling will be done on First Monday through the Hi-Y club of the summer school. communities were stressed tu a V.de 5 1 .833 Welser 3 .500 street from Main street to Good Kurtz was 3 second high in the ex- talk delivered by Henry Hurtle ' of the local high school to raise funds jtjriw 4 ! .987 Emmett 2 4 .333 evenue, on Good avenue from First mination with 89 per cent. fcr financing the operation of the Nyssa at the weakly luncheon of Ontario 3 3 500 Payette 1 5 .107 to Second street, and cn Sec nd organization. the Nyssa chamber of commerce Games this week: Friday, On- street from Good avenue to Main Wesley Brcwne, chairman cf the Wednesday. ■,<ri. «t Pay t e. Emmett at Nys street. The work will pr: ¡ably be local finance committee of the de Mr. Hartley presented figures cn sa. ¡sat trday, Weiser at Vale, Pay dene this summer, accrrding to fense council, has turned the work the population of the Nys a trad" ette at Nyssa. Councilman Herschal Thompson, of collecting the money over to the area as compared to the popula I Soil hern ______ Division who said the city is also contem schools. tions of other communities in Orc- ONTARIO. Feb 5 (Special)—'The plating the purchase of a new dump W. I. Pet. W. L. Pet. on. “We are glad to accept the re program for the regional conference New Mrs. James McGinnis, 74, died sponsibility and know that this to be held by the Oregon Grange truck for the street department. “I sometimes doubt whether the 4 0 1.000 Piy........ 2 3 .250 January 28 at) the home of her son, The council also passed an ordi ccmmunity will resp.nd generously agriculture committee in the Mocre ccmmunity is aware of the size cf 2 3 .40.) Parma l 3 .250 nance increasing salaries of city Secretary of State Ea*l su d i lias D. W McGinnis. as it has In the past for the var hotel in Ontario February 11 was the population in the area immedi this week: Friday, Parma I Funeral services were held at 1 ately adjacent to Ny sa". Mr. H art employes. The salaries were in anneuared his candida y for the ious and sundry couses that have announced today. at Frultland. > creased as follows: A. V. Cook, o fiic e c f g o v ern o r of Or Ml. p. m. Saturday In the Nyssa fun been called to Its attention In the ley said. "The area under discus The meeting will be attended by By IVestey Sherman eral home with the Rev. M. H sion includes school district No. 26 last few months". Henry H. Hart several prominent residents of Ore chief of police, $125 to $150; M. F. 1 ike 0 ei- r in.'¡ike, the Vale! Solomon, city recorder. $125 to $150: Greenlee of the Methodist Com and the Oregon Trail school dis ley, city superintendent of schools, gon. Vikings sailed on to conquer last munity church officiating. Inter trict. The area around Nyssa is Cliff Greer, wat-r departn ent, $115 stated today. week-end, defeated two contenders, I ment was In the Nyssa cemetery. very thickly settled. The program will be presented as to $130. and A. L. Fletcher, city at "Perhaps some cf you have not am’ now are setting the pace in the i Mrs. McGinnnis was bo'rn De been called for service and are won follows: 10 a. m., daylight saving torney, $300 to *100 a year. The in "The people have a feeling that northern did ion of the Snake cember 27, 1867 in Cherokee county. the population is largely in the city. dering what if anything is being time, call to order: 10:15 to 10:45, creases were provided in the budget Fiver Valley Basketball league. approved last fall. f Kansas and rneved with her par done to ¿roT'act’your interests should i “Agriculture Crmmltte» Conferen- The rural pupils equal half and Earl Snell, secretary of state, has The Vikings this week will again ents when she was 11 years old to sometimes more than half of the The bid of Clyde Long of $21 for the war come to our shores. Your ces: Their HelP in Winning the announced that lie will b? a candi be in the UmeltPht when they tack’e Christian county, Illinois, where school population". civilian defense committee has not War and Preparing the Farmer for a Ford truck owned by the city was been idle, but it has found itself thf Pcst-War Period”, Henry Con- approved. The bid was the only one date for governor in the May pri C. ii Ace Lloyd’s fast-coming Wol .she waes married to George L. Mr. Hartley contended that “We mary election against Governor embarrassed and hampered in its eer; 10:45 to 11:30. "Livestock Feed- submitted. verines Saturday night. Alter its | Johnson. can create a greater and more pros Charles A. Sprague. 31 to 33 win ver Nyssa and another j Two daughers, one of whom died activities by the same thin? that [ in* and Smal> s ’ed Production". D. Mayor J. C. Olson said today that In ills announcement received by triumph. 31 ta 15, over Fmmett the in infancy, were born to the un perous community". embarrasses and hampers the great | E Richards, superintendent of the the city will abide by government The speaker gave the following the Gate City Journal, Mr. Snell \ iking- need a victory over Welter ion. majority of us-lack cf money. In eastern Oregon experiment station legislation setting clocks ahead one comparative figures: Ashland, pop stated that. "Into every field of my to hold first uncontested. Weiser, Mrs. Johnson, left a widow In 1896 ulation 4744 and school census 1298. order to remedy this situation we at Union; 11:30 to 12. noon, talk hour next week. public service, I have carried the was married to James McGinnis. are asking that every man, woman a member cf the F3A staff, Fi- The speaker pointed out that the deep conviction that public affairs (Continued on Page Six) She moved with her family to 1940 school census of Nyssa unlcn and child in this area contribute nancing Farm Production"; 1:15 to can be administrated with the same | North Dakota about 25 years ago. high school district was 1222 nnd a dime to the cau-e. You can con 1:45, “Corporation of the Grange directness, the same efficiency and : She was baptised into the Presbyter gave the following comparative fig tribute more if you W’ish and if you with the Wartime Program of Ag the same cortesy and friendliness ian church December 14, 1925. Mr. ures: Ashland, population 4744 and can afford it y :u should surely do riculture". Ralph Beck, extension as the business of the individua' and Mrs. McGinnis returned to Il school census 1298; Coquille, pop so as there will inevitably be isolated specialist: 1:45 to 2:15, "More But- citizen. I believe that tliemost ef linois in 1936 and spent two years ulation 3327 and school census 1007: Instances where individuals either terfat and How To Get It", W. L. Baker: 2:15 to 2:45. "The Farm among relatives and friends before Cottage Grove 2626 and 971; Dallas, Chief of Police A. V. Cook re ficient and effective governor can, ! cannot or will not contribute. at the same time, be the moat coming tc Oregon in 1938 to make 3579 and 1253: Hillsboro, 3747 and “Those who contribute will be Pr. gr^m", Morton Tompkins, chair ported to the city council at its friendly governor. A demonstration on,pattern fit their home near their son. 1327; Heed River, 3280 nnd 1081; given a ribbon to wear. The ribbon man of the state agriculture com irenthly meeting Monday night ting to the Individual and cutting "Our first job is to win the war. Survivors are ner nusband; a son. Marshfield. 5259 and 1363: McMin is not very imposing, but it means mittee, and 2:45 to 4 p. m., general that 172 arrests were made during This we can and will dc. Second, cut garments will be given by Mar D:n of Nyssa: a daughter, Mrs. nville, 3706 and 1210; Nev berg, 2960 a lot and we hops that those citi discussion led by Clade Henscom 1941. The arrests were made on the fol we must cushion the economic and garet Stevcnscn, instructor for the A Schneider of Nckcmus, Illinois; and 1002; North Bend, 4262 and zens not wearing cne will feel naked particularly on wheat and George sioial readjustments resulting fron adult homemaktng class, at tin ; lowing charges: Drunkenness, 90: or at least half dressed and want Yokum partiel*rly on livestock. Ltiree grandchildren, Nadine and 1005; Ontario. 3551 and 1428; Sll- traffic violations. 58: vagrancy. 5; our all-out war effort. Clear think econd n-'eting. which will be held, Hay McGinnis and Wilma Schnei verton, 2925 and 1263: Springfield. to stay off the streets.” F bra ry 0, at 7:30 p m. in the high ing and sound planning can ac disorderly conduct. 4; ordinance d er ; two brothers, James and Hen 3805 and 1381, and St. Helena, 4304 Residents of the rural areas will No. 259, 1; investigation, 2; arson, complish this. Third, wi; trust out schcol. ry Zinn, who live near Springfield, and 1177. be «asked to v«.nd their «.-.n.rlbu- the cost of state and local : vern- The class is open in any adult In- j 1; driving while Intoxicated, 1; lar- irinols, and a sister. Mrs. R C. tlons to the schools with some school “This information would indleat • cency. 2; possession of Staten prop ment to effset as far as possibl , terested without charge, if amane Breekenrldge. child, who will secure a ribbon and th at the Nyssa area us defined by necessary defence taxes", wishes to start in actual garment erty, 3: defacing a building, 1, and the union high school district cup- deliver it to the donor. In this way, Mr. Snell was born in Gillian' ! construction, she mpy take her pat- petty larceny, 2. ports a population t f approximately the school officials hope to cover tern and material to this meeting Men throughout the United States Fines assessed for the year totaled j county, Oregon July 11, 1895. He 4500 persons", Mr Hartley said. “In the entire school rii Irict. which received Ills public school educa and r-relve Individual help. addition to this nren. the territory has a population of nearly 4000 between the ages of 20 and 45 who $1,125. Property reported stolen was j tion in Arlington and Ccnd. n and At the first meeting of the class have net already registered must valued at $171 and property re embraced by the Adrian union high persons. later attended the Oregon Insti the members decided to carry on enrcll for possible military service covered was valued at $121. school district shows a school C“n - a varl d program throughout the tute of Technology in Portland. Hi by February 16. Lewis Winder was the only p"r- sus cf 650, the Arcadia dls'rlct would first employment was in a country ten-week course, which will include Like other Americans, Nyssa men NAMPA, (Special)—Nyssa, over add 100 more to the list as would on injured in an automobile acci DRY EDIBLE BEAN will register but complete plans for dent in tlie city. He sustained a leg Newspaper work and tl en the auto- clc hii ; c net rued >n, tailoring, ccn- looked In pre-tournament betting, the Valley View district, which lieo RAISING CLIMBS ntmer buying of household equip mobile business. He formed n gar- the registeration have not been an fracture. marched to the championship In age partnership in 1915 and has ment and textiles, methods in buy the Fifth Annual Geld Medal bas just north of Arcadia. This would nounced here. been active in business ever since, ing and cooking meat, better and ketball tournament here Wednes Indicate a probable population of The department of agricultures Commander A. L. Heldt revealed ! ■ economical moans cf buying day night by defeating Idaho Power 7,500 persons In the territory direct recently announced program calling | today that the American Legion has FARM MACHINERY except during his army service in ly tributary to Nyssa. In addition t - for a 13 per cent expansion In the been asked to register the men. the W crli war and while serving I f od end nutrition ns n basis fot of Boise, 48-38. but only after the the territory on the Or: n side of production of dry Pdible beans for as serretarly of state. Mr. Snell, who I ri cuing families well. The selective service board noti PLAN OUTLINED Orcg-plans had b?en forced to go the river, a good many cf the pt - 1942 Is of special Importance to fied the Gate City Journal this af o» ns an eastern Oregon wheat | the limit in a semi-final against pie on the Idaho side will undoubt Malheur county growers, believes ternoon that the registration places Cooperative use cf new and ex ranch, has cne ton. * New Plymouth. edly look toward Nyssa as a com Pieter Tenson, chairman of the will be announced next week. In isting farm machinery and equip The candidate served Gilliam, j 4-H CLUBS FLAN It was that ball game that stole munity and trading center". county USDA war board. ment. stressed by Secretary Wick- Sherman. Wheeler and M rrow “| 'Q D EFEN SE places where congestion is likely to the show. We ley Sherman of N i. corr s- While the county b.'Rrd has as yet occur registration will be held also ard. offers many possibl'ities for counties as a member of the hou e j Two overtimes couldn't decide the pendent for the Idaho Statesman. received no definite infermation on on Saturday and Sunday, February con'erving steel and labor vital to of representatives in regular and arms production without cm o llng special sessions of the Oregon legis- j Four-II clubs in Malheur county question and tournament officials Idaho Free Press and Portland what Increase in production will be 14 and 15. expected from Oregon, Tensen production of foed fcr freedom. Pie laiure in 1927, 1929, 1831, and 1933. will do their part In the nailanal were forced to call the third over Oregonian, talked on li w Nyssa Emphasizing the importance of ter Tensen. chairman of the Mal He was chosen as speaker of the vlctcry program, according to plans! time frame a “sudden death" af can get more publicity in the daily pointed out that as Malheur county newspapers. He also di tossed var is the only Impartant commercial avoiding any interference with war heur county war board said today. house in 1933. He was elected secre developed by the Malheur 4-H ■ fair so other games could go on. Nyssa hit the hoop first and walk ious types of news. dried bean producing ccunty In the production in connection with the Financing for all farm operat tary of state in 1934 and was i n ! leader s' council at a meeting In regtstraticn, naticnal headquarters ed off with a 43-41 victory and into The chanAer voted to give $12 state. Malheur county growers will ors without credit facilities to pro the largest majority ever given an Onte.iio last Saturday. of the selective service has an the championships, while New to send feur 4-H club ’anders to n V/hlle the projects available will undoubtedly be asked tc increase vide for Joint use and ownership opp'sed candidate in the history of plantings to contribute their share nounced that wide latitude is al- j of new' eouipment or participate in the state. He is a past commander ! remain essentially the same, cen- Plymouth was consigned to battle conference tc be held in Union this more emphasis will be it cut for third place with Nampa month. to the national goal of 20.400.000 lowed the director of each state established machinery services, can of Arlington post. American Legion, | 'Idsrably ce(J cn those projects which are! M I.A. The amazing New Plymouth and territory to conduct the regis placed be secured through the county farm past president of the 100-pound bags for 1942. Arlington j m o t c]oJf in his individual area in security administration office in mo t closely connected with nation- j club knocked oever the Narrpa out That growers are already plann- , tration , . chamber of commerce, a member , , . ... , , . conformity with local conditions needs. The council feels that the ' fit, 47-35, and BUI Godschlax, BEET RAISERS '3 lnig some increase is disclosed by the j _ the Miles building. Ontario. Loans cf Arlington city council president al 4_H c,ubs rrl|1(1 make thelr great. 'li mp- hooting center, pcsted the GET MORE MC iEY Registration may be started sev- bear only three per cent interest results cf the farm defense plan of the Lions club, and ctl.er ergan- | e. t ccntrlbutlon by adopting a four- tournament's high scoring record In signup campaign conducted by AAA eral fia5,s bc^ore February 16, If it the facility, usually five or ten tzations. i point pr gram somewhat as fol- that game with 25 points. Sugar beet growers in the Nys commlttir.en la s t November. is found advantageous to do so. years, Mr. Snell is new national pres- j He'd turned in a full night's work sa district received F brunry 5 an County growers reported that 451 and as many registration places as “If all present farm machinery ident cf the Motor Vehicle Admin- Flrst partlcIpaUng Jn the fcod for with that performance for against addlticnal 73 cents per 'on paytreiv acres of dry beans were harvested are deemed necessary may be oper were given its widest passible use ist.rators, an organization consist In 1941, and Indicated that plantings ated by each lecal beard. The re through exchange cf machinery and ing of all secretaries of state and of ! victory campaign. both tn food pro- Nyssa he caged 21 for a 41 point on 1941 crop, instead of an addition al 17 cents payment as was er quirement is that all men between labor between neighbors, little new ficials having purisdlcttrn ever 1 duction projects and foed preserva- total in two games. wculd be increased to 516 acres. lon. Fo d production projects will The championship game found roneously reported In the Gate The goal established for dry edible 20 and 45 years old who have not equipment would be required." Ten- motor vehicle administration. He include beef, hogr. sheep and dairy Nyssa cut in front 28-14 at the City Journal last week. beans, the chairman has been in registered before February 16 must sen said. "Every piece of farm mach ts a member of a natt nal commit clubs, and partlculrrly vegetable The gevernment benefit payme’ t do so on that date between the formed, aims at an edequate 1942 inery mast be 100 per cent employ tee of five serving on a highway ¡ garden chibs. Trod preservation will half but they had to hustle to keep will amount to approx mately $1.9<) production to meet increased do hours of 7 a. m. and 9 p. m. Nyssa ed to meet the war emergency." traffic advisory committee tn th" i come primarily under the canning ahead of the Boise outfit In the a ton so that writhin ’ e next few final period. The fourth quarter mestic consumption and expanding men are expected to be registered Cooperation between neighbors war department. This committee j clubs. ftund the Powermen within five weeks growers will 1) :ve received military requirements, fill school only on tlie cne day. can contribute further to the war was set up at the request of Sec Fecond. nutrition fcr health. Clubs points of the winners, but they could additional payments amounting to lunch and relief distribution needs, effort through ccmmunity and retary of War Stimson. I dealing with th l. phase wilt Include never muster enough strength to approximately *2 63 f m their 19tl and provide sufficient supplies for neighborhood efforts in farm mach j i he 4-H Health clubs carried on In pull even. crop. This will be added to a $> lend-lease, Red Cross, and other CURRENT EVENTS inery repair centers, rounding up nearly every rural school In the Nyssa and New Plymouth dom- j payment made by the rinpany pre PRIZE IS GIVEN shipment purposes. scrap iron, and group purchase of CLOCKS WILL BE j county, énd the many cooking clubs. inated the tournament all-star viously. H. A. Bennh t|, president Price supporting programs an materials and parts for machinery which study nutritional needs as team with two men each. Players and general manager if the Amal- ADVANCED 1 HOUR R. G. Whitaker, program chair- servicing and repairs. nounced by the department offer i well as feed preparation. lamated Sugar company, tated thr •elected were: weekly protection to the grewer who in n an. announced at the All Malheur county farmers inter Third, prevention of waste and present sugar prices Indicate that SALF3W Feb. 5 <Special) —Gover creases acreage in line with the ex lunch of the Lions club in Brown ested in setting up cooperative n b Wilson. Nyssa. forward; Jerry aving fcr vl. t-rv, which will in pansion program, the chairman said. ie's cafe Monday noon that Henry machinery services or participating nor Charles A Spra ic has i sued clude gathering waste p a p r, scrap Bowers, Idaho Power, forward; Bill substantial additional payments wi be forthcoming bef rt final settle The department of agriculture will Hartley won first place in the cur in existing facilities are asked to a proclamation advancing the time metal and cth°r needed materials. Godschlax, New Plymouth, center: ment for the 1941 cr p on October in Oregon by cne hour in c nform- rent events quiz contest conducted support the prices for pea and med contact the county PSA supervisor Fourth, Interpreting dc trestle Little. New Plymouth, guard; Dick 20 ium white, great northern. Califor during the club meeting last week. county agent, or member of the lty with congressional legislation. Osborn. Nyssa. guard. Hails ard practicing democratic The change will bec-me effective nia small white, pinto, and pink Mr. Hartley will receive a prize of war board. Nyssa defeated the Nampa R Sc V isitin g In Iow a— i.roee. ure in ciub meeting : and act- February 8 at 11 p. It . Pacifi. .stan dry beans through June 30. 1943, as a four-month subscription to Time V Oilers Monday night by a score | ivltles. Mrs. W. C. Chesnut and chlldre , dard time, 12 p. m. mountain stan maragine. follows: As the Saturday meeting of the of 32 to 31. have gone to Woodbine, Iowa to dard time. All federal activities and Confined To Home— 1. Tlie department will support Frank Parr was second and Fred Nyssa players participating in the visit her parents fcr a month. Wes'ey Brcwne. manager of the Inter-state commerce will be based council was the first for the current the market for these five types of Burgessor third in the contest. | year, officers were lected to direct tournament were R. Wilson. L. Wil DI In It: p ita l— on the new time. Baldridge Implement company. Is beans produced In 1942 at a price Gordon Aspengren. school music Mr Ezra Dillon Is ill in the Nys Nyssa Is expected to abide by the the activities cf the organization son, Graham. Elder. Oabcrn, C. Wil of *475 per 100 pounds for U. S instructor, sang two acloa. playing confined to his home because of a decision of congress to advance tlie: for 1942. Mis T. B. Duncan of Vale son. Hendricks and Lewis. sa hospital. No. 1 grade beans, and *4.60 per 100 his own accompaniment on the pi- j foot injury. The fcot was injured ' was elected president. Mrs C, E. V isit in B oise— a few weeks ago when an iron bar time one hour. pounds for U. S. No. 2 beans, tn ano. I fell on it. Mr Browne continued Elliot cf Kingman Kclony was Here Fren Ontario— Mr and Mrs. A H Tloydell Mi bags, carlots. f.o.b. cars at country elected vice-president, and Mrs. Halleen Shelton of Ontario is Norcott, Mrs A. G Ball e and Mrs Klass V Powell led a discussion to work until this week, when he Motor To Payette— shipping points, or at a level equiv- Mr and Mrs. Bernard Frost and j Fannie Chandler of Annex was ’•'• " e - »»rs. Wren Ensmlnger for Artie Robinson were Boise visitor-. cn the subject cf "Is America's Civ- I was fcrced to five the foot a better i a few days, _ Friday. family motored to Payette Sund ay. I elected secretary-treasurer. chance to heal. Ilian Defense Adequate?“ (CaaMnard an Page Six) Grangers Will Hold Gathering j Mrs J. McGinnis Succumbs Here Earl Snell In Governor Uree Arrest Report Made for 1941 Homemakers To Continue Work Men 20-45 To Register Here Nyssa Hoopmcn Win Tournament