Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1942)
BACK IN SCHOOL « 1 , m im LOCAL NEWS GRANGE MASTER PORTLAND. J i n 2k iSpectali | EASTERN OREGON COLLEGE PORTLAttb, Jgn 29 < Special» «* An opportunity for grower» to ex OF EDUCATION. La Grande. Jan. As a result ol the preferential pri Here From Palette— press their views as to the present 29, i Special)—Three new Students f ' vX mary election for state Grange of A. L. LINDBECK Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown and farm, program will be given at a from Malheur county have enrolled ficers, the list of candidate« to sue- at the Eastern Oregon College of family cf Payette ware Sunday vis- : erles cf agricultural conferences SALEM. Ore., —For the first cetd Ray W. Gill as master, has been tors at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. sponsored by the state Grange dur WOMEN OF METHODIST Education in La Grande this term CHURCH HOLD SERVICE ing the second week In February. time In many years the assessed reduced to two—Morten Tompkins TO VISITORS IN NYSSA In addition to the 21 returning stud Bernard Frost. The first of the meetings will be j valuation of property in Oregon is of Dayton, and Fred Goff of Rcse- Visit In Nyssa— The Women's Society of Christian ents from Malheur county who were During the business session ol held at Bend. February 9. to be again on the upgrade Valuations on berg. No two men will be balloted Mrs. Dewey Ray and Mrs. Mark Service held an impressive candle the Nyssa Factory District Beet also here last fall. followed on consecutive days by he 1941 roll shew an Increase of ap on In the preferential final election Robertson of Baker spent the week Growers association Monday Mrs. ightlng installation and pledge ser New students are Clarice Nothels, j Ontario. proximately six per cent over those to be held In all Oranges of the A. L. Fletcher entertained the wile vice, in the sanctuary of the Metho Nyssa. who Is an advanced student end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. meetings a/t Arlington, Hillsboro. Newport and Medford in of 1940 according to a summary Just state In April. Tompkins received cf Governor Chase Clark of Idaho dist church January 22. Officers in transferring from the University ot | idney Burbridge. that order. released by the state tax commis the greatest number of votes with stalled for the year by Rev. M. H. Oregon; Winifred Leffler, Ontario, Here From Baker— and other distinguished visitors. sion This summary shows the as- Golf second. Unsuccessful candi Greenlee were Mrs. W W. Foster, "Domonant theme cf state Orange Miss Leona Ray of Baker was a transferring from Northwest Christ- | The party was held at the home agricultural conferences this year,' I sessed value of all property in Ore- dates for the office In the primary president; Mrs. L. E. Robbins, vice- lan college, a senior in the teacher I week-end guest of Mbs Carol Rob- of Mrs. Fletcher before the dance stated Morton Tompkins, chairman 1 gon cn the 1941 roll to be 8960,944,- election included W. J. Wilcox of president; Mrs. A. B. Hann, corres .sponsored by the beet growers of training division, and Florence j ertson. of the state Grange agricultural 738 66 compared to $696,787,005.95 In Mosier; Glen L. Adams of Salem, ponding secretary; Mrs. Irwin Elder, Meilo, transferring from Linficld to Vi-¡ting In Utah— the district. and Rufus E. Wood of Oregon City. recording secretary. Mrs. Ed. Mr. and Mrs. John Schenk are committee, “will be 'win the war' j 1940. Guests of Mrs. Fletcher were Mrs. Pruyn, assistant recording secretary; enroll in the teacher training divis Candidates in the final election and post-war agricultural programs.1 Tlie valuation of property asses visiting in Utah and other points. Clark. Mrs. James B Newport, wife Mrs. A. V. Pruyn, treasurer; Mrs. ion. Miss Meill will receive her B. S. for the office of overseer will be We feel that it Is Important at this sed by county assessors increased cf Senator Newport; Mrs. Herbert Floyd Lomax, secretary of spiritual degree in elementary education at Dinner Postponed— Elmer McClure, Mllwaukle, and time that the producers of agricul The potluck dinner and bu-iness tural products be given an oppor from $736,802,585.50 in 1940 to $792,- Charles Wicklander, La Grande. Tiegs cf Nampa, Mrs. William Car- life; Mrs. R. M. Cochrun, secretary the end cf the summer session. 084,486.50 in 1941 while that of pub son of Weiser, wife of the associa of missionary education; Mis. M. H. Helen McCarty who was enrolled meeting set for Friday evening at tunity to present their views on Other candidates include Allen tion’s president; Mrs. Frank Fulle- Greenlee, secretary of publications; at the college last year, returned the Methodist church has been post these subjects, and for that reason lic utility property assessed by the Wheeler, Goshen; W. H. Stevens, state tax commission increased from ton of Vale and Mrs. William De- Mrs. Carl Seburn. secretary of sup this term after having been out poned one week. wood, and F. H. Wooden, Jewell; we have arranged these meetings. $159,984,420.45 to $168,861,253.16. Groff of Nyssa. First Aid Planned— We wish to emphasize that atten- plies; Mrs. A. L. Jackson, secretary during the fall term. While the valuation of tillable and Brooks; Harry Schmeltzer, Sher- Other returning students from A first aid class for men only dance at these meetings will not be timber lands for tax purposes show who finished In that order. —8— f young women and girls' work, and DORIS GRAHAM, FRANK Mrs. Henry Hartley, secretary cf Malheur county and vicinity aTe will be held at the city hall, start restricted to Grange members only. sharp decreases valuation of all Blanche Pickering, Worrenton, LAWRENCE, NYSSA, WED student work. Mrs. Russell Coch Flcribcl Eddy, Malheur; George ing February 5, under the super We are particularly anxious to have led in the balloting for state lec Miss Doris Graham of Nyssa run, Mrs. Clark Switzer and Mrs, Davis, Gloria Glascock and Merle vision of Dr. A. L. Maulding. These farmers in area, adjacent to towns ether classes of property show In turer, followed by L’Rena Slack, iecame the bride of F*rank Law- M. H. Greenlee were the hostesses Kurtz, Nyssa; Doris Betty, Alex meetings will be held once a week in which the meetings will be held, creases. Kerby, with Mrs. Pearl Becker, one e of Nyssa at a ceremony per- for the social hour, serving from a Reid, Bertha Mae Wallace. Ontario: alternaterly on Thursdays and Mon attend these conferences." Scappose, as runner-up. Bertha J. Men of military age are no longer Beck, present state Grange secre rmed in the Baptist church by candle lighted tea table, with Mrs. Marie Loveland, and Virginia Mil days. In addition to Tompkins and to be allowed to hide behind their tary enjoyed a substantial lead over he Rev. Stone in Payette January Charles Garrison and Mrs. S. D ler, Parma, Idaho; Ruth C jx , Pay Contribution Thanked— other members cf the state Grange 16. ette, Idaho; Bob Brock, Wendell Msr. Dick Tensen, chairman cf agricultural committee, there will be wives' skirts in their efforts to dodge her only competitor, Anna Harley Goshert pouring. A reception was held after the Clore, Wayne Fulleton, Charles the Red Cress, wishes to thank all several representatives from Oregon the draft. New draft regulations of Silverton. Both will meet again - 8 - wedding at the home of the groom's OFFICERS ELECTED Leavitt, Rodney Smith, and Virginia of those who contributed so gen State college In attendance. Henry just received by Lt. Col. Elmore V. In the finals, however. BY .oarents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Law- Wilcox, Vale; Agnes Dille, Weiser. erously to the disaster fund. Nyssa Hartman, professor of horticulture, Wooten, state director of selective REBEKAHS OF NYSSA Gill, present master of the state ervice. show that men who married • nee, in Nyssa. The reception was The Nyssa Rebakah lodge held Idaho; and Kathryn Harris, and has not only reached the $500 goal will speak on “Marketing Fruit un ift t the United States declared war Grange, who was not a candidate .mended by afew Intimate friends Robert Harris, Willow creek. mark but has topped the record der War Conditions”, at the Hills in Japan on December 8 are not for re-election to that office, re of the couple. Mrs. Lawrence is jlectlon of officers for the com with over $000. boro and Medford meetings. C. W. eligible to deferment. Fifrthermore ceived the highest vote In the field a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don ing year January 22. Smith, county agent leader, will at men who married since the selective of nine candidates for the three V A L L E Y V IE W Leaves for Buhl— The officers are Mrs. Margarette Graham of Nyssa. Mr. Lawrence is Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McMillin left tend the Bend and Arlington con service act became effective on Sep- positions on the executive commit interested in the Lawrence and Wilson, noble grand: Mrs. Beulah Gann, vice grand; Mrs. Mable A surprise oyster supper honoring this week for their home in Buhl, ferences, and Ralph Beck, exten teber 16. 1940. must prove that they tee. The five others whose names arnett truck lines. Poage, secretary; Mrs. Sophia Root, Ben McConnel at the A. A Bratton Idaho. Mr. McMillin has been em sion specialist, will be at the Ontario did not take a wife in order to will appear on the final ballot, In - 5 - treasurer; May Davis, chaplain; heme was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. ployed In the Amalgamated ugar meeting. Clifford Smith, assistant evade the draft in order to gain de addition to Gill, are Peter Zimmer RS DAVE MITCHELL IS county agent leader, will be In a t ferment. Neither will married men man, Yamhill; W. A. Johnson, Mrs. Ruth Fagan, conductress; Mrs. Ben McConnel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry company factory. HATTER CLUB HOSTESS tendance at the Hillsboro meeting of military age whose wives are Grants Pass; Henry Gustafson, Mrs. Dave Mitchell entertained Merle Johnson, warden; Mrs. Har Deny and Mi. and Mrs. A. A. Brat Recovering From Fall— Postmaster S. D. Goshert Is re and W. L. Teutsch, assistant direc employed be eligible to deferred North Bend; Mrs, Minnie McFar he Chatter Bex club at her home riett Harris, past noble grand; Mrs. ton and Oscar and Charles S. January 21. Mrs. Virgil McGee gave Ruby Greer, left supporter to noble Wyckeoff. Mr. and Mrs. McConnel covering from a knee injury sus tor of extension at the college, will lassification under the new regu land, Boardman, and L. Alva Lewis, a very Interesting program. Dlscus- grand: Nora Ray. left supporter to are spending the week at the Henry tained when he fell at the city hall be present at Newport and Medford. lations, which are expected to make Klamath Falls, who finished In that These latter representatives fron. housands of men heretofore listed order. recently^ sicn for the afternoon was on Red vice-grand: Fannie Felton, right Deery home. the college will discuss the subject. 'n class 3 available for immediate Funeral Is Held— Cross work, which the ladies plan supporter to vice-grand; Mrs. Min Coy and Win Brown are putting house-to-house canvass of the Graveside services were held Sat "Cooperation of the Grange with the induction Into the army. to take up this year's work. Guests nie Leuck, inside guardian, and a new floor in their kitchen and state to enroll 300,000 women for urday afternoon in Boise for Harry War-time Program of Agriculture'. were Mrs Brandt and daughter and Mrs. May Burns, outside guardian. doing other remodeling. farm work, the survey to begin Discussions are expected to cen Brown, who was interested In the Mrs. Dickerson and son. Fifteen Installation will be held February Relatives here received word of the Gate City Journal several ter largely around ways and means The Board of Control has ap_ February 16. i embers were present. The next 12 in Ontario. the marriage of David H. Brown to years ago. Rev. M. H. Greenlee of of Increasing production cf various proved the plans for the new ir.ed- meeting will be held at the John Miss Lois Day of Molalla, Oregon, the Methodist church of Nyssa of commodities in the face of antici cal control and treatment dormit- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Bartholonla home February 4. ADULT HOME MAKERS on January 1 at Dallas, Oregon. ficiated. Interment was in the Mor pated labor and machinery short ry at the state hospital at Salem, - 1 - GLASS IS SCHEDULED Mr. Brcwn went to school in Valley mmedlate construction of the FOR SALE—1929 Chevrolet sedan. VRS MORGAN HOSTESS TO Miss Margaret Stevenson, home View and moved to the coast sev ris Hill cen 'tery at Boise. Mr. ages. There will be no set agenda building, however, is now up to the Good condition. Nyssa Furniture of the meetings, however, and prob Brown was 72 years old. THURSDAY BRIDGE CLUB economics teacher, will conduct a eral years ago. Mrs. Brcwn teaches ntractors. If the building can be Co. Phone 149. 22J2xc lems of local Interest will be given Mrs Frank Morgan entertained class for adult home makers spon- school at Bellevue, Oregon. Post To Give Party— onstructed within tlie cost limits the members of the Thursday af ored by the state board of vocat Nyssa's American Legion post will consideration. FOR RENT—Three houses. Two et by the legislative approprlat- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Derry, Mr. give a stag party In the Legion hall ternoon bridge club at her home ional education. The classes will be modern. O. K. Tire Shop. 22J2xp 5 on of $325,000 the board is ready and Mrs. Ben McConnel and A. A. •'nnuary 23. Guests were Mrs. Char held in the high school building* tonight at 8 o'clock. The public is o go ahead with the job. Otherwise REGULATIONS FOR t s Orider, Mrs. A. C. Sallee, Mrs. starting February 2 at 8 p. m. and Bratton irotored to Payette Thurs Invited to attend 'l will probably have to wait until day afternoon on business. Legal Advertising Kenneth Cottle, Mrs Ed. Frost and will be continued once a week for ALIENS REVEALED Returns To California— abor and material costs return to A. A. Bratton attended a farm Mrs. Edleson. Prizes were won by 10 weeks. Mr and Mrs. Louis P. Thomas, lcrninl unless the next legislature sale near Ontario Monday after former Nyssa residents, have re WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 (SpecialI Mrs. A. C. Sallee. Mrs. G. J Mitchell ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The classes will consist of sub noon. —Attorney General Francis Biddle s willing to increase the approprla- ud Mrs. Kenneth Cottle. turned to Oakland, California after lon. The building, a two- and three- jects on clothing construction, nu Sealed bids will be received by teday announced new regulations H. E. Noah sold 38 head of sheep spending a few days here. They weve trition, child guidance and home affecting the conduct of German, t ry fire-proof structure will serve the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, to Mr. Eastman of Mitchell Butte called to Nyssa because of the death s the medical center for the en- makers for defense. Miss Stevenson nst week. of Mrs. Thomas’ uncle, Harry Italian and Japanese nationals ire Institution which now houses Oregon, at the office of the City will conduct a class on Just one ol Recorder In the City Hall until 8 throughout continental United Brown. Goss Snow of Ontario, former mere than 2,500 inmates. In ad- o'clock P M. on the 2nd day of the subjects If the members wish. States. csident of this community, left Ex-Nyssa Min Honored— ilion it will provide dormitory -I— February 1942, for the following: Berwyn Burke, former publisher The new regulations, i sued undei space for 50 additional beds. Thursday morning fer California, ECHOOI, VISITORS DAY One Fordson Road Grader. f the Nyssa Gate City Journal, was authority of tlie presidential proc where he has employment. IS SPONSORED BY P.T.A. One Ford Platform Truck (Model elected president of the Idaho State lamation of January 14, 1942, re Mr, and Mrs. Lewis King spent The P. T. A. sponsored visitor' Women and children must be A, 1929). Editorial association at a meeting lating to alien enemies, require al. day at the Adrian high school Jan the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. of the organization in the Boise ho German, Italian and Japanese aliens ■r pared to volunteer for service The Common Council of the City uary 15. In spite of the stormy Jce King near Parma. tel In Boise Saturday. Mr. Burke to apply at the nearest first ci n the harvest fields of Oregon this of Nyssa reserves the right to re Mrs. Clarence Rees entertained is now publishing the North Sldr second class, or county seat, post ear to take the places left vacant ject any and all bids and readver- weather a number of parents en Construction costs joyed visiting various classes. A pro with a dinner honoring her son. News of Jerome, Idaho. The busi office for a certificate of identi by men entering military service tise the above for sale. gram was given featuring the dif David, on Ills birthday annivers ness session was held during the fication. Tlie requirement applies tc nd the defense industries Governor By order of the Common Council have gone up. Have ferent activities cf the school. After ary Friday. Guests were Mr. and entire day with Bernard Mainwar- all enemy nationals 14 years of age Tprc^ue tcld a conference of agrl. of the City of Nyssa. a short business meeting of the P Mrs David Rees and sens. Douglas ing of Nampa, retiring president, or over who have not yet taken th M. F. Solomon :ulturi-ts here last week. Plans you increased your T. A., cookies and coffee were serv and Donald, and Mrs. Vlra Rees. City Recorder. presiding. The annual banquet was oath of allegiance before a iederai vere made at the conference for a George Stewart is working for sponsored by the Boise Ad club in judge, the linal step in acquit ing ed. Insurance? Earny Lliikus in the sheep camp the Owyhee hotel in Boise. - 8 - American citizenship. g rw rx LADIFS CLUB BOWLS near Holiday bridge. Examinations Planned— Let us check it for you The identification program, which The "As You Like It" club met Examinations will be held by the will affect approximately 1.100,00c Pat Major intends to move to Wednesday afternoon nt the home ills new farm near Buhl soon. United States civil service commis German, Italian and Japanese non cf Mrs. Lewis Mosier After refresh A. A. Bratton and son, Oscar, a t sion for the positions of electric, citizens, will be directed by Earl G. ments were served the group went welder, junior inspector-trainee, or to town and spent the remainder of tended a basket ball game in On dinance material, trainee-repair Harrison, former director cf alien registration and now in special as tario Friday evening. Ontario wen the afternoon bowling. / man. signal corps equipment, radio sistant to the attorney general ad Insurance Reel [state both games from Emmett. - I - men and women, junior property vising on alien problems. OUILD MEETING POSTPONED and supply clerk, aviation metal- The regulations provide for two Phone 64 The St. Paul's Episcopal Guild DEFENSE COUNCIL smith. blacksmith helper, electrician separate periods fer the submitting postponed 11s meeting, which was DRIVE SCHEDULED helper. machinist helper, molder cf applications for identity certifi 1 j L 1 ■ to have been held January 28, to helper .pipe fitter helper, rigger cates, as follows: NYSSA OREGON February 4. when it will meet at the GROCERY SPECIALS FOR Plans for organization of a drive. i,elp?r and plumber, All German, Italian and Japanese home of Mrs. J. J. Sarazin. Mrs to raise funds for the county de-| Examiner Com ing- Friday and Saturday, January 30 and 31 tense council were outlined at a A traveling examiner of operat nationals in the states of California. Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Ari meeting of the county council Tues ors and chauffeurs will be In the day evening In Ontario. Nyssa city hall February 4 from zona, Montana, Utah and Idaho are A l d e r s O a t s w ith <rJL' bowi ...2 7 C required tc file applicatirns at the The drive will be started February 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. nearest first cr second cla s, or 2 and run through February 7. The Sign is Erected— council set the quota at 10 cents Wilson brothers have erected an county seat, post office between Feb C o r n F la k e s ?1p for every person in the county. The electric sign in front of their gro ruary 2 and February 7. 1942, in clusive. campaign will be conducted as much cery and clcthing stores. All German, Italian and Japanese . s possible through the school child- i,jons Hold Meeting— ren. who will solicit their parents. K e llo g g s .................................... C The weekly meeting of the Lion- nationals residing elsewhere in con Each person who contributes will ■lub was held Monday night In tinental United States are required Double Feature be given a ribbon. Contributions wil' tend of at noon as usual. Cliff Main to file applications at the nearest Friday and Saturday, Jan. 30 • 31 al«o be accepted by representatives --nducted a quiz on Lionlsm. A first or second class, or county seat, P i n k S a l m o n ‘.I V “ * ................2 0 C Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes ami Marjorie Reyn of the Nyssa council at the post •March of Time" film. “Australia pest office between February 9 and ffice February 7. At War", was shown Several guests February 28, 1942. inclusive. olds in T • | • Campbell» 47 oz a a attended the dinner meeting. Failure to ccmply with the new “ROBIN HOOD OF THE PECOS” Perry will review A. J Cronls' book. Ditch Rider Wanted— regulations may be punished by Keys to The Kingdom". All persons Llovd Nolan, Alexis Smith and Gene Lockhart Examination has been announced severe penalties, including possible interested are invited to attend. by the United States civil service interment of the enemy alien for “STEEL AGAINST THE SKY” - 8 - C o ffe e 8at. Mat., 2:30 P. M., Adm. 5c-20c; Evening, Uc-3Sc, Includes tax | ' commission for the purpose of fill the duration of the war. HOSTESS TO CLUB ing existing and future vacancies The regulations require enemy Mrs. C. L McCcy was hostess to in the United States bureau of Sunday and Monday, Feb. 1 - 2 the Tuesday bridge club January reclamation on the Vale project aliens, in applying for identif ica- I E n e r g y E le a c h \ ^ ' L„ ............2 8 C Don Ameche, Joan Bennett, John Loder and 27 Mrs. Frank Morgan was a guest. Full information may be secured tion certificates, to provide a photo- 11 graph cf themselves (to be attached I High scores were won by Mrs Bur- from iwst ofiices in this vicinity. Raymond Walburn in lo the identity card> and to annvei I nall Brown, high, and Mrs. G. J “CONFIRM OR DENY” a number of qBMUonx con eraii . S o a p 39c Mitchell, second their current activities. Printed di “War clouds in the Pacific”, cartoon and sports RATIONING OF - 8 — Mat Run. 2:30. Adm. llc-28c. Evening Adm. Uc-33c. Includes tax rections fer the filing cf applications MR MRS WHI TAKER HOSTS SUGAR PLANNED will shortly be available at post of Mr and Mrs. R G. Whitaker en S a r d in e s 25c — BARGAIN NIGHT— tertained the m mbers of the Young Tlie price administration has been fices. Married Couples club at llieir home given full authority to ration all Tuesday, Feb. 3 T | M Campbells m More than 1.000.000 persons par January 27. Mr. and Mrs Robert goods and commodities sold on the Robert Young and Ruth Hussev in ticipated in tlie recent naticna McCurdy were guests. Prizes were retail market. "MARRIED BACHELOR” won by Robert McCurdy, first, and Under a "directive" Issued by defense aluminum collection cam Mrs George Sallee, second Cartoon and “Holt of the Secret Service” War Production Chief Donald Nel paign. _ Hershey» . 1 lb. cans 1C A A dm ission, 5r-M e. Ih rta d ln g lax son and approved by President U O C O a Water damaged, can |j C It Is the soldier's duty to protect Roosevelt, Price Administrator Lecn your home; it Is your privilege to Henderson will exercise national PCftptFEiSE Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 4 * 5 — WE CLOSE AT 6 p. m. — control over any commodities and Invite him into It for a horre-cooked Bing Crosby, Mary Martin, Brian Donlevy, Car articles In which there may be meal. BUY olyn Lee and “Rochester” in short-ages because of the war. The lamb population of the n a In addition to tires the OPA Is “BIRTH OF THE BLUES” already rationing automobile tires tion. according to estimates of the Pop Eye Cartoon and News and Is preparing to ration automo 34,549 00«) in 1942. a five percent NYSSA OREGON A d m issio n ; 11 c-S 3 r , lix lu d tn g t v / r n p o T a x biles and sugar Further rationing department ot agriculture, will be A D ependable Food S tore Increase over last year. la said to appear inevitable. CAPITAL NEWS Bernard Eastman NYSSA Phone 108 PRO G RAM THEATRE 21 lom ato Ju ice cans 2,or - OuC 29c I omato ooup bT ,ln Wilson Grocery 3C