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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1942)
/ THE NYSSA GATE CtTY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1942 PAGE FIVE the power plant. The omlbus rivers I Kenneth Pierce, who has been Unle* these report* end contri Let u* print your envelopes, state and harbors bill, which authorized staying at George Brotzman’s home. bution* are made by January 31. ments, letterhe&as, ecc. Tise Gate One bllllcn dollars and Included all was a dinner guest at the Conrad ■ ‘-¿j wu: at subject to penalties and ll/W the lmpiovements on Oregon and 1 Brctzman heme Sunday. will not be counted in tne new ex 71 y Journal. Washington coasts, has been revised I o . Z. Matthews was In Vale on By John W. KeUy perience rates on 1942 payrolls. Em- and $600,000,000 eliminated, and this business Monday, p. jyers of eight or more workers may be slashed again before con- 1 WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. —If also must complete their lea.rat tax Mrs. Charley Grider attended the all goes well Oregon will raise this gress is through with it. Power | Oregon's women for mobilization ^nset .ins month In .rcer u »voi- year the largest crop of Austrian plants and key harbors of military meeting In Ontario Friday after paying a double tax—one to the ORECON TRAIL winter peas and hairy vetch In Its significance appear to be all that noon. federal government and one ai tne Ministers or outers interested in church puDhcity are Invited to use Is left In the measure. Fate of U n a -. '- ..1 1 1 .. iS S lO il. hlstoiy. More than a half million Mr and Mrs- Glen Cooper at the columns of the Journal to carry Important messages aid notice* acres will be cultivated In the Wil tilla dam has not been determined I tended the A. F. L. dance at the to their congregations, Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of by the committee. lamette valley; thousands of acres Gay Way Friday night. CERTIFICATE IS each week Visiters to the national capital In Union and other eastern counties Lillie Matthews celebrated her SENT TO SCHOOL of the state. Trlle A, which Is ask from the northwest have been tell L. O. S. rtIURCH THE METHODIST COMMUNITY Just Received ing for the seed to be used on ing stories of the many troop trains sixteenth birthday anniversary Fri day. Nyssa high school has receive CHURCH Sunday, 10 a r... Sunday school southern rarms. say It is the best they passed on their way, the sold Its certificate of accredalicn .roi Nan Grider attended the Girl meeting. M. H Greenlee. Pastor crop that can be raised—so much iers headed for the west. One attor .This beautiful n e w ney reported that he passed 50 of Scouts meeting Thursday. Sunday. 11;30 a. m„ priesthood Church school opens promptly at (he Northwest Association cf Secon per acre yield. dary and Higher Schools for th< 10 o'clock ev'-ry Sunday morning. meeting. There Is a fly In the ointment, these trains between Portland and furniture is made of Morning worship at 11 o'clock. 1941-42 year Tuesday, 2 p. m„ Relief society. however. War production board has Chicago. The office of facts and Methodist Youth f e 1 .uhip at 7 p. Certificates are Issued to school Issued an order that Irrigation ma figures now reveals that 600.000 in. Evening w. rship at 8 /clock The meeting rather high standards chinery be discontinued. Most of troops were shipped to the west, the CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE knotty jTine and is A committee from the Chalk Butte a t r will preach both morning and Credits of graduates of acciedile the pea and hairy vetch growers largest troop movement In the his Vern Martin, Pastor evening. s hools are accepted almost any Irrigate with a sprinkler system, re tory of the war department, and all Grange attended t h e Pomona i Grange meeting at Vale Saturday. | Sunday school at 10 a. m. Cla ses where. sturdily built. quiring Iron pipe and hose. Pipe Is without a single casualty. The troops "out” and no more rubber hose will were distributed from Alaska to San 1 . e "Chalk Butte Hill Billys" held for every age. Evaluation of the high school wa ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPA! MISSION Morning worship at 11 a . m. Pas their party at the hall Saturday • * be available, the rubber being need Diego and back almost to the Rocky The Rev B Stanley Moore, Vicar completed January 21 by repre night. tor in charge of the service. ed fcr defense purposes. Farmers mountains. Following the old theory entatives cf the state department Morning piayer and sermon 9:30 Adclph Schneider sold some horses I Junior meeting at 7 p. m. in the are sending word to the congression that the Pacific northwest is the :f education, the «late system ol a. m al delegation to do something about most likely spot that the Japanese Friday and purchased three horses parsonage. l.igher education nnd administrat Young People’s service at 7 p. m. Holy Communion and sermon It • they need rubber hose, and the would attempt to invade, that area Satuiday. ors of neighboring schools. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. ach Fourth Sunday of the month Mrs. Sadie Parker will entertain delegation has been arguing with has been well protected So far there The evaluation committee wll Church school at 10:30 a. m. Message by the pastor. has been complete silence on what the Wahine club at her home Feb WPB. It Is possible the board may submit recon-mendations as to ways Prayer meeting Wednesday even the army and navy air corps have ruary 5. A lady fron Ontario will relent sufficiently to permit the in which the school may be im FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE be present to leach those wishing to ing at 8:00. manufacture of hose for irrigation been doing on the Pacific coast. proved. Missionary meeting the first Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N Pounds knit. Anyone else wishing to learn purposes, but there Is nothing def Thursday afternoon of each month. pastot s. knitting is welcome to attend. Each inite yet. All are invited to these services. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m one is to provide her own needles This should be a big year for set doming Worship 11 a. m. and yarn. tlers on the Vale project, the grow FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Evangelistic services on Sunday. ers of sugar beets. The government Burl Wyckoff was transferred Eunice Limbaugh and children, (Church of Christ) will soon Issue ration cards for sugar from Nyssa to Nan: pa. He is work are spending a few days at the FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST to curb hoarding; the price of sugar, ing on the new sugar factory there. heme of Mrs. Limbaugh's parents J. S. Becm, Minister It Is explained, will not be increased. J. W. Jennings returned from near Emmett. Bible school at 10 a. m. SCIENTIST The entire sugar situation has Iowa, wherg he visited for several Communion worship at 11 a. m. : 215 North 9th Street. Payette. Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Vic Marshall and changed in the past two months; weeks. Evening Service at 7:45 p. m. A branch of The Mother Church. Jack of Ny-sa, spent Sunday at the The public is cordially invited. the quotas of last October do not Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamiscn and home of Chuck Share. The First Church of Christ, Scient- »! CHURCH OP THE — *5*— fit the new emergency. There can Erls and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Good- iest. In Boston. Massachusetts. Mrs. Chuck Share enjoyed a visit be enough sugar raised In the ell attended the Pomona Grange from her brother. Ear! Davis, and NAZARENE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunday School—10:00 a m. United States to meet all require meeting at Vale Saturday. Sunset Valley Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. wife and Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt of North Open daily from 2 to 4 p m ments, but the government Intends Pastor, Clarence Brotzman S. B. Hoffman went to Horse Richfield, Idaho. The party went where the Bible and authorized supplying the allies. An order Is ex Shoe Bend Saturday. cn to Boise, returning home the next I ihristlan Science Literature may be Sunday school at 9:45. Classes for pected telling sugar beet growers to j read, borrowed or purchased, and Is Romaine Jennings is ill with the day. all. Mrs. C. Brotzman, superinten j pen every day from two to four extend their acreage all they desire, mumps ! a. m.. except Sundays and holidays the more the better. By full expan FEBRUARY 1 15 dent. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and sion of fall sugar beet areas In the Mr. and Mrs. Alva Gocdell attended Morning worship at 11 o'clock. KINGMAN KOLONY country a sufficient supply for a pinochle party at the O. E. Chel- Evengelistic services at 7:45. A large crowd attended Sunday Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Mr. M domestic needs will be available and delin home Saturday evening. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed ichccl in spite of weather and un L. Kurtz Superintendent. the Imported sugar may be sent E.L. Jamison and Eris attended favorable reads. A preacher will be nesday at 8 p. m. abroad. Mcrning Worship 11 a. m. the basketball game at Fri present next Sunday and will de REV. E. E. Authorities claim that the beets day evening. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH liver a message following Sunday grown in the Vale-Nyssa area are Evening Worship 8:30 p. m. CORYELL A. A. Schmidt, Pastor schcol. which will begin at 2 o'clock. ths best to be found, the sugar con Duane Schroeder, who formerly tent being unusually high. Two attended school at Hermiston is Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Winslow were TATE OFFICIAL WILL refineries, one at Nyssa and the staying at the heme of his grand busineess vl.itors in Caldwell Thurs HELP LOCAL EMPLOYERS EVERY NITE other at Nampa) will be sold all Mrs. Dick Butcher and children parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gram- day. G. O. Campbell, field representa the beets they can process this year of Vale, were visiters at the I. L. mon, and attending Lincoln school. 8 :0 0 p. m . and next, at least. Ramifications of Ralph Barnes and Vern Smith at tive of the state unemployment com Cooper home Sunday. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl F.m- pensation commissicn, will be in the the sugar situation spread In all tended the Hylton sale, near Jac- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank and merson, are making a trip to the Ontario area for the next few days directions. All the popular soft ebsen gulch Monday. son, Marvin, are visiting Mrs. H. coast. to confer with employers of feur or drinks contain sugar and manufact All are invited. R. Flack in Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whitsell are more persons with regard to re urers are rationing dealers. The Ronald Jensen, who has been ill the parents of a daughter, Irene ports on 1941 payrolls. He has h 'ad- Music by local church fountain business, as a result, Is with the mumps, has returned to Amelia, bern Sunday. January 18. quarters at the Moore hotel and having a slump. This means a loss the first week senooi. at the Holy Rosary hospital in M r s G e o r g e De Lashmutt was the local United States employment of several million dollars a week Miss Dorcthy Brotzman of Apple Ontario. ailed to Nampa because of the office. throughout the country. Other sugar Valley visited at the George Brotz Mr. and Mrs. L. Hickman and serious illness cf her father, W. L. is going Into Industrial alcohol, al man heme Friday. family cf Nyssa, were Sunday dinner Fullwider. though it can be made from grain Mr. and Mrs. O. Z. Matthews re guests at the J. C. Rookstcol home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham and and potatoes. ceived word Monday that Rosalee Audra Anderson, who has been Redmond, Klamath Falls. Yakima Pierce. Infant daughter of Mr. and confined to her home by the flu. family were Sunday afternoon guests at the Zittercob home in Adrian. and Idaho potato districts are in Mrs. Raymond Pierce, has the Is able to ri’sun e her school work. Mr. and Mrs. John Dewey are quiring what the price control ad measles. Ivan Prather of Battle Ground, ministration Intends doing with that Irene Herring of Parma and Lil Washington, visited at the home of visiting his sister in Salt Lake City. farm product. As yet there is no an lie Matthews were dinner guests at his uncle. Jercme Sprout, and fam Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bailey and i swer. One aid to potato farmers are the home of Ilia Botner, Sunday. P. A. Gossett of Vale went to Bums ily, several days last week. the two starch factories recently Gerald Patton, who has been Mrs. Roy McNeal was given a Tuesday on business. established In Idaho! there is a mar working for O. Z. Matthews, re pleasant surprise when a group of Tarzan Johnson, who has been ket for all the starch they can pro turned to his home in Cascade, friends gathered at her home Mon at Rogue Riv?r, returned home duce. Since the war the usual sour Idaho, Sunday. day evening on the occasion cf her Thursday. ces In Europe have been cut off O. Z. Matthews made a business birthday Pinochle was played dur Tarzan and Mr. F F. Johnson and government Is encouraging the trip to Cascade, Idaho, Sunday ing the evening. Mrs. Ralph Win went to Payette Monday on busi building up of a new industry, hop evening. ness. slow won high score. ing that enough starch will be Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Maxwell of Miss Betty Bukhman has returned Those sick this week and unable made from potatoes to supply all Wilder, were dinner guests at the to her hon e ffrom Oregon Slope, to attend school are Angella, Har- needs. When the president signs a Jacob Fisher home Sunday. after spending three weeks at the rie and Elian Herman. price control bill and the organiza Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. Char Paul Bunch home. Sunday school will be held at the tion begins functioning an announ ley Grider attended the Civic club The Patch and Chat club com Scott place at 2:30 p. m. cement regarding potato prices may meeting In Nyssa Wednesday. The Christian Endeavor society mittee appointed to make up the be expected. Conrad and George Brotzman yearbooks met Friday at the heme will meet at the H. O. Bailey home At this time the prospects are held a sale at Apple Valley today. cf Mrs. Jack Pettet. PEQUOT 81 x 108 ............ $1.69 Men’s regular $ 1 .4 9 ................ 98c at 7:30. Harold Loe is leader. none too good for an appropriation PEOUOT 81 x 9 9 .................. $1.59 CLEANUP ON SWEATERS to continue the Willamette valley PEQUOT 72 x 99 $1.49 One l o t ......................................... 49c project for the fiscal year 1943, WOODLAWN 81 x 9 9 ..............92c One lot ........................................ 88c which begins next July. There is a tendency In congress to whittle Pequot Case 42 X 36 ............... 37c One lot ........................................ 98c down all non-defense money, and Purple Bond .............................. 22c flood control has been specifically pentloned as a place where econcmy can be practiced. The president has had to relinquish his program fcr the St. Lawrence waterway, drop One-fourth off ...... $4.98 - $7.95 HOPE, Bleached ..................... 13c ping the navigation feature to save At The National Capital Furniture Upper Sunset Nordale ’ * y Furniture Co. - Buena Vista REVIVAL Where ? W hen? Lincoln Heights f U Who? Alberta Valfey Riverview Ice Cream Prices Increased Due to increased costs o f production o f Owyhee Maid i c fe cream we are compel led to increase the re tail prices as follows: Vi pint*................ 15c P in ts ..................... 25c Quarts ............... 50c Gallons ..._....... $1.65 NYStA. OMCGOM When Columbus Discovered America He Found Only Yipping Indians Sheets Sweaters Muslin Snow Suits Unbleached Sheeting 81 in..... 33c Ladies’ Coats Towels Through Cooperative Effort the Colonists Erected the Foundation of Our Present BATH TOWELS ..................... 13c Better Grade .............................. 39c Towling, fast linen striped 13c yd. Mill E n d s.............. 9c, 13c and 17c Cretones, asst, patterns..............15c Plain Broadcloth ....................... 19c Curtain M aterials........................ 19c Democracy. Later Through Community Cooperation Americans Built the Greatest Economic Overalls Men’s, 8 ounce, low back .... $1.29 Boy’s, express striped ............ 67c System Ever Devised. LET US BUILD OUR COMMUNITY ON COOPERATIVE EFFORT. Men’s Overcoats One fourth off ... $14.95 to $17.50 Men’s Shirts Flannel, regular $1.25 ........... 98c Khaki, broken sizes, reg. 98c 77c Sox Ladies’ Winter Men’s part wool ..................... 19c Men’s Dress S o x .............................8c Hats Gloves Cleanup, your choice ............ 49c Horsehide, irregular "Let’s Live and Let Live” Gate City Journal One-fburth off .... $8.95 to $16.50 Wilson Brothers ■JilL CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ■- r 49c I