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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1942)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUARY Legal Advertising Classified Advertising PAGE THREE 39 , 1942 J>t us print y;ur envelopes, *uta- A queer Incident happened cne evening this week When t family nents, letter:.eadf, etc. The (tate . aJ re,lr?d for the nl'iht and were Olty Journal 11 but asleep a commotion was heard outrije. Thinking the sound might he irom air planes or bomb ers. they listened, an 1 reccgnired It as the electric pump runnlr j. but who was the switchman at this time of night? Upon investigation they found the house cat had been cha-ed by a dog up the pole where the switch was and as it ascended, the switch was pushed on, causing all the excitement. School was closed Monday for a week due t0 the epldemlc'oY trench L. A. Moulding, M.D n-outh. Physician and Surgmu Adolf Schneider purchased a team Phone 37 from Tom Lowe this week. Hours 10 to I? and 1 to 5 L>aUy s.xr-pl Sunday Pry Building D R IN K I rfflce cf the County Treasurer of ! Malheur County, at Vale. Oregon; ! and will be callable after March 1, Tht Ideal Wa> To Buy, Sell, Rant. Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low coat. One trial will convince 1943. RATES: Two cents per word for each laaue Minimum cash In advance Is 30c. Said bonds are Usued by author ity of a majority vote of the legal voters of said Union High School MISCELLANEOUS 1 or Sale WANTED District No. 4. Malheur County. FARM LANDS WANTED—All your welding Jobe. TRUCKERS to haul manure. See Oregon, voting at an election called We promise good work and fair) Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc and held on November 15, 1941, and prices. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone FIVE ACRES with Improvements In by virtue of a resolution of the 56W Apple Valley. See Frank Morgan. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES fcr Board of Directors of Union High Whether yru'r- a basketball live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay School District No. 4. duly passed 30 O tfc plaver or an cffice pencil BRAKE WORK—Let us put your ette. j7Ntfc and adopted on the 26th day of car or truck brakes in first class FOR SALE—Ten acre ranch, good pusher, energy is what you January. 1912, and pursuant to the condition. Special equipment and PAINTING, KALSOMINING, puper Constltutlcn of the State of Ore ne~d to keep you grlng. For house and buildings. Deep well. trained men at your service. Pruyn cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone gon. and the laws of Oregon, in energy you’ll go for try milk Two acres In pasture and the rest 39M. 24Atfc. Auto Repair. Phone 56W. cluding Chapter 17 Title 111 O. C. —cool, tasty. refer«hing, ener In alfalfa. First cross road south of KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi W AN TED-W ill pay cash for choice I.. A., and laws amendatory thereof gizing milk. It has health- Apple Valley school and first house and supplemental thereto, and Sec tive prices. First class quality. 80 to 160 acres along Snake river On Tuesday D:rothy Toomb re giving elements in abundance. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Qoode Ave. and west on right hand side of road. In frcm Adrian to Weiser or under tion 97-101 O. C. L. A., and Sections ceived word that she displayed NYSSA AERIE Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc quire Lee Hobbs. 22j2xp Black Canyon. Must be level and 97-201 to 97-207, inclusive, O. C. L. A. being Chapter 505, Oregon Laws. champion dairy exhibit at the priced right. Give full particulars F. O. E. NO. 2134 county fair lasl fall and therefore FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. in first letter. F. W. Dalton, % D. 1939. Meets Wednesday Night won the scholarship given by the Phone 78J. tic. Each bid. except when made by L. Hendry, Rt. 4, Boise, Idaho. AT EAGLES HALL CUSTOM BUTCHERING a state cr government agency, must county fair board in that class. STRAYED—One black cow three Every Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newblll en Visiting Eagles Welcome be accompanied by a certified check CITY PROPERTY Milk »nd Cream years old. With diamond far on MONDAY and FRIDAY HARRY MINER Sec in the amount cf One Thousand tertained at two tables of pinochle left hip. Notify Earl O. Ray, Vale, For Rent Beef, Sheep and Pork Dollars ($1,000) made payable to Wednesday evening for Mr. and PHONE 05J2 ROSCOE FINDLEY, Pres Oregon. 15J3xp Sanitary Butchering the order of Onion High Schoc' Mrs. Conrad Martin, Mr. and Mrs. FOR RENT Guaranteed C. C. Cotton, Miss May Beaumont LOST—Mattress off of pick-up be THE KEIZER house. Modern. See District No. 4. Malheur County Phone 05-R-l and C. M. Beaumont. Frank D Morgan. Utfc Oregon. Checks of unsuccessful bid- tween Nyssa and Buena Vista. One Mile West of NYSSA on The Home Economics club of the 'ers will be returned upen awarding Call Inland oil station or Mary Bonds — General Insurance — Real Estate Alberta Ave. of the bonds, and the check cf the Kingman Grange held its regular Pierce Reward. 22j2xp STOCK AND GRAIN JAKE FISCHER successful bidder will be retained to meeting with Mrs. Elmer Dutton Assistance given in obtaining birth certifi FOR SALE—Guernsey and Holstein :e applied toward payment for the Tuesday afternoon. Due to the bad AIRPLANE factory training. Nat springer heifers. $75. Herb Fisher. h:nds or for the security of Union roads there were not many mem ional finance plan. Write for de cates. 22j2xp Hi‘;h School District No. 4. Malheur bers present. Mrs. Dutton served tails to Clinton P. Haight, Jr. 2533 County, Oregon, in case of default pie and coffee. 10th St., Baker. Oregon. 29J4xp FAKM LANDS Assistance given in preparing state and fed Dutton and Clark chopped hay for by bidder. MISCELLANEOUS For Rent eral income tax returns. Oscar Schafer and Beaumont and All bids must be In writing, must For Sale Consult us on your wiring needs Toomb this week. be unconditional, and must be for DAIRY AND STOCK Farm near and meter set-ups. Notary Work done. William Tcomb was In Nyssa on Parma, silo, artesian well, excel FOR SALE—Day old chicks. Pullets, net less than par and accrued in Work guaranteed to meet State cockerels, (American Sexor). High terest. Approving legal opinion of ; business Wednesday and Thursday requirements. lent beet ground. Tractor equip quality, old tested stock. Custom Teal. Wlnfree, McCullcch, Shuler & of this week. Prices right ment required. November 1. Mrs. C. hatching done. Vale Electric Hatch Kelley will be furnished, but fcr I Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton at- Information free T. Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd., ery. Box 382 Vale. Oregon. 22jtfc which opinicn the successful bidder tended the Pomcna Grange meet- NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 873-W, Caldwell, Idaho. shall pay in addition tc the price j ing in Vale Saturday, 18Atfc 25s tfc. FOR SALE — McCormlck-Decring bid fcr the bonds. Bid will b< Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark were In 15-30 four-wheel tractor on rub BABY Lima bean acreage to con ber. Reconditioned, good shape. A. opened properly immediately after ! Ontario Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood and the final hour hereinabove set forth tract. $5.00 cwt. See the Nyssa L. Atkeson. Local and Long Distance 29jtfc for submitting bids, at the High family were Sunday dinner guests Elevator. 29j2xp • HAULING f Mrs. Wood's parents, Mr. and | FOR TRADE—G :od single shot 12 School building at Adrian, Oregon. Phone 72W Parker. in Newell The B ard of Directors reserves the Mrs. Earl gauge shot gun for milking gcat. Lawrence and Barnett right tc reject any or all bids and Heights. Address box 571, Ny-sa, Oregon. W . L. LANE 4Mtfc Mrs. Dennis Patch sang a solo, 29j2xp ! ,0 re-advertlse (he sale cf said bonds 'lord Give Me Strength" for the ¡f the bids are not satisfactory. By order of the Board of Direc- | special musical number at the King- Farm and Ranch Sales, CITY PROPERTY tors of Union High chocl District man community church Sunday Purebred Livestock 1942 SUGAR BEET CONTRACTS ARE afternoon. She was accompanied at No. 4. Malheur County. Oregon. 22 Years Experience in the FOR RENT Nyssa Steam Laundry the piano b Mrs. Walter Me Part- FLORENCE OTIS Auction Business HOUSES. Bernard Eastman. 8Jtfc NOW AVAILABLE. Nyssa’s Own A Nyssa Owned Clerk. Union High School land. “For the Best Prices— Sell — Seventh A Park Streets — Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Lane and District No. 4, Malheur It At Auction” FOR RENT—Clean three room fur Contracts can be obtained at the Ny*sa family were in Nampa Friday. County, Oregon. Res. Ph. 25W P. O. Box 425 nished and heated apartment with Phone 146 factory office on Jan. 31, Feb. 3, Feb. 5, C. C. Cotton was in Ontario on Nyrsa, Oregon laundry facilities. Inquire J. C. Bow- First publ. January 29, 1942. business one day this week. Feb. 7, Feb. 10, Feb. 12, Feb. 14. 29j tfc Last pubi. February 12, 1942. Mrs. Thelma Elliott and sons, Please bring correct legal land description. Kenneth and D nald, spent Satur Legal Advertising Legal Advertising Legal Advertisement day night with Mrs. Elliott’s mother, Mrs. Dollie McCreary, at the Smively IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE NOTICE OF PROPOSAI, TO SELL UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Maude Cooper entertained 16 Hot Springs. STATE OF OREGON FOR $17,455.00 OF FUNDING BONDS members of the Worthwhile club at OF THE INTERIOR Callers In the T. T. Elliott home MALHEUR COUNTY OF AND B\ UNION II I G II i ber hoire Thursday. Five visitors on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Claud General Land Office at In the Matter of the Estate of ) SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 4, MAL were present. One new member and Gardner of Parma. Rex and Boyd The Dalles, Oregon Elizabeth J. McDonald, deceased ‘1 HEUR COUNTY. OREGON, AND two former members were voted Walters of Boise and their father, Jan. 6, 1942 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF INVITING BIDS THEREFOR. Ellis Walters of Owyhee. NOTICE Is hereby given that Wil Into the club. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. OREGON TO: Douglas M. Mc The hostess served ice cream, and liam Alexander Mettlen, for the heirs Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McConnell Donald, John A. McDonald, Wil That sealed bids will be received by cake. The next meeting will be held have moved to Nyssa, where Mr. Mc- of Charles Robert Mettlen, deceased, liam McDonald, Mrs. Annie Gib the Board of Directors of Union February 5 with Doris Chapin as Connel has employment. of Sylvan Grove, Kans., Rt. No. 1, son and Kenneth McDonald, and High School District No 4, Malheur hestess. who, on April 5, 1937, made Hd. En all other persons or devisees in- Ccunty, Oregon, by Florence Otis. try, Act of June 17, 1902, No. 030635, The commodious two-room par terested in the estate of Elizabeth clerk of said District at Adrian. sons je of the Assembly of God for Farm Unit "B ” or the NE>4SW%, J. McDonald, deceased GREET Oregon, until 8:00 o’clock p. m. on church has been completed. The NWVISEV Section 31. Township 20 INGS: the 16th day cf Fefruary. 1942, for Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Brotzman S., Range 46 E.. Willamette Meridi By order of this court made and the purchase of an is ue of funding and son of Apple Valley will jaove an, has filed notice of Intention to make final proof, to establish claim entered on the 27th day of January bonds of said Union High School into their new home this week. to the land above described, before 1942, upon the verified petition of District No. 4, Malheur County. Mr. and Mrs. Jim-Kirkland re Frank T. Morgan, Notary Public, at Douglas M. McDonald, the Adminis Oregon. In the amount of $17,455.00. cently remodeled their home. Said bonds will be negotiable cou John Vanderpool sold his corn to Nyssa, Oregon, on the 13th day of trator of said estate praying for an order of this Court for the sale of pon bonds; each will be designated Dick Smith. It is being shelled on February, 1942. certain real estate of said deceased Funding Bend"; will be dated as of the place. Claimant names as witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson spent Clinton 8nyder, Roy Warren. Pete for the purpose therein stated, you March 1, 1942, and will be in de- Wilson and Hudson Robb, all of and each of you are hereby cited nominations of $500.00 each, except Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Omer and required to appear before the the last thereof which will be in Hite In Owyhee. Nyssa, Oregon, Judge of this Court, at the Court the sum of $455.00; will be numbered Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer took W. F. JACKSON, Room thereof in the City of Vale, consecutively from 1 to 35, both Sunday dinner with their daughter Register. Malheur County. State of Oregon, numbers inclusive; wiU mature and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley on the 28th day of February 1942, serially in numerical order in the Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans Do your part toward National Defense by UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT at eleven o ’clock A. M. cf that day, amount of $2.500.00 on the 1st day were afternoon callers In the same then and there to show cause, if of March in each of the years 1943 heme. OF THE INTERIOR reconditioning your tractors and farm mach any you have, why Douglas M. Mc to 1948. both years inclusive, and in General Land Office at The The ladies auxiliary of the com Donald, the Administrator of said the ameunt of $2,455 00 on the 1st munity hall will be entertained Dalles, Oregon inery. Do this now while the necessary parts estate shculd not be authorized and day of March, 1949; will biar in February 3. at Beth Pomeroy’s home December 30, 1941 licensed to sell so much of the fol terest at a rate net to exceed four with Mary Newgen as co-hostess. are available. NOTICE Is hereby given that Uel lowing described real estate be per cent (4%) per annum, payable Election of officers for the com E. Parker, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, longing to said estate as may be semi-annually on the 1st day of munity hall will be held. on Pebruary 23, 1937, made Home necessary, or such part thereof as September and the 1st day cf March Sunday dinner guests in the Char- stead entry, under act of June 17, may be proper, for the purpose of of each year until maturity; will 1 s Ditty heme were Mr. and Mrs. 1902, No. 030585, for Farm Unit "B" paying the debts and expense of or the 8W14, 8ection 11. Township administration as set forth In the be payable both as to principal and C. Brotzman and son. Mr. and Mrs. Interest in lawful money of the George Wilson and three children 20 8., Range 45 E, Willamette Meri said petition on file herein, to wit: United States of America at the and Alma Hintz. dian, has filed notice of Intention to Lots 11, 12 and 13 of Block 2. make final proof, to establish claim Taylor Addition; three-fourth in to the land above described, before terest in common and undivided Frank T. Morgan, Notary Public, at in and to lots 11, 12, 13 and 14 Nyssa. Oregon, on the 13th day of of Block 21, Teutsch's Addition February, 1942. All of Lots 12, 13 and 14 cf Block Claimant names as witnesses: 7 and 8 of Block 72 Green's Ad Russell Howell, Leslie Wing, George dition, all in the City of Nyssa, Gabriel and Wilbur Chapin, all of Malheur County, State of Ore Rt. No. 2, Nyssa, Oregon. gon. W. F. JACK80N, WITNESS. the Honcrable David Register. F. Oraham, Judge of the County M IL K FOR ENERGY Kingman Kolony Shelton's Dairy Nyssa Realty & Insurance Co. Attention Beet Growers Auctioneer Sunset Valley The Amalgamated Sugar Company Repair 100 per cent delivery from Lee or Dunlop The fanner has a definite responsibility in the emer gency to keep his machines in tiptop shape, so they will be ready to meet adequately the double-duty, extra haul’s and more exacting schedules that will be demanded of them as the war continues. The objective of the govern ment parts program is to have each fanner do three things: hatcheries! 1. Check over all farm ma Bred-to-lay Chicks um ‘tfSaSÍSSS- Mean Profits NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL HEUR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CASSIUS M NICH OLS, Deceased Notice hereby la given by the undersigned Administratrix of Es tate of Cassius M Nichols, Deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said de ceased to file them with the neces sary vouchers within six months after the date of first publication of this notice, at the residence of the undersigned administratrix near Adrian, Oregon, which residence is designated as the place whete busi ness of the estate will be transacted MARY F NICHOLS. Administratrix Dated and 1st publ. Jan. 29. 1942. Last publ Frbr 26. 1942. Court of Malheur County., State of Oregon, this 27 day of January 1942. HARRY S SACKETT, Clerk By HILTON CLARK. Deputy Jan 29—Feb 28 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MAL HEUR COUNTY In the matter of the Estate of ELIZA SMITH. Deceased Notice hereby is given by the un dersigned Administrator of Estate of Eliza Smith, Deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to file them with the necessary vouchers within six months, after the date of first publication of this notice, at the office of the under signed at Nyssa. Oregon. CARL H. CO AD Administrator Read The Journal Classified Ads Dated and 1st publ. Jan. 29. 1942. publ. Fabr. U. 1942. for chinery for broken and Our brooder-started chicks are all Purina-fed! worn parts. First Chicks will arrive today! 2. Order the necessary parts Give us your orders Immediately! from dealers immediate Complete line of fresh 1942 Northrup-King and Michael Leonard garden seeds. Alfalfa Seed — Grass Seed — Treated Grain 2 # ly. 3. If parts cannot be obtain ed, notify the county USDA defense board. A1 Thompson & Sons Phone 26 2nd and Goad Are. McCormick Deering Store ONTAEIO. OREGON