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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1942)
77)<? NYSSA Published at Nyssa GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON S SUGAR EMPIRE VOLUME XXXVII, NO 7 NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1942 GATE CITY JOURNAL LITTLE GIRL GAINING DAYLIGHT TIME INCREASED BEET Prospects For DESIRES NEWS ITEMS District Beet U. S. DEFENSE STAMPS PRICES FAVORED News is the life blood of a TO BE STARTED Another little civilian defense sol More Crops In Valley Likely Growers Elect 1942 Officers Oregon's Sugar City _ $1.50 PER YEAR Nyssa Blackout Called Success By H. Thompson newspaper. We need your news. Daylight saving time, designed to di rs has b.en revealed in this vi Sugar beet growers of Ortjc People are Interested in what you increase America's war effort, will cinity. ! Washington Idaho and Utah, mee.- and your friends are doing. Nelda Ann Seward, daughter of effective in Nyssa and ether Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Seward, was j ir.'g with the AAA sugar beet beard telephone your items to become sections of the nation at 2 a. m. j given ! in Pocatello, tbi week, approved Chemurgic Council See» the Please Journal. No item, of news is February a defense stamp when she was 9. recommendations favoring increased William Car3on of Weiser too small to receive our consider Given on Blackout Possibility of Seed five weeks old. Other stumps have sugar beet prices and higher wages I Talks ation. We ask your cooperation The legislation moving decks ahead been added to her collection so that Is Re-Elected As Production And Air Raid Pro . for field workers. in publishing a better Gate City one hour was signed by President soon th girl will have a bond. President tection Roosevelt this week. Unless nullified Journal. Growers asked that returns from Prospects fcr production of seeds by congress, the statute will be ef | proce sor-growei contacts be in and other developments In Malheur A reorganization meeting of the blackout staged in this vicin fective during the duration of the between 30 and 40 cents pei ity The Sunday county and southwestern Idaho were newly elected directors cf the Nys- , creased protection against war. ton as ccmpared to the 1941 prices discussed at a meeting held in a Factory District Sugar Be-t Ti e growers said that higher 'Ivin:; bomb damage and during air The bill provided that it become Boise recently by the chemurgic Grcwers association was held at and production costs and taxes made /aids were discussed at actui.l the weekly effective 20 days after enactment, council, according to Frank Mor Nyssa January 15. luncheon of the Ny sa Lions club making the dale February 9. gan of Nyssa. who attended the New members of the board are the increases necessary. Monday noon. gathering. 'ame; Karn'of Wilder and Angelo Principal Address Deliv Marostica cf Nyssa. The newly- Herschel Thompson, chairman of ONTARIO. Jan. 22 (Special) — NYSSA DEFEATS Already two starch factories have L. S. Heller, manager of the Malheur the civilian defense council, expres ered by Bishop Bruce elected directcr from the Emmett been established in Idaho, one at county electric co-operative, and VALE TOWNIES sed the opinion that the blackout R Baxter district, who succeeded the late J. | ---------- • Twin Falls and the other at Black- REA unit, hotly denied this week was very successful in town and that foot. The plants, bringing half a charges made against his organiza The Nyssa town team defeated Filling the auditorium to its ca It. Guthrie, was not reported. it was fairly successful in th? out million dollars of new wealth to tion using needed defense materials the Vale townies January 19 here pacity, residents of this community The directcrs organized by re- j lying sections. The blackout in Nys Meeting the following officers: Wil-I that section, provide employment for in a score of 48 to 44.The winner; aw the culmination of a dream was broken only by one light and unnecessary construction. He by iam M. Carscn of Weiser, presi- j Nyssa Will Play Weiset sa 40 persons. led 27 to 18 at half-time in the come an electric clock. stated that not only would his firm free-scoring true Su iday as they attended ent; William Hogg of Marsir.gJ game. Mr. Morgan said there is a fine welcome an investigation of the Because of listening to the Idaho opening services of the new vice president: A. L. Fletcher of And Adrian Here This possibility of seed production in charges but would demand such act- Sparked by Bob Wilson, Cal Wil formal Week radio programs, some persons be Methodist community church. Nyssa, secretary-treasurer. and Malheur county. He added that “I I ion. son and Ray* Graham, who scored lieved that an alert would be sound all day program with the R v. Charles F. Oelli n of Notus, direc think we will get new industries Heller charged, "This is just 14. 11 and 10 points respectively, and An Mrs. SNAKE RIVER VALLEY ed, but no alert was planned for Mill n Greenlee as lust tor at large. here". He said, for instance, that another STANDINGS Nyssa led from the start of the sec and ho' began with morning Members cf the executive commit Oregon cities, Mr. Thompson said. to divert develop I ond toy bean production would give ment of attempt quarter to the end of the con- services and an address by Btsh p tee are the president, the vice pres W L Pet. W L Pet. “I think the blackout was very the REA but we intend to farmers of Malheur county a bal go ahead and make it work . . we | test. Keele of Vale was high scorer Bruce R. Baxter of the Portland ident. Herbert Tiegs of Nampa, J. Nyssa .... 2 1 .667 Emmett 1 2 .333 of a success”, Mr. Thompson anced diet for livestock here in the intend to plead for an unbiased in with 22 points. Vale 2 1 .667 Weiser 1 2 much .333 "The men reached their stat said. area. O. Lane cf Kingman Kolony and valley. Persons desiring to grow vestigation by some governmental The lineups were as follows: Vale Ontario 2 1 .667 Payette 1 2 .333 in ample time and numbers. ions Frank Fulleton of Vale. soy beans should consult specialists, authority, if possible, OPM. If we re —Peter: on. Wilcox, Ke“le, Cenige Bishop Baxter paid a tribute ‘ > The executive committee will hold j Southern Division Our siren is not sufficiently loud for because of the great variety of soy wrong we want to know about it . . and Holt, and Nyssa- R. Wilson. ft v. and Mrs. Grron’.ee for their a meeting in the city hall in Nyssa j Adrian 2 0 1.000 Parma 0 2 a .000 signal. We will have to work out bean types, some of which would we have been refused a place in the Graham. Elder, Lewis, D. Osborn, evotion in completing the building on the first Tuesday of each month. Fruit- New some alarm system”. that was begun about a year ago. not do well here. land .... 2 0 1.000 Plymouth 0 2 .000 Chief of Police defense ogranizatlcn of the county j L. Wilson and C. Wilson. V. Cook re "With the kind of a pastor you have The rape crop shows great prom . . . The reason we have to build Games this week: Friday, Payette ported on the FBI A. meeting in here no wonder this achievement WORK IS BEGUN ise. Mr. Morgan mentioned several the line in question is because we TAX ASSESSMENT at Vale. Emmett at Ontario, Parma Pendleton January 5 to 10 for held peace lias come,” he told the congrega ON NEW CHURCH types of crops that bring high are going to have to give up our at New Plymouth, Adrian at Nyssa officers. He stated that blackouts tion. prices. Sunflower seed and roots for mobile generators to the army. Our PLAN SUCCESSFUL (non-conf.t. Saturday, Weiser at planned for the future will be much The Rev. Charles Donaldson, dis making drugs can be grown here generators are valued at about $35,- ONTARIO. Jan. 22 (Special) — Workmen have completed ex Nyssa. Emmett at Payette, and Ad longer than the one staged Sunday trict superintendent. Introduced the successfully. for the basement for the rian at Fruitland. 000. The wire we would use in the night. owners who have returned bishop. Gordon Aspengreii, high cavation "The field at which the chemur new lines is worth about $4,500.” Property Nazarene church to be constructed With the Snake River valley bas “If people would fix a room for personal property assesments, re school music instructor, was soloist. at Fifth and Good streets. gic council can work is almost un In reply to a question concern ported ketball conference tied in a knot blackouts they would experience less from 100 to 400 per cent The Rev. Floyd White and the Rev. limited”, Mr. Morgan said. The stucco building will be 40 ing a contract to get power from more than the values returned to Millard Sherirh, both former minist feet wide and 60 feet long. The audi after preliminary rounds of play the inconvenience". Mr. Cook said. “It the bureau of reclamation Heller deputies last year. County Assssor ers of the Nyssa church, also ap torium will be 40 feet square. The Nyssa Bulldogs take on their fourth is easy to black out opponent here Saturday night. They The chief urged the a room". stated that no contract had yet Ed Hendrix told Ontario business peared. SEVEN CONFESS of boards main floor will also contain a nur will meet the Wolverines from Wei over windows so that use been made and he didn't know men, Wednesday neon, when he dis Following a covered dish luncheon sery at the rear of the building ser. if the glass GUILT IN COURT The Weiser game isn’t the only REA. Heller claims he agreed to this cussed the new plan to tax asse - in the basement, afternoon ser and a pastor's study at one side of contest of the week to be played is broken during a raid persons in but when it came time to make the ment with members of the Kiwanis vices were held with Bishop Bax. the platform. the house will not be cut by flying VALE, Jan. 22 (Special)—Seven deal here, for Coach George Simio’s glass. other power company employees and Commercial clubs. pleas of guilty were heard last denied ter again delivering the main ad The full basement will contain hard-driving Adrian Antelopes will “About the only way to combat Strike had ever made such a In the case of residence property dress. Rev. Leroy Shaver, recently Sunday school rooms. week when the circuit court con guests on the local maplecourt an airplane raid is to educate the which has been appraised by depu- I ( turned missionary from Japan The Nazarenes have sold the be vened with Judge R. J. Green of statement. “Any time we can buy power from ties of the state tax commission after 22 years in the orient, gave church building they are now us Friday night. La Grande presiding. the officer stated. A per The Adrian game is non-confer people", Judge Green sentenced Leo the Idaho Power company they will working with Mr Hendrix and hi;: the principal address during even ing to the Christian church. son should how to handle an ence so far as the Snake River Val incendiary know Franklin Countryman to not more find me willing to get right back of assistant, it likewise shows more ing services. Mrs. Wesley Sherman bomb. Each plane is ley league is concerned, but in a Heller asserted. He also stated than 100 per cent increase. than four years in the state pen it," if carrying 2.000 incendiary and Mrs lliuph Beutler sang a duet way it is much more important. One capable itentiary on a charge of forger, and that building of the one mile of "Vie have appraised 108 pieces and Alice Hashitanl presented a COUNTY NURSE bombs. The> most common incendi of four Malheur county teams, Vale. line to connect with Idaho Power ASSUMES DUTY nf residence property in Ontario," | sentenced four other men to jail bemb is two Inches in diameter Ontario. Adrian, or Nyssa. will go ary terms. The four were Lester Moore, lines at Vale had been considered. Mr. Hendrix said. "The value on solo. and 13 inches long. The case is The new church was built fol to the state tournament this year, Heller continually stressed the de VALE. Jan. 22 (Special) — Mrs. these 108 properties have been rais- j lowing the burning of the former 11 months on a charge of contribut made of magnesium. The core is and the winner will be chosen on a ing to the delinquency of a minor; sire of the cooperative for an in ed from $31.000 to $78,000. or an Methodist church here about a year Edna Farris arrived in the county, round-robin basis. made of thermite. It will go through Monday evening, to begin her new average of 153 per cent' Earl Pollock, six months on a charge vestigation. a roof and stop in the attic or on and one-half ago. Of brick construc In the case of merchnnaVe stock i tion the ediftce has a seating capac duties as county health nurse and Nyssa already has a leg toward the top floor. of possession of stolen property and It is impossible to is being welcomed back by a host concerning which questions were ity the trip with a victory over Ontario, paroled; Max Anderson and Carl WHEAT EXPORTS smother thermite as it furnishes its of 250 in its auditorium with ad of friends who feel that her return ast;ea. Mr. Hendrix said that shop but the schedule ahead Is tough. The Hueston, 12 months on a count of space in a balcony. A full to the county will mean a great deal four teams are considered to be very own oxygen. worn. out-cf-date merchandise of ditional using an automobile without author OF OREGON DROP basement a stage and audi to its welfare. “There is no positive protection ity, and Leland Hoffman. 12 n cnths Only 143,229 bushels of wheat and course lies depreciated in value and torium fcr includes church and pro A suite of rooms including the even in every respect. against a direct bomb hit on a should n"t be turned in at invoice grams. as well as a plays on a charge of non-support. kitchen. shelter so that instead of all per bushels of oats were exported cost. Each merchant must use his Hardwood floors are a feature of office formerly occupied by the Anderson and Hueston were 6,752 Oregon sons gathering in one large shelter in the six months end own judgement on replacement val the construction. county engineer, is being prepared TIME TO POISON granted a parole at the end of from they should enter small scattered ing December 31, compared with 1.. ue. That also applies to machinery i for her office at the courthouse and RABBITS IS HERE whether it could be made or not. He 326,463 shelters". and 19,217 bushels, respectiv and equipment, he said. she has stated that as soon as she denied that the line was being used ely, in the half of 1940. accord "Experience of the State Tax PARMA STUDENTS Mr. Cock then discussed various can get a schedule arranged, her as a subterfuge to reach in to new ing to the last inspection division commission shews definitely how SEEKING OFFICES regular office hours will be announ ONTARIO, Jan. 22 (Special) — types of explosive bombs. territory with the statement that of the state grain While snow is on the ground Is Grant Rinehart of Nyssa gave a department of agricul a business building can be appraised ced. four new customers would be the ture. for replacement worth, and so far COI LEGE OF IDAHO, Jan. 22, “I’m so very glad to be back.” Mrs. one of the moat opportune times to short talk on Lion ism. most they could get anyway. the jack rabbit population. The Lions club will meet at 7 p. Asked if it would be possible to Exports of seeds in the six-month as possible that formula will be fol 'Special)—The political pot at the Farris said upon her arrival, “and cut down Job can best be done by group m. Monday of next week instead of buy power from the Idaho Power period totaled 12,700 sacks, an in lowed. The same is true of resi College of Idaho burst into a full I am locking forward to meeting all This boil Friday after 'wo weeks of sim my friends just as soon as possible.” effort, that is, a number of farm at noon in Brownie's cafe. company Heller charged that he crease of 37 percent. Flour ship dence property.” ers in communities making a con Sirnio’s starting lineup will be had tried every means he thought ments were way down, with 191,730 Automobile men who discussed mering when nominations for of She is living at present at the home centrated effort to poison these rod chosen from J. Wilson. J. Zamora, possible to buy power from the pub barrels Inspected in the last half of their problem following the meeting fices in the associated students were of Mrs. Kathryn Claypool and will ents. County Agent Brooks said. A. McDermott. D. Hatch, and M. lic utility but had been unable to 1941 compared with 906.423 barrels indicated that they face a difficult made. Election cf the officers for make more definite arrangements situation. Mr. Hendrix told them the next two semesters will be held later. Some preliminary work done Tallman, forwards; C. Tullis and in the same period in 1940. do so. She has been in Cody, Wyoming through the county agent's office D. Hite, centers: and E Hatch, cap He further charged that some For the calendar years 1941 and j they must turn in their entire stock next Friday. tain. D. Kurtz, K. Tallman, and I. months ago, C. J. Strike, power 1940. exports were: Wheat, 881,131 of tires, even though they can not Three candidates each have filed for the past year and visited her has produced excellent kills and re Mitchell, guards. company president, had offered to and 2.641,229 bushels; oats. 56.734 sell them. Also under the new law 'or the presidency and vice-presi people in Kansas before coming back ports coming from individual farm Eugene Brady. Don Eldredge, Ray sell power to the REA on condi and 56.409 bushels; seeds, 19.224 and they must turn in used cars, unless dency. There are two candidates ! to Oregon. She drove through alone, ers indicate the same results. each for corresponding secretary encountering lots of ice and sub Many farmers have undertaken Larson, Eugene Cleaver, and Keith tion future construction be confined totaled 610.443 barrels; in 1940. 1.- they are licensed. probably will take the floor to the original allotment given the 9.240 sacks. Flour inspected in 1941 Another problem presented Mr and financial secretary. Three stud vero weather on the four days trip to skin the rabbits and market the Russell the Bulldogs. thirty days and Hoffman at the totaled 610.443 barrels; in 1940, 1,- Hendrix after the meeting was that ents were nominated from the floor but reported no ill luck. "There was fur which has brought returns as for Saturday Weiser. the team of the gasoline dealers who shewed for publications. snow all the way,” she said. end of a sixty day period in Jail. r39.644 barrels. high as 14 cents per skin. The gen that defeated night. Emmett, who In turn him that under varying contract- Named as candidates for president Moore . was given credit for eight eral price is so much per pound with . As lncreased might be seed expected from Ore. defeated Nyssa. 29 to 15. will at dealers own their gas in stor vere Harley Barnhart of Lakeview. GOVERNMENT MAY seven adult pelts averaging one mcnths already spent , in the county production, the some to climb in the standings at age at figures as much as five cents California and Sam Toevs of Ru USE CCC CAMPS jail, his case having been carried pound and bringing about 10 cents tempt seed shipments sam per the expense of the Blue and White. gallon more than that of the pert. juniors, and Leslie Montgom over from a previous term of court. inter-coastal each. This price will more than off pled by this division increased the ery of Caldwell, sophomore. Bert Congressman Walter M. Pierce sell the cost of poisoning operations. Ace Lloyd, the Wolverine coach, The case of W H. Armson, who past year: 1941. 66.747 sacks; 1940. wholesalers. start L. Tryehurst and T. Win- Marcuscn of Nampa. Phyllis Carlton notified plead guilty to a charge of larceny 43.248 sacks. All those undertaking to skin rab will chamber of bits bigler. veteran forwards. D. 8nyder, SMALLER APPLE BOX cf Payette and Nile Williams of commerce the by Nyssa of livestock, was taken under ad should observe one important letter that he heard precaution. Wear rubber gloves dur center, and R. Benningfield and V. APPROVED BY STATE Lewiston, all juniors, have been sug the CCC buildings visement until February 2. ALL SAILORS' MAIL in Malheur ing the skinning operations to pre Lords, guards. Snyder at 6 feet, two SALEM. Jan. 21 (Special)— gested for the office of vice-presi The grand Jury which was dis FORWARDED TO FRISCO are to be used as concen vent inches is the tallest man on the A standard apple box, which dent. while two freshmen. Barbara county missed. will be called again for the SEATTLE. Jan. contracting tcularemia. (Special) — holds only 20 pounds cf fruit and Young cf Fruitland and Lou Mil tration camps. squad. April term of court. Judge Green In order to facilitate 22 delivery The formula for poisoning jack The buildings are located eight mail so has consumer appeal because ler of Caldwell are candidates for Ontario's victory over Vale was returned to LaOrande Monday from relatives and friends to of naval miles southwest of Nyssa. five miles rabbits is as follows: Fresh alfalfa one of the highlights of last week's evening and will come back to Vale, personnel without disclosing the of its miniature size, has been corresponding secretary. Sophomore I nerth leaves dampened with water, one Ontario, four miles north play. The score was 22 February 2. Two civil cases are location of ships, the thirteenth approved by the state depart John Young of Parma opposes Jun west of of Vale strychine alkaloid or strych- conference to 17. Nyssa over Payette, 27 ment of agriculture. The new ior Charles Grimes of Kuna for the of Harper. and two miles south ounce slated for that week. Charles Rob naval ine sulphate may be used by dis to 24. Weiser won district. Seattle, h a ; advised container may be used after Jan position of financial secretary. trounced Emmett, 27 erts vs. state industrial accident all persons chamber, an its weekly meet solving one ounce of the sulphate to 23. Vale edged out Weiser, 38 to living in Washington. uary 22. it was ordered following Only candidate for associate edi- ing The commission, set for February 2, and Oregon, Idaho. Wednesday, passed a motion re in one-half pint water and dampen 33, Fruitland took Parma. 36 to 15. and Wyo a hearing at Hood River January ter of the "Trail", annual student the Oregon Western Colonization ming to address Montana questing that Nyssa be switched to ing the alfalfa leaves with this solu- and Adrian clipped New Plymouth, such mall in care 12 . publication, is Marjorie Harper of company vs. Trent and Roy John of the postmaster at San Francisco. Pacific time. Such action would | tlon. The poisoned bait is distributed 29 to IS. Inside measurements of the Emmett. Lorraine McCormick of son. which will be heard February This order applies to mail addres leave the time as it is now when in rabbit runways and where rabbits new container are 16 -18 inches Jarma and Louis Koutnlk cf Nam 3 . are concentrating. Care should be sed to naval personnel afloat as leng. »'a inches wide and 7'y pa are Jthe candidates for associ i he time over the nation is advanced taken to avoid placing bait where OWYHEE PROJECT one hour in conformity with a law well as to units of the fleet marine inches deep. ate business manager of the “Trail”. livestock will get it and the proper- EMPLOYE ARRIVES recently passed by congress. HARRY BROWN IS force. The new arrangement will care should be taken in cleaning all assist those who do not know the Bt"k« Are Collected— UNION PACIFIC BUYER TAKEN BY DEATH utensils used in mixing the bait and Maurice Scroggs. superintendent location of a ship. The "books for victory campaign OF DRUGS, COMPOUNDS Youth is Promoted— is well underway in Nyssa. Persons OMAHA. Neb. Jan. 22 (Special)— Darnell Zorn ora of Nyssa has been poison. Harry Brown, former Nyssa resi of irrigation of the Sunnyside divis having books that they will donate i John Q Public usually thinks of promoted to the rank of corporal In dent. died in Pendleton this week, Attend Meeting— ion of the Yakima project, has been Oeorge Mitchell. Frank Morgan Visiting hi California— according to information received for the use of men in the armed 1 railt-cads In terms of locomotives, the air corps at Merced. California. transferred to the Owyhee project. and Carlos Buckner went to Nampa here. Bert Lienkaemper of the Nys services of the United States are cars and tracks By the same token, Corporal Zamora, a former high Mr and Mrs. E W. Pruyn and son. He arrived here Monday in company sa funeral home went to Pendle Tuesday night to attend the an asked to leave the books at the railroads buy millions of items that school student at Adrian, is s son Ronnie, are visiting in California. with R. J. Newell, construction en nual meeting of the Nampa cham Nyssa library or at the Powell ser to the public seem to have no con of Mr. and Mrs M C Zamora of They are expected to return home gineer. ton for the body Wednesday. Sunday. Mr Brown was formerly interest ber of commerce. Dr. Bennion of vice station. nection with railroads. As an ex Nyssa. On the Owyhee project. Mr. ed in the Nyssa Oate City Journal Salt Lake City, assistant to the pres Diseases Reported— Here From Tacoma— ample. the Union Pacific last year Goes to Seattle— Scroggs will occupy the position va His niece. Mrs. L. P Thomas, for ident of the Utaih Power and Light One case of pneumonia and two i spent nearly tl .700.000 to keep its Mrs Larry Newby has gone to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sager of Ta cated by Fred Bchlapkohl at On company, delivered the principal ad merly of Nyssa. is expected to arrive of chickenpox were reported In Mal medical dispensaries and hospital Seattle, where her husband is em coma hare been visiting Mrs Sag tario. Mr Schlapgohi was transfer here Friday from Oakland. Califor dress on ths subject o( "the Chal heur county during the week ending departments well stocked with drugs, ployed She has been employed in er's stater, Mrs OUbert Kltnkrn- red to the Anderson ranch reser lenge of 1942'. January 17. nia. chemicals and compounds. the Owyhee Drug company store berg. and other friend* in Nyssa voir with headquarters at Ontario. ' Heller Denies Waste In REA New Methodist Church Opened Teams Tied In Hoop Standings '■