Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1942)
4 pag e t » k THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1942 -r PARMA GRADE SCHOOL Joyce Martin was a guest at ;hc lo o Late to Classify GIVE PLAY i home of Mrs Roger Tucker Sun- The first and second grades ot < day. FOR RENT i _rma dramatized the story cf The Paul Herring of Parma was a FOUR-ROOM Modern House, just Very Big Basket." The salute to the dinner guest of Monte Corbett Sun built. See Wiley A Clowers. 542 flag was given by three pupils. Joyce day N. First. 8Jlxp Higgins read the "American's Creed" O Z. Matthews and Raymond and George Elfers recited the pre Pierce were business visitors in Mal- METHODIST COMMUNITY amble to the constitution. IRIS MILLER IS BRIDE MAYOR AND WIFE ARE CHI K d l Following the program refresh heur Monday. M. H. Greenlee, Pastor OF 8HERLEY PAUL BLAKE HOSTS AT DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Williams and ments were served by Mrs. Jesse Mrs. Charles Black were business The marriage ot Miss Iris Miller Mayor and Mrs J. C. Olsen enter Higgins and Mrs. Hamilton. Church school opens promptly at visitors in Boise Monday. daughter of Mr and Mrs Lee Miller tained New Year’s eve at a dinner - 8 - of Nyssa, to Mr Sherley Paul Blake and card party. NIMBLE FINGERS SEWING Mr and Mrs. E. A. Wimp. Mr and 10 a. m. Sunday morning under the of Vale was held Saturday evening. Mrs. E. C Williams and family and direction of L. E. Robbins. Morn Quests were Mr and Mrs. Carl As- CLUB HOLDS GATHERING December 27. at the Methodist par semlsen. Mr and Mrs. Roy QUbert Miss Mildred Adairs entertained Mrs. Charles Black spent New Year's ing worship Is at 11 o’clock. The pastor's sermon will be on "Useful sonage In Payette. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Collins of Nam the members of the Nimble Fingers at Mr and Mrs. Dick Smith's home Mediocrity." The two departments Rev. Kramer pronounced the vows pa, and Mr and Mrs. Will Schlre- Sewing club at her home January of the Methodist Youth Fellowship at the single ring ceremony by the man, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher 3. Tlie meeting was called to order VALLEY V IEW will meet at 7 p. m. The evening light of the Christmas tree. The and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Paulus of by the president, Patty Chard. Mrs. worship service starts at 8 o'clock Adarrs made a short talk on colors bride was attractively attired In soft Nyssa. Miss Bethel Brown came from with a half hour of congregational After the meeting the afternoon was blue crepe with matching accessor At pinochle Mrs. Collins won la Baker December 30 to spend her singing. The pastor will preach the ies. H ie couple were attended by dles' high prize and Mr Assemlsen spent sewing. Lunch was served. vacation with relatives. She Is taking sermon on “ Stretch Forth Thy their parents and a few friends. - I - won men’s high prize. nurse’s training at Baker. Hand." PINOCHLE CLUB MEETS A reception for members of the Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spitze and - 8 - AT M. FLETCHER HOME wedding party was held at the home son returned Sunday to their home KINGMAN KOLONY COUPLE Gecrge Sirnio and John Johnson The Pinochle club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Greer In Nys In Madras after spending their were Saturday dinner guests at the o f Mrs. Melton Fletcher of Ontario. NEW YEAR'S PARTY HOSTS sa. Mr. and Mrs. Blake will make Christmas vacation with the A. A. Frank deLespinasse home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill of High scores were won by Mrs. Merl Bratton family. their home In Nyssa. Mrs D. W. Patch and Mrs. H. R Kingman Kolony were hosts at a Heink, and Mrs Roy Pounds. The New Year's dinner guests at the A. -5 - New Year's eve party. Three tables traveling prize was won by Mrs. A. Bratton home were Mrs. C. C. Otis attended the Book club Christ- ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Claude Mecham. Wyckoff and family. Miss June Ma- mas P^rty at the home ot Mis Fi> Mr and Mrs. Herschel Thompson cf pinochle were played. The win - 8 - rie Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mo- Tuesday. The book. Home for entertained at a New Year's dinner ners »ere Bernard Frost and Mrs. MRS SARAZIN HOSTESS Connel and Mr. and M rs Melvin Christinas," by Douglas, was review- fer Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler and Omer Adklnson. The traveling prize AT BRIDGE CLUB PARTY was won by Mrs. Harry Miner. Spitze and son. besides the honor ed Uy Mrs. Tensen. Gifts were ex Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson. Mrs. J. J. Sarazin entertained the guest, Charles S. Wyckoff, whose changed. Tuesday evening bridge club at her birthday they helped to celebrate.! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corn of Ros- home. Miss Eva Boydell and Mrs. Mr. Wyckoff received a birthday | well called on Mrs. Gayle Martin Dean Smith won high scores. Mrs. cake from his son's family In Kan Monday afternoon. Edelson and Mrs. A. C. Sallee were Gloria Pounds and Rose McGinnis sas. guests. Mrs. Ruth Williams of Payette ar were New Year’s eve supper guests rived here Wednesday to visit her of Mrs. Gayle Martin. BIRTHDAY PARTY GIVEN Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thraser were daughter and family, Mrs. W. E. Mrs. W. W. Foster entertained at New Year's guests of Jack Corn in Brown, andj family. a birthday party for her son, TTiom- Oscar Bratton spent several days Kingman Kolony. as, who was nine years old. Eight Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks of at the home of his aunt and uncle. boys helped him celebrate his birth Mr. and Mrs. Russell Co. i :um of Wade. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Fitzpatrick day. The table was decorated in Nyssa, on account of the bad road and Mr. and Mrs. John Bower of red. white and blue, with a large Wilder, and Mr and Mrs. Harold conditions and weather. birthday cake and Ice cream snow Mr. and Mrs. Ben McConnell spent Long of Nyssa were New Year's men as features. Saturday afternoon and night with guests cf Mrs. Ellen Sparks. Arlene and Mervin Peterson and Mr. McConnell's sister and family ODD FELLOWS, REBEKAHS Irma Points were New Year's eve in Caldwell. WILL PRESENT PROGRAM WHY Dignity is the keynote Walter Hahn of Hermiston spent guests of Emily Otis. Gate City lodge No. 214 of the I. Parents and patrons of Adrian the last of the week at the Bratton of all our services. O. O. F. and Yellow Rose Rebekah ST A Y home and left Monday for Hermis high school are invited to visit school With complete under lodge No. 202 will present a “ Wildey” ton and Lewiston, Idaho, to visit his January 15. Open house will be day program January 15. The pub AT standing and sympa held. Regular school will be held brother. lic Is invited to attend. Rosemary Stevens is recovering except for an assembly in which thy, we are able to HOME - 8 - each organization In the high school from the chickenpox. conduct a quiet, beau P. T.A IS ENTERTAINED School opened January 5 after the will be represented. AT GEORGE ELFERS HOME W H EN tiful service at small The annual "free” basketball game Christmas vacation. Mrs. George Elfers entertained the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Belisle and will be held January 10. Adrian's cost. Learn about our members of the P.T.A. at her home YO U daughter of Ontario spent Sunday opponents will be Greenleaf acad new pre-arranged fu January 2. Thirteen ladies attend emy. at the Alva Amidon home. ed. Mrs. E. H. Bruir.bach gave an CAN neral plan. Bud Schweizer. former Adrian stu Interesting report on her recent trip dent and now a freshrflan at Oregon to California. COME State college, attended school Friday and during the pep assembly de Those who enjoyed a watch party GUESTS IN NYSSA HERE? scribed college life and gave a pep Miss Ruby Roberts and Mr. Rob at the LeRoy Herman home were talk. Ambulance Service ert Lange of Bend and Miss Edith Dick and Don Lytle, Mary and Ed Phone "3W Nyssa Rydholm of Spokane were week end De Lashmutt and Keith, Harriett Youth Is Promoted— Main Highway North guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and Agnes Herman. Others were Mrs. Henry Truelson of the Owy unable to attend on account of the hee section has received word from W. W. Foster. snow storm. The guests held a - 8 - her son. Jack Hunter, that he has ENTERTAIN AT DINNER taffy pull. been promoted from the rank of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waud spent training segeant to staff sergeant at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison werq hosts at a dinner given Janu Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fort Belvois. Virginia. Sergeant ary 3 for Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen Olsen of Nyssa. Hunter joined the army in Seattle Tom. Loe has completed his work of Huntington. four years ago. at the Nyssa sugar factory. - - 8 - On FRIDAY, JAN U AR Y 9, 1942 Mrs. R. H. Johnson and family INSTALLATION IS HELD Golden Rule chapter of the East were Sunday dinner guests at Mr J As I am going back to Kansas I will sell all ern Star held installation of officers and Mrs. Frank Graham's home. of my furniture and personal property at the Mr. and Mrs. Wily Clowers and j January 2. Dancing was held after the business session. family of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. j NYSSA COMMISSION CO. yards Friday, con W F. Snyder of Deadox Flat were j sisting of one nearly new bed room set, one good Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Dining set, one Breakfast set, two Dressers, two Mrs. George Clowers and family. Several of the men in the com extra beds, one Ice Box, one enameled Range Mrs Dwight Seward is sick. munity shoveled snow out of the stove, one Oil-burning Heatrola. Thi* furniture Marjorie Groot and Lila Fife left road New Year's day in order to Sunday for Boise, where they will reach town. is all like new. attend business college this semes The Helping Hand club will meet Also a lot of tools and miscellaneous items. ter. at Mrs. LeRoy Herman's home Jan- j Some of the busses were unable to unry 15. A pot-luck dinner will be PUBLIC AUCTION complete the routes Monday due to served. Whether you’re a basketball the snowdrifts. The Christian Endeavor will meet player or an office pencil CHAS. KITT, Parma, Owner Mr. and Mrs Bernice Gibson were at the Joe Waud home at 7:30 p. m pusher, energy is what you visitors at the home of Mr. and Come early as we would like to start this sale at need to keep you going. For Mrs. Roger Tucker Sunday 1 :30, sharp. If bad weather interferes, we will energy you'll go for try milk Ruth Matthews returned to col lege at Nampa Sunday after spend sell everything in heated pavilion. —cool, tasty, refreshing, ener ing Christmas vacation with her Glen Pounds visited at the home gizing milk. It has health parpnts, Mr. and Mrs. O. Z. Mat o f his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. NYSSA COMMISSION CO. giving elements In abundance. thews. Pounds, in Caldwell Sunday. Mrs. Darwin Klbby and Bertha Mr. and Mrs, Dan Holly and fam are visiting at the O. Z. Matthews ily were Sunday dinner guests at home. the Frank Miller home in Wade. Ruth and Lillie Matthews. Virgil Mr. and Mrs Donald Joseph of Seward. Pearl. Irene and Paul Her Weiser were Sunday guests at the ring and Randall Stathas attended D. W. Patch home. Milk and Cream a sleighng party at the Webster Open house was held at the Frank PHONE 05J2 home Friday evening. Miller home in Wade New Year's j Roy Pierce of ihe Richland district day. Several of Mr. and Mrs Mil was a Sunday dinner guest at the ler's friends from Adrian called. O. Z Matthews home. Mrs. Earl McKinney was hostess Double Feature Edward Larson has left for Ogden to the faculty ladies pinochle club to attend to business. Friday and Saturday, January 9-10 Wednesday evening. m m m The BANK BAR-B-Q Dancing Dignity USE JOURNAL WANT ADS Refreshments Riverview NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Public Auction Brighten up your SHOE Finest material! used, satisfactory work guaranteed. ABBOTT’S SHOE SHOP Across from P. O. M IL K Phone 108 THEATRE Lupe Velez, Bruce Bennett and Leo Carillo in “HONOLULU LU” George Montgomery, Lynne Roberts and Eve Arden in “ LAST OF THE DUANES” “ I’M A HAPPY MOTORIST” Bright SaringJ ot C hildren NYSSA FURNITURE CO. CLARENCE ASTON First & Good Ave. Nyssa Hotel "N o, Louise, I can't afford a new hat for the par ty, but it’s going to be a real society event. W e ’re going to serve caviar sandwiches made with “Sure I am ! The rea son is that I have my car covered • against f i r e , accident a n d theft. No more wor ries!” * i ^ SI .19 .98 » -» J An extra-large 5% Wool Beacon Blanket. Size 72x90. Plaid design. Satine Bound .............................. $3.98 FANCY BLANKETS A lustrous part Ray.xr. -..-J Vvool Single Blanket. Beautiful flowered designs, Heavy weight and size 72x90. Colors C - r z r , n -iie, Pink, Peach and Rust ............... GOLDEN RULE MAKE IT RIGHT STORE’ Oregon Nyssa (Better - m GROCERY SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, January 9 and 10 Macaroni * 4 Lbs. 25c Grapefruit Juicel "“.'46 02 39c Baked Beans 35c Sardines 25c Matches 6c Brr r f ____ 23c Windex | ott|e. 29c LA P & G White Naptha Giant Bars, 6 for Toilet Tissue Bleach L"ry' H gal Shortening Mat Sun. 2:30, Adm Uc-28c, Evening Adm. Uc-33c. Includes tax starts. THE DONWELL w O ap Sunday and Monday, January 11-12 Dorothy Lamour, Jon Hall, Lynne Overman and Katherine DeMille in “ A L O M A OF THE SOUTH SEAS” Photographed in Technicolor work BEACON DOUBLES Size 66x80 Double Blanket in Blue, Peach, and Pink Colors. Satine Bound. CO A durable 5 % W ool Blanket C Aar. Sat Mat.. 2:30 P. M . Adm_ 5c-20c; Evening, llc-33c. Includes tax Spring the 25% WOOL DOUBLES A heavy weight 72x84 double blanket. Assorted Colors in Plaid design. Satine bound .................. .................. Adrian PROGRAM before SNOWDEN SINGLE BLANKET Double bed size Plaid Blanket. Chain Stitch Bound. Asstd. colors. Size 72x84 ENERGY Shelton’s Dairy paper AURORA DOUBLE BLANKET Large full bed size Plaid Blanket. Chain Stitch bound FOR NYSSA rooms with new wall BLANKETS D R IN K Alberta Valley QUALITY REPAIR 1 arzl L ara 4-lb. Packages Bacon LbMten Heavy 27c 19c 28c 67c 65c 25c W e Close at 6 P.M. Wilson Grocery OREGON t «