T H E NYBF A G A T E C r 0 JÜ U H N A L T H UKSDAV, ./A N U A H V 1, 1042 PAGE SIX Oregon Trail ----- KU — ~ SI y f glng ---- P I t * * * I i ” ^ W ai rea a lh 0 jg ^ a : li tur /v, tU I an pe g jj - o ■*•** Sa tQ DJr gV j *, *** g< g»- m- * SI q I 0* 31 CJ ^ A U , D p S1 . 4 ^ J g • *• p 1 V C r f _ . I J ] ( ^ j ' . 1 The Oregon Trail school presented its Christmas program last Monday evening. The program wa : given as follows: Two playlets, 'Tiny Tip Stays at Home" and "Christmas Cards on "Sunta's Helpers,” an operetta, by the primary grades; a play, "Star Oleams." and a Chri tmas skit by the upper grades. Mrs. George Wil son assisted with the music. Treats given by the P.T.A. were distributed. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes were hosts at the annual family dinner Christmas Guests were Mr. and Mrs A. M. Goodson and Estelle of Notus, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Holmes and family. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Byers and family and H. E Byers of Ta coma. Mr and Ml F.C. I on Christmas at dlnbcr for . group of relatives, Dbiner guests Christmas at the Lester Toll home were Mr and Mrs. Virgil Sumpter and family of Cald- well. M Ji i llytie wxs ill part of !»•' week : .rs. Pearce and Pat of LaGrande s] nt part of last week with Miss E rott y Pearce, who returned to L It ide with them to spend the <». 173 H*»< rtplimi S. T. R. 188 189 Lytle 183 184 185 188 M & H o lte ................. ..NW*4NW»/*NWi, SWJNW1NWV4 SEJNWV*NWV4 S4NEV4NW V4NW1, A. T. 2 in SWV4NEV4, NE V* NES 30 19 NW1SWV4 SW Vi SEI, SWJNWV4 SE >4 N W 'i 32 . SViSW fcSW i laginnis, Loyel M ............... 27 15 43 31 41 191 Malheur Land and Livestock Co. A. T. 13 in Lot 2 192 Mansur. Glenn Est. A ll South of river in the SWV4SEV4, SEISE Vi 1 19 Hi.'. ...SWINES Marcotte, Eugene L. 19 15 43 15 43 13 41 31 43 44 41 _____ Lincoln Heights ■ _____ 3 Mr. and Mrs. Ge<i„e Ward and family motored to Burn.-. Sunday to visit their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pennington and son. On Wednesday Mi- and Mrs. Pen nington arrived at (lie Ward home to spend their Christmas vacation The two families « in the home of Mrs Ward's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Selby, of Nampa, to spend Christmas eve. The Junior Sunday school class enjoyed a Christmas party at the home of their teacher, Mrs, Vein Smith, Tuesday. Gifts were ex- changed and ilayed- Lunch was served at the close of the afternoon's entertainment. Side Roberts, who spent the week end at the Le Smith home, left for his home at Oroville, Washington Monday morning. Alda Andersen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Avery Anderson, has been sick. William Good of Hot Springs, Montana, arrived Sunday for a visit at the home of his sister and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith. He also visited oi the R Barnes and Vern Smith homes. Mr. Good left Monday morning for Seattle, where he will be err.pl yed. Christmas day dinner guests at the Lee Smith home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and son. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smith and son, Mrs. Rob- ert DeGross of Ontario and William Good of Hot Springs, Montana. Mrs. Chris Rookstool returned to her home Tuesday after spending two weeks visiting relatives in west- ern Nebraska. Dunne Schroeder of Hermiston Is spending his vacation at the home of his grand|>arents, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Orammon. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Prank and Ruth Bra- nom were Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Keith Mass of Nyssa. Mr. and Mi 1 aldtne and Cleon \ i I Wcd- nesday until M u M l ] t the tiomc of Mr. and Mrs O. M Dale and oth- er relatives at Midvale. Idaho. Mrs. Annie Harris and sons were Sunday dinner guests at the Ray Whltsell home Wayne Harris will return to Corvallis Monday after spending a week at the home of his mother. Miss Ruth Branom le \i uiday morning for Ogdei nled by Miss Elixir P\bee. to spend New Year's visiting ri lathes and friends. Mr. and Mrs Tom Whitlock left for thetr home near Raseburg after spending the Christmas holidays at the home of Mrs. Whitlock's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson. 194 Marshall, L. T ....... .. ...WV4NWS 35 21 46 195 Martin, Mrs. Maud E. ...NV4SWV4SEV4 27 31 41 196 197 Mailand, Soren ..... Maxwell, Maria M. ..WV4NEJSWV*NEV4 ...SES NE Vi 10 11 18 47 21 46 198 Meisner, Betty .................... ..SSNWV4SWS 31 32 200 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 .NES, E¿NW>,4, NE Vi SW V* SE Vi SE Vi Mitchell, Fred E. ..SEINE Vi Montague, L. E. Montgomery, Arthur L ..... ..NiSESSES ..SV4SWÍ4SEV4 NWSNEVi Moore, Amanda C........ 25 24 21 11 20 29 Moore, A. G ........... Morton, Mabel and Mary H. Barbour . 11 ..NW V4 NW Î4 N W V4 SWUSES, EVàSWS ..SESNVV Vi, Lots 2, 3, 4 18 19 NW >4 NE Vi Mueller, C. C. ..A, T. No. 1 in NV4SEV4NWV4 Myers, David M ....... . -NàSWViSEi w is w s McCart, George A., Jacob Earl McCart and Dcnnie Dale McCart ... 1 15 7 36 33 21 44 41 46 19 45 ..... \V*-:SW> a , SWJNW'l 36 22 46 36 22 46 ..SINEVi. NEiNEV4 S W i,N W i, 2211 19 42 7 McDaniel, Lois B......... McKague. Floyd R. 13 47 17 212 218 18 45 47 19 McKague, Floyd R.. 18 41 20 21 .. WJSWV4 217 31 44 43 McCormick, Arthur . McHargue, Rush 17 45 19 211 216 16 41 ..NWV4NWS KViSWV* SV4SW >4SWS Nnftzger, Charles E 17 17 44 Upper Sunset; Mr. and Mr.v Don Parker of Port land are here visiting at their par ent«' homes during the liolidays. Mr and Mrs. Jack Parker of Cali fornia aer visiting at the home of Mr. Parker's parents. Mr. and Mrs. V E. Parker A large crowd attended the club program and Christmas tree pro gram at the hall Christmas eve. Mystery pals were revealed and ev eryone received treats. Hubert Parker has been confined to his honr.e by the mumps. Prank Tosch is home from camp for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs R on Hookstool and family attended a family reunion at the B F Rookstool home In the Oregon Trail district. The Orange box social and dan< e n u well attended Saturday night Prank Savage and Mr Smith of Adrian furnished the music. Mrs. Prank Parker enjoyed a visit from her niece of Hood River last week. Tax Roll 1940 13 30 42 1939 Vii # i«-.-X S l 1938 1937 Lockm. Harry H. :........ .......WVsEy,,NWV»NE>4 1940 W 4 NWV 4 NEV 4 . 1939 e W !1KE!4 34 16 47 1938 1937 Lopez, Andrew and • NV4NWSSES 31 32 4-1 1940 Rose, husband and w ife...... 1939 1938 1937 Lucas, Mrs. Cora M .............NWSSWViNWS 17 19 47 1940 1939 1938 ^ •<. 1937 SViNWViNWVi 15 32 41 1940 Ludeinarra, F. Carl and • Gertrude, husband and 1939 1938 w ife __ ________________ 1937 3 18 47 1937 Luper, Orlando .......... . W Vs W¿E V4 SE V4 SEJ h< idaJ If. E Byers of Tacoma spent a ftvV dnys last week ut the homo of h i; br her, P. S. Byers, and family. Mr and Mrs. Marion Chard and ft rally were Christmas dinner guest at the Ernie Smith home near Mit el -11 Butte. - Name of Owner Lobb, W. B____ _________ .... ' 1, SWJ, E iN W i SWÌNWV4 221 17 44 30 18 45 Nicholson, C. E. and Carl E. Nicholson. Jr. .. NJSWV4 23 28 37 Nutting, Cora B. N W '.N W l Nelson, Violet 223 231 17 A. T. 10 in Vale 222 224 .N V jS W '.S W ',, N W ’ .SWS S W '.N W l Naftzger, Edward P. ....... .......... Oakes, Mrs. E. K 233 O'Hara. Frank B. and Elizab'th C„ husband and wife 30 ..Portion of NWl*SEV4 lying North of Owyhee Ditch less railroad. Portion between Owyhee Ditch and U.S.B.R. r. r. in the 23 20 NESSES N W V» N W S le s s d it c h r.w. along no. a n d e a s t 21 17 sides 23 31 NSSEV4SW14 Nyssa Bench Land Co 232 25 -k 41 'Tart 32.64 52.22 40.01 37.90 145.36 163.66 108.29 84.91 .79 .96 .79 .75 38.76 44.67 36.63 33.07 .79 .96 .79 .74 481.87 lo t 2.28 7.83 9.20 11.74 10.18 24.55 24.90 26.3^ .06 .14 .18 .23 2.71 6.70 8.42 10.25 .06 .14 .18 .23 149.38 Total 235 O’Neill, Frank Est. 236 Open Heart Co...................... SEI. EJSW V4 290 292 3.90 1Ç 18 30 42 14 43 1940 1939 1938 1937 .1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1935 1940 1939 1938 1937 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 .79 .96 .79 .74 9 53 12.26 10.56 9.25 123.78 147.31 136.83 109.84 1.59 1.93 1.57 1.47 132.15 114.58 132.76 .79 .96 .79 .74 476.50 54.85 81.46 79.16 38.77 79 .96 .79 .74 .06 .14 .18 .23 .66 1.84 2.43 2.86 9.01 22.10 31.47 51.62 .11 .29 .36 .46 19.82 26.35 41.15 .06 .14 .18 .23 147.71 3.84 12.22 18.21 12.02 .06 .lb .23 3.90 1940 1939 1938 1937 19.83 20.35 17.64 16.39 1.39 3.05 4.06 5.08 87.79 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1940 1935 1932 1931 1930 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1937 1936 1935 1934 1932 1931 1930 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1939 1935 1934 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 13.33 14.62 6.73 6.67 .79 .96 .79 .73 .80 36.42 42.36 63.23 140.10 154.02 953.00 13.53 16.89 13.19 13.44 30.09 21.08 29.45 32.05 33.79 23.70 43.51 30.81 .79 .96 .79 .74 325.00 290.09 225.31 211.77 21.36 14.27 13.12 26.01 29.47 36.25 37.47 12.85 15.71 15.26 11.26 .93 2.58 1.73 2.24 .06 .14 .18 .23 .33 3.52 21.04 41.30 102.73 101.65 320.78 1.30 2.98 3.38 4.52 2.90 7.09 12.27 15.91 19.48 15.48 31.90 20.33 .06 .14 .18 .23 31.39 51.22 57.81 71.28 3.77 7.09 7.56 1.82 5.20 9.30 12.61 .90 2.77 3.91 3.79 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1937 1938 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 22.62 19.78 13.81 12.74 15.08 13.19 9.20 8.49 5.89 6.47 2.48 1.79 38.52 41.43 13.49 12.05 37.96 37.66 2.58 3.23 2.52 2.81 1.59 1.93 1.57 1.47 1.58 3.49 3.54 4.29 1.06 2.33 2.36 2.86 .41 1.14 .83 .46 2.70 7.31 3.46 4.06 15.81 18.70 .25 .57 .65 .95 .11 .28 .36 .46 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 7.70 6.54 10.05 4.54 5.18 .54 .98 2.31 1.40 2.02 3 18 47 NEV4SWJ 18 18 46 NEV4NE1 31 31 41 A. T.S 34 and 35 Ott, E. C„ and Grace F., husband and wife Pacific Loan and Investment Co.......... 294 Palmer, Lamar . 38 6 A. north of the river in EJSEV4 22 295 Parks Commercial Co ........EV4NEVÌ, WViNEVi 297 Patton, Lillian M. ..... 1176.88 i A. T. 20 in SWViSES A. T. 19 298 Penwell, J. A ............. 299 Perkel, Edna 303 Plant. A. G ..... ...................... A. T. 33 in SWJSEU 18 45 27 30 42 3 3 18 18 47 47 . NV'NES 35 21 46 3 29 the NESNF.'/i N W *4N W Vi less part 28 of A. T. 2 A. T. No. 1 in SEViSWi 48.83 5.01 10 48 1937 48 1936 41 1940 1939 1938 1937 31 41 1940 10"9 ij- il 1957 19 45 1937 --- O IP"'! . j 40 17 47 1938 1935 1934 1932 16 47 1940 1939 1938 1937 44.60 46.82 .79 .96 .79 .74 .79 .96 .79 .74 16.78 18.68 20.98 20.75 9.63 8.02 9.47 8.69 11.30 12.93 17.02 15.08 13.83 18.26 .06 .14 .18 .23 .06 .14 .18 .23 5.20 4.29 3.15 1.45 2.21 3.77 5.21 5.44 .79 1.94 3.91 4.67 1935 1934 1932 1931 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 1940 1937 1934 1932 1929 1936 1935 1934 1932 1937 124.03 131.J5 122.24 132.83 .43 .36 .24 .22 .21 .¿9 12.18 12.27 11.21 8.78 1 59 1.93 1.57 1.47 .79 .96 .79 ' .74 5.34 6.07 4.51 4.77 476.50 37.45 2897.65 37.53 35.13 60.00 89.77 50.18 67.82 59.86 937.70 58.58 72.13 76.59 93.86 .03 .05 .06 .07 .08 .08 .85 1.84 2.58 2.01 .11 .29 .36 .45 .05 .14 .18 .23 .37 .91 1.04 1.47 147.71 2.62 898.27 20.64 20.01 37.99 35.01 23.58 37 30 37.51 290.68 1940 1935 1934 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1936 1935 1934 164.97 125.44 98.10 55.65 67.82 65.62 48.82 12.37 11.51 18.31 17.84 1.92 1.64 1.32 .84 1203 13.19 7.42 9.82 2.78 1.70 1.29 .47 249.00 224.31 258.31 201.99 11.55 58.96 53.95 3.90 10.17 15.09 15.13 .86 1.72 4.21 5.53 .13 .25 .30 .26 .84 1.98 1.71 3.04 .19 .25 .30 .14 17.43 87.48 121 40 111.09 7 33 41 311 313 Roberts, Ivor 315 Robertson, C. H.................... Nà 327 Roe, Mrs. C. D....... 332 Rosen, Oscar ......... 333 Roy, John F. 27 36 3 706.37 1273.78 ......sy,SE>,i 32 69.23 Rucker, Lanty A. 3.90 335 Sapp, Jenny .......... 336 Saul, Dave O. 338 Schlender, Ralph E. and Elizabeth ...... 339 Schütter, M. J. 340 341 Seaweard, D. L . ______ Seaweard. Villa ......... 47 48 48 ...SE 'iN W iSW l less part of A. T. 6 15 A. T. 7 15 Lot 6, S W iN W IS W ! 15 SV4NW1NWV4SW1 15 18 47 ...A strip of land 169 feet wide immediately south of the North 143 feet of lot 6 27 21 46 369.84 ...All land lying west or railroad r. of w. in NANWS 36 16 43 --NW1SWV4 31 41 1 31 41 S G S W lN F .'i 27 158.13 _____ E1SF.J less 6.20 A 24 19 42 66.45 81.85 54.57 19.47 342 Sharpe. Emma L. and B. E........................... 344 Shimp, Walter, and Ross Smeed ..... ........ Smith. Mrs. C. C. ___ 345 123.02 2 2 2 2 18 47 18 47 25 36 30 29 44 45 10 18 47 ....Lot 3. Lot 4 NE Vs SW Vi 18 18 47 14 19 44 9 20 46 . .WV4SW5SWV4SW1 . - NViSWVxSWVi e vysw v* s w >4 s w >i W lSE '.SW SSW i A. T. 1 ....NES, ESNWVi NV4NSNWSNEVÌ 346 Smith, Gladys ..... ....... —EViNEH 347 Smith, Guy H .............. ....EVjSEti less ditches 349 Smith. Wyatt C....... ...... ...Portion north of Owyhee Ditch in the SWSSES" 23 20 110.13 13 56 7.77 351 Sproul, A. L . _________ . .NE’ iN E ^ 352 Stacey. F. W ___ _____ 46 18 17 44 ....All South of river in NttNW S 2 19 43 .. .NWV4 less A. T. 1 10 19 44 41.26 11.92 353 388 Stacey. H. O. l i t . _____ * 359.88 27.69 31.68 11.05 17.34 43 Prindle, June, Edwin W. SVL-N4NW ViSWS Blue, Grace Curfman, S,N W ',S W 1 Murk R. Blue, Lucille West 30 acres of Lot 4 Wright, Majel Blower and less No. 41 acres, 11 17 Helen Bodn ........................Lots 5 and 6 16 36 Rankin, Robert R....... ........ E 1* 9 36 Lot 1 10 Lots 3 and 4 N H NW Vi, NE«4, 15 NEJSE'4 NW>4, SWJNE5, 14 36 N W 'iS E 4 14 36 NV4SWV4 15 31 Roberts, Beulah A ..............NV4NWSSEJ ..SWV4SW'/* 7.78 1940 1939 1938 1937 47 16 307 . S1SVV4SE1 65.78 .01 5.73 18.89 14.54 .06 NJNWV. NWS Price, Herbert M. and Elizabeth, husband and w ife .................................... 334 12.94 15.99 14.90 11.62 1.59 1.93 1.57 1.47 68.65 84.46 78.04 71.24 131.04 73.30 53.21 58.18 82.54 52.97 67.71 19.74 76.41 1065.52 .13 12.20 34.35 23.21 .79 19 306 1' 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1936 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1937 1936 1935 1934 1932 1931 19.30 — " X. - I 18.37 1940 1935 . 1934 1932 1940 1939 1938 1937 18 47 466.81 308 3.45 4.97 3.79 3.28 15.53 17.94 15.41 15.43 813.38 73.86 192.03 37.05 12.26 636.90 300.53 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 1 Total lot. 238.25 619.45 58.50 175.18 162.64 136.83 132.02 1.82 2.07 91.49 23.04 17.71 18.18 16.10 49 39 3.90 624.21 Tax i 3.90 7.78 Tax Roll j- Pagliotti, Frank and Rina, husband and wife.. 3.90 «31.25 104.70 147.21 141.31 28.03 2 82 .03 .14 .18 .23 ..WiSWJ 293 181.21 222.77 267.66 225.52 39.68 9.10 .79 96 .79 .74 Name of Owner 588.17 1935 1934 1932 1931 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 No. 193.82 46 47 41 - 6. T. R. Description 1937 1937 1929 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1937 1940 1939 1938 1397 2.65 4.18 4.99 88.46 109.06 3.89 102.36 123.51 3.89 3.89 91.28 52.44 67.64 0 - 812.01 2.02 51.72 7.77 3.88 24.48 624.21 4049.29 401.03 1228.38 512.97 282.20 72.35 6.66 50.03 7.12 1271.01 \