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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1942)
PAGE FOUR THF NV SSA PAGE STAi. CAPITA! \F_WS KLA SU One Six Sing) I P E U wht war real stru don ihoi is w ei a li- tun efTc fera tu ri ant mo peí air 13 : sa\ to by ev' ic' fic sp go T1 sp of or ar cr dr w¡ A hi b. r w si 0 d I J 8 1! n c V d r f r t . Ci u s i J liE C L O S U R E urc* Li t, la!!*« ir County, State of Oregon IV TME CIRC» IT COURT Oi T ill, STATE OF OREGON Salem — As per prev), Lie- tlons the state tax levy. .-omul u- ed this week contain: no 1 -. against property. The entire *4,3:12 - 300 to be raised for tate need.- dur- lng the six monh period en June 30, next, will come fr;n: in- me taxes and miscellaneous u: es This will be the first time in Or - (ton's history that it has been ble to eliminate the entire . tale including that for support of he elementary schools This wn possible by the existence of a sur plus cf $1,821,058 In Income tax rev enues to apply toward exix-nditu.-e of the next six months. While the levy is the maxi: urn permitted under the constitutional limit It lacks $307 888 of cov n - the needs of the state for the ix month period, estimated at $5 140,- 168.95. This apparent delin', ii■ eve' ■-'])■ : • vv t>- 3odl ed pa m 1 ritan ■ taxes, to the credit of th. : enerai fund. Pointing out that approximate! !hr' -fourths of all Income taxes are ;>ai 1 during the first half of the alei lar year, the state tax commis sion predicts "a sizeable surplus” on Jun 30, next, to apply on the nex' levy which will be made in July coviring an entire year. Complying with a request In Prr - ident Roosevelt the stati all of the 25 local employment agen cies over to the federal novel nm Personnel ol the agencii will b' talned on the federal payroll Ap proximately 250 employes fected by the change. The date ill retain control over the ccnlral » m- ployment agency which will be un der the direction of I c , which will cooiierate with the feder alized local ageneli The chum In status of the employment agen cies does not in any way a lci i th operations of the Unemploynv 1 Compensation commission which has exercised Jurisdiction over he employment service. A large delegation of dairymen ap peared before the state boifld of a. rlculture, meeting here last week, to protest against the new rulii-- which requires the use of a sa nit un cap which covers the pouring 111 ' of milk bottles. The regulation be comes effective January 1. J. D. Mickle, state director of a - promised the dairymen that the problem would be given flirt lier con sideration and that the regulation would be administered to the b Interests of the as the consumers. Inmates of the st. - pr. on want a chance to fight t) • Japa. than 400 of them slued a petition offering their services In any ca pacity the government might see fit to place them. 24. n iE COUNTY Ol MALHEUR, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff. 25. GOLlJA BAILEY ADIMNGTOl - .1. :» RON. O. L. ASHCRAFT, HOW- AKD 1 A L L A\ - l'H.Nw AVIS. RAV lAII.i.V, .VILLiAM BALDWIN, CHARLES E. p . ELLIO'i . . i, .... ' " ‘ L-. llU V 1 i(A ! L IT. Jo.-. M. BASSETT, ELSIE BAS- SE I r. CHARLES '■ ' ' ; L . ' . A ft!,:: ■ D....... N'N T. iOlIN' E. BENNETT. PHEBE . -•'• "II.M V. BLEVIN'S ESTATE. P. M.- BOALS, GEORGE li L- - » ' f ill ■>i ••'. , A i.o l.A BO H R. CHARLES E. BOOR, ERNEST LOcEY. FLOYD IfO W ALl .< i.T AGNES BRADNEY, JOHN BROSNAN, ST. CLAIRE BIU . L. BUNCH. W ILLIAM E. BURCH, S T. CALHOUN. L1U.II M ' . , !-. C AR U LE , R. M. C A R L I L E. FREU CASTRO, N A’l'A) ,!V Z ‘ >. a . u . AV i:. H o w a r d d . c h a p m a n , jr „ A. if. ( i l . Cl R, i: c. IM ‘ *T ' ( ......... ' IAVA L. CLEVENGER, COAST W. CONOVER. ALICE MARIE \V. <•; . IS, R. K. DANNER, . ■- ' PACIFIC HYPOTHEEK- . 1 ■ V : , e, A. OKI.GUN LAND - 1 ' I. r'i. ■ I-. r : . ", KOZINA FAI- . ' !'. 1 .- A T I! 1 :-'. IN', FEDERAL 1 ELTON Estate, E. FRYE OF PORTLAND, PAUL L. MARTIN GALE, MARY A. ............ . P. GILKERSON, GEORGE . JR., L. A. GREEN, STEL- ' C. HAGAR, ROLEN HALL, -. EARL HAMMER, i.K II. V. HART, SUSAN ■ . . . .’ .A S HAY, W. J. HESTER, • ' i . ,. NORA S. HINSHAW, W. .F L O D L IiO I T, I I _____ ■, . M. G. HOPE Estate, G. B. ■ 1 . . I . JR.. BRUCE B. • • . ; .'At KSON, BEAULAII t:. A- J- HAR i R A. JOHNSON, J. B. .................... • . . ' , • . . ,1'I.S . . S I AL.-.. N. I.S LARSON, ' . . . ■ « ■].'. i . W •«IN', EB3A GAY, ROBERT E. .. t; M. PHIPPS, CHARLES II. L i! I'LE. W. B. LOBB, * CA r, 1.1 DE- ............... -'I'l.. LO’iE L M. MAG IN NTS, M A L ii..- U LAND & L IV i TOCK CO., GI.E. N .IA .it . EUGENE L •MARCOTTE, L. T. MAR- ALL, MRS. MAU ■ ■ * A :' 11 . . . . VGA 'J. ' IV.'ELL, BETTY MEISNER, FRED E. MITCHELL, ' I ■ .... JO • :'« OMEIO. AM ANDA C. MOORE, A. G. MOORE, MABEL Alt (ARBOUR, C. I »AVID M. MYERS, GEORGE A. McCART, JACOB BA, ,L ART. I , Mil l McCORMICK,LOIS B. McDAN- I EL, RUSH M. HARO' l FTZGI A, EDWARD P. NAFTZGER, VIOI.JET NELSON, C. N O .' it., CORA B. NUTTING, NYSSA BENCH LAND CO., LtS. , 1 ' '>• ■ ’ ’ ’ ' ' '■ — .A. : I ( C. O'HARA, F R A N K O’N E ILL Estate, OPEN HEART CO., '■ ‘ t LOAN & INVESTMENT CO„ FRANK PAG U O TTI, RINA PA(,1 ■ I f TAL CO.. LILLIA N M. PAT- IARY I 1 . AYFOHD, J. L. i it. ..¡.W IN W. BLUE, GRACE <[ Itl IAN VI/ ii »I i I, M LI,. AVER HELEN BOND, ROBERT R. ■ ■ ' ' ..LAS, VERNE K. ROBERTS, R( y I.ANTY A. <• '• ■ . .A l.i-»! 1 SCI1 LENDER, ELIZ- ■ > LAV. ARD, EMMA U SHARPE. , i . Ii, A. L. SPROl L, F. W. STACEY. H. O. STACEY Estate, JAMES , TRID STEPHEN, NORMAN W. STEWART, W ILLIA M II. 1 I'O STING, JEAN O. S' . MiANWOLD. JOHN STRINGER, . JOSEPH F. TKSSAK. A. II. THOMAS, ELIZABETH M. TIOMAS, MARI' ■>. . i <• ITS, LAURENCE TOWN- L'M 1». ROB I ■ v V-. H( .. A L F li! .1 ■ \ ( . i*. WALSH Estate. GEO. >' •. • A ' ABE. LEE M. WEBB, AL A. RICE, NORA \V. WEBB,, W ALTER < . R V GEO WU 1». A. WAKE- I-' i G g D, W IL L e 1. 1 • < ... , . >J(.T,. i.; » w i n I . WRIGHT, JAMES T. 11 N< »■ . , G O B V ..O'.'. JAMES C. BENNETT, LI!'OR A M » OREGON LAND, W. ( . it, ALOIS HOFFMAN, ' 1 ' V, A ; IL L Cl IAS. II. MAELINSON, , ! !UKT. W. RICHARDSON, J. Rl BLE, GEO. W. SEL- i*'l, 1 1 ** , . a I. W1-.A1 I No. JAS. II. WORTMAN, MRS. C. •G. V.D ¡.. IIAAECl 1, JOHN A. KKNNE- ’ A V ’ a I HINKLE. PAUL EBERLY, IIAR- 1!.', I V 'T. LEE. P. G. BATT, EMMA BAL'D, F, COWARD, ' G. W. HARRIS, II. E. I VIE, C. L. LINDSEY. ETHJ I I.' i SI T H IN E M. LYTLE, LY N N MATHENY, MARGARET OLSi I'('it Ni>S. W.M. VAN ■ ERDEN, C. M. ZINK, C. C. BASCHE, BI ,< ’ CAI . v CAL ADA, NELLIE CARPENTER, EMMA J. CONOV 1 . . A ,.I’l l E. LOREE, FIRST MORT- \r ! :RY GALE, LIZZIE GRIFFITH, CHAS. A. HASTIN'( .': •'... S. J. JON I S. A. JONES, L. BELLE LEG..! TV ;ial . HUH ■ < ' .VAN, HANNA McAFEE, BERT NELSON. FRED I-J IH-SON, CORRINE IT E SI ■ IU( I ».SON, I. C. SMITH, W. D. ! V . I • ■ A. A. W ALi .S, MISS MAUDE W IL- i. R I.ANT» nil ' LIVESTOCK CO., - \NGEL EJURROLA, I. w i.' - E ' " !' ' ' r. • ■ I :V . lute, lit .NABD L. SEAMAN, MRS. A il VS SMITH, GUY 1!. SMITH, < i G l ONIZATION CO.. AND any in the property in cluded in the foreclosure lilt herein set forth, Defendants ■ VO ALL PERSONS H EREINAFTER • NYTV, OREGON, AND TO A LL I .('} < •:<. CLAIMING TO HAVE AN Y IN- : i . LIST H EREINAFTER SET . . r ore. '•* are LI4 for the year 1941: < ' 1 . YOU ABE HE REBY REQUIRED TO TA K E NOTICE . i. ...i o. :lie State of Oregon for Malheur i ..I t a on ihe .Malheur County 'Tax Foreclosure u a-ii. .ii < ur-.ty, as Plaintiff, will apply . no! i • th. u thirty .lays from the date puuii. ..lion c. : . . . d. .. > i pu'.-.i alien; any and all persons in* uv of i ' m iral i . . i . ... ur 1 Li ' are hereby required to file an n Vi at an decree within said thirty days the 11th day of December, 1941. ... i i , . id Co. ■ it ij > C " t for Malheur County, Ore- ....... 'i i d in said county, and de- C .............. v Hi n aid notice is to be published Court, which order is dated the ,.Ui day of November, 1941. i . >e.i: Mill, which applicatioh is made to fore close, is as follows: No. Name oi Owner Desci iplion 1. Addington, Golda Bailey . . ,.N .SW HNW HNW H 2. Alcorta, Jusla ......... A.T. 6 in Eot 2 19 A.T. ö in Lot 2 A. T. 6 in Lot 2 Owyaco Guests at the Willi i n Pent/ hone Friday were Mr and Mrs. Willy Mc Ginnis. Mr. and Mr Prut/. en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peutz of Payette Sunday. The Owyhee school started Mon day after a week's vacation Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters ; i Christmas In Boise at the Arthur Jones home, where other m- mb r = of the famby also gathered. Mrs, Rex Walters accompanied th'm home for a visit of several dav Mr and Mrs William Pent/ and family and Mr. and Mrs tie i > Neln and family were I at a Christmas party at the Wer ner Peutz home Christmas eve Mrs Mildred Hite entertan t Christmas day for Mr. and Mr Sersaln of Marsing and Mr. and Mrs Tate of Vale Mr and Mrs. William Our.:, n of Vale and Mrs. Ida t' awlpv ru V daughter. Marguerite, of Ontario were over night guests of Mr and Mrs. Charles Bradley Wednesday. On Christmas day they, with Mr and Mrs. Bradley, went to Boise, where they were entertained at the Ole Solomon home Joe Mendiola and famih fenm-v ly of Owyhee, visited Mr. and Mr Tom Lowe of Mitchell Butte ( » ri-t mas day. Joe Is now fanning near Harper. He was IS years old when he arrived from. Spain to make his home In the United States. 23. FOR MALHEUR COFNTY 3. Anderson, Piiilip B. ... .... A.T. No. 1 in the S hb SE /A SW ' 4 Ashcraft, o.' L. & W HNW H NEH Howai•. Elliott ............. . isEH NW H Nortii 11 acres of SE HNW H Avis, Paul <1. and Irene, SW N W H N W H hu id nd wife ........ 10. Bailey, Ray .... ...... . Baldwin, William ,. ...ET à. HSW HNEH ^Vs -.V «MWH S. .11 T. R. 18 47 19 19 41 43 23 21 4o 1 1 1 21 #16 7 33 41 10 18 47 23 31 41 12. Barrett, Charles E......... NW 13. E; ikett. Tlcuben B. and EViNEH NW H SF NW H 2 2 22 E' a W G E H S E Î.S E H 3 18 47 30 19 43 14. 16. 2a 21. 22 Bassett, Joe M. and Elsie, husband and wife Bclgarde, Charles Gregory Billups, Edgar B. . Blackaby, Earl Blat-kahy, Earl NWH NEH N f. ¡N W 1, SE , SW H All Inni l>iug below high lateral ditch in the NW H VVHSWH 20 22 4 17 47 16 46 46 16 43 12 18 45 Tax Roll 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1910 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 19.38 1937 1937 IMO 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1931 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1 . 1934 1932 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 26. 27. 29. 30. 32. 33. 34. 37. 39. 40. Tax K Ml 1937 1940 .NEH SE *4 Blevins, W illiam W. Est 32 42 1939 W Va S W H , SE Vs S W V» 1938 1937 1940 35 16 47 ...NVVHSWH Boals, P. M............. 1939 1938 1937 1940 35 16 47 E HNWH NW H Boals, P. M.............. — 1939 1938 1937 1939 26 16 47 SWHSEH Boals, P. M............. 1938 1937 29 Part of NW H Bodfish, George H. 1940 29 Part oí SWH 1939 29 13 41 Part of NEH 19118 30 Part of NEH 1937 30 13 41 Part ol NE **SE V* 1940 10 20 43 Boileau, Emil ........... ... SVá 1939 1938 1937 1940 9 31 41 N Vi NEH SWH Booker, Arrola 1939 1937 1936 1940 35 20 38 Boyer, J. S.............. . NViSEH 1939 1928 1937 1940 Boyer, Orin N E ».N E 1.SEVI, 1936 S Ç NE Vi SE Vi NEH S W L , SE NSW H 1935 Lots 3 and 4 1934 1932 24 21 46 Bradney, Margaret Agnes N E H N W 'i 1940 1939 1936 Bi-osnan, John ... W ÇSEV4SE 'i 1937 Brown, St. Claire VVC-SEH 1940 1939 1938 1937 Brown, W. S. 21 18 44 NV i S E ' i S W ' i 1940 1939 938 1937 Bunch, Orlander L. 27 31 41 . SWV.NVV'i 1940 939 1938 1937 Burch, William E. 35 30 41 SEE SE Vi 1940 1939 S. T, Description Nam» of Owner No. * .u 1 1! Tax Tor A. L. LINDBECK Truck combinations up to 60 feet :n length and of a gro- ; weight up to 68.000 pounds are now p mi:' in Oregon htghwa if at lea:.' 50 per r-znt of the load. eother by weight or vrlume, consist f defen-e g ,(,ds comigned to an army or navy depot. This policy v;as adopted by the highway comm: >n in an effort to expedite the shipment of - ef r materials. Under this ruling it - ill now be possible for thi operating In both Washing t California to entf-r Ore on . stopping at the stat«- line to uni a and reload when the cargoes ar: made up principally of <io e ma terials. Tlie rrder was Issued under authority of a statutory \ i emergency operations and is not n garded as in violation of th enunciated by the legislature wh <h turned down by . a la ve majority request for the operations of the larger trucks In this stale T HURSO >Y, JANUARY 1, 1942 41. Calhoun, S. T. and Lillie M., husband and wife T. 'jNT-!11, NEHME1 42. Calkins, L NW 44. E. Carlile, A. E. and R. M. . 20 46 36 17 46 E 'iN E H SWHNWV 16 44 EH SEH N Vi NEH .. N ’ -jN H SW HNWH SEHNEH 24 25 32 45 26 26 27 32 45 46. Castro, Fred ...... 47. Castro, Natalie Z............ 48. 49. Cavin. A. D. Chapman, Jr., Howard D. EH NWH NWH N E 11 SE11 11 18 47 13 31 41 Chester, A. If.............«... A. T. No. 8 29 52. Chester, A. II. 53. Chester, A. H. ........- ..... SE H SE 'i less EVi of A. T. 25 55. A. T. No. 9 Christiansen, E. G....... ....... 1H acres in the N VI N W Vi S W 11 NE Vi 29 Int. 153.70 1.40 2.02 2.67 3.15 1.98 2.89 3.58 5.99 1.99 1.55 1.88 2.35 .06 .14 .18 .23 117.71 .06 .14 .18 .23 .36 .88 2.08 2.90 9.74 19.84 28.63 37.53 147.71 50.62 56.46 43.95 34.34 1.30 1.61 1.26 1.28 1.74 2.06 12.41 4,77 60.58 61.26 58.04 49.44 8.64 10.45 16.26 3.54 8.47 10.11 10.65 .09 .24 .29 .40 .68 .97 6.83 299 4.24 9.19 1334 15.33 .60 157 3.74 18 45 18 45 30 18 45 ñ i S?nr, * r 10 18 47 56. Clark. Bert C....................... SÇSW HNW Vi 7 32 41 57. Clevenger. ITava L. ............ A. T. 29 in the S H SW Vi SE H 3 58. Coast Land Company .. 7 33 41 59. Coast Land Company ......... N H N W H N E U 60. Coast Land Company S H N W 1. SW H 18 47 7 32 41 N H-NE H NW H and 1 32 41 N 'j N W H N W H Tax 495.83 20.01 13.50 11.61 10.17 28.28 19.25 15.58 19.35 28.36 10.36 S.18 7.GO .79 .96 .79 .74 476.50 .79 .96 .79 .74 5.20 5.89 9.06 9.37 139.14 132.25 124.71 121.05 476.50 K. Total 649.53 61. Coast Land Company ........N G SE H NE H 11 31 41 64.53 62. Coast Land Company 23 32 40 96 89 63. Cobbs, Oma and S Vi SW H E. W. Horner ...... ...........Lot No. 5 (13 acres) .....N 't NW H NE Vi 16 47 35 21 46 7 18 47 62.27 65. Colby 3.89 624.21 68. Conover, A. W. NGNGSEHNEVi 3.89 69. 70. Cook, Alice Marie ........ Craig, T. H. and R. J. Branift .............. . SHNHNVtSWViSE’ i 3 18 47 WH-NEH, NE Vi NE V4 30 18 44 35.74 71. Creasman. Marguerite SHNEM, SEH NWHNE'H I-ot 6 NEHSW H 612.94 624.21 E. B. 4 4 \ -NE Vi SE H 1 12 25 39 6 25 40 6 72. Curtis, A. W. 73. Danner. R. E. 74. Davidson. Watson R. --------NEHNEV4 less R. R. 21 Part of the NWÎ4NEH lying east of R. R. 21 218.14 ... - — EV s NW H less 5 aores 14 21 46 —.......— -SEHNEHNWV4 N EH SEH N W H NEHNEHNWV4 36 36 36 30 42 18 47 38 92 271.42 DeGan. C. A. S H N E H SEH I Con tinned on Page Five) Taz 1633 8.39 10.15 8.29 7.76 85.09 95.67 66.78 36.17 43.73 53.85 34.06 13.35 54.49 90.92 48.27 1935 937 16S.10 37.71 25 50 51.60 4.03 17.82 413 74 446 DS 2572 i0 7.77 HUI 1939 1938 1937 1940 1935 1934 1932 1931 1930 i.v.,4 1932 19-10 1938 1937 1935 1934 1932 1931 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1939 1938 1937 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1989 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 19.38 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 19.39 1938 1937 1936 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1932 1931 1940 1939 1938 3311.5g 7.7« L.'ltl 1939 L.iK 19(7 1.110 1928 1939 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 1940 Í) 1 ii».'»7 1910 1937 J ' ’ 41.03 143.07 12.58 32.59 25.82 15.64 18.79 15.13 14.88 1906.00 1.59 1.93 1.57 1.47 3.98 3.99 3.31 7.58 1.35 2.46 114.04 114.33 112.05 134.35 115.17 75.68 95.69 11T18 13.05 12.36 10.44 7.80 8.S5 7.60 142.95 .95 .79 .74 4.12 8.60 167.30 .79 .96 .79 .74 .79 .96 .79 .74 1.59 1.93 1.57 1.50 .79 .96 .79 .76 .79 .96 .79 .75 173.52 167.84 128.94 132.51 41.41 41.41 41.41 41.41 13.30 14.17 13.13 15.78 476.50 31.35 33.34 30.48 30.91 13.85 17.31 13.52 14.51 13.91 48.42 68 33 70.13 65.23 12.09 5.00 10.22 9.12 132.33 113.65 120.52 116.52 11438 in a i 106.41 110.90 .79 95 .79 281.51 4.88 8.00 71.29 1.09 2.82 3.48 4.61 76.4-1 590.86 2496.86 .11 .29 .36 .45 7.77 .28 1.24 1.29 3.56 .74 1.54 31.32 7.98 17.14 34.74 63.14 63.34 47.42 1062.68 67.61 .78 1.96 2.84 3.24 55.85 .55 1.33 1.75 44.31 215,11 .14 .18 3.(1'! .23 61 1.97 234.46 51.86 .06 .14 .18 .23 3.89 .06 .14 .18 .23 3.89 .11 .29 .36 .46 7.81 .06 .14 .18 .24 3.92 .06 .14 .18 .23 3.90 12.15 25.18 29.66 41.08 710.88 2.90 6.21 9.52 12.84 197.11 .93 2.12 3.02 67.34 4.89 147.71 624.21 2.19 5.00 7.01 9.58 149.86 .96 2.60 3.11 4.50 5.42 89.69 3.39 10.24 16.13 20.22 302.09 .85 .75 2.35 2.83 43.21 19.85 26.14 37.36 45.44 53.76 64 36 66.68 78.36 1323.69 .06 .14 .18