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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1942)
\ THE NYS8A GATE < JOURNAL ' " K JAN U ARY 1. iUjj_ d a Q i o r l a , Jpent Chrlatm ea batlohj arc invited to attend. with her mHlier Mr». Mabel Hart, ------------ + -----» — Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, R tn t, Find, or Hire Big Result* at a very low cost One trial RA TES: Two cents per word for er.c i issue Minimum cash In advance Is 30c, y oui welding Jobs. We promise good work and fair prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone 56 W. Ä A M T E L r-Ali FIV E ACRES with Improvements in Apple Valley. See Frank Morgan. 30 O tic BRAKE W ORK—Let us put your car or truck brakes In first class condition. Special equipment and trained men at youi service. Pruyo Auto Repair. Phone f>6W. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale 1 OR SALE KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi- l arge Heatrcla. excellent condition Uve prices. First class quality. $75.00 when new. Will sacrifice for Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and »25.00. Ca'l 0 1-J-2 or see It at W Highway 201, Phont 108. 16Mtlc A. McCall ranch four and one-half i-ii’.es south of Nyssa cn Adrian road. FOR PLUM BER call J C. Smith. l J lx c Phone 78J. tic. FO R SALE 50 Chickens, mostly White Rock. In quire: W. S. Jones, across highway from government power plant. 25D2xp LO ST ONE RED COCKER SPANIEL pup , about eight months old. Goes by ’ the name of Brownie. 1 iberal reward. ^ Return to Doctor Bo;, man or phone 39-W. lJ2xp Consult us on your wiring needs ind meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State equirements. Prices right Information free NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP 18Atfc Local and Long Distance HAULING Phone 72W Lawrence and Barnett 4Mtfc Nyssa Steam Laundry Nyssa’s Own & Nyssa Owned — Seventh & Park Streets — Phone 146 con * q Mlnisieis or omets inteiesteu in church publicity are Invited to use the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices to tlieir congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday ol TRU C K ERS to haul manure. See each week. Frank Morgan. 4Dtfc M ETH ODIST COMMLNITY Everyone welcome to these ser WE PAY H IGH EST P R IC ES fer CHURCH vices. live fox feed horses. Phone 8 Pay M. U. Greenlee, Pastor ette. 27Ntfc PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH A. A. Schmidt, Pastor PAJNTINO, KALSOMINING, paper cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone Church school opens promptly at 39M. 24Atfc. 10 a. m. with a devotional service December 31, 8 p m . — Congrega led by Mr. L. E. Robbins. Morning Cl l Y PROPERTY worship is a t 11 o’clock. The senior tion social In the church basement. and intermediate departments of 11:30 p. m. — Watchnight service. For Rent the Methodist Youth Fellowship Sermon by the pastor. FO R RENT Sunday, January 4. 10 a. m. — Di mset at 7 p. m. Evening worship Is TH E K E IZ E R houss. Modern. Sea at 8 o'clock. The pastor will preach vine service. Sermon by the pastor. F'rank D. Morgan. U tfc , oth morning and evening. 11 a. m. — Sunday school and Bible classes for all. There will be promo FIVE-ROOM modern hctlse. B er- tion in the classes. nard Eastman. IDtfC L. D. S. CHURCH 1:15 p. m. — The Lutheran hour WANTED I or Sale FARM LANDS MISCELLANEOUS a 111 YT. and M rs, M vm M eo b u u s had CUSTOM BUTCHERING Every MONDAY and FRIDAY Beef, Sheep and Pork Sanitary Butchering Guaranteed Phone 0 5-R -l One Mile West of NYSSA on Alberta Ave. JA K E EISCHEIt SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE partly modern. Inquire at 162 1st Street East. 4Dtic For Sale STOCK Sunday, 10 a. ir... Sunday school meeting. Sunday, 11:30 a. m., priesthood meeting. Sunday, 7:30 p. m„ program, Ti esday, 2 p. m., Relief society. over K FXD . 8 p. m. — The Walthei league meets at the church. Thursday, January 8 — The ladies’ aid meets at the Weick home in Ten Davis. A welcome for all. ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION FREIGHT RATES Christmas dinner at the Claifde BOOST OPPOSED ~mlth home in Newell Height*. I — Mr. a id Mrs. Jim McOifinls sp e n t■ A hewing on the proposed 10 per Christmas with the Harvey Hatch cent increase In freight rates sought tamlly. j by the rMlrcads to offset the blanket Donald McGinnis received tfbrd Increase In wages allowed this year that his wife, who has been under will be held in Chicago January 5. ihe care of a specialist at Sacram en- ■ according to Information received to, was very ill and he left Friday here. with his children to see her. Malheur county shippers are or Mr. and Mrs. Gayle M artin were ganizing to resist the proposed in Ciinstmas guests of her parents. Mr. crease because they feel that farm and Mrs. O. J . English, of Roswell. ers In this section would be partic Joe Stacy of Hermlston spent ularly hard hit by the rate boost. Christmas with his sisters, Mrs. Ray Producers of onions, potatoes and Drcwn and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft, and lettuce would particularly suffer, fa *ttie . Mi and Mrs. Ray Ash- because such produce Is shipped long craft and son also spent the holidays distances. with Mr and Mrs. Bill Ashcraft. Local shippers are understood to Stewart Schweizer. who Is attend be In favor of an Increase of a stat ing O.S.C. tills year, visited In Adri ed amount per hundred pounds ra an over the holidays. ther than an Increase on a percent Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Otis and age basis. daughter, Emily, spent Christmas day with the Peek family In Boise. Mrs. Roy Perry received word that M b . Perry has been transferred to To Our Many California. He has been stationed at Silvertcn, Oregon. ------------4*----------- PENALTY AXES NOT ANTICIPATED FRIENDS Salem, Ja n 1, (Special) — Oregon The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vicar -mployers probably will pay no pen- R E G ISTE R E D Guern-ey grade hoi Morning prayer and sermon 9:31 -ltv unemployment taxes on 1942 stein and two heifers for sale . . trolls under the experience rat- a. m. Lloyd W. Lewis, 451 4th St., Nyssa. n s., stem that went Into effect last AUTOS and TRAILERS Holy Communion and sermo. Merino*' 4Dtfc ,u ’y, a survey of the reserve fund each Fourth Sunday of the month For Sale indicated today. Church school at 10:30 a. m. iO R SALE Third quarter payroll taxes paid 1940 V-8 pickup. Box X , c-o Journal One Jersey light springer cow. one to the state unemployment compen office. 13N9xp Del.aval separator neariy new. and FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE sation commission varied from 1 to 4 one bay work horse, weight 1150 May Our Friendship Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds per cent, but when the 6 per cent c pounds. Tnqui“e O. J . Pingston, 14 FAF M LANDS pastors. “celling" was reached September 30, mile south of Big Bend park. Grow Throughout the For Rent Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. penalty rates above 2.7 per cent U lx p Morning Worship 11 a. in. were eliminated for fourth quarter Coming Y ea r. . . DAIRY AND STO CK Farm near th : ¡x'ray now authorized. Evangelistic services on Sunday, payrolls. The same range of 1 to Parma, silo, artesian well, excel The shipyards will be on a 24-hour 2.7 per cent will continue for 1942, lent beet ground. Tractor equip basis and later in th? year, if the it appears likely, but rates of Indi F IR S T CHURCH OF CH RIST ment required. November 1. Mrs. C. plans are lived up to, there will be vidual concerns will be figured anew SHELTON’S SCIEN TIST T. Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd., two ships sliding off the ways every when contributions and benefit F IR S T CHRISTIAN CHURCH 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho Phone 873-W, Caldwell, Idaho. day. These will be merchant vessels. DAIRY charges for 1941 are taken into ac (Church of Christ) A branch of The Mother Church, count. 25s tie. Puget sound yards are filled up with J . S. Beeni, Minister The First Church of Christ, Scient- erders for destroyers but they must Despite a prospective million-dol- Read The Journal Classified Ads take on mere, or possibly a yard will st, in Boston, Massachusetts. Bible school at 10 a. m. lar increase In the present $14,373,- unday School—10:00 a. m. Communion worship at 11 a. m. be established on the Columbia riv for bargains. 000 "celling" the fund promises to R ading Room — 710 1st Ave. Evening Service at 7:45 p. m. er. mest of Us $1,800,000 gain since .' orth. Open dally from 2 to 4 p. m. The public is cordially Invited. The leisurely building of alumin where (he Bible and authorized September 30. Fourth quarter pay W. L. LANE um reduction plants on the Colum i hristian Science Literature may be ments during January may bring . ad, borrowed or purchased, and is the reserve to over $18,000,000, and ASSEM BLY O F GOD bia is to be changed and the work ,ion i ■ day from two to four Sunset Valley speeded up. The program calls for Farm and Ranch Sales, m . except Sundays and holidays. a considerably higher figure seems Pastor, Clarence Brotzman 1.000 bombers each month, In addi Purebred Livestock In prospect before the close of 1942, Sunday school at 9:45. Classes for tion to the interceptor and fighting 22 »'ears Experience in the if present employment trends con KINGMAN KOLONY all. Mrs. C. Brotzman, superinten and training planes. Hundreds of Auction Business tinue. dent. light and medium tanks each month Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Mr. M. “For the Best Prices—Sel! Under the 1941 legislative amend Morning worship at 11 o'clock. are now being manufactured and L. Kurtz Superintendent. I t At Auction” ment. no “experience rates” over 2.7 the output of these is to be doubled. Evengelistic services at 7:45. Mcrning Worship 11 a m. Res. Ph. 25W P. O. Box 425 per cent can be In effect when the Mid-week prayer meeting Wed The heavy tank, CO tons, will be In Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. Nyssa, Oregon reserve fund Is over the "celling,” Evening Worship 8:30 p. m. production when the kinks are taken nesday at 8 p. m. which Is fixed as 6 per cent of the out of the sample which was tested two weeks ago. A nti-aircraft, enough between one and two billion dollars ’. he high school Sunday evening. In average covered payrolls for five Legal Advertisement to provide some protection to every 1 There will be an cutcry if these rec the group was the district president v oars past. When the 1941 payrolls And here's what we want ommendations are adopted for they of the Christian Endeavor society. ore substituted for 1938 payrolls In UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT city, particularly along the Pacific juring 1942 tax limits, the yearly affect most of the northwest—high Mr. and Mrs. C errlt Muntjeweriff coast, are now on order, and count OF THE IN TERIOR to say . , . We sincerely v -ogp may increase as much as ways, flood control, reclamation, ■ nr) c aughter were guests of his par 030755 less machine guns are to be made for farm security, WPA and many oth ' ’1.000,000, which would boost the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Case Muntjewer- thank you for your patron General Land Office at The Dalles, the navy, the merchant marine, for •6 per cent celling'' by $1,200,000. ers. i.rf of Big Bend, Christmas. combat troops and home guard. Oregon, December 16, 1941. Rush orders have been given for During the year registration will Mrs. Ellen Sparks and Mildred age of the past and hope Notice is hereby given that Adolph GAME COMMISSION TO P. Schneider, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, the making of queer looking balloons, be required of all available man ixiw- spent Christmas eve in Dixie with SET RULES O F ANGLING we can be of further service on May 24, 1937, made Original for dirigibles to look for submarines tr, the only exceptions being young the A. E. Sparks family. —*5*— Mr. and Mrs. Harold Long and Homestead Entry, Act 6-17-02, No. off the coast. Additional munitions f boys and men in their middle 60's. Portland. Jan . 1 (Special) — The In 1942. We wish you all 030755. for Farm Unit “D” or S ‘/4- plants are being prepared for pro- From this registration will be drawn | Mrs. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks „were Oregon state game commission will S E ', Sec. 14 and E 'iN E '4 , Section duction in the months ahead, and material for the army, navy, avia- guests of Mrs. Ellen Sparks Friday. hold on January 10 at the office In the best of health, success Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thrasher and 23, Township 20 S., Range 45 E., tons of explosives will be stored in ticn and defense industries. W h e n Portland. Its annual meeting to de the ammunition igleos at Hermlston. ever possible existing plants will be aught r, Jean, spent Christmas Willamette Meridian, has filed no * and happiness throughout There will be change in the na expanded, but it is probable that with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee termine the angling regulations for the coming year. htlce of lnte,ulon t0 make final proof, tional capital. Confusion due to the new plants will be authorized and Thrasher, in Kingman Kolony. to establish claim to the land above the coming year. Seasons, bag limits, and other reg Mrs. True Mace and chlldem of described, before Frank T. Morgan, absence of some one man or com financed with government money. ulations affecting sports fishing will mittee to head the entire war pro One thing congress is determined Nys a spent the week end at the Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on gram can be expected. Congress is be on. There must be no strikes in any heme of hPr sister-in-law, Mrs. Ev do considered. The meeting will be the 23rd day of January, 1942. open to the general public and rep Claimant names as witnesses: coming fussy at the way things have industry working on war orders. As erett Point. SMITH’S GROCERY resentatives of sportsmen’s organi been going, and demands someone Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and surances have been given by labor John Hamilton. Roy Rookstool, John zations and other Interested organl- Vanderpool and Art Mace, all of Rt. with responsibility to tell the peo leaders that there will be none, but children spent Christmas with his ple what is needed and get the work congress is skepti-al and is waiting. parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parker, 2, Nyssa, Oregon. KA TE M. WILKINSON done. No one now has an idea who Full credit for patriotism is given in Wade. the one man or commission will be, the rank and file, but many strikes Mr. and Mrs. B F. Fitzpatrick of Acting Register. but it is in the making. have been, ordered by so-called lead Roswell were Sunday dinner guests Happy New Year to All! Cooler heads In the capital say ers who wish to gain an advantage cf Mrs Ellen Sparks. I the United States will net be ready to serve their personal alms. There Christmas dinner guests at the to take offensive action within 18 is new no disunity in the national Howard Hatch heme were Mrs. Ed We appreciate every oppor months, If that socn. This country capital. All are determined to win Wymer of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. tunity we caN get to must start from scratch. There will Richard Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Dick the war. j be many reverses before army and Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bybee serve you By John W. Kelly | navy are ready to deliver their best and son, Mary Wymer of Parma, —*5"— ! blows and while preparations are In end Mrs. Sarah Hall and children Washington. D. C. — Government ! progress the enemy is expected to c f Caldwell. program for 1942 will center arqund ! make some gains which must later Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thrasher called Mr. and Mrs. K . I. Peterson and family shopped in Ontario Monday. at the Jack Corn home Tuesday production of war materials at a rate be overcome. Money is necessary, and this month Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Point a n d 1 evening. never before conceived; the elimina the ways and means committee wil’ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pounds and — niece, Lorraine, some guests from tion of non-essential expenditures ( settle down to work out a tax pro Good Ing. Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Del- by government agencies: the col- gram long to be remembered. The mer Points and son and Mr. and lecting by taxes of every nickel pos- j apparent aim, a t this time, Is to Mrs. John Points and daughters of sible: the mustering of the entire almost double Income taxes T i c Nyssa gathered at the Everett Point man power of the nation and, per- people are gradually becoming tax homo for a Christmas dinner. hai>s before the year Is out, a call I conscious and will be fully alive to A group from Nampa attend'd for woman power. I taxes by March 15, when they must the Christian Endeavor meeting at RING RING Main policy for the ensuing 12 j pay. In this respect there is little months (and 24 months after thati danger of profiteeriny by concerns IN OUT is to bend every energy to the build- with war contracts; no m atter how mi ! i ’ : i i t i m i Nut i : ii i: 111: i: in : i :n i' C1ILRCH O F THE NAZARENE Vern Martin, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Classes f i r every age. Morning worship at 11 a . m. Pas ter in charge of the service. Junior meeting at 7 p. m. In tire parson»??. Yc::i:g ?eople’s service at 7 p. m. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. M • ?e by the pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 8:00. Missionary meeting the first Thur: day afternoon of each month. All are Invited to these servioes. Auctioneer »CW YEAR URI ITIM» T O V tlIS « For Scle FARM PRODUCE W H ITE RO SE POTATOES fifty cents per hundred in Dulk. I lie Schafer, Rt. 1, Nyssa. 20N f" Legal Advertising o X * > i IN THE COUNTY COURT O F TI1E STATE O F OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY In the M atter of the Estate of ) A. A. GOLDSMITH, Deceased ) NOTICE O F HEARING NOTICE I S GIVEN, T hat Carl H Coad, Administrator of the above estate has filed in the above enti tled Court for final settlement, his final account with petition for dis tribution, and that hearing thereon has been fixed for Jan . 10, 1941, at 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the County Courtroom in the Courthouse in Vale, Oregon, where all persons in terested m said Estate shall appear and show cause, if any why such account should not be allowed and settled and distribution of the es tate made to the persons entitled thereto. CARL H. COAD, Administrator of said Estate. Dated and first publ. Dec. 11, 1941. Last publ. Jan . 8, 1942. ------------+ ------------ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE IN TERIO R 030570 General Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 16, 1941. Notice is hereby given that Henry Hintz, of Nyssa, Oregon, who, on February 12, 1937, made Original Homestead Entry, Act 6-17-02, No. 030570, for Farm Unit “E " or Lot 6. Sec. 18 and Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 19, Township 20 S„ Range 46 E., Willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed. before Frank T. Morgan, Notary Public, at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th day of January, 1942. Claimant names as witnesses: Lou McCoy. Robert Thompson, John Reffett, and Albert Notheis. all of Rt. 2, Nyssa, Oregon. KA TE M. WILKINSON Acting Regis’er. * 0 X We’re Tootin’ Our Horn At The National Capital Adrian N y ssa GREET! I1CS ing up of a war machine and equip- ping every soldier and sailor with all the implements necessary to fight the enemy. Airplanes, bombers, tanks, anti-aircraft guns, howitzers, (8ties, machine guns, ammunition, will be rolling out of factories be fore next December: it will require about 18 months to properly equip much profit they make the govem- ment will take almost all of it. Ship yards cannot lose money, but t h e ' tax collected will be substantial. To help the taxpayer a little a Joint committee of house and senate j has recommended the cancellation | of appropriations for various activl- j ties regarded as non-essential, of WHMW MI1I II I m i IHIUII111111111111 IS M1111111111II HIM 1111I ID MH il M hi 1111.1111 i i 11 i 1: 11! M i W E WISH A H ap p y N ew Y e a r To All Our FRIENDS and TO OUR F rie n d s and P a tro n s PATRONS PAULUS JEW ELR Y STORE Realty & Insurance Co. NYSSA PACKING CO. Main Street Phone 6 M F F U M U I I $.1 M U M M * 1 11 $1M M 1111 i 111111 i MM I ( 1 1 U J : IdJJ 1.1 $1 t t l i M Ki I i 1 : U Li 111 I M J U 11 l i I i U i I CRirnnos/ “ V HAPPY NEW YEAR Start the New Year right by giving your sewing machine a complete c l e a n i n g and overhauling. All work guaranteed. NYSSA FURNITURE CO. CLARENCE ASTON ffyssa Hotel First Sc Good Ave. >1 L U III li I, i l U H I THE THE OLD NEW May this year bring you the fullest measure of happiness HERE’S A SINCERE WISH and prosperity . . . and may we FROM US TO YOU suggest that this year of 1912 HEALTH, HAPPINESS, PROSPERITY be a year In which you will IN 1942 protect yourself and those dear to you with insurance that will cover your person and property. FRANK MORGAN F ir s t N a tio n a l Bank; of P o rtlan d NYSSA BRANCH