/ 5SA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18 1941 PAGE SIX Owyhee Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marrs ui Mitch; ell Butte returned home from a vis­ it with their mother In Seattle [ While there they were taken to see some of the household furniture and decorations that the people of Eng­ land are stripping from their homes to sell to obtain more money for defense. The Owyree P.T.A. met at the school house Thursday evening with a large crowd in attendance. Mes- dames Earl Strickland and John Mlttlelder were hostesses. Arrangements for the Christmas treat and local business were dis­ cussed. The Sunday school plans to give a program at the Sunday school ser­ vices Sunday morning. December 21. The group will Join with the sur­ rounding Sunday schools in the ev­ ening in presenting a program in the Adrian high school. Ness Hatt shipped a car of cattle to Portland Friday. Mrs. Charles Bradley spent from Tuesday until Thursday in Boise visiting at the tun e of her daughter, M- Ole Solomon. im L Idle is moving his sheep f m Jordan Valley to the Chester I adlry ranch for the rest of the v inter. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. McMillan en­ tertained at dinner Friday evening fer Russell Patton and daughter, 1. >is, and Hal Smith of Ontario. Mrs. John Case went to Seattle Friday to stay with her husband, who Is employed at the Boeing alr- ernft plant. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Unity were guests several nights of the Charles Bradley family. Mrs. Art Mayes left with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prchal of Nampa Tuesday for San Diego, California to visit her son, who Is employed In the air­ craft industry there. Mr. and Mrs. Parchal will visit their children, who also reside In San Diego. Kingman Kolony No. Name of Owner 173 Lobb, W. B________ 183 Description .-vi, SWà, EàNWJ SW àN W * Lockln, Harry H. .. 184 Lopez, Andrew and Rose, husband and wife. 18S 186 8. 13 30 - 42 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 16 47 N ftN W JSEi 31 32 41 17 15 SV4NW*NW<4 188 Luper, W%WèE%SEVtSEJ 189 Lytle Sc H olte .......... ....... - ---------- Tax BoU 34 Ludemann. F. Carl and Gertrude, husband and w ife .................................. Orlando B. .W feE ftN W fcN E * W 1N W *N E % , ?W >4N E * ..NWJSW%NWJ Lucas, Mrs. Cora M. T. 3 19 32 47 41 18 47 Tax lot 32.64 S2.22 40,01 37.90 145.36 163.66 108.29 84.91 Total No. 235 ' O ’Neill, Frank Est 290 292 3.90 Maginnls, Loyel M.......... — 191 Malheur Land and Livestock Co........... 192 Munsur, Glenn Est. 193 194 Marcotte, Eugene L. Marshall, L. T. A. T. 13 in Lot 2 19 15 43 31 41 41 ..All South o f -river in the SW<4SEV4, SEJSE14 1 19 ..SWJNEi 13 35 .......... W ftN W i 31 21 43 44 41 46 I 195 Martin, Mrs. Maud E. .NV4SW*4SE!4 196 197 Matland, Soren — ..... Maxwell, Maria M. ... WV4NE4SW14NE14 ..SE4NE14 27 31- 41 10 H 18 21 Í 47 46 - • iL The A.N.K. Garden club met Tues­ day with Mrs. Dennis Patch. Miss ..S iN W K S W i 31 32 41 198 Meisner, Betty May Beaumont and Mrs. Robert Overstreet had charge of the topic, which was "Decorations, Outdoor and Indoor." Mrs. Raylmond Holton NEJ, EJNWy*. 200 Mitchell, Fred E. discussed annuals. Christmas gifts 25 NE%SW*4 were exchanged. SE 14 SE >4 24 16 45 The Mary and Martha society held Its meeting at the home of Mrs. SEI NE >4 21 17 44 202 Montague, L. E. Charles Wilson Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Dennis Patch had charge of the program. Mrs. Conrad Martin was appointed to see about getting NiSEiSE* 11 31 41 Red Criss material for the members 203 Montgomery, Arthur L. to work on. James Shaw Is the owner of two registered Jersey heifers, which he purchased from Walter R. Blnn of 20 204 Moore, Amanda C............. SV4SW14SE14 Vancouver, Washington. 29 18 45 NWJNE'A m * The Pollyanna club met at the d A home of Mrs. Frank Fredericks Wed­ t * l nesday afternoon. Plans were made t for the Christmas party to be held NW % NW *4 NW »4 11 18 47 205 Moore, A. G. ...................... at the home of Mrs. Earl Osborn S W ‘4SE*, EtfcSWi 207 Morton, Mabel and December 17. SEiNWy«, Lots 2, 3. 4 18 Mary H. Barbour ......... Mrs. Hugh McConnell was a visit­ 19 13 42 NW y« NE >4 or In the home of Mrs. Taylor Sandy In Nyssa Tuesday evening. 208 Mueller, C. C. A T. No. 1 ln Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and NM i SEV»NW*4 15 1» 44 Mrs. Mury Nichols were In Nyssa Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ernest, aunt and' uncle of Mike Woods, spent Sat­ urday In his home. They were on their way home to Walla Walla af­ ter an extended trip to Kansas. 209 Myers, David M _____ 7 33 41 ...N ISW K SEi Miss Dorothy Toomb spent Tues­ day night with Miss Erma Points of Adrian. Cliff Beaumont was In Nyssa Mon­ 210 MeCart, George A., W »SW i 36 21 46 day. Jacob Earl MeCart and Mr and Mrs. Dave Mitchell of Dennie Dale MeCart Nyssa spent Saturday evening In the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cottcm. 211 McCormick, Arthur .......... .... W|SW% 19 19 43 Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton, Miss Mav Beaumont and Cliff Beaumont were 212 McDaniel, Lois B. . ....S IN E V NEJNEti 20 guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank New- SW *N W 14 21 17 47 blll Wednesday evening at a pinochle party. Mr. and Mrs. Ralmond Holton en­ 216 McHargue, Rush __ NWKNWl V 7 19 45 tertained at a party Saturday even­ ing for their son and his wife, who have Just returned from their hon­ eymoon. 217 McKague, Floyd R... W *SW >4 , SW iN W i 36 22 46 Herbert Shaw, who has been shin gllng A. M. Hlglisn lth s house, fin­ ished the work Friday evening. Mrs. Lily Bach left Saturday to 218 M cKague. Floyd R . ..... ..........E ftS W K __ 36 22 46 visit her son, Kenneth Bach, of Salt Lake City. , k i4 Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira 220 Naftzger, Charles E. ____ __ SH S W tgS W i J 17 17 44 Uhre of Nyssa. Mrs. Uhre served a goose dinner. James Shaw sold a registered shorthorn heifer to Mr McDermott 2Zt Naftzger, Edward P. ..............N H S W t iS W i, Saturday afternoon. NW»»SW| \ Mrs. Arthur Cartwright spent S W liN W ) 17 17 44 Tuesday afternoon with her mother, t Mrs Earl Parker of Newell Heights 30 18 45 William Toomb was In Ontario, 222 Nelson, V io le t______________ A . T. 10 in Vale 9 Tuesday. 223 Nicholson, C. E. and NISWVt 23 28 37 Mr and Mrs. C. C. Cotton were Carl E. Nicholson, Jr..______ Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Dale Ashcraft. \ .. Mr and Mrs. Wesley Plercy and 22* Nutting, Cora B. ______ ___ J fW H N W l v 25 30 41 family were In Ontario shopping Sat­ urday Mr and Mrs Charts* Wilson and V ’ ' \ family were In Ontario and Payette Christmas shopping Saturday. 231 Nyssa Bench Laad Co. .. .......Portion o f NWtgSElg lying Sam Shaw was home over the North o f Owyhee Ditch week end. He Is working for the less railroad. Portion between Owyhee Ditch and Dunaway boys at the Owyhee dam U.S.B.R. r. r. in the for a few weeks. NE14SEI 23 20 4« Mrs. Martin Hobbs of Big Bend 232 Oakes. Mrs. E. K ____________ NW14NWJ less ditch r.w. spent Sunday evening In the home along no. and east of her brother and wife. Mr and sides 21 17 47 Mr» Arthur Cartwright. 233 O'Hara. Frank B. and N | S E *S W 14 23 31 41 Mr and Mrs Arthur Cartwright Elizabeth C.. husband and Darrel were dinner guests of and w i f e _______ ■■ - Mr and Mrs Ray Cart wight Sun­ day. ■ «■ J ---------- - a------at . t X L i- _ - 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1935 1940 1939 1938 1937 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 .79 .96 .79 .74 9.53 12.26 10.56 9.25 128.78 147.31 136.83 109.84 1.59 1.93 1.57 1.47 132.15 114.58 132.76 .79 .96 .79 .74 476.50 54.85 81.46 79.16 38.77 79 .96 .79 .74 1940 1939 1938 1937 19.83 20.35 17.64 16.39 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1940 1935 1932 1931 1930 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1937 1936 1935 1934 1932 1931 1930 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1939 1935 1934 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 13.33 14.62 6.73 6.67 .79 96 .79 .73 .80 36.42 42.36 63.23 140.10 154.02 953.00 13.53 16.89 13.19 13.44 30.09 21.08 29.45 32.05 33.79 23.70 43.51 30.81 .79 .96 .79 .74 325.00 290.09 225.31 211.77 21.36 14.27 13.12 26.01 29.47 36.25 37.47 12.85 15.71 15.26 11.26 104.70 147.21 141.31 28.03 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1937 1936 1935 1934 1932 1931 1930 12.94 15.99 14.90 11.62 1.59 1.93 1.57 1.47 68.65 84.46 78.04 71.24 131.04 73.30 53.21 58.18 82.54 52.97 67.71 19.74 .90 2.40 3.43 3.60 .11 .29 .36 .46 4.80 12.01 17.94 22.08 9.17 22.72 20.75 27.34 45.40 33.19 47.84 12.50 1937 1937 1929 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1937 1940 1939 1938 1397 238.25 73.86 619.45 192.03 58.50 37.05 175.18 12.26 162.64 24 40 136.83 * 31.47 132.02 40.93 1.82 .13 2.07 .31 91.49 28.36 23.04 1.61 17.71 2.65 18.18 4.18 16.10 4.99 ...SEL EèSW<4 30 14 43 3 18 47 N E tiS W i 18 18 46 31 31 41 Pagliotti, Frank and Rina, husband and wife NE14NEJ 294 Palmer, Lamar ........... .38.6 A. north of the river in EèSEVi 1)76 88 22 18 45 27 30 42 A. T. 20 in s w y« SEI A. T. 19 3 3 18 18 47 47 35 21 46 3 18 47 3.90 NtiNEJ 49 39 ...A. T. 33 in SW ISE‘4 636.96 All East of R R. in 29 the NEINE14 N W *4 NW >4 less part 28 of A. T. 2 7.78 A. T. No. 1 in SE % SW 1 19 47 10 16 43 7 33 41 466.81 306 3.90 624.21 Price, Herbert M. and Elizabeth, husband and w ife ____________ ___ ___ 311 Roberts, Beulah A. 313 Roberts, Ivor .........SJSW tiSEJ 27 31 41 315 Robertson, C. H. ..........Nè 36 19 45 3 17 47 32 16 47 308 Rankin, Robert R.. 3.90 1.39 3.05 4.06 5.08 87.79 48.83 5.01 NÎNWy4NWJ SV4NJNW14SW1 S1NWI4SW1 West 30 acres of Lot 4 less No. 41 acres, Lots 5 and 6 U • E * 16 Lot 1 9 Lots 3 and 4 10 N%NW*4, NEV4, NE1SE14 15 N W %, SWJNEi, N W liS E 'i 14 14 N%SW>4 ......... N ^N W ISE * 15 300.53 320.78 1.30 2.418 3.38 4.52 2.90 7.09 17 36 36 47 48 48 36; 48 36 48 31 41 - • .......... SW »4 SW 14 706.37 1273.78 ..... ~ ..-sy,sE tt 69.23 333 Roy, John F. 1937 1937 1 1939 1940 1938 1935 1934 1932 1940 1939 1938 1937 44.60 46.82 .79 .96 .79 .74 .79 .96 .79 .74 16.78 18.68 20.98 20.75 9.63 8.02 9.47 8.69 11.30 12.93 17 02 15.08 13.83 18.26 .06 .14 .18 .23 .06 .14 .18 .23 5.20 4.29 3.15 1.45 2.21 3.77 5.21 5.44 .79 1.94 3 91 4.67 124.63 131.15 122.24 132.83 .43 .36 .24 .22 .21 .19 12.18 12.27 11.21 8.78 1.59 1.93 1.57 1.47 .79 .96 .79 .74 5.34 6.07 4.51 4.77 476.50 37.45 2897.65 37.53 35.13 60.00 89.77 50.18 67.82 59.86 937.70 58.58 72.13 76.59 93.86 .03 .05 .06 .07 .08 .08 .85 1.84 ' 2.58 2.01 .11 .29 .36 .45 .05 .14 .18 .23 .37 91 1.04 1.47 147.71 2.62 898.27 20.64 20.01 37.99 35.01 23.58 37 30 37.51 290.68 164.97 125.44 98.10 55.65 67.82 65.62 48.82 12.37 11.51 18.31 17.84 1.92 1.64 1.32 .84 1203 13.19 7.42 982 2.78 1.70 1.29 47 24900 224.31 25831 201 99 11.55 58.96 53.95 3.90 10.17 15.09 15.13 .86 1.72 4.21 5.53 .13 .25 .30 .26 »4 1 98 1.71 3.04 .19 .25 .30 .14 17.43 87 48 121 40 11109 10 18 18 18 47 14 19 44 • 20 46 27 31 338 Schlender, Ralph E. SMtSWlNEtf, and Elizabeth .......... .......... 1 31 24 19 2 2 2 2 18 345 .........NWJSWlt Seaweard, D. L ................. ......... W tiSW JSW VtSW i Seaweard, V illa ......... .... _____ N H S W ^ S W y« E*4SW!4SWy4SWy4 WJSEHSWISWJ N^N1NW1NE*4 --------Lot 3, Lot 4 NEHSWV4 .......EHN Et4 18 347 Smith, Guy H. ......... E H S E >4 less ditches 349 Smith, Wyatt C. —..... Portion north of Owyhee Ditch in the SWJSEl 23 20 46 ........ NE»4 NT«4 44 13.56 \ 7.77 351 Sproul, A. L. ____ 352 Stacey. F. W ......... 18 17 * 41.26 .........All South of river in NttNWJ 2 19 43 ........ N W i; less A. T. 1 10 19 44 11.92 353 38« 1937 1936 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 19?9 Shimp. Walter, and Ross Smeed ...... ..... Smith. Mrs. C. C...... Saul, Dave O. 81.85 282 .03 .14 .19 .23 1.94 4.75 2.54 5.37 344 336 340 341 9 10 .79 96 .79 .74 27.69 31.68 11.05 17.34 30 29 16 6645 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1940 1939 1938 1937 25 36 21 Sapp, J e n n y .................. .......... All land lying west or railroad r. of w. in N1NW1 36 EiSEJ lass 6.20 A 19.47 .01 5.73 18.89 14.54 .06 .14 .18 .23 Sharpe, Emma L. and A. T. 1 B. E............................... ......... NE1, EJNW14 335 18 158.13 54.57 .13 12.20 34.35 23.21 .79 .96 .79 .74 342 Rucker, Lanty A. 369.84 3.90 ....... SEVtNWiSWJ less part. of A. T. 6 15 A. T. 7 15 Lot 6, SWINWJSWè 15 S% N W }N W y*SW i 15 .......... A strip o f land 169 feet wide immediately south of the North 143 feet of lot 6 27 1940 1935 1934 1932 1940 1939 1938 1937 1935 1934 1932 47 1931 1940 1939 1938 46 1937 1936 1935 1940 1939 43 1938 1937 41 1940 1939 1938 1937 41 1940 1939 1938 1937 42 1940 1939 1938 1937 47 1937 1940 1937 47 1934 1932 1929 44 1936 45 1935 1934 1932 47 1937 334 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1937 1938 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 44 .79 .87 1.02 1.09 2.69 3.54 4.78 252.14 42 A. T.s 34 and 35 Ott, E. C., and Grace F., husband and w ife Pacific Loan and Investment Co........... 3.90 631.25 222.77 267.66 225.52 39.68 3.45 4.97 3.79 3.28 15.53 17.94 15.41 15.43 813.38 18 293 181.21 1935 1934 1932 1931 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 16 . Ey¡N El4 , W y,NE% 15 43 15 43 Tax BoU 588.17 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1937 ...NW*4NW*4NWi, SWJNWJNW>4 SlNE14NWî4NWè, A. T. 2 in SW % N EK , NE14NE1 30 NWJSWÎ4 18 SW14SE1, SWJNW14 SEHNW % 32 SH SW ^SW i 27 B. ....WJSWi Stacey. H. O. Est. • ♦ »W _ Tax Int. T. 193.82 SEJNW%NW& 190 8. De icrlption Name of Owner 1940 1935 1934 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1939 1938 1937 1940 1936 1935 1934 Total 18.37 76.41 1065.52 65.78 7.78 359.88 757.60 312.11 907.03 715.73 124.18 88.46 109.06 3 89 102.36 123.51 3.89 3.89 91.28 52.44 67.64 812.01 2.02 51.72 7.77 3.88 24.48 624.21 4049 29 401.03 1228.38 512.97 282.20 72.35 6 66 50.03 7.12 m u i