77)<?NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon, VOLUME XXXVI, NO. 46 ,71 » ®TY JOURNAL GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS ____________________ IN THE HEART OF OREGON S SUGAR EMPIRE___________ C. Campbell, Nampa, Wins In Cornhusking Contest CITY COUNCIL SETS AUTO SPEED LIMITS FOR NYSSA The city council, at an adjourned meeting held Monday night, passed an ordinance making the speed limits of Nyssa conform to the in dicated speeds set by the state. The speed limits are 25 miles In residential districts, 20 miles In bus iness sections, and 15 miles In school areas. ----------+---------- 1118 CHILDREN LIVE IN Awards Made At NYSSA SCHOOL DISTRICT Tues. Gathering Rinehart A survey just completed by Grant reveals that there are 1118 between the ages of 4 Union Pacific Band Par youngsters and 20 residing ticipates in Annual school district. In the Nyssa grade Festival Slightly less than half of the chil Frank Peavey’s Brother Drowns Fastest Growing City In Oregon $1.50 PER YEAR Beet Harvest Likely To Be Finished Next WeeK REFUNDING BOND ISSUE AT ADRIAN IS APPROVED Adrian. Nov. 19 (Special - Re funding bonds In the sum of approx unately $17,000 were approved by voters of union high school district No. 4 at Adrian Saturday, Novem ber 19. The vote was 36 to 3. The money will be used for refunding warrant Indebtedness. A special budget levy was also ap proved. The vote was 33 to 8. The special budget approved Saturday was the same as the one approved ta June. Initial Payment Of $5 Sent Out $l,U2,500^Vill Be Paid to Farmers of Nyssa District — .;.— dren live In the city limits. In 1935 Ontario. Nov. 19 (Special)—Claud 414 youngsters lived In the district The beet harvest in the Nyssa Arthur J. Peavey, Jr., Twin Falls Campbell of Ilampt who won the ----------*5«---------- factory district ta expected to be sheepman who was drowned In the fourth Pacific northwest cornhusk completed next week, according ta Snake river near Twin Falls recent ing championship on the Ury bro ly, was a brother of Frank Peavey. R Q. Larson, district manager of thers farm near Cairo Junction who held the position of engineer the Amalgamated Sugar company, --------+-------- Tuesday afternoon, was presented during construction of the Amal-1 who stated that $713.291.45 was paid with a trophy by Audrey Olaves, gam a ted Sugar company factory i.i | to farmers of the district November 1941 cornhusking theme girl, at a 15 and that $333,918.25 will be paid Nyssa In 1938. meeting held In the high school Youngster» Turning to Pu to the farmers November 25. so Officers were searching for the gymnasium that night. that the total initial payment ta ex gilism for December body of Mr. Peavey this week. Sher Campbell, also 1940 champion, won pected to reach $1,112.500. The pay iff Warren Lowery reported that 5 Smoker this week's event by pulling 25.58 ments were made at the rate of $5 Business Men to Give Two Peavey was seen going over the Sal bushels of corn in 80 minutes, the With the footbuTl season gone, and a ton. mon falls diversion dam In his mo Scholarships to Sum regulation time for the event. Hans nearly forgotten, Nyssa high school’s The Initial payment ta based on torboat after the motor apparently Qehlsen of Weiser was second with athletes mer School an estimate of the sugar oontent of failed. turning to the pugilistic 24.69 bushels and Lloyd Brewer of arts this are beets and the net price the com and fisticuffs will oc The witness went to an Island be The Nyssa chamber of commerce the Nampa was third with 24.08 bushels. cupy the week, pany will secure for sugar produced department until low the dam to attempt a rescue, voted at Its weekly luncheon this The other six highest were Everett the opening sports from the beets. As conditions war of basketball season. but Peavey was carried away by a week to give two scholarships to rant Riggs of Parma, 23.71 bushels; W current. Mr. Peavey was a son-in- Scheduled for December 5 is the I the outstanding 4-H club boys or made. additional payments may be If. Decker, Oregon Slope, 23.61; law of Senator John Thomas, Ida Lettermen's cub smoker, an annual girls in Malheur county for the 4-H The contract provides that on No George Prlntz, Wapato, Washington. ho republican. summer school at Oregon State col vember 22.65; Ivan Hints, Ontario. 22.61; affair that has proven to be a major 15 the company shall pay for ----------+---------- lege. Jake Mendyk, Hammett. Idaho. 22.-' attraction for Nyssa sports fans. In all beets delivered up to and in 22, and E. Tondreau, Fort Lewis. cluded on the boxing card will be House resolution 5988, providing other than Cuba shall be porrated The action was taken after E. M. October 31. Again on No about 10 bouts, and two novelties for amendment of the sugar act of among such countries on the basis Washington, 21.77. Hauser of Ontario, assistant county cluding vember 25 the company makes a tentatively listed. With several ar 1937, has been introduced in the of tiie division of the quota for such agent, explained some of the phases similar payment Other contestants were W H. for beets delivered wrestlers enrolled in the school house of representatives by Repre countries made in general sugar of the 4-H club work ta the county. Decker of Payette, Frank Wilbur of dent during the first 15 days of Novem this year, the program will also In sentative Fumer and has been re quota regulations, series 4. number Mr. Hauser explained that the ba I'irma, G. C. Good of Ontario, clude ber. On December 5 the concern one or two wrestling matches. ferred to the commute on agricul 1, issued December 12, 1930, pursu by beef project Is one of the most pays l.alph Navis of Caldwell, Kermlt Coaches for beets delivered during the John Young and Irwin ture. ant to the agricultural adjustment Possibility Discussed at successful, because the boys and period Decker of Fruitland and Bob Cross Elder November 16 to Novem have been training their Tlie proposed bill reads In part; act. as amended.” girls are required to work at It of Weiser. Meeting of Lions by steadily. The project has been ta ber 25. from After that the company charges for the smoker for some “Be it enacted by the senate and SEC. 2. That section 204 of the At the me'tin-; held in the gym time and have developed some note house of representatives of the sugar act of 1937. as amended (re Frank Parr pays as the farmers finish delivery. operation in this county for seven The November 15 beet nasium the then e girl presented worthy prospects. Dave Malone is United States of America in con lating to redistribution of deficits was It was made possible, Mr. based on 142,658 tons of payroll Mr Campbell with the cup and H. F. rated tops as the school's No. 1 box gress assembled. That section 202 of in area quotas), as amended to read "The Probable Future Trade of years. beets or Hauser said, through the coopera Logue, secretary of the Ontario er, and he has been chosen as box the sugar act of 1937, as amended as follows: If Hitler Gains Unhamper tion of the banks. a gross of $713,291.45 The Novem chamoer of commerce, presented ing team captain. Also listed as vet (relating to estabishment and revi •'SEC. 204. (a) The secretary America ed Control of Europe, the British 25 payroll will be made on 66,- checks to the other contestar's. A erans are Chester Ashby, Gene Bra sion of quotas), is hereby amended shall, as he deems necessary during Isles and the Open Seas' was dis The youngsters must have feed on ber 783 tons of beets ta the amount of their home places in order to get $333,918.25. corsage was presented by the On dy, Eugene Ceaver, Alvflnn Ekan- to read as follows: cussed by Frank Parr, Nyssa high bank the calendar year, determine whe school financing or provide the calf tario Groceteria to each theme girl ger and Rex Shelley. Contenders SEC. 202. Whenever a determin ther. at the weekly Larson estimates that the to of the current Inven luncheon principal, for money for feed. Some tal Mr. attendant and to each of the major of the Lions club ta if of asking up are Bill Coleman, Clyde ation is made, pursuant to section tories in of view crop In this district will amount sugar, the estimated pro the animals are exhibited at the ettes who came to Malheur county ocming Adams. Marion Suiter. Dewey 201, of the amount of sugar needed duction from U * acreage of sugar Brownie’s cafe Monday noon. 222,500 tons. Malheur county Pacific International Livestock ex to with the Union Pacific hand of Og Thomason, Jay Bybee, Dale Cannon. fanners will receive In excess of to meet the requirements of consum Under Hitler’s plan the conquered cane or sugar beets planted, the nor position. The children usually make den. which played several selections T m Church. Marcel Nusser, Dennis ers. the secretary shall establish mal marketings within a calendar nations woud provide goods and la two-fifths of the total amount paid from $5 to $10 profit on the pro during the contest in the afternoon Fife, Charles McCoy, Perry Cole quotas, or revise existing quotas— year of new-crop sugar, and other bor. which could be called slave la by the company for beets. jects. and during the program in the ev man, John Lopez, Doubles Mecham, "(a) For domestic sugar-produc pertinent factors, any domestic area, bor. Wages would be set by the Appearances Indicate tha ening. Flowers were presented to Clayton Morgan. Lamar Orr, Lyle ing areas by prorating among such the Commonwealth of the Philip state, which would not permit “We have been encouraging crop ta this district will that averags the theme girl by the Consolidated Miner, Delbert Malloy, Clarence areas 56.77 per centum of such pine Islands, or Cuba, will be unable strikes. Hitler's representatives youngsters to participate ta swine very close to 1614 tons per acre, com projects during the last three or pared to 16.25, the highest average Frei^htways. Merreck, Marvin Eppes, Elton Coun amount of sugar (but not less than to market the quota for such area. would be all over the world fighting four years." Mr. Hauser said. "We Prior to the night meeting a ban cil, Dick Parker, Harlld Kurtz, Jim short tons) on the follow If the secretary finds that any do for markets. in this district since the factory was are encouraging them to develop built quet was held In the Moore hotel as Rei1, Bill Sloggett, Arthur Calla 3,793,801 ta 1938. ing basis: mestic area or Cuba will be unable “How much efficiency would enough pigs to amount to something a part of the cornhusking festival, han and Everett Callahan. Per centum to market the quota for such area there be from slave labor? Machine financially, although the main pur In addition to the high yield per which was sponsored by the On In the wrestling department four “Domestic beet sugar .... ....... 42 49 for the calendar year then current, production depends upon men to run pose of our program ta educational. acre. Indications now are that the tario chamber cf commerce and the boys appear to be outstanding. Leon Mainland cane sugar 11.52 he shall the quotas for the the machines. Germany can regu We are also encouraging the boys sugar oontent will be ta excess of Union Pacific railroad. A1 Quast ard Cleaver drew mention from the Hawaii ......................................24.72 domestic revise arens and by pro late costs to suit itself,” Mr. Parr to get purebred animals. The young 1614 per cent, which ta the highest led in group singing with Mrs. coaches as a potential Jiir. Londos, Puerto Rica ................................ 21 03 rating an amount of Cuba sugar equal to sakl. “It can sell below cost on some are supposed to own their own since the factory was constructed. Quast as accompanist. Joe Dyer of while Ray Fox, Rosel Anderson, a Virgin Islands .24 the deficit so determined to the articles to get markets for others. sters --------+-------- animals. show much more In Ontario presided. transfer, and Harold Lie were "(b) For foreign countries, and the other areas, on the basis of the quo Poorly paid workers make for low terest In They the work if they have a Mayor Elmo Smith, delivering a recent j out as matmen of no Commonwealth of the Philippine Is tas then in effect. Any portion of costs, but they also slow up produc sense of responsibility through own few remarks, expressed the appre also print? lands. by proraiing 43.23 per centum such sugar which the secretary de tion. skill. ciation of Ontario for the assistance mean of such amount of sugar (except. If termines cannot be supplied by do “How much efficiency is there ta ership." With several schools Indicating a The speaker said youths partici of the Union Pacific in making the desire to see boxing made an Inter such amount of sugar is less than mestic areas and Cuba shall be pro the German organization? It looms pating projects received no festival a success. Lee Wagner, ag school sport It Is possible that 6,682,670 short tons, the excess of rated to foreign countries other than large as an efficient machine. It returns in for dairy three years. The ricultural agent of the Union Pa matches rray be scheduled between such amount over 3.793,802 short Cuba on the basis of the proratlons was built for a specific purpose and sheep project about "Baskets for Nyssa" rather than ta one cific, and Jin Hayes, publicity di teams from Snake river valley tons) on the following basis: of the quota then in effect for such is carrying out that objective al projects in the county. of tre minor “Bundes for Britain" held sway rector of the railroad company with schools, according to the coaches. "Com. of Phil. Islands 34.70 foreign countries. If the secretary most on schedule. In building she A preliminary discussion was held temporarily ta the high school this headquarters In Portland, delivered Adrian has shown some Interest in Cuba ..................................... 64.«1 finds that the Commonwealth of the same problems we now by the chamber members on street week as students did their best to short ta’ks. The crowd then sang boxing, and Harper's athletic de Foreign countries other than the Philippine Islands will be un faced make Thanksgiving day a truly hap face. She years to do what decorations for Christmas. “Peggy O’Neil” in honor of Miss partment is especially interested in Cuba .................................. .89 able to market the quota for such we are going took to six py and bountiful holiday for every --------+-------- do It ta three years. O'Neil, one cf the majorettes. In on case shall the quota for the area for the calendar year then cur "The German war machine looks person ta this community. wrestling. George Jay. business manager of Commonwealth of the Philippine Is rent. he shall revise the quotas for formidable, but It has never been Under the leadership of the Hi-T the band, thanked Ontario for Its lands be less than the duty-free quo domestic sugar-producing areas, for matched against a first rate pro club and the Olrls' league students hospitality and its expression of ta now established by the provisions Cuba and for foreign countries oth duction country. Contrasting our brought to school all manner of confidence in the band. Linn Han of the Philippine independence act, er than Cuba, by prorating an efforts to match Germany’s war foodstuffs that were placed Into sen, a member of the band, played amount of sugar equal to the deficit machine will be our efforts to match as amended. ba- 'cets and distributed to needy two piano solos. K. Johnson of “The quota for foreign countries so determined. Attendance at the first annual fumllles ta this vicinity today. her peace machine. All of the re ineetl Boise, general agent of the railroad Christm as Program Planned— ? of the western Jurisdiction sources of the European continent of the Women's Society of Christian As school closed for the holiday company, pointed out the difficulty The Nyssa community Christmas will be at her disposal. If she win Service of the Methodist church ta :n Wednesday afternoon, a huge of withdrawing so many men from program for children will be given the war. The continent will be Denver November S to 7 ran Into pile of “goodies" of all descriptions their employment during a time of during the afternoon of December welded into an efficient unit of pro the been assembled ta the hall of national emergency as his company 23. Organizations cooperating are each day. according to had duction. The state will have com Mi s. hundreds the school building had done In bringing the band to the Rebekah lodge, the Lions club, M. H. Oreenle of Nyssa, who mercial agents everywhere, with attended the conference. The class whose students offered the chamber of commerce, the Senator Charles McNary of Ore Gordon E. Aspengren has been Berlin Malheur county. coordinating their efforts to The western Jurisdiction ta one of the most generous combined contri Legion and auxiliary, the gon reported this week that he had employed as director of music In ward securing Miss Olaves was presented with a American markets for all these sly of the church ta the world, and bution will be awarded 1.000 points D. S. church, the Odd Fellows notified officials of Nyssa that the the Nyssa public schools. Superin goods. trophy given by the Ontario cham L. lodge, toward winning the all-year pep the Eagles ledge, the Masonic Is composed of the eight western contest ber of commerce. agriculture department was plan- "American farmers, workers and tendent Henry Hartley announced trophy, which ta annually lodge. Eastern Star, the Women's > tales and Alaska and the Philip The Union Pacific band, compos Civic club, the Episcopal church an nlng to set up a light labor con today. Industrialists will face this compe presented to the class showing the pines. ed of 30 men. is directed by Paul the Methodist church. Committee struction camp here to replace a Mr. Aspengren, a graduate of the tition within our land. We will not best school spirit. Announcement Monson. It consists entirely of members will meet Monday night at mobile migratory labor camp, but University of Southern California, be free from the flow of goods pro Mrs. R. J. Evans of Twin Falls, of of this leg of the cup of the Idaho conference; will the be award employes of the railroad company. 8 o'clock in the high school. city officials said they had not heard has been taking graduate work there. duced by regimented slave labor president made early next week. For Mrs. R. F. Tyler of La Grande, cor Despite the windy condition of the of the proposal officially. He has also been employed ta Cal 8or - A merlcans doubt the efficien responding secretary; Mrs. H M. •econ’l, third and fourth most-gen weather a large crowd witnessed the Visit at Bend— The new camp, if established, will ifornia schools. Mr. Aspengren, a cy cf slave labor as compared to Nelson erous offerings 750. 500 and 250 of Boise, secretary of Chris points, cornhusking In the afternoon Wa The Misses Margaret Stevenson contain 150 tent houses, sanitary member of Phi Kappa Phi, honor free labor. They doubt the techni tian social will be awarded. relations: Mrs. Edgar L. gons were furnished by Tom Stewart. and Flora Urqujri motored to Bend facilities and a clinic. If it is not ary scholastic society, was graduated cal efficiency of forced labor. Oth Oakes of Caldwell, secretary of mis The respectively, value of various foodstuffs C C. Oliver. Tom Kanady. L R ers believe we cun defend our home sionary education; Mrs. Oreenlee. was « ruddered and each was rated evening to spend the week sufficient to meet the labor situa from college with honors Price. Art King. J. H. Houston, the Friday with friends. Miss Urquiri went tion In Malheur county a mobile The new instructor will have land and live at peace because we chairman of spiritual life; Mrs. Lu- according to an established system Ontario Elevator company. John end charge of all music ta the grade do not compete on to to visit. Rain, camp will be established points prepared by the sponsor Douglas, member at targe, and of Zittercob. Charles and Otis Ballard. sleet and Redmond --------+------- - school and will have charge of all Shall we attempt to untangle ara ing organizations. Dick Tensen of snow all the way to the i Mrs. C. O. Smithson of Buhl. Ida Perry L. Richmond. Wendell Rich central Oregon city made driving Exam iner Coming— music in the high school except the those conflicting Ideas to select our ho, vice president of the Jurisdiction, the Hl-Y club and Verna Oreenlee, mond. George B Ward. Vincent conditlcns miserable. they report course of action." A traveling examiner of operators girls glee club music. representing the Olrls' league, head the official members of the ed + Mendicla. Mr. Hickey and Dick Da Mr Parr's talk was followed by a were and chauffeurs Is scheduled to be the committee ta charge. Idaho conference. vis. Teams were provided by Tom To Visit Son— general discussion on the subject. at the city ha'.l in Nyssa from. 9 a. Son Leaves— Also working on the committee Twelve members and officers of Stewart. Charles Huffman, Mr Mr and Mrs W W Foster and m. to 5 p. m. November 26. John Oreenlee, who has been visit Homer Atkinson discussed the the national division were present were Jack Church. Don Edredge, Kanady, Henry Derry. Mr King. their family will etljoy the Thanks Jane M arie Wilson Selotat— ing his parents. Rev and Mrs. M constitution and by-laws of the Li to Warren Heldt. of the Hl-Y. and speak and give help and guldanoe and giving holiday and week as guests Mr. Houston, the Ury brothers. Roy June Marie Wilson, daughter of H Greenlee for the post ten days, ons club Florence Jackson. Helen Reffett. ta the work of the conference. In Wallace. W. Richmond. O. T. Pen at the home of their son, Howard Mr and Mrs Barney Wilson, who left Saturday for Sun Diego, where Lovelle Wheeler of the Olrls’ addition to a number of missionaries and nington. Paul Stevens. and Otto in Rupert this week They will mo- is majoring In music at the Unlver- he will be assigned to permanent Staler Visit*— league from both home fields and abroad --------+-------- Mr and Mrs. C. H. Poorman of Hunt. The drivers were Jake Moe- tor to Nampa, where they will get ^ 0{ Oregon, has for some tim duty In the navy, Cavert, executive secretary of M other Depart*— with the Christian le a rn for East— Seattle and Wm Lyella. who recent the Dr federal naar. Brooks T. Kanady. John Frances and Margaret Ellen, who are n(JW ctunctl of Churches of Mrs Oeorge Oreen. who has been Rev. Milton H. Greenlee left by ly returned from Alaska, visited Kriter. Mr Houston. Mr. Kipp. Mr. attending college there, and then cj,ureh choir In Eugene of America, was in Denver on with Recruiter Scheduled— train Tuesday evening for Nash with Mrs. Poorman's stater. Mrs. A. Christ Wallace. W. Richmond. Mr Pen drive to Rupert Wednesday. daughter. Mrs. Glea Bill- business and was secured as an add tags. her during her recent Illness, re nington. Mr. Hickey, Mr Stevens In Boise— A United States navy recruiter ville. Tennessee, where he will at V Cook, and Mr. Cook, last week. ed feature of the program Friday to her home ta Oreeley. Col Mr and Mrs William E Schlre- will be ta the postoffice building ta tend the National Conference for Bazaar to Be He»*— and Mr Davis. presented the devotional service turned orado Wednesday --------+-------- man were Boise visitors Monday Weiser November 24 and 25 and In Christian Education of the Method The ladies of the Rebekahs will He upon which Mrs. Orenlee will base the post office building ta Ontario ist church for the next three weeks hold their annual bazaar at the old her message to be given Sunday. F urehasr Howie— Daughter Bom— OM Timer III— theatre building on December S. at Mr and Mrs. Olea Billings have A daughter was bom to Mr. and November 2«, 27 and 28 All young Take Apartment— 23. ta the local Methodist purchased and Mrs Compton have rent which time all types of needle work, November the John Bishop house on Sam Playford has been confined [ Mrs Grant Rinehart at the Nurs- men bet wen the ages of 17 and 31 ed Mr the Bowman apartment on north rooked foods and chlU can be pur church north Fourth street and moved there to his home with a severe «rid for tag home Saturday The little one may contact the recruiter ta these First I Continued on Pago Six) chased over the wrk end. street. several days has been named Oretchen Beck. School Boxing Show Scheduled Chamber Will Assist Youths Introduced In House Would Affect Sugar Business Measure Nazis May Get World’s Trade Nyssa Pupils Give Out Food — + — Mrs. Greenlee Back In Nyssa LOCAL NEWS Labor Camp For School Music Nyssa Planned Leader Named --------— -----------