Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3U, 1941 Kingman Kolony • Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent. Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trialwill convince RATES: One cent per word for each issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 25c. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED CITY PROPERTY ORDER CHRISTMAS Cards now CUSTOM HAY Chopping. Frank Ray For Rent Beautiful assortment of 20 cards, One-half mile north,% mile, west with your name Imprinted for only cf Adrian .2 O 9xp I ONE ROOM HOUSE, partly fur $1. Phyllis Schlreman, phone 81-R. nished. Dewey Thomason, Nyssa. PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper 23 O 2xp WANTED—All your veldlng Jobs cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone We promise good *ork and fair 39M. 24Atfc. n o t TS e prices Pruyn Auto itepalr. Phone WANTED—Highest prices paid for All feed consume^ by stray 56 W. hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur livestock on my place1 must be BRAKE WORK—Let US put your niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- paid for before removing ani car or truck brakes In first class way north. mals. condition. Special equipment and LEO CHARD named men at your service. Pruyn MISCELLANEOUS 23 O 3xp Auto Repair. Phone b'JW. For Sale KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi PUBLIC LIABILITY and Property For Sale tive prices. First class quality. Insurance for beet trucks. Good STOCK Nyssa Lbr. Co., Ave. and companies Reasonable rates. Ber Highway 201, Phone 108. lOMtfc nard Eastman. 23 O tie TWO PIGGIE SOWS, to farrow soon, will weigh 500 pounds each. FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith FOR SALE: New fur coat. Inquire at Nyssa Lumber company. 23 O W. T. Cannon, 2 miles southwest of tie. Phone 78J. Nyssa COC Camp. 30 O lxp tfc. Consult us on your wumg needs ud meter set-ups. Work guaranteed to meet State equirements. Prices right Information live NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP 18Atfc Local and Long Distance HAULING Phone 72W Lawrence and D rnett 4M tie REGISTERED GUERNSEY, grade FOR SALE MISC. Holstein and two heifers for sale. 20 CHRISTMAS CARDS With your name printed on, packed hi attrac Lloyd W. Lewis, 1 mile south Nys 30 O lxp tive box, for only $1. f ee Phyllis sa on Adrian highway. Schlreman or phone 61- t 4 SNC 1000 checks, printed, nnmtc aed and bound In books for only $3 ¿0. Call Nyssal Journal, phone 19. 4 Snc. $75 WHEELCHAIR for $20.00 CASH or will rent for $2.00 per month. Write or see Hazel D. Glldea, 1st & Ehrgood. *4 blk. E. By Standard Oil Co. 30 O lxp For Sale FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE: Red Spuds, extra good. Sixty cents, bring sacks. G. Stam, 23 O tfc VALLE YVIEW Leonard Nichols and his cousin Miss Margaret Pollard came down from Bend on Friday evening to spend the week end with Mrs. Mary Nichols and family. Miss Pollard’s nome is in Portland but at present she is teaching in the Bend schools. Jimmy Wilson and Bobble Tom- kinson rode to Nyssa on a bicycle Saturday afternoon to attend the picture show. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson were out looking for apples Saturday af ternoon. With so many large or chards being pulled up it is harder to find the various varieties. William Toomb, Charles Newblll and Frank Newblll of Kingman and Vernon Parker of Adrian left late Friday afternoon for the Jordon Valley country to go deer hunting. Due to the rain they were unable to hunt and were lucky to get back home. The roads were almost im passable in places. Mrs. Conrad Martin entertained the Pollyanna club on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Herbert Shaw join ed the club. At the close of the af ternoon Mrs. Martin served coffee and doughnuts. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Newkirk were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond, Holton on Thursday. The Lincoln P. T. A. will have its social Thursday, October 30. There | will be a prize for the couple wear ing the best costume. Their business meeting will be held on the hame night. Mr. and Mrs. Custer Johnson of Sweet Home, Ore., left last Thurs day for their home after severay days visit at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eld Johnson. The members of the Patch and Chat club have been invited to at tend a stork shower in honor of Mrs. Ray Whitsell at the home of Mrs. Tom Pettit on Thursday, No vember 6. Mrs. Conrad Martin. Mrs. Dale Vaie were dinner guests Wednesday Thursday. November 28. at 2 p. m. Ashcraft and Mrs. Earner Dutton with the latter1» uncle, Roy Rook- to work on Red Cross sewing. stool. and family. were in Caldwell on Thursday. Mrs. Mary Nichols entertained at Mis. Adolph Schneider has been dinner on Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. confined to her bed the past week, J. O. Lane and family, Mrs. Lily j She was taken to the doctor Thurs Bach, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Nichols of day. Get your Car Ready for Ontario. Leonard Nichols and Mar Mr. and Mrs. Manley were Sunday Winter Driving garet Pollard of Bend. guests at the Pete Wilkie home at The Christian Endeavor society of Parma. by the United Presbyterian church gave Mr. and Mrs. Guy Glenn and chil a Hollaween party in the basement dren spent a few days last week at Insuring It Wisely of the Kingman school house Fri the Chuck Share home. day evening. Both indoor and out Chuck Share and Chas. Schwel- with door games were played. There were zer returned Saturday night with about 20 people present. At the a deer. close of the evening the social com Kay Hunter’s and Chuck Share’s mittee served lemonade and dough were Ontario visitors Monday and nuts. Tuesday. Insurance Real Estate Mrs. Mary Nichols. Nadine, James ----------- + ----------- and Leonard Nichols and Miss Mar Phone 64 garet Pollard spent Saturday in On Auxiliary to Do Red Cross Sewing— tario. NYSSA OREGON Mr. R. W. Koser and Mr. Thomas The members of the Auxiliary of Fitzglbbons of Chico, Calif., are vis the American Legion will meet at iting in the Raymond Holton home. the home of Mrs. Dick Deusen on Mr. Koser is a brother of Mrs. Hol ton. Mr. and Mrs Milton Newkirk drove to Boise and attended the theatre Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborn and Glenn were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch in New ell Heights. Mrs. Elsie Heltz and daughter Norma Lee returned Sunday from spending a week in the home of her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparks of Payette. The Home Economics club of the Kingman Grange met at the home — before you put in Anti'Freeze Solution. of Mrs. Wesley Piercey on Tuesday The radiator should be cleaned and all hose con afternoon. Bernard Eastman Y UPPER SUNSET — 4 -— Atherton-Noah Mr. and Mrs. Mort Wixson of Cal Wedding bells rang in Valley View CUSTOM BUTCHERING ifornia arrived at the Walt Rafflng- neighborhood over the week end. Every ton home for a few weeks visit and Miss Mira Noah only daughter of MONDAY and FRIDAY to look after their farm interests Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Noah, and Wil Beef, Sheep and Pork here. bur Atherton, were united in mar Sanitary Butchering Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Olson of riage at Payette Saturday, October Guaranteed 25, at the Baptist parsonage by the Nyssa Steam Laundry Phone 05-R-l Rev. C. M. Strong. Miss Noah wore One Mile West of NYSSA on Nyssa's Own & Nyssa Owned a street length dress of white fleck Alberta Ave. — Seventh a Park Streets — ed spun rayon and carried a corsage JAKE FISCHER of violets and sweet alyssum. Her Phone W® going away dress was light blue That any auction sale or sale barn is depen State Examinations— rayon shantung with darker blue New examinations for stenogra accessories. Those present for the dent on you, the public, and that we hold a sale phers, clerks and tabulating ma wedding were her grandfather, Le here in Nyssa every Friday P. M.. W e solicit and chine operatore are to be given soon roy Simth, and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. need your consignments. W. L. LANE for Unemployment Compensation Noah; Mr. Roger Atherton and Ber commission jobs. Starting pay from nice, father and sister of the groom, That we had the buyers here that you talk Auctioneer $960 to $1440 a year with promotion from Fruitland, Idaho, and an old Farm and Ranch Sales, ed about? prospects. Merit system rules ap friend of the bride, Wilma Brown. Purebred Livestock We could have sold five times the number ply. Send applications before No 22 Years Experience in the They left Saturday for a short wed vember 10 to the Board of Examin ding trip to Boise and other parts. Auction Business of cattle that we had last Friday. We watch the ers, Portland. Complete information They will be at home in, the Valley “ For the Best Prices—SeP markets all the time, and are here to see that from any state employment office. It At Auction” View neighborhood where Mr. Ath- your property does bring market price, and all (Paid Adv.) reton is engaged in farming. Res. Ph. 25W P. O. Box 425 it is worth. Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hickey and Virgil Belisle left for a deer hunting We are experienced in the sale barn busi trip over the week end. A. A. Brat AUTOS and TRAILERS ness. ton did the chores for Virgil Belisle. For Sale The new fills on the Bratton and Give us a consignment this week. We feel White roads certainly are a great sure you will be satisfied with our efforts. 1930 MODEL A TRUCK with beet improvement and will be better yet bed. Dewey Thomason, Nyssa. when graveled. Help the business to grow — this is your 23 O 2xp Mr. and Mrs. Ben McConnel and market. | U llfl Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bratton motored For Rent over in Idaho Sunday afternoon and POTATO STORAGE. On Hiway 201 called at the Henry Moore home. Near Nyssa. F. W. Sherwood. Oscar Bratton attended a birth 23 O tfc day dinner at Nyssa in honor of W. L. LANE, Auctioneer-Manager Leroy Toomb’s birthday Friday ev For Sale Phone Re*. 25-W ening at Mrs. Toombs’ home. POULTRY Mrs. Anna Katt visited Mrs. Mark Thousands o f housewives Christianson in Ontario Wednesday. FOR SALE: Thirty Leghorn pull .s, Recus Van Twisk is building a new know that LIBERTY never 5 months old, pullorum tested. Ora bam. Friel, Rt. 2, Alberta Ave. 23 O 2xp . . . . that it Mrs. Clara Young of Ontario vis ited her daughter. Mrs. Lewis King. quick and burns FARM LANDS Saturday. and liot! Try a ton. For Rent WASHINGTON, D, C. — manity. But so many of us in Mrs. John Leinhard of Hermiston was an overnight guest of her aunt, America Is straining every our human way have taken AL THOMPSON DAIRY AND STOCK Farm near nerve and muscle of its pro for granted our blessings Mrs. M. J. Amidon, Sunday. and SONS Parma, silo, artesian well, excel Valley View played basketball with duction capacity to become a people. Our forefathers had lent beet ground. Tractor equip Feed — Seed — Coal White Settlement Friday at White strong enough to defend and ment required. November 1. Mrs. C. Phone 26 Settlement. The latter first team preserve its way of life and to work, to fight, to suffer T. Andrews, 1914 Cleveland Blvd., 2nd and Good Ave. and the Valley View second teams identity as a nation. and to sacrifice for their lib Phone 873-W, Caldwell, Idaho. won. Men and women are at work erties and their way of life. 25s tfc. Coy Brown returned Tuesday from to make America physically And they did this for us, too. Long Valley. Idaho, where he had and materially powerful, and We inherited so many worth been working for Beryl Lee. this concerted effort is the while things, and in our en wonder, admiration and hope joyment of these we [___ of all liberty-loving people ev overlooked the fact that freedom, is founded upon fine erywhere. There are many problems ideals, so is the continuity ofj Miss Dorette Kielhorn, who has Involved in this Defense pro freedom based been employed in Ontario as a ste Each of us must realize C__ ‘ gram. and we want to empha- nographer, has accepted a position with the givemment and left Sun day evening by train for Portland. Her grandfather. Mr. Fred Meneke, accompanied her and will be gone about two weeks. Verne Anderson and Mary Fair- S cnny B hoo * man surprised their friends and were married in Boise Thursday. Oc tober 23. A charivari was tendered the young couple at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Anderson Friday ev 93 Proof ening. They will make their home at the Falrman ranch near Cairo. Mr and Mrs. Tom Whitlock have gone to Roseburg where Mr. Whit lock is employed. ^ K E N iU C K Y SlR A IG H T BOURBON WHISKEY BRAND Friends have learned of the mar National Distiller, Produrti Corporation. N. Y. riage of Grover Findley, formerly of m M M /M /M m uim M M m m m m m m m m m ssm tossi this community, and Miss Ida Nor land of Nyssa. The ceremony was performed in Payette on September 30. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Findley, par ents of the groom, attended the wed- din and reception. Leslie Frank of Antioch. Calif., ar , rived Friday evening for several days visit with his father Emil Frank, and family. He will leave j for army service on November 4. Mrs. Annie Harris was called to La { Orande Teusday of it«* week to at- j size one especially, because It the individual and all he ^ tend the funeral of her cousin, Jes- j will bridge the gap between and all that he has belong to se Hulse. who was 84 years old. Mr victory and defeat. This vital Amertcs Should America go. and Mrs Burr Hayett of Whitney factor la our appreciation of we all. and all that we have individual responsibility. Butte also attended. and stand for. must go. If Mr. H. B. Johnson of Alemena. We are a great nation, won L are unable to march and fight, Phone 97 Kansas, arrived Monday to spend a derfully Mast, with an Inspir we must find our place where month at the home of his son, Levi ing past and ideal opportuni what we can do will contrib Johnson. ties for future service for hu- ute to national needs. nections should be checked for leaks, and the entire water cooling system in good working or der. DON’T W A IT — HAVE IT DONE TODAY PR U Y N ’S G A R A G E Phone 58 W Second and Main 8L Do You Know? Give Me LIB RTY Jf THE NYSSA COMMISSION CO. Defending O ur Nation and America’s Heritage | ¿ K Q S f C faexs FOR THE WHISKEY I THAT'S '‘Cheerful as its Name!" Lincoln Heights / LOOKER 'EM AU OYER amd nemo to e / nance MY m 2 CAR THRO TH£ ___IK H A Y and G R A IN IN S U R A N C E Don’t be sorr FRA N K T. re! M O R f& N f/RST HAT/OHAL BARR! BECAUSE. . . /. LOW COST 2. COHYEH/EHT TERMS. 3. CHANCE TO GET THE BAHH TO HHOW ME. Believe me, that to t reason stands oat! The Dank gives me finance PLUS! ^ y °u °Pen your face much wider, Tommy, you 11 swallow your face. What are you crying for? "No* FOUR — I’m crying for some syrup on just ONE slice of SW A N 'S B R EA D ASK FOR IT AT YOUR GROCER’S Swan’ Bakery PHONE 20 NYSSA