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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1941 special consideration In the negotia NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE man, Deceased; me unknown heirs | his offices In room 18, Wilson Bund Theodore DeMoss and Arava G. De or devisees ol WUlard Lynch, De ling, Ontario, Oregon. Moss, his wife; the unknown heirs tion of deiense contracts because of Op November 16, 1941, at 10:00 o' ceased; and also all right unknown per Dated this 2nd day the fact that they face unemploy clock A. M. at the North front door sons claiming ( of October, or devisees, if any, of Edith Coulter, any or interest Deceased; the unknown heirs or de ment due to priorities; Grand Rap of, the County Courthouse in Vale, in the real property described in the 1941. 5---- «V.' visees if any of Matthias S. Smith, herein, Defendants ilnlstrator of the ids, Mich.; Eatonton, Ga.; Green Malheur County, Oregon, I will sell complaint J. L. GRAY. Afta Lois E. Cecil Vogts Clyburn, Walter Deceased; the unknown heirs or de , Deceased. ville, Mich.; Rlpon, Wis.; Newton to the highest and pest bidder for To Estate of J. WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS • - - - Owner Clyburn, Green, Glen Green, visees, if any, of Bessie Adams, De cash, the following property: and Kellogg, la.; and Mansfield, O. 1941. 1st Pub. Oct.‘ Rosina Green, Stanley Fenn, Jean LOUIS P THOMAS . . . . Editor I ceased; the unknown heirs or devi 8,tiSE>4 of Section 20 Township 16 j Loyela veland. Ed Tullis, Clara Gasaway, CIVILIAN DEFENSE NOTICE OF HEARING OF ■ Gasaway, Archie Gasaway, sees, if any of Adeline J. DeMoss, South of Range 47 E. W. M. Malheur Oran The president proclaimed Novem Gladys Fraser. E. S. Fraser, Ralph ACCOUNT Deceased; and also all other persons INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND HELIOION, OPTIMISTIC County, Oregon, together with the Emlson, Juanita Emlscn, Bert Emi- Notice FINAL ber 11-16 "Civilian Defense W< Is hereby given that the fi or person unknown claiming any tenements, hereditaments and ap son, Anna Emison, William Emlson, nal account IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE The proclamation asked of Max S. Taggart, ad right, title, Interest or estate in or to Emison, Trustee, John Ennis Ltd., ministrator of thereunto belonging or Lucille Ennis, "to become better Informed of the purtenances EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY the estate of Mary the property herein described, De John Co., Ennis, anywise appertaining. Said sale John many vital phases of the civilian de In Editha Ennis, William Alley. E. L Louise Loveland, deceased, has been fendants. Is made under «yiecution issued out fense program and of oportunities Larson, J. T. Pence, Martha O. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ADVERTISING BATES In the County Court of Mal To Walter M. Smith, Mildred Fay the Circuit Court of the State of Vogts, Glen R. Vogts, Charles Ross filed . . . for the participation of every of Open rate, per Inch. . ........30c heur County, State of Oregon and Smith, Mrs. Sybil Harris, Vester Jefferys, William Hyatt, Newton J. Oregon for Malheur County to me One Year ........................ *1.50 Individual . . Civilian Defense Di directed In the case of Owyhee Irri Minton, Jane Doe Minton, Archer that the National, Per Inch —........30c 18th day of November, 1941, Harris, Effie Schubert, L. Zane $1 00 rector LaGuardla announced the gation District vs. Eliza Smith and V Douglas, Florence Simpson. Mrs at the hour Classifieds, Per word ___Ole of 10:30 o’clock A. M. Schubert, Merle DeMoss, Jennie De Single Copies ............... .05 L. W. M. Smith, Carman, Lena S. Smith, William theme of the week: "The only effec J. F. Smith, Equity 5468. Minimum 25c has been duly a{lpolnt/d by such Moss, Warren S. Smith, Emma (Strictly In Advance) Jacob Adams, Nancy tive answer to total war Is total de Adams, Mrs. W. Davis, G. Hansen, W. G. Court for the heÇûing/Of objections Smith, Janice Moates, E. E. Croy, _______ C. W. GLENN, Sheriff fense." Hansen.Cherald Bert Davis, said final aecourlK&nd the settle Clara J. Smith, Alfred C. Adams, Malheur County, Oregon Kenneth Green, Jane Doe Green, to ment AIR n thereof, at Which time any Theodore DeMoss, Arava G. DeMoss, Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. John Doe Brooks, John Doe Dodge, 1st publ. Oct. 30, 1941; last publ. The War Department announced Nov. 13, 1941. person interested lh such estate may Kenneth Coulter, the unknown hells Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission Theda Dodge, C. M. Cooper, Villa the present 54-group combat plane through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under Cooper. Goldie Laura Price, Parsons, Jess Price, Par appear and file objections thereto in or devisees. If any, of Edith Coulter, George program Is being expanded to pro NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE sons, writing and contest the same. Dat deceased; the unknown heirs the act of March 3. 1879. Walter Lynch, Kathryn George Lynch, Fergu John ed vide organization of 84 combat the 16th day of October, 1941. or devisees, if any, of Matthias S. Lynch, Corda Lynch, groups — a virtual doubling of army On November 15, 1941, at 10:00 o’ son, Effie L. Nelson. N. A. Ivie. Jay MAX S. TAGGART, Smith, Deceased; the unknown heirs ^,«mi!i!iiiiiit!iiiiiiiii mm ri h ni unii in in i;i in wn n 11 m in m min min n m hiiihii iiiniiiiinii n nm n in hiwiim air strength. The new program calls clock A. M. at the North front door Teitsort, Ray Teitsort, Roy Teitsort, Administrator or devisees, if any, of Bessie Adams, Mrs. H. E. Minturn. Mrs. Cliff Cum First published: for an increase in air force enlisted ol[ the County Courthouse in Vale, mings, October 16, 1941; Deceased; the unknown heirs or de Mrs. F. H. Minturn, Mrs. O. personnel to 400,000 to next July. Malheur County, Oregon, I will sell H. Scott, Mrs. H. W. Harris, Callie last published: November 13, 1941. visees, if any, of Adeline J. DeMoss, t(j the highest and best bidder for Slover, Jessie Ibbatson, James Ib- Deceased; and also all other persons NAVY, ARMY NOTICE OF HEARING OF Edna McLean, Dennis, Lou Georgia Den The navy luanched the submarine cash, the following property: batson, or person unknown, claiming any nis, Mattie M. Wilson, FINAL ACCOUNT right, title, interest or estate In or Haddock and commissioned for ac E%SEViNE14 of Section 36, Town William U. Wilson. Mrs. William NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the property herein described, of tive service the aircraft carrier Hor ship 17 South of Range 46 E. W, M. Bloom, Samuel Warren, Jane Doe that Emma B. Pitkin, Administra the above named defendants: net and the destroyer Bristol. OCD Malheur County, Oregon, together Warren, Sarah Luella Good, the un Director LaGuardla made ai»il»Wr "With tenements, hereditaments and known heirs or devisees, if any, of trix of the estate of Fred J. Pitkin, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF deceased, has filed her final account OREGON: You and each of you through local defense councils a de- appurtenances thereunto belonging known ------ h®lrf°o^‘d ^ e r e ^ f William — --------- . of her administration of said estate are commanded to appear In Said Hyatt, Deceased; scrlption of the entire nvaal pro- or in any wise ’ appertaining.' ------ | M | grig the unknown , heirs with the county clerk of Malheur hereby the above entitled Court and cause, devisees of William Alley, Deceas gram in a report “The Progress of sale Is made under execution issued or County, Oregon, and that November ed; the unknown heirs or devisees of the State E. L. Larson, Deceased; the un 22nd 1941 at the hour of 11 O'clock within four weeks after the date of out of the Circuit the Navy." publication of this summons, ur County to of The army awarded contracts for of Oregon for known Deceased; heirs or devisees of J. heirs T. A. M In the County Court Room In first which 23, 1941, then and ase of Owyhee Pence, the construction of 56 more USO me directed in the unknown the City of Vale, Malheur Cdtinty, there to is October answer or otherwise plead devisees of Nels P. Nelson, De recreation buildings, bringing the Irrigation Distrii Vjl. Ira L. Hoff- or Oregon, has been fixedta-tlre Court to the amended complaint filed ceased; of the unknown Deceased; heirs or de m number under contract to 107. Dep man et al, Equii ,55. visees the as the time and place? for hearing herein, and if you fail so to do, for uty OCD Director Gill Issued a re unknown Horace heirs or Ivie, devisees of Wm C. W. Glenn, Sheriff, account amKobjeirtions thereto, want thereof, Plaintiff will take G. Vogts, Deceased; the unknown said port to local defense councils«-- 'Tlie- Malheur County, Oregon. heirs and all personsuntere^ted in said es judgment and decree as prayed for or devisees of H. H. Carman, Progress of the Army,” giving dets" 1st pubi. Oct. 30, 1941. Last pubi Deceased; Published through the co-operation of the the unknown heirs or de tate and havir^s.objections thereto in said amended complaint, declar E Nyssa Gate City Journal, The National Editorial Association, ed Information on all phases of visees the of unknown Walter A. heirs Carman, Deceas if shall appear at say time and place ing and determining: (1) That Mat Nov. 13, 1941. ed; or devisees, army defense program. Defense Advisory Committee and The Office of and file written abjections to the thias S. Smith died intestate, Nov. any of Frank Carman, Deceased; NOTICE OF SHERIFF S SALE SELECTIVE SERVICE Government Reports said and .liow cause if any 30, 1925, leaving Clara J. Smith, wi the unknown heirs or devisees of Ja Selective Service Headquarters On November 15, 1941, at 10:00 o’ cob S. Adams, Deceased; the un they account hr. v.Iiy said final m ount dow, Warren S. Smith, Bessie Ad completed arrangements to classify clock A. M. at the North front door known heirs or devisees of Nancy sh .id n it be allowed approveu 's, Edith Coulter, Effie Schubert AID TO BRITAIN. RUSSIA a submarine undoubtedly German'’ army men with mechanical skills be of Adams, Deceased; the unknown end salii Admin!.U'..,io,i and brought to r.d Walter M. Smith, children, and the County Courthouse In Vale, heirs or devisees of James S. Slo Lend-Lease Expediter Harrtaan, on October 17, reached port with 11 fore they are discharged so they Malheur County, Oregon, I will sell ver Deceased ; the unknown heirs or . close. virs. Sybil McLeod, Merle DeMoss returned from Moscow conferences crew members missing, one critically may be immediately employed In to jhe highest of C. heirs D. Slover, Deceased; of EMMA E. PITKIN and best bidder for devisees and DeMoss, grandchil on aid to Russia, reported to the injured and eight Injured slightly. defense Industry. Referral offices cash, the following the unknown or devisees Administratrix of the dren, Theodore as his only (2) That Ed president that the Russian govern The house passed and sent to the operated by the U. S. Eployment NW1/. Section 20, Township property: J. M. Dennis, Deceased; the un Estate of Fred J. Pitkin, ith Coulter died heirs; South known heirs or devisees of Sallie O. intestate June 14, ment and people are determined to senate a resolution authorizing the service In each camp will Interview of Range 47 E. W. M. Malheur 16 Coun- Dennis, Deceased; the unknown Deceased. 1933, leaving Sheridan Coulter, wi fight on at all costs but the Soviet arming of American merchant ships. each man to give him specific ad or Deceased; devisees the of Mrs. H. H. heirs Car Dat' of lirst publication Oct. 23, dower, regon, together with tenements, heirs Î Janice Coulter, Maurice armies "need substantial quantities PRODUCTION PROGRESS man, unknown ’ind work. Tiered! vice as to where he can find 1941. Date of last publication, Nov. éreditaments and appurtenances Coulter and Kenneth Coulter, chil or devisees of Willard Lynch, De 20, 1941. of munitions and raw materials." OPM Production Director Harri OIL, GASOLNIE and also unknown per ^ thepeunto belonging or In anywi: ceased; claiming dren, as her only heirs; <3) That Treasury Secretary Morgenthau ad son issued the lollowlng summary Because of a “more optimistic any all right or interest appertaining. Said sale is made^ufi- sons Bessie Adams died intestate Aug. 20, vanced the Soviet Union another of production progress: Ships — all outlook" Defense Petroleum Coor der, in the real property described in the NOTICE TO CREDITORS issued out of the Cir complaint herein, of the above nam Notice is hereby given to the cred 1940, leaving Alfred C. Adams, wi thirty million dollars against gold and Maritime commission con dinator Ickes withdrew his request cuit execution Court of the State of Oregon ed defendants: and Olive Bartenhago .i, Russia Is sending this country. The navy itors and all other persons interest ■ dower, that east coast filling stations re tracts are ahead of schedule and by foi; Malheur County to'rue directed IN THE NAME OF THE STATE laughter and plaintiff herein, as her Defense Supplies corporation auth the ed in the estate of James C. Beam, of November one 10,000-ton main closed between 7 p. m. and 7 In the case of OwyrrewtJrrigation OF OREGON: You andieach cf you only heirs; (4) That Alfred C. Ad orized payment of $36,889,000 to the cargo end ship late of Nyssa, deceased: that the will be turned out every a. m. Mr. Ickes said the move was district vs. Estate of/ Jtmes G. hereby are required to/appear and ams has no title or interest in the Russian-owned Am tong Trading day; Bombers answer to the complain* filed against undersigned Clara A. Beam has made possible by the return of 40 — designs ready for described Desert Land Entry in the above entitled court and company for Imports of manganese mass production and four gigantic tankers by the British, increased White, Deceased, et al^pquity 5463. you appointed Administratrix of herein cause by the above named' plaintiff, been either as widower or by deed from W. e GLENN, and other materials necessary to U. new plants will be In operation by transportation facilities to brtog o I T j\ ------ C. I he estate of James C. Beam, de Bessie &am ^ u n ty ^ e g o n . within four weeks af«r the date of (5) That Plaintiff is S. defense Industry. publication of this Summons, ceased, and has qualified as su the sole Adams; next summer; Tanks — production to the east coast and the fact that 1st pubi. Oct. 30, 1941, last pubi. first and only owner of and en- which date of first / publication is All persons having claims agSmst The Federal Loan agency an being doubled by farming out to his conservalon program had re Nov. October 9, 1941, thin and there to said estate are hereby nprified and trywoman upon Desert Land Entry 13, 1941. nounced disbursement to Great make 2,000 a month; Powder and duced the oil reserves shortage from answer otherwise tKfe required to present sajwe with prop 025485 The Dalles, and SHNE14 and Britain of another 100 million dol Small Arms — abreast of schedule 9 million barrels to 476,000 barrels. complaint or filed herein, plead and to if you SE'4 Sec. 12, Twp. 22, S. Rng. 46 E. SUMMONS er vouchers duly verified within six W. fall so to do, and for want thereof ----------4---------- lars on the 450 million dollar loan with 30 of 70 planned plants now M. Malheur County, Oregon, and plaintiff will takeNjudgment and de months of the data of this notice to IN THE CIRCUIT FOR OF THE STATE cree against you, lor the relief de to that country for which Britain in production, 61 by spring. is the person entitled to make final OF OREGON MALHEUR the undersigned aft the office of A. put up as collateral Brltlsh-owned The President announced that by manded In said complaint, to-wit: proof thereon, or to assign all or Big Bend COUNTY. L. Fletcher Jfi Nyssa, Oregon, which part American factories and Investments. January 1 he will place before con (1) requiring each-of you to to set forth thereof, and that defendants Amalgamated Sugar Company, the place is hwsqby designated as the nature of your claim the fol- Both houses of congress passer the gress a program to step up tank Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan and The A Corporation, I lowing described real property in place of business in matters connec are without right or claim thereto; $5,985,000,000 new lend-lease appro output to double the present con Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee spent last Plaintiff, person as defendant Mrs. Sybil Har Malheur County, Oregon: ted with said/»estate. priation and sent it to conference templated production. He said the Tuesday visiting relatives In Cald vs. ris; (7) That Janice Coulter Is the Beginning at a point on the South Sanford N. Emison, Eva A. Emison, CVIRA A. BEAM to adjust minor differences. program is being developed primar well and Nampa. Boundary of U. S. Hignway 30 same person as defemlaht Janice Thea Greig, El M. Grelg, Gladys Administratrix of the 38 feet of South of the North ily for this country’s own needs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop were Fraser, E. S. F’ra.ser, Ralph Emlson, South, Moates, formerly Jajrice Oroy, now C. 8. SHIPS SUNK estate of James C. west coiner the Southeast quai Juanita Emison, Emison, Lucille Anna ter of Northeast quarter (SEii Gen. Devers, armored force business visitors In Ontario Wednes Emison. divorced from E JE. Croy; and (8> deceased. The 9,000 ton freighter Lehigh, Maj. William Bert Emison, commander, speaking in Philadel day. for such other declaration as may NEli) of Section 32, Township 19, Date first Beam, Emison, John Ennis Company, Ltd., published, October 23, flying the American flag on a run phia, of running Range South 47 E. 1282.0 W. feet M.; 1941; last published NoV. 20, 1941. be proper, and (for plaflntiff’s costs there are already ample Ray Schoff, a deputy of the State a dissolved corporation, John South from Spain to West Africa to pick tanks said thence Ennis, Trustee, John Ennis, for training purposes. and disbursements incurred. Tax Commission and County Asses thence West 2o4.8 leet to tne East up a cargo, was sunk In the South Edith A. Ennis, William Alley, E. L. Boundary SUMMONS sor E. P. Hendrix of Vale spent Fri Larson, Tliis summons is ^served on you of the Oregon Short J. T. Pence, Martha O. Atlantic on October 19. All hands SUBCONTRACTING The OPM Defense Contract Dis day in Bend looking after property Vogts, Lois E. Vogts Clyburn, Wai Line Railroad right of way; thence IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE pursuant to order of/ti^e Hon. David were rescued. The American-own tribution ter Clyburn, R. Vogts, STATE OF OREGON FOR division Issued an army with the view of outlining a program Ross F. Grahrm, County jjudge of said 6 degrees 01 minutes East ed freighter Bold Venture was sunk jelierys, Glen tviercy Aim Charles Leucn, North MALHEUR COUNTY County and State, aWng in the ab of existing contracts of for reassessing real estate. along the East Boundary of said several hundred miles south of Ice compilation Nicnolas Leuck, William Hyatt, Olive Bartenhagen, Plaintiff, subcontracting op Mr. and Mrs. Lem Davis and s tw s a J. ¿vimLull, sane uoe iuin- Railroad right of way 1288.6 feet vs. sence of the Circuit Judge, made the land October 16. The president told fering the best uon, El fie L. Mutton, Arcner v. to the South Boundary oi U. S. 22nd day of October, 1941 directing and announced a plan daughter of New York were guests of Douglas, a press conference the sinking of the portunities Mrs. W. Ci. Hansen, W. G. for prime contractors to “adopt" Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lee at the Hansen, cecil Green, Cnerald Da Highway 30 South: thence East Walter M artfith and Mildred Fay publication of summons for 4 weeks. Lehigh seems to establish that mere whole Industries for the dur Phelan home during the past week. vis, Hen Davis, Kennetn Green, 0 degrees 10 minutes South along Smith, hisvwifg; iilrs. Sybil Harris Including 5 publications In the Nys ly keeping ships from actual combat ation. small Division Director Odium said Miss Betty Baldridge, who teaches Jane South boundary of said High and Vester HarriSVher husband; Ef sa Gate City Journal published at Doe Green, Doris Davis, paui the areas no longer protects them. way 119.7 feet to the place of be fie Schubert and Xj. Zane Schubert, Nyssa, Oregon, with date of first R. Davis, Glen Green, Rosma ginning; the Curtlss-Wrlght Airplane com in high school at Fruitland. attend Green, The navy department announced pany, all that part of the her husband; Mferje DeMoss and publication Oct. 23, 1941. Doe Brooks, John Doe southwest being for example has adopted the ed Teachers Institute In Boise and Dodge, John quarter the destroyer Kearney, ’’attacked by aluminum Theda A. Dodge, Lyman Auen CARL H. COAD Industry and will farm was a Sunday guest of her parents, Green. Mary quarter iSW 'iNEiil of of Northeast Sec. 32, Jennie DeMoss, /life wife; Sheridan Green, Martha El Attorney for Plaintiff Twp. 19 S. Rng. 47 E. W. M. lying Coulter, Widowefe/ Maurice Coulter; out parts of its orders to those alum Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baldridge. len F ields, Henry Fields, Sadie Irene east Kenneth Coulter; Warren S. Smith of the east boundary ol Ore Webb, Clinton Webb, Khza Jane gon Short Lane Railroad right oi Residing at Nyssa, Ore Inuir. plants hard hit by curtailment Mrs. F. A. Miller spent Saturday Boyd, Herman Laura Boyd, Parsons, O. M. Cooper, and Emma Smith, his wife; Janice gon. In Ontario attending a meeting of Villa Cooper, of civilian production. way, and South of the South jess E. E. Croy; Clara J. Smith, First publ. Oct. 23, 1941. Last publ. The War department announced leaders in Girl Scout work, which Parsons, Alta Fenn, Stanley Fenn, boundary of U. S. Highway 30 Moates: widow; Alfred C. Adams, widower; Nov. 20, 1941. Ida Fenn, Carl Penn, Ora Harris, South, containing 5.57 acres, the Quartermaster corps will make was held in Little House. Harris, Mary Fenn, Leland and that ail claims of the defendants Its contract awards on a regional ba Miss Mary Weir returned to Harp Harriett Ed Tujlis, Pete Janek, Dora to the plaintiff shall be de sis, direct negotiations will be made er Sunday evening after a week end Penn. Tullis Janek,' Goldie Price, George adverse termined declare, by tne adjudge Court; (2) and that deter the with bidders, and prices will no visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Price. Wallace Lyncn, Racnel Lyncn, Court Walter Lynch, Kathryn Lynch, John mine that you and each of you have longer be the "dominating factor" Robert Weir. Save Real money for other Purposes Cordi Lyncn, Nora Williams, no estate or interest whatever in or Joe Samer returned home Sunday Lyncn, Williams, in making awards. to said land and premises, and that George Ferguson, the from a few weeks stay in Ontario. Fred LABOR By buying your Insurance at the property plaintiff is in a and good to Lynch, Mae Lynch, Margaret said title OPM Directors Knudsen and Hill Ronald Hlnman, who as visiting Frank land of fee and Lynch, Effie L. Nelson, N. A. Ivie, and valid staph/ title; (3) that his mother at Seattle, returned to man and War and Navy Secretaries Florence SimpsoB. Mrs. L. M. Car L. A. Maulding, M.D. Stin and each of you forever shall G R A H A M S IN S U R A N C E Agency. son and Knox Issued a joint his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. j man, Jay Teltsor^, Ray Teitsort, Roy you be enjoined ayn debarred from as- Physician and Surgeon Teitsort, Mrs. H, E. Minturn, Mrs. serting statement that the Interruption of Whitley, last Friday. He has reen Cliff any whatever in or Cummings, Mrs. F. H. Minturn, said land Save from 20% to 48% on every policy Phone 37 property adverse defense production by strikes or tered the Roswell grade school. Mrs. O. H. Scojlt, Clara Gasaway, to to the ,4i for such other plaintiffT Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks enter slowdowns "Is the greatest help ag Both Stock and Mutual Companies— Hours: 10 to l£_and 1 to 5 Oran Gasaway,/ Archie Gasaway, and further re! as to the Court gressors can get these days when tained about 30 relatives at a family Lena Smith, william W. Smith, shall seem equi bib in this matter; Dally—Except Sunday Absolutely NON ASSESSABLE POLICIES Jean Loveland, Jacob S. Adams, and (5) for pla tiffs costs and dis- material on the battlefield Is every gathering Sunday. Fry Building Nancy Adams, Mrs. H. W. Harris, bursements suit made and thing.” They asked employers and SPECIAL LOW RATES FOR HAY INSUR Callie Slover. Jessie Ibbatson, James incurred. employees to telephone the U. S. Ibbatson, Edna Dennis, Georgia ANCE—SAVE 48% ON HAY INSURANCE Legal Advertising You will take notice that this sum TOWNSEND CLUB Conciliation Service or the OPM Dennis, Mattie McLean, Lou M. mons Is served on you under and by Wilson, William U. Wilson, Mrs. In cases of labor difficulties so they and pursuant to an Order MEETINGS William Bloom. Estate oi C. C. Wil of virtue the of Hon. NOTICE can receive Immediate attention. N Y S S A REALTY David F. Graham, son. Deceased, Phineas M. Warren, County Judge of said County and Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday LIVING COSTS AND PRICES Ida M. Warren, Samuel Warren, School District Number 26, Mal- acting In the absence of the at 8 p. m. at City Hall and Insurance Co. The Labor department reported Doe Warren, Estate of John R. State, Circuit on Judge, which Order was County, Oregon, will sell the Jane Good, Deceased, Sarah Luella Good, A. L. McClellan President living costs for moderate Income hqur made the 9th day of October, Phone 53 Stand located on the athletic M. A. Grant, Administrator of Es 1941, directing that the summons families In large cities are now 9.6 Orjuid Don Graham ./...__Secretary field of said district to the highest tate of John R. Good. Deceased, herein be published for four succes per cent higher than before the out ladder. The bidder must agree to Clarence Reece, Edith M. Reece, Es sive weeks. Including five publica The Public Is Invited break of war In Europe. Price Ad remove the grand stand within a tate of John F. Reece, Deceased. tions in the Nyssa Gate City Jour Malheur Countv Public heirs Welfare at Nyssa, Oregon, ministrator Henderson, In a report of seven days of less begin Commission; the unknown or nal date published of first publication on the with 9th NYSSA AERIE to the president, said the U. S. needs period devisees, if any. of Lennox B. Boyle, ning November 15, 1*41. He must al day of October, 1941. price control legislation “and we so agree to removpall debris result- Deceased, the unknown heirs or de F. O. E. NO. 2134 need CARL H COAD. visees of William Hyatt, Deceas Fall Styled Bedroom Suites It fast." Attorney for and Plaintiff, mg therefrom Msets Wednesday Night off the ed; the of William unknown Alley, heirs Deceased; or de Residence Address: PRIORITIES site to corresi AT EAGLJSS HALL mainder visees Nyssa. Oregon Priorities Director Nelson Issued if the area, heirs or devisees of 1st publ. Oct. 9. 1941: Last publ. We have just received a ship or other E. the L. unknown Visiting Eagles Welcome V Larson, Deceased; the un an order entirely prohibiting the use spnken Nov. 6, 1941 objects severed at known ment of New Fall Styled Bed HARRY MINER, Sec heirs or devisees of J, T. of copper for non-defense construc least 6 Inches mean sur- Pence. Deceased;the unknown heirs ‘£ NOTICE TO CREDITORS room Suites! ROSCOE FINDLEY, Pres. tion after November 1 and after f»ce or devisees of Nels P. Nelson. De IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE the area.’ January 1 for 100 civilian articles The of successful ceased; the unknown heirs or de \ bid You will like the new lines, der must pay visees of Horace Ivie, Deceased; the STATE OF OREGON GATE CITY LODGE such as toys. Jewelry, dress acces tjie entire amount |qr t the bid In cash unknown heirs or devisees of Wm V AND FOR MALHEUR COUNTY the expert workmanship and sories, house furnishings and burial before starting to No. 214 G. Vogts, Deceased: the unknown N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE structure, heirs quality that has been put into equipment. He also ordered contin it must also p<^t the or devisees of H. H Carman. performance Deceased; the unknown heirs or de OF J. W. HAYES. DECEASED. their making. ued through December the bond of fifteen of Walter A. Carman, Deceas THE UNDERSIGNED having been ment of light truck production for The Board reaves the right to visees - ed; heirs or devisees. appointed by kheabove entitled civilian use. Meets Tuesday* any. the of unknown Frank Carman. Deceased: If Court Ject any and air bids. of the StahyTK Oregon, for Mr. Nelson announced a series of the unknown heirs or devisees 8 p. m. bids will be received by B. Jacob the County of MalKeuV, Admlnistra- S. heirs Adams. Deceased; the Nancy un of (tor open meetings In Minneapolis. Nov B 8^aled Lienkaemper. Clerk, on or before known or devisee« of of the Estate oi j/w . Hayes, de- I.O.O.r. Temple 3; Cincinnati, Nov. S; Indiana polls. November 13. 1941 at 1:00 P M Adams. Deceased; the »Hknowp ceased, and havide^uallfisd. notice First Street, Boutta BUY THEM ON EASY TERMS Nov. 9; Rochester, Nov. II; East Or or devisees of James 8. Slover, is hereby given «✓ the creditors O. E. CHKLDELIN. Chair heirs of. R. A. Thompson Deceased: the unknown heirs or de ange. N. J., Nov. 1«; and Pittsburg man. Noble Grand visees of C. D. Slover. Deceas and all persons having claims Nov. 18; to acquaint businessmen Attest: Jt. B. Lienkaemper. Clerk. ed: the unknown heirs or de against said deceased, to present M. P. Sotomoa Nordale Furniture Store with the priorities system. visees of J. heirs M. Dennis. Deceased the them, verified as required by law. Date of first Insertion Octover 30, Secretary The OPM certified th< unknown or devisees of SalUe PHONE 94 NYSSA of last Insertion. Novem- O Dennis. Deceased: the unknown within six months from the date of mid-west communities as enUtl*^R> 1941. 6. date 1941. heirs or devisees of Mrs. H H. Car- this notice to said administrator, at The Gate City Journal — — A ei p; w P ci * w n A il a £ f 8 8 t C t 1 * t I THIS WEEK IN DEFENSE Professional Cards |Priced at $89.50 up