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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1941)
SAMPLE COPY jrtäSBSüb The NYSSA GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS * IN THE HEART OF OREGON S SUGAR EMPIRE Published at Nyssa, Oregon. VOLUME XXXVI , N O T l^ Price Support To Protect Farmers On Defense Foods ITY JOURNAL Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1941 LOCAL DAIRIES PUT NEW PRICE SCHEDULE IN EFFECT Vale To Meet — 4 >— Rock Shelton and Herb Fisher, owners of the Shelton Dairy and the Gate City Dairy, respectively, announced a new price schedule on cream, due to the rapid rise in the price of butter-fat. This new price schedule calls for 18 cents per half pint of cream, 33 cents for pints, and 60 cents for quarts. The new prices will take effect immediately, they announced. Milk prices will remain the same the dairy owners said, 11 cents for quarts and six cents for pints. ------------4*----------- Nyssa Here A. A. A. Signup Set No New Cases O f Ahead Due To Hog Cholera Defense Program Dr. M. J. Belton, deputy state vet $1.60 PER YEAR BOB MORGAN BURNED WHEN TRACTOR SPARKS CLOTHES Bob Morgan, an employee at the factory and a fanner In Apple Val ley suffered severe and serious bums on Thursday morning of last week. Morgan was attempting to start the tractor on his farm and In doing so spilt some gasoline on his clothes. He started to fix a cylinder and a spark from the motor ignited his gasoline-soaked garments. Dr. J. J. Sarazln was called and Mrs. Lloyd Lomax assisted him In dressing the bums. Later Morgan’s parents ar rived at his home to care for him. He Is reported to be improving. ----------- 4>------------ Sugar Union Gets Pay Raise And Closed Shop By Wesley Sheman erinarian, was In Ontario Saturday Coach John Young's Nyssa high Due to defense program demands checking up on the hog cholera sit Negotiations by the Sugar Work football team, after being kicked it has been necessary to hold the uation. He Investigated two or three ers Union, AFL, Local No. 22918, around all season by conference op 1942 sign up for the Agricultural reports while there but found no with the Amalgamated Sugar com ponents, will attempt a late sea Conservation program before the more cases of the disease and ex pany for pay raises and a closed son comebeck on the local field to first of the year. In all counties of pressed satisfaction in the manner shop were brought to a successfu morrow, Friday, October 31, at the the state an attempt Is being made in which the outbreak had appar lconcluslon last week when the com expense of Vale’s Vikings. Game to complete the sign up by December ently been stopped. pany officials agreed to the union time is 2:15 p. m. While discussing this matter at 1 and this can be done only with the demands on the two issues. A con Just as the squed was about get cooperation of the farmers and the the county agent’s office, Dr. Bel tract was also signed by the union ting Into toy shape In regard to phy ranchers of the county. ton stressed the advisability of or and the company which will be ef sical strength. Alvfinn Ekanger, one Recent reports In the local papers derly marketing of slaughter hogs fective through the present cam df the team’s strongest guards, pull nave Indicated that Malheur county under the provisions of the quaran paign and until June 30, 1942. ed the ligaments and tendons in his lias a definite goal to meet in the tine through the sales yards of the The pay raise will give hourly knee and is out for the rest of the national agrlculaural defense pro county. This, of course, would mean workers a five cents per hour In season. Harold Wilson, reserve, dis- aram. The signing of the 1942 farm only those hogs ready for slaughter crease and monthly workers a five loacted an arm in the Emmett game plan will Indicate the farmer’s In and weekly marketings would pre dollar per month Increase in wages. — •{■— and he, too, will not see service dur tention as to what he will plant dur vent a build-up of the number of The contract provisions call for Members and officers particularly ing the remainder of the Bulldog ing the coming year and this will hogs on farms. The quarantine does a yearly continuing contract. How League Standings of all Malheur County Granges are schedule. Bob Browne, flashy back, i enable the county defense commlt- not restrict the movement qf hogs urgently requested to attend a state is also still on the Injured list.' W L ever, In the event either the com j tee to judge just how near the goals among farmers and farmers may Team pany or the union desires a change Farmers ........ officers conference to be held at the ................. ...4 0 Just what the Blue and White ; of the county will be met as request purchase sLocker and feeder hogs on In the contract, a 30 day notice must Wilsons ............. ...................3 1 District building In Oregon Slope coaches will use u: an attempt to ed by the state defense committee. the farms without violating the be given to the other. This notice Coal Heavers .... district on November 4 according to ....................3 1 Copies of the 1942 farm plan are quarantine. A warning should be stop the Vikings is not known. Per must be given before the termina Eder’s .................. ................... 1 3 C. A. Ketcham, county Grange dep haps they will combine a passing at being mailed to every farmer and given to those farmers doing this to 1 3 tion of the existing contract. D. D. D.’s uty. tack wit htrick plays in the manner rancher of Malheur county and they Investigate whether or not sick hogs With the satisfactory conclusion Barber’s The meeting will begin at 1:45 p. ................... 0 4 have been found on those farms that came so close to upsetting Wel- are being asked to give their imme of the negotiations and the fact that m. with group discussion of Grange The Cornell Bowling league open having hogs for sale. ser and that de'eated Payette. diate attention ot the filling out of the local factory Is now unionized, problems to be followed by a dinner ed Monday night when Wilson’s and ------------4*------------ local persons predict that “White Vale’s squad, beset with injuries, these forms and mailing them to at 6 p. m. At 7 p. m. the meeting Eder’s met, Wilson’s walking o ff with the county office in Ontario after Satin” sugar will be taken off the will take up with reports from Home has made a poor showing in the three points while Eder's had to be they are completed or taking them “ blacklist“ of unions on the coast content with one pottt. Economics and agriculture commit | Snake River valley league so far this to the sign up meeting In the vari with a resultant increase of the use tees. Then at 8 p. m. the Grange . year. Its veteran backs. Musgrove Tuesday night the Coal Heavers ous communities and submitting of that sugar among union members will open In the Fourth Degree with ! and Shumaker, either could not win took the long end of a three to one them at that time. It Is likely that who adhere to union label merchan a floor demonstration and a count ! games without a good 3olid line in score against the Three D’a. Wed assistance will be required In fill dise. of all granges having all officers at | front of them or failed to perform nesday night the Fanners walked A joint F. F. A. meeting was held ----------♦---------- j to last year’s peak. Vale’s latest ing out these forms. Additional in by the Adrian and Nyssa chapters at off with a clean slate o f four points the meeting. defeat was at the hands of Parma’s formation asked for on the 1942 ---------------------- 4 - — ------------- against the Barbers. Adrian on Thursday night, October MATTIE LEE ROBERTSON farm plan Includes the Intended ] Panthers, 13 to 0. 24. High series men were R. Wilson, COWARD planting of various crops and also 1 Friday's game has all earmarks The main purpose of the meeting 447; Artie Robertson, 509; and Har — + — I of being a thrill packed struggle. information regarding the number was to Initiate Greenhands. Twenty- ry Miner, 499. Last Friday artemoon Mrs. T. F. of cows milked, production, hog pro Neither team has much to lose and ---------- +---------- four Adrian boys received this de Coward was laid to rest In the Owy will not have the pressure of trying duction, beef cattle production, and gree. hee cemetery following the simple poultry production. LEGION MEMBER DRIVE TO for a league title to slow them down. servlcse of the Christian Science The Greenhand degree is bestowed A schedule of meetings has been Foods available during November COMMEMORATE CLEM MC COY ------------ ♦------------ church. set up as follows (all meetings at 8 upon freshmen agriculture boys or for purchase with blue stamps by Mattie Lee Robertson Coward was upperclassmen who are commencing CHILDREN’S CLINIC TO BE p. m ): A membership drive for Nyssa families taking part in the Food Nov. 3, Ridgeview school; Nov. 4, their first year in vocational agir- Post of The American Legion will bom In Cretindon, Hendrix county, Stamp Plan in Oregon were announ HELD IN ADRIAN NOV. 5 Harper High school; Nov. 5. Chalk culture and have a satisfactory su begin on November 1 and end Janu Indiana, on Januray 1, 1869. When ced today by M. Louis Belangie, lo a small child she moved with her An Immunization clinic will be Butte Community hall, and Willow- pervised program of farming. cal stamp plan representative. These ary 8, 1942, at which time a fitting parents to Lucerne, Mo,, where she The Greenhand boys initiated foods are obtainable In local stores held in the Adrian high school at creek school; Thurs., Nov. 6, King- ceremony will be held In honor of from the Adrian chapter were as was married to Thomas F. Coward throughout the month of November. 9 a. m. on November 5, under the man Kolony School and Brogan follows: Donnie Brewer, Emil Codr, C. L. McCoy, past commander of on July 2, 1890. To this union two Grange Hall; Friday, Nov. 7, Wade direction of Dr. L. A. Maulding, Fresh pork and butter have been Melvin Crocker, Frank Davis, Roy the post, and at the time of his children were bom, Claude Roscoe added ct the list of foods obtainable Nyssa physician, according to Mrs. school and Valley View school; Mon Deffenbaugh, Allen Hathaway, Masa death, vice-commander of the De and Ethel Louise. In 1905 the family by stamp program participants dur M. L. Judd. The clinic will be open day, Nov. 10, Nyssri High school and Kora, Floyd Hawk. Keith Lane, Bill partment of Oregojt American Le came to Oregon where they have ing November. Except for the addi to the seven school districts in and Oregon Slope Community hall; gion. January 8 will also mark 10 since made their home. Vale, Court Marston, Junior McDermott. Vard years for the local post. tion of these two staple food items, around Adrian, Mrs. Judd said. Wednesday. Nov- Mitchell, Donald Mettleider, Ih u r- She is survived by her husband, wlm. appear on the stamp program Those schools are Owyhee, Kingman house and Annex School house; “With the national emergency Thomas F. Coward, her daughter, mon Plercy. Donald Pitkin, Wllford food list for the first time since Ju Kolony, Wade, Big Bend. Nayton, Thursday, Nov. 13, Nyssa high school growing more acute «tally, world and Pioneer school; Friday, Nov. 14, Prosser, James Robb, Pedro Sillonls, war veterans can find no better way Mrs. Ethel Coward, both of Nyssa. ly, the November list Is the same as Ridgeview and Adrian. Lloyd Voss, Wilbur Wade, Junior One brother, James R. Robertson, Hope Community hall and Boule that for October. Immunization against smallpox Zamora. Jim Cummings, Elbert to serve their nation again than by of Lucerne, Mo., also survives as The complete list of blue stamp and diphtheria and the Schick test vard Grange hall. becoming a member of some veter Hatch and Allen Nelson. well as three grandchildren, other ----------+---------- foods for the period November 1 for tuberculosis will be given at the The Nyssa officers were In charge ans’ organization,” Walter Thomp relatives and a host of friends. through November 30 in all stamp clinic and is for all school children son, district Seven membership ------------4------------ of the Initiation and were accom At Jefferson Barracks— plan areas Is as follows: except the diphtheria toxoid which John C. Poage has recently been panied by their new instructor, Wil chairman said. According to present Attend Meeting— Butter, fresh pork (except that is only for those children over six national plans, Thompson conclud George J. Mitchell, Elden Stim - assigned to the Air Corps Unassign liam Schneeflock. cooked or packed In metal or glass months old. COUNTY P.T. A. MEETING At the end of the meeting re ed, the veterans' organizations will welss and Robert McCurdy of the ed, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo„ ac containers), shell eggs, fresh pears, HELD AT OREGON TRAIL cording to word from Headquarters freshments were served by the Ad form the nucleus tor home defense. Nyssa bank attended a bankers ------------4*----------- apples, oranges, raisins, dried prunes, — 4 >— meeting and banquet at Baker this Reception Center at Fort Douglas. rian F. F. A. to all of those present. Visit Mother— ------------+ ----------- The Malheur County Pa ent- fresh vegetables. Including potatoes, week. Their wives accompanied Utah. From Pendleton— Mr. and Mrs. Webb Eld ridge and com meal, hominy grits, dry edible Teachers as ociation met last Sat- | O. M. De Brokert of Pendleton them to Baker and visited during Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Robinson of Dwight Wyckoff Deferred— Returns to Nyi beans, wheat flour, enriched wheat urday at the Oregon Trail school j the evening. Dwight O. Wyckoff, who was to Portland are visiting with the mo Dr. C. A. Abbott returned to Nys was a guest of Ralph Beutler Wed and heard Mrs. Charles Newbill. the flour, whole wheat (graham) flour. Labor Camp— have been Inducted Into the arir.y nesday. ther of the two ladies, Mrs. Betty sa on Sunday evening from Myrtle president of the association, deliver November 4, has been deferred for Ponit where he had gone to arrange The F. S. A. Labor camp is a busy Forbes. the theme "Defense Begins at Former Resident Visits— a period of 30 days, according to for the removal of his office equip Mrs. Thompeou 111— place these days with the additional Home.” R. D. Ly::e was introduced Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Wood of Es Sister Visits— Robert D. Lytle, chairman of the ment and household goods to Nys Mrs. R. A. Thompson was 111 with help for lettuce, beets and spuds ar by County School Superintendent condido, Calif., visited In Nyssa on Dr. and Mrs. Glen Kenaston of Malheur County local board. In his sa. He is now located at his former a severe cold over the week end. riving every day. At present there Mrs. Claypool. Lillian Nizbett, new Friday with old friends that Dr Burlingame. Calif., arrived on Mon place the board has called Phillip offices In the old Journal building. Visit From Portland— are about 85 families living at the county librarian, attended the Board Wood had made while in Nyssa sev day for a visit with Mrs. Kenaston's D. Clowers of Nyssa. camp which comprises about two Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Forbes who of Managers meetings In the morn eral years ago when he was known brother-in-law ¿r>d sister. Dr. and In Caldwell— Patient Improves— ing. Mrs. Bert Applegate, Mrs. Emma as “Honey Bee” Wood. Mrs. Jesse Thompson who was ta have visited with Mrs. Forks«' mo hundred fifty persons, according to Mrs. E. D. Norcott. While here Dr. Unit reports were read by Pres Dr. Wood Is now a practicing phy- Kenaston will join a group of elk Quinby and Mrs. Herbert H. Fisher ken 111 two weeks ago Is reported to ther, Mrs. Ethel CrawUsrd, since the Raleigh Searles, camp manager. Harry Collins of Nyssa Is now the Morris-Crawford wedding and while ident Newbill and the secretary. erinarian in the California city. be recovering rapidly, were Caldwell visitors on Friday hunters for an outing. here enjoyed some hunting, will camp caretaker. Mrs. John Young and her girls glee in Baker— Son Home— club furnished the musical enter Pete Mitchell is home for a visit When Miss Mary Vey and M)»» leave for their own home In Port Improves Ranch— tainment for the afternoon. R. H. Johnson, who recently pur with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ella Pedro returned to their home In land on Thursday. It was announced that a free mo J Mitchell, for two weeks. Pete, Pendleton on Friday, Mrs. C. L. Daughter Leaves— chased 80 acres of Black Canyon tion picture on Safety would be who has been stationed with the U. On Friday Leo Homer and his land from Jesse Thompson, has McCoy, with whom they had visited shown in Ontario on November 7. al S. arfy air corps at Lory field, Den three children, Robert,, Don and erected a tent house on the pro for several days, motored as far as so that a petition would be circulat ver, Is being transferred to Mitchell The Pomona Grange met Satur Jobs of the Grange. Baker with them. Mrs McCoy vis Pauline o f Sacramento, Calif., ar perty and has started well drilling ed asking that the county employ a day, October 25, at Harper. The Among the various resolution! field, New York. ited Mrs. John Oreullch, her moth rived for a short stay and to join operations. When the well U fin home demonstration agent. morning was spent in routine work, was one asking the nation to put a Week End Guests— Mrs. Homer and Helen, who were ished, Mr. Johnson expects to build er-in-law, who Is In the hospital In Week end guests of Dr. and Mrs. The county council will meet some including hearing reports from the tax on oleomargarine to put it on E. D. Norcott were Mr. and Mrs. Baker suffering from Injuries re visiting at the parental George a house. time next spring in Adrian, it was various local Granges of which there Haycock home. On Sunday Mr. and ------------4------------ a parity price with butter as they D. H. Peoples of Bend and Len Full ceived in an automobile accident were some fourteen. also announced. Mrs. Homer and their children re The report was given that the have allowed it to be “hopped-up” er of Portland. They enjoyed some two weeks previously. -----------+---------- Cam van der Winkle I l l - turned to California. president of the United States had with medicines to give It a parity hunting while here. Case van der Winkle of Alberta with butter for food values. That Occupy New Homes— Just signed a very important farm Valley underwent a serious abdom Attend Conference— resolution was carried unanimously. Mrs. K. E. Kerby left on Tuesday inal operation at the hospital in On Several members of the W. S. C. S. bill that could be traced back to A resolution by the Chalk Butte to Join Dr. Kerby at Camp Lewis. tario on Wednesday last. His con of the Methodist church attended a the National Orange headquarters, Grange The baby Grange of Mal Wash. dition is reported to be “as good as conference of that organization held from there to the Oregon State heur county) asking the county Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Qiezentanner can be expected.” at Goodring from Thursday until Grange and from there back to the commissioners to double the appro have taken the Kerby home and Even Popeye. the world famous learn a trade while serving his coun From Portland— Saturday. Those enjoying the meet Malheur County Pomona and from priations for weed control In Mal moved their furnishings there on sallorman of the comics, will Join try in the Navy, but re receives pay, ing were Mrs W. W. Poster. Mrs. there to one of our neighboring lo Mr. and Mrs. Bud arable of Port heur county. This bill created a Tuesday. with the Nyssa Journal In bringing Milton H. Greenlee an officer in the cal Oranges. land stopped for a short visit with food and lodging. Thomas said, and great amount of enthusiasm among The house vacated by Mr. and to the attention of the young men Around noon the Pomona recess organization, Mrs. Ed Pruyn, Mrs. the new land farmers. Judge Gra Mrs. Oiezentanner at Fourth and In this locality the advantages to don’t think that Navy life Is all Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler Tues ed for lunch. It would have done Johnson, Mrs. Ruth Brooks, Mrs. ham explained that the county was Reece has been rented by Mr. and be gained In the United States Na work either, for there are always day. Lloyd Lomax, and Mrs. Carl Sebum. fine for a banquet for the President already taxed every dollar that the Mrs Wayne Morris, who expect to vy, L. P. Thomas, retiring editor, an plenty of competitive sports and en At Emmett— One of the outstanding features of the U. S. A. Chicken, turkey, state would allow, and that there take possession over the wek end. Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Thompson nounced today, following the plac tertainment. o f the meetlgn. according to those pheasant, dressing, noodles, salads, was already a weed law that would If I From Boise— Beginning this week the Navy and their sons enjoyed Friday even ing of an order by the Navy Re who attended, was the address given pickles, vegetables, pies, cakes! Be enforced compel the negligent farm Mrs. R. J. Newell of Boise spent cruiting service for a series o f ad plans for a limited time to accept ing dinner with Mrs Thompson’s by their national secretary, Mrs. tween sixty and seventy to feed and er to prevent his noxious eeds from Wednesday afternoon visiting Mrs. vertisements showing the wide range new qualified men for training, at parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B Earp. enough to feed an army. And the Bourne of New York City spreading to neighboring farms. George Haycock. of trades that young men may learn the rate of 15,000 per month. These at their country home near Emmett. While in Gooding Mrs. Poster vis Resolution committee had to hurry The bill was laid on the table until while In the regular or reserve navy. men will be sent to one of four Na Hospital— ited with her son, Howard, who op through to get the various resolu tions shaped up to present to the the next meeting so that the pnaent According to an announcement val Training stations and may have At the hospital this week all of erates a dragline there. law could be investigated further. afternoon session. made public In Washington, a lim a chance to go to a Navy trade the newcomers were girls. P. T. A.— After the noon hour recess the There was only one resolution pre ited number of additional men be school even before assignment to the To Mr. and Mrs. Harley Davis An Interesting meeting of the business of the day was again taken sented to the committee that was tween the ages of 17 and 50 will fleet. “Never in the history o f the Smith, a daughter, Jolene Soundra, Kingman P.-T. A. was held at the up. Later another recess was call rejected by them, although several be given a chance, by enlistment In United States has there been great was bom Oct. 24, 1941. Kolony school house Friday after ed for the lecturers' and entertain were tabled by the membership. . . . Hear Hersch was almost "the the navy or naval reserve, to get er opportunity for loyal Americans To Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Raymond noon. Walter McPartland had ment hour. The county health peo This one resolution was sent in by man who got slapped” . . . and those to the top. with big pay. In jobs to serve their country and build Pierce a daughter. Rosalee Ann, was charge of the program on reading. ple had charge of the lecture hour two farmers in the sparsely settled birdies In the road proved to be too which by their aptitude and as a their futures than right now,” Sec bom Oct. 23, 1941. Miss Prouty spoke on Reading Two short reels of pictures were part of the county. Their voting big a temptation to some local nim- result of examination, they show retary of the Navy Knox said. To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Charles Readiness. Mrs McPartland on Re shown. Two talks on the Malheur precinct had been merged into oth rods; to the latter*' sorrow . . . beet themselves to be fitted, from nearly Free booklets on Navy life are Evans a daughter. Olori* Jean, was medial Reading and Miss Nesbitt, county health work were given Two ers and they objected. Judge Gra trucks coming In on an ealser tempo SO different trades and vocation* available for any young man who bom Oct. 28. 1941. from the county library, told of the or three songs and a couple of very ham explained that there were only at the “Y " this year . . . now aa These Include aviation machinists, la Interested, and may be obtained Also receiving care at the hospital importance of children having ac comic readings sixteen or eighteen voters in that soon as the elk hunting la ended we dental technicians, photographers, either by filling out the coupon in this week were Mrs O. R. Hite, and cess to good books. She urged the After the lecture hour the Pomona precinct and It cost the county six can all settle down to getting ready diesel engineers, radio technician* the advertisement on the back pake Neal Bishop, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. mothers to make use of the county began the work of the Resolutions to eight doburs per vote to hold a for Christinas . . and bowling is electricians, welders, storekeepers, o f this fcsue of the Nyssa Journal H Bishop Both are reported to be committee. This is one of the big precinct there for them. now the chief topic of conversation i and bakers. Not only may a man or by calling at the office personally, improving. library. Oregon farmers who volunteer their help In produ ing the Increas ed quantities of dairy products, eggs and chickens and hogs sought In the 1942 farm defense program will have the protection of new federal farm legislation against price col lapses for these particular commodi ties, Robert B. Taylor of Adams, chairman of the state USDA agri cultural defense board, pointed out this week. This new act of c.ngress, the Steagall amendmen;. requires the secretary of agriculture to give pub lic notice whenever 1 c finds it nec essary to enccurag tee expension of any non-basic commodity. The law further directs him to use public funds to support the .. rm price of the commodity «at no. .ess than 85 per cent of parity. Before the secretary can discon tinue a price-supporting program, he must give sufficient public notice of the termination to permit pro ducers to make a readjustment in production, Taylor explained. Secretary Wickard has already given public notice covering, until December 31, 1942. hogs eggs, evap orated milk, dry skim milk, cheese and chickens. This protection Is not required now. because the farm prices of all of these commodities are well above the 85 per cent of parity level. These “price floors" will enable farmers to plan their 1 42 production In the knowledge tnat prices can and will be support ed, should It become necessary, Tay lor added. The following commodity parity prices, on a nation.'! basis, were re ported as of September '5. 1941: but- terfat, 34.8 cents a pouiu’ : -hickens, 15.6 cents a pound: eggs, 33 3 cents a dozen: hogs, $9.89 a hui red- weight; beef cattle, $7.14 a hundred weight. These parity prices are . ‘ cnonstant, however, but are subject to change depending on the chang ing relationship of farm costs to farm prices as compared with the 1910-14 base period. 'This new pr.,»-supporting de velopment Is an added feature of the national farm program designed to protect the income and security o f the farmers who answer Areml- ca's call for greater production of vital foods,” Taylor commented. State Grange Officers Confab League Opens; FarmersJ[n Lead Nyssa, Adrian FFA Initiate Pork, Butter On Blue Stamp List Pomona Grange Asks For Tax On Oleomargarine Advantages O f Navy Life To Be Shown In Ad Series ’ROUND TOWN (■■■■■■nuneaem Bi