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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1941)
The NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon. GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON S SUGAR EMPIRE VOLUME XXXVI, NO. 41 i Washington WQnofi shots JOURNAL Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1941 FRANK PARK TO ATTEND PRINCIPALS CONFAB —4»— Frank Parr, principal of the Nys- | sa high school, will attend the thir- | teenth annual conference of the Or egon High School Principals asso ciation to be held October 23, 24 and 25 in Salem. One of the high lights of the con ference will be a report of a commit tee which has been interviewing Oregon employers in an attempt to discover what they believe should constitute the training of high schccl pupils who plan to enter northwest industries following their graduation from high school. Dennis Patch, member of the committee on personal and business relations, will also attend the con ference. Legion Asked For Recruit Naval PORTLANDERS ENTERTAINED BY NYSSA CHAMBER $1.50 PER YEAR Grange Asks For Revaluation ORDERED DRAFTEES NOT ELIGIBLE FOR MARINES — + — Sugar Union Asks Closed Shop, W age Increase Seventy-«ix members of the Port Selectees who have received their land Chamber of Commerce des _A_ orders to report to local draft boards Oregon Trail Orange,at its meet for induction into the army cannot Commander Wesley J. Browne of cended on Nyssa Wednesday night the Nyssa Post of the American Le and were g"ests of the members of ing Tuesday of this week, adopted a enlist in the United States Marine the Nyssa Chamber at a banquet resolution to be presented to Mal by J ames P reston gion has been asked to secure at The newly formed Sugar Refinery least one young man from around served in the school gymnasium by heur Pomona at the meetirg to be corps, according to Sergeant Epps of Workers Union, Nyssa Local 22918, or in Nyssa for enlistment in the the Ladies Aid. Ray G. Larson was held in Harper Saturday, October the Boise Marine Recruiting office. American Federation of Labor, is Preparations are quietly advanc United States navy. The request toastmaster who introduced Mayor 25. asking that all taxable property Orders to that effect were receiv negotiating with officials of the ing in Washington for a broad eco came from State Commander Joseph J. C. Olsen and Dr. K. E. Kerby, in Malheur county be revalued by ed the first part of October the re Amalgamated Sugar company for president of the Nyssa Chamber of nomic attack on the Axis powers. the State Tax Commission. County K. Carson. Jr„ in response to a sim a closed shop throughout the en cruiting officer said. The Economic Defense board — ilar one from Secretary of the Navy Commerce. The Girls Glee Club of Assessor Hendrix waspresent at the tire year and a pay raise of five the Nyssa high school, with Mrs. This dees not affect a selectee which was created in June — will meeting and expressed his opinion Knox to Carson, in which the secre cents per hour for workers on hour John Young, their instructress, as shortly begin to open its economic relative to the Inequalities of the tax from enlisting in the Marines prior ly rate and $5 per month for those tary stated that he was asking all •'blitz." of the posts of the Legion to make piano accompanist, sang two num rates throughout the county and to the time of his receiving his or on monhly pay, according o Joe The weapons for this attack were a special effort to secure as many bers. Miss Darlene Dorman was the hoped that the way could be paved ders, Sergeant Epps said. Enlist Trent, president of the union. A ne forged when the President set up men for the navy as possible, in soloist for the group. Mr. Charles for a thorough revaluation. ments in the Marines are still open, gotiating committee from the union this Board of the Vice President and A second revaluation, addressed to with an opportunity Tor a man to composed of Joe Trent, John Ray, celebration of Navy Day, which has Fisher, musle Instructor for the Nys sa schools, rendered to vocal num seven cabinet members to insure full the State Highway Commission, asks been set for October 27. enlist in the regular corps, or he Harry Hahn, Walter Miller and J. bers. accompanied by Mrs. Young. use cf the enormous economic power Any young man who may b? inter Fallowing this short program the that consideration and correction of may enlist in the Reserves in which E. Brower, assisted by R. E. James, --------+-------- of this government in the effort to the dangerous condition of the first event he would be discharged imme organizer for AFL from, Kansas Ci ested in naval service can secure meeting was turned over to George help Great Britain in her job of de information by contacting Com-1 J. Greenwood, chairman of the three miles of the Adrian highway, diately at the end of the present ty, are negotiating the union de feating the Axis. Top officials of the emergency. mands. mander Browne, or any member cf Trade and Commerce committee of south of Nyssa. board will tell you they see it as Martin W. Osborn, president of ----- ----- 4»---------- H. A. Benning, vice-president and the Nyssa Legion post, and at the the Portland Chamber. Talks were the Blue Mountain Seed association, having two main objectives: first, general manager of the company, office of the Nyssa Journal. given by President E. Don Ross of was present and expressed confi to conserve for the United States said that "the company is not op "The Navy offers any young man the Portland chamber of Commerce, and its friends large stocks of vital —*p— dence in the ability of the new man posed to the union, nor to any of who can pass the physical and men- , Briie. Dennis and R. B Ambrose all ager, Robert Sawyer. Osborn also materials; second, to prevent their On Tuesday, October 14, the Mal ta! our employees belonging to the un examinaticns, a lifetime oppor- „... ..___ . ... _ . flow to unfriendly nations. heur county U. S. D. A. county De tunity of preparing himself in sev- pcinting out the theme of the Port urged all farmers with seed placed ion if they so desire, but it has al This Economic Defense board has fense committee met with state offi ral fields of skilled work." Browne land d legation, “as you grow, so on sale with the cooperative to set ways been the policy if the company a collection of not-to-be-sneezed-at cials representing the State Defense said, “and the Legion is meet anx will Portland." a price so that the organlzalon New examinations for office work Tommy Luke, famous Portland would be free to act at once should ers applying for Jobs with the State to offer employment in our factories weapons in its arsenal—weapons of board to consider defense goals for ious to not only help the building to our farmer growers and their florlst.led in group singing with a considerable striking power against Malheur county under the national a bid for the seed be received. Unemployment Compensation Com sons when their farm work is com up of our Navy, but also to start special "Mexican” song by Edward the Axis nations, already showing defense program. The state officials ---------- 4*---------- mission were announced today by pleted, giving them an opportunity some young fellow on his way to signs of shortages of important ma outlined the general program as to ’earning a real trade, so that when F. Sinclair. ED BOYDELL IS AIR TRAINEE Professor William Griffith, supervis to earn some extra cash. For that Following the dinner the Portland terials, and of financial strain. he functions of the state and coun- Edward Boydell, Nyssa, is one of or for the board of examiners. reason it would be inconsistent with Financiel pressure is one of these y defense boards, showing how state he comes back into civilian life he ers were taken on a tour of inspec Oregon’s 30 civilian "trainees” who Six classifications with starting that policy if we entered into an will be properly trained in some tion throughout the Amalgamated weapons Washington hopes to crip goals had been set and how these trade that will earn him a good live are enrolled in the fall civilian pilot pay from 880 to $120 a month are agreement which would make it ob ple the Axis wherever possible had been broken down by counties in lihood, to say nothing of the oppor Sugar company factory. training class at the university. listed in the announcement. The po ligatory for them to Join a union through financial manipulations, order to meet the state goals and by James C. Slovall, CPT coordinator, sitions Include Junior and senior for a short employment period.” On tunity of unlimited travel in prac such as the step already taken of states in order to meet the national announced yesterday that dual in clerk-typists, Junior and senior clerk the wage Increase, Mr. Benning ask I tically all parts of the world." freezing bank accounts of unfriend goals. strution is well underway and solo stenographers, key punch operator ed tobe excused from comment, say ---------- 4*---------- ly powers, coupled with increased fi work is expected to begin some time and junior tabulating machine oper ing that the matter was still in the The county goals for Malheur in nancial assistance to friendly or crease in several commodities as fol TAX ON TELEPHONE ator. during the next few weeks. negotiating stage, several meetings ’-«utral nations, and other means of lows: --------+------- Although educational and experi having been held on the subject and SERVICE IN EFFECT \ "ing money to obtain cooperation, ence requirements vary high school another is to be held in the next few Milk, 7.9%, 4,305,000 lbs; milk POMONA GRANGE TO MEET By Wesley Sherman materials or good will at the expense cows, 5%, 510 head; eggs, 8%. 56.000 graduation and some training or job days. Mrs. Cora Tomlinson, local man IN HARPER OCTOBER 25 When the Nyssa Bulldogs take on of the Axis. performance, in the main, are neces dozen; cattle and calves, 22%, 5,126,- ager for the Malheur Home Tele On the wage situation it was —4.— Through the --port licensing con 000 bs; hogs (spring pigs), 20%, 700 phone company, said that subscrib the Wilder squad on the Wildcats' sary to gain admittance to the ex pointed out that hourly workers Pomona Grange will meet at 10 field Friday afternoon, October 17, trol, major econ- - !c weapon No. 2. litters; chickens. 9.8%, 4,214 head; ers to phone service may find an in- aminations. have had their wage rates raised . . .... , they will meet a’team that has not a. m. Saturday. October 25, at Harp the government cm control ship turkeys, 10%, 550 head; corn. 8.3%, crease in their . telephone Because of Increased demands 10 cents per hour in the last 12 bills for i . * . . „ . . ““ , er, according to Frank Sherwood, _ . . . . . . . , ... been beaten yet this season though ments of materials abr prohibit 664 acres; farm gardens, 38%, 494 October due to the recent imposition * As usual the meeting will be an all from defense industries for office months, the lowest rate now being tied once. ing sales to neutral cou. ' tes when farms. help, many of last year's merit lists of a federal defense tax. which be- The only comparative scores avail day affair, with Mrs Earl Lofton, already have been exhausted. Ap 52 Hi cents per hour. government information is such as came effective October 6. President Joe Trent of the union The county defense board in meet Pomona lecturer, in charge of the pointments from the new lists will to indicate the materials ulti This tax amounts to six per cent able to help predict the outcome of said that the closed shop principal mately end up in one of the Ax, na- ing with the state officials, N. C. on the monthly rates and on long the game are those with Adrian. programs. follow closely upon completion of was a m atter th at was not only vi Donaldson, executive assistant; AAA. A detailed program is not yet tlrns. distance calls of less than 25 cents. Nyssa lost to the Antelopes while available, Sherwood said, but it is the tests, it is expected. tal to the protection of the union H. G. Avery, assistant marketing Wilder defeated the Adrian squad Control of imports is another wea Complete information and appli members but also that of the com On calls of from 25 to 50 cents a in its first game of the season, 28 certain that the Legislative commit specialist, extension service, and A. pon in the economic warfare cate cation blanks may be obtained from tax of five cents is imposed, and tee will have a part in the program. the 23 local offices of the state em pany, because such a clause would gory. From Latin America and other R.Colburn, Portland, REA, repre over 50 cents a tax of 5 cents for to 0. make it impossible for agitators to senting the state defense board, con- --------* -------- Coach John Young’s squad is ex foreign countries, the government ployment service or from the Port Influence the members. "If negoti each 50 cents or part thereof. pected to be bacx in the same form can insure our industries if supplies idered the above items and used the land office, 701 Spalding building, ---------- 4*---------- ations with the company fail, the that it exhibited against Weiser and of native materials and make cer goals as requested by the state de of the Board of Examiners, where all m atter will be referred to the Labor Payette for the Wildcat contest. tain these strategic materials are fense board. Each goal was con applications must be forwarded be department whowill unquestionably Wih the exception of Bob Browne, not sold to the Axis powers first. For sidered from all angles and it was fore November 10. Examination cen have a representative sit in on a who is still walking on crutches, the example, an agreement recently ne the consensus of opinion that no dif ters will be selected from Portland. conference between the company team will be at full strength. Tough, gotiated with Mexico and Brazil ar ficulty would be incurred in obtain Salem. Klamath Falls, Eugene, Med and the union," Trent said. "There Hunters of upland game birds are ing these goals. hard-smashing Eugene Cleaver, who ranges for those countries to sell all awaiting Wednesday, October 22, ford. Ontario, Bend. Pendleton and has been no talk of a strike,” he In order to have a broader view their exportable surplus of certain Word has been received at the was injured in the Payette game, when the season opens throughout Marshfield. concluded. point, a meeting in the afternoon at war materials to this country exclu ---------- 4----------- County Agent’s office that an in will be ready to take his position in A strike of workers at the Nyssa tended by 28 farmers and ranchers spection of horses for purchases by the backfield. Blaine Devlin, trans the state. sively. factory would haveserious effect on Seasons and limits on upland birds The Economic Defense board, in of the county including the Smith- the army will be held in the Union fer from Boise, has been developing the growers, due to the “strike -addition, is working out a system of Hughes teachers and the manager of Pacific yards in Ontario on Wed as a back during the absence of vary throughout the state, but in clause” in the grower contract. This priorities for the Latin American the Co-Op Creamery, the county nesday. November 5, starting at 9:00 Browne and Cleaver and will prob Malheur county the season does not clause stipulates that in event of a ably hold a regular position during close until November 23. The bag republics. This would not only keep gcals for the various commodities a. m. strike that would shut down the limit on pheasants set by theGame wpreagaln considered and accepted. the remainder of the season. Rex trade flowing between the two All of those who have horses of factory at "shall excuse the respec commission is four male birds in any ___________A ___________ Shelley, who has been carrying the Funeral services were held in Vale Americas, but would aid in strength the type as outlined in previous is tive parties hereto from the per one day, but not more than eight ening the defenses of the South sues of county papers should plan ball for the Bulldogs as fullback, birds in any seven consecutive days Sunday for Lorin Gruwell, 67. who formance of this contract,” leaving American countries as well. on having these animals at the will alternate between his regular or in possession at any one timet. died last Thursday morning at his the growers without a market for And control of shipping allows this above mentioned yards promptly at position and guard in the line to Only one female bird may be had in home four miles north of the Owy their sugar beets. The growers’ side hee dam. He was found dead when of the question seems to be sum- government to make effective de nine o’clock or before so that horses bolster the Nyssa forward wall. anybag of eight birds. a member of the family endeavored medup by the comment of William fense use of what is rapidly becom may be inspected at the time speci When Shelley goes into the line, There isno season on California Devlin will shift to fullback. to awaken him in the morning. It is M. DeGrofft, one of the largest su ing the greatest merchant fleet in Two Vale farmers were killed last fied as this will aid army officials Coach Esson cf the Wilder team orValley Quail or Blue Grouse In reported that he had been in ill gar beet operators in the district, world history. Allocations of ships in maintaining their schedule. Malheur county. health for about a year. and new bottoms as they become Saturday and two children seriously Any information pertaining to reg has lettermen in ten of his 11 posi -when he said, "I believe that the The Hungarian Partridge season Mr Gruwell had been a resident closed shop clause will be unfair to available will play a not unimport injured when an eastbound freight ulations on army horses may be ob tions this year. His line averages in Malheur county is the same as train and a truck collided at a cross 146 pounds, and his backfield tips of Malheur county for the past 60 ant part in obtaining defense coop ing east of Vale. Halley A Black tained from, the County Agent’s of the scales at an average of 152 lbs. that for pheasant, from October 22 years and for a time operated a the farm worker who might be em eration from foreign nations. ployed at the factory during cam- to November 23. Bag limit for these was killed instantly and his father- fice in Ontario. Kenny Griffith, end on the squad, b locksmith shop in Vale, later going pain being forced to join a union. I has been stealing the show at most birds is six birds in any one day. into the cattle business. From all over the country support in-law, William H. Kelly, died later have men who work for me during -----------4.----------- games so far this season, and is rat He is survived by his wife, a the summer, and who depend a great lr, being received by Senator O’Dan at an Ontario hospital. The injured children, daughters of Black. Viola ed as a sensational pass receiver. daughter and two sisters. iel of Texas for his proposed “right deal on the additional money that ---------- 4----------- Wilder is out to capture the cham to work” amendment to the Consti and Stella, were seriously injured, they get from their employment at but are expected to survive fractured pionship of the western division of tution. Now that Congress is get the factory. To make themjoin a PING PONG TABLE ARRIVES skulls and internal injuries. Two oth the southwest Idaho class B con — + — ting back to work this week, the union so thatthey may earn this —4>— er children, a son Arthur, and an "If conditions improve we perhaps ference. and apparently has almost a chances are that this amendment The Gate City lodge No. 214 of extra money is not fair,"DeGrofft will get more than cursory attention other daughter, Helen, riding with can get an order out that will coun clear field The Nyssa-Wllder game By Wesley Sherman their sisters in the back of the truck, the Odd Fellows at Nyssa entertain said. A lot of small farmowners al termand this order” (that sent out is non-conference for both. from the Senate Judiciary commit Snake River Valley League escaped serious injury. ed their district deputy grand mas so depend on employment during the --------+-------- last week prohibiting the sale of tee. W T PC ter, Wm O. Ross, at their meeting campaign, and every nickel counts Team A double funeral was held in Vale hogs in salesyards in Malheur coun The amendment reads quite sim with them. If the closed shop is Tuesday for the two victims of the 2 0 1000 on October 14. Frultland ply: "No person shall be denied em crash, with interment at the Vale ty). Such was the word received agreed on these men will have to Ross gave an interesting talk on .750 from the Department of Agriculture Adrian 1 ployment because of membership or pay union dues out of this money cemetery. the Grand Master's educational pro since the ban was placed two weeks affiliation with or resignation from 667 gram. Weiser 2 they receive from the company, he ---------- 4----------- ago. This order, so the information a labor union, or because of refusal added. He further stated that the 667 2 Ontario The ping pong table has also been goes, does not interfere with the to Join or affiliate with a labor un IN ARMY AIR CORPS 667 delivered at the hall and has been situation here on the closed shop la Emmet 2 shipping of fat hogs to slaughter ion; nor shall any corporation or in Loren E. Earnest, who two weeks Four one-act plays have been .333 put in its place in the basement by a great deal different than that .1 dividual or association of any kind ago left for Portland to enlist in the places where federal inspection is scheduled by Nyssa high school class Nyssa found in a highly industrialized dis 333 Andrew McOinnis and M. F. Solo trict where farmers are not depend maintained nor does it prevent own 1 Vale ....... enter into any contract, written or Army Air Corps, has successfully advisors for the school's play con Parma mon. 250 ers from buying hogs from, one an 0 oral, to exclude from employment passed the required physical examin ent on other employment. test which will be presented to the ---------- ♦ ---------- 000 0 members of a labor union or per ation and is now stationed at Jef other. The department, however, community In the gymnasium dur Payette ---------- + ---------- Games this Week — Friday Em- District Meeting— sons who refuse to Join a labor un ferson Barracks. Mo. From Portland does not want hogs assembled at ing the evening of Friday, October Nyssa Hospital— mett at Vale, Payette at Weiser, ion. or because of resignation from Loren was sent to the Corps Area sales yards where there is a like 24 Two new nurses have been employ There will be a district meeting Frultland at Parma, Nyasa at Wild of the Rebekah lodges held a t Nys ed at the Nyssa hospital recently. a labor union: nor shall any person Command Unit at Fort Douglas. lihood of diseased animals being As is traditional, the audience will against his will be compelled to pay Utah, and later transferred to Jef brought in a t any time and exposing judge by ballot which of the four er (non-conference), Adrian a to n sa on October 23. 1941. at which Mrs. Jones of Henris ton reported dues to any labor organization as ferson Barracks Any of his friends others that might pass these yards. tarlo (non-conference). time state officers will be entertain for duty on Wednesday evening for (Continued on Page Six) Hogs on the premises may be — ♦ — a prerequisite to or condition of em who may want tl correspond with ed. All Rebekahs living in the com night work and Mrs T. C Druggan slaughered afer a physical inspec Nyssa’s football eleven. Wenesday munity or visiting here are invited of Boise is on days. ployment." him may do so by addressing Loren of last week, learned a powerful les to be present. Senator O’Daniel sees this amend E. Earnest. Air Corps. Unassigned. tion and release by a licensed veter Pneumonia has already made its inarian. son that Stanford university’s “T- ment—it would be the first Consti Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. appearance in this district with two It is highly important. County formation" defending champions 4unday Oi tutional amendment since the re cases being cared for at the hospital . the snazzy new gas buggy for didn’t learn until the following Sat Agent Brooke said, that this quaran peal of Prohibition if passed and Return from Coast— Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs the past two weeks, both of which ratified by the states—as particu . Mr and Mrs. Herschel Thompson tine be observed so th at the recent truck duty at the Thompson Feed urday—that no matter how badly Bernard Eastman were his parents. have recovered Theyare William larly necessary in these critical returned Saturday evening from outbreak of hog cholera can be con store . . . . Oscar Olsen getting rea underrated a gridiron team may be. Mr and Mrs Bernard Eastman. S r . Connor, who Is still convalescing at times, but as important in normal Portland where they purchased a trolled and that its spread will be dy for squash pie in a big wav from they can always be formidable op of Payette, and Mrs Ann Hewitt. the hospital, and A. D. Smith, who times as well. “I t is absolutely fool Chevrolet panel truck for use at the limited to the two or three ranches the looks of those in his window . . . ponents and sometimes, too formid On Monday Mr; Hewitt motored to has recovered sufficiently to go to on which it has already occurred. and there are those who advocate able ish." he says, “to talk about main Thompson Seed and Peed store. Nampa with Mr. and Mrs East his home. taining democracy in America if we Adrian's Antelopes were here on man On Tuesday Ray Lewis underwent who continued on to Boise Mr and Mrs. Ralph Beutler. who The cooperation of farmers and sending those Highsmith raised do not maintain in America the accompanied the Thompsons to ranchers will do much to control beans to California and Florida for that memorable Wednesday after for the day. a minor operation at the hospital noon to play a scheduled game with right to work." and Is reported to be making a nice Portland and visited at the parental this outbreak. a bit of Oregon propaganda . hear the favored Nyssa Bulldogs, and Ts Hold M eeting- ---------- +---------- Democracy ends, as the senator Charles Yergens home on Salem recovery. Harry Miner came home with a when the gun sounded, ending the sees it. when citizens of a country over the week end. returned home At Los Vegas— Members of the Nyssa lodge of At the hospital on October 4 1941, Word was received at the Journal Charlie horse and a buck . . . wonder game, the Antelopes had the score Odd Fellows are looking forward to a son. Charles Harold Baird, was are deprived of the right to work Tuesday evening. this week that Mr and Mrs Bar-; who won out on this Columbus day safely tucked away in their favor. November 11 when they will enter bom to Mr. and Mrs Cecil Claud unless they pay tribute to some or old Fletcher are at Las Vegas where holiday business. A. L Fletcher or 7to 0. ganization or agency. This is dic From Lon Angeles— tain at a Joint meeting, the lodges Baird Mr and Mrs Paul Newland of Los Mr. Fletcher is working on the U. tatorship of organized minorities, The Blue and White squad which of Vale and Ontario. O rant Mur On October 12 1941. a «on. Ray Eu the "Little Woman ” who are under the control of none Angeles visited at the Owen Oann 8 Magnesium plant They expect to had Just won Its first victory over phy. grand master of the state I. gene Baldwin, was bom to Mr and remain there through the winter except their unrestrained leaders. home over the week end. (Continued on Page Sts) O. O. F . will preside Mrs. Robert Ray Baldwin. Defense Foods Increase Sought Office Job Exams Are Announced Nyssa and Wilder To Play at Wilder Pheasant Season Opens Next Wed. Horse Buyers In Ontario Nov. 5 Funeral Services' For Lorin Gru well Crossing Crash Kills 2 Vale Men May Ship Federal Inspected Hogs Adrian Trims N yssa 7 to 0 Four One-Act Plays by Pupils ROUND TOWN