Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1941)
T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L T H U R S D A Y . O C TO B E R 9, 1941 | There Is always more or less com- Buena Vista New Tanker To Cut Oil Shortage 850,000 Gallons Monthly Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tope Ilf f and Irvin T op llff and Leta Goodell left last week for Missouri for a visit with relatives. Prank and Damon Savage return ed from Alaska last week. They will U N IT E D leave for Seattle soon, accompanied STATES by BUI Savage, where they have a Job on construction. S A V IN G S Alva CJoodeU, Jr., left for the Pa BONDS cific International Thursday. He Is showing a pen of four Duroc Jersey AND STAMPS hogs. Eugene Cleaver was hurt last week In a football game between Payette and Nyssa. As he was to the sent to the P. I. on the Nyssa judging ON SALE AT WI R POST OFFICE OR BANK team, he was not able to attend. Mrs. E. L. Jamison, Mrs. C. C. W y- ckoff, Mrs. O. A. Cleaver and Mrs. A m e r i c a O n G u a r d ! Above la a reproduction of the Alva Goodell attended H. E. club at the Dale Garrison home Thursday Treasury Department's Defense Savings Poster, showing an exact afternoon. duplication of the original “Minute Mrs. E. L. Jamison and Erls and Man” statue by famed sculptor Mrs. C. C. W yckoff and Mrs. Alva Daniel Chester French. Defense Goodell were among those present Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your at the kitchen shower at the H ar bank or post office, are a vital part of America’s defense preparations. lan Maw home Friday evening. Donna Belle Goodell entertained the Clover Leaf Sewing club at her present were Mrs. John Ridder, home Saturday afternoon. Those leader; Madelln Idaleen and Aloha BUY j plaint about the roads on the Suc- | cor and Cow Creek sections, but [when the state patrol grader skids cross ways and blocks the road, it seems as If the people heally have some grounds for complaint. The | road was blocked for some time Sat urday by the grader getting on high center (the blade) crosswise of the road. S a v e R e a l m o n e y fo r o th e r Purposes By buying your Insurance at G R A H A M S IN SU R A N C E Agency- Save from 2 0 % to 48% on every policy Both Stock and Mutual Companies— Absolutely N O N A S S E S S A B L E P O L IC IE S S P E C IA L L O W R A T E S F O R H A Y IN S U R A N C E — S A V E 4 8 % O N H A Y IN S U R A N C E N Y SSA REALTY and In su ra n c e Co. Phone 53 Maw and Lorraine Ridder. Refresh ments weie served. Notice To H og Raisers ---------------d*--------------- W ith the installation of a new scale at R IV E R V IE W The ladies of the Riverview dis trict gave Mrs. Clarence Barrett a handkerchief shower Friday after noon. Those present were S. S. "Sincl;..Y C .perfiam e,” an oil ta n ke r launched at the Fore R iver Shipyards of the Bethlehem Steel Company on “ Liberty Fleet Day," arranged by the United States M a ritim e Commission. Inset, Mrs. H a rry Garrett Stam, Joe Wand, Robert A. Hassan, w ife of a Sinclair Refining Company executive, who was sponsor of the ship. Vest, Edwin Gonnasson and Walter Thompson. The afternoon was spent aunch ing of the s. s "Sin The S. S. "Sinclair Superftame” compass providing for in discussing Mrs. Barrett's forth clair Superflame" at the Fore has an over-all length of 471 feet, steering, a ship-shore coming trip, later followed by re FRANK KULLAND ER River shipyards of the Bethlehem a breadth of 63 feet, a deadweight and the like. freshments. It is the second American tanker Steel Company at Quincy, Mass., of 12,160 tons It has 21 main cargo Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Elston of On will make available 850,000 gallons tanks with a capacity of 94,759 to represent a distinctive and highly tario Heights visited at the Earl additional oil a month, it is esti barrels. The tanker’s keel was laid developed type. It includes a single mated, thus contributing appreci on May 31, 1941. meaning that the deck with poop bridge and fore Blackburn home Sunday. ably to the relief of the oil shortage vessel was launched in just under castle and the twin longitudinal Tom. Osbourne has been working four months from the beginning of bulkhead type of bulk oil carrier In Eastern states. for Ed Gonnasson the past week. The tanker is one of 14 merchant actual construction, a remarkably with propelling machinery located Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank and vessels launched on September 27th short time for a sea going merchant at the after end. Marvin of Payette were Monday The S. S. “ Sinclair Superflame” under the auspises of the United vessel of this size. It is expected 8tates Maritime Commission, which to go into operation during Novem is the third to be completed of a dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom designated that date as "Liberty ber, less than six months after the group of four vessels of the same Loe. Fleet Day.” Fourteen ships were laying of the keel. design for the Sinclair Refining Alice Lytle of Arcadia was a Sun The tanker is equipped with all Company. Mrs. H. A. Hassan, wife launched on the Atlantic Seaboard, day night guest of Angela Herrman. Pacific Coast and the Gulf of latest devices such as a radio of a Sinclair Refining Company Mr. and Mrs. Dave Beers and Dor Mexico. ____ directional finder, a gyroscopic executive, acted as sponsor. THERE ARE 1HINGS is of Nyssa Heights were Sunday ev ening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed BEYOND the Gassett home in Vale. Bernle gram. Refreshments were served by Kohler plant, Gonnasson. the H. E C. refreshment committee Mrs. Don Stults is teaching school j Bailey returned homewith them. UNDERSTANDING Harold Loe is ill and unable to Mrs. Darca Scott of southeastern and old time dancing was enjoyed at the Lower Cow Creek school near j attend school. We don't know why grief iDahner, until a teacher can be se- Nebraska and Mr. Dewey were Mon until a late hour. Grandma McGinnis has been comes to all of us, but when day guests at the Ben Lutz home. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Falen and son ,cured- somewhat worse during the past it does we need a friendly Mrs. Mable Blackburn of Ontario Mendal left Saturday for Cannon week. helping hand. The Nyssa was a Sunday dinner guest at the Beach, Ore. Mr. Falen will attend Those who have returned from For Funeral Home Ls prepared Vest home. a meeting of state and county successful deer hunts are Frank to extend that helping hand Sunday school will be at the R. Grange deputies. Mr. Falen is a BEST SE R V IC E Graham, Woodrow and Earl Bogart. to you. We have built up H. Johnson home at 2:30 p. ir.. deputy for South Malheur Pomona. Tom Loe and D. W. McGinnis. a reputation for integrity try Scottie’s at C. E. will be held at the D. W. Afterthe meeting they will go to Phil Clowers, LeRoy Herrman. and economical, friendly McGinnis home at 7:30 p. m. K en Seattle to visit Mr. Falen's brother. Tom Loe and Frank Johnson are VELTEX service. Won't you let us neth Wand is leader. Lee Stanford left last week to at employed atthe sugar factory. help you? tend the N. Y. A. school at Pendle Superior Service Ed Gonnassons are having a well ton. dug on their farm. S T A T IO N S H E A V IL L E Fred Haylett has been combining Mr. John Trench, James and Tar- alfalfa seed for Joe Fenwick this - 8 - lAcross from Nyssa high school) zan Johnson have gone to Hermis- Ambulance Service The I. O. N. Grange held their week, cutting it direct from, the ton where they are working. SANITARY REST ROOMS Booster Night program Friday even field. Phone 73W Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Bailey and Le ing at the Grange hall. The pro L. R. Stanford and Max Ladiges S C O T T H IA T T , Mgr. on were Sunday dinner guests at gram consisted o f a presentation attended a school board meeting at and Salute to the Flag by all, fol- DeLamar Monday. The Stanford lowedby singing “ America.” Read district and DeLamar are all one ing of National Grange Master T a district. bor's greeting tothe Grange by Mrs. Ed Wilson considerably surprised Edith Fenwick: a review of the his friends last week by taking un Grange work of the past year by to himself a bride. His friends ex the standing committees.; a resume tend congratulations and good ofthe H. E. C. work was given by wishes to both. Vice Chairman Mrs. Fenwick; Miss Beef for the Hide Both of the Haylett homes are Anderson, secretary of the South having water under pressure put in- Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Malheur Pomona, gave the legisla tothe house this week. Pressure is Cutting 1 cent per lb. tive report, in whichshe explained furnished by a pressure pump and some of the work and resolutions, Grinding 1 cent per lb. which the Pomona and subordinate Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Granges are working on from this part, o f the county, and wheih the Granges are responsible for having epheldto become laws. Miss Ander son also outlined several projects which the Grange hopes to take up later. A part ofthe program was gtven over totheteacher. Miss Cray, PHONE 6 and pubils o f theSheaville school, which was greatly enjoyed by all. Some especially good readings and group singing completed the pro- THE R A IL W A Y STOCK YARDS we are now receiving your hogs there every Friday, paying the highest price the market permits and seeking to serve you In every possible way. L NVSSA FUNffll HOME UM Kuilil Above »m l llelmv - 3 A ■ ‘V - vvibil tJii.lglH itili M il!, Build in the attic— build in the basement — add extra rooms and extra livability and comfort to your home with Budget Building. You Can Do I t N O W ! In fact, you shouldn’t delay! Budget Building supplies plans, materials, finances, and easy monthly payment plan. A ct now and have improvements completed by winter. When the Build- In,; Km; B i t e s YO U , start your r e m o d e l i n g or building plans w ith a visit to LUM BER COMPANY "There’s a yard near you” B o ise P a y e tte L u m b e r C o m p a n y D W I G H T S M IT H , M A N A G E R P H O N E 15 NYSSA er n CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Let us do your work! N Y S S A P A C K IN G CO. STOKER OWNERS! can now get Stoker <Codl s| prepared to give maximum efficiency in your stoker . . . USE OUR GENUINE É LIBERTY II S P E C IA L S T O K E R C O A L OIL TREATED AND DE IRONIZED Screened to remove objectionable fine coal . . . oil treated to prevent dust spread ing . . . de-ironized to remove troublesome tramp iron. Call ' . J v -rn ib OIIO, — i • A L T H O M P S O N A N D SONS Please If A n y o n e —Elopes —Dies Gets Married Has Guests - Goes Away Has a Party- lias a Baby Has a Fire Is 111 —Has an Operation —Has an Accident —Buys a Home —Wins a Prize —Receives an Award —Builds a House —Makes a Speech —Holds a Meeting —Or Takes Part in any Other Unusual Event Y O U ’ RE LOOKING AT r r /r i ^ j GOLD LABEL S tr a ig h t BOURBON v y. FOR A TRIAL LOAD OF THIS BETTER UTAH STOKER COAL \ W h is k a y Next time you call for a bottle, make it Gold Label. It’s got what it takes when it comes to taste. $ 2.15 T h a t’ s N ew s QUART W e W an t It $ T K tD — S i i l i — COAL Phone ¡1 I • "THE N EW STYLE THA T WILL STAY N EW DESIGNED C H EV R O LET'S TRIM " L E A D E R LIN E” S TY LIN G T O LEAD IN Chevrolet brings you “ th e new style that will stay new” . . . with swank, sweeping ‘ ‘ Leader Line” Styling . . . w ith distinctive new "D oor-A ction ” Fenders . . . with smoothly modeled Bodies by Fisher of a size and beauty equaled only by much costlier cars. And matching this style leadership of The Finest Chevrolet of All Tim e is the combined performance and economy leadership which has made Chevrolet the No. 1 car for ten of the last eleven years. . . . See i t — drive this beautiful new car today! STYLING DESIGNED T O LEAD IN PERFORMANCE DESIGNED TO LEAD IN ECONOM Y IT PAYS TO BUY THE LEADER AND GET THE LEADING BUY 1.10 • P IN T T he G ate City Journal rnoNi CW VROUT AIDS NATIONAL DEFENSE Cables Chevrolet Company Inc. 1 «-»-*■ « Phone 62