77 h ?NYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon. GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON S SUGAR EMPIRE VOLUME XXXVL, NO. 40 LOCAL NEWS JOURNAL NEW FURNITURE STORE FRONT IS REMODELLED Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 Nampa To Get Amalgamated Sugar Mill DRIVERS EXAMINER HERE NEXT WEDNESDAY $1.50 PER YEAR Chester Ashby Is Best Beef Judge WOMENS CHRISTIAN LEAGUE OUTLINES FUTURE PROGRAM City Rejects Bids; May Do Work On Water Works The Nyssa Furniture company A traveling examiner of operators One of the active organizations I stole, located under the Hotel Nys- and chauffeurs is scheduled to ar for betterment of the community Is |sa at First street and Good avenue, rive ln Nyssa Wednesday, October Chester Ashby, member of the the Woman’s Society of Christian In Boise— is being remodelled with a new store 15, and will be on duty at the city Nyssa chapter of the Future Farm Service of the Methodist church, Mrs. Emma Qutnby and Mrs. Her- front and will be completed In time i A se„ond sugar {actorv ln the hall between the hour soi 9 a. m. and ers of America, was declared by which here In Nyssa has a large The City council last Monday bert Fisher spent Monday ln Boise, for , the Q ,, river ", , the ,, y. n, 5 p. m„ according to a release from judges to be the best individual membership of active workers. . opening of the new store e on “ ! > Snake valley for Amalgam- night reqected the only bid on the House Guest— if, nex . , , aesday>_accordln8 t0 ated Sugar company will be built ln Secretary of State Earl Snell's of judge of beef In the Pacific North On Thursday of this week It will Improvement work to the city’s wa fice. west, at the Pacific International meet with Mrs. Charles Garrison for Mrs. Jack Conklin of Baker was ! £ Aston to n A A* new n^w stock s’tocTof Nalrpa- $2,000,000 Idah0' at which a cost will of be approx' of furnifureTnd furniture and lmateIy com- All those wishing permits or li Livestock Exposition In Portland a business and Bible study meeting. ter works due to Insufficient funds, a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd linoleum is beginning to arrive, ac censes to drive cars are asked to get last Saturday. pleted in time for the beet campaign On October 16, the meeting will be based on the bid submitted. The bid Lewis last week. cording to the owners. in the fall of 1942, according to an in touch with the examiner during Henry H. Hartley, superintendent a .®PC‘al a p d „ ? d1PcaUonal meetin g ]was submitted by Chester T. Lack- In Boise— of Nyssa schools, took the local with ............................. ........ , ........ ...... of . Mrs. W W. Poster, chairman announcement made Wednesday at hese hours. ---------- 4*---------- judging team to the expisition. The ¡the Missionary Educational commit- lfy¡_ Ontario contractor.__Tfcat for Nampa by H. A. Benning, vice pres Mrs. R. A. Thompson and Mrs. the drilling of the new well was al team was composed of Chester Ash tee in charge. ident and general manager of the Ralph Beutler spent Tuesday in Boi- by, Alvfinn Ekanger, Marion Suiter On Wednesday October 22, there so rejected. This was submitted by company. se. C. H. Stanberry, also of Ontario. and Ramond Fox as alternate. will be a Bible study meeting at the The new factory will be similar in Se,'ls Land— Under the bids submitted the cost —•>— The Nyssa team, despite the high home of Mrs. A. B. Hann. ¡design to that of the one located at Funeral services were held today N wl„ have , placing of Ashby, failed to make On October 24, the annual con of the improvements to the city R. H. Johnson has purchased an much of a showing, placing fifty- ference will be held at Gooding and would have been around $22,000, or acre tract in the Black Canyon pro Wiillom« r t v T w rH wr n Wns cf beets P*r da>-' As to th e case ject from Jesse Thompson the past Williams, 25. son of W. H. Williams. L f the constructlon of the Nysstt P, J. Gallagher, Ontario attorney, second ln the competition of Judg delegates will be selected to repre approximately $4,000 over the amount voted ln a recent bond Issue. was elected chairman of the Mal ing beef cattle. Seventy-five teams sent Nyssa at the next meting. week. , Ontario ^ eS, f , T n‘,ng “U the factory, the Nampa plant will be « i nf, 1 , in foliowing a short by the company ltae,f with heur County Defense Bond and from the northwest competed ln the Faced with this problem, the On October the annual Mission Leave for Salem— . ' . ¡Irving Hodge in charge cf the con- Stamp committee at a meeting held contest. Adrian and Ontario teams ary tea will be held, probably at the council discussed the advisability of Dr. John E. Long and Mrs. Long placed farther down the list, accord- church basement, to which all mem the city doing its own work. No „ W l"d W* ’ ams waf h0™ struct ion, and E. M. Cole, assistant in Ontario last Friday night. left for their home in Salem the New i n g t o n Ohio, on June 8. [general superlntendent, ln charge 0{ Gallagher, who opened the meet ng to Hartley. bers and friends are Invited to be definite action was taken on the ______ 4 ______„ first of the week by way of Burns 1915- He *s aprvived ** his father, i thp ,n..tallation of equipment, ing as temporary chairman, Intro present. Mrs. Grace Barnett, a mis matter, it being left to a later date and hope to get a deer enroute. ¡and two biothers, William F., a n d 1 The construction of the new fac- duced Ted R. Gamble, state admin sionary from field work In China, when a plan will be worked out. NYSSA EAGLES ENTERTAIN ¡David W. I tory heralds a large increas in acre- istrator for the Committee on De IDAHO OFFICIALS WEDNESDAY will be the main speaker of the af- It Is probable that work on the Buys Horn*— ternoorf. improvement will start some time .. Jesse, . with , . . . his . . father, came . , to age needed to make both mille C" 0 - fense Bonds, and Ray Conway, as — + — Joe . Bollen has purchased the | Nyssa in lSSS and in l939 an infec- nomically and efficiently sound It sistant administrator, both of Port The Nyssa Aerie of Eagles enter The society has set aside the dates ln the early spring of next year, an h^ * J ^ by SU?ar ®.eel RoW and h a s ; sitating ^ the °n amputation _hlS..ri^ ‘t lUl!e'.,n*C is estimated that between 30,000 and land. Gamble is a well known tre- tained officials of the order frorn rom October 26 to October 31 as a earlier start being Impossible due to owned Joe Binghom, of the ?8' leg 35,000 acres of land will have to be atre man oi Portland and Conway the fact that materials for the job veek of prayer and self denial. moved his family to Nyssa. ' above the knee. He was an appren planted to sugar beets to accomplish Is with the Oregu.. State Automobile Idaho Wednesday night of this week ------------ 4 ------------- annot be delivered to the city be- at one of the largest meetings held tic e at the Nyssa Journal office for this end. association, both serving as dollar ore the first of January. By start- Visits Parents— ln Nyssa for some time, according about three months just before his ng next spring, or shortly after the With the advent of the new fac a year men in the interest of the to Bernard Frost. Approximately 130 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beelar of i last illness. sugar beet campaign Is over, the tory, two men from the Nyssa fac furtherance oi the gale of the bonds Eagles were present to hear V. L. Pendleton spentlast week at the Milton H. Greenlee, pastor of the and stamps, the money foe which council In their discussion showed Carter, state president of Idaho, and parental C. L. Fisher home in On Nyssa Methodist church, delivered tory have been sent tothe Ogden goes toward national defense. that laborers would be on hand and mill to prepare for the dismnatling Frank Kibbler, district deputy, de tario. the graveside services. here would be no shortage there. Funeral arrangements were ln that pla"i; [rost of the equipment They emphasize# emphatically liver a talk, and to witness the Initi The state department of agricul ---------- +---------- llomeon Furlough— charge of the Nyssa Funeral Home, I °f wb cb wl11 136 86111 10 the NamPa that, unlike the Liberty loan drives, ation ceremonies conferred on 13 ture placed a 30-day emergency Frank Seaman is visiting his mo with interment at the Nyssa ceme plant. Among those at Ogden are the sale of the present Defense candidates, 10 of whom were from quarantine on hogs ln the northern Keith Bailey and Ernest Buxbury, Stamps and Bonds would be free of the Nyssa Aerie. ther, Mrs. Fred Seaman, and enjoy- tery. part of Malheur county on October both of whom have been transferred any type of "drive.” They said that i- g a ten day furlough from his du Following the Initiation ceremo the education of the public to the nies refreshments were served in the 4. This Includes sales yards at On there from the Nyssa factory. ll-, at Camp Lewis. tario. Vale and Nyssa. The quaran About thirty years ago another need for raising money through the basement playroom of the hall. tine followed the discovery of some Here from Baker— sale of the stamps and bonds was company had a sugar factory at hog cholera. Under the order, hand Mrs. Rock Shelton passed away Mark Roberts.n is here from Ba the function of the county commit Nampa but due to the disease "cur ling, gathering for sale, selling or on Sunday, October 5, after an Ul- ker and reshingun? the roof on the tees. There was to be no compari ly-top,” which infested the crop of disposing of hogs Is prohibited ln less of several months, and funeral Dewey Ray home, n.w rented to Mr. sugar beets, the plant had to close sons drawn between different firms tbe area during the 30 days. services were held for her on Wed U. E. Parks, representing a group down. Since then a curly-top re or individuals in the amounts pur and Mrs. Lem. E. Wilson, Jr. Late last month seven southwest nesday. of farmers of Sunset Valley and Cow sistant seed has been developed chased. In other words the bonds From Boise— ern daho stockyards were subject of Rev. Martin H. Greenlee of the Hollow, met with the State Land ___ and stamps are to be sold on two Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lang, urmerly Board last week to negotiate for a. which eliminated the disease. a similar quarantine, following an Methodist church, conducted the The closing of the Mahogany pre points—the need for raising money of Boise, have rented the F. lease of state-owned land in the This new seed, Benning said, had extensive outbreak there of hog services at the L. D. S. church and cinct by the County court has for national defense and the attrac Brown cottage on Locus and v. ill I Harper Basin for new land owners completely changed the picture and tiveness of the bonds when regarded brought forth a protest in the form cholera and report of some eryslp- nterment was at Ontario. make their home here. Mr. L.u.0 have been unable to do so un this territory can be classed as one strictly as an Investment. of a resolution from- the memebrs las of swine. Lucy Mae Miller was bom Novem of the most efficient sugar beet sec ------- +------- is employed at the U. P. R. R. ofiice. j der Federal Grazing Act. of the I. O. N. Grange. ber 10, 1902, at Hardlngton, Nebr Conway said that ‘tie bonds were tions in the nation. Those representing the board at She passed away on October 5, 1941. Friend Visits— divided into three classes: one, the The Grangers pointed out, in their In 1911 she came to Oregon and has Miss Claire Ostermelr spent Tues the meeting last Wednesday were Series “E,” matures in 10 years, Is resolution, that the striking of the resided ln the Nyssa vicinity since day with Mrs. Hazel Gildea, a for ¡Leslie M. Scott, state treasurer; an appreciation bond, is not trans Mahogany precinct from the coun that time. She was married to Rock ferable and comes in denominations ty list is causing the voters there mer schoolmate. Miss Ostermelr and Marvin Klemme, special agent for Shelton on June 29, 1929, and to of $25, $50, $100, $500 and $1000, and to travel great distances to vote, and her mother were on a motor the board, and Lewis D. Griffith, ¡secretary of the board. George Ai this union two daughters were bom. bears an interest of 2.9 per cent per which means a loss of Interest and vacation trip. ken member of the Advisory board Two series of meetings reaching Maxine and Nadine. Nadine pre year, compounded semiannually votes In the precinct. --------------4.-------------- ■ was also present. every county ln the state between ceded her mother ln death on May In Twin Fat Larger receipts from income and j when held until maturity. Based op the 14th and 24th of October have 11, 1939. Mrs. Bernard Frost, with Janice ! The negotiations were held with a excisetaxes have made it possible lor the original Investment for a $25 been arranged by the Oregon USDA and Bunky and Mrs. Perry Ward view toward obtaining grazing lands the state tax commission to advise bond, which can be bought for Mrs. Shelton la survived by her agricultural defense board a-, a husband, her daughter Maxine, her and Ronald, left Wednesday afler- for the growing number of surplus Governor Sprague that it will not $18.75, the appreciation of the bond means of acquainting workers ln parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Mll- nocn for Twin Falls where they will stock owned by farmers in this sec be necessary for the state to levy the amounts to 33 1-3 per cent at the each of Oregon’s 36 counties with er, a brother Sam, and a sister. visit over the week end with rela tion. 2 mill elementary school tax for the time of maturity. the task ahead ln the farm defense Marguerite Hammock. tives. first six months of 1942 and for the The second, Series “F,” is design October 16, in Oregon, and will close program- and ln preparing for car ---------- ♦ ---------- subsequent fiscal year. ed to fit the needs cf any associa Duck season opens next Thursday, rying It out. The meetings ln Mal Relief Society Meets— The elimination of this tax will tion, partnership, trustee or corpor- on December 14. The lirst meeting of the fall of ; represent a saving of about $1,950,- aticn. matures In 12 years, bears a No hunter may take ducks except heur county will be held at 9 a. m., the Relief Society of the L. D. S. \ 000 per year to the tax payers of 2,53 per cent interest rate, and is between the hours of sunrise and 4 October 14 and 21 ln Ontario. church was held at the church house Oregon, according to the tax com- limited to a purchase limit of $50,000 p. m. and all must have a federal Tile USDA agricultural defense on Tuesday afternoon. mission. jfor any one owner during any one duck stamp, properly signed ln ink board, headed by Robert Taylor of — + — Hereafter the Relief Society will The annual teachers reception calendar year. Series “G,” is a “Cur across the face. Sunrise tables for Adams. Includes representatives of This is the first time that re- The plans for the reception of the meet each Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the sponsored by the Civic club of Nyssa rent Income Bond,” priced at par the season may be obtained by re all agencies of the federal depart ceipts from the two taxes have been good will committee of the Portland church house. . was held in the high school gymna sufficient to wipe out the elemen and bears a 2.5 per cent interest. ferring to the official synopsis of the ment of agriculture active ln this state. The board has been called up Chamber of Commerce are complete, Owner is limited, the same as in sium on Friday evening and was tary school tax. Week End Guests— Oregon State Game Laws. Series “F” to the purchase of $50,- Possession of migratory game on by Secretary of Agriculture accordiny to members of the com- ivir. and Mrs. John Olsen of Hunt well attended. Wlckard to direct the work of agri rlttee ln charge of arrangements, 000 during any one calendar year. Preceding the reception many ington were week end guests at the birds Is permitted for not more than cultural defense ln this state, the Henry H. Hartley. Ray Q. Larson .EGION AUXILIARY complimenting the All Stamps and Bonds may be parental Charles Garrison home, \ dinner parties 20 days following the close of the purchased at United States Post of open season in the state where ta chief Item of which Is increasing the and Oeorge J. Mitchell. and left on a vacation and hunting I teachers were given in private INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS production of certain foods Includ The Portland group will arrive ln fices, and Federal Reserve banks. trip Into the high mountains Mon homes. ken. ing milk, eggs, meat, and vegetables Nyssa next Wednesday night at 6:30 Installation ceremcnies were held It was the hope of the speakers Mrs. Glea Billings, president of day. Ducks are reported as plentiful in the Civic club, gave the welcoming last Thursday evening at the Le that local merchants would qualify this section and those hunters who both for processing and home and p. m. and will be guests of the Nys sa Chamber of Commerce tendered Return from Salt Lake— address. In her talk Mrs. Billings gion hall by the Nyssa unit of The for the sale of the stamps totheir enjoy duck hunting should have a market use. By using a large number of teams ln their honor at the high school. customers. These who attended the L. D. S. stressed the need of co-operation American Legion. pleasant season. made up of specialists from the var The dinner will be open to the wives Various committees will be an conference in Salt Lake from Nys and understanding between parents District President Mrs. Cora Rich +------- ious agencies on the defense board. of the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce. ards installed Mrs. A. L. Fletcher as nounced at a later date. Gallagher sa last week returned home on Mon and teachers. She also spoke brief Following the dinner the Portland day, These Included Mr. and Mrs. ly on the changing trend in modern president; Mrs. Arthur Heiter as said. Those attending from Nyssa EASTERN STAR ASSOCIATION It will be possible to complete each series of meetings ln four days. Each guests will be taken on a tour of the Luther Fife, Mrs. George Haycock, teaching and the goals to be reach chaplain, and Mrs. Sidney Burbudge were A. L. Fletcher, Frank Morgan, ELECTS NEW OFFICERS meeting will start at nine o'clock Nyssa factory of the Amalgamated — + — Mrs. John Schenk and Mr. and Mrs, ed. She told of how dictators had as secretary. Sickness took a toll of R. G. Larson, Mrs. C. L. McCoy, E. accomplished unholy ends through the other officers, who will be In C. Wilson, and L. P. Thomas. In The fall meeting of the Eastern- and will be presided over by the Sugar company Malcolm Crawford. all, 30 persons attended the meet Central Oregon Association of the chairman of the county defense The party plan to leave here about education and asked that this year stalled at a later date. Son In Port— Order of the Eastern Star was held board, who Is also the county AAA 11:30 p. m. on their return trip to both teacher and parent would The officers of the Nyssa post of ing. Last week Mr. and Mrs. R. Car- strive ln the education of their The American Legion were not In ------- +------- at Prineville Sunday, September 28 chairman. The first or kickoff meet •ortland nell received word that their son. chargeg and children to more desir- stalled. due to the absence of the The pot-luck luncheon which was ing will be attended by one repre A ticket committee composed of James, who Is with the U. S. fleet able goals. new commander, A. L. Heldt, who POLICE CHIEF MAKES served shortly before noon was fol sentative of the state USDA defense Herschel Thompson, Cliff Main and board and such other specialists as stationed at Hawaii, had been In The program of the evening, ar- had been called back to the middle MONTHLY REPORT lowed immediately by entertainment Dr. Cundall will distribute tickets are needed from the member agen o the members of the Nyssa Cham Los Angeles while the boat was |ranged by Mrs c l . McCoy, Includ west due to the death of his father and the business meeting. Chief of Police A. V. Cook submit cies. which Include the extension docked there but had not sufficient e(J a plano s0i0 by Donald Eldridge, in-law. The installation has been The following officers were elect ber of Commerce. ted his monthly report for Septem- ed: Hazel Flster. Prineville, presi service, the AAA, the F8A, the SMA, time for a visit home. ------- -------- a vocal solo by Mrs. Martin H. postponed until October 16. bertothe city council Monday night, ---------- 4----------- dent; Ella Zimmerman, La Grande, forest service, SC8, FCA, BAE and Greenlee, who was accompanied by On Visit— showing that his department had vice president; and May Butler of REA PORTLAND WOMAN NAMED Mrs. Charles Buchner, a violin solo GRANGE SLATES LIVESTOCK Miss Verna Greenlee will accom made 11 arrests during the month. Pendleton, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. The first meeting will be devoted COUNTY LIBRARIAN by Mrs. Herbert H. Fisher, who also HANDLING MOTION PICTURE pany the teachers from. Owyhee was accompanied by Mrs. Buchner, Five of these arrests were for Louise Smith of Burns Installed the to considering the work to be done — + — school to La Grande over the week ln each county and In establishing Mrs. Lillian F. Nisbet, former rur an accordlan solo by Mrs Wesley Mrs. Gerrit Stam. lecturer of Ore- drunkenness, one for disorderly con new officers. end and visit with friends while the duct. one for the possession of stolen The spring meeting will be held the county goals. The morning ses al service librarian of the Library Sherman. a vocal voca solo so o by y Darlene . gen Trail Grange, has announced property and four for traffic viola teachers attend institute. sion will be for defense board mem Association of Portland, has been at Baker ln May. Ochrman anda vocal renditionby ^ v . Wagner. agrtculturaI tions. bers. and at the afternoon session a named as Malheur county librarian. ------- +------- On Hunting Trip— “ ’' f M Union Pacific, will be larger representation. Including the Miss Nisbet, who took up her du Leave for Coast— Mr and Mrs. Clyde Long have been panied by Mrs. dfLction at the next meetlng, Tuesday. Octo- county land use groups, certain oeer nunung m ■m.uui.u» tea service was under the direction ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g ulfc and lhom Mr and Mrs Ralph Beutler with committees of previous economic ties in the county library Monday, deer hunting in me the mountains will replace Mrs. Dessa Hoffs tetter, Mr and Mrs. Hershel Thompson left around Bums for the past three of Mrs. Sidney Burbrldge j r i t h the > p,ctures on the handling of conferences, and AAA supervisors who resigned September 20 to take 'members of the sextette pouring ¡livestock 1 Wednesday evening for the coast. weeks. on the farm and the plant - Irian detailed procedure for obtaln- a position ss librarian at the Oregon -------+------- Mr and Mrs. Beutler will visit for '■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ N U M B jing and care of potatoes. Attend Lodge— a week or so with Mr. Beutler's par- and community committeemen, will State Normal school at Monmouth. r a TVinmnflrtn cliff Creer and y4arria*6 icenses Obtained | gy Grange member should Carl Hanna takes the prize as the LnU Mr and Mre Charles Yergens. lng the Individual farm slgn-up ln R A. Thompson Cliff Greer and) According to^records a t t h e Pay- ^ r ^ effort * hp>r Mr Wag_ ---------- ♦ ---------- Morris Solomon attended Encamp- !ptte cu n ty court house, marriage li most thrifty hunter - goes out with at Salem, while Mr and Mrs the defense program. The second or |ner and see these instructive plc- training meeting will be for thoee New Operator— ment lodge of ,the Odd Fellows at censes WPre issued to Chester Oro- six buns and 40 cents worth of weln- ¡Thompson plan to stay a short time people ln each county who will con tures. Ontario on Wednesday evening. ver Findley of Nyssa and Ida 8usan lee. - yep, he got his buck . . . . Mrs In Portland and will return to Ny»- tact fanners for the purpose of sa- Wir J Savage of Pocahontas, Norland of Parma on September 30 McConnel at the Ooiden Rule store [*« the end of the week On Trip— slstlng them ln completing their Iowa, arrived on Thursday and as stalling around to find out what the Brother Visits— In conjunction with their church to Flynn ^ e n t i n « d Kingman P.T. A M eeting- farm plan sheets. sumed his duties as linotype operat «.niw niu. activities Dav The Droeram program of the Koloi Kolony P -T. last name of the editor is . . . . Her- j Mr and Mrs. F. R Anderson of organization Rev. vriUnn Milton Heta I*vene . Franklin, . 1CL41 both of Nys ---------- 4 ---------- or at the Journal office. He has tak A with Mrs. Jesse Sugg, chairman, schel Thompson claiming title to the Virginia spent the week end at the H Greenlee and Mrs Greenlee with j5*' m Octob6r 4 1941 en the C. M. Brown home at Fourth world’s champion wood pUer | home of his brother-in-law and sis To I n n for Ogden— met at the Adrian school on Thurs Dr Donaldson of Nampa spent a Attend Installation— Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bailey plan to and Locus and will bring Mrs. Sav- part of last week in John Day and Members of the American legion day afternoon of last week Mrs Sugar beet and lettuce trucks rolling ter. Mr and Mrs Gilbert Alsebrook leave for Ogden on Sunday tobe ageand their infant daughter to Prairie City. This week their work Auxiliary of Adrian who attended Auker and Mrs. McBartland. mem- into Nyssa . . . Kent Morgan doing Hmday f.nesU— Sunday guests of Rev Mil ton H. gone for several months Their took them to Kuna. Rev. Greenlee the Installation of officers at Nyx- bers of the committee, assisted Miss some tall travelling at the Oulld Nyssa over the next week end. She is executive secretary of the Board sa on Thursday Included Mrs Roy Prouty. Mrs. De Haven and Mr party Tuesday night . . . . Henry Greenlee and Mrs. Oreenlee were house guest of the summer. Mies Isnow visiting her parents ln Salt of Education of the Methodist Perry. Mrs. Everett Points and Mrs McPartland outlined a very interest hartley offering thanks that he now Mr and Mrs Clarence Mobley and Evra Phillips, will depart for her Lake has a full staff of teachers . . . . own home In Denver on Friday. ing program for the coming year Bob Hamlin of La Orande. church. i Paul Eachus. Jesse Williams Funeral Services Group Forms for Defense Sales Hog Sale Stopped For Thirty Days Funeral Services For Mrs. Shelton Farmers Strive For Range Lands Grange Protests Precinct Closing To Launch Farm Defense Plan 2 Mill School Levy Erased DuckSeasonOpen Next Thursday Civic Club Holds Reception Reception Plans For Portlanders ROUND TOWN