THE NYSSA GAT (MTY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1941 Grandma McGinnis who has been 111 Is now improving and able to be The young people of thU com up some. munity enjoyed a water melon feed Floyd Black of Little Valley Is at the W. O. Bailey home. Satur visiting here at the home of his day night. Games were also played sister Mrs. Earl Blackburn and night. Games were also played earlier In the evening. Those there family. to participate In a good time were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sweet and Harriet Harrman, John and Rich ard rench, Kenneth Waud, Rita family of Ontario were Sunday eve Johnson, Harold Lee, and Mary and ning visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ed De Lashmutt and Leon Bailey. Johnson arid family. R¡v«rvi«w Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince RATE S: One cent per word (or each Issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 25c. MISCELLANEOUS CITY PROPERTY NOTICE ORDER C H RISTM AS Cards now For Rent Beautiful assortment of 20 cards, Dr. E. D. Norcott will not be in with your name Imprinted for only MODERN FIVE-room house $25.00 his offices duiing next week but will References. Frank D. Hall, Phone return again on Monday, Sept. |1. Phyllis Schireman, phone 61-R. 12 18s tic 129, 1941 W ANTED—All your welding Jobs W f promise good work and fair FOR R E NT— or sale 24x 40 frame For Sale buildng. In good repair. Living prkv> Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone FARM PRODUCE in rear. Equipped for beer MW parlor. Frank Morgan. 4 s 3xc. { O L Y M P IA W IN TE R Seed barley. ¡ BRAKE W O R K —Let us put your ear or truck brakes In first class FOR R E N T—Two modem houses. : 4 k- mies Northwest, Nyssa, Ike Sim mons I l S 3xp condition. Special equipment and Bernard Eastman. Phone 64. trained men at your service. Pruyn FOR R E N T—THREE ROOM Mod Auto Repair. Phone 56W. CITY PROPERTY ern house, furnished. Call Journal, 11 S nc. For Sale KALSO M INE, P A IN T at competi tive prices. First class quality. W ANTED MODERN HOME, four rooms and Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and bath, 4 lots, plenty shade and Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc P A R K IN G SPACE for trailer in or lawn. Priced for quick sale. Lon near Nyssa, during sugar factory Root. 31J8xp. FOR PLUM BER call J. C. Smith. campaign. Prefer shade and elec Rhone 78J. tic. tricity, J. E. McMillan, Rt. 3, FOR SALE—TH REE ROOM Home Buhl, Idaho. modern, furnished if desired. Large I Consult us on you!' wiring needs USED M ILK E R , Wanted, prefer lot, lawn and trees in. A good buy I ahd meter set-ups. Surge make. E. H. Strickland, Rt.2, on easy terms to reliable persons. Work guaranteed to meet State Call Journal. 11 S nc. Nyssa. 115 2 xp. | tequirements. Prices right P A IN T IN G , K A LS O M IN IN G , paper 4-ROOM HOUSE -and 10 lots north Information free cleaning, Andy McGinnis, Phone of grade school. R. R. Musser. NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP 39M. 24Atfc. 18s lxp. 18Atfc W ANTED TO B U Y—Clean cotton JUST ONE left. A three-year-old,) three room modern home. Nice rags, must be of fair size, no ov lot with lawn and trees. Pay a eralls, lace curtains nor other harsh Local and Long Distance small bit down and the rest like materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. H AULING rent and in a few short years you ! Phone 72W W ANTED—Highest prices paid for will have a home of your own j Lawrence and Barnett hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur where no landlord can raise your 4Mtfc niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- vent nor put you out. Your Real way north. Estate Broker, Bernard Eastman, Main between Third and Fourth Ministers or others interested In church publicity are Invited to use or phone 64 for an appointment. the columns of the Journal to carry important messages and notices MISCELLANEOUS to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of 18s nc ] Nyssa Steam Laundry For Sale each week. Nyssa’s Own & Nyssa Owned sold for a right to hunt on this T U L IP BULBS, Sam McConnell. Seventh & Park Streets — hunting reserve. A ll the revenue 18s lxc. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE I Phone 146 there o ff will go to the paying off Sixth Near Main FOR-SALE TW O DUCK Pin Bowl the debt and much needed complet Vern Martin, Pastor ing alleys, complete with balls. ing of the Community Hall. Ready to load. Mrs. R. Cornell. I f there is any place in America 21 A tfc. Sunday school at 10 a. m. that can produce more game birds N A M PA M ATTRESS W ORKS per acre than this reserve they cer Morning worship at 11 a. m. FOR SALE MISC. Young peoples meeting at 7:15 I Makers of High Class Inner- I 20 C H RISTM AS CARDS W ith your tainly will have to step on it, for we I spring Mattresse I name printed on, packed in attrac- certainly have thousands of phes- p. m. Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Phone 1437-W. Addr-ss: 220 18th j tlve box, for only $1. See Phyllis ants and partrige. There are still Prayer meeting on Tuesday and St., Nampa, Idaho. 7-A 8xp. | Schireman or phone 61-R 4 SNC more partrige than phesants. The sportsman that comes in from, out Thursday evening. 1000 checks, printed, numbered and side of Malheur County for to hunt FOR HOME cooking and Chinese bound in books for only $3.50. Call and gets in a few days late after the F IR S T CHURCH OF C H RIST noodles see Mr. Smith at Kozy Nyssal Journal, phone 19. 4 Snc. other birds have been well scared SCIENTIST | ____ a--------------- —--- --------------------- out can go home with some tall Cafe 18s 4x, O IR LS BICYCLE, In good condi- stories about the birds he bagged :;on. $12.50. Baldridge Imple on our hunting reserve and have 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho For Sale ment. 11 S tfc. A branch ol The Mother Church, ST. PAUL'S EPISCO PAL M ISSION the "birds to show for it. MACHINERY Hay selling has been quite active The First Church of Christ, Sclent- The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vicar ONE OLIVER, Two way, 16 inch, 15-30 IN TF.R N ATIO N AL TR AC , hcrse power plow, one John Deere in this community the past week. test. In Boston, Massachusetts! Morning prayer and sermon 9:30 Sunday School—10:00 a, m. T O R and one Letz hay chopper tractor two way plow, one team gen The last of this week and for some a. m. Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. A. L. Atkeson. 18s 2xc. tie young horses, twelve head young time to come we expect to have North. Holy Communion and sermon Open aailv from 2 to 4 p. m. dairy cows, Howard W, Evans, 2 'i two choppers preparing this hay for where the Bible and authorized each Fourth Sunday of the month. to be moved out. Christian Science Literature may be miles west of Owyhee school. Church school at 10:30 a. m. For TRADE Jim Trummel thrashed her white read, borrowed or purchased, and Is 11 S 2xp open every day from two to four Dutch clover Sunday and Monday p. m„ except Sundays and holidays. L. D. S. CHURCH ! 1936 OLDSM OBILE COUPE, fine B IC YC LE W IT H basket. Price $7.50 and was very well pleased with the Sunday, 10 a. m.—Sunday School Mrs. Fergeson, Hughey’s Cabins. results. condition. Will trade for Guern- FU LL GOSPEL TABERNACLE meeting. 18s lxc |sey cows. Chas. Ross, Rte. 2 Nyssa, We expect to have a thrashing Sunday, 11:30 a. m —Priesthood Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds ¡Highand Drive south of Enterprise, machine in the Hollow next week LAR G E SIZE Estate Heatrola, meeting. pastors. 18Slxp |c|o Clyde Ross. clearing up the rest of the thrash wood and coal. Inquire Nyssa Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. ing that is to be done. There will Lumber Company. 18s tfc. meeting. Morning Worship 11 a. m. be some grain and seed for Dale Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society. Evangelistic services on Sunday, For Sale FOR SALE: Car Radio for 1940 Limbcugh, some grain for Chuck STOCK Ford. Good Condition. Write Box Share, some grain for Roy Manley, M ETH O D IST C O M M U N ITY some seed for Clarence Niccum, PAR M A LUTH ERAN CHURCH 307. Ontario. 18s 2xp CHURCH « F O R SALE— Three dairy heifers. some grain and seed for Elza Nic Evangilistlc Service 8:00 P. M. (Milton Harlan Greenlee, Pastor) M G o o d stock. Jake Fischer 4S tfc. CARD OF T H A N K S cum, some seed for Russle Howell Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 8:00 We wish to express our thanks and some grain and seed for Dude A. A. Schmidt, Pastor and appreciaticr. to our many Parker. So between two hay chop Church school begins Sunday Because the pastor is preaching at morning promptly at 10 o ’clock. friends and neighbors for their pers and the thrashing machine and kindness and sympathy and beauti possibly a third cutting of haying the Mission Day services at Rupert, Morning worship is at 11 a. m. The ful floral offerings at the death of job for Claud Britton most of us Idaho there will be no preaching pastor will preach. The Epworth our husband and father. can call our little rest 'over'. Oh yes services at the Parma Lutheran Leagues for young people begin at —Clara earn. Clyde and Margaret. and Roy Manley expected to start Church and at the Central Cove at 7 p. m. The evening worship ser Sunday School and Bible vice opens with a half hour of con Beam, Roy and Hazel Pounds and p u l l i n g his onions Wednesday Hall. classes at the usual- time. gregational singing at 8 p. m. The family. morning, pastor will bring an evangelistic Betty Niccum and her mother re Card of Thanks message. This Sunday Is Promotion turned Sunday from another trip K IN G M A N K O L O N Y We wish to express our thanks lay in our church school. to the Shriners Hospital at Port DR. J. C. BOWMAN and gratitude to the many friends Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Mr. M. land. he hospital gave her differ for their kind expressions o f symp- F IR S T C H R IS T IA N CHURCH ent shoes and hanged her braces L. Kurtz Superintendent. Veterinarian our beloved mother and grand Morning Worship 11 a. m. (Church of Christ) some. The authorities there are mother, Mrs. Walter Mahoney. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. quite proud of the rate she is im —Mr. and Mrs. C. ogart, and son, Evening Worship 8:30 p. m. proving and expect that at the J. S, Beem, Minister Leo. present rate o f improvement. In Bible School 10 A. M. Phone 39W ASSEM BLY OF GOD another six months she will be past Communion and Worship Sunset Valley Avenue the cricis. The Hospital Superin A. M. tendent iMiss Humphry) and her Evening Service at 8 P. M. J. R. C U N D A LL local Doctor (Dr. Kerby) both rec Clarence Brotzman, Pastor The public is cordially invited to omend that she don't start to school Sunday Scool 10:00 A. M. attend a church that is homelike Dentist until she has passed out of this By The Happy Farmer Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. and friendly. danger zone. Sarazin Clinic Our grange Is in the spot-light in NYSSA OREGON Cow Hollow again Tw o weeks ago we organized for a campaign for new members. Every member Is ac NYSSA LIBRARY tively consemed. This last week we Open each week day from acted upon the applications for 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. four new members and we expect Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m several more by our next meeting. ALL PATR O N S WELCOME This last meeting the Oregon Librarian ___ Mrs. S. B. Davis Trail Orange brought up seventeen of their members and put on the U N IT E D amusement hour for us. We had so O PTO M E TR IS T much business that we like to of S TA TE S "See MrFaU and See Belter” never got to our amusement hour. SAV IN G S We had a lengthy discussion on DR. J. A. McFALL the tripple A ’s urgent appeal for to BONDS Skilled rrafstmen ran give yon the best printing raise lagume seed for to be sent to service. All our printers and designers are experts on AND STAMPS the south's cotton fields for their jobs of all kinds. If you want the best for least— soil building program. Some of our call as! Cow Hollow farmers will attempt to raise Australian peas. And some I vetch for seed. Raising these la- LETTER HEADS — ENVELOPES — MENUS [ for seed will not only help ON SAI F A l YOUR POSTOm CF OR RANK BILLHEADS— IN VITATIO N S— CIRCULARS E YE SIG H T SPE C IALIST the government, lbr whltch they O N TA R IO OREGON ! will pay us well, but it will put large ANNOUNCEMENTS— PROGRAMS— CARDS amounts of nitrogen In our soil, for I merica on guard which the soil its-self will alsopay j Above is a reproduction o f the W YCKOFF Telephone 19 For Our Repreuentatlre us well. Treasury Department’s Defense JEWELRY STORE Savings Pouter, showing an exact We also organized “T h e Chalk 1 Butte Hunting Reserve" All or duplication o f the original “ Minute Official Tim e Inspector for ■ a part of nine separate sections of Man” statue by famed sculptor Union Pacific Daniel Chester French. Defense land will posted as a private hunt- ) Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your O N TA R IO OREGON ing reserve. Special permits at the | bank or post office, are a vital part o f A m eric*'» defense preparations. D U R C IS Q Ë SU P P O R T YOUR CHURCH PLAN TO ATTEND SU N D A Y Those from this district to atetnd the jamboree In Ontario Friday night were Ila Botner, Geneva Araharn, Angela and Keith Herr- man, Kenneth Waud. Richard and John French, Reta Johnson and Kathleen Loe. Miss Janice Jensen visited In Parma, Sunday with friends. Mrs. Jim Brady and Eunice Ann visited in Apple Valley Sunday at the Russell home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Merrick and family were visitors In Emmett Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lytle and family of Murdo, South Dakota are staying at the L. E. Robbins and Roy Her man homes until they find a lo cation near Nyssa. They have four children to go to school. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vest were dinner guests Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson. Mr. Jack French and Richard went on a fishing trip Sunday. Kathleen Loe injured her side while playing physical education and will not be able to play for at least four weeks. Glen Wolfe and Mrs. Ed Wolfe and Mrs. Eva Qulnley have return ed from Washington where they vis ited Mrs. W olfe’s daughter, Pau line. Mrs. Walter Thompson formed a seond year sewing club on Eureka Avenue Friday. They chose for the name of their club “T h e Nimble Fingers” . They had an election of officers Cleva June Oarren was president, Betty Blackburn vice president, and Luanne Oonnason, secretary. Mr. anl Mrs. Leonard Perry of Hayward, alifom ia came Sunday evening to visit Mrs. Perry’s sister and family, Mrs. D. W. McGinnis. Mrs. Ed De Lashmutt's sister of Caldwell visited with her Sunday. Mrs. Zeke Davis and children of Pasadena, California are visiting at the W. O. Bailey home. Milk Builds Healthy Bodies School days are here again and chl'dren need all the ex tra energy that they can g et G ATE C IT Y D A IR Y M IL K Will give your children that much needed extra energy— KEEP P L E N T Y OF M IL K ON HAND Shelton’s Dairy PHONE 05J2 HP HAY and GRAIN INSURANCE Don’t be sorry-lnsure! FRANK T. MORGAN Phone 97 Special Health Clinic To help you and to introduce the latest and most practical diagnostic “ A id to a Doctor” since X-ray, we will give a thorough Health Ex amination, by the aid o f this marvelous “ Human Analyzer,” for $2.00 (regular fee $10.00). Do not miss this opportunity to know the real cause o f your ailment and what to do to regain Superb Health. To avoid being disappointed call or write early for appointment. Those taking service at last clinic please come in for free examination. No Appointments After 6:00 p. m. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thur., Fri. and Sat. Sept. 22, 23, 24, 25. 26 and 27th • DR. N. A. MANN Chiropractic Physician Phone 252 Ontario, Oregon Cow Hollow ÜNSE BUY A I r ETTER. WORK C at JfexwT policed EXPERT JOB PRINTING ! The NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL ALTHOMPSON6-SONS FEED— SEED— COAL Across From Telephone Building Phone 26 2nd and Good Ave.