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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1941 Garden Club To Meet- pr .duction Is now beginning to roll Adrian The Morgan Park garden Club will NOT T O and . . . should enable us to equip meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. combat units . . . one squadron Mr and Mrs. Elmer Points and Virgil McGee on September 19. The Gate City Journal every other day.’* their niece, all cf Mountain Home, In Meridian- The Air Corps announced it Is Mr. andMrs. C. A. Shoop and Helen Idaho, were Sunday evening guests testing a new four-engine flying at the Everett Point’s home. spent Sunday in Meridian. WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner fortress which Is bigger and has Return From East- The choir of the Adrian Com LOUIS r THOMAS . . . . Editor sod Fublinher more fire power than models now In Dr. J.J.Sarazin with his daughters munity Church meets on Thursday use by the U. 8. and Great Britain. Miss Harriet and Miss Isobel, re night at the Kingman Kalory INDEPENDENT IN POLITIC8 AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC OU, Gapodne turned on Friday from Chicago School under the direction of F. A. The special senate committee In IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE where Dr. Sarazin attended the con de Lsepinasse, music director of the vestigating the oil situation said the vention of Union Pacific R.R. sur high school. EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY only shortage of petroleum products geons. Construction of the Free Metho or of transportation facilities "is a dist Church in Adrian Is progres ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES ‘shortage’ in a large surplus which sing rapidly. Open rats, per Inch------- 80c is desired." Acting Oil Coordinatr ...$1.50 One Year ___ . The Watson packing shed in National. Per Inch ------- .30c . . $ 1.00 Upper Sunset Six Months Davies Issued a statement saying, Adrian is still running onions and Classifieds. Per w o rd ---- OIo _ .05 Single Copies “the admittedly low condition of Minimum 25c Mesdames Chuck Share and Roy potatoes. (Strictly In Advance) petroleum stocks on the east coast Manley were Parma business call continues to mean shortage . . . ers Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Manley (and) the necessity for public co spent Monday in Parma. Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. operation continues.” SPAB refus Legal Advertising Mrs. Dale Limbaugh and twins Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission ed to grant priorities on steel plates through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under returned home Thursday. She BIG BEND IRRIGATION for construction of a 1500-mile pe the act of March S. 1878. was accompanied home by her par DISTRICT troleum pipeline from Texas to New ents Mr. and Mrs. Hines of Emm NOTICE OF MEETING York. Mr. Davies said the south NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN: That ett. eastern pipeline between Port St. EMMHMtUMM UHI II U II U M II II U U M IM 111111 III III III III III III III HUH III III 1*1 III |i| III III III I Betty Trumbull is working In On the Board of Directors of the Big Joe,, Fla., and Chattanooga, Tenn., tario. Bend Irrigation District, sitting as will deliver 1,260,000 gallons ol gaso The show by the Idaho Power a Board of Equalization, will meet line and other petroeum products Company and lunch supper was on Friday, the 10th day of Octo daily to Georgia and Tennessee held at the Community hall Satur ber, 1941, at 8:00 o’clock P. M. of within 60 days. day evening. Everyone enjoyed the said day at the residence of N. S. Prices Inf'ation Control evening. Fifteen dollars and seventy Phelan in the District, for the pur The labor department announced was taken in to help finish the hall. pose of reviewing and correcting its retail food prices are at the highest A hay chopper from Boise came assessment roll and apportionment level in 10 years — 12.3 per cent to the Upper Sunset community of charges for the year 1941, pay higher than a year ago. Treasury to chop hay for Roy Rookstool,John able in 1942, being for 6 months es Secretary Morgenthau. speaking In Hamilton and Roy Reffett. timated expenditures. The asses- Boston, said “inflation is no longer Schneider plrchased a truck ment roll and record mey be inspec distant. . . . We are facing It and Jack Brodie returned home from by the group. Members of the Sun 1 Adolph this week. ted by any Interested person dur . . . if we are selfish and shortsight attending the Seminar sponsored set Valley Sunday school also att truck Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Spencer of ing business hours each day at the ed . . . the consequences may haunt by the six leading farm implement ended In the afternoon. were business callers at the office of the Secretary of the Dis us and our children for years, but If head of Minneapolis, The Owyhee P.TA. held th*ir Boise Roy Rookstool home Wednesday. trict at Nyssa, Oregon. we look at the problem with firm manufacturers Chicago and Moline, Illinois. Most of the hay has been sold in By order of the Board of Direc regular meeting Thursday evening resolve we can beat this thing.” Dean Wyckoff left Sunday for at the school house. Business dis this vicinity. tors. Mr. Morgenthau said control of California where he has employ cussion and appointing committees Chuck Share enjoyed a visit froirj BIG BEND IRRIGATION DIS consumer Installment credit, pur ment. Published through the co-operation of the were the principal features of the his mother and her husband this TRICT Nyssa Gate City Journal. The National Editorial Association, g chase of defense bonds and stamps ------- "9 ------- evening. Mesdames Blanch Hite and week end. Carl H. Coad, Secretary Defense Advisory Committee and The Office of and tax-anticipation notes are not Martha Klingback were hostesses Government Reports Date and 1st publ. Sept. 11, 1941. enough to prevent consumer pur Legal Advertisement for the evening and served cookies Last publ. Oct. 9, 1941. chasing power from forcing prices RUINIItNMWIIIilIHUIUIP Oregon Trail and coffee. up. He suggested extension and in SUMMONS The Supply Priorities and alio- to do cooperatively. of social security benefits, an The teachers reception was held Mrs. R.G. Chandler of Caldwell IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NOTICE TO CREDITORS cation Board ordered its executive Federal Security Administrator crease STATE OF OREGON FOR NOTICE hereby to the inter cre compensation 'wage' was a visitor at the Owyhee Sun MALHEUR COUNTY director, Donald M.‘Nelson, to com McNutt said the U. S. Employment unemployment ditors and is the all other given persons Friday evening .September 13 at for the workers and reduction in day school, Sunday. OWYHEE IRRIGATION DISTRICT ested in estate of Elizabeth J. Service plans to seek several thous pile an over-all list of U. S. and expenditures in feder the school house. The September Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and A Municipal Corporation. MacDonald, sometimes written Mc lend-lease defense needs as part of and American peclallsts between 18 non-essential Plaintiff al, state and local governments. He Donald, of Nyssa. Douglas deceased: a detailed master plan for the de and 50 for employment by the Brit also suggested release of govern P.T.A. meeting was held at this baby were Vale visitors Sunday. vs. that McDonald the late undersigned M. ELIZA SMITH and J. F. SMITH. M. has been appointed fense effort. The SPAB ruled that ish Civilian Technical Corps as ra ment held surplus stocks of food time. October P.T.A. meeting will Carl Hite who has been working Delenaants Administrator of the estate of Eliz this summer at Yellow Pine re To Eliza Smith and J. F. Smith, abeth J. MacDonald deceased and no materials will be allowed for new dio and automobile mechanics, to hold down food prices. be on the regular third Friday, Oct turned to his home here last week. the above named Deiendents: plants for civilian goods if the ma electrical wiremen. Instrument re Priorities has qualified as against such. All persons ober 17 in the afternoon at the THE NAME OF' and THE each STATE Mrs. Martha Klingback, Louise OF' IN OREGON: terials are needed for military pur pairers, metal workers and other Priorities Director Nelson made having claims said estate to oi are hereby notified and required technical tradesmen, for service In mandatory all priority ratings, is school house. Mrs. Victoria Schwei- and Freddie were business visitors you are notified You poses. to appear in the present same with proper vouchers England repairing vital equipment sued ratings to assure civil air lines zer will have charge of the pro in Ontario and Payette. Saturay. above entitled court and cause with duly verified within six months of Aid to Britain by the British armed forces. continued operation at high effi gram. Th topic for discusión will Mrs. Mattie McClellen and two in lour weeks after the date of the date of this notice to the under Britlh Foreign Minister Eden in used of this summons, at Nyssa, the office of which A. L. place Flet Mr. McNutt said men needed for ciency and to give assistance to 20 be "The P.T.A. s Future in a Dem daughters and Miss Georgia Dinnis lirst formed the United States all mater national which publication date to is August 28, or 1941, then signed cher in Oregon, defense jobs in this coun of Nampa were Sunday afternoon essential industries in obtaining re and there answer otherwise ials received by Great Britain under is business hereby in designated as the place with of ocracy”. Mrs. D»ve Mitchell and visiors a h Willim Peutz home. will not be accepted but selec pair rraterials . plead to you the fail complaint filed for herein matters connected the Lend-Lease Act were used ex try Mrs. F. S. Byers are on the game and if so to do, want said estate. tive service headquarters have au clusively for war purposes and that thorized local draft boards to grant Priority Unemployment thereof, and plaintiff will take committee. Refreeshments will be Douglas M. McDonald none is being diverted to private deferment in Class IIB for men The Bureau of Employment secu served ment decree against you; judg (1) Administrator of the estate of by the mothers having child For annual Owyhee Irrigation Dis rity and representatives of the OPM channels. Secretary of State Hull joining the C. T. C. Kingman Kolony Elizabeth J. MacDonald trict assessments for 1938, $70.00; ren in the upper room. The follow said there had been some misunder The Commodity Credit Corpora contract distribution division and 1939. $21.00; and for 1940, therefor, $77 00; Date of first Pub., Aug. (McDonald) 1941. standing about British exports and tion made avallabe for Lend-Lease labor division began a nation-wide ing program was presented: Acc- Mrs. Harry Schooler of Genesee, for and a total sum of $168.00 Date of Last Pub., Sept. 28, 25, 1941. with costs and disburse the message explained what pie operations In the past two weeks survey to find Jobs for workers laid ordin solo -Mrs. Winters. Wecome Idaho spent Tuesday and Wednes together ments of this proceeding and a two governments are undertaking 100.130 bales of cotton and 1,345,000 off because of production curtail to the Teachers-Mrs. George Wil day of this past week visiting her reasonable sum adjudging as attorney that fee; the (2) ment due to shortages and diversion son who also introduced the teach sister and husband Mr. and Mrs. Declaring and bushels of corn. The Red Cross an of materials to defense. amounts so due to the plaintiff for ers: Mrs. Victoria Schweizer.upper Conrad Martin. Mrs. Martin and such assessments, casts and dis nounced It will send a delegation | New P'ants Miss Dorothy Pierce, inter- Mr. William Toomb met Mrs.School- bursements. and interests accrued to Russia to study and report on The Defence Plant qorporatlon grades, and attorney's fee. to the be following a first and Miss Jean Hyde, er in Boise Monday night. most urgent needs in that country and the war department authorized mediategrades and prior lien upon Mr. and Mrs Dorcy Conrad of Nor primary grades.. and how to meet them. property: and awarded contracts for con Responses by the teachers. ton, Kansas visited with Mrs. Con- South half of Southeast quarter Ships Built struction of six aluminum, magnesl fad's sister, Mrs. Arthur Cartwright (S'-SE'A) Sec. 20. Twp. 16 S. John Adams sang a solo acc on The Maritime (Comiqlasion an um plants, totaling $94.579,000. OPM Mrs. Rng. 47 Oregon. E. W. M., Malheur Tuesday morning. ompanied by Mrs. B. Hutchison. recommended to the war depart County, nounced the largest mass launching Earl Osborn, Mrs. Elmer Dut and prior to all other liens and of ships since the World War will ment construction of an aluminum Games and refreshments rounded ton Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur Cartwright of encumbrances and rights of the de plant at Troutdale, Ore., to produce out a very pleasant evening. About THERE ARE THINGS take place September 27 when 12 fendants thereto; (3) Ordering the Kingman attended the county W.C. sale pounds annually. ships slide down the ways. Four 90.000.000 40 attended. of said real property by the T.U. meeting held at the Narazene BEYOND Farming Out of said County as Court, provided new merchant ships In the Mrs Marion Chard. Mrs. Eldo church In Nyssa on Friday. Mrs. Sheriff by law and rules of this and L. A. Maulding, M.D. other 500-shlp long-range program are be Acting Navy Secretary Forrestal Thompson, Mrs Freeman Rookstool Osborn the proceeds of sale be that applied re-elected president for that UNDERSTANDING lng delvered to operators between announced creation of the naval and Mrs. Ewen Chard entertained another was to plaintiff’ s claims, and the year. Physician and Surgeon contracts distribution to cooperate at the Ewen Chard home Saturday We don't know why grief right, title. Interest and equity of the September 11 and September 19, Phone 37 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woods and defendants, and each of them, for comes to all of us, but when making a total of 110 vessels com with the OPM in speeding up pro^ afternoon with a Bridal Shower family shall right be foreclosed, and barred, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ever it does we need a friendly pleted under the program. The Navy ductlon by using facilities of small honoring Mrs. Elvin Neilson the Cartwright Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 without of redemption after Darrel were supper Issuance of deed: and (4) For such helping hand. The Nyssa Department announced launchings plants and employees whose indus former Betty Chard. Games were guests of Mr. an and Dally—Except Sunday Flarl Park other relief as to the Court shall Funeral Home is prepared of two cruisers and one minesweep tries are threatened by shutdown played, with Mrs. Adeline Ward. er of Newell Heights Mrs. Fry Building on Wednesday seem equitable. to extend that helping hand er. The Maritime Commission said or dislocation because of priorities. Mrs. Leonard Olson and lone Ben evening. This summons is served upon you Under-secretary of War Patterson to you. We have built up Increased demand for offi son winning prizes. The honored The A.N.K. Garden club met with pursuant to order of the Hon. Robt. TOWNSEND CLUB to cers meet a reputation for Integrity In the merchant marine it has directed the army's 815 purchasing guest M. Duncan. Circuit Judge of said received many nice useful County and State, 1941, made on the pub 26th opened competitive examinations offices to bring more of the nation's gifts. Refreshments were served to Miss May Beaumont on Tuesday day and economical, friendly MEETINGS of August, directing Individual facilities Into the de about 45 guests. afternoon. Mrs. Harvey Otis of Ad lication for cadet appointment«. Applica service. Won't you let us of this summons for four Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday tions must be submitted to the com fense program “to eliminate distress .Mr.and Mrs. F.G. McGinnis, Roy rian and Mrs. Harry Schooler were * successive weeks including five pub help you? caused by loss of business' because and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Holmes guests for the afternoon. at 8 p. m. at City Hall lications in the Nyssa Gate City mission before November 8. Nyssa, Oregon. of defense priorities. A. L. McClellan...... President Ships Attacked Mrs. Conrad Martin and Mrs. Journal, published Carl H. at Coad and children. Slim Hill and Gil Harry NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Defense Housing Schooler visited with Mrs. Don Graham _____Secretary Attorney for Plaintiff Tlie Maritime Commission an The defense housing coordinator bert Toll spent from Friday until Barrett and viewed her gardens on Residence and Address: The Public Is Invited Ambulance Service nounced the U. S freighter 'Steel Monday in the hills near Garden Wednesday afternoon. to all federal reserve Valley. Nyssa. Oregon Seafarer" was sunk in the Oulf of distributed The men were cutting and Phone 73W Nyssa Dated and 1st publ. Aug. 28, 1941. and branches application hauling poles for a new potato cell Miss May Beaumont and Mr. C. Last publ. Sept. 25. 1941, Suez. The State Department report banks NYSSA AERIE forms for special credit for the re ed the "Sessa." operated by) an pair and remodelng of homes In de ar F.G.Holmes is building. M. Beaumont accompanied by Mr. F. O. E. NO. 2134 American firm, was sunk near Ice- fense areas. and Mrs. Robert R. Overstreet of Ewen Chard, Jack Simpson and and with 24 men lost and the "Mon Agriculture Newell Heights called on Mr. and Meets Wednesday Night Torvald Olson threshed grain last tana," an American owned ship was Agrlcuture Secretary Wickard week and F.C.Fry threshed clover. Mrs. Tom Lowe at Mitchell Butte AT EAOLE8 HALL Save Real money for other Purposes torpedoed on the way to Iceland announced the 1942 farm program, Private Cecil Benson from Gow- on Sunday afternoon. Visiting Eagles Welcome with a cargo of lumber HARRY MINER, Sec. calling for all-time record produc en Field, at Boise, spent the week Ms. Earl Qsbrn and Mrs. Walter By buying your Insurance at Army Safety tion—especially of hogs, eggs, evap with relatives. ROSCOE FINDLEY, Pres. Pinkston were in Nyssa on Tuesday The war department estimated orated milk, dry skim milk, cheese end Several afternoon. farners living on Ivanhoe that, despite rigors of field maneu- and chickens—to Improve nutrition Avenue worked on the road with G R A H A M S IN S U R A N C E A ge n cy GATE CITY LODGE I vers this fall, there will be a con this country and to aid other teams last week. The mud holes Mr. and Hrs. William Toomb and No. 214 family and Ms. Conrad Martin were siderably lower accident and death In nations. Save from 20% to 48% on every policy were all drained and filled up. Lynn shopping in Nampa and Caldwell rate for the 752.000 troops partlcl- Railroad Libor Board Snodgrass is grading the road. Both Stock and Mutual Companies— iiatlng |han for a corresponding President Roosevelt set up a five- Mr. and Mrs. A M Gocdson and and Caldwell on Monday. Absolutely NON ASSESSABLE POLICIES ! number of civilians The estimate man board to investigate the dis of Notus were Sunday call Mrs. Donald Clark moved to the Meets Tuesdays predicted 236 deaths and 40.000 putes between unions and railways Estelle, McPartland home in Adrian this ers at the F.G.Holmes home. SPECIAL LOW RATES FOR HAY INSUR j admissions to hospitals for disease and to report its findings within 8 p. m . week where she will work this win and Injury. ANCE—SAVE 48% QN HAY INSURANCE 30 days. Wayne Lyman Morse, dean I.O.O.F. Temple ter. Air Owyhee of the University of Oregon law First Street, South Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin were Assistant War Secretary for Air heads the board. R. A. Thompson N Y S S A R E A LT Y in Boise on Thursday. Lovett told the press army war school, (“This Week in Defense" sum Noble Orand The Owyhee Sunday school held I games will provide a preview of the Reverand McKune of Nampa marizes Information on the tm- j M. F. Solomoa and Insurance Co. their picnic at the C.C.C. Camp brought the message at the Comm I "world's finest" military aircraft portent developments of the week | Sunday. Secretary A picnic dinner at noon j unity church on Sunday morning. Ph on e 53 | but "In point of quantity . . ., we made available by official sources and services afterward which con Dr. Sawhlll of Seattle will be here I still have a long way to go" although through Friday > sisted of a message by Mr. V. L. _________ *._________ Whetzel of Caldwell and choruses1 next Sunday. September 21. ’5 Enriched PAN D A N D Y BREAD FRESH EVERY DAY Buena Vista Frank Savage left for Alaska Thursday where he has employment. Mr and Mrs. E.L. Jamison atten ded Oood Neighbor Ntght at Iron side Orange Friday. Mr and Mrs. Claude Day and children. Mr and Mrs. SB Hoffman were Sunday dinner guests at the James Ritchie home near Wilder. Sunday Leslie TVpliff and CC Wyckoff are erecting a laying house. Mr and Mrs CC Wyckoff. Burl and Dwight are picking prunes at the Deery orchard near Cairo Jun ction. Burl and Dwight Wyckoff attend- Epworth League at Boise Sunday evening. Leagl Advertisement NOTICE That County Warants not presented will be cancelled NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following warrants wtll be cancelled and the payments thereof will be refused unless and warrants are présenté! to the County Treasurer for payment on or before October 20. 1941. GENERAL FUND WARRANTS Claimant Amount Date Issued Mary Frizzell .................$3 00 Number 11259 August Roy Palmer __ 6.00 12452 December 1. 9. 1933 1933 City of Ontario ........ 5.00 13798 June 9, 1934 Halversons Pure Pood Store 11 09 8059 August 9. 1933 State Industrial Accident Commission _______ 14.95 8101 September 9. 1933. H 8 SACKETT County Clerk of Malheur County. Oregon First Published. IS Sept. 1941—Last Published 1$ Oct., 1941. CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lb$. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cenf per lb, Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6