Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE ITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18,1941 Except for the dark shadows of gray bombers droning high above the clouds, the head lines and radio news casts, war seems as far re- rr :ved from this Arcadia as the TO PPS earth is from the moon. Our daily lives are still a round of little things, a shower for the new birds, Susie’s mumps and Johnie’s first day at school, out sized eggs and peach perserves, the new hats and whether to bob the locks again or let them grew. True we knit for foreign relief, Jim Jones' boy.comes home burst ing with manliness in his new uni Things About Nyssa’s Shops form from Uncle Sam’s new Uni- 9,000 “i f PAPATE PAPTSPMP 90.000 sity for Defense, now and then a N/V£TS GO WTO THE "P/PPPAM e E - friend weeps over the loss of a loved MOT /MCTODTM6 IAMCAM0 6FP P MSTKUMEMTS, GUMS Op PPO PCLLO P— ' one lost in some battle some place o p p M o o tP fj TTjp s u i t p ía m e Many friends have told us that over seas. These are but ripples of they have missed reading the the back wash from the seething "Snooper” and we have missed ! cataclysim that is rapidly engulf writing it so again it will have a ing the world and will all too soon place in the Journal except at such suck this happy and peaceful coun times as matters of more import try side into its undertow. Tue epptm sAMf I t is indeed mete that the sons | \un6HT evepy ance need its space. yew — Autumn came .suddenly this year, of the land are being trained in p eo a r /00.000 the art of defense. toms .. Mosny the olden lagourous days of In METeornc PdiT Perhaps no one knows better than dian summer seem to have been ppom -rue shoved aside permanently as though "D ec” and 'M ax’’ at the Polar Cold spy U. 5. INVENTIVE 6E N ÏÜ S-S Nature herself had much more im Storage that tire hunting season is U N CE LAST GUALWET?. 1 UE Offici*. W E S t « ' CLEARING HOUSE * HAS R f CEIVFP IP, 500 portant affairs up her sleeve than at hand. All this late summer and PEFENSE INVENTION SUGGESTIONS — her usual lavish painting of valley until now have they warned hun Repay p p ip comtpmumg wempuie ters to reserve their lockers 'gainst and upland in gala hues. IMPS. the time of need. Some have taken Already the golden rod and sun their advice, but some are waiting flowers growing along the ditch and river banks are losing their until the last minute reservations brilliance, the cat tails have faded of other late minute reservertations and the flu ff of the milk weed goes they may come up wanting for a out on the wind. The trees, the box- place to store the mea otf the fat "*¥=> HUNPREPS OF U.S. elders and poplars and cotton woods buck they will bring home to pove -----COMPANIES, 10 AID P E T E N S E . their prowess. Now says Max is the -----HAVE M APE MANUFACTURING O U H S E - which usually dn so gay a garb to OVERS LIKE THESE : PPOM WASPUJS BECAU SE W O O D IS S C A R C E . F I R E S A RE bid farewell to summer, this year appointed time to reserve a locker — 'MACM/MrS TO SU R I POMI*: COM AKTE O FTEN B U IL T O F W APLEBOME. ON T H E TO SUeUS/ C M P fK TO MAOPNC To O ii, have drooped all seeason from some at the Polar Cold Storage while A L E U T IA N IS L A N P S , O F F A L A S K A ¡AUMMCPkpf TO AZ ÍCS: <W V UMTOm TO SMiU unknown blight and now their few there are yet a few available. a am * m e n / remaining leaves drop cheerlessly to Here at home where war seems so Pete Tensen attended a meeting far away and the need of all shoul fortable and pleasing surroundings Mother Earth. for the purpose of interesting the May the winter’s chill destroy the ders to the wheel a far fetched idea, j and that is what they get. A good farmers in raising winter legumes, pest that with the new spring their | one wonders what we personally can show they are assured, one that will Thursday evening at Onatrio. beauty and their grace may not ¡do towards making our homes safe please evey member of the family. I t was a sweet and tender Angel Mr. and Mrs. L. T. hambers and again be diminished the summer for the things and the persons we love. Like everything else in this cake that we purchased at the fam ily and Mrs. Amie Egan were thr ugh. Swan’s Bakery not so ong ago Sunday dinner guests at the Dave wl rid the whole is made of little D icks and geese in huge flocks things and so our work here may where Johnny Koopman is number Chadwick home in Cairo. trel: hastily southward as though one boss and a dainty black haired, Mr. D. O. Bybe has been selected before a storm. This year they often never be known nor will we be laud ed as world savers and heros, yet if sweet smiling maid tends to the to be first counselor to the Young give place over this peaceful valley counter. M en’s Mutual Improvement e i s s o - to man flown air birds, the huge we do not do these things that are So good was the cake that is ctatlcn in the L. D. S. Church. set before us, surely we place a gray bombers. Just recently we stumbling hurdle in the path of scarcely lasted the meal through. Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Chamber and watched five in formation speed those closer to the main scene who But it was no surprise for we have family and Mrs. Anne Egan spent high overhead. Someone said they yet to get a thing in that patisserie have been called to carry the huge Saturday evening at Boise. wer” headed for England. How close load. And one of these is to order that was not tops. the ar overthere has come to our Mr. J. E. Wheeler and Mrs. D. O. Now Aden and Barney at the cur winter fuel now while transpor own door steps! Bybee furnished the old time dance tation faciities are still available. So Wilson’s grocery mart are fine fish But it is still not too late. The says A1 Thompson who sells that erman and hunters and never have music at the opening social of the past fortnight ma, be just "unusu good long burning Liberty coal and been known to return empty handed M. I. A. held at the L. D. S. Church a l” as usual and tl ’ is still time Dwight Smith at the Boise Payette when armed with rife or tackle. But Tuesday evening. fr the Autumn sun to spread its tation facilities are still available. So so are they fine purveyers of fine Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Chambers, mellow glow over the Ian:’ . and dependaability o f Knight Sprin foods. On their shelves one finds Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen, Mr. Be .that as it may, hum sea and d e p e n d a b i l / t y of Knight viands from the seven seas and and Ersell Bues, Mr. and Mrs. D. son is at hand. Saturday will ri ig S p r i n g Canyon coal. They are the lands between, canned tamales O. Bybee, Doyle Jensen, and Mr. and the popping of guns in the h. - worthy and reliable dealers, these and corn beef, crab and tomato Mrs. Malcolm Crawford attended lands and deer kill will be on. T ;:” two, their word can be taken when juice and bottled drinks and dog an M. I. A. party at the Lloyd Lewis foods. T is a happy place to buy home Monday evening. Sahib of cur household the past : -y say their wares are good. week end did search out his guns Malcolm Crawford left Friday to It matters not that it freeze early those things it takes to keep the from behind the door where they or that summer tarries over long body and soul together. hunt deer arround Unity. But If It is steak that will melt had gathered the dust of summer with us. when harvest is ended the Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whalen of dusted and cleaned and oiled the work for another planting must be ’neath the fork, a tasty serving of Payette and Mr. and Mrs. John whole morning through while the started on the farms. It would seem fresh fish cr toothsome and nour Lackery spent Sunday at the Bill three hunter pocchs were adither that the farmers work like a ishing lunch meats, shin bone for Lawler home in Houston. in anticipation for the happy days woman's is never dene. But with soup or a pig’s knuckle then trot Mr. and Mrs. G errit Groot were ahead. But there is one gun shy the aid ofa new Oliver Row Crop to the Nyssa Packing company and business visitors in Nampa Friday. among the lot who took to the 70 tractor, his work can at least ye wilt not be disappointed. For space twlxt floor and bed in the be eased. For these handy farm they have all these and more. nethermost part of the rancho. Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad gadgets are daily gaining popu Once we thought to make a hun larity for their ability to "take it” vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy ter of him, he is such a fine rabbit here on the new land, their ease of time and thy gas going farther. getter upper, but with the first control and their ability to work crack from the gun Laddie was c ff day and night with little over head I dcwn the road towards home. We and up keep if the case need be. found him some time ater peering Here at Nyssa Implement "Lum ” from behind a sage brush waiting Svencara and his cohorts will glad M r and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and for us. Never again would he get ly demonstrate their fine qualities Nell and Mrs. Kara Tensen return intc the car when a gun is there to any and all comers at the Nyssa ed Saturday from a vacation at too. Implement Company store on Good Portland. They stopped at the On Sunday on a country road a Avenue twixt First and Second. Pendletcn round up Friday. fock of Huns ran before the car, Dick Grcot was in Ontario on But no car nor ractor will run at tame as barnyard chicks but by No all nor last long if not filled with business Thursday. vember first they will be as wary the best of oils and lubricated freely Mrs. Eva Quinley, and Mrs. Ed as an angle worm in the shadow of and frequently. Even with the call W olfe and Glenn returned from early bird, and as scarce as dodoes. of oil and gas shortage and the ad Seattle, where they visited Mrs. But the unusual chill has not monition to go slow on consumption Wolfe's daughter, Mrs. Earl Sager. been altogether a menace for the even here in the west the best can Glenn W olfe is now clerking at lettuce grows apace and is tighten be purchased here at Nyssa, all that Wilson Brothers grocery. ing to the head, the sugar content one needs. Klaas Tensen has a crew top In the beets mounts dally and soon ping oniens. There is Shell oil on tap and the whistle at the factory will call Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and goodness knows it quality is known the workers for gleaning the white Earl Bogart left Monday for Sum the world over, then there is Penn- erystals from the pulp. mit Prairie. zoil at the Inland Oil Company Mr. Larson of Ogden, Utah, who Herds have waxed fat on pastures station on First and Sixth and every kept green the summer through by one this country over is a friend recently purchased the Drew An the unuual rain and the prices they of the gang at Thompson’s oil where derson farm has built a small house Mined from the deepest teem in bring to their growers mount daily. they dispense fine gas, oils and lub- on the place. Utih, Knight Spring Canyon ie The Columbia Baby Beef club riation and U. S. tires at their a hard, claan coal that atarta sold their steers at the Ontario quickly, burns long and makaa Texaco stand on Main and Third. sale Wednesday. The highest price but littla ash or soot. For great Tom Nordale did escort us about brought wtts 12.25 received by M ar er fuel economy end satisfac hia furniture emporium the past jorie Groot, second high by Gene tion, order Knight Spring Can week and we did spy out many Graham 12.10. Both were Black A n yon Coal in your favorite also from— things just the thing to lay away gers steers. ’gainst the Christmas rush. Table Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Atkeson re lamps in new shades, soft and love turned the latter part of the week ly as the tints at dawning. from a vacation on the coast, Modem breakfast sets and new a vacation on the coast. LUM BE R(|r^lCOMPANY occasional tables. W ith fall wed Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot are dings in the breeze they are fit for remodeling their new home in Ap- < I gifts for the happy bride. pie Valley and plan to move In the 1 Dwight Smith, Manager A t our cabin in the mountains we near Phone 15 Ny»*a Olive Bues has the mumps. ' have a motley array of lighting gad- Igets, an ancient storm lantern from an old bam, a flash light of late vintage, a wall bracket lamp and one of those newer kind with a mantle affair that is tempermental and as easily annihilated as a July butterfly. So good was the cake that it Max Factor Hollywood scarce lasted the m.eal through but But not a one of them can give the radian beams that the Idaho i Power Company has proven are ne cessary for the reading light to save the good vision of the family. And j 1 H e r e i* o c l e a n s - at the company's »tore here in Nyssa y in g c re a m that • Have your motor tuned up or repaired before they have a floe display and assort- w ill 'a g r e e ' w ith | ment of modem lighting require - you start on that trip. y o u r t y p e o f s kit f I ment» and can give one many a tip on what to get to obtain the best w h e t h e r it is d r y, light for the east money. o ily, or n o r m a l. Tis not the bright lights that one goes to see when they attend the Phone 54 W Nyssa Theatre rather is it fine pic NYSSA PHARM ACY tures in subdued light amid com- THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE Ye Snooper’s Column Fred Koopman and Billy Kindling were Sunday dinner guests at the home o Grandma' Stam and Klaas Mrs. Bill Flndllng and Sharon spent the afternoon there. Fred Koopman was in Vale and Ontario on business Thursday. Mrs. D. O. Bybee has received word from New York that her poem en titled “ Dream House” will come o ff the press, appearing In W ho’s Who In Poetry, early in November. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Weaver of W ilder were Sunday evening dinner guests at the Ora Friel home. Mrs. Jake Fischer, who has been 111, Is up and around again. O. Z. Matthews Is threshing grain at Cascade this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arville Child of Vale were Friday visitors at the D. O. Bybee home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mercer of Wilder, were Sunday dinner guests at the Jake Fischer home. Lilly and Ruth Matthews sang for Mrs. Walter Mahoney’s funeral Tuesday morning. Dr. Sawhlll of the United Presby terian Mission board from Port land will be the Sunday morning preacher at the Adrian Community Church. He delivered the Easter sermon ast spring so U not a stranger to us. Carnival and Dance— The auxiliary of the Adrian American Legion Post will sponsor an al day Old Time Carnival and evening dance at the Legion hall In Adrian on Saturday September 20. I t will be an old time ho-down and carnival al day and every one is terian Church In Nampa. Later he invited. Beginning at nine a. m., there will be a cooked food ale, called at the Kurtz' home. . _ .... lunch served at al hour*, bingo and Mesdames Jess Sugg. Walter beanQ Kames flsh ^ prlze of Pinkston and Earl Parker attend all sorts, fun for every one all day ed the all day county W. C. T. U. and beginning at nine-thirty pin., meet in Nyssa, Friday. an old time dance Mrs. M. L. Judd and Mrs. D. L. Andrson were P.-T. A. ladies who Read The Journal Classified Ads attended the executative meeting in for bargains. Ontario, Saturday. The Zubizaretta Brothers thresh ed out their rain this week and Notice To Hog Raiser* Jess Sugg combined the last o f his. A goodly representation of high With the Installation of » new N E W E L L H EIGH TS school students parents and friends scale at The local Parent-Teacher Asso attended the football jamboree In THE R A IL W A Y STOCK YAR D S Ontario, Friday night. Harold Kurtz ciation is getting its year’s work we are now receiving your hogs a center in the Adrian line suffer outlined and started. The executa- there every Friday, paying the ed a broken collar bone and two tlve committee have met and ap ribs. Saturday night Mr. Dennis highest price the market permits pointed the chairmen of various Patch and sons and Mr. de Lespln- and seeking to serve you In every committees. Mrs. Patch called a esse called an him. meeting of the membership com possible way. Mrs. D. L. Anderson attended a mittee at her house Monday after noon, Wednesday Ted Rogers and primary stake convention in Weiser, FRANK KULLANDER M. L. Kurtz represent Newell Sunday. Heights. Thursday night is the an nual teachers’ reception. Ross Healy has been sowing seed on the Ted Rogers’ ranch. There Is scarcity of clover, alsac and ladino seeds on the project this year. More alfalfa Is being substituted for clover especially for a soil builder. Over three hundred acres of fall lettuce on the project are attract ing lettuce buyers though no prices have been offered. The fields look quite productive at this stage. Mr. and Mervin Fagan and friends Mr. and Mrs. Louis Phillips of Lehl, Utah, visited from Monday until Thursday at the D. L. Ander son home. Merlin Fagan is a Come in and make your selection of any piece of furniture or brother o f Mrs. Anderson’s. Sunday household furnishing— we will work out an easy payment plan her father, J. F. Fagan arrived for for you. a visit. Rev. E. D. McKune of Nampa, who filled our pulpit Sunday, was a dinner guest of the Julum family of P H O N E 94 NYSSA Owyhee who were former church members in the United Presby- GET YOUR FALL FURNITURE ON I TERMS Nordale Furniture Store r **» Alberta Valley Is Your Skin DRY? OILY? NORMAL? Save Time and Money CLEANSING CREAM ss j PRUYN’S GARAGE You can stillm ake a ll types o f Instalm ent loans a t the First National ... w ith as long as 18 m onths to p a y ! # Federal regulations have not been designed to cut off the flow of essential consumer credit for sound purposes ... so, they have not materially changed this bank’s terms. You have as long as 18 months to repay Autom obile...(new ond used}...Hom e Modernization, Equipment and Appliance loans. Personal loans will be m ade on 9Vf usual terms. Ht&nck FIRST nflflORflli BRRK OF PORTLAND