Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1941)
J ! THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1941 Sunset Valley Howard Schnleder was working on the Kendzer hay chopper last week on the Zack Walker ranch west of Adrian. Bob Reffett Is hauling the hay to Nyssa. Raymond Hines arrived home from Port Lewis Thursday for a 20 day visit. Mr and Mrs.Les Wing and fam ily were Suday dinner guests at the John Reffett home. Mrs. J.A. Black arrived home last week from a three week visit with her brother In Wyoming. — + — demolished in a car wreck n .. the Y between here and Nyssa. Little can be learned about the R M since Norland was unconscious and the car which struck his car never stopped. Mr. Paul Johnson, a far mer living near the Y took Nor land to a Nyssa doctor who dressed an Injury of th knee, then brought him home. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Roneq Schrltter took Mrs. Bailey and daughter Vadan, to Hermiston, Oregon, Sunday. R a l p h B a i l e y has employment there. Several from this community are making mattresses at the Parma mattress making project. Phyllis Poage will leave this week for orvallis, Oregon, where she will enter school. Miss Poage was gradu ated with honors fro Nyssa high school in June. J. H. Correll has gone on a hunt ing trip in the Salmon iver country. Oeorge Bailey Is doing some re modelling at the Fisher onion stor age. Jesse Huffman returned Tuesday from Hermiston, Oregon, where he was employed. A. Mrs. J. H. Correll has been work ing packing prunes at the J. C. Watson packing shed in Parma. Mr and Mrs. Ura Robinson and Star called at the B&lley Pettit home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boston and sons of ntarlo called at the J. I. Boston home Saturday evening. The third cutting o f alfalfa is be ing done thisc week. Some «eed is being threshed. Mr. and Mrs. AlbertEason and son spent the week end in Boise. Mrs. Leo Wood went to Boise, Sunday to see her husband who Is still in a Boise hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Darklnson and son have returned from the hills where he has been employed. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Rucker and family attended the wedding of his niece, Miss Dorothy Rucker and Mr. O. H. Tilton. Ray Rucker was best man. Mrs. R. E. Bailey and Vadah visit ed at the parental. McDermltt home, Thursday. Mrs. Scott is able to be around again and Mr. Scott who was sick with the flu Is much better Julian Chapin. Mrs. Willard Whit man and baby of Seattle returned to that city Monday after having spent the past several days visit ing in the Kenneth Lorensen home. Mrs. Lorensen the mother of Mrs. Whitman accompanied them home for a weeks visit. Mr. Chapin is Mrs. Lorensen’s uncle. Mrs. Grover Cooper underwent an operation at the hospital at Ontario last week and Is recovering satisfactorily. Mr. and Hrs. Kenneth Lorensen Berne, Mr. Julian Chapin,and Mrs. Willard and baby were Sunday din ner guests In the H. H. Whitman home near Oregon Trail. Mrs. L.Pomeroy and Mrs. George Wilson cooked for Orover Coopers hay men last week while Mrs. Coop er was In the hospital. Glendon Hillls jnade the purchase of a used car last week. Mrs. A.R.Roberts was taken to the Ontario hospital last week and is reported to be in a serious condition Miss Naomi Lorensen spent the week end In Pendleton where she attended the Round-up. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hobson, Elanor Dorothy, Mrs. Jim Langley and Rex left last week for an extended visit and tour in Kansas.Arizona, Calif ornia and Oregon before returning home. Jack Reffett who has been attend ing N.Y.A. school in Weiser the past year Is spending this week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett. Don Parker and Bob Tosch re turned to their work at Hermiston Monday evening after spending the weekend with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schweitzer visited Sunday with his sister Mrs. BIG BEND — + — Householder at the old Schweitzer Mrs. L. Eachus has been serious ranch in the Owyhee. Jess Ashemundl returned home ly ill the past week suffering with last week after spending the sum erysipelas. Ray Procbor of Walla Walla, who mer visiting his sister near Boise. formerly lived in this vicinity was a Thursday visitor in the F. A. Miller home. Miss Mae Wright of Cadwell, John Poage, machine assemly visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. man at the Eder Hardware hi Nyssa Arch Wright last week. was called to Marshall. Missouri, Mr. O. R. Barnes of Boise spent the past week by illness of his Friday looking after his ranch here father. that is farmed by Ed Dillon. Palmer Norland escaped with Mrs. Joe Gardner of Boise, visited slight injuries, about midnight Sat from. Friday till Sunday with Mrs. urday, when the family car was L. Cachus. Apple Valley "W e got company at our house, Jim. If I get hurt you pick up the money and hustle over O lili F IR ST LIKE OF DEFEKSE Above illustration shows Ellen Warren, Condon, Oregon, and her 1940 Pacific International Livestock Exposition 4-H Club Grand Champion Hereford Steer. Title of "First Line of Defense” can well be given those youthful farmers of America—the Boys and Girls of the 4-H Clubs. The Pacific Northwest holds an envlaole record In number of 4-H Clubs and members, having a total ot approximately 5000 clubs, with • membership of nearly 40,000 boys and girls, and a very high percent age in number completing their full time of training. Mr O. M. Plummer, General Manager of the Pacific Interna tional Livestock Exposition, stated recently during an interview, “There Is no question of the value of 4-H Club work in aiding in the Defense Program of our country". To fully appreciate the work of the 4-H Clubs and how they aid our youthful farmers In the production ot pure bred livestock, Improved methods and greater efficiency on the farm and In the home, one Miss Mary Weir who is etaching at Westfall, spent the week end visiting her parents. Mrs. Jean of Roswell and her houseguests, Dr. Fisk and Miss Jones of Chicago, spent Tuesday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Sweet. Floyd iggins returned home from a w e esiytslca-syy a week’s stay In Nampa. Miss McDonald of Milbon was a the past week end. house guest of Miss Virginia Miller Mrs. Caude Eachus, Mrs. J. E. Eskew, Kenneth Eskew, Mr. and Mrs. Joe arris and Mrs. Ted Mill- sap of Vale, spent Saturday and Sunday in Vale. A number of the high school pupils spent Friday evening at a jamboree in Ontario. The Jess iggins family were shop ping in Caldwell, Saturday. Miss Eleanor Hawork eft Sunday, for Corvallis, where she is a sopho more in State college. She will take part in Rush week. A delicious dinner and pleasant visit was enjoyyed by members of the Birthday Club at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller Sunday. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Robertson of Roswell; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neir, Mary and Betty Weir, Mr. and Mrs. George Swigert, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Baldridge, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach, Mr. and Mrs. Will Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Mr. and Mrs. Lora Plllsbury. Miss Virginia Miller and Miss McDonald of Milbon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bennett at tended the wedding of Miss Mar garet Allen of Boise and Ralph Bennett of Roswel, that was solem nized last Tuesday afternoon at the home of the ride’s grandmother, Mrs. Charles Allen, in Roswell. and buy ma a loaf o f Lincoln Heights SW A N 'S B R EA D ASK POR IT AT YOUR GROCER’S Swan's Bakery PHONE it NYSSA FARM SALE One-half Mile W eit, l l/ 4 Mile« North o f New Plymouth, On Old Galbraeth Farm Tues. Sept. 23 SALE STARTS A T I P. M. 25 Head Good Dairy Cattle All T. B. and Abortion Tested 4 Head Work Horses 28 Head of Hogs These Hogs are Cholera Immune Complete Line of Farm Machinery 1000 Bushels o f Grain Burl Collins, Owner Col. Bert Anderson, Auctioneer Eldon Maddan, Clerk o Rev. Beasley from near Caldwell, was present at the Lincoln Sunday school.. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lenafelter and family of Woodstock. Minn., visited Saturday night at the Ra lph Barnes home. The Lenafelter's were returlng to their home after having visited at Portland. Mrs. Lee Moore left for Midway. Wyoymlng. Saturday after having spent several days at the Emil Frank home. Mrs. Frank accom panied Mrs. Moore to her home and will visit her daughter and husband, and Mrs. Chester. Farmers are taking advantage of the nice weather and are thresh ing. Most of the grain has been threshed, but there is much clov er left. Miss Velma Farley left lest week for York, Nb where she wtll en roll as a senior in the college there Oeorge Rookstool. son of Mr and Mrs. J.B. Rookstool. who has been home on a ten day furlough re turned to California Saturday, where he Is stationed in an army camp. Mrand Mrs. Leslie Pennington announce the arlval of a 9 ', pound boy. born September 7 Mrs. Penn ington Is the former Marjorie Ward daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Ward of this vicinity Llovd Page who has been em ployed in Salem returned the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Page, last week Claude is taking a post graduate course in F. F A work In Ontario. A missionary meeting was held at the Oeorge Markham horn* Fri day evening Bishops from the Ont ario and Nyiaa L D 8 churches were present. should visit the Pacific Internation al Livestock Exposition in Portland, October 4th to Ilth inclusive, where teams from 4-H Clubs throughout the Northwest compete In demon strations of various projects by both boys and girls. Other Exhibits at the Exposition will Include Beef and Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Goats, hogs, Horses Poul try, Pet Stock, Dogs, Land Products, and Industrial Exhibits. Of special interest will be an Exhibit by the United States War Department E n t e r t a i n m e n t , features will in clude the usual brilliant Horse Show and thrilling Rodeo. Six Horse team driving contest, and many other outstanding events. Accord ing to Mr. T. B. Wilcox, Jr„ Presi dent ot the Exposition, this year’s entertainment program will equal any of the past years' programs, for unusual variety and exceptional quality. , Shenk and Mrs. Iinga Robbins had dinner Sunday, Sept. 7 honoring in Ontario. Mrs. Cjaude Hulse and baby daughter of Tangent, Oregon, charge of the program. The even Miss Inez Frake of Cairo. Who leit ing was spent playing games. Re for Boise Thursday to take nurse’s Mrs. Hulse Is visiting her parents freshments of cup cakes and grape training at the St. Alphonsus hos Mr. and Mrs. Curt Ingles of Cairo, and John Day. Juice were served. pital. Other guests were Miss C.W.Barrett and Oeorge Moeller Frakes’ parents and two brothers. See Night Game— attended a budget meeitng at Vale Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldrldge and Mr. anl Mrs. Lewis, Mira Noah, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Church attended Sam Caldwell Is erecting a new Wilburn Atherton and Wilma and the baseball game In Boise on Tues Arthur Brown attended a bridal hen house. day evening. Mrs. Anna Dail returned Friday shower Friday evening at the Chas. night from Jerome, Idaho, where Christeson home, honoring Miss she visited her sister, Mrs. Lillian | Maybell young. She will marry Don- PC^pEFENSE Am.brose. I aid Castingham of Baker. Ethel Mull spent last week with i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Down are the her parents Mr. and Mr. Charles j parents of a son born Saturday BU Y Bullard. | evening at ntarlo Hospital. Mother U N IT E D STATES A large crowd attended the miss- and son are doing fine, S A V IN G S ionary meeting Sunday. The River-1 Henry Derry has started to har- BONDS view and Lincon Sunday school vest his prune crop this week. Lo- AND STAMPS met here for a basket dinner, after j cal fam.ers are doing the picking, noon a number was given by each | Mira Noah and Wilma Brown at- Sunday school, a musical number tended a party at the home of was given by Mrs. Gilbert Klink- Guinevere Hindanarch, Wednesday enberg.of Riverview, and Mary A. j DeLashmott.from. Lincoln. A read ing was given by Mrs. J.R. Farley from Arcadia. A duet by Mrs. Anna | Dail and Mrs. John Zittercob: then a talk given by Howard Smith, a j missionary of Seattle. Rev. Chand- j ler of Caldwell also gave a short ! talk. Mr. Smith also gave two mus- I ical numbers.. There 28 from. Riv- \ erview, 13 from Lincoln and 23 from Arcadia. The Arcadia Sunshine club meets September 18. at the school audit- | orium, with Mrs. Vem Smith and Mrs. Dave Brady as hostesses. George Danvers and Jack Shenk are working at the sugar factory. / Mary Smit is staying at the home of her brother, John Smit. Nick is driving a school bus on the Oregon Slope. Mrs. Charles Bullard fell in her kitchen Friday evening and dis located her shoulder, her daughter Mrs. John Carr of Weiser spent the weekend with her. Mrs. Lloyd is caring for now. Mr and Mrs. Granton Eason and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eason, visited their brother John Eason, Sunday Seeing is believing when you ride high down the cotton rows with an Oliver night, who is In the hospital in ltow Crop ” 70” centrally mounted cultivator, on Tip Toe Vi heels that tread so lightly they actually cultivate. Caldwell. See for Yourself What it’s Like to Cultivate with the “ 70” Lincoln Sunday school members accepted the Invitation of Arcadia Sunday school, to meet with them, for a basket dinner, September 14. Rev. Chandlar was present. The Riverview Sunday school members VALLEY VIEW were also present. Mrs. A. A. Bratton and Mrs. Mc- The Farmers Association meet- Connel entertained the W. S. C. S. ing Was held Saturday evening with 1 Thursday at the Bratton home. Ivan Findley, president In charge. Around 25 Methodist ladies were present for the meeting. Virgil Belisle is well pleased with his twin heifer calves his Holstein cow brought him this last week. Mrs. Ruth Williams visited Mrs. Conely Butler of Oklahoma is Ted Chambers and Mrs. W. R. visiting at the home of his brother Johnson in Ontario Wedneday. Vern Butler before he leaves for David King of Camp Murray. the Army. Washington, is visiting his parents Miss Afton Ure of Boise Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. S. King while on a Mrs. Ira Ure. 15 day leave. at the home of her parents, Mr.and Oscar Bratton and cousins motor Richard Dodge who Is in training ed to Boise Sunday evening to the at Fort Warren, Wyoming visited "youth meeting” there. his grandmother, Mrs. John Snow, Valley View and Cairo played one day last week. their first basket ball game Fri A reception was given for the day on the Farmers' court. Boy’s teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Berthelson team tied V. V. Girl's won. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevens gave a last Thursday night. Mrs. Jack Arcadia SCREW-IN AND Once around and you know the "70” has everything, does everything and is a beauty in far more than looks. Watch it cultivate easily at m.p.h. . . . straight on the rows . . . 2 or 4 rows at a time, according to the planting . . . working close up to the fence lines . . . There’ s just a second s pause at the end o f the rows aa the gangs come up. You whip the wheel around and the auto matic steering brakes speed the turn . . . you straighten on the line as the brakes let go and the gangs drop. Back you go down the new rows with a running start. You can use the ” 70” the same way for busting, running middles and planting, too. That’s cultivating as only the Row Crop "70” Cultivator does it. That’s smooth, lively 6-cylinder power under finger-tip control from the comfortable driver's seat— automotive steering with steering-braking on turns— the Oliver Variable Speed Governor Control that enables you to use only the fuel needed to dc the work— speed that gets cultivating done when it will no the most good. The ’ ’ 70” is built in two fuel types: the "7 0 ” HC with high compression engine for gasoline and the "7 0 ” K D w ith engine designed for kerosene or dis tillate. Pick your fuel and your "7 0 ” uud get modern low-coat tractor power. See us about a demonstration today. SEE Good Ave. PIN-UP Here's a new, easy, inexpensive way for every home to modernize old lighting equipment. These simple fixtures and attachments can be applied to present equipment with a twist of the Wrist. — Inverted shades attach to each Reflector and silver-bowl lamp bulb of ceiling cluster fixture, de- bulbs correct and modernize old stroy glare. bridge lamps. Screw-in fixture for ceiling kitchen Clip-on shades for wall brackets or dining room fixture, for indirect soften their light, add decoration lighting. to the room. POWER 70 OLIVER BEFORE YOU BUY NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. FIXTURES MODERNIZE LIGHTING EASILY— INEXPENSIVELY IDAHO AN Phone 4