/ TH E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L THURSDAY,AUGUST 14, 1941 ÏFENSE Trees DO Talkl o '. N YS SA C IVIC CLUB A ll women of the community are cordially Invited to the regular meeting of the Civic Club, Wednes day Aug. 20. I t will be a benefit afternoon at Mrs Barrett's gardens between the hours of 2:30 and 5. Guests may view the gardens, enjoy games, or play bridge. Light refreshments will be served. Anyone desiring further Informa tion may call Mrs. Kenneth Cottle or Mrs. Carlos Buchner. HAM ILTO N-M CCELLEN M r and Mrs. A. L. McCleUen an nounce the marriage of their daughterErlene to Everett Hamil ton last week. Mr anad Mrrs. Mc- Clellen with their daughter aand the bride groom motored to Union where the wedding was performed In the home of Bishop Anderson of the L. D. 8. church of that city. The party returned to Nyssa and from here the bridal couple left for Jor dan Valley to make their home. — 8— E N T E R T A IN CLUB r. and Mrs. John Bishop enter tained at two tables of contract for the members of the newly or ganized young married peoples club on Wednesday evening. High score for the evening was made by Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee. _5 _ Q U ILD E NTE R TAIN E D The Guild of St. Pauls Episcopal church was entertained on Wednes day afternoon by Miss Eva Boydell at her home. Following a business meeting yam was rolled for the Red Cross and tea was poured by Miss Boydell and Mrs. J. J. Sarazin. E PISCO PAL PIC N IC The Episcopal church will hold Its annual picnic for Sunday school and church members at the Cald well park an Sunday, August 24. Lunch will be served at noon and the Ice cream will be furnished by the Guild. —I— TU E 8 D TY BRIDGE The Tuesday bridge club was en tertained at dessert and contract by Mrs. Kenneth Cottle at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Due to an unforseen absence Mrs. Cottle played with the guests and held high score. Mrs. Frank Morgan held second high. Mrs. Murgaan, Mrs. Keith Bailey and Mrs. Henry Hartley were inlnvited to play as guests. Visitors From Hermiston— Mrs. Carroll Tucker, and son Phil ip, o f Hermiston, Oregon, are visit ing at the Dean Smith home. D IN N E R P A R T Y Complimenting the birthday an niversary of R. A. Thompson a fam ily dinner party was enjoyed at his home on Monday evening. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long. Dr. and Mrs. JJohn E. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beutler and Sharon Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson Ronnie and Donald and Mr and Mrs Robert Thompson. --------- -— * ------------- BUY SOMEBODY SAID* CAREFUL OF T44A-T MATCH-“’ A Alberta Valley Mrs. Rock Shelton aand Maxine and Nelda Chamberlain were busfc- ness visitors in Caldwell Wednesday Mrs. Jake Fischer was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs Frank Quig ley In Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee and Monte returned home Saturday ev ening from, from Bonneville and the mountains. O. Z. Matthews has been working in Vale the past week. Barbara Rydjeske of Kem vtlle Ore. and Mrs. Sarah Toole o f P ort land are Visiting at the O W. Net- schelm home. Jake Van Twlsk had the misfor tune to have his haystack bum Sat urday evening. Jesse Barker of Emmett was a bus iness visitor at the O. Z. Matthews home Sunday. G. H. Ragsdale Is visiting his brothers at Yakima. Wenotehee, and Omack, Washingtton. Mr and Mrrs. C. S. Hole and family spent the middle of the week at the Malcolm Crawford home on theelr return from California to Grand Coulee. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Curry of Nyssa anad Mr. Currys mother from Kansas were visitors at the I. L. Cooper home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Laird of Ontar io and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Calla han of Vale were Sunday dinner guests at the I. L. Cooper home. Mrs. Chris Van Z elf and sons. Nick and John left this week for New York. Helen Poster who has been visit ing at the Jake Groot home left Thursday for her home at Dillon Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot were dinner guests at the Bill Flndling home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Davidson of Parma were visitors there Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rock Shelton and Maxine plan to leave Tuesday for the boast to speend a week. Those who attended the Cald well Rodeo from this district In cluded Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot and Miss Helen Poster, Mr. and Mrs. O. M Tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Luray Trabert, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Fred and familyy. Mr. and Mrs. Claytona Jensen. UNITED STATES SAVINGS IjO ND S | AND STAMPS # V A -A i- Jh ON SA IE AT YOUR POST OFFICE OB BANK 'S ' Y Hi AMERICA ON GUARD! J Above is a reproduction o f the Treasury Department’s Defense Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication o f the original “ Minute Man” statue by famed sculptor Daniel Chester French. Defense Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your bank or post office, are a vital part of America’s defense preparations. Too Late to Classify W O R K W ANTED— By reliable re fined woman, house work or sim ilar work in Nyssa. Call Journal. 14 A ixp V FOR ' V */ 7 79c Ja r Rubbers J f T 1 15c Crackers Packages 17c Crackers Lb. Packages 22c Gold Bar V^OTtee l Lb. Vacuum Packed Can 25c fY f r_ _ Gold Bar V~Ottee Lb. Vacuum Packed Can 49c C ,,-,,- Dependable Cane Oymp And Maple 5 Lb. Cans 63c Rinso i£ C n 23c Toilet Tissue 19c Fly Spray £*& £ 33c Canteloupes Jlr£re slze 25c Tomatoes ? 3 * Grown J 3 c gTSS“ 2 Open Evenings Until 9 P.M. 10H tress only $21.50, regular $39.50. Has small snag across top. W ill not e f fect wear. The Nyssa Trader sells for less main hiway north. FOR SALE—Linoleum rugs for less, heavy weight Gold Seeal $5.95 for 9x12 Armstrong $5.50, others from $3.69 for 9x12. The Nyssa T ra der sells for less, main hiway north. Ralph Lee in The Oregonian Brothers Visit— Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Anderson en joyed a visit from Mr. Anderson’s four brothers on Tuesday and W ed On Vacation— nesday this week. The brothers M r and Mrs. Wesley Browne and were Owen B. Anderson, Palmyra, Y. Arthur Anderson, Clear their family are on a vacation and N. during their absence Kermit Llen- field, Utah, Joseph Anderson Span kaemper Is relieving them at the ish Fork, Utah and Gustave'Ander son, American Fork Utah. Baldridge Implement store. TO R SALE— USED BEET Puller. Pump and Jack. Large Centrifugal pump. Inquire Rust Ranch, on Owyhee, Route One, Nyssa, Oregon 14 A tfc. in Twin Falls— Mr. and Mrs. Salon Lewis with Miss Joyce Reece and Boyd Brown spent the week-end in Twin Falls, LO ST LLE W E LYN M ALE Setter, New Granddaughter— Mr. aand Mrs. Lew McCoy of Sun answers to name of Sport. Reward. set Valley received word of the birth Sid Burbidge, Nyssa Packing Co. 14 A tfc of a baby daughter August 9th to theeir son and daughter-in-law CARD OF T H A N K S Mr. aand Mrs. Don McCoy o f Boise. W e wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends of our recently bereaved son George Nel son Wilder for their" kind expres sion of sympathy to us. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilder and Family Shop A t Home NYSSA Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday, __________ August 15th and 16th____________ Fruit Jars sacks FOR S A LE —New spring filled mat MERCHANTS « SALE—Barley cents. The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main hiway north. In Boise— Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Kerby spent Sunday In Boise. sod; the unknown heirs or devisees of Garland A. White, Deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Henry Lewis White Deceased; and all other persons or person unknown claiming any right, title or Interest in or to the real property herein after described. Defendants T o Jennie M. White, Forest Hale, Harold Shumway, John Hale, Stella M ay Hale, Georgia Ann Pringle, Sidney White, Margory Ruth Yard- ley, Marvin Yardley Chelsie Con- well White the unknown heirs or de visees of James G. White, Deceased; the unknown heirs or devisees of Carrie Ethel Hale Deceased; the un unknown heirs or devisees of G ar land A White, Deceased; the un known heirs or devisees of Henry Lewis White, Deceased; and also all other persons or person unknown il , title LiLic or ui interest claiming any right, Interest •eal property des- In and to the real mplaint herein, of eribed in the comp' the above named defendants: IN THE NAM E OF TH E STATE OF O R E G O N : You and each of you are notified to appear in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks after the date of first publi cation of this summons, which date is August 14, 1941. then and there to answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed herein and if you fail so to do, for want thereof, plain tiff will take Judgement and decree against you: (1) For annual Owyhee Irrigation District assessments for 1938, $1400: for 1939, $4.20; for 19- 40. $15.40: for state and County tax es paid $225 95, and interest thereon of 10.27: for Owyhee Irrigation Dis trict assessments on tax roll $72.00 and interest theron of $28.80 and $3 24: and a total sum of $373 86: to gether with the costs and disburse ments of this proceeding and a rea sonable sum as attorney fee; (2) Declairing and adjudging that the amounts so due to the plaintiff for assessments, taxes, Certificate of Redemption, attorney’s fee, costs and disbursements, and interest ac crued to be a first and prior lien upon the following property. Northwest quarter (N W ‘4) of Sec. 20. Tp. 16 S. Rng. 47 E. W M Malheur County, Oregon, and prior to all other liens and en cumbrances and rights of the de fendants thereto: (3) Ordering the sale of said real property by the Sheriff of said County as provided bv law and rules of this Court, and that the proceeds of sale be applied to plaintiff’s claims, and that the right, title, interest and equity of the defendants and each of them, forever shall be foreclosed, and barred, without right of redemp tion after issuance of deed: (4> For such other relief as to the Court shall seem equitable. This summons is served on you pursuant to order of the Hon. Robt. M Duncan Circuit Judge of said Countv and State, made on the 6th day of August. 1941. directing pub lication of this summons for four suoeessive weeks, including five pub- , lications in the Nyssa Gate City Journal, published at Nyssa, Ore gon. Carl H. Coad Attorney for P laintiff Residence and address: Nyssa, Oregon Dated and 1st publ. Aug. 14, 1941. Last publ. Sept. 11, 1941. HELP ► Pay Local Taxes Legal Advertising SUMMONS IN THE C IR C U IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR M ALHEUR COUNTY. Owyhee Irrigation District, A Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff. vs. Estate of James G. White De ceased: Horace Joseph, Administra tor of the Estate of James G. White, Deceased: Jennie M. White; M il ton A. White: Forest Hale; Harold! Shumway: John Hale; Stella May Hale; Georgia Ann Pringle; Sidney White: William Chester White: G e orgia White: Margory Ruth Yardley: Lewis White, Deceased: and all well White; the unknown heirs or | devisees of James G. White, De ceased: the unknown heirs or de visees of Carrie Ethel Hale Decea- INTESTINALGAS PAINS "Adlerika quickly relieved me of gas pains in the intestines." (C.B.-Ohio) Gas pains due to delayed bowel ac tion relieved thru Q U ICK results from A D L E R IK A Get it TODAY. NYSSA PH AR M AC Y Bernard Eastman IN SU R A N C E Real Estate As Close As Your Telephone NYSSA Phone 108 ► Finance Worthy — Never takes a vaca tion, so be sure your property is adequately and properly insured while you are away from home. For your complete in- s u r a n c e protection PR O G R A M THEATRE D O U B LE F E A T U R E Friday and Saturday, Aug. 15-16 Arthur Kennedy andOlympe Bradna in Local Causes “K N O C K O U T ” The Three Mesquiteers in “LO N E ST A R R AID ER S” Sat Mat . 2.30 p. m., Aam. 5c-20c; Evening, 10c-33c, Includes tax ► Offer Quality Merchandise Sunday and Monday, Aug.17-18 James Stewart, Paulette Goddard, Charles Winninger and Mary Gordon in ‘PO T O ’ G O L D ” (Produced by James Roosevelt) Comedy and Cartoon Mat Sun. 2:30, Adm. 10c-28c, Evening Adm. 10c-33c, Includes tax At Fair Prices ► Extend Credit — B A R G A IN N IG H T — Tuesday, Aug. 19 Brian Aheme and Kay Francis in “T H E M A N W H O LO ST H IM S E LF” Comedy and “J U N G L E G IR L ” Adm. Children Sc, Adults 15c W ilson G rocery NYSSA OREGON A Dependable Food Store When you Need It This Advertisement Courtesy of Nyssa Journal Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 20-21 Gary Cooper, Barabara Stanwyck, Edward Ar nold. James Gleason, and Walter Brennan in “M EET J O H N D O E ” Cartoon and News Admission: 10e-33c, Including Defense Tax Ì