THE NYSSA GATE ( lT Y .JOURNAL Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent Find, or Hire Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word (or each Issue. Minimum cash In advance Is 23c. MISCELLANEOUS CITY PROPERTY For Rent For Sale FARM PRODUCE WANTED All your welding Jobs Wc promise good work and (air I OR RENT—Two modem houses. FOR SALE—Bring your orders In (or canning tomatoes. Vanderwtn- prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone Bernard Eastman. Phone 64. NICELY FURNISHED room In kle the Vegetable Dealer. Rt. 1, sew. modern private home, separate 1 mile south west ol Nyssa. 14 A3xp Just the thing for one ORDER WINTER seed Barley BRAKE WORK—Let us put your entrance. working nights. Mrs Elsie Jordan, car or truck brakes In (lrst class now. J. L. Waud Rt. 2, Third and Locus, alter live 3’4 (Olympia) condition. Special equipment and P. corner miles northwest Nyssa. 10J tic. M. 24J tic. trained men at your service. Pruyn GRASS seed, orchard Auto Repair. Phone 56W. Three room nicely (urnished j PASTURE grass, meadow fescue, whiteDut- modern home, lawn, garage, elec­ KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi­ tric stove and reirigeratlon, very ch clover. F. A. Powell, Cloverdale tive prices. First class quality. clean and coir.Iortable. call Jour­ at Jederson, six miles west Nyssa. 31Jt(c Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and nal, 24 J tic. Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mt(c Two rooms, bath and large MISCELLANEOUS FOR PLUMBER call J. C Smith. clothes closet, completely furnish- For Sale Phone 78J. tic. ed except reirigeratlon. Electric stove, daveno. Newly decorated. THE HOGUE PACKING House In Just the thing (or a bride and on Railroad Trackage. Add­ grcom or bachelor girls. Fenced Nyssa ress C. N. Kinney, Payette, Idaho. yard with lawn Call Journal. 24 J 31J4xc tic FOR SALE—FRYS. Live every day SIX ROOM house, modern. Shade or dressed on Wednesdays and Sat­ and lawn. See Frank T. Morgan. urdays by order. L. E. Robbins 17J tie. V4 mile and west Hlway on Gem Ave., 14 A lxp. THREE ROOM HOUSE, clean and newly kalsomined. Room (or CARDS OF THANKS chickens or cow. Water, sink and To the community In general we stove in kitchen. Call Journal. wish to express our deep apprecia­ 17J tic. tion and gratitude (or the many deeeds of kindness, also the lovely THREE ROOM modern home, newly expressions of sentiment which have decorated, two large screen por­ come into our home during our re­ ches, good cellar, lawn and trees, cent bereavement. electric stove. Call Journal. 17J tic. You have endeared yourselves in hearts In such a manner that TWO HINSCH houses. See Frank our we can never forget you. T. Morgan. That this community may grow In the grace oi God along with its WANTED physical development is our prayer. Lawrence A. Bailey PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper O. A. Gossett & Family cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone W. O. Bailey & Family 39M. 24At(c. WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton Homedale. Mr .and Mrs. Wiley Clo- rags, must be o( (air size, no ov­ ers and family, and Mr. and Mrs. eralls. lace curtains nor other harsh Floyd Hirst and Ethel Louise and materials. Journal ofiice. 31 0 tic. theetr house guest Mrs. Clareence. WANTED—Highest prices paid lor Leitner. Loe, Kathleen and Harold hides, wools, pelts, metals, iur- Tom Reta Johnson motored to Boise niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- and Monday. way north. Kenneth Waud who has been 111 MAN DISH washer wanted. Steady with the flu is able to be up now. Job. Brownie's Caie. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Simmons had visiters from Wilder the past week. CITY PROPERTY Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ford were night guests of Mr. and For Sale Mrs. R. A. McDowell of Homedale. THREE ROOM modern home, two Sunday School will be held at the screen porches large lot. trees, 1 Ed Wolfe home. Basket dinner at lawn and flowers, garage, good cel­ noon. lar, fenced yard. Priced right. Will Christian Endeavor will be held In sell on easy terms to reliable party. the R. H. Johnson home at 8 o’clock. For Sale Call Journal. Eastman Realty Ofiice. Richard French leader. STOCK GOOD HOMESITES on First and Park, Cash or terms, Frank D. MITCHELL BUTTE DAIRY COWS, south of Payette on Hall. 13Mtfc old highway. Some one at yards McGinnis left Tuesday every (orenoon. L. O. Schoen, 120 MODERN HOME, four rooms and for Mrs. an Jane Indefinite with her 9th St., south. Phone 233M. Payette, bath, 4 lots, plenty shade and daughter Mrs. Don visit Llnville and Idaho. lawn. Priced for quick sale. Lon family at Hermiston. Root. 31J8xp. attending the Caldwell Ro­ FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE—Why pay rent when deo Those from this community were Mr. Mrs. Glen McGinnis, John and comfortable homes can and FOR SALE—Milk Cows. Springer modem Knottlngham and Mrs be purchased so easily at the East­ Dairy. Allen Curtis, One eighth mile man company. We have 5. three Harold Flveeoat and aand Mr. Larry. north o( Adrian. 6 A 2xp. room homes all strictly modern Mrs. M I. Marrs of Star, Idaho visiting at the Ira Marrs home but one. This has sink and water is Mrs T. M. Lowe will entertain In kitchen, all with nice yards, some the Pre-School ClubTues day Aug­ fenced, cellars and garages and on ust 19 at her home. gravel streets. All in good repair, Private Cecil Benson of the Boise recently redecorated and ready to Air Base visited Saturday evening live in. Seme furnished if desired. at the home of his sister Mrs. H. R Also have some good Investment Flveeoat and family. property. Bernard Eastman, your Mr. and Mras. R. A. Heealey were realtor. 14 A tfc. business visitors In Ontario Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Linville left Monday for Lewlstton where he has DR J. C. BOWMAN Rivervïew employment. Schneider is quite Veterinarian The C. E. young people went to sick Mrs. and Adolph under the care of her doc­ Weiser Friday night on a roller tor. skating party. The Vale, Ontario, Mr. Arnold Wolfe, of Neb. is Nyssa, and Riverview groupe went a 10-day vacation at the Phone 39W and after the skating party they en­ spending Otto Wolfe home. joyed refreshment at the Methodist parental Mrs. Lewie Davis, a brother of Church In Ontario. Those from this Mrs. Chapin is spending a Community to enjoy the good time 10-day Wilbur leave of absence from Fort wire Delpha and LaVonne Os­ Lewis, Tacoma. Wash, at the Chap­ bourne, Joe and Leon Bailey, Angela in home. Harriet and Keith Herrman. Kath­ The C. E. Young people are hav­ leen Lois Rita Johnson, John and ing a party at the Hall Fridey even­ Richard Freench anad Olenna and ing. All young people of the com­ Mary Scott. are invited to come and Mrs. R. H. Johnson was hostess at munity something NYSSA LIBRARY toward a pot luck her home Thursday to a party at bring Open each week day (rom supper. her home Those there to enjoy 2 p. m. to 6 p m. The Union Sunday School pro­ the delicious refreshments were gram Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. Committee Is planning a S. Mrs Roy Herrman. Mrs. Dave Burs_ AIX PATRONS WELCOME Mrs. Tom Loe. Mrs Jack French, S. picnic for Sunday Aug 24th. with speaker for the afternoon. Librarian__ Mrs. S. B. Davis Mrs. Joe Waud. Mrsr. Oeeorge De a BUI Ted Pomeroy and Lashmut and Mrs. Bartholama. Walter BoUtho, HiUls attended the "double- Mr .and Mrrs. George Clowers vis­ header" baseball game In Boise OPTOMETRIST Mr. and Mrs. Corlett of Home- Sunday evening Don Parker spent "See Mr Fall and See Better" ited dale Idaho Mondey the week-end at home. He Is em­ Walter Thompson and Mrs ployed at Hermiston. DR. J. A. McFALL Carl Mrs. Sanason left Wednesday for Mrs. Pomeroy. Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Newgen called Sunday at the Home Makers Camp at McCall Mr .and Mrs. James Ronald of Roberts home to see Mrs. Orcutt. Seattle visited at the Ed Gonnaaon who Is still unable to be around but very Bttle. home Friday. The Rouse brothers have built a Edwin Bergam who Is working at Hermiston. spent a few days at new grainary on their farm. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST John Dewey of Nyssa ha* been home last week. ONTARIO OREGON visiting the past week with OUbert Auxilllary meeting has been post­ poned to first Tuesday in October Lutes. Mr and Mrsr Charles Frank of Adolph Schneider was elected at WYCKOFF Nyssa. Tom Loe. Kathleen and Har­ the general election meeting at the JEWELRY STORE old and Reta Johnson were Monday Hall Tuesday night to succeed J. dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Ir­ A Black. Oidclal Time Inspector (or Mrs. Wm Buffington was hos­ ving Frank of Eagle Idaho. Union Pacific tess to an aluminum dinner Sun­ Mr and Mrs. George Clawers and ONTARIO OREGON family had as their Sunday dinner day Mr and Mrrs. Carlett of The L. D. 8. Primary Class with THURSDAY,AUGUST 14, 1941 returned to this vicinity and will reside at the Mrs. Albert Hawkins home. Clyde Ha Inline U employed at the Ontario Air Port. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson Mrs Nellie Hickman, Mr. aand' Mrs Ralph Winslow and Mr. and Mrs Emil Frank, enjoyed a picnic din­ Ministers or of oi--------------------— _ ------- --- ,— .— messages and notices ner at the Owyhee Dam on Sun­ the columns the Journal to carry Important to their congregations. Please try to get your copy In by Tuesday of day. Glenn Ward, underwent an oper­ each week. ation for appendicitis at the Holy CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Rcsary Hospital Thursday evening. Sixth Near Main Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moss and S U P P O R T Vern Martin. Pastor daughters of Nyssa visited Satur­ day evening ata the home of Mr Sunday school at 10 a. m. YOUR and Mrs. Levi Johnson. Morning worship at 11 a. m. A small crowd attended the Far­ Young peoples meeting at 7:13 mers Meeting on Saturday evening. CHURCH p. m. The President, Iven Findley repor­ EvangeUstlc service at 8 p. m. ted on the F. S. A. Co-eperatlve Prayer meeting on Tuesday and buying plan. Georgia McNeal took Thursday evening. charge of the program. Refresh­ P LA N T O ments were served. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST DURCH SCIENTIST 215 North 9th Street, Payette, Idaho A branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scant­ iest. In Boston. Massachusetts. ✓ Sunday School—10:00 a. m. # Reading 710 2 to 1st 4 p. Ave. North. Open Room dally — from m. where the Bible and authorized Christian Science Literature may read, borrowed or purchased, and be Is open from and two holidays. to four p m every except day Sundays FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds pastors. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Evangelistic services on Sunday, PARMA LUTHERAN CHURCH A. A. Schmidt, Pastor 10:00 A. M -Preaching service. Sermon: God’s Commandments on life. 11:00 A. M—Sunday School and Bible classes for all. 8:15 P. M.—The Walther Leeague meets at the church. If you have no church home, we Invite you to worship with us. Vis­ itors are always welcome. “Come thou with us and we will do thee good." KINGMAN KOLONY Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Mr. M. L. Kurtz Superintendent. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. Evening Worship 8:30 p. m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sunset Valley Avenue Clarence Brotzman, Pastor Sunday Scoot 10:00 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Evangllistlc Service 8:00 P. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 8:00 P. M. Mrs. Wm. Orr will give a Musacle and Bazaar at the Community Hall Friday, Aug. 22. LINCOLN HEIGHTS . Following Sunday School the young people enjoyed a picnic din­ ner and swimming party at Gala Gardens. The losing side of a re­ cent contest of which Feme Rook- stcol was captain entertained the winning side and their captain Don Markham. Mrs. Ida Kielhorn and Dorette, Mrs. Avery Anderson and Mrs. Roy McNeeal visited at the Mrs. Anne Harris home. A TTEN D Nyssa Heights SUNDAY ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION The Rev. B. Stanley Moore. Vicar Morning prayer and sermon 9:30 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon each Fourth Sunday of the month Church school at 10:30 a. m. L. D. S. CHURCH Sunday, 10 a. m.—Sunday School meeting. Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood meeting. Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Sacrament meeting. Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society. METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH (Milton Harlan Greenlee, Pastor) Church School opens promptly at 10 A. M. with a devotional service led by Mr. A. B. Haim. Morning worship begins at 8:30 P. M., with an inspirational song service of one- half hour. The pastor will preach both morning and evening. These services are for all who will attend. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Church of Christ) J. S, Beem, Minister Bible School 10 A. M. Communion and Worship 11 A. M. Evening Service at 8 P. M. The public Is cordially Invited to attend a church that Is homelike and friendly. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Clark of Vale visited at the Roy McNeal home Sunday evening. Betty Bushman, who Is employed at New Plymouth spent the week­ end at the home of her parent*. Members of the Lincoln Sunday School School, plan to attend a Sun­ day School convention at Vale Aug­ ust 20 th. A float is being planned by a committee composed of Mrs. Jule Houston. Mrs Ralph Barnes, Verda Harris, Martin Sink and Mar­ tin Sayers. Mrs. Ray Whitsell has been 111 at her home but is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins and family from near the coast have . A number of folks attended the public sale of Drue Anderson Mon­ day. Attending the night rodeo at Caldwell were the Glen Suite fam­ ily. Delbert Mallory. Alfred Evans and S. P. Bybee family. Purchase Farm— Mr and Mrsr. J. E. Brower have purchased a five acre farm tract In Apple Valley and will move there this week. Mr. Brower had his tonsils re­ moved on Friday. Certain problems face those who are bereaved, and they demand immediate attention. Why n o t place those prob­ lems in the hands of people who understand them? We can help you in so many of those troublesome details, so please be sensible and let us remove these burdens from your shoulders. Thursday dinner guests at the Q. E. Webster home were the Rever- anad N. M. Bodenhorn, wife and daughter of Westport, Indiana, also Mr. and Mrs. Wendal Webster of Nyssa. Reveraand Bodenhorn gave a unique lecture that evening at the Naxarene church. Mrs. Bodenhorn Is a niece of Mrs. G. E. Webster. Arriving at the S. P. Bybee home Sunday were Mrs. Bybee’s mother. Miss Genevelve anad aan aunt Mrrs. Miss Genevelve and an aunt Mrsr. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME R. C. Heckenlooger aand Mr. Wayne Barker of Ogden Utah. Monday Ambulance .Service Mr. Barker and Miss Oenevelve left Phone 73W Nyssa for McCall for a few days. Alfred Evans was one of the riders In the Caldwell Rodeo Mrs. John Quigley attended the Womens Christian Council at the home of Mrs. John Stafford In Nyssa Thursday. The heavy rain Monday has given the hay maker a change of work. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Peterson of Boise were house guests Saturday and Sunday at the S. P. Bybee home. Mrs. Brooks of Nyssa helped Mrs. . . . and other farm buildings E. R. Anderson cook for hay hands. NOW on the Budget Building Doyle Moss of Salt Lake City, plan. Farmer« with regular Utah Is visiting at the 8. P. Bybee Incomes need pay nothing home. down and the balance month­ ly in three years. Free plana D. O. Bybee has moved his fam­ and material lists available ily from the I. B. Allen ranch to the a t ................................................. Thompson place which he recently purchased, on Alberta Avenue. About thirty former Kansas neigh­ bors and relations gathered Sunday on the lawn at the Charley Kerman home in Payette aand enjoyed a L U M B E R ( P ) COMPANY basket dinner an dice creeam. Those “ Ther®’ ® a yard near v o o ” from Nyssa were Mr and Mrs. Roth Mr, and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz and Mr. Dwight Smith, Manager and Mrs. Dan Corbett and Jimmie Phone 15 Ny« Joe. BUILD BARNS mm umMi CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE HERE NEW FABRICS SHOWN IN FULl LENGTHS Save Real money for other Purposes By buying your Insurance at G R A H A M S IN S U R A N C E Agency. Save from 20% to 48% on every policy Both Stock and Mutual Companies— Absolutely NON ASSESSABLE POLICIES SPECIAL LOW RATES FOR HAY INSUR­ ANCE—SAVE 48% ON HAY INSURANCE N Y S S A R E A L TY and Insurance Co. Phone 53 O rder Your Clothes Now r ETTER. WORK k at <{pw&z EXPERT JOB PRINTING Skilled crafatmen ran (lye you the best printing nervier. All our printer« and designer« are experts on Jobs of all kinds If you want the beat for least— rail us! LETTER HEADS — ENVELOPES — MENUS BILLHEADS— INVITATIONS— CIRCULARS ANNOUNCEMENTS— PROGRAMS— CARDS Trie phone It Far Our Reprfaentatlve The NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL 2353232353482348232348532348484853235348485353484823534853 Tailored- T o -O r d e r E. V. Price &Co. V IS IT O U R D IS P L A Y S A LE One Day Only Tuesday, Aug. 19 You will enjoy new style, new comfort, longer «rear and satis­ faction In Ed. V. Price St Co. fashion-tested clothes. They are cut and tailored -to-order especially for you. The fabric yon like best — from a selection of more than 300 distinctive new woolens— Is made up In the model most flattering to your build. Be sure to visit our display WILSON BROTHERS Drygoods Groceries Nyssa Phone 32 Phone 21