THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL The Gate City Journal WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS • - - - Oi LOUIS P. THOMAS . . . . Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION, OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY ADVERTISING BATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES Open rate, per Inch......—JOc One Year _____ $1.50 National, Per Inch ------- -80c Six Months ............ 4100 Classifieds, Per word ---- 01c Single Copies _________ .05 Minimum 25c (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. u, llllllll!lllllllllll!IIIIIIIIIUIII I II I ti ll IIIH 'I III 111 I I 11 U lli I I l l l ! l!l,lllilll ll|l|ll |jllllti|!l lll lll lll lll ll|;|ll lll ll( lll l l I I IH Iil lHi« 3 = - THIS WEEK IN DEFENSE Published through the co-operation of the E Nyssa Gate City Journal, The National Editorial Association, Defense Advisory Committee and Hie Office of Government Reports % 7l!l:lll'lllil!l.|l| III l.l l:l;lilllllill.llll.lll III lll.llllll H ill hllll;l;llllillllillllllll!lllllililll Illilllilllillli(tlilllil)lilllihlillilll;l1lililil!ll|l ,lili^7: President Roosevelt placed air plane fuels under export control, limiting shipment to points in the Western Hemisphere, the British Empire and unoccpied territories of countries resisting aggression. Sec retary Hull told his press conference any move of Japan into Thailand would be a matter of ooncern to the United Sti.tes. Treasury Secretary Mongejitliuu announced the lend- lease administration has ordered 10,000,000 yards of cotton grey goods to makeunlforms for Chinese sold iers. Aid to Russia The State Department announ ced extension of the trade agree ment between the U. S. S. R. and tile United States until August 6, 1942 to Insure “continuance during L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Dally—Except Sunday Pry Building TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p. m. at City Hall A. L. McClellan President Don Graham Secretary The Public Is Invited NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAOLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, Sec. ROSCOE FINDLEY, Pres. GATE CITY LODGE No. 214 Meets Tuesdays 8 p. m. I.O.O.r. Temple First Street, South R. A. Thompson Noble Orand M. F. Solomos Secretary the emergency period of our estab lished commercial relations with the Soviet Union on the basis of the 1937 commercial agreement.’" Russia will pay cash or will earmark gold for all materials bought, the Depart ment said. Silk The Office of Production Manage ment “froze" all silk supplies in the country because minimum require ments of the Army and Navy for silk powder bags and parachutes will consume total stocks. Price Ad ministrator Henderson said the ac tion should not result in retail stock ing price Increases for stocks on hand. OPM formed a special com modity section to handle problems of obtain ting substitute materials, allocating rayon yyarn amid manu- fcturing capacity. Federal Security Administrator McNutt called for immediate regis tration by State Employment Ser vices of the approximately 175,000 silk Industry workers being forced out of work by the raw silk short age. The Department of Agricul ture reported more than 150 differ ent cotton stocking designs are available to the hosiery Industry, and stated 89 percent of the 16,000 knitting machines can knit cotton as well as silk. Army The War Departmnt announced a campaign to convert to armament production thousands of consumer- goods factories facing eventual shut down because of diversion of raw materials to the defense program, and said it already has a list of 500 such plants. Tire Department expanded Its officer candidate schools to pro vide. Opportunities for 1 In each 100 soldiers to receive a commission Advancement during tire first year will be available to about 58 percent of all trainees, the Department said. It reported 100 Canadian of ficers and 65 Junior officers from the Latin American Republics are now enrolled in various courses with the U. 8. Army. Selective Service The Senate passed legislation authorizing extension of service of Selectee, Ouardsnren and Reserves from 12 months to 30 months, and of enlisted men from three to years. Tire legislation provides for a salary increease of >10 a month for every month served in excess of one year. Congress also approved legislation defferrlng from military service all men who had reached their 28th birthday July 1, and authorizing resignation of men aireeady Induc ted who became 28 before July 1 and whose discharge is not found contrary to the best Interest of the Army. OU Petroleum Ooorlnator Ickes said CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb. Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6 he was satisfied with first results of the nightly blackout of East Coast gasoline stations, but asked motor ists to redouble efforts to cut mo tor fuel consumption voluntarily. He made recommendations for op erators of commercial vehicles which he said would cut gas consumption about 30 percent, anad announced the oil industry will give its patrons windshield stickers pledging the use of one-third less gasoline than us ual. He said 82 insuraance com panies have contributed to the "share-your-car-campaign" by re vising underwriter rules to enable motorists to carry paying passen gers to and from work. Federal Security Administrator McNutt urged Immediate registra tion at State employment offlcess of all automobile service station workers who lose their pobs as a re sult of the drive to cut gasoline con sumption in order that they may “be transferred as rapidly as pos sible to other work". POW ER Consumer Administrator Harriet Elliott issued a list of suggestions to housewives for the conservation of power for defense by cutting electric bills and said “The practice of care ful consumption habits now is the best preparation for the future.” Miss Elliot recommended economics be practiced particularly in parts of the country where power shortages are threatened. Labor Supply The OPM said railroad labor and management will help meet skilled labor shortages in defense Indus tries out of the available supply of railroads workers, which includes 20,000 skilled mechanics now un employed and 80,000 apprentices who could be promoted to release other workers. The OPM also an nounced 21 Gulf Coast shipyards have put Into effect zone labor standards prohibiting strikes and stabilizing wages during the next two years. Federal Security Adminis trator McNutt said 2,500,000 Jobs were filled byy State Employment Services during the first six months of 1941, a gain of 52 percent over the same period in 1940. Defense Housing FWA Administrator Carmody said nearly 8,000 homes for defense workers—an average of 256 houses a day were constructed during July, 16 more houses ai day than in June. Mr. Carmody said 16,107 homes were completed, as of August 1, of the 90,465 approved for coonstructlon. Contracts have been let for 60,835 more, he said. Agriculture Assistant Price Administrator Gal braith. speeaklng during the annual Farm & Home Week, said “farmers must be the natural leaders in the fight against inflation. If they take the leadership then stability is as sured. To stop this price Increase we need the willingness to see price advances stopped firmly.” He said prices today are more favorable to farmers than in years, but it took 20 years “to rebuilr agriculture out of the wreckage left by the infla tion of the last war. ? Prices Tlie Bureaeu of Labor Statistics rported retail food prices increased 1.5 percent during the last two weeks of uly to a level almost 16 percent above August, 1939. The Federal Reserve Board said national Income payments by last last June had reached about >88 billion a year 19 percent above May, 1940 and said unless an unusually large part of consumer Income Is saved or paid out In taxes, price inflation will grow. W orld Affairs Secretaryy of State Huli return ing to his desk after a six-weeks ab sence said “During the weeks of my absence the most clinching demon stration has been given—(that) there is a world movement of con quest by force, accompanied by me thods of governing the conquered peoples that are rooted mainly in savagery and barbarism.” Secre tary Hull said "with full effort and ever-increeasing production and preparation for defense—a sucess- ful resistance to the present world movement—will be made.” ________ _________ Oregon Trail The Merry Matrons Club met at the home of Marie Holman Wed. afternoon with Emma Pitkin assis ting. 10 members answered roll call with their pet economy. Tea towels for the hostess were embroidered during the afternoon. Club will meet Aug. 20th at the home of Mar garet Mitchell with Agnes Knowels Co-hostess. Roll call will be ans wered by Polly Anne suggestions Lunch was served by the hostesses. Bernice and Robert Bowen of Her- mlstton visited with friends from Tue. evening until Mon. morning They visited at the Ewen Chard and Wusl homes. Mr Hutcheson Is visiting with his son Basil and family. Miss Dorothy Pierce who Is to teach the Intermediate grades this year and her mother of La Orande are cleaning the Ore. Trail teach- erage Mr and Mrs. F. O. Holmes and Junior aand Mr. and MrsF 8 By ers and Family attended the Rodeo In Ckddwell Frl. evening. While doing her dishes last Sun. evening Mrs R W Holmes broke a bowl aand cut her hand. It was necessary to take 3 stitches to close the wound Mrs. Gilbert Toll helped Mrs. Holmes with her work several day«. THURSPA Y. AUGUST 14. 1941 RICHLAND Mr. and Mrrs. Orland Cheldelin and daughters, Donna Jean and Phyllis, Mr. and Mrrs. Henry Hart ley aand sons, David anad Robert of Nyssa plcniced at the Memorial Park in Caldwell Sunday. Anna Johnson aand Ray Graham of Nyssa attended the Bolse-Ogden game Sunday evening. Madeline Maw who has been working in Baker returned home for a visit. Mr. and Mrrs. Joe Class and fam ily, Mr. and Mrrs. John Ridder, Tommy anad Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. H. U. Maw held a picnic at the C. C. C. camp Sunday. Dale Trent has purchased a new car lately. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pryor and daughter of Missouri arrived Sat urday for a visit with his brother LoLire Pryor and family. John Zittercob and Theo Math- erly dug theeir spuds last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner and family visited Mr. and Mrrs. Harry Hull near Vale Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dale Yakey moved to Vale Friday where Mr. Lakey is employed on the highway depart ment. Jake Groot has been ill the past week. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Garren and family visited at the Lay home Sun day afternoon. Sunset Valley On Sunday monring, Aug. 10, Miss Donna Chadd, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ira Chadd, became Mrs. Chris Vanzelf and two sons the bride of Mr. Ed Stiner of Her- Nick anad John left for New York miston, Oregon. They were mar Monday where the two sons have ried in Payette, Idaho, and after ward motored to Hermistcn where employment. Donald Hickey left Tuesday by Mr. Stiner is employed. train for Elgin Oregon where he will Mrs, Chas. Wilson was released visit his two sisters Miss Hazel from the Hospital Thursday where Hickey aand Mrs. Charles Burnhart she had been since Sunday suffer and family. He will also go to Mc ing from a nervous breakdown, Mrs. Wilson is somewhat better tho’ Call before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Warner aand still unable to be up for very long. family went to Ironside Friday Mr. and Mrs. Lester Zurcher of where they got a load of posts. Homedale called Sunday afternoon Marie Staggs who is staying at the parental Chas. Wilson home. with her brother Bob Barbar spent The John Reffett family are now driving a new Sedan and the Roy the week-end in Weiser. Miss Evelyn Zitteroob. accompan Gueck family a Chev. Sedan. ied Miss Betty Stevenson of Ore Miss Darlene Robb received a gon Slope to Payette Lakes this badly sprained arm Saturday when week-end. she tried to stop the seperator Edmund Butler of Caldwell visi crank. ted his mother Mrs. Ada Butler Sun Mrs. Chas. Schweizer is at home day. again and feeling fine tho unable Legal Advertisement Arcadia Notice O f Sale O f County Owned Lands j ENSE . BU Y UNITED STATES SAVINGS BO N D S AND STAMPS ON SALF AT YOliR’POSTOFFICE OR BANK A merica O n G uard ! Above is a reproduction of the Treasury Department’s Defense Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication of the original “Minute Man” statue by famed sculptor Daniel Chester French. Defense Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your bank or post office, are a vital part of America’s defense preparations. to do her housework. Miss Viola Schneider is helping her. Alberia Valley The D. O. Bybees have recently moved on the Floyd Thompson farm are planning to have the heuse fully modern haming pur chased an electric pump for hot and cold running water. It has been painted pastel shades throughout. They also had an electric stove and refrigerator installed. Mrs. Jake Groot and Mrrs. Bill Findling visited Mrs. Pete Vander Port at the Nyssa Nursing Home Sunday afternoon. A 7 lb. 4oz. son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Pete Van der Oort there Friday morning. The boy has been named Peter Roy. Mrs. Luther Fife and family plan to leave for Weston, Idaho Wednesday tto spend a weeks va cation there. Dorothy Bybee returned Friday from Ogden, Utah where she spent a months vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Little of Caldwell were Sunday dinner guests at the John Lackey home. Mrs. William Edison and family who have been visiting at the Clay ton Jensen home left Friday for theeir home in La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hawkins re turned Monday from a two weeks stay at Westfall. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Miner of Boise were Sunday guests at the Luray Trabert home. Mrs. L. T. Chambers and family returned Sunday from Walla Walla Washingtton. Jake Fischer is digging spuds for John Lackey and Bill Findling. Roger Jensen 9 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen is ill this week. Mrs. Fraank Mercer and Mrs. Claris Vail of Wilder and Mrs. Wil liam Grant of Cheyene Wyo. were dinner guests at the Jake Fischer home Mondey evening. Martin fioyuk of Boise visited at the George Jensen home Sunday afternoon. Pursuant to an order of the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, dated 9th of day of o’clock July, 1941, I at will the on iront the 23rd of day the of County August, 1941, at the the hour Vale, 10:00 House at Oregon, offer A. for M. sale the tracts door of land hereinafter Court de scribed and numbered cost for not less than added the prices fixed by said Court with the proportionate of publication thereto. lands will be offered for sale as for follows: All all tracts priced at at $200.00 or Said less >200.00 to the and highest and best bidder cash; tracts priced more than not more than $500.00 to the highest and best bidder for cash or for not less than 20% cash and the remainder to be paid under written agreement with priced the purchaser in equal installments not exceeding 5 bidder years, for and cash all tracts at more Ulan $500.00 to the the remainder highest and to best or for not less than 20% cash and be paid under written agreement with the purchaser, in equal installments over a period not exceeding 10 years, all deferred payments to draw in terest at the rate oi 6% per annum, payable annually, and such agree ments subject Code to all and conditions oi Section 69-813 and Chapter shall 402 be Oregon laws terms of 1937. All sold lands within to the of irrigation districts will be subject any boundaries valid lands assessments made or or by drainage to the be County made by said districts since the date said were acquired and all lands the boundaries Warmsprings and which within have been classified as of in the Class 5 and 6, Irrigation and as to District which said County has heretofore by resolution dated September 3, 1930, authorized a transfer said district the water rights appurtenant to said lands shall be sold to without water of rights. Said lands to tracts and with the ir.inimun prices set opp*site each numbered tract are as as follows, to-wit: Tract No. Description Sec. Twp. Rng. P ric e 661 A SW'.SWVi, 32 5 13 39 W'iNW'/., 14 39 Lot 1 (NE'iNE'/i), 6 14 39 $ 320.00 160.00 662 S'¿ 2 15 40 663 A A NW‘iNW',4, 15 13 41 NE'iNE'l, 16 13 41 SHNE'4, 16 13 41 NW iSEti, 16 13 41 200 00 NM,N>*, 19 664 A A 16 43 160.00 665 W 'iSE'i, 1 17 43 80.00 666 A SW ' » NE (4, 2 18 43 W',4, 11 18 43 S'/zSEVl, 11 18 43 480.00 NE'i, 667 8 19 44 160 00 668 A A NE'iNE'4, 33 29 44 NW'iNW'i, 34 29 44 SW'iNW',4, 34 29 44 NW'iSW(4, 34 29 44 160.00 669 A NW*4, 35 18 45 S14. 35 18 45 480.00 670 A EVèSWVi, 20 46 4 less Rail- 36 36 20 46 road A. right-of-way and No. 3, 106.00 All South of T. Kingman 671 A Colony Drainage Dist. tract in 792 by 680 1 46 10.00 21 the of feet SW corner 672 A All feet North Kingman Colony Drainage Dist. 40.00 21 46 ditch in SVzNE'4, 16 1 18 46 Legal Advertisement 673 A E'iSE'iN E'i, 16 46 18 EW H SE'iNE'4, 16 46 18 W'zSW'iSE'iNE'i, SIMMONS FOR PUBLICATION 40.00 IN 46 16 18 E1 j SE'/i SW1, N 'i , 14 THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 29 46 674 A NWHSW14, STATE OF OREGON FOR NE'i, 15 29 46 THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR 29 46 15 NHSE14, CARL SEBURN AND INEZ SE- 29 46 15 NE'INWVt, BURN husband and wife, 46 16 29 W%. 1280.00 Plaintiffs. 35 29 46 All vs. 675 A Home Park Fruit Tracts 47 32 15 A. D. wife Brough Doe Lot 9, 47 32 15 Brough, of said and A. D. Jane Brough Lot 15, 10. 47 30 00 32 15 and the unknown heirs and devis Lot 47 20.00 ees of either of them, if deceased; 18 676 A A. EHS'zN'zNMjNW'iSE'i, T. No. 22 in NE*iSE*i, 3 3 18 47 Rendan P. Bradford and Pearl M. 677 A 18 47 Bradford, his wife; Ethel Osborn, EI4SHNHNW'48E14, 3 3 47 10.00 sometimes known as Ethel I. Os 18 EHNM i N M S' z NW MSE1! . 10 18 47 born, John Doe Osborn, her hus 678 A S'jNWH SE11NE *4, 10 47 15.00 band, and 18 and also all claiming other persons or SW4SEM NE'i, 47 100.00 18 parties unknown any right, 679 A A. T. No. 4 in NW’iNE'i, 6 4 20.00 47 18 title, estate, lien or interest in the 680 A Wt4NE*4SW14, 20.00 real estate described in the com 47 18 EMNEMSWI, 15 6 681 A 25.00 plaint herein. 47 18 NHNWLNWLSWVi, 682 A 47 20 31 Defendants. Lot 2, 683 A 47 20 31 To: A. wife D. Brough and Doe Lot 3. 47 20 31 of said A. and D. Jane Brough, Lot 4. 5. 60.00 Brough, 47 47 20 31 and the unknown heirs devisees Lot 20.00 of either of them, if deceased; Ren 15 32 Home Tract Park No. Fruit 684 A and Pearl M. some Brad 24, 20.00 dan 41 31 ford P. ills Bradford wife; Ethel Osborn SMNWMNWH, 15 685 A times Doe known as Ethe! Osborn, and and SE*4 South NW4 of except all 686 A Osborn, her I. or husband, 30 00 John 45 18 also all other persons parties un Project Owyhee Canal 9 claiming any in right, title, es 687 A Lots Block 1 to 8 131, and Ontario, 11 to 17 Oregon Inclusive, 75.00 known tate. lien or interest the real es Block 12. Riverside Addition, tate described in the complaint 688 A Lot 19. Ontario, 20.00 herein. Defendants; , . ^ 1 and 2, Oregon Block 3, Terrace „ Heights, 689 A Lots Ontario, In You the name of the required State of to Ore 1000 Oregon Block 4, Terrace gon, are hereby ap 1 to 5 Inclusive, 690 A Lots Heights, pear and answer the Complaint filed 75.00 Ontario, Oregon against you in the above entitled 2 & 3, Block E. Barton's Addition, 691 A Lots Ontario, or being before the August 21st, of 1941. 30.00 suit said on date last the day four 10 and Oregon 11. Oregon Block X, Original _ Town, 692 A Lots Nyssa, weeks from the date of pub 40.00 lication of this Summons, first and said 693 A Lots 1. 2. and 4, Block 40, Brogan. of four weeks being the time 30 00 period prescribed for the publication here 20 to 24 Addition, inclusive, Jordan Block 5 Valley, O, Oregon 694 A Lots Pioneer of. and said if Complaint, you fall to appear an 30 00 swer for apply want and there Lots 3 and 4. Block 10. Original Town, 695 A of. the plaintiff will to the 100.00 Vale. Oregon «hart Addition, Court for the relief prayed for In Block Oregon 1, Rln 696 A Lot 1. Vale, their Complaint. 100 00 Said suit Is brought for the pur lock 10, Northwest 8 ______ and 9. Bloc 697 A Lots Townsite 1000 pose of securing a decree requiring Ist Addition. Vale Oregon the defendents. and each and every 10 and 11. Ist Block 10. Northwest 698 A Lots Townsite 10 0 0 . of them, to set forth the nature of Addition. Vale. Oregon their claims. If any. in and to the 17. Block 11. Hope Addition. Vale 699 A Lot Oregon 500 real property hereinafter described, all adverse of said de 12. 13 and Vale, 14. Block 11, Hope 700 A Lots Addition. 15.00 that fendants may adjudging be claims determined by de the Oregon Court, and that the 1 to 5 Inclusive, Block 33. Hope- 701 A Lots Holland 2500 fendants and each of them, have Addition. Vale. no estate what 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 24. 25. Oregon 28. 702 A Lots 29. ever right, In or title, to lien the or following des 30. 31 * 32. Block 33, Hope-Holland Addition. Vale. Oregon 65.00 cribed real property situated in Ore the County of Malheur. State of 7 and 8. Block 4. Eldridge Addition. 703 A Lots Vale. 50 00 gon. to wit: Oregon 31. 32, 33 and 34. Block 5. Hadley’s 704 A Lots 2nd The East Half of of the the Southwest North 100 00 Addition, Vale. Oregon west quarter C W County. Olenn Oregon quarter of Section Twenty-nine Shertff. Malheur <29> Township Nineteen (47) (19) South of Range Forty-seven Date of first publication: July 24. 1941 Data of last publication: August 21. 1941 E. W. M. together with an and singular and the appurtenances tenements, heredl- ments there unto belonging. and adjudging the plaintiffs thereto that Is the good title and of valid and forever enjoining and debarr ing them, the said defendants and claim each of from and asserting any whatever in to said lands premises or any part thereof, and ad verse to relief the plaintiffs and for shaU such other as to the Court seem Just and equitable, all of which will more fully verified appear in complaint and by the plaintiff’s filed herein. This summons is published by Order of Judge the Honorable David F. Graham of the County Court of Malheur County, State of Oregon, acting in which the absence of the made Circuit Judge, 22nd order was on July 1941. prescribing that this Summons be served by publication thereof once each in the week for Gate four consecutive City Journal weeks a weekly Nyssa newspaper published at Nyssa in Malheur County, Date of Oregon. first publication of „ .. this . Summons is July 24, is 1941 and 21, of the last publication August 1941. „ , A. L. Fletcher Nyssa, Attorney for Oregon. Plaintiffs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given to the cred itors other of persons interest ed in and the all estate Warren Bert Hoxie, late of Nyssa, deceased: that the L. Hoxie has been undersigned appointed Lulu Administratrix of the estate of Warren Bert Hoxie, deceased and has qualified as such. All persons claims against said estate are having hereby notified and required to present same with proper vouchers within notice six months of duly the verified date of this to the undersigned at the office of A. L. place Fletcher in Nyssa, Oregon, which is hereby designated as the place of business in matters con nected with said LULA estate. HOXIE, Administratrix of L. the Estate of Warren Bert Hoxie. Deceased, n o lo 1 s t P n h Ailff 7 1941 nf NOTICE OF COURT HEARING IN THE COUNTY OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY In The Matter Estate of THOMAS H. NAP of TON, the Deceased. Dcc6&s€d ) NOTICE IS GIVEN, That Carl H. Coad. Administrator of the above Estate has filed in the above entitled Court for final petition settlement, distribu his final account tion. and with that hearing for thereon has been fixed Aug. 1941, Court at 10 o'clock A. the M. for at Courthouse the 23, County room in at Vale, Oregon, where all persons interested in said Estate shall appear and show cause not if any why such should be allowed and account settled and distribution of the estate made to the persons entitled thereto. Carl H. Coad Administrator of said Estate Dated and first publ. July 24, 1941. Last publ. Aug. 21, 1941 SUMMONS COURT OF IN THE CIRCUIT THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MALHEUR COUNTY. Frank D. Hall, Plaintiff. vs.Sanford N. Emison, Eva A. Emi- son, Gladys Thea Fraser, Greig, E. E. M. Greig, S. Emison, Fraser Ralph Emison, Jaunita Bert Emison, Anna Emison, William Emison, Lucille \Salom.a Frost, Clarence Sidney Emison, Frost, Olive C. S. Young, Young, Willis Megorden, Nellie Margaret Megor- den, Robert Megorden, Megorden, Olin A. Megorden, Elsie Megorden, Jack Olive Ains Meg orden May Ainsworth, worth, Seth Megorden, Gladys Megorden, Lulu Me g o r d e n Paul Effie S. Childers, N. J. Childers. Minton. L. Turner, Minton, Maria Turner, W. J. W. Cook, Maggie Cook, D. M. J. John, John R. Louis Kennedy, Jane Doe known Kennedy, as L. Spier, Spier, Mary also G. Spier, M. Reece, Clarence Estate of Reece, John F. Edith Reece. Deceased, Luella Good, M. A. Annexed Grant Sarah Administrator with Will of Estate of John R. Good, Deceased; Estate of John all R. other Good, person Deceased, and al so or persons unknown claiming any right, title, lien or interest described, in or to the land herinafter Defs. To Gladys Fraser, E. S. Fraser, Ralph Emison, Emison, Bert Emison. Anna Jaunita Emison, William Emison, Lucille Emison, Saloma S. Frost, Sidney Frost, Willis Olive Megorden, C. Young, Clarence Young, Nellie Megorden, Robert Megorden, Margaret Megorden, Olin A. Megor den. Elsie May Megorden, Olive Megorden Jack Ains worth, Seth Ainsworth, Megorden, Gladys Meg Lulu Louis Megorden N. J. orden, Minton, Spier, Childers, Sarah Lu ella Good, Maria Turner, W. J. Tur ner, J. W. Cook, Maggie Cook, D. M. John Paul R. S. Kennedy, Doe John. Kennedy. Childers, Jane and also all other person or persons un known claiming any right, title. Hen or interest in or to the land herein after described, of the above named defendants: IN THE NAME OF of THE STATE OF OREGON: Each you hereby are appear the above commanded entitled to court and in cause within 4 weeks after date of first publication which date is July of 17, this 1941, summons, then and there to answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed and herein, and thereof, if you fail so to do, for want the plaintiff will take decree against you (1) the requiring each of you to set to forth nature of your claim lots 1 to 14, both inclusive, of Block 1, Taylor's Nyssa. heur County, Addition Oregon, to and that Mal all claims of shaU the defendants adverse to Plaintiff be determined by the Court: <2) declaring, adjudging and determining or that each of you have in no said estate property, interest and that whatever plaintiff’s title thereto is (3) a good and enjoining valid fee simple title: forever and debarring each whatever of you from serting any claim in or as to said property adverse to plaintiff; (4) for may such seem other equitable; relief as and to the Court (5) for plaintiff’s costs and disburse ments red. In this suit made and Incur This summons is served you pursuant to an Circuit order of Hon, on of Robt. M. Duncan. Judge the above of enUtled court, directing made the publi 9th day July, 1941, cation of summons herein for 4 suc cessive weeks and 5 publications in the Gate City Journal, pub lished Nyssa at Nyssa. Oregon. Carl H. Coad Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and address: Nyssa. Oregon Dated and 1st publ July Last publ Aug. 14. 1941. 17, 1941