/ THU RSDAY,AUGUST 14, 1941 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL and Betty Jean were In Parma on At Seaside- Friday all were guests of Mr. and ' their liquor. When someone get. likered up he Mrs. Carl Case in Arena Valley j Saturday afternoon. Word was received this week has at beet ruined the night for the Pete Prosses of Emmett spent Mr Frank Newhill lost two pigs ’’from the Jesses Thompsons who are By The Happy h n w one who has to take care of him. Sunday visiting his mother Mrs. A. ! Monday morning which he had re spending the summer at Seaside B/ We much prefer a ’peaceful few’ C. Prosser • cently brought from Jack Corn. Quess Roy Maanley u about the that they are enjoying the salt air TOPPS Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eachui and than to have a rtottous mob' at g lades t man In Cow HoUew. Hu C. M. Beaumont and Jack Corn and sea breezes and plan to re our dances. daughters were Sunday guests of boils aren’t exactly well but they are 1 were in Nyssa and Parma, Friday main at the coast until the first Berus ss w uupusre/ roe ds rente must i n e Ç ç toh Homer Cates George Oabriel and her parents, Mr. and Mrs E Eskew ao much better that he can be up | on business. part of September. B ombs es eoiont biom 6 ft B o muss pee eou* m Clarence Ntociun are looking for a at Ridgeview. and around and setting at least 10 StCOHOS FLAT/ ^ Robert Clark had the misfortune Race Horse Trainer— E. E. Parker anad Vernon spent hay buyer now. some of his work done. ' to lose about half of his peas by M m . Cates says “ we have formed a few days last week on a fishing Two top notchers at the Caliente That rain sort of slipped up on us. fire on Saturday afternoon. In thi scountry now for three years trip tto Strawberry Lake. race tracks recently were trained W e hardly expected It at this time Mr. Wallace Jamison, Arlene Pe by Chick McCellen, son of Mr. and and this Is the first crop we have John Johnson. F F. A. teacher c f year. Duke Parker had his hay terson, and Emily Otis of Adrian Mrs. A. L. McClellen of Nyssa. V at Adrian High School was a Sun S j . most all up aand Doc Rafflngton had to sell." were supper guests ofg Mr and Mrs George want to do some Improve day guests at Phelan home. and Elza Mlccum had theirs most ■ s s y e* Donald Clark on Monday evening. Friends Visit— Another enjoyable visit and splen ment on his place. He says that all down when it hit us. I t seems Visitors at the Prank Parker Charles Wilson Joined them later did dinner was enjoyed by the seven dollars for hay now Is as good that It can be hot and dry for for a meeting of the C. E. program home are Mrs. J. W. Stuart of weeks but when a lot of us farmers for us as eight alter the rains get "Birthday Club” Sunday when they PPortland and Miss Bonita Covey committee. the stacks wet and they must throw met at the home of Mr. and Mrs gets hay down then it can rain. They are George Swlgert to celebrate Mr. Friends from Salem visited far of Parkdale, Oregon. Expect the foresters would be o ff so much. nieces of Mrs. Parker whom they THÉ é lA N T Ó A M g lA N And Clarence says that be Is get Swlgert’s birthday. a short while on Sunday evening in willing to see a few tons of hay get R A T O f A P R IC A . Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Peck of Boise, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert haven’t seen for several years. They A T T A 'N i A LÉN ST M a wetting in order to save a few ting pretty anxious to pay o ff all expect to leave within the next his bills. That the local merchants j Mrs. Lester French, Jackie and of two m r / Clark. thousands of acres o f good timber. week. have been awfully good to him Judith of Roswell and Mr. and Mrs. The dance out here Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker and e\ & - Phil Parrot, o f Hood River Ore. nlte drew the largest crowd that and he don’t like to dlssappolnt John Bishop and Johnnie of Nyssa children were Sunday dinner and | and Rev. D. L. Buote of Payette visited at the Parker home. we have ever had yet. The music them too much. afternoon guests in the Wayne vWlCW 906 We have two real promising were Sunday evening guests i n 121000.000 was fine and the dance was a grand | Wood home. roes ie success. But we are sorry that there watermellon patches coming on In Brumbach home. Mr. and Mrs Dale Ashcraft went i n ) etfoee Cow HoUew. Those o f Russel Haw- Mrs. Walker Bishop and Mrs. are some people that think they to the Rodeo In Caldwell on Sat •me otftast De Oss attended a Hobo party at PROÖRAV can't have a good time without el land Sam Cates. urday night. -J E A Sam says “ that ain’t my meUon Mrs. Grace Hunt's Jungle In Ros 0 F) SOLO IN The A. N K. Garden Club met at Will 900*1 patch” “ It belongs to the misses." well Monday eaening. CO M PRE n eo the home of Mrs. Gerrit Muntje- kt - acü BRI CKS. Guess that would go for Russle Mr. Claude Parker of Boise vis 890.0SÇQ0Ç wereff of Adrian on Monday after IN M O N 6 0 U A HoweU too to rby the time he night ited Thursday and Friday in E. E. rotti „ noon. BBeUALL// rides ditch aU night and tends his Parker home. The K. K. 4-H pig Club met at water and what farming he Just Cecelia Siltonis is visiting In the the home of Quan Jensen on Friday has to do don’ see how he coukl Ocamica home. evening. Mr. Harvey Lalton Is tend a melton patch that size Any A number of Bend people atten . . . What is more cheerful than their leeader. way the me lions are coming on and ded the Co-op picnic at Caldwell a gayly decorated Breakfast Mrs. Hugh McComell and Mrs. fai new u sesfoeey: they soon will have lots of friends Thursday and also took in the nlte Set? Or one decorated to suit WlPfiy>lPPPTA91.E Donald Clark were In Nampa Wed Cow Hollow has tost two o f Its rodeo. industrial RESEAr your own taste — come in and nesday on business. DE.ELOPME: ha yhands. Don Parker aand De Mrs. Lee Baldridge aand Betty choose a set from our assort SUBSTITUTS ! Jewell Wilson spent Sunday with W itt Britton left Sunday afternoon attended Church services in Parma < 5 /¿ir I e PB P S ment. Glen Osborn and they went to On for Eugene to work on a defense Sunday when Rev. Benthimg of eiceey. b n p tario in the afternoon. M B T S P IP I If- Job there. De W itt got In about Lewiston, a former pastor had BSAfums 1 vm. Jimmy Wilson went to Snively :1 es-rrse twmma :. twenty four days In the hay fields charge o f the meeting 1 Mrrmt oees Hot Springs with Mrs. Clarence E. during the first cutting. Elliott and sons. Donald and W e some times wonder If It would Kenneth. Mrs. Elliott brought her Mrs. Henry Derry and son Vernon ness on Friday. not be better If about half o f us and Mrs. Derry’s sister Mrs. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Earl Province were mother Mrs. Dallie McCreary back fanners would shut down our farms with her. and son from St. Louis Mo. motored on business in Nyssa, on Thursday an dgo to work on defense Jobs. It Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker and Miss Ruby Quirk, daughter of to Washington to see John Derry afternoon. would cut down the over productions children were Sunday dinner and and we would make much more Mr and Mrs. R. S. Quirk, was op who is stationed at the army camp Mr. and Mrs. Pete Journey of than we can hope to make here. It erated on for appendicitis at a close to Tacoma and visited their Payette, had Sunday dinner and afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wood. would help solve the labor problem Boise Hospital Sunday afternoon. daughter and family at Oregon, re spent the afternoon with Mr. and somewhat and we could get to see She had been visiting her sister this turned home Monday. Mrs. Frank Frederick. those strikes from the other side summer in Boise. Monday Mr. and Mr. William Toomb, Mrs. Conrad Return From Trip— Mrs. Quirk, went to see her and left | Martin, Carl Piercy and Dorothy, her recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Post and Mrs. and Betty Jeean Toomb visited Mr Sarah Pest returned on Saturday Marvis Gale. Cloise Russell, Lily aand Mrs. Robert Toomb in Nyssa Yes, fresh T H IS M O R N IN G , from a ten-day trip to Salem and Stiener, Mary Lou Jackson, El The Home Economic Club of the on Sunday afternoon. and E V E R Y morning. Oven- coast cities. H ie G irl Scouts, chaperoned by eanor and Phyllis Haworth attended I Kingman Grange met at the Am er fresh, rushed to your grocer Jewell Wilson has been helping just ahead of your purchase. their leader Mrs. Maurice Judd and Girl Scout camp at Payett Lakes ican Legion Hall in Adrian. Tues Charles Newhill mow and rake hay. In Salt Lake— Enriched with vitamins B -l day afternoon, to practice degree Mrs. Paul Jackson, left Friday for the past week. Wayne and Carl Piercy are com and G. T ry a loaf, in the Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Matlock are a weeks outing at Payette Lakes. Miss Regina Ocamica is visiting work which they are putting on at bining peas for Robert and Donald gingham w r a p p e r ................. now living at Salt Lake, and Miss Arthur Holly and Jim Miller left relatives in Boise and looking for the Oregon T rail Grange, August Clark. 12 . Audrey Dewey is stayinig with her Thursday for a visit with the John work. A son, Richard William, was born sister-in-law Mrs. Marvin Dewey » f Z UM and William, Holly families at Bend Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cartwright Mrrs. Harry Russell and daughter to Mr. aand Mrs. William B. Toomb while he is at work in Hermiston. Oregon. silent part o f last week in Nyssa and Darrel, and Dorothy and Betty Leona Belnap of Boise arrived with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Jeean Toomb visited in the home of on August 10 in Parma. Ronald Lane returned Saturday Visits in Ontario— Friday for a week-end visit In DyTe E. Servass, while Mr. Russell accom Mr. and Mrs. R ay Cartwhnght. of night from his fishing trip with the Robert’s home. Miss Lucille Hln- panied the P. F. A. boys of the A d Big Bend on Friday evening. Mrs. L. E. Newgen visited in On AT YOUR F. F. A. boys. berllder of Nampa visited there on rian High School to Wallowa Moun tario at the home of Mrs. Ruby Mrs. Arthur Cartwright and Dar Saturday. G R O C E R 'S Mr. and Mrs. W illiam B. Toomb Kelly Tuesday and Wednesday. tains. rel, and Mrs. Wayne Wood and Mr. and Mrs Tom Welsh and Mrs. Lewis K ing returned to her children were in Nyssa, on business daughter of Northern Idaho visited Phone 94 home in Ontario Sunday after a on Thusday afternoon. his parents Mr and Mrs. Thomas Mr. Conrad Martin, and Mr. W ill NYSSA weeks visit at the Joe King home Welsh during the past week On i Mrs. Marshall Hyatt and child iam Toomb and daughters, Dorothy ren, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dur and Betty Jean were shopping in ban and baby and Mrs. Liken all of Nyssa on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Donald Clark aand Mrs. R o Caldwell were callers Thursday ev ening at the Harry Russell and bert Clark and son, Gary, were vis took Florence Russell back with iting homes in the Kolony on F ri them for a visit to attend the Rodeo. day afternoon in the interest of the Mrs. Albert Bowen and daughter Polly Anna Club. Mr. William Toomb aand daugh Pauline attended an all day meet August 2, 1941 ing of the Assembly of God Church ter, Dorothy, and Betty Jean were T R IA L BALANCE In Caldwell on Friday afternoon on 23,500.00 In Nyssa on Wed. Bonds outstanding 1 business. 80,535.00 Bond coupons paid ........... ....... ................. Mrs. Earl Osborn was In Nyssa, 4,070.44 Ik Bond Fund ... ...... ....... ..... ..............- ......... Monday and Wednesday on busi 2,43154 VALLEY VIEW Bond & Interest Tax Receivable Year 1934 ness. 480 03 1935 Nadine and Forestlne Wilson left 61844 . 1936 Mr. and Mrs. Caleet Bodmer and 196.81 1937 soons anad B. F. Bratton arrived from Adrian at 6:30 o’clock Friday 935.18 1938 from Kansas anad invited the Russ morning _ . with the Adrian G irl Scout 988 38 1939 Cochrim nad C. C. W yckoff and A. Troop for their triP to PaV- ette Lakes 1,433 72 1940 A. Bratton families last week. They Mrs. Clarence Elliot and Mrs. J. 2.023.48 1941 had a family reunion at the C. C. 11,391.98 County (Taxes delinquent to 1934» ......... W y c k o ff. home Monday evening G. Lane were In Payette on busi- 818.50 Delinquent Tax Certificates ------ ------------ Granadpa Bratton was at the A. A. 266 023 66 Drainage T ax Record -------------------------- Bratton home on Sunday getting j 88.163 76 Drainage system construction ................ acquainted with his new great j 1.382.11 Drainage well No. 1 ................................ grandson Dennis Spitze. The Bod- 688 06 Drainage well No. 2 -------- ----------- ners left for Boise Tuesday to visit j 6.864.96 Interest St Discount ....... ..................... their son and wife Mr. and Mrs. 117.72 Kingman Colony Dr (linage Dlstrct warrant Forrest Bodner and started on their 476 00 Laird Land sale calftract ........ ........... ..... return trip home In Natoma Kan- j 421.75 Operation St M Tax receivable year 1934 sas. 567.36 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Alexander 401.61 1936 moved to Ironside where Dick Is I 489 68 1937 working In a saw mill. MODEL 472.82 1938 Paul Stevens thrashed Ladlna j 532 45 ER-417 1939 Clover Friday. 868 16 1940 Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Leffler and 1.264.88 « 1941 family visited M r and Mrs Harvey 77.248.03 Operation Si Maintenance .......... ..... ....... Reynolds of Sumpter Ore. over the 942 30 Operation St Maintenance Fund week-end. 720 00 Pennle land sale contract __________ ___— 728.57 Mrs. Ben McConnel was on the Peterson 30 real estate owned .......... ....... 680 00 sick list last week but is improving. Tensen-Burbldge land sale contract ......... Packed u'itb Star Features! 577.27 Arland and Joe White dug their Tri-State Inv. Company real estate owned 180 68 spuds last week and Boyd Nellson is Winston real estate owned ................... «288.523 86 «288 621 66 digging his crop. This summer, cook the cool, easy, economical way with a 1941 Kelvinator RECEIPTS Mr. and Mrs. Roy Markely and 3 daughters o f Luray Kansas visited August 3. 1940 to August 2. 1941 Electric Range! Prices are up to $30 less than last year—yet see w hat you get! the Forrest Grammon family W ed August 3, 1940. Cash __________________________________ Bills rec e iv a b le __ _____ _______ _________________________ nesday eve and Thursday morning I t Economical, high speed heating units Automatic, self-computing Timer, with called on the A. A. Bratton's. Delinquent Tax Certificates ............................................ Virgil Belisle planted his lettuce Kingman Colony Drainage District warrant ___________ electric dock, Minute-Minder and Selector Switch ^ 7-heat switches, with individual last week. Land sale contracts Taxes for year 1930 « 698 Virginia Du Pre of Ontario and j Signal Lights Deluxe Scotch Kettle Oversize oven, with automatic pre-heat 1935 100 81 Joann Garrison were Monday ev And more and more ening dinner guests of Mrs. Ed In men are fin d in g 1936 12202 cut-off and interior light -fc Warmer Drawer and Storage Drawers on ball-bearing graham 1937 125 50 that out every «lay. 1938 664 32 Sybil Penn Is working for Mrs Have vou? rollers Porcelain finish and deluxe equipment throughout Come in today! 904 00 1939 Casper Com o f Ontario. vcar-oLl 1940 .................. 1 762 4» R E Bums of Miami Florida ar A four-year whiskey fa - 1941 ..................... 3.12294 rived Friday for a few weeks visit A fall Him with many of tho with his sister Mrs. T 8 Kennadv Total taxes paid ........ ............... ................................ 6.308.06 1870 88.720 82 Mrs. A S King aand Mrs. Rus all abavo feature«, prie ad from EXPENDITURES Mrs A. S King and Mrs. Peacock of Frultland and Mrs. O. W Kavtor August 3. 1940 to August 3.1941 of Owyhee Mr. Bums hasn’t seen 81308 00 Bonds p a i d ________________________ ______________ _ his sisters for 14 years. 185 79 Taxes paid 2 022 29 Leroy Smith visited David Brown Operation and Maintenance ____ _______________ _____ r ing o f Payetet Sunday Bond & Interest Fund «4070 44 Operation St Maintenance Fund 94230 Mr. and Mrs, Jay Pryor and daughter of Chillacothe Missouri August 3. 1941 Cash on h a n d 8312.74 arrived at the Louie Pryor home 88.730 82 Correct Attest: Saturday morning for a short visit Frank D. Hall W A Mrs Ed EKirrh has been visiting Secretary-Treasurer. at the Ed Ingraham home, return Good Ave. ing to her home in Birth. Oregon «anotai m i n i m rotooefs eoar Phone 4 t » Cow Hollow THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE & k f Breakfast Sets.... Lower Bend You Don’t Need Enriched Cash! Use O ur Big Bend Kingman Kolony PAN DANDY BREAD [¿REDl N ordale Furniture Store 1 M Annual Financial Report Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District at K ¡941 ELECTRIC RAN?“ , ■ ' ^ 1 last yearns pnces. $ $ 0 savings over an ual u SINCE THE COVERED WAGONS FIRST RUMBLED INTO 0BEG0N... $ 199.95 there 's never Seen a he iter Kentucky hourhon than . _ . .. . OLD HERMITAGE JII 4 . 9 5 I 0 SI 99.95 ¿¿¿fitti Set More-\ * KELVINATOR - NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. 0