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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1941 Mr and Mrs Georg* Cloven and American Legion convention In Eu | family were pleasantly surprised gene, Oregon. John Kramer of Nampa visited at Mr and Mrs Fred Argali ol Gien- when the James and D. W. McOlnms dale. Arizona and Mr and Mrs John * “ * Leltn*r *r« r ed ! a r * *“ *"> “ homes Sunday —8— Loe of Phönix. Arizona vM trt at '•“ » from 8t KAn4ai Mrs W. O. Bailey and Leon vent the To mLoe home over the week Mr. and Mrs Walter Thompson to Wallowa the past week to a t WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE end. and Mrs Carl aamons vent to the tend the Methodist Camp meeting ' The Wednesday evening bridge Mrs Tom Loe. Mildred. Kathleen club was entertained last week at and Dorothy. Reta Johnson and dessert and contract by Mrs. Her Mrs. Fred Orgall visited In Home- bert H. Fisher Guests for the even ing were Mrs. Perry Ward and Mrs dale Sunday Mr and Mrs. Oven Council and Bernard Eastman. High scores were family of Nvssa were Sunday visit made by Mrs. Fisher Mrs Emira Has caused a shortage of materials — But not of ors of Mr and Mrs Clarence Mer Quinby and Mrs Ed. Frost rick and family. INSURANCE Mr and Mrs Joe Waud and fam BOOK CLUB The Kingman Kolcny Book Club ily were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Jim Olson in was entertained by Mrs Maurice Judd at her country home on last Nvssa. Mrs Earl Bailey. Tuggy and Ber Saturday afternoon. Guests invited nice are staving at the W O Bailey for the afternoon were Mrs John home during the absence of Mrs Wall of Creston and Mrs. Walter McPartland, Adrian W O. Bailey Mrs. Frank T. Morgan reviewed + + + Nina Federovona's prize winning CHALK BUTTE story. "The Family" after which a lively discussion of the book was About 35 friends and neighbors INSURANCE gathered at the Community Hall enjoyed and tea was pourVf by Mrs R e al E s ta te Thursday evening for a bridal show Judd. A* t'lu se As Y o w T élép h o n é - t- er in honor of Mr. and Mrs Harley Wilson. Games were played and re SCOUT PLAY The Kingman Kolony Girl Scouts freshments of Ice Cream and cake were served. The bride and groom produced thier play -Ready Made Family to a large and appreciative received many gifts Betty Cannon returned last week audience at the Adrian School audi from the Shriners hospital In Port torium on Friday evening The play will be produced at Wild land after a months stay for treat er before the troop leaves for its ment. Raymond Hines spent a 10 day annual encampment at Pilgrims furlough with his mother. Mrs Les Cove on the Payette Lakes cn Aug Wing, returning Thursday morning ust 8. The funds derived from the play will be used to defray camp ex to Camp Lewis in Washington. Mrs. Lloyd Landre th and Sharon penses. returned to their home In Nyssa Saturday after having spent a few KINGMAN GARDEN CLUB days visiting her parents. Mr. and The Kingman Garden Club was Mrs. Roy Warren. entertained by Mrs Carl Hill at the I Mrs Howard Evans nd Anne c- last meeting at which Mrs Albert Pfeiler and Mrs. C. C. Hunt were Guests for the afternoon. Mrs Pf Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday eiler talked to the group on Flower _____________July 25 & 26______________ arrangements. Plans are underway now for a Mr. and Mrs Charles Jamison of Q Garden Gem, Portland and son visited at the E. L. special speaker to be present at the * 6 3 S No. 2 cans 3 for next meeting which will be at the Jamison home Wednesday Mr and Mrs Jay Nyborg left for home of Mrs. Dennis Patch in Ad Nampa Saturday after visiting sev rian. eral weeks at the A E Nybrg home. The Out Our Way club held a CHATTER BOX CLUB The Chatter Box club held its picnic at the C C. C. camp Sun day for its members and their fam regular meeting at the home of Mrs can’ Glen Suiter with Twelve members ilies. Mr. and Mrs. Conner and family present. Following the business of California visited at the Frank meeting refreshments were enjoyed 3 f o ? can’ The next regular meeting will be Savage home last week. Mr Conner at the home of Mrs E L. Jamison is a brother of Mrs. Savage Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Varvel spent on July 30. The Annual club picnic ,„ r Tuesday evening at the Glenn Hoff will be at Gala Gardens on Sunday July 27. man home. [íverview Society NATIONAL DEFENSE mmmmmmmmm mm ■ rm m ■ ■ n ■ mm ■ immura ■ ■ um tin FOR SALE NEW UNFINISHED chests, four drawers, $3 50 and up, desk 5$,95; 52 inch baby beds $5.95; 52 inch mattress $3.95 The Nyssa Trader sells for less, Main highway north. We Can Deliver Policies When Ordered FOR SALE SACKS ARE AT a premium this year. We have a supply at present but do not believe we will have en ough for late buyers. Sacks for Bar ley 104 cents. The Nyssa Trader sells for less, main highway north, j Bernard Eastman FOR SALE HEAVY WEIGHT Gold Seal lin oleum rugs. 9x12 $5.75: Crescent Seal linoleum rugs made by makers of Gold Seal. 9x12. $3.95. The Nyssa Trader sells for less, Main highway north Buena Vista 27c Grape Fruit 32c GrapeFruitJuice 39c String Beans 29c Corn Flakes 17c Tomatoe Juice J3,*“ ““ 23c 24c 47c 63c Purex „1 jus. 27c Matches ftSL- 15c Bacon Squares ii>ar,tens 17c f f ___ Gold Bar, vacuum V -O T te e packed, 1 lb. can r f ___ Gold Bar, vacuum V -O fr e e packed. 2 lb can C .._ I i r . A Jp Log Cabin, large $ize can ./ , Open Evenings Until 9 P.M. ILS ON G rocery NYSSA OREGON A Dependable Food Store NYSSA Phone IOÖ PROGRAM THEATRE Double Feature Friday and Saturday, July25-26 Maureen O’Hara and James Ellison in THEY MET IN ARGENTINA” The Three Mesquiteers in • PALS OF THE PECOS” S at Mat- I SO p m , Aam 5c-20c; Evening. lOc-SSc. Includes tax Sunday and Monday, July 27-28 Ida Lupino, John Garfield, Thomas Mitchell and Eddie Albert in “OUT OF THE FOG” Broadway Brevity and Merry Melody Mat Sun 3 SO. Adm 10c-JSc. Evening Adm 10c-SSc. Includes tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— Tuesday, July 29 Richard Arlen and Jean Parker in “POWER DIVE” Shorts and First chapter of “JUNGLE GIRL” Wednesday and Thursday, July 30-31 Bine Crosbv. Bob Hope. Dorothy Lam our and Una Merkel in “ROAD TO ZANZIBAR” Popeye and News ■ite-SSr U s R h raft ■*•*»*• locatlon Box 1, Journal office 24J lxp FOR SALE YOUTH BEDS. Complete bed. spring and mattress. $5.95. Usable cock stoves $1.00 and up; These are not good looking but will do the work: Kerosene stoves, no reasonable offer refused. The Nyssa Trader sells for less, main highway north. D sfa m Tax BUILDING PERMITS The following applications lor building permits have been filed with the City Recorder: { No. 481 Alvin Kuehn. Erect Dwel ling. Lot 9 Block 14 Teutsch $2500 00. No. 482 John E. Ostrom. Remodel Business. Lot 1 Block 8 Original $800.00. 483 John E Ostrom. Remodel Dwelling. Lot N. W. half Block 13 Teutsch $150.00. 484 Frank T. Morgan. Repair bus iness. Lot 9-10 Block 11 Orig. $150.00. 485 A. L Fletcher. Erect garage and repair dwelling. Lot 4 Block 26 Teutsch Addition $300.00. If no written protests have been filed within ten tlO) days from the dale of this publication by owners of property in the City of Nyssa, the above applications will be ap proved. Legal A dvertisem ent Lincoln Heights LADIES SUMMER SHOES $ 1 pair ALL SUMMER DRESSES GREATLY REDUCED One Lot as low as $l Men's Sport Shirts 89c Men's Slack Suits $.198 t o NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY In The Matter of the Estate of THOMAS H. NAPTON, Deceased. NOTICE IS GIVEN, That Carl H Coad, Administrator of the above Estate has filed in the above entitled Court for final settlement, his final account with petition for distribu tion. and that hearing thereon has been fixed for Aug. 23. 1941. at 10 o'clock A. M. at the County Court room in the Courthouse at Vale. Oregon, where all persans interested In said Estate shall appear and show cause if any why such account The Patch and Chat Club met at should not be allowed and settled the Chris Rookstool home Thursday and distribution of the estate made Wednesday morning Kie Scott left to the persons entitled thereto. afternoon, July 17th. Mrs. Rook with relatives for Joseph. Oregon Carl H Coad stool was assisted by Mrs. Lee Smith of said Estate and Mrs. Leverett Goodell. Roll call where he plans to work this summer Dated Administrator and first publ. Julv 24. 1941. Mrs. Archie Howell and children Last publ. Aug. 21. 1941 was answered by giving a quotation Mrs. Tom Pettet and Mrs Emil visited at the Harry Russell home SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Frank gave reports on Oregon his Saturday night. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Mr and Mrs Harry Russell and tory The main feature of the after STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY’ OF MALHEUR noon was a shower given in honor of daughters attended a family re CARL SEBURN AND INEZ SE- union at the home of Mrs M A. Mrs Leslie Pennington, a former BURN husband and wife. member of the club. A delicious lun Bradney in Adrian. Sunday in hon Plaintiffs. , cheon was served following the af or of Mrs. Geoffry Williams of vs. A. D. Brough and Jane Doe Clarksdale. Arizona. Later in the ternoon's entertainment. Brough, wife of said A. D Brough The August meeting will be held afternoon Mrs Harry Russell visited and the unknown heirs and devis at the Oeorge Markham home on her father. R E. Servass in Nvssa ees of either of them, if deceased: Rendall P Bradford and Pearl M the evening of August 21st. Club who is ill. Bradford, his wife: Ethel Osborn, members and their entire families sometimes known as Ethe! I. Os- are cordially Invited to attend Ice bom. and John Doe Osborn her hus RICHLAND band. and also all other persons or cream and cake will be served. parties unknown claiming anv right, Jack Bear ham. is among the young Thursday dinner guests at the title, estate, lien or interest in the folks who are attending Bible Camp Tom Johnson home were Jean and real estate described in the com plaint herein. at Quaker Hill. McCall. Idaho Anne Johnson. Ray and Doris G ra Defendants. Ray Whitsell returned to his home ham and Pat Sweaney To: A. D Brough and Jane Dee here Sunday morning after being Romona Henderson left Wednes Brough, wife of said A. D Brough, a patient at a hospital in Portland. day (or Wallowa Lake with the Ep- and the unknown heirs and devisees of either of them, if deceased: Ren- Mrs. Julia Houston has been on worth League of Nyssa. dall P Bradford and Pearl M Brad the sick list. Mr and Mrs. Henry Hartley and ford. his wife: Ethel Osborn some known as Ethel I Osbotn. and sons. David and Robert. Mr and times John Doe Osborn, her husband, and Mrs Dennis Patch and sons of Ad also all other persons or parties un rian were Sunday dinner guests at known claiming anv right title es tate. lien or interest in the real es the O E Cheldelin home tate described in the complaint Emily Otis and Emma Points ac Mr and Mrs Joe Glass and child herein. Defendants: companied Mrs K L Peterson and ren. Gary, Patty Joe. Gracia and In the name of the State of O.e- hed daughters Donna and Arlene . Rosemary of Baker were Sunday gon You are hereby required to ap to Caldwell Monday. pear and answer the Complaint filed dinner guests at the John Ridder against you in the above entitled Mr Wallace Jamison. Mervtn home. suit on or before August 21st. 1941 Peterson. Maurice Judd. Dudley i said date being the last dav of fmr Mrs Carl Meredith of Harper Kurtz. Harold Kurt* and Mr M L. j visited at the H V Maw home Sun weeks from the date of the first pub- Kurtz left Sunday noon for the day < lication of this Summons and said period of four weeks being the time United Presbyterian Summer Con prescribed for the publication here ference at Sea beck of. and if vou fail to appear and an Too Late to Classify Sunday. July 27 the Christian En swer said Complaint, for want there of. the plaintiff will spplv to the deavor will have charge of morning I CITY PROPERTY Court for the relief p-ayed for in worship their Complaint FOR SALE The Girl Scout play. "A Ready j TWO ROOM house Well construc Said suit is brought for the pur- Dose of securing a decree requiring Made Family" was given in the Ad ted. Must be moved from present the defendents. and each and every rian high school gymnasium. Friday, night July 18 and was well attended Leagal Advertisement Sunday August 3. a Union service for all Sunday schools In the dis trict will be held at the Adrian H$rh School to be followed by a picnic Notice is hereby given that by virtue of Section ------------- ♦------------- Lower Bend Mesdames Walt Refftngton. Sadie Parker. Chuck Share. Helen Niccum. Kay Hunter. Dale Umbaugh. Frank Parker and Agnes Eastman attended the canning demonstration at the Sunset Hall Wednesday The Wahlne club postponed club this week on account of the Cooking School at Nyssa Club will meet with Helen Niccum at the hall on July 31 Members please notice change of date to Thursday instead of Fri day Will have grab bag Mr and Mrs Max Srhweterr and family of D tv m k n Dam were Sun day callers at the Chuck Share home Mr and Mrs Alvin Isely and sons of Joseph Oregon m l ted over night last Tuesday with thetr cousin Kie Scott and unde. Frank Kutch. They ware returning from a trig to Cary Idaho and Blackfoot Mon- MALHEUR COUNTY BOARD OF EQUAL IZATION will meet on the Second Monday of August. 1941, the said day being the 11th day of August, 1941, and shall remain open until the Fourth Monday of August. 1941. at the County Court House. Vale. Malheur County, Oregon, to pub licly examine the 1941 Assessment Rolls, and to correct errors in valuation, descriptions or quali ties of lands, lots or other property assessed by the Assessor of Malheur County, all persons in terested shall appear at that time and place ap pointed. Dated at Vale this 22nd day of July. 1941. INra. puhitahed July 34. 1941 Last published August 7. 1941 K P Hendrix * Assessor of Malheur County. * ° " * or 2.98 $l each A T K E S O N ’S ST O R E o Men’s and Ladies W earing Apparel Third and Main Streets, Nyssa rovwWYW \AAvn 11 //« ///» ///« JIST A FEW fEXTS MORE TUAX A DOLLAR ( p e r pint) buys a great C T & » KENTUCKY Bourbon! jF ___ SCWVBW* ji| _ • ( • Check the p ro e f fit*» th a t good 93 p ro o f) . . . th e su p e rio r flavor Itinlv K rn tu rk v ili-tille d b o u rb o n has it) . . , th e age (4 years of m ello w in g to y o u r taste.) ■ OLD S unny B rook $2 A® ___ KENTUCKY’ STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Thia whiskey is 4 Y K A R S O L D • 93 P ro o f National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. LOOK AT T IL IE A B ÏY *LOOK AT THE EXTRAS*LOOK AT THE PRICE brand new k in d o f re frig eratio n . . . glass shelves ...s e p a ra te w all-concealed c o o lin g c o ils . . . C o ld - m ist F re s h e n e r . . . k eeps foods fresh er . . . p ro te c ts v ita m in s . S e e th is mem an d d iffe r e n t k e l v i n a t o r M o ist-M a s ter. Notice To Taxpayers 69-302, Oregon Code Annotated, 1930, as am ended bv Chapter 446, Oregon Laws of 1933, $ DRESS PANTS Adrian Upper Sunset premises or any part thereof, ad verse to the plaintiff« and for such other relief as to the Court shall seem just and equitable, all of which will more fully appear in and by the plaintiff's verified complaint filed herein. This summons is published by Order of the Honorable David F. Graham Judge of the County Court ol Malheur County, State of Oregon, acting in the absence of the Circuit Judge, which order was made on July 22nd 1941. prescribing that this Summons be served by publication theieof once each week for four consecutive weeks in the Nyssa Gate City Journal a weekly newspaper published at Nyssa in Malheur County. Oregon. Date of first publication of this Summons is July 24, 1941 and of the last publication is August 21. 1941. A. L. Fletcher Nyssa. Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiffs. of them, to set forth the nature of their claims, if any. in and to the real property hereinafter described, that all adverse claims of said de fendants may be determined by the Court and adjudging that the de fendants and each of them, have no right, title, lien or estate what- ever in or to the following des- cribed real property situated in the County of Malheur, State of Ore gon. to wit: The East Half of the North west quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twenty-nine 1 29) Township Nineteen < 19 > South of Range Forty-seven (47) E W M together with all and singular the tenements, heredi- ir.ents and appurtenances there unto belonging. and adjudging that the title of the plaintiffs thereto is good and valid and forever enjoining and debarr ing the said defendants and each of them, from asserting any claim whatever in and to said lands and Mw*lS&-6v cocnr*1 ^ o©W gbehes . * • P0 ** Bit 4 8 9 .9 b ^ » KELVINATOR TCM IÄ C« m to , M w , m ya m M dw * 5 V m , P ro M cm P i* , S to , M •** ta x « extra. P nces mmé ip i r f f in ti— i Mfefect tm r ^ a ç i ■ iitwut itf r i N Ÿ SSriM PLEM E N T CO. Good Ave. Phone 4