THE NYSSA GATb CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1941 Classified Advertising The Ideal Way T o Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. BATES: One cent per word for each Issue Minimum cash In advance Is 25c. MISCELLANEOUS CITY PROPERTY For Rent MISCELLANEOUS For Sale w a n t e d —All your welding Jobs. promise good work and fair FURNISHED APPARTM ENT, mod | FOR SALE—complete pumping orlces Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone em, electric, range water heater equipment. Consisting of 500 feet and refrigeration. Call Thompson ! plank flume. 400 feet 18 inch wood 5fiW. O il Co. 5J tfc. pipe, 10 horse Fairbanks electric mo- I tor. Fairbanks pump, valves, etc. As BRAKE W O R K - L e t us put your car or truck brakes in first class 3 ROOM FURNISHED house. Mod | good as new. This equipment Is ca condition. Special equipment and ern, nice lawn, electric refrigeration. pable of pumping and handling 200 22M tfc. ] inches of water—Ira Ure, Nyssa. trained men at your service. Pruyn Call Journal. 28 tic. Auto Repair. Phone 56W. TW O HINSCH houses. See Frank T. Morgan. FOR RENT KALSOMINE, P A IN T at competi ATT R A C T IV E TERMS, long time tive prices. First class quality. lease on N W U N W 'i Sec. 23, Twp. 19 Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and MODERN THREE room heme. Nice lawn, cellar and screen porch, fen j S . Range 36 E. W. M. known as the Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc ced yard. Clean with linoleum, on j Bob Russell place. See Frank T. Morgan. bedrcom and kitchen floors. Large FOR PLUM BER call J. C. Smith. cupboard and close closet. Call Jour I - FOR RENT Phone 78J. tic. nal. 22M tic. ! OUT OF TOW N PR O PE R TY A T PARMA, 4 room modem house, AUCTION SALE E V E R Y F R ID A Y THREE ROOM modfrn house furnace and stoker, electric heater, Why haul your livestock 20 miles George Berstch, Emmison between full basement, laundry trays, hard to an out of town sale yard, when First and Second streets. 12Jtfc. ; wood floors. Geo. J. Kinzer. Parma, you can get more here at home? We Idaho. always get the high dollar for your ONE OF KE LLE Y Houses for rent about June 20. See Frank T. Mor stock. You help yourselves when you 12Jtfc. patronize your home business. Nyssa gan Sale Yard, Floyd Robinson (owner) 3 ROOM APARTM ENT, furnished, lM tfc close in. See Nyssa Lumber Co. or SWEET CHERRIES, now ripe at the Keedick Ranch, Central Cove, 3 write A. Peterson, Emmett, Idaho. 12Jtfc. mi. East and % mi. South of Home- Consult us on your wiring needs dale bridge. 19J 2xc. md meter set-ups. NETTED GEM Seed potatoes, one Work guaranteed to meet State year from certification. Vest Bro i equlrements. thers. one mile west and three miles Prices right PA IN T IN G , KALSO M ININ G , paper north of Nyssa. 19J 2xc. Information free cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone NYSSA E LE CTR IC SHOP FARM PRODUCE 39M. 24Atfc. 18Atfc TW O TO N corn G. Stam. 19J tfc. GARBAGE HAULING. City linceo- ced. Owen Gann. Phone 119R Local and Long Distance H A U LIN G CARPENTERING, concrete work. Phone 72W kalsomining or painting by hour or Mrs. George Stewart and M!rs. Lawrence and Barnett contract. C. J. Keizer, 381 Ennis Nellie Thomas motored to Caldwell Ave. lOAtfc Friday. 4M tfc Gerold .Goodfellow harvested his W ANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton lettuce crop this week. rags, must be of fair size, no ov Mrs. Ben McConnell, Mrs. M el eralls. lace curtains nor other harsh vin Spltze and Mrs. A. A. Braton materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. attended the Woman’s Society of Christian Service Thursday after W ANTED Highest prices paid for noon at Nyssa. hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cochrun “ W e Wash Every Day” niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cochrun way north. of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Ben M c Connell. Oregon Slope, visited at the Braton home Sunday afternoon. R E P A IR SHOP Mrs. Nellie Thompson left Wed Electric Welding nesday for Blue Mountain where TW O A -l HOLSTIEN springer cows GAS AND O IL Mr. Thomas will have charge of the for sale. Leslie Schaffer, Kingman look out station this summer. NEW AND USED PARTS Kolony. 19J lxc. Hay men are hard to find in our N YSSA AU TO CO. | neighborhood and most farmers FOR SALE Highway 20, North End of Town 18 WEANER PIGS. Wm. E. Sch can’t find onion weeders and lettuce weizer. 1 mile west Owyhee school cutters. Virgil Belisle motored to Baker house. 19J lxp. Sunday. Dwight and Burl W yckoff helped [ A. A, Braton hay last week. Mr. and Mrs. Galin and friends USE JOURNAL W A N T ADS B A B Y C H IC K S each week so long from Nyssa called Sunday at the tgt >{t f t as this add continues. Payette Bratton home. Valley Hatchery. Phone. Fruitland. i A farewell dance was given for 6221. 5J tf.c. Claude Hickey, Friday evening at i the "Bailey farm. He left for Port- ! land Monday to join the army. i For Sale FARM PRODUCE WANTED VALLEYVIEW NYSSA STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 88J For Sale STOCK For Sale POULTRY + + * CITY PROPERTY For Sale Apple Valley GOOD HOM ESITES on First and Park, Cash or terms. Frank D. Hall. ISMtfc John Beck had the lower part of \ his ear almost severed when he was j struck lNQulff NOW- DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W J. R. C U N D A LL Dentist Cost of operdtinq an automatic Electric Water Heater Down 10 / Sarazln Clinic N YS SA NYSSA OREGON IDAHO V P O WE R ; LIBRARY Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. A L L P A T R O N S WELCOME Librarian .... Mrs. S. B. Davis by a Jackson fork when stacking hay Sunday. Six stitches were required to close the wound. He j also suffered slight scratches about the face but was able to continue ; stacking after a few hours. Gcrden Correli hit the cement culvert betwen the Boston and Hub- i bard farms on the county road, Sat urday morning when his car got out \ of control. The east side of the cul vert was broken down by the impact. Quentin Correli is improving from injuries received in an auto accident not long ago. Johnny Hobbs of Redmond, Oregon ■was a recent visitor at the home of his uncle. Lee Hobbs. Miss Betty Correli entered the B. B. U. on Monday. The boys attended the short course in Moscow arrived home Sun day and report a most interesting time. Colby Poage. bookkeeper at the Eder store Is enjoying his vacation this week and planned a fishing trip | to Payette Lakes. Children o f the Sunday school put rt « Ï Ï - * ‘ f 1 8 O P T O M E T R IS T DR. J. A. McFALL rH **® I » « « c l * « " n WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector tor Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREOON Adrian Mr. and Mrs. B ill Ashcraft were fishing at the Unity dam, Sunday and had very good luck. There was a big crowd In Adrian Saturday getting drivers licenses. Harry Russell is re-building his old house that he has moved to Adrian. A shower was given at the home of Mrs. Ellen Sparks for Mrs. Dich- lease. formerly Icel Collins, Wednes day Mrs. W. D. Patch of Welser Is visiting her sen, Mr. Dennis Patch. Mr. Ira Cole o f Utah called on his brother-in-law. Roy Thrasher Mon day evening. Mrs. Fred Milsap o f Vale called at the Ray Thrasher home Saturday evening. The Jim and Alvin McGinnis fam ilies were fishing at East Camp Crerk near Unity Sunday. Rcse McGinnis returned home Monday after a two weeks visit with her sister in Nyssa. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and family and the E. E. Parkier family of Wade were guests at the Ness Hatt home in Owyhee on Father’s Day. The Howard Hatch family at tended a family dinner at the W y- mer home in Parma on Father’s Day. Mrs. Gerritt Muntjeweriff and Mrs. Vernon Parker were in Cald well Wednesday. Mrs. Richard Wright and her dau ghter of Notus are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Howard Hatch. Bob Gibson who in working near the coast returned home for the week end. Mrs. Williams of Payette has been visiting her brother, Bill Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patch, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPartland. and Mr. Wallace Jamison were dinner guests at the Overstreet home W ed nesday. Dennis Patch and Mrs. Maurice Judd attended County Health meet ing at Vale Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Otis and daughter. Emily, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patch and children and Mr. W. D. Patch Mr. Patch's mother of Weiser. and Mr. Wallace Jamison were those from Adrian attending the Book club picnic at Mrs. Lowe's. Laura Olson is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Doerach in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Patch. Mr. Wallace Jamison. Emily Otis, Erma Points, and Mervln and Arlene Peterson were those from Adrian at tending a farewell party at the J. E. Parker home for LeRoy Parker. Mrs. K. I. Peterson, Mrs. F. E. D if fer, Mrs. John Auker, Mrs. George DeHaven. Mrs. Everett Points. Mrs. Alvin McGinnis and M r Wallace Jamison were those from Adrian at tending the Mary and Martha circle at the u!. L. Kurtz home in Newell Heights. Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and daughters, Arlene and Donna, and Emma Points were shopping in Nyssa Friday afternoon. They called at the Frank Cahill home. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Points, Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Points and son, Jimmy, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mace and children, Richard, Delvtn, and Sue Ann. spent the week end fishing in the backwaters of the Owyhee Dam. The Potato houses in Adrian are expected to open around June 20. Pearl Olson is visiting his aunt. Mrs. Dlcklrlman in Battle Mountain. Nevada. K in g m a n “See McFall and See Better” E Y E S IG H T »P E C IA L IS T O N T A R IO OREGON on a very nice program, Sunday morning; Teachers and pastor are now planning on Vacation Bible School In Jury. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hathaway were Sunday guests at the J. A. Pettit home. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Correli, Olive Bailey and Ronny Schroder were Apple Valley folks who enjoyed Sunday at the Owyhee Dam. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Rodgers of Roswell called at the Earl Boston home Sunday to see their daughter. Ruby who Is staying with her sister while her mother Is working In the peas. Mr. and Mrs. Rucker spent Sunday In Boise where their older son, Roy, is stationed. Phyllis Poage has several weeks work in the City Hall at Nyssa. Roy Goolng has purchased a new V-8 coupe. He plans to work In W y oming with the same dredging com pany, with whom he has worked all spring. , ’ • Check the proof (it'» that good 93 proof) . . . the »nperior flavor (only Kentucky-distilled bourbon has it) . . • «be age I t year» of mel lowing to your taste.) -O L D - S unny B rook KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY This whi-kev .. 4 YEARS OLD • « Proof National DisliUer. Product» Corporation. N. I . : SOwfßlKX* K o lo n y The Kingman Orange held their regular meeting at th American Leg ion hall In Adrian on Monday even ing. They were hosts to twenty Orange members from the Y. O. A. Orange of Boulevard and eight mem bers from the newly organized Grange of Cow Hollow. The first and second degree work was put on for eight new members. Polly anna club met at the home of Mrs Oscar Schaffer on Wednes day afternoon. After an afternoon of visiting and hand work the host ess served refreshments. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Frank Fredricks on June 25th. On Monday o f last week Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark drove to Boise on business. On their way home they 1 visited with Mrs. Clark's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. E Wilson of Mer- i idlan. Mr. and Mrs Robert Clark were in Caldwell on Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Wilson was In Nyssa they attended the donkey base-ball C. L. Mitchell who are leaving game in Ontario. on Wednesday morning. Thursday for Leonard, Kansas. The following families were present: Mrs. Earl Province and Mrs Don Frank Holman. Marlon Chard. Owen ald Clark were In Nyssa on Thurs Chard, Leo Chard. Russell Talbot. day. W A. Mettlen and Clyde Mitchell Mrs. Lily Bach returned to the Mr. and Mrs. John Jarvis and Bet Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGinnis of home of her daughter. Mrs. J. O. ty Lou o f Adrian. Mrs. Dan Linvelle Lane after spending the past five Nyssa visited Sunday at the Glenn and children and Loretta Mitchell months visiting with another dau McGinnis home. Cecil Benson left Monday for Port were Sunday picnicers near the ghter, Mrs. Chester C. Stallings of Ogden. Utah. Before returning home land to take final exams for the Snake river. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flveest and she attended the wedding of her son. U. 8. Army. Buster and Marietta Talbot of Mrs. Clyde Mitchell and Loretta Kenneth Bach of Salt Lake City, Nyssa are spending a few weeks with were business visitors in Caldwell Utah. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woods and their father Russell Talbot. Mrs. John McGinnis Is visiting Huston Dunaway returned Mon family and Mrs. Arthur Cartwright with her daughter and family Mrs. day to their upper place near Owy and son. Derril accompanied their Howard Connaughby. hee Dam after spending the past parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Palker Mr. and Mrs Earnest Smith en two weeks helping hay on the home and family o f Newell Heights to Welser where they were guests of tertained a number of friends Sun ranch. day afternoon in honor of Mr. and their daughter and sister and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Albrt Gorine for the Day. The family gathering was in honor of Leroy Parker who plans to leave for Chicago on Mon day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin and Dorothy Toomb drove to Ontario on Sunday. Those from the Kolony to attend the farwell party for Leroy Parker given by his motiier in Newell Heights were: Glen Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woods and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb. Betty Jean Toomb and Joyce Kurtz were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hatt in the Owyhee at a Father’s Day picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Meritt Greeling at tended the annual picnic of the Kingman Book club for their hus bands and friends on Sunday. C. M. Beaumont was in Nyssa on business on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb were In Parma and Caldwell on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton drove Vacation by train for cool comfort, time-saving to Marsing and to Arrow Rock Dam speed—and money-saving economy. Union Pacific on Sunday. provides fast, air-conditioned, splendidly-equipped Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thrasher were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and trains... day-and-night Coach comfort—economical Mrs. Jack Com. In the afternoon Challenger Sleepers — finely-appointed Standard they all drove to Parma. Pullmans . . . delicious Dining Car meeds. Regis Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cole and Mrs. Lee Thrasher were shopping in Nyssa tered Nurse-Stewardess service on principal trains. on Thursday and on Friday they drove to Ontario on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thrasher with their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ira from Nyssa to: Cole and family and Mr. and Mrs. In Challenger In Standard Vernon Boren picniced in the Nam In Coaches Sleeping Cars* Sleeping Cars* pa on Sunday. $53.50 $46.20 $38.10 72.50 64.49 58.05 Friends of Mrs. W. L. Schaffer are 42.85 41.09 36.51 glad to learn that she is able to be 65.65 58.67 51.62 Kansas City out again after her long illness. 1985 15.85 17.85 Portland ....... Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Case and * Berth extra. Similar low fares to other points Clarice were Sunday dinner guests Liberal return limits. Also very low one-way fares. Ask about travel on credit— no money down— pay later o f Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shaw and family. In the afternoon they at tended the Nebraska picnic in the For further details consult: Biig Bend park. E. C. C RAND ALL Forestine Wilson was a Sunday Phone 27 dinner guest of Naomi Shaw in the Nyssa, Ore. afternoon Leola and Lom e Ded- rickson were also guests. CKy Tlofcat OMou, Botel UUh Bldg.. C. B. aaLTMASSH, Oaovral A g n i Pam Elanor Dutton left on Sunday morning to visit relatives in Everett, Washington for the summer. She accompanied Mrs Mildred Hite and family of the Owyhee who were driving through the Bellingham. Washington to attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy drove to New Plymouth Sunday afternoon I to visit their sons, Wayne and Carl. I The Mary and Martha circle of the Kingman church met at the home of Mrs. Marlon L. Kurtz cn Thursday afternoon with all of the ] Newell Heights ladles as hostesses.1 Election of officers was held at this meeting with the same officers re turned to their offices as that of last year which was: president. Mrs. Raymond Holton; vice-president, Mrs. John Autyir; secretary, Mrs. K. I. Peterson; and treasurer. Mrs. Wesley Piercy. TH E ¡PEOPLE OF NYSSA O RD AIN : Mrs. Raymond Holton and daugh- Section 1. It shall henceforth be unlawful for any tera, Gladyce were in Payette and person, firm or corporation within the City of Nys Weiser on Monday. Milton Newkirk of Vale was a sa to sell or distribute to the public for money or any guest o f Harvey Holton over Satur thing of value, any firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes, day and Sunday. Sunday afternoon Mitchell Butte THIS SUMMER-GO THE BY TRAIN ! V., SAMPLE LOW ROUND TRIP FARES j ORDINANCE NO. 275 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE OR DISPOSAL OF FIREWORKS FOR CERTAIN TIMES: PROHIBITING THE SHOOTING OF FIREWORKS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS EX CEPTING FOR CERTAIN DAYS AND WITHIN CERTAIN DISTRICTS AND PROVIDING A PEN ALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDI NANCE. roman candles or any other articles containing ex plosives commonly known as Fireworks, excepting that such fireworks may be sold and distributed be tween the 27th day o f June 1941 and the 5th day of July 1941, both dates inclusive. for BETTER Living W han your homo requires the U pliftin g end preserving effe cts o f new paint, you can the job done et once. W e supply all matarial and pay tha labor for painting your home inside, ou t side, or both. with aasy— hava Pay Budget Building Terms L°w S As F R »! Section 2. It shall henceforth be unlawful for any person to shoot, discharge or cause to explode with in the City of Nyssa, any article commonly known as Fireworks, which term shall be taken to include, crackers, rockets, roman candles and torpedoes Provided however, that between June 27th 1941 and July 5th 1941, both dates inclusive it shall be lawful to shoot and discharge fireworks within said City at places other than on Main Street between First Street East and Fourth Street, West. Section 3. Any person who shall violate any one of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction there of shall be punished by a fine o f not less than five dollars or more than fifty dollars. Passed by the Common Council o f the City of Nyssa, Oregon, this 16th day of June 1941. / Per p W Month D evoe Peint C eler Charts! L U M B E R O ) COMPAN “ Th ere’s e yard arar y e e " Dwight Smith, Phone 15 Manager N yua J. C. Olsen, Mayor Attest: M. F. Solomon, Recorder. Approved this 17th day of June 1941. J. C. Olsen, Mayor. First publication June 19, 1941. I,ast publication June 26, 1941.