THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL The Gate City Journal WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner LOUIS F. THOMAS - - - - Editor end Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION. OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY ADVERTISING BATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES Open rate, per Inch...........30c One Year ..........................*150 National. Per Inch ...........30c Six Months ______ 1100 Classifieds, Per w o rd---- 01c Single Copies ....... .06 Minimum 25c (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday at Nyss*. Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879. WNMMIMWNinNMI 11111111 III HI III lilt HIHI MMUMMMMMMMNNI III III III HI HI 1111 HI li THIS WEEK Published through the co-operation of the Nyssa Gate City Journal, The National Editorial Association, = Defense Advisory Committee and The Office of Government Reports n il imiii hi m hi hi min hi 11 hi hi hi iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiHliHliniiiiiii; i mu iihiihiii 11 hi iiiiiiiiiihiihiihiihiiiiiiiiiiiiihiihiihii hi hiiiiiic President Roosevelt, declaring a strike at the North American Avia­ tion plant in Inglewood, Calif., was impeding the defense program order­ ed the Army to operate the plant after workers rejected Mediation Board terms for settlement. Two days after taking over, the Army reported "100 per cent efficiency" with all employees returned to work. The President said plants which might be forced to place under Fed­ eral control will be returned to pri­ vate management as soon as poss­ ible. The House voted for an ammend- ment to the 1942 Army appropria­ tion bill to prohibit the payment of funds to any individual or company failing within 10 days to abide by Mediation Board recommendations for settlement of disputes. The Sen­ ate approved a declaration that strikes or lockouts in defense indus­ tries are "contrary to sound public policy." The Mediation Board announced settlement of three labor disputes, including the dispute of the soft coal industry. The U. S. Conciliation Service announced settlement of 34 additional disputes. SELECTIVE SERVICE Selective Service Headquarters or­ dered reclassification of all regis­ trants "impeding the defense pro­ gram." The order said “the citizen who has been defered because of the job he Is performing in the national Professional Cards CARL H. COAD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PHONE 31 Nyssa, Oregon L. A. Maulding, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and I to 5 Dally—Except Sunday Fry Building TOWNSEND CLUB MEETINGS Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 8 p. m at City Hall A. L. McClellan___ President Don Graham _____Secretary The Pa bile Is Invited NYSSA AERIE F. O. E. NO. 2134 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER, Sec. BERNARD FR08T. Pres. g a t e c it y L o d g e No. 214 Meet« Tuesdays 8 p. m . I.O.O.F. Temple First Street. South defense program cannot expect the status of deferment when he ceases to world on the Job for which he was deferred." The Senate approved a bill to de­ fer men who reach their 28th birth­ day by July 1 of this year, except those already in the Service. FOREIGN AFFAIRS The State Department announced sinking of the American freighter Robin Moor in the south Atlantic by a German submarine. Announcing the rescue of only 11 of 46 persons forced to abandon the ship, Under Secretary Wells told the press that international law requires precau­ tions must be taken for the safety of passengers and crew before a ship is sunk. SHIPS The OPM granted full priority for materials necessary in the building of 289 merchant ships for U. S. and Great Britain and the 312 special lease-lend vessels. OPM Production Director Btggers, speaking at uebec, said "almost every ship now being built in our rapidly expanding yards is ahead of schedule.” The Maritime Commis­ sion directed the Southern Pacific Company to deliver for national de­ fense purposes its entire fleet of 10 vessels 166,600 tons), formerly used in coastwise trade. LEASE-LEND AID President Roosevelt reported to Congress that $75,202,425 of war ma­ terials have been transferred to the democracies since the enactment of the lease-lend law and $4.277.412.879 has been allocated for further aid out of the $7,000,000,000 provided by Congress, He said that work has started on agreements with foreign governments on the terms and con­ ditions of the aid they receive. CIVILIAN DEFENSE Civilian Defense Director La- Guardia stated orginization of med­ ical groups, auxiliary police and fire units, sanitation, and first aid squads are the necessary basis for adequate home defense. He said panic Is to be avoided under all circumstances and it will be necessary to educate the public to the absolute necessity of obeying Instructions. Mr. LaGuardia said firemen and Policemen from 40 Eastern cities will be trained in combating poison gas and incendiary and high explosive bombs in 17, two-week courses at Edgewood Arsenal. Md., under the direction of the Army Chemical Warfare Service. Trainees will re­ turn home and instruct fellow townsmen. OPM announced it will soon begin a nation-wide campaign to collect scrap aluminum from civilians. A test drive in Richmond. Va, and at Madison, Wise., it was said, produced enough of the metal to build 16 pur­ suit planes or two and one-half bombers. OIL Defense Petrolelum Coordinator Ickes told a press conference that curbs on petralieum consumption along the Atlantic coast appear in­ evitable but the degree of restriction would depend on public cooperation in conserving oil and gasoline. He said the American Automobile Asso­ ciation has pledged a campaign to cut down consumption of gasoline by motorists by slower driving, eli­ mination of hasty "getaways” in traffic, and proper engine adjust­ ments. He said Bureau of Standards tests showed a car which gets 18 miles to the gallon at 30 m. p. h. will get only 8.6 miles to the gallon at 80. POWER The Federal Power Commission reported "many areas of the country are now . . . facing power shortages . . . unless orders are placed immed­ iately for large amounts of addition­ al capacity for 1943, serious short­ ages will develop . . . ” OPM Director General Knudsen announced OPM has formally ap­ proved the St. Laurence Waterway and Power Project "as part of the all-out defense effort.” The Presi­ dent allotted $200,000 for construc­ tion of a cooperative transmission system to carry power from the Pen­ sacola Dam to 15 REA cooperatives In Kansas. Arkansas. Missouri, and Oklahoma to provide for develop­ ment of zinc deposits for defense. COAL The Office of the Bituminous Coal Consumers' Council announced a campaign—endorsed by defense con­ sumer. price and transportation of­ ficials—to promote buying and stor­ ing of next winter's coal this sum­ mer to lighten the load that move­ ment of crops and defense materials will place upoin the transport sys­ tem beginning next fall. The Office warnedconsumers against "panicky” buying at high prices and said the supply of bituminous coal is ample for all needs. PRICES Administrator Henderson, of the Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply, arranged with the industries concerned to prevent un­ justified price increases in coffee, plywood, paper board, crude oil. gas­ oline and automobiles. Mr. Hender­ son told certain auto firms to with­ draw recently announced price rises because they “are inconsistent with the favorable earning position of the industry.” PRIORITIES OPM placed borax and boric acid, aluminum scrap, zinc, copper, and synthetic rubber under full priority control. OPACS announced pro­ grams to allocate sufficient quanti­ ties of these materials for essential civilian needs. Vice President Wallace, speaking in Washington, said the democratic way is for each citizen to put off non-essential purchases until after the emergency so that more raw material will be available for de­ fense. DEFENSE HOUSING Defense Housing Coordinator Palmer announced there have been completed 14.293 defense dwelling units in 55 localities of 26 States and territories. Speaking to the Confer­ ence for National Housing Inven­ tory. Mr. Palmer said it may be nec­ essary to ask Congress for an ad­ ditional $500,000,000 to construct 125.000 homes in defense areas in addition to the 97.000 already con­ tracted for. On Honor Roll— Merle Kurtz of Newell Heights was one of sixty eight students list­ ed on the honor roil at Eastern Oregon College of Education for the Spring term. To win this honor students must make “B" grades or better or 3.0. In California— Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fletcher left Monday last for California where Mr. Fletcher has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Morris F. Solomon have rented their home for the summer. Henneman's On Vacation— Mr. and Mrs George Henneman left last week for Sprlngview, Neb. where they will visit their parents. While the Henneman’s are on their vacation Ted Paschke is in charge of the store. EPISCOPAL SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday school for the pupils of St. Pauls Episcopal church will be held hereafter at the home of Dr. J. J. Sarazin on Monday afternoon at four. C le rk I-eaves— Bill Hayes, who has been • clerk in the Nyssa Golden Rule Store, has left that firm and is now employed by the King Packing Company In Nampa Dean Wyckoff has taken CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cen* per IS. Let us do your work! Virgil E. Johnson, Noble Grand M. F. Solomon Secretary A- THURSDAY, JUNE 19,1941 his place, according to Carlos Buch­ ner. manager. Soldier-Son Visits— Sergeant Jim Atkeson. U. S. Air Corps, was a Nyssa visitor, Friday to Sunday of last week. Jim is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Atkeson. Nyssa, and is stationed at McCord field. He was recently promoted to the rank of sergeant. Return From Trip— Mrs Mary Miller and son Donald returned home Monday last after a three weeks trip to Sterling, Colo. WUI Move Office Temporarily— Dr. C. A. Abbott announced that he will move his office temporarily to his residence at South Third street and Ennis avenue. The change has been made neoesary through th illness of Mrs. Abbott’s mother. Legal Advertisement SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Equity 5428 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY OWYHEE IRRIGATION DIS­ TRICT. A Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff vs. M. A. BIGOS, Executor of the Es­ tate of James W. Ewing, Deceased: Estate of JAMES W EWING, De­ ceased; LOIS CARLETON DAVID­ SON and JOHN DOE DAVIDSON, her husband; WAYNE CARLETON and JANE DOE CARLETON, his wife, and PROVIDENCE CHURCH, a non-profit corporation, said Lois Carleton Davidson, Wayne Carleton and Providence Church being the heirs of the Estate of James W. Ewing, Deceased; BENTON AR­ NOLD and GLADYS ARNOLD, Trustees, and DOLLIE SWEARING­ EN, Mrs. GEORGE RODGERS, LEONARD ARNOLD, and Mrs. JOHN YOUNG, Officers of Provi­ dence C h u r c h ; MAL HE UR COUNTY, A Municipal Corporation; JOHN EWTNG; PETER VALEN­ TINE EWING; WILLIAM EWING; EMMA WITWORTH; Mrs. HATTIE CAMERON; MRS. MABEL BLAIR; CHARLES EWING; GEORGE FRE- UBURG; HERBERT FREUBURG; FLORENCE LAWSON; PAUL EV­ ANS; the unknown heirs or devisees, if any, of PKl'ER EWING, Deceased; and also all other persons or person unknown claiming any right, title or interest in or to the real property described in the complaint, Defen­ dants To John Ewing, Peter Valentine Ewing, William Ewing, Emma Wit- worth, Mrs. Hattie Cameron, Mrs. Mabel Blair, Charles Ewing, George Freuburg, Herbert Freuburg, Flor­ ence Lawson, Paul Evans, the un­ known heirs or devisees, if any, of Peter Ewing. Deceased, and also all other persons or person unknown claiming any right, title, or interest in or to the real property described in the complaint. Defendants above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you hereby are commanded to appear in the above entitled court and cause, within four weeks after the date of first publication of this Summons, which date is June 19, 1941, then and there to answer or otherwise plead to the Complaint (amended) filed herein, and if you fail so to do, and for want thereof, plaintiff will take Judgment and decree against you: (1) for the following items and sums: 1937 Owyhee Irrigation District assessment $112 00 1938 Owyhee Irrigation District assessment 112.00 1939 Owyhee Irrigation 33.60 District Assessment 1940 Owyhee Irrigation 123.20 Ditrict assessment State and County Taxes 256 16 paid Sept. 5, 1940 Interest thereon accrued 6.68 Owyhee Irrigation District assessments extended on tax roll 80.00 Interest thereon accrued to Sept. 5. 1940 31.36 Interest accrued from Sept 5, 1940 to date 2.40 $757.40 together with the costs and dis- bursments of the proceedings and a reasonable sum as attorney fee: (2) declaring and adjudging that the amounts so due to plaintiff for as­ sessments, taxes. Certificate of Re­ demption, attorney's fee, costs and disbursements of this proceeding, and interest accrued, to be a first and prior lien upon the real property and premises as follows: Southwest quarter (SW'l) of Section 34, Township 19, South of Range 46 E. W. M. Malheur County, Oregon and prior to all other liens and en­ cumbrances and rights of the de­ fendants except claim of Malheur County for 1941 taxes; (3) Ordering sale of said property by the Sher­ iff of said County as provided by law and rules of this Court, and that the proceeds of sale be applied to plaintiff's claims, and that the right, title, interest and equity of the de­ fendants and each of them, forever shall be foreclosed and barred of all right, equity, title or interest in and to the described premises, with­ out right of redemption after issu­ ance of deed; (4) for such other and further relief as to the Court shall seem equitable. You will tak>> notice that this summons is served on you under and pursuant to an order of the Hon. Robt. M. Duncan, Circuit Judge of said County and State.made on the 14th day of June, 1941, directing publication of this summons for four successive weeks, including five publications in the Nyssa Gate City Journal, published at Nyssa, Oregon. Carl H. Coad Attorney for Plaintiff Residence and address: Nyssa, Oregon Dated and first publ. June 19, 1941. Last publ. July 17, 1941. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY OWYHEE IRRIGATION DIS­ TRICT, A Municipal Corporation. Plaintiff vs. CARLYLE SCARBROUGH, Ex­ ecutor of the Estate of L D. Scar­ brough, Deceased; ESTATE OF L. D. S C A R B R O U G H , Deceased MARVIN M. SCARBROUGH: EM­ ERSON M. SCARBROUGH: CAR LYLE SCARBROUGH; ESTHER SCARBROUGH; EBA L O U I S SCARBROUGH: CRYSTAL LANE: DOROTHEE WOLFE: Malheur County, A Municipal Corporation; The unknown heirs or devisees, if any, of L. D. Scarbrough, Deceased; and also all other persons or person unknown, claiming any right, title or interest in or to the real property described in the complaint herein Defendants To Marvin M. Scarbrough, Emer­ son M. Scarbrough, Esther Scar­ brough, Eba Louis Scarbrough, Dor- thee Wolfe, the unknown heirs or devisees, if any, of L. D. Scarbrough. Deceased, and also all other persons or person unknown claiming any Financial Statement KINGMAN COLONY DRAINAGE DISTRICT JUNE 3, 1941 TRIAL BALANCE Bonds outstanding ................................................... Bond ..............................................$ 40,770.00 Bond A cuopons Interest paid Fund............................................... L230.21 Bond & Interest tax .............. receivable, 1936 to 1941 ....... 16.821.36 5,186.25 Malheur County Drainage Tax Record ............. .........-.........— ......- Drainage System __ __ ____________________ 55,554.33 Interest A Discount ................................................ 1,956.17 Interest paid on warrants Edw. Knbs & Estate 129.71 Operation Maintenance .............. 13.739.96 Operation A Maintenance Fund .......................... 72.66 Operation outstanding & Maintenance Tax Receivable Warrants ............... .......................... 454.22 Zesiger real estate 157.50 Zamora real estate ................................................. 1.006.67 $137.079 04 RECEIPTS For Fiscal Year Ending June 3. 1941 * 11.500 00 115.792.80 9,356.24 43000 $137.079 04 June 4, 1940. cash on hand 365 38 Taxes sales received ........................ 1.953 00 Land 252 00 Refund 1004 Transfer tax» in paid 83 Discount on bonds paid 737 09 _____ Total receipts________ $ 31834 Bonds paid EXPENDITURES For Fiscal Year Fndlng Jane J, 1941 Operation A Maintenance ! Taxes paid out ...................... Transfer .................. Total expenditures $1.230 ..........„..$ 2.015 47 Bond A Interest Fund Operation A Maintenance Fund 72 21 66 Cash on hand June 3. 1941 1.302 87 Total expenditures and cash on hand the proceeds of sale be applied right, title or interest in or to the ; | that to plaintiff's claims, and that the real property described In the com­ right, title, interest and equity of the plaint herein, of the above named defendants and each of them, forever defendants; shall be foreclosed, and barred of IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF right, equity, title or Interest In OREGON: You and each of you all to the described premises, with­ hereby are commanded to appear and right of redemption after lss- in the above entitled court and out uance of deed; (4) For such other cause, within four weeks after the I and relief as to the Court date of first publication of this shall further seem equitable. Summons, which date is June 19. 1941, then and there to answer or You will take notice that this otherwise plead to the Complaint summons is served on you under and filed herein, and if you fail so to do, ) pursuant to an order of the Hon. and for want thereof, plaintiff will Robt. M. Duncan, Circuit Judge of take judgment and decree against said County and State, made on the you: (1) for the following items and 14th day of June, 1941, directing publication of this summons for four sums: successive weeks, including five pub­ 1938 Owyhee Irrigation lications in the Nyssa Gate City District assessment $ 62.00 Journal, published at Nyssa, Oregon. 1939 Owyhee Irrigation District assessment 18.60 Carl H. Coad 1940 Owyhee Irrigation Attorney for Plaintiff District assessment 68.20 Residence and Address: State and County Taxes Nyssa. Oregon paid 355.15 Dated and 1st publ. June 19, 1941. Interest on Taxes from Sept. 5, 1940 13.21 Last publication July 17, 1941. Owyhee Irrigation Dist­ rict assessments extended on tax roll 112.00 Interest to Sept. 5, 1940 8% 48.78 Interest from Sept. 5, 1941 @ 6% 4.10 $682.04 together with the costs and dis­ bursements of this proceeding and a reasonable sum as attorney fee; (2) Declaring and adjudging that the amounts so due to the plaintiff for assessments, taxes, Certificate of Redemption, attorney's fee, costs and disbursements of this proceed­ ing, and interest accrued to be a first and prior lien upon the follow­ Produced and Delivered ing property: East half of Northeast quarter to your Door Under (EH-NEVi) Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter (NW'4- STATE NE'/i) and Northeast quarter of Northwest quarter (NE'4- REGULATIO N N’W M of section 30, Township 17 South of Range 47 E. W. M. Morning and Evening Malheur County, Oregon and prior to all other liens and en­ Deliveries cumbrances and rights of the def­ endants thereto; (3) Ordering the sale of said real property by the PHONE 104W Sheriff of said County as provided by law and rules of this Court, and \ <® SAFE MILK and CREAM Gate City Dairy Notice of Annual Election Union High School District No.5 Notice is hereby given, that the Annual Election of Union High School District No. 5, Malheur County, Oregon, has been called and will be held at the school house of Union High School Dis­ trict No1. 5, in Nyssa, Oregon, on the 23rd day of June, 1941, between the hours of 2:00 o’clock P. M. and 7:00 o’clock P. M., when the polls shall be closed, for the election of one director for a term of five years. By order of the Board of Directors. Ward Wieneke, Clerk Legal Advertisement Notice O f Bond Election STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF MALHEUR CITY OF NYSSA Notice hereby is given that an election of the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon will be held at the City Hall in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th day of June 1941, between the hours of 8 o’clock A. M. and 8 o’clock P. M., to submit to the legal voters of the City of Nyssa, the question of issuing bonds of the City of Nyssa in the amount of $13,000.00 for the purpose of improving the Water Works and distri­ buting system, including the laying of new mains between the present water stand and Main Street and along Main Street between First Street and the Grade School Grounds; and also for the pur­ pose of drilling and equiping a new well and for in­ creasing the capacity of Well No. 2 and construct­ ing a pump house over same; to be payable from revenues from said water system, and, in the event of a deficiency in such revenues, from taxes. The vote will be by ballot, upon which shall be the words “Bonds Yes’- and “Bonds No.” and the voter shall place a cross (X) between the word “Bonds” and the word “Yes” or between the word “Bonds” and the word “No” which indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the measure will, on said day and date and at the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of 8 o’clock A. M. and remain open until the hour of 8 o’clock P. M. of the same day When the same shall be closed. • > • »