TH E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L TH U R SD AY, JUNE 19, 1941 Tuesday after visiting relatives in i each other and don't know what and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and Ogden. Utah. I it Is all about as yet. Mr and Mrs. Jess Ford entertain Roy were Sunday dinner guests at —♦ — the Tony Sigmund home near ed Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hershey and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan and By The Happy Fanner their son, Francis's twelfth birthday daughter __ ________ spent several Nyssa. of Yakima, John Kissell spent Thursday In “ And what Is so rare at the days Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coonley and anniversary, guests were: Jay. Ray I “ “ “ “ last week at the E. L. Jamison Nampa visiting Mrs. Kyle Alblzer | in June.When If ever come perfect ____ _ poet _______________ Bible School closed Friday evening family of Ontario visited at the Roy and their cousin, Keith Bybee. Clar- home days.” That never lived In East and family. ence Suiter and Mont and Jimmie an(, Mrs s B Hoffman at- em Oregon and had a bunch of hay a special program was presented by McNeal home Friday evening. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNeal and Joe Corbett after a wennler and | to put up. I the teachers, Miss McKennarl and Mrs. Ous Lillouls. Wednesday. Mrs. and the | tended the Nebraska picnic at Big A neighbor Just over the hill sold Miss Farley. A fine display of hand family went to MeHdian ldaho marshmallow roast Ice cream Guy Ocamlca Is caring for mother Bend Park Sunday. his hay «a little over 40 acres, to work was shown. The program was Sunday where they attended a fam- birthday cake with candles were j and babe. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day and Claude ily reunion be delivered to the chopper in the as follows: .lv reunion held In the home of served. attended a family reunion held at Mrs. Floyd Higgins and children Miss Evelyn Haworth who grad field. T o be chopped from the field I Song, “Onward Christian Sold- Henry Me Neal. Mr and Mrs. O. F. Maze and fam- 0wyhee Dam Sunday, spent a couple of days In Burns last Mr and Mrs. Blaine May and ily and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Maze and I uated this year from Oregon State it must ------------— . . --------1 pledge to The Flag, Christian be very dry. . . He cut iers... It early week attending a Young Peoples Mr. and Mrs. E. L. am Ison and College at Corvallis, and has been so as to avoid damage from grass. It Pledge, Group of Songs "A ll of My family were Sunday dinner guests at family were among the picnickers Convention of Nazarene church. Erls spent several days the past week visiting In San Francisco, returned laid in the field a week or ten days Burden," “The World of God" and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Juel in't'he Big Bend Park Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Anderson and home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Beers were at Twin Falls, "Come into My Heart ": The Lords Houston. to get dry enough then we got a two sons of Cedar City, Utah spent A Box Social will be held at the visiting at the Floyd Hershie home The Out Our Way club met at the F A. Miller and Rowe Miller good soaking rain so it laid another Prayer. BeglnnersBible verses. P ri the week end visiting Mr and Mrs Leslie T op liff home Thimsday after- transacted business in Boise Mon week or ten days for to get dry mary Bible Verses, Song “ One Door” . school house Saturday evening, In Nyssa Sunday evening. Claude Eachus, on Saturday evening June 21. The proceeds for the bene Mrs Earl Anderson will be hostess noon. Mrs. Carl Hershey was the day. again. After so long a time the chop Mrs. F. G. Holmes Sunday School all were guests In the Jordan home Mr. and Mrs. John Molenaar and par arrived and started chopping, superintendent thanked the parents fit o f the Lincoln Boy Scout Troop. at her home to the Just-a-Mere In Nyssa. daughter of Ontario and their house The first out was loaded on a truck for their cooperation. Group of Ladies please bring boxes. club Friday, June 20. Miss Mildred Brown and Marvin On Sunday this group with the ad guest, Case Molenaar who lived here and started on its way to the buyer. Songs, "Happy Day Express ’, “ Whis- Mrs. Roger Tucker and daughter dition of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jur about 20 years ago visited Mr. and The chopper continued to chop 23 per Song", and “ I f You Follow Me. Mellinger of Nampa, Idaho were Bem ita and Mrs. E. E. Botner and j gens and family enjoyed a picnic Mrs. Case Munbjewerff Monday. tons of hay that day untlll word The Juniors memory work which was Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. daughter, Ilia visited relatives and ! dinner at Owyhee Dam. This group friends in Nampa Friday and Sat Mr. and Mrs. Claude Eachus and came back “shut her down I cant learning the books of the Old and Forest Sayers. Mr. and Mrs. Murel Stevens and were former residents of Ceader daughters spent Monday in Boise, take that hay." Mr. Black goes out New Testements, the Ten Command- urday. Mrs. O. Hainline of Elks Grove. City. Claude remained at the Veteran’s to find a crew for to stack this hay ments, The Lords Prayer and a song Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keyser and Mr. Mr. and Mrs Warren Root of hospital for a few days. that has had to take all this abuse "The Twelve Deciples; Miss Mc- California arrived for a visit at the and Mrs. S. P. Bybee went to Boise Weiser were Sunday guests of Mr. Mr. Quick and children and Mrs. just because it was "sold" to be Kennon and Miss Chandler gave home of Mr. and Mrs. Arin Hain- Friday night. and Mrs. Bill Sweet Kate Gardner of Boise visited Mrs. chopped out of the field. Mr. Black j short talks; Miss McKennon told llne. Miss Norma Suiter spent the week A Health Clinic for pre-school age end at Fruitland. Idaho with Miss John Johnson. F. F. A. Instructor L Eachus Saturday. never got to stack even a half of ; the story of Jesus; Group of Songs, of Adrian High School has moved Mr. and Mrs. Skelton and children a day until he wakes up Wednes- | “ Jesus Loves the Little Children, children will be held in Vale June Doris Hendeson. into the Cook residence for the sum of Roswell were Sunday guestsin day morning to find his hay throu- “Joy In My Heart"; "Are We Down 24. All parents of the Lincoln dis INSUFFICIE NT" C o V E R A C f t Haying is going in full sway. L. E. mer. O M E forms of inadequ ate the Brewer home. ghly soaked again. Not even Hitler Hearted” , "Mothers Bible" and trict are invited to attend, as the Lunger sold part of his crop to the Mr. G riffith and Mr. Fred Me- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth, Phyl knowes when it will be dry enough "Bible School is Over"; Mr. R. G. clinic will not be held at the Lin Sugar Factory in the field, Carl Se coverage can be seen in the lis Haworth, Laura Prosser, Mr. and to stack again. Chandler dist Missionary from Cald- coln school this year. bum and Crew are chopping his in dark — others are less obvious Mrs. C. E. Peck of Boise and Mr. the field. Higher wages are being “ Heaven trys the earth if It be well presented certificates and seals for example, those involving in as follows: First year primary cer and Mrs. E. H. Brumbach and Pat payed hay hands. ! in tune.” surance. NEW ELL HEIGHTS tificates to Neta Smith, Minard from the Bend attended the an Miss Ua Botner spent Sunday a f W e think If the buyers want our Hart. Phyllis D uffy and Keith Rook- T o be really adequate, insurance nual Book Club picnic at the home of ternoon with Mary Jane Higley of A farewell party was given by his I hay they can Just as well take it stool; First year Junior certificates on you r house should cover Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lowe of Mitchell Boise. out o f the stack. In that way they to Elizabeth Duffy, Orland Tmjillo, parents for LeRoy Parker Saturday not only fire, but also damage Butte. Mrs. Carl Sebum and son, Jackie are sure to get a much better qual- Gwen Smith and Lola Rookstool; night. LeRoy left Monday night for Harvey Bennett was re-elected and Mrs. G. E. Webster made a I from smoke, windstorm, hail and j lty of hay. Much greener. It Is not Secod year seals to Betty Alice By Chicago where he will enter a diesel clerk of Wade school district and business trip to Vale Monday. other hazards. Adequate insur I necessary for It to bleach In the sun ers, Donald Byers, Nova Ulsey and school on the 25th. He will make Mr. Gayle director at the annual Mr. and Mrs. Dan Corbett and ance on personal property should his home with his brother Charlie j while it gets “ dry as snuff" so It can John Relk. Winnie Mae Relk receiv election Monday evening. A large Jimmie Joe were dinner guests Sun cover luggage, fur coats, jewels, | be chopped and stacked and not ed a fourth year certificate. Begin and family. crowd was present and much Interest day at the Joe Woodard home. cameras, collections and other M. L. Judd spent Monday in Vale heat. ner awards were given to Gerald shown. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Peterson from valuables. You have to use “slips" or wagons Duffy. Maimame Relk! and Dickie on business for the Project. the Boise A ir field were dinner Thirty five Newell Heights men and haul it to the chopper anyway Hart. Fortunately, there is an easy way guests at the S. P. Bybee home Sun were entertained at a chicken dinner so how much harder to swing it onto The teachers distributed the hand to make certain your insurance day. Mrs. Peterson is a niece of Mr. at the Adrian Auditorium Wednes Th ese calves are eating the stack with a derrick or have work. Benediction by Mr. Chandler. is complete and up-to-date This Bybee. P U R IN A U A L F S T A R T - two men to pitch it on a feeding Eight of the Juniors finished 100%. day evening by the Ontario Kiwan- agency is fully prepared to give ian club. The modern Pioneer club ENA. They're just as good | table for the chopper. The Merry Matrons Club met expert advice concerning y ou r as heifers raised on lots Even with the rains most all of Wednesday afternoon June 11 at the served the dinner. Proceeds are to be vital insurance n eed s Don t used on the park at Adrian. its Hollowites are In the best of o f m ilk. home o f Jennie Benson with Vera Ted Rodgers has gone to eastern guess — consult us today spirits. Haroldson co-hostess. The afternoon Yet they're much cheaper The canal is holding together fine. was spent embroidering quilt blocks Idaho where he is working as a tele to ra ise than m ilk -fe d railroad Respect foe those whom There is plenty o f wslter and every for the hostess. Pot holders were ex graph operator for the heifers^ Each bag o f Calf and all take A D L E R IK A when need company. we are privlegrd to a t | thing is growing fine. changed. New officers for the next Startena replaces 4 cans Several Newell Heights men were ed.” (W . N.-Iowa) When partly di The rains are holding the range six months were elected as follows: tend is not tinged with gested foods decay, forming gas, o f milk. grass and the ones that have stock Pres, Alice Holmes; Vice pres, Mar taken into Grange at Adrian Mon Phone 97 commercialism. Y ears In bringing on sour stamach or bloat One bag o f P U R IN A day night. The Zubiznretta and | on the wild grass sees the stock garet Mitchell; Secretary, Viola ing, try AD LE R IK A . Get it TO D AY. C A L F S T A R T E N A costs the com m unity has made j looking fine. The Bates; Dale Lim- Adams and Treasurer Virginia Rook Winnia Bros, were among the new N YSSA PH AR M ACY *4-30. I t replaces about us vulnerable to a gen Grangers. baugh. Chuck Share and Dude Par stool. 350 pounds o f whole Thursday afternoon thirty ladies uine grie f at the pass ker all have cows or calves or both Members present were in a con milk or about 100 quarts. running above the canal. Dude has test won by Gladys Byers won the attended the M ary and Martha ing o f any of our towns 40 or 50 head o f them and those prize. Club will meet at the home of meeting at the M. L. Kurtz home, a cwt. m en steers and heifers under two years Agnes Knowles, June 25 with M ar Mr. Jamison gave a talk on Missions W e invite you to drop in or T h a t g rie f binds us to in general closing with the work in old, boy do they look fine. garet Mitchell assisting. call us for our latest price T Ih e millions o f western- respect the wishes of Elza Niccum's lambs are rolling Roll call to be answered by de Egypt being done by his parents and on Calf Startena. ers buy more o f Acme Beer fat. In fact he rolled a trallor load scribing your wedding costume. Re other missionary's. Mrs. Auker lead those who grieve with the devotional. than they do o f any o th er of them o ff to market the other freshments served by the hostess. us. Jess Sugg hs purchased a smal’ brand! Acme Beer is the con- day and the check! that came back Mrs. Agnes Ramsey and children was fine. • tinuous first choice for lively and her mother, Mrs. Johnson of size hay chapper and betwen rains Roy Manley and Jim Trammel's Reno and Mrs. Hattie Rogers of Is trying It out. lightness, golden-mellowness The lettuce harvest came to a early spuds are waiving their tops in Caldwell were Tuesday afternoon and satisfying refreshment! Am bulance Service close Saturday as the rain Friday the air and those old spuds Just un callers at the F. O. Holmes home, 1 SAG REPLACES VO GALS. MILK Phone 73W Nyssa made the heads slimy. der the soil to any of would look Mr. and Mrs. Benny Beach of Three car loads of Christian Sn- fine. Colorado are visiting at the J. H In fact we are all Just feeling Ulrey home. Mrs. Beach will be re deavor young folks will attend the district meeting in Ontario Friday. fine. membered as Avis Ulery. NYSSA But each of these rains bring a Cecil Benson who left Monday One load will go Thursday night at brand new crop of tiny weeds and for Portland to begin his year of which time Charles Wilson. Glenn grass. W e look back to just a short military training visited several days Osborne. Arlene Peterson and Emily time ago when we came here to all last week at the home of his sister. Otis will enter the Bible Reading contest. During Friday’s program this: just open sagebrush land. The Mrs. Alfred Adams. Harold Kurtz will speak on the sub oldest shack was Doc. Raffington's Dwight Johnston of Ontario visi and onely a few months old. Onely ted at the F. G. Holmes home Sun ject, “ I Dare You to Do Christian Things.” Dudly Kurtz will play a one cow and four small horses In day afternoon. the whole Hollow. They belonged to Sunday dinner guests a tthe F. G. trombone solo as the Adrian musi- Elza Nlccum. There was not a fence Holmes home were Mr. and Mrs. H. cial number in the afternoon. post In the Hollow, nor a tree either, D. Holmes. Carl Eldred of Nyssa, onely a few small willow whipps Cecil Benson and Mr. and Mrs. F. S. So that citizens of Nyssa may comply with the along the canal in some seeps. Byers and children. W e look up and down the Hollow. the ordinance of Garbage Disposal, the follow Mr. and Mrs. Vance Webster Every home is masked by shade and their daughter . Evelyn o f Day- trees. Many of the home makers ing rules are set forth for the guidance o f all. ton, Ohio, Mrs. Vyrrle Duval and have put considerable time on their The Farmers Association met Sat little sons Dan and Dick of Cincin- lawns and yards. Mrs Rafftngton This Garbage Ordinance is a law of the City of urday evening at the school house atti. Ohio who have ben visiting especially. B re w e d w it h P a c ific Northwest Mrs. Dude Parker's sister and her with the president, Iven Findley at the home of their parents. Mi I W M H o p s a n d Barley Nyssa and violators are subject to fine or im two daughters of the Dalles, are taking charge. After a business ancj Mrs, G. E. Webster and other moving to Twin Falls. Idaho and meeting a representative from the j relatives of Nyssa left Saturday prisonment or both. stopped In for a short visit with Mrs local creamery gave a short talk. A | morning. | Parker as they went by. Mr. and program arranged by Mrs. Roy M c Mrs. Herbert W olfe from M erid ACME BREWERIES, San Frenetico— Los Angolas- Mrs. Charles Grider and daughter of Neal was delivered. The program ian, Idaho spent Thursday at the Nyssa or near Nyssa also were din was in observance of "Flag Day.” R. C. Smith home. ner guests of the Dude Parkers Tues A luncheon was served. T7ie ice Mrs. S. P. Bybee and Mrs. W. A. Must not exceed 30 gallon cap acity. day. The Partaers brought their cream being donated by the local Bybee were in Boise Wednesday. guests to the Grange Tuesday even Creamery. Ray Bybee returned to his home F ly-tight lids are required. In observance o f Father's Day ing. W e appreciated that as the G ri each father that attended Sunday ders are Grangers o f old standing and we sort of walk circles around ! School Sunday was presented a rose ------------------------------------------------ 1 by the Roy Farley family. Teachers who have ben elected A ll garb age must be w rapped before for the ensuing six months are: Mrs. Jule Houston. Young Peoples class. placing in cans. Mrs. Verne Smith, Intermediate class and Martin Sayers. Junior htyon-inflammable (g rass, ashes, etc.) class. Other teachers will be elect • Y o u ’ll hardly believe your eyes when you see these new ’41 ed next Sunday garb age must not be placed in sam e can Kelvinators. Last year Kelvinator reduced prices from $30 to $60 Jesse Clements of Kuna. Idaho — thanks to a new, less expensive w ay o f doing business. This spent Sunday at the home of her as in flam m able g arb age. Use a sep • M ? year you enjoy additional savings up to $30. Pick out y o u r K el sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettit and Carl. arate can for non-inflam m able g a r vinator— today! Prices start at * 129 95 for a big 6M cu. f t model. The annual P T. A. picnic was bage. held Sunday. June 15th at the Gala There's room for more than Gardens with a large number in at a bushel o f vegetables in this tendance Horse shoe pitching and b ig V egeta b le B in — rig h t swimming were the events of the where they’re needed most. day. And you get an oversise, slid Mrs Wesley Blanton is the pre No person or persons h aulin g g arb age ing Crisper, M eat Chest, space sident of the P T. A. for frozen foods. The Patch and Chat club will meet w ithin the C ity of Nyssa sh all dump Thursday afternoon at the McN-al home. Mrs. McNeal will be assisted g arb age an yw h ere except in C ity by Melva Sproul. Sarah Enevold- ^ A flick o f the Anger son and Claudia Reed Dump Grounds located 2 m iles north and that new M agic Mr and Brs Bob Degross visited Shelf makes room for Mrs. Degross' parents. Mr. and Mrs ( of city lim its on road exten ding from big bottles, bulky foods Lee Smith Sunday afternoon. — gives you five easy T hird street. Leonard Ooodell is a patient at shelf adjustments. the Holy Rosary hospital where he I 5- r » m froiw fio« r io ., i o s w « A state law prohibits dum ping refuse underwent an appendicitis operation last week. or g arb age on an y road or h igh w ay. Mr and Mrs Harvey Undfelter j and daughter left for Portland Mon- j L. A. M auldin g, M. D. day after having spent several days j at the Ralph Barnes home. CITY HEALTH OFFICER J W Scott of Nampa. Idaho is ID A H O y POWER PHONE 4 N YSSA making a two weeks visit at the I for C ity of Ny«sa. home of his grand-daughter and family Mr and Mrs Roy McNeal Big Bend Connell o f Caldwell inspected the new Riverside ditch Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Purdy, Mrs. C. C. KUburn, Evelyn Loveland and Mary Lou JacHson went to Bums. Friday to attend the annual Pioneer picnic and visit relottves and friends, returning Monday. Mrs. Della Bunnell of Caldwell spent the week end visiting her mother, Mrs. P B. Anderson. Buena Vista Cow Hollow Oregon Trail S Saving Milk "FAMILY OF ELEVEN ÿespert Frank T. Morgan J NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Al Thompson and Sons Gwftage Disposal RULES Nyssa Heights Lincoln Heights mgf CME B E E R 1. Garbage Cans: Baker Valley Dairy Products Co. Baker Distributors 2. Garbage Segregation: Get M ore.G ef 3. Dumping Garbage: ... Automatic ELECTRIC WATER HEATING Now at a New LOW COST ! LOOK AT THE BEAUTY • LOOK AT THE EXTRAS • LOOK AT THE PRICE Nyssa Implement Company Member - Electrical Equipment Sales Association