Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1941)
TH E NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L Society TH U R S D A Y, JUNE 12,1941 with Mrs Oreg* and Mrs. Robert SU NDAY GUESTS Mr. B C Brooks and M r and Mrs DeGross as hostess It was decided to hold the annual H. B. Whittlesey of Boise were Sun day dinner guests of M r and Mrs. family picnic soon As the program Herbert H. Fisher and Mrs. Emma chairman wasn't present group sing- lng was enjoyed. Quinby. D IN N E R GUESTS Delicious refreshments were served Mr. ana Mr. and Mrs Mrs. oununi Burnall Brown siu»u en nr ! and the favors were In keeping with U rtalned two Nyssa visitors and Mr C H ATTE R BOX CLUB Flag Day. Kenneth Cottle and Reid at dinner The Chatter Box club held Its Next meeting will be held at the on Thursday regular meeting Wednesday after- Leslie T op liff home June 18. _ j_ 'n oon at the Wallace Gregg home Saraln At their regular meeting on Thurs- day two new members were taken j in. Shirley Andrews and Marjorie Sallee Following the Induction cere- monies games were played under the guidance of Greta Stunz, and Cleda Nusser, a fire building demonstra- tion followed and marshmallows were toaated. T o all those who wish to qualify for first aid badges Mrs. Brewster - - asks them to be present at the Red WIUSON -H ITE A wedding took place on Satur Cross demonstration at the Parish day morning In Caldwell and which hall on Friday. is of intrest to many people In the Owyhee and Nyssa was that of Miss W EDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE Mrs. Aden Wilson was hostess for Betty Jane Hite, daughter of O. R. Hite. Owyhee, to Harley A. Wilson, the Wednesday evening bridge club son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and Invited Mrs. Ellis Buckland and Mrs. Hershel Thompson as guests of the Owyhee. The marriage was performed by for the evening. High scores were made by Mrs. Sidney Burbrldge and the Justice of peace at noon. Mr and Mrs Wilson are at pres- Mrs. A V. Cook A late supper was ent making their home with M r enjoyed following cards. Wilson's parents. — §— C ARD P A R T Y TH U R SD AY EVENING B RID G E Bowls filled with cut flowers were The Thursday evening Bridge j used In the rooms for decoration. Club was entertained last week by at the home of Mrs C L McCoy on Mrs Bernard Eastman. High scores Wednesday evening when Mrs. John were made by Mrs. E. J. Powell ami Young Mrs. George Sallee and Mrs. Mrs. John Bishop. McCoy entertained at the first of _g _ a series of bridge parties. McKEE— M cCONNELL I Guests were invited for six tables Miss Ellen McConnell, daughter of dessert contract High scores were of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McConnell f made by Mrs. Clarence Brewster, o f Kuna, Idaho, became the bride of | Mrs. O. J. Donahue and Mrs Tom Jack McKee, son of Mr. and Mrs. , Eldrtdge. George McKee of Emmett at a —§— quiet ceremony in Boise June 10 at E PW O RTH LEAG UE TO 8:00 p. m. The bride was attended E NTE R TAIN by Mrs. Max Schweizer, sister of The Nyssa Epworth League Is en the bride groom and her husband. tertaining its members’ parents and Max Schweizer being best man. The single ring ceremony was friends at an Epworth League meet read by the Methodist minister of ing on Sunday, June 15 at 7:30 p. m. in the Eagle's Hall. Boise. Part of the evenings program will The bride graduated from Nyssa High School with the class of 38. be a candle light Installation service She then worked in the Adrian Post of the new cabinet officers for the coming conference year. Office for three years. The new officers are: The bride groom also graduated President, Irvin T op liff; Efficiency from Nyssa High School with the class o f 38 and attended Oregon chairman, Ramona Henderson; First State College for two years where Vice-President. Mae Osborn: Second he was a member of Alpha Chi Rho Vice-President. Effie Ellen Counsil; fraternity. He Is now working for the Third Vice-President. Leroy Toombs: U. S. B. R. at Black Canyon Dam. Fourth Vice-President, Oscar Bra tton; Secrteary, Juanita Boyles, They will be at home at Emmett. Treasurer, Margery Benedict; Song Leaders , Oscar Bratton and Anna C IV IC CLUB The next regular meeting of the Marie Toombs; Pianist. Verna Ruth Nysa Civic Club will be held at the Flndling and Margery Benedict; Parish Hall on Wednesday after Ushers, George Boyles and Glenn noon, June 18. 1941. The speaker of Wolfe. Everyone is invited to attend. the afternoon will be Mrs. Violet 8 FRUITS and VECITRBUS w w W W ^ ^ ' We mre pleased to announee that our Fruit and Vegetable stand Is again open. As usual we wil' tarry only the Freshest produce direct from the farm. BING C A N N IN G CHERRIES FRESH FRUITS and V E G E T A B L E S OUR NEW LOCATION IS N ORTH OF THE N YSSA LAUNDRY Walter Fox and Son FA TH ER 'S DAY Gift Suggestions Sunday, June 15 is Dad’s big day of the year— show hi— that you too appreciate his efforts of providing you a good home by giving him a gift from Atkeson’s. Neck W in g Tiíes S h ir ts A smart dreasy necktie that is wool lined and hand tail ored. Stripes or plain Here i* a dress shirt that will make an ideal gift. All sixes, co'ors and patterns. $1.65 $1 »ress S w e a te rs and Shoes D re ss P a n ts this Get him a sweater or a pair new stock of mens dress shoes, of dress pants. Dad wil' be pleased with either. We have Just received lastest Styles DRESSES <?8c to «2.95 A T K E S O N ’S S T O R E Men’s and Ladies Wearing Apparel Third and Main Streets, Nyssa J — §— odist church In Weiser. The Rev O. L. Kendall reading the marriage service, before the fifty guests as sembled Proceeding the ceremony as the guests were seated two piano solos were played by Mrs. Alice Kimball. Mrs. Kimball also payed the wedd- | lng march from Lohengrin as a pro cessional for the bridal party. Mrs Bessie Coleman sang “ I Love You j Truly" and was accompanied by Mrs Kimball. The bride was given away by her I father. Her brides maid was Miss j Zoe Beam. The bridegroom's best man was Mr. Eldon Stimwels and ushers were M r Donald Beam and Mr. Everett Coulter. The bride chose for her wedding gawn a pale pink net with lace In sertions of formal cut. She carried a boquet of pink and white rose buds. Her brides maid's gown was pale blue chiffon and she carried a boquet of sweet peas and roses. Following the church ceremony a reception for Immediate friends and the bridal party was held at the home of the brides sister, Mrs. Lottie E Beam. Immediately after Mr. and Mrs. Ward WeinekU lei t for a two weeks trip to the coast. The brides going away costume was a traveling suit of biege and brown. On their return they will be at j heir home on north Third Street. I B U ILD IN G PE RM ITS The following applications foi building permits have been filed v'th the City Recorder: No. 476 Roscoe Findley. Remodel and Add Dwelling Lot 16 Blk. 34 Park $600.00. No. 477 H. G. Johnson, erect busi-! ness. Lot 18 Glascow tract. $1500.00.; I f no written protests have been filed within ten U0) days from the late of this publication by owners of property in the City of N yssa he above applications will be ap proved. 8 - S TATE OF OREGON C O U N TY OF M ALH E U R C IT Y OF NYSSA Notice hereby is given that an election of the City of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon will be held at the City Hall in the City of Nyssa, Oregon, on the 30th day o f June 1941, between the hours o f 8 o’clock A. M. and 8 o’clock P. M., to submit to the legal voters of the City of Nyssa, the question of issuing bonds of the City of Nyssa in the amount of $13,000.00 for the purpose of improving the Water Works and distri buting system, including the laying of new mains between the present water stand and Main Street and along Main Street between First Street and the Grade School Grounds; and also for the pur pose o f drilling and equip'ng a new well and for in creasing the capacity »if A‘/ell No. 2 and construct ing a pump house over s me; to lie payable from revenues from said vote« vsiem and. in the event of a deficiency in uch re» enues, from taxes. The ve'e wil! b. 1 dot. upon which shall be the words “ Bonds Yes’- ami “ Ronds No.” and the voter shall place a cross (X ) between the word “ Bonds” and the word “ Yes” nr between the word “ Bonds” and the word “ No” which indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of the ballots cast for or against the measure will, on said day and date and at the place aforesaid, be opened at the hour of 8 o’clock A. M. and remain onen until the hour o f 8 o’clock P. M. of the same day when the same shall be closed. By the order of the Common Council of the Citv o f Nvssa, Malheu* Countv, Oregon, this eleventh day o f June 1941. M. F. Solomon, Recorder. First publication June 12. 1941 Last publication June 2(5, 1941 - N YSSA B AN K E R T A K E S BRIDE On Monday, June 9. 1941, at eight j in the evening Miss Evelyn Kimball, I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kimball. Weiser and George Ward Wieneke. | Nyssa, plighted their troth before a j flower banked altar at the Meth- - I - 8U R PR ISE P A R T Y A gay party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis on Thursday when five couples, all friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings gathered at a no host, pot luck surprise dinner In honor of the Billings leather wed ding anniversary. The leather gifts if not useful for keepsakes at least added to the gay- ety o f the party and later a hand some pair of crystal candlestlckl; were presented. Games were played during the evening. Notice Of Bond Election ‘ llllllllm 11111,1 It n 'III III III II El II II 11 III II 11 HI DM I HI HI 111 HI II II MU HI HI 11 HI m IHM m m HI III HI HI Hill In' -s- I Mussolini, who will talk on "The ! Structure of Hair.” There will follow a muslcial program which will in clude vocal numbers by Mrs. O. J. I Donahue and a violin number by Twila Crawford. All ladies Interested In Civic a f fairs and development are cordially invited to be present. Legal Advertisement N O T I C E T E M P O R A R Y OFFICE CHANGE Owing to the illness of Mrs. Ab bot's mother I will temporarily have my office in my residence at South Third St. and Ennis Ave. (3 block' south of Signal Oil Co.) L IS T * " AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WRTER HEATING is Cheaper than Ever ! I D A H O V POWER SUNDAY JUNE l i is the day to honor1 Father. Remember him with a gift from our stock of special items. G2as B e its and S u sp e n d e rs A desired gift by any man DR. C. A. A B B O T T 5 0 c and *1 —I — G IR L SCOUTS The Girl Scouts under the leader ship of Mrs. Clarence Brewster are j enjoying their weekly meetings In the "Little House" recently present ed to them by Dr. and Mrs. J. J. FOOD V A L U E S Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday June 19 & 20 Lard Package Shortening Corn Flakes 45c 49c J9c 0KEG0N iU U l Surefine 3 lb. can Kelloggs 2 for . . . Biscuits National 1 1 n each_____________ I 1C 9 lb. bag White or Yellow 07p L I W Corn Meal Salad Dressing j T at fin __ e 3l£ OQp PorktSr Beans Tastewell 2* 2 cans 2 for__ G r a p e F ru it J u ic e 46 oz. can 2 for S yru p Amaizó, 10 lb. can each CQ a JDU Sardines Tuna Fish Oval, mustard or tomato 3 for OQp L J l» Gold Bar, Vi cans 2 for 29c O p e n E v e n in g s U n til 9 P»M . w ILSON G rocery A Dependable Food Store OREGON GRAYCO END-LOCK TIES This famous tie is sure to please Dad. Comes in stripes or patterns and a wide range of color combinations ____________________ $1 _______________________ h a b lo ARROW SHIRTS O lD Arrow quality is tops! They are styled right. W e have a large assortment of colors and sizes 14 to 17 ________________ S h re d d e d W h e a t NYSSA today ... Gordon Smith has taken Over Cozy Cafe will Open for Business Monday Si Â É i â HERMITAGE if you're looking fo r as fin e a Kentucky whiskey as money w ill buy ' < v " V v : '" i V / l ili & ! NYSSA m o e ’,AU PKo.. io8 IHEATRE Double Feature Friday and Saturday, June 13-14 Lionel Barrymore and Edward Arnold in “T H E P E N A L T Y ” Sons of the Pioneers and Charles Starrett in “T H U N D E R IN G FR O N T IE R ” Sat. Mat.. 2.30 p. m , Aam 5c-20c; Evening. 10c-33c, Includes tax $2 INTERWOVEN SILK SOX Watch him smile with satisfaction when he opens his Father’s Day package and he see’» his favorite sock! Anklet or Regular Length Sizes 10 to 12 35c and 5 0 c Sunday and Monday, June 15-16 Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney and Bobs Watson in “M EN OF BO YS T O W N ” Merry Melody Mat. Sun. 2:30, Adm. 10c-28c. Evening Adm. 10c-33c. Includes tax SHAVING SETS AND CASES Composition and Genuine Leathers $1 to $5 — B A R G A IN N IG H T — Tuesday, June 17 Richard Dix, Patricia Morrison and Preston Foster in “T H E R O U N D -U P ” Pop Eve and The Green Archer THESE A R E O N L Y A F E W OF T H E M A N Y G IFT SU G G E ST IO N S A V A IL A B L E A T O U R STORE Adm. Children 5c. Adult* 15c Wednesday and Thursday, June 18-19 Cary Grant, Irene Dunne, Richard Buchanan and Ann Doran in “PENNY SERENADE” Porky Cartoon and News lte-23e, Including Defense Tax GOLDEN R IL E M A K E IT R IG H T STORE N Y SSA 1111 III il III Ml I M M II It MM M I HM 11..... . OREGON II 11 II HH M M IIMM H MH HFWMM4HMMTI I