THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 12,1941 Mrs. LaRue. \ Johnson of upper Roswell. ber furnished part of the meal which Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Haworth and Lucille Schroder returned from a Miss Theresa Geymert has resign was greatly enjoyed as well as the Phillis returned home last Tuesday visit to California. Saturday. ed from teaching the upper grades visiting which followed. Guests were from Corvallis. Miss Evelyn Haw Mrs. Martha Morland and Bob : of Big Bend School for the coming Mr. and Mrs. Plin Case of Caldwell. orth who graduated from college and Gene Pogue of Nyssa were Sun year and will teach nearer her Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Robinson and Mr. left for San Francisco and Mis; day visitors at the Birks home. home in Ontario. and Mrs. Dale Robertson of Roswell, Eleanor remained to help with 4-H The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent. Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. Mr. and Mrs. William Matzen Mrs. Harry Russell, visited her Mr. and Mrs. George Swlgert. Mr. summer school. RATES: One cent per word for each issue Minimum cash in advance is 25c. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. parents in Nyssa Friday. and Mrs Lee Baldridge. Mr. and and Mrs. Danforth in the Fargo Annual school election will be held Mrs. Will Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. R From Utah— at the School House June 16th at L. Hayworth, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sid Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. community. Fred Harrison stopped to visit 8 o’clock. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brum- Bumall Brown, returned home on MISCELLANEOUS CITY PROPERTY relatives here after returning from Jolly Jones, will expect an invi bach. MISCELLANEOUS from Utah where he had a vacation trip in Mexico. His sister tation to visit Mrs. John Zimmer Mis Annabel McDonald and Nor Tuesday For Rent visited relatives since closing of For Sale Ezma Harrison returned to Portland man at her new home near Adrian man Kesler of Walla Walla, arrived school. WANTED— All your welding jobs. Thursday, June 12 th A surprise We promise good work and fair FURNISHED APPARTMENT, mod FOR SALE—complete pumping with him. for a visit with Miss Vir From California— Roy Rucker who is now at the Bath Room shower will be given Saturday irlces Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone ginia Mller. They returned home Mrs. William Broom and her two ern, electric, range water heater equipment. Consisting of 500 feet Boise air base spent Sunday with Mrs. Zimmerman. Sunday and accompanied children of Orville, California are saw. and refrigeration. Call Thompson plank flume, 400 feet 18 inch wood his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowen, en them as far as Virginia LaGrande Oil Co. 5 J tfc. pipe, 10 horse Fairbanks electric mo at the Charles Bradley home tertained guests from Nyssa over will attend summer school. where she visiting in the Owyhee. Fairbanks pump, valves, etc. As Rucker. BRAKE WORK Let us put your 3 ROOM FURNISHED house. Mod tor, Dorothy and Dewey Henshaw are the week end. good as new. This equipment is ca enjoying a visit from their little Mr. and Mrs. Gaynor Hoorey, are Mrs. H. M. Ruddock. Miss Stout Return From Trip— car or truck brakes In first class nice lawn, electric refrigeration. pable of pumping and handling 200 cousin, and Alfred Stout of Boise spent Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bailey with ondlllon. Special equipment and em, Marlon Henshaws Uttle working in the hops at Wilder. Sunday at the home of Mrs. and Miss Evra Phillips returned from a 22M tfc. inches of water—Ira Ure, Nyssa. trained men at your service. Pruyn Call Journal. 28 tfc. daughter. Mrs. Robert Weir, where Mr. and weeks trip to the coast. Allen Don Auto Repair. Phone 56W. Children's Day will be observed Mrs. Lora Ptllsburry were also aldson returned from the unversity TWO HINSCH houses. See Frank RICHLAND at the Methodist church the comm- FOR RENT guests. Mrs. Ruddock will remain with them. T. Morgan. KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi ing Sunday. BOARD AND ROOM for an indefinite visit. tive prices. First class quality. Foage is coaching the child Bonnie Whipple. Winnona Hen Mr. and Mrs. Robert AIRY sleeping room, well ren Mrs. Wier and derson, Idaleen Maw and Mrs. John Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and MODERN THREE room home, Nice LARGE, in a special program. Board if desired. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Nichols and Ridder of this district, left for Cor Betty accompanied Mary Wier to Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc lawn, cellar and screen porch, fen W. furnished. H. Beam. 29M3xp. Monday where she joined ced yard. Clean with linoleum on family called at the A. E. Nichols vallis Sunday afternoon where they Nampa friends and left Tuesday morning on bedroom and kitchen floors. Large will spend two weeks at the 4- H a thre weeks home. Sunday. FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. cupboard and close closet. Call Jour FOR RENT auta trip through ATTRACTIVE TERMS, long time Mrs. Whisler’s nephew and family summer school. All four of them won southern and western Phone 78J. tic. nal. states. 22M tfc. lease on NW'aNWVi Sec. 23, Twp. 19 came to see them while Whisler’s scholarships far outstanding club Walker Bishop transacted busi work. Miss Maw and Miss Whipple were very busy haying, so made a S.. Range 36 E. W. M. known as the ness in Nampa Monday. AUCTION SALE EVERY FRIDAY THREE ROOM modem house. Bob Russell place. both won for outstanding sewing, brief visit returning to Tacoma, Why haul your livestock 20 miles George Berstch, Emmison between Miss Henderson won for canning. Wednesday evening. I See Frank T. Morgan. to an out of town sale yard, when First and Second streets. 12Jtfc. Mrs. Rider is outstanding for leader Orchardists are finding that more you can get more here at home? We MISCELLANEOUS fruit was hurt by the frost than at ship and was official chaperone. always get the high dollar for your ONE OF KELLEY Houses for rent WILL CAPONIZE chickens, Five first A heavy fall of peach Afternoon guests at the H. V. Maw stock. You help yourselves when you about June 20. See Frank T. Mor | cents apiece. Minnie Me D'Roe. P. O. es is thought. reported. Haying will be begun home were, Mr. and Mrs. Warren 12Jtfc. I Box 402, Nyssa. patronize your home business. Nyssa gan 12 lxp. very soon If clear weather continues. Graves and Peggy Ann. Mr. and Sale Yard, Floyd Robinson (owner) 3 ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, Ftobert Nichols is visiting at the Mrs. Ed. Nellson and Lois. Mr. and If a house is kept In good con lMtfc close in. See Nyssa Lumber Co. or Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Margaret Waldo Smalley home. dition and repairs are prompt For Sale and Dickie. --------- ♦--------- ly and correctly made, the ex write A. Peterson, Emmett, Idaho. FARM PRODUCE The “We Can" canning club held pense Ls usua'ly small. 12Jtfc. CURRENTS, NEXT week only, red a regular meeting Wednesday after Consult us on your wiring needs However, if repaint are al Cow Hollow noon at the home of Ralph Boyles. raspberries, cherries. L. E. Robins, and meter set-ups. lowed to go unattended, lar WANTED Miss Anne Johnson who has had VfoMEN... a n d A rithmetic Gem Avenue, Old J. T. Long place. Work guaranteed to meet State ger and more expensive re By The Happy Farmer the mumps Is ready to go back to lequirements. pairs will be necessary later I Now we are fixed for to haying for work. Prices right on. YY/HICH are really better at sure. Monday George Gabriel had PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper Mrs. Rudolph Udneck and Leo of Information free household arithmetic—men Apple Valley No longer need you delay two mowers going and Tuesday he Homedale cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone and Bob Ud:ieck of Buhl, or women? NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP making needed repairs. The Let's look at the added tow rakes so by night he had Idaho were Sunday afternoon visit 18Atfc 39M. 24Atfc. Mrs. C. S. Guild returned horns his entire hi y crop down and in the ers at the Dick Udneck home of this question in terms of insurance. s i mp l e economical A B C evening from a visit to shocl^. Monthly Payment Plan ar GARBAGE HAULING. City lincen- Monday What woman would carry Bremerton, Washington. Mr. Guild Mr. Utter, the fellow on Bill Par district. rangements for small, easy ced. Owen Gann, Phone 119R only $ 1,000 in fire insurance on Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin and Local and Long Distance and son. Bob took her to Yakima kers place had most of his hay down Donna Jean and Phyllis were Sun furniture, clothing, etc., when it and convenient monthly pay after a few days visit. when the rain came but by Tuesday HAULING ments. (Tome in and see us CARPENTERING, concrete work, and Mr. returned dinner guests at the H. H. would cost several times as much Mrs. J. S. Stout are in nite the rest of it was down and day Phone 72W about your house. kalsominlng or painting by hour or Bend, and Hartley home. to replace them? What woman visiting Mrs. Stout's most of it raked. In fact every man “Chatterbox” Club was held at the Lawrence and Barnett contract. C. J. Keizer, 381 Ennis brother, Oregon does not know what a financial MacCampbell. in Cow Hollow had part of their hay 4Mtfc Ave. lOAtfc of Mrs. Wallace Gregg. The burden would fall on her if her N YSSA Mrs. J. I. Boston recently received down by Tuesday nite except Frank home next regular meeting will be held husband were injured in an WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton a letter from Mrs. Hershey a former and Dude Parker, Doc Raffington. at LUMBER CO. the home of Mrs. Leslie Topliff rags, must be of fair size, no ov Methodist preacher of Nyssa saying Dale Limbaugh and Chuck Share, of Buneaa Vista. accident ? Yet many a man over that she and Mr. Hershey are in eralls, lace curtains nor other harsh and most of them are working in vital needs. Good Avenue and NYSSA STEAM Mrs. Mary E. Pierce is having a looks So these materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. San Jose taking care of Mr. and the hay fields and helping their well here's a practical sug drilled on her place. Mrs. Willis Hershey's family while Highway 201 LAUNDRY Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Henderson at gestion to husbands and wives. WANTED—Highest prices paid for they are touring the East. Mrs. Paul j neighbors. Every man thinks he is as busy Don't guess about insurance . . . Phone 88J hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur Hershey is recovering from a serious as he could be. But Jim Trummel tended the sale In Caldwell, Idaho consult this agency for expert Thursday. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- illness. thinks he has them all beat for “We Wash Every Day” niture advice on which policies to buy— way north. Donna Nichols spent last week having something to do. The other how much — and what to do in with her sister, Mrs. Chester Woods. day he got the surprise of his life Big Bend event of loss. Daniel Morland, Bob Smalley and by having his mother and his fifteen REPAIR SHOP John Whisler are taking courses in year old sister move right in with Miss Virginia Miller and Miss Electric Welding Moscow. M ONTHLY him. His sister and his mother were Evelyn Loveland students of Eastern Raymond Boston and son, Billy living in Texas and he had no word Oregon GAS AND OIL College at LaGrande arrived Franiti". Morgan were supper guests at the parental, or hint that they had any idea of at their home Wednesday evening. PAYM ENT NEW AND USED PARTS Phone 97 J. I. Boston home last night. Mrs. even coming out here until here they Miss Loveland, who has finished NYSSA AUTO CO. Raymond Boston had her tonsils were and moved right in. her course will teach at Nallow this PLAN i Highway 20, North End of Town removed Saturday. course Jim was well pleased coming year. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Russell are in but Of what was he to do. He was bach Mr. and Johnson of Self Lake attending a meeting of the ing in a Uttle one room dug out Boise were in Mrs. Bend Jesse last week look L. D. S. church. Mrs. Russells Just a hole in the ground with a ing after ranch Interests here. mether, Mrs. J. B. Clyde will re roof over it. Hardley room for him Miss Flora Rosser, a student 1 or Sale at turn with them. and his cream seperator. POULTRY Links Business College. Boise spent The Ralph Gee family have pur All at once he finds his family has the week end visiting her parents, I chased a new car and Saturday Mrs. Increased present and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer FTosser. BABY CHICKS each week so long Gee and Robert drove to Ontario he hasn’t to even two a ladies bam to move out School election will be held at as this add continues. Payette to bring Nona home for the week into. Valley Hatchery, Phone, Fruitland. school house Monday evening, ! end. 6221. 5J tf.c. Nlccum saw him in town gett Wade June 16. A clerk and one director j Mrs. Birks, Ruth, Walter and ing Elza of lumber. will be elected, it is hoped a large j Notice is hereby given, that the An Donald and Mrs. McFarland and Jim a load says "what can I do” "I got number of patrons will attend this children were business visitors in that ground CITY PROPERTY and the seed ready for nual Election of School District No. 26, meeting. Payette, Monday. For Sale to plant those late spuds and they Mrs. Virgil Bishop was honored by | Malheur County, Oregon, has been call Mr. and Mrs. FVed Fisher and Mr. be planted right away.” “I got a shower Thursday afternoon given j AUTOMATIC and Mrs. Henry Meier visited at the must GOOD HOMESITES on First and my hay cut and it must be raked.” ed and will be held at the school house by fellow members of the 8-20 club Henry Conrad home on the Emmett “And here i am in town getting a and their guests at the home of Mrs Park, Cash or terms, Frank D. E L E C T R IC of District No. 26, in Nyssa, Oregon, on bench, Sunday. Mrs. Conrad Is a load of lumber to build a house be Vernon Parker In Adrian. A number Hall. 13Mtfc sister of the two ladies. fore I can have anywhere to sleep." the 16th day of June, 1941, between the of beautiful gifts were received and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Streckt have "Well Jim I don’t believe you have a dainty lunch served. WATER HEATING moved to a tenant house on the time to sleep anyway, Was Elza’s Louise Hinton of Adrian is help hours of 2:00 o’clock P. M. and 7:00 Guild farm and Mr. and Mrs. Wil consoling advice. o’clock P. M., when the polls shall be ing at the Walker Bishop home Rates liam Lane of Council have moved Many of us are still Orange during haying season. into the house Streck's vacated. minded out here. Kay Hunter and Mrs. Krandler closed, for the election of one director and baby daughter Reduced 10% A very nice afternoon was enjoyed his wife are going to a town over arrived home Saturday for a term of three years, one director from Holy when Mrs. Witt and Mrs. Everett on the coast to a large Grange meet Rosary hospital in Ontario. Whisler and Martha Parkinson en ing. Sort of a convention I guess. John Johnson and F. F. A. boys | for a term of four years and one direc the Woman’s Society at There is a whole lot of us fellows who attended the Stock Show > I DAHO V P O W E R tertained tor for a term of five years. Mrs.W itt'shome.Thursday. don’t know about Granges yet. This Union last week returned home Sun Mrs. Bear and daughter Willa By order of the Board of Directors. meeting is June 16-17-18-19 day. DR. J. C. BOWMAN of Adrian were Sunday guests of Grange and 20th. Mrs. N. S. Phelan whose birthday B. B. Lienkaemper, Clerk The Kingman Kolony Orange Veterinarian Sunday, June 8th was hostess installed seven new members last was for the Birthday Club. Each mem- Monday nite and eight of us new members at our new Challf Butte Grange went down to see how It was Phone 39W done. We hope to have some new members here to initiate before too long. We have hopes of real accom To City of Nyssa J. R. CUNDALL plishments through our new Grange. Our first problem we want tc Dentist tackle Is the noxious weeds. Canad ian thistles are appearing at an al Sarazin Clinic • • You’ll hardly believe your eyes when you see these new ’41 arming rate all over the new land. NYSSA OREGON Kelvinators. Last year Kelvinator reduced prices from (30 to(60 The county Agent says it Is gett —thanks to a new, less expensive way of doing business. This to be a very serious problem. Commencing MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1941 the use ing He or nobody else can understand year you enjoy additional savings up to (30. Pick out your Kel NYSSA LIBRARY of high-pressure water for irrigation will be al why it is spreading so. Many of the Open each week day from vinator—today I Prices start at*129 95 tor a big 64* cu. ft. modeL farmers It seems that we just cant 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ternating. get the mto wake up to the serious Saturday, 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. There’s room for more than ► of the noxious weed menace. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Water users on the South Side of Erhgood Ave ness There a bushel of vegetables in this is only one batch of Morn Librarian__ Mrs. S. B. Davis big Vegetable Bin— right nue using the water on Monday, Wednesday and ing Glories In this vaclnlty that the where they’re needed most. County Agent knows of and it is Friday. And you get an oversise, slid hoped that they can be got rid of OPTOMETRIST ing Crisper, Meat Chest, .pace before they go any farther. Water users on the North side of Erhgood Ave for frosen foods. "See Mr Fall and See Better" Classified Advertising STOP HOME DEPRECIATION * « A.B.C. m Notice Of Annual Election School District No. 26 K Professional Cards NOTICE WATER USERS DR. J. A. McFALL nue using water on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday. Get More.Gef Lower Bend