/ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JUNE 12,1941 for Summit Prairie where he Is Mr and Mrs. E. N. Buess were in ' son left Tuesday morning to the left employed for the summer by C. M. Lakes and make available an ad Sunday School will be held next Ontario coast. Saturday on business ditional 2,200,000 horse-power of el Sunday afternoon and a Fathers Day Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mar Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tensen were Tensen. program. Reverand Moore of Ontario ectric energy. I. G. Cooper helped M. Jensen put Weiser Tuesday on business. jorie were shopping in Ontario Tues In Mrs. The Gate City Journal will give a message. HOME DEFENSE up his hay. C. M. Tensen is riding a gait- day. Kathryn KaMebeeke who visit- Those from the Arcadia Sunshine New York's Mayor LaOuardia. Di Club ed saddle horse which she bought in j attended the Pot Luck , ed several days at the Groot s re Ontario Wednesday. rector of the Office of Civilian De dinner who WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS - - - - Owner with the Valley View Club turned home with them. In Cody— fense, reported It will take at least LOUIS P. THOMAS - - - - Editor and Publisher Marne Childs has been vlsiteing Pete Tensen was a business visit- j Buster Kelser left last week for a year to obtain equipment to pro June 5 were: Mrs. John Hicky, Mrs Olive Buess since Thursday night or in Ontario Wednesday, tect the nation's cities during bomb Ira Vere, Mrs. Glen Davis, Mrs. Gil and returned Wyoming where he will work with her folks j O. Z. Mathews added a front porch Cody, INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIGION. OPTIMISTIC ing raids. He said it would cost about bert Swan, Mrs. John Zittercocb to her home in home with his brother, Bill, in oonstruct- Vale Monday. I to his home. $43,000 each to equip the permanent Mrs. Theo Matherly, Mrs. Dale La- IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE fire companies in the country, and Key. The next meeting of the Sun Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Les Bogart and son ion. EXCEPT THOSE OP MALHEUR COUNTY in many places auxiliary fire com shine Club will be In July with a LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Pot Luck dinner for members and panies would be needed. ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES their families. FOREIGN AFFAIRS Open rate, per Inch---------SOc One Year ............ -11.50 Secretary of State Hull, said Fren Norman Hlpp and Miss Alta Keele National, Per Inch ----- 30c ch-German NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Six Months ............. $100 collaboration threatens of Payette were married June 1, in Classifieds, Per w o rd ___01c Single Copies -------------- .05 Payette. They left for Seattle where seriously to alter French relations estimated Receipts Minimum 25c (Strictly In Advance) with the United States. The Presi he is employed in the Boeing Air- 1. Estimated balance at the for beginning the fiscal school year on (July hand 1, 1941,) which this of esti dent told his press conference rum plan factory. is made from ..............................................$ 00.00 ors of German-English peace dis Eggert Oft and Miss Betty Mess 2. To mate be received the County School Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. cussions were Nazi-inspired and of Fruitland called at the George Fund ........................................................... Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission not true. be received irom the Elementary School Moeller home Sunday. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of 3. To Fund through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under ...........................................-..... District No. U 5, of Malheur County, State of A large crowd gathered at the School SHIPS the act of March 3. 1879. 4. To be received from ........................................ the State Irreducible that a SCHOOL MEETING of the said district President Roosevelt authorized John Zittercob home last week and Oregon, School Fund will be held at the High school on the 23rd day of charivaried Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail; be received for Vocational the U. S. Maritlire Commission to June, 1941. at 8:00 o’clock p. m„ for the purpose of 5. To (State and Federal Funds) Education $ 1,380.00 ö *# M ll II Hill Hilt HI III III II III II lllllil III Mill III lililí il 111111111111IIII It If 11 HI HI 11 It 111111 M M N N r j l take over foreign ships in U. S. ports. They left Saturday for LaGrande discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, be 6. To be received from the Non-High School ginning July 1, 1941, and ending June 30, 1942. herein The Commission announced it has where he Is employed. District for: set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levy arranged with Britain for American Bob Barber is building a new after Tuition ..................................................... 700.00 ing a district tax. Transportation ............................. 325.00 ships to take over services from Can house, his mother from Welser is 7. To be received from tuition for elementary ada and the U. S. to Australia and moving over to live with him. school pupils New Zealand to relieve English ves 8. To and be sinking received fund from - ...................................... interest on deposits sels for war work. The Commission 9. To be received from other sources .......... also announced purchases of 28 mer 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Sunset Valley chant ships for use as Army and (Items 1 to 9. Inc ) ...................$ 2,405 00 Navy auxiliaries and ordered At What? FREE ICE CREAM. Estimated Expenditures lantic and Gulf Coast line ship op Where? AT COMMUNITY HALL. Estimated Expenditures and budget Expenditures for three fiscal years expenditures for six months of next preceding the current erators to make available 50 per cent Who for? EVERYONE. tor the allowance current school year school year of their tonnage—between 60 and 70 Watch the news for later develop ensuing ITEM Detailed vessels, totaling 375,000 tons—for the ment. school year * Pd- Adv.) _ Budget expenditures Year "First 2,000,000 ton emergency shipping Expenditures allowanci for the last •Second Give Year in detail in detail year of the Yearly Give pool for lease-lend operations. Worth While Club met Tuesday three-year totals Yearly Navy Secretary Knox announced with Ruth Warren. 14 members were period totals competitions would be worked out present and officers wereelected for I. GENERAL CONTROL service: to speed building of ships by awards | the next ¡.¡x months as follows: Pres. Personal (1) Superintendent ................. $ 1,500.00 $ 600.00 $ 958.30 to the fastest workers and the fast Martha Langley; Vice Pres.. Mae 240.00 t 600.00 120.00 Published through the eo-operation of the (2) Clerk ................................... 120.00 200.00 est shipyards. Wilson; Sec. Treas., Maudrene Ev (3) office Stenographers and other Nyssa Gate City Journal, The National Editorial Association, r 100.00 assistants 21.50 50.00 100.00 ans. The next meting will be July NAVY Defense Advisory Committee and The Office of (4) Compulsory education and Navy Secretary Knox announced 10th at the home of Mary Newgen. Government Reports census the launching of the 35,000-ton bat Mrs Charles Schweizer returned (5) Other ..................................... services .................... , ill III III III1H It HI It It It It lllllil III III III II 11 III III M M lllllil HI M il It M M IlllllM m ilM M IIIIIItlM M il It It r, 50.00 77,48 75.00 Supplies ................................... 75.06 tleship South Dakpta five months home last week from the Holy Ros 3. 2. Elections 125.00 and 72.05 50.00 69 84 consecutive month and are now ahead of schedule. He said he hoped ary hospital after a serious Illness. 4. Legal service publicity............ (clerk's bond, Dr. Will Alexander of the OPM, about 6.5 per cent above last No the warship would be ready for ser Several hundred acres of hay was 50.00 audit, ................................ 10.00 25.00 50.02 speaking in Atlantic City, said de vember. Prices on all foods moved vice by January although this nor on the ground to take the heavy 5. control: Other etc.) expense of general fense industries will need 4.000,000 upward but the latest increase re mally takes a year after launching. rain which fell here last week. (1) .............................................. 100.00 51.45 75.00 142.52 more workers by January. He said, sulted from advances in prices for Mr. Knox said the Navy’s 35.000-ton Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Black spent 6. Total Expense of General as examples, the San Diego, San dairy products, fresh fruits, veget- ships far exceed in power, guns and the week end with friends around $ 2,165.00 $ 952.48 $ 995.00 $ 1,595.74 Control ...................................... II. INSTRCCTION—Supervision Francisco and Vallejo areas of Cali ables, pork and lamb, the Bureau armor the sunken German Warship Caldwell. service: .......................... fornia will need 31,000; Detroit, 66,- said. Bismark. The Navy announced that Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kollen motored Personal 852.00 600.00 600.00 (1) Supervisors Principals 1.043.89 000 to 88,000; Philldelplila, 70.000; The Department of Justice an all Atlantic bases acquired from to Yakima, Washington Thursday. (2) ......................... (3) .............................................. northern New Jersey, 30,000; Dallas nounced Federal Grand Juries In Oreat Britain are now available for Visiting with friends there over the (4) Stenographers and other and Fort Worth, 17,200; and Wich San Francisco, New York, Philadel limited operations and will be com weeli end. They returned early this office assistants ita 7,000. He asked employers not phia, Hartford, Denver, Dubuque pletely finished within a year. week. 2. Supplies, principals ................. and 150.00 48.68 50.00 to discriminate against persons with and Washington have Indicted 300 ARMY AIR ............................... L. V. Pomeroy's mother extended 3. supervisors 57.92 50.00 Supplies, testing ..................... 4.90 25.00 58.03 necessary skills because of race re firms and individuals in a nation The War Department announced her visit thru last week caring for 4. Other expense of supervision 100 00 wide drive to prevent unwarranted high school graduates without suf Mrs. Pomeroy who was In bed with 5. Total Expense, Supervision ligion or color. Labor Secretary Perkins reported increases in food costs. the flu the latter part of the week. III. INSTRUCTION—Teaching $ 1,152.00 $ 653.58 $ 675.00 $ 1 169.84 ficient education to become officers service: ............................ $18.062 00 324,000 workers will be needed In the AGRICULTURE for a visit with relatives Personal enlist in the Air Corps for Saturday (1) Teachers 15,274.88 9,107.58 9,310.00 shipbuilding industry, 408,000 in air Agriculture Secretary Wickard may in Yakima, Washington. training as pilots. Applicants be <2i Emergency Teaching 100.00 50.00 craft. 291,000 in machine tools and asked for a one-third increase in tween 19 and 22 will receive prefer Fourteen members of the Union <3> ................................................ ................................................ ordinance, and 384,000 in other de Cheddar cheese production and a ence. The Army said eventually 20 Bible School received recognition 2. (4) 1,960.00 (chalk, paper, etc.) 256.11 250.00 480 07 fense industries. She said the one-fourth Increase in evaporated per cent of Its pilots may be enlist Sunday for daily attendance. 32 stu 3. Supplies 100 00 Textbooks ............................. greatest single need is for 156,000 milk. He said an increase in total ed men who will be trained to fly dents were enrolled for classes which 4. Transportation 375.00 .................... 155.40 187 50 300 00 100.00 Other Expense expense of of Teaching teaching skilled machinists and 139,000 semi milk! production, asked several weeks and given the rating of flight ser closed with a Children's Day pro 6. 5. Total 93.20 100.00 124.78 $20.697.00 $ 9,612.29 $ 9.897.50 $16.179.73 skilled assemblers. ago has been made, but the milk geant with pay of $108 to $207 per gram at Sunday School. OPERATION OF PLANT War Secretary Stimson announced supply must Increase in areas sim month depending on length of ser The Community Auxiliary met IV. Persona] service: that skilled workers in the Army will rounding cheese and evaporated vice. Friday at the Hall. The final pay (1) employees Janitors and other ................................. 2.400.00 1.190 00 12200.00 2.168.98 be released. If required In key civil milk ment was allowed for the piano, plants. He said prices would be The War Deprrtment also an (2) ................................................ ian Jobs, upon the request of for supported by Government purchases nounced Army Air Corps aviation leaving a balance of $25 in the treas (3) ................................................. mer employers. Sidney Hillman. for lend-lease activities. The date of the next meeting 2. Janitors' supplies 456.84 300.00 500.00 681.05 cadets now receive the same pay ury. ............................................. 750.00 362.86 475.00 949.75 OPM Associate Director General, PRIORITIES will be Friday, June 27 with Mrs. 3. 4. Fuel and allowances as Navy and Marine 328.41 Light and power 800.00 700 00 873.63 again appealed to all unemployed, The OPM added copper, cork and flyers and receive a $500 bonus for John Reffett and Mrs. Sweatland 5. Water and sewer 253.00 119.11 164.00 301.82 all persons not in defense industries, steel to vital defense materials un each year or fraction of a year of as hostesses. 43.81 6. 7. Telephone ................. 100.00 62.50 72.41 Other Expense expense of of operation 100.00 15.53 50.00 and all persons who can do more der priority control to give defense active duty, and $10,000 in insur Philip Ransom is confined to his 8. Total 60.00 operation $ 4,703.00 $ 2,516.56 $ 3,151.50 $ 5,107.64 bed. highly skilled work than required needs and essential civilian needs ance. V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgen of Wild by their present job, to register at first call on the materials. Repair and and maintenance of fur 300.00 SERVICE 311.30 local public employment offices so L. Edward Scriven, Assistant Pri SELECTIVE er and Miss Beth Douglas of Parma 1. 2. niture ................. 325.00 81.10 Selective Service Deputy Director Repair and equipment maintenance of they may be trained and placed in orities Director, speaking In Chica Hershey asked Congress to approve were Sunday guests at the L. E. buildings and grounds: defense work. home. (1) ............................................. 1.000.00 go. said "you can walk through any legislation authorizing deferment of Newgen 249.54 250.00 278.45 PRICES Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hansen (2) ................ ............ large retail store today and see all all men 27 or more years old last 3. Other expense of maintenance Buhl, Idaho and their aunt, Mrs. Bureau of Labor Statistics report you commonplace objects— 16, SS Headquarters am of Vem 57.85 repairs 100 00 60 00 48.50 Howard of Caldwell arrived 4. and ed food prices increased for the sixth around stoves, toasters, vacumn cleaners, October Total Repairs Expense of Maintenance $ 1,400 00 ended regulations to permit revtew Sunday at the Otto Wolfe home for 618.69 and 635.00 408.05 typwriters, cameras, tools, and lots classification at any time prior a short visit. Mrs. Hansen is the VI AUXILIARY AGENCIES of other things—which cannot es of Induction. Library: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dlass. one 1. (1) cape being hit by the demands of to Personal service (librarian, DEFENDS FINANCING time residents of Sunset Valley. the defense program.” etc.) ......................................... The Budget Bureau estimated the 540 00 694 11 700 00 Charles McCoy and Eugene Clea (2) Supplies, Library books 1.990 01 CONSUMERS Federal deflclte for the curmt year 46.78 50.00 3) repairs, ..................... etc.............. 75.00 5910 accompanied Bob Reffett to 2. Health service: The office of Price Administration would be $747,000,000 less than prev ver Union. Oregon last week taking their and Civilian Supply suggested that iously estimated because of the high stock (1) Personal service (nurse. the F. F. A. show. McCoy etc.) .......................................... local consumer groups aid the de er tax collections and cuts in non won 1st to and 782 15.00 Supplies and of other expenses 25.00 26.40 6th on Ewe lambs. 2nd 3. (2> fense program by establishing local defense expenditures. Transportation pupils: and 3rd on Bucks. Cleaver won 1st 1,406.00 market radio news service, analyz 4,375.00 2,100.00 (1) Personal service 3.462.73 on hogs and 2nd on heifer. Reffett, 75.00 (2) Repair Simmies and and replacement other expenses ing price rises, and establishing con (3) of 200.00 Suiter and Cleaver won 2nd as the sumer information centers to ad ARCADIA 2.50 100.00 busses auxiliary ........................................ 123.56 judging team from Nyssa. vise on buying problems and check agencies: CARL H. COAD and Wilbur Chapin 4. (1 Other Personal service.................... quality, grading and labeling of Mrs. Anna Dali left last week for lost Roy 20 Gueck 98.40 100.00 (2' Supplies and other expenses 100 00 83.50 last week. They were consumer goods. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Powell, Wyoming where she will visit pasturing calves (3) ................................................ on Mitchell Butte and PROSPECTIVE OIL AND POWER her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. strayed (4) ................................................ PHONE 31 away. When last heard of Total Expense of Auxiliary SHORTAGE T. F. Johnson. Nyssa, Oregon ............ $ 5,39000 $ 2255.61 $ 3.065.00 $ 5,746 30 were grazing toward Vale. They 5. Agencies Secretary of Interior Ickes, Defen Mr. and Mrs. Martin Farmer who they VII. FIXED CHARGES were branded. se Petroleum Coordinator, said a has been at the Grand Coulee Dam Don McCoy spent Sunday night at 1. Insurance 182.65 91.33 825 80 .—............................. temporary restriction on the use of Is visiting at the Elmer Stradley his parents home en route to Boise 2. 3. Rent ................................... -......- L. A. Maulding, M.D. gasoline Other fixed charges: and oil on the East coast home. They will return to Henr.- from Hermlston. Physician and Surgeon (1) Bus ................................................ m is ton to work. may become necessary because of 74.59 75.00 41.42 (2) Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Thompson and Phone 37 the shortage of tanker transporta Miss Hazel Hickfcy left last week Robert and Donald Tosch were din 4. Total Fixed Insurance Charges ...................... $ 182.65 $ 74.59 $ 166.33 $ 867.22 VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAYS tion. He said a proposed $70,000.000 for LaGrande. Oregon where she ner guests Sunday at the Bergam 1. New sites .................................... Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 pipe line from Texas to ease the will attend summer school. Dally—Except Sunday 1253.00 2. 3. New Buildings ........................... situation would require 12 to 15 Mr. and Mrs Clarence Hanson home. Alteration of buildings (not Fry Building Word was received from Ed. Mor- ....................................... 350 00 months to build. and family of Grand Junction. Colo tenson last week that he is settled 4. repairs) New furniture, equipment and 1,675.00 A Federal Power Commission be rado visited at the O. F. Garren and replacements ............................... 1.71046 1,725 00 7.235.21 working at San Cilito. Calif. TOWNSEND CLUB gan a sertei of Conferences with home. 5. 6. Other Assessments for outlays: betterments capital Miss Evelyn Zittereock who has electric utilities officials regarding MEETINGS (1> rapidly expanding defense needs for been attending college at Corvallis 1,681 80 (2) 2.26169 90 Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday power, aggravated by a drouth In the arrived home last week. Alberta Valley 7. Total Ground Capita] Imorovement Outlays $ 1.500.00 3,225 00 $10.849 $ 2,025.00 $ 3,392.26 at 8 p. m. at City Hall IX. 1. DEBT SERVICE mid-Atlantic and southern areas. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and Principal on bonds (Include President Roosevelt asked Congress family visited In Caldwell Sunday Marjorie Groot accompanied Mr. A L. McClellan___President negotiable lntrest-bearing and Mrs. James Kakabreke and afternoon. for $285.000.000 to complete the Don G raham _____Secretary rants issued under section war 35- Kathryn to Portland and Seaside Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hlpp of Boise Oreat Lakps-St Lawrence seaway 1104) . . ........................................ 2.000 00 The Public la Invited on warrants «nd power project to permit ocean visited at the Bill Hipp home Sun Friday and from there will go to 2. 3 Principal other indebtedness Corvallis to attend Summer School. 4. Principal going vessels to reach the Oreat day. on on bonds 1.490 62 745 31 745.31 NYSSA AERIE Mr and Mrs. Les Bogart and Mrs. 5. Interest Interest on warrants 600 00 300 00 493 44 on other Indebtedness Frank Winl$els were shopping in 6. 7. Interest F. O. E. NO. 2134 Transfers to sinking fund Ontario and Payette Thursday. Meets Wednesday Night Other debt service: _ _ C. M. Tensen was In Prairie City 8. (1) ................................. AT EAGLES HALL CUSTOM BUTCHERING (2) on business Saturday and at Sum Visiting Eagles Welcome 9. Total DeM Sendee $ 4,090 62 mit Prairie Sunday. 1.045 31 1.238,75 $ 2.000 00 HARRY MINER, Sec. $ 200 00 $ 1.00000 $ 1.073 65 Mr. and Mrs K Wlnkel helped X. EMERGENCY and CUTTING BERNARD FROST, Pres. •This district has operated a high school for only 2 years. Dolores V. Zelf, daughter of Mr and Mrs Bill Van Zelf celebrate her Beef for the Hide GATE CITY LODGE birthday. Other visitors there were RECAPITULATION Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Mrs. Kris VanZelf of Arcadia and No. 214 Total estimated expenses for the year (sum of Mr and Mrs. John Tummerman and items I 6, H 5. n i 6. IV 8. V 4, VI. 5 VIL 4 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Mr and Mrs. Lent Stam and fam V in 7. IX ». X ......... Grinding 1 cent per lb. $43 805 27 ily of Newell Heights. Total estimated receipts _______ $ 2.405 00 Grinding and Seasoning 2 cenf per lb. Rtkus VanTwisk of Valley View Balance, amount to be raised by district tax Meets Tuesdays $41.400 27 j Kees Bloker of Ontario and Mr. 8 p. m. and Mrs. Dick Groot spent Sun Indebtedness Dated this May 26. 1941 I.O.O.F. Temple day afternoon at the Pete Tensen Amount of bonded Indebtedness (Include all ne Signed: First Street, South gotiable Interest-bearing warranto Issued un home der section 111-1016, O. C L A.) $41 750 00 WDKtrieieriirk _ Dale Virgil E. Johnson. Mr and Mrs Frank Wtnkels and Amount District C le rk _____Chairman. Board Garrison of Directors of warrsnt indebtedness on warranto Noble Grand daughters were In Ontario Sunday NYSSA PACKING CO. Issued and endorsed "not paid for want of M. P. Solomou Joan and Shirley were among those fund* of other indebtedness $ 4 000 00 *P?i0S ! i yiiBud*rt Committee Mav 26. 1941 PHONE 6 Amount Secretary who took their first Holy Com trim- 3. 4. Total C h a lS ii Indebtedness .sum of items 1 2, 3> •45.750 00 aecietST & dget Committee , km. om S B S THIS WEEK IN DEFENSE t 1 Let us do your work! o>