Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, June 12, 1941, Image 1

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H igh School Sets
Services Friday
For Mrs. P ro ffitt Election Date
Following an illness of four days
Induced by a cerebral hemorrhage
Saturday. Mrs. Susanna Proffit
passed away at the Nyssa Nursing
home at two o’clock Tuesday after­
Sus ,nna Stout was bom In r>oe
ville, Tennessee in 1880 anl lived the
first years of her life there. She wa
married there and was the mother
of fourten children, twelve of whom
survive her.
Mr- Pr ffl't married a r "con
time and moved to Nyssa in 1931
later moving t the Pie Island south
of town, where she lived at the time
of her death.
O f the children surviving her wh
live in this district are a daughter.
Mrs Mildred Proffitt, and three
sens. Jim. Dan and Charles Smith
A daughter Mrs. Sarah Miller live
at Portland and one son is a C. C. C.
Mrs. P roffitt was preceeded in
death by her husband who passed
away Nov. 3, 1940.
Funeral services will be held under
the direction of the Nyssa funeral
home at the Nazarene church in
Nyssa, on Friday afternoon at two
Rev. Vern Martin of the Nazaren:
church in Nyssa will preach the
sermon. Musictal arrangements arc
being made by the Nyssa church.
Interment will be at the Parma
------------- $ -------------
Nyssa F F A Boys
Place Second
Seed C ertification
F orms N ow R eady
T o City Council
Business Men
Donate T o Fair
Fair Concession
Legion And
A u xiliary Elect
G arbage Law U p City Council Sets
For Am endm ent Date F or Special
Upon the recommendation of City , Bond Election
Livestock A g en t
For Union P acific
The Board of the Nyssa Union
High School has set June 23. between
the hours of 2 and 7 p. m. for the
annual election. At this election one
director will be chosen to serve for
a term of five years. All nominations
will be by petition. Tiie only petition
filed so far is that of Dale Garrison
who has served as chairman of the
board for the past year. The cl, nc
date for the filing of petitioi.s is
Friday, June 13.
Named as an election Board
Mrs. Carl Coad, Mrs. W. E. S
man and Mrs. Frank Fry and K. R
Nusser. Ed Warren was named a
alternate to the board.
The polling place for the electioi
is the High School building.
Malheur Lettuce For The
Nation’s Salad Bowl ___
Health Officer, Dr. L. A. Mauldlng,
the city garbage ordinance will be
The city council last Monday
amended. This amendment will be night, at an adjourned meeting, set
up for introduction when the council Monday, June 30 as the date on
meets in adjourned session next which the voters of Nyssa will be
Monday night.
asked to approve or disapprove of
Among other suggested change; I the Issuance of $13,000 water bonds.
will be the one limiting the size c. Hie bonds would be retired from
the garbage containers to 30 gallon
earnings of the water department.
which must have flyproof lids. An -
I f approved by the voters, the $13,-
other change discussed and which j 009 will be used for th“ purpose of
will perhaps find its way into th
Improving the city water works and
amended ordinance is that inflam
distributing system, in eluding the
able and non-inflamable garbage laying of new mains between the
must be put in separate containers present water tower and Main street
The reason for this last is that the and along Main street between First
garbage hauler is required as a part street and the grade school Another
o f his contract to burn all inflam ­ well is Imperative and part o f the
able material. This cannot be done bond money would be used for the
drilling and equipping of this pro­
sheds of the J. C. Watson Company when garbage Is not segregated.
Dr. Mauldlng reported that the posed new well, which will probably
y|9j operated by the Duncan Brothers,
garbage situation in the city was be located in the north part of the
Feltcn and James.
somewhat improved but that there city. Further increasing the capacity
At the left is pictured Felton Dun­ was plenty of room for Improve of the well on Third street, and the
construction of a pump house over
can with an armload of lettuce. It ment.
The Nyssa Future Farmer judg
Some o f the auto camps came in it is also contemplated.
seems hard to rea'ize, but though
inig team, of Bob Reffett, Eugen
The pollingplace has been desi­
his arms are realy full, he holds only for criticism from the health officer.
Cleaver, and Marion Shitor place»
I not only in the matter of garbage gnated as the city hall and the polls
rour heads of the green-stuff, giving
second in the Eastern Oregon Live
containers but also in the unsan­ will bo open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
some idea of the ’arge size grown itary conditions of the grounds.
stoci* Judging contest held at Unloi
Judges for the election are Mrs.
during the Livestock Show ther
near Nyssa this year.
Rubbish burning in the city limits. Lillian Newby and Thomas F. Cow­
held June 5. Adrian Chapter placed
Is another matter that was consider­ ard. Clerks named are Mrs. Ethel
first and Imbler third.
The movement cf an estimated all are of excellent quality and the ed by the council, and which will be Crawford and Bernard Eastman.
------------- $■-------------
In the individual classes, Bob R e f­ 50 to 60 carloads’of Malheur County yields better than the average.
prohibited In the new amendments.
Last year only three carloads of This matter it was considered, cre­
fett was high man with hogs, Eugeni lettuce, to eastern markets started at
Cleaver tied for first in beef and the J. C. Watson company packing lettuce were shipped by rail from ates a dangerous fire hazard, par­
Marion Suiter first in daily. R effett I sheds in Nyssi. the latter part of the county, while this year, Taylor ticularly during the hot summer
was third high man for the entire last week, according to Felton Dun­ estimated that between 50 and 60 months.
can. The company is shipping out cars would go out to fill the nation’s
Nineteen head o f livestock was en­ approximately tour carloads of lett­ salad bowls.
Orowers of alfalfa and Ladlne
As a typical example of the yields l A c j f f f l l T l N i l IT1 O i l
tered by the Nyssa Boys, with the uce each day, Duncan said, and it is
clover seed who desire to have their
ul 11
a ,,,c u
following showing: Charley McCoy expected that this will be increased of the crop this year, which has!
seed certified In 1941 should make
been favored with unusually good
1st and 6th, in ewe lamb class of 35; in a very short time.
apylicatlon for field inspection im­
Employed at the local shed is growing weather, M. L. Judd of New­
Marion Suiter 2nd and 3rd in ewe
mediately, according to Information
lambs; Charley McCoy 2nd and 3rd a crew o f 43, with 35 field workers ell Heights made a first cutting of
released by R. M. McKennon, County
and Marion Suiter 4th in ram lambs also on the payroll. It takes three 561 packed crates from 14 acres and
Agent, this week. It Is expected that
Gerald Sebum 1st in Guernsey heife. carload of Ice to pack out the daily a second cutting of 318 crates. There
a state inspector will work In M al­
; is still another cutting to be made
and 2nd in Guernsey bull; Eugene run of lettuce.
heur county during the first week o f
Hugh Taylor, U. S. Department
The average price has been fav-
Cleaver 2nd in Jersey heifer; Eu
July and a formal application for
gene Cleaver 1st in pen of fat hogs of Agriculture inspector, said that orable to the grower too being var-
field inspection must be on file In
and Virgil Seward 3rd in pen of four Malheur county early lettuce was the iously around two dollarson pacH-
the county agent’s office before he
finest that he had seen, the packs ed crates, net to the grower.
fat hogs.
can make his inspection. Forms for
In addition to these placings.
making application for the certifi­
Marion Suiters sheep foundations
cation inspection can be obtained
placed second in a class o f 15.
by writing the county agent's office
or by calling there.
Under the state law, certification
fees are charged to pay the cost of
field inspection and tagging. The
men donated about $65 to the Mai- ! Nyssa Lions Club were allotted the
field inspection fee on alfalfa and
Despite rain and more rain Em - heur County Fair. The donations will food dispensing concessions by the
Ladlne clover is 10c per acre with a
‘ ‘ Fair Board at the Malheur County
mett’s big black! cherry crop is ready go toward financing the F F A stock
minimum fee of $1.00. In addition
Fair to be held in Ontario August
for market and on Thursday, June 19 judging teams,
there is a tagging fee o f 40c per 100
that city invites Southwestern Idaho
John Lienhard. chairman of the 30-31 and September 1, President
lbs. of seed finally certified and a
and Eastern Oregon to celebrate the Fair Board said that the Ontario R. G. Whitaker announced the ap­
C i
labortory analysis fee o f $1 80 per
event with the Emmett Cherry Fes- business men had turned over their
sample examined. Only fields which
P. R. R. tival, the popular summer celebra- annual “Settlers Day’’ to the board. Through the cooperation of the On­
are produced from seed of kjiown
The board has set August 30, the tario Chamber of Commerce, the
tion of this section.
origin are eligible for certification.
first day o f the County Fair, as local Lions club will also have the
Earle G. Reed, supervisor of A g­
No seed can be tagged unless It meets
(By J. E. Johnson)
Settlers Day. In the past this has concession for the sale of soda pop,
minimum purity and germination
The Adrian F. F. A. came home
candy and peanuts in the grand­
been a ri.rictly Ontario affair.
Mayor Olson appointed John E. requirements.
from the Union Livestock Show the ment for the Union Pacific Railraod RE-ELECT COUNCIL
The Fair Board will name the Fair stand.
Certified alfalfa such as Grimtn,
first of the week with the champion
Queen at Its meeting Friday night,
In charge of the grandstand con­ ber company, to fill the unexpired Cassack, Ladak and Crestan ordin­
judging team. As a reward for their pointed General Livestock Agent,
cessions will be a committee com­ term on the city council, vacated by arily sells 10 to 15c per pound better
acorn plishment they received a ban­ with headquarters at Omaha, it was ctuating and pea and cherry pick­ Lienhard said.
The county fair this year, accord­ posed of Carlos W. Buchner, Ber­ Leslie McClure who resigned last price than do the non-certlfled al­
ner and $10 00 In cash. Carl Piercy announced today by L. T. Wilcox. ing getting underway, workers at
was high individual judging cham­ General Freight T raffic Manager. the Nyssa F. S. A. Labor camp come ing to Lienhard. will be one of the nard Eastman, Ellis Stokfcr and Dr. week. He will be In charge of the falfa. Ladine clover Is also worth at
least that much extra i f it meets
pion and Billy Hamilton his team­ Mr. Reed succeeds J. D. Whitmore, and go but average about forty fam ­ best and largest ever held in the K. E. Kirby. Construction of booths city water department.
Ostrom came to Nyssa in 1938 and certification requirements It has
mate was second high individual. who has retired on account of illness. ilies or 150 persons a day with many county. The dates are August 30-31 will be in charge of Bernard Frost.
Food arrangements will be made by established the lumber yard he owns, been pointed out by the county
and September 1.
James Shaw was the other member
of them remaining throughout the
Rock Shelton and Henry H. Hartley. | The Nyssa Lumber company He agent that In no case will certifica­
o f the winning team. Team stand­ W. Jarvis, agricultural agent with season.
The club, through Robert Sawyer, came here from Walford City, N. D tion Inspections be made unless a
ings o f the first six high teams were headquarters at Boise, has been ap-
On Tuesday evening a community
will buy an FFA beef steer for use in He is not new to public office, hav­ formal application for Inspection Is
as follows: Adrian, first; Nyssa. Pointed to succeed Mr. Reed at Oma-
meeting at which all camp residents
the hamburgers that will be dis­ ing held the office of town recorder filed and the applicant agrees to pay
second; Imbler, third; Enterprise ha-
were present was held and the coun­
pensed. Last year at the Fair« the in Cloquet. Minn, for six years.
the Inspection and certification fees
fourth; Pendleton, fifth and W al-
cil re-elected until October. The re­
4 __________
local club had the concession for
Iowa sixth. Fifteen teams competed \ y SSA H O SPITAL
elected councilmen were Clifford |
in the judging contest.
Members of the Nyssa Post, and
Howey, Joe Sandevoll. Alex Merez.
A truck load of livestock was also
On last Thursday Mrs. J. R. Hunt­ and Wayne Webb. A chairman will the Auxiliary, last Thursday night
taken to the show and several prizes er underwent an operation at the
be appointed by the council this held their annual election of o f­ TELEPHONE D IR E C TO R Y SHOWS
brought home. Jewell Wilson won jjyssa Nursing home and is recover-
H. D. (Dick) Holmes, Nyssa dis­
evening. Recreation chairman is ficers for the Legion year beginning G RO W TH OF NYSSA
Rev and Mrs. Merle Burres plan
first prize on his Shorthorn heifer ing nicely according to reports from
The new telephone directory, Just trict Constable handed his resigna­ to leave Nyssa on Monday as Rev.
George Ortega and secretary is John in October.
and Homer Brewer also won a blue the hospital.
tion into County Judge David A Burres services as pastor of the
In the Legion, A. L. Heldt, local
ribbon on his Duroc sow. Carl Piercy
Mrs. Ted DeMoss also received
ready for distribution about July 15, Graham the first part of the week Nyssa Methodist church are ended
According to camp Supervisor Roy contractor was elected to serve as
won second place on his Duroc’s in medicaj care at the hospital this
reflects the steady and consistent 111 health and advanced age was the and he will be relieved In the near
the swine foundation entry which wee|j 5Ut has recovered sufficiently Searles. camp residents have been Commander; Webb Penny was elect­ growth of Nyssa. according to Mrs.
reason given in the resignation.
future by Rev. Marvin Oreenleaf of
unusually healthy with only one ed as vice-commander; Leroy Her­
consists of one male and one or more j tQ ^ discharged,
Cora Tomlinson, local manager.
Holmen 84 years old, has served LaGrande.
females with all breeds competing j
June 6 1941 a son Kenneth case of smallpox early in the season. man. second vice-commander; W al­
The new directory will list be­ in the capacity of constable in the
Rev and Mrs. Burres plans are In­
gether. Dwaln Hatch tool« two baby j E l m a n
was bom to M r and Mrs. This one case was immediately de­ ter M. Thompson, adjuant; Art
tween 235 and 240 telephone users, Nysa district for 27 years, and during definite at present but they hope to
beef which were graded good and j K E Thompson,
an increase o f about 20 users over that time has arrested one man for take a vacation before making any
were sold during the show at the j Qn June 7 1941 a daughter, Janice, Maddox who called Dr. Sarazin. The j McDonald was re-elected to serve
definite plans.
patient was put in isolation and afl as finance officer and Don Graham last year, and according to J. A. murder and several gunman.
auction sale.
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Camp-
E. Frost is circulating a petition
The year o f their service here has
persons living there at that time as historian. Serving on the Exec- Davenport, the largest number of
The Champion lamb brought * 45
utlve Committee will be Gene Sei- new telephones ever installed In to Judge Graham for the appoint not been an easy one as the old
a lb. and was owned by Melvin
Qn j une 12, 1941 a son who as yet immunized.
church burned In August and since
After the usual run of the disease | bolt, Wallace Paul and Sid Bur- Nyssa. With the opening of the ment filling Holmes' office.
Scott o f Wallowa. The top steer ^
not been named was born to
then the church services have been
owned by Willis Bailey of Enterprise Mr and Mrs p ete Wakewood.
held tn various halls available. The
further evidence of infection oc- chaplain. Wesley J. Browne has been other new telephones will shortly *',R S T AID c l a s s
brought $.17 a lb and Keith Sear-
__________ 4__________
new building plans had to be formed
be installed,
installed, some
some DerhaDs
perhaps too
too late
late * 0 BE HELD
' cured. This is the second year that the Commander of the post for the be
les Champion barrow sold for $.151
and the money provided before the
a possible epidemic of smallpox in past year, and will become the Jun for the inclusion In the new direc­
a lb
The Red Cross Is sponsoring a new edifice now nearing completion
j the area has been averted through lor past commander when the post tory.
Large crowds attended each day IN AD R IAN ON JUNE 14
class In Artificial respiration to be at Third and Emlson could be start­
I the prompt action of those in charge installs the new officers.
despite the heavy rainfall the last
held at the Parish hall at eight p. ed. Rev and Mrs Burres were forc­
In the Auxiliary, Mrs. A. L. Fletch- ] Down With Mumps—
two days.
| Examiners for drivers and chau- of the camp.
An improvement over last year In er was elected to serve as president,
Irene Weeks is confined to bed m Friday June 20. TTie class is given ed to find new and temporary quar­
The following boys made the t r ip ! ffeur licenses will be in Adrian. Sat­
In conjunction with a series of Home ters when the parsonage burned
the tent arrangements has been the suceeding Mrs. W M Thompson with the mumps.
in company with their Instructor urday, June 14, from 9 to 3.
Hygene classes given by the Red and during the moving and re­
J. E. Johnson: Carl Piercy, Billy
Applications for the new 1943 li-
modeling of the old building. This
A. L. Heldt,
stakes between tents to avert pos­ vice-president: Mrs
Hamllton, Homer Brewer. Dwain censes will be accepted
Family* Move—
was dedicated at the laying of the
All licenses issued far the 1941-43 sible collapse of the tents during the second vice-president; Mrs. Sidney
Hatch. Jewell Willson and James
Mr. and Mrs John Murphy moved church cornerstone.
Burt ridge, secretary; Mrs. C. A.
period expire June 30 and should be high winds of summer.
. . summer taking Its stride after Into the J. C. Olson house. M r and
They have made many friends
Mrs. W
Joe K ing division camp inspector Abbott,
------------- ---------------
I renewed before that date.
| the rains . . . hear that little wet Mrs Olson moved In the house re­ during their sojourn here who will
To Leave For Work—
Persons holding the present 11- from Portland spent Tuesday at the Browne, historian and on the Ex­ . spell they had in Oklahoma kept the
cently vacated by the Elwyn 81m miss them and who wish them well.
ecutive Committee will be Mrs.
The stay o f Huston, son of M r .! cense can renew without examina- Nyssa camp.
A1 Thompsons overlong from home llle family
and Mrs. Barney Wilson and o f tton unless they have pasesd their
and that Alice Wilson Is all hep­ Visitor* From Minnesota—
Lloyd Wilson son o f M r and Mrs seventieth year or have suffered the camp. That of Miss Otega to ell and Mrs. Warren Richardson. | ped up about antelopes and Jack
Miss Lillian Asplund. from Clo­ CALLED O UT
Ernest Willson in Nyssa will be physiclal or mental injury since
rabbits . . . and Mrs. Addie Wilson quet, Minn, and Miss Margaret Wes-
I formed in Nyssa by Judge Williams. are Mrs. W M. Thompson and Mrs .
short as they will both leave on Fri- last license.
terham. also of Cloquet are visitors
At twelve fifteen today the first of
Mr and Mrs. Layfield still reside A. L Fletcher, With Mrs A W How- I Paying peek-a-boo W‘ “ V h"
day for positions. They will drive to­
ell and M r.
Burbridge "* * u bo* . . the new depot looking at the John Ostrom home. The two the grass fires for the season called
1 at the camp.
gether as far as Spokane where Daaghters Visit—
?nd r ‘ J ladles have been on a vacation In out the Nyssa fire department The
Camp personell this year Include named as alternates to the dele- » “ 2 * “ *
Lloyd will leave to accept a position
The two elder daughters of Mr
brick* losing a lot of Its glamor so Mexico and California
blaze started behind the Phen W ar­
at Great Palls. Montana, with the and Mrs. 8idney Burbridg» are
close to the big factory .. Fat Dun­
ren flour mill and spread to the old
International Harvester Company visiting friends for a few weeks ! trice Maddox, nurse, Andy Echam
can with a lotta lettuce and nothing
T. H. 81ms moved into the Lottie Jackson lumber yard before it was
Lloyd graduated this month from Martlu is with Mr and Mrs Dewey 1 clerk. Olen Thomas maintenance Visitd In Twin—
to put It in the first week.
Phlpple house vacated by Poge Wen- extinguished. No loss resulted from
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Lomax visited
the university at Eugene having Ray in Baker and Betty Jean is at engineer and Mr Christensen, care­
. t ' t l M blase.
over the week end at Tw in Falls
majored in Business Administration I the Dean Johnson home in Ontario taker.
Producers of potatoesln Malheur
County and certain designated coun­
ties In southern Idaho will vote in a
referendum, on a marketing agree­
ment and order regulating the hand­
ling of Irish potatoes in those coun­
ties, next week accordimi to the Sur­
plus Marketing Administration. The
voting place in Malheur County will
be in the county agent's office in
the City Hall In Ontario and grow­
ers may vote on any day between
June 16 and June 21 betw°en S T ,
a m. and 5:00 p. m.
On Thursday evening, June 19. a
meeting will be h Id in the M >v
Hotel In Ontario where growers w'l
have an opportunity to hear the
marketing agreement thrcuyih dis­
cussed and they will have an oppor­
tunity to cast their ballot on the
evening of this meeting if they so
desire Each producer of potatoes in
1940 for the 1940 crop is eligible to
vote. A producer means any person
who produces potatoes for market
and this may be an individual, part­
nership or corporation.
Copies of the proposed marketing
agreement and order has been mail­
ed to all 1940 potato producers whose
names were available. Additional
copfes of the agreement may be ob­
tained in the county agent’s office
in Ontario at any time.
Hearings for the marketing agree­
ment were held last winter but it
was not refered to the growers at
that time as was expected. Under the
Marketing Agreement Act an admin­
istrative committee of producers and
handlers Is set up in the area cov­
ered by the agreement. This admin­
istrative committee may. at any
time, that they deem it desirable,
recommend to the Secretary of A g ­
riculture that shipment of potatoes
from the- area by grade, size or qual­
ities shall be regulated. In other
words the admin .Arative committee,
on the approval of the Secretary of
Agriculture may prevent the ship­
ment of potatoes not meeting cer­
tain grade, size and quality speci­
have been in effect on certain crops
for years and have operated sucess-
fully. Unless the agreement is sub­
stantiated by the producers and
handlers o f the referendum of next
week it cannot go into effect.
Adrian F F A Team
Champion Judges Grnrra' LlvMtotk
$1.50 PER YEAR
N Y S S A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , JU N E 12, 1941
V O L U M E X X X V L , NO. 23
t* •
Fastest Growing City In Oregon
Published at Nyssa, Oregun.
Dates Set For
V ote On Spud
M ark etin g Fact