THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941 FOR SALE FR RENT NEW BABY Beds,lange38“x54” size, ATTRACTIVETERMS, long time Too Late to Classify Mrs. Ronald Burke and her small Cards were received this week by lease on N W '.N W 1. Sec. 23, Twp. 19 unpainted »5.95; mattress *3.95 Iv daughter are visiting at the parental friends of Mr and Mrs Dugan Sea- S.. Range 36 E. W. M. known as the ory or maple finished nursery chairs ! FOR RENT with emamelde vessel *1.98. The C J. Keizer home. man announcing the birth of a dau- Bob Russell place. BOARD AND ROOM Nyssa Trader sells for less, Main - ----- ■ ghter. Billie Lee, bom at Salem on See Frank T. Morgan. LARGE. AIRY sleeping room, well Highway north. furnished. Beard If desired. Mrs. May FOR SALE Mrs. Seaman Is the former Loretta W. H. Beam. 29M3xp. ANKOR-HOLT cream seperator, j FOR SALE Buell, daughter of Mr and Mrs »12.50; Eccnomy King. *10.00. guar- j BEAUTIFUL FOUR Piece walnut FOR SALE John Buell. Nyssa. Mrs. Buell has STRAWBERRIES. Some next week. anteed in writing to separate to your j bedroom set,*89.50; sells elsewhere Just returned from a visit with her Invited W L Schafer, Kingman Kolony. I satisfaction or your money refunded. | for *139.50. The Nyssa Trader sells daughter at Salem. thecolum ns of the J o u m llt o c a ^ important messages and notices 29M 2xp [ The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main [ for less. If there is a set you par- m their congregations. Please try to get your copy in by Tuesday of ticularly want we will get it for you Highway north. Open Sundays. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Haggerty, each week. ____ FOR RENT at a large saving. New Plymouth, spent Sunday with C H U R C H O F C H R IS T TWO HINSCH houses. See Frank FOR SALE Mrs. Roy Perry at Adrian. Revival meetings continue. Each NEW UNPAINTED hardwood chairs, T. Morgan. Other guests of Mrs. Perry last night except Friday at 8 P. M. at the 92 cents. New breakfast sets, fin week were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley American Legion hall. Good crowds FOR SALE ished table and four hardwood Sunday school at 10 a. m. Connel, Van Nuys, California, who have been attending and several WESTERN ELECTRIC sewing ma chairs. *995. New chest of drawers W h e th e r Morning worship at 11 a. m. paid her a surprise visit They plan chine. Five tube radio. Mrs. Ed. $2.75 and up. The Nyssa Trader have been added to the church. The 7:15 Young peoples meeting at to return later for an extended visit. topics for the week will be as follows: Steinkfc. 29M lx c- sells for less, Main Highway north. p. m. Friday—The Word of God and The it ’s a Mrs. Fred Mitchell will accompany ; WANTED Evangelistic service at 8 p. m. Mrs Bob Burns returned home on New Testament Church." — and wholesome the bride and groom to Salt Lake | Prayer meeting on Tuesday and Friday from Holy Rosary hospital RADIO REPAIR work by experienc Saturday—“For Sinners Only.” at Ontario where she had under gone Thursday evening. Sunday Morning—“The Cross and City where they will be married in 1 ed man. Inquire or leave radios at Healthy Gate City the L. D. S. Temple. Mrs. Mitchell a major operation the week pre Nyssa Trader. 29M lxp I the N. T. Church.” viously. F IR S T C H U R C H O F C H R IS T Sunday Evening—“Unity and the I will remain there for a visit. Daily Milk is a FOR SALE S C IE N T IS T New Testament Church." LINOLEUM RUGS for less. A large Monday—“C h u r c h Membership LORENE RAMBAUD necessary part of variety of patterns. Crescent Seal 1 E. T. McNALLY JR. Tire following applications for and The N. T. Church.” 9x12, $3.29 and Gold Seal $4.95 and building permits have been filed 215 North 9th Street, Payette Idaho Tuesday—'"Eternity and the New BRIDE AND GROOM A branch of The Mother Church, a well balanced meal with the Citv Recorder: Lorene Rambaud and Edward T $5.95. The Nyssa Trader sells for No. 472 E. O Muir & Co. Remod. The First Church of Christ, Sclent- Testament Church.” McNally, Jr., were married March 27 less, main highway north. Wednesday—“What About The and Add R.R.R. O. W. *2,000.00. iest. In Boston, Massachusetts. M orning and Evening Bible and the Present World Crisis?" in an impressive ceremony performed Sunday School—10:00 a. m. May 27, 1941. Deliveries Thursday—“The Climax of Hu by the Rev. Boyd G. Cubbage at Sal Reading Room — 710 1st Ave. If no written protests have been ly's Swedish Inn, Anchorage. Alaska. filed within ten (10) days from the North. Open daily from 2 to 4 p. m. man Dramma.” The couple took their vows beneath date of this publication by owners where the Bible and authorized of property in the City of Nyssa, Christian Science Literature may be ST . P A U L ’ S E P ISC O P A L M IS SIO N a bower of roses and gardenias which PHONE 104W read, borrowed or purchased, and is the above applications will be ap open every day from two to four The Rev. B. Stanley Moore, Vicar adorned one corner of the room, proved p. m.. except Sundays and holidays. Morning prayer and sermon 9:30 while guests stood amidst the beau tiful decorations of red tulips, yellow a. m. i I ill 11.................Ill Mil! IIIIIIIIHM I I II IIIIIIIIIIÍI II I II 11111 II 111 II 11 IN F U LL G O S P E L T A B E R N A C L E Holy Communion and sermon daffodils and quanities of cut flow Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Pounds each Fourth Sunday of the month ers. The bride wore a navy blue and pastors. Church school at 10:30 a. m. pink dress and a gardenia in her Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. L. D. S. CHURCH Morning Worship 11 a. m. Sunday, 10 a. m.—Sunday School hair, and Mary Ann Wentz, the bridesmaid, wore a grey and red en Evangelistic services on Sunday, meeting. * Sunday, 11:30 a. m.—Priesthood semble with a corsage of roses and gardenias. The bridal boquet was meeting. PA RM A LUTH ERAN CHURCH made of gardenias and large red 7:30 p. m. Sacrament Sunday, A. A. S chm idt, Pastor rose buds. meeting. Pentecost: Standing with the groom as best Tuesday, 2 p. m. Relief Society 10:00 A. M. Divine service. Ser man was Dewaine Hardin, brother of mon: “ I believe in the Holy Ghost.” the bride. M E T H O D IS T C O M M U N IT Y 11:00 A. M. Sunday School and Following the ceremony Mr. and CHURCH Bible classes for all. Let the Building Bug bite you! Mrs. McNally presided over a love There will be a meeting of the con Protect your ear. Make room tor ly wedding dinner which was serv M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H gregation immediately after the ser ed at the Inn, concluded with the storing lawn mower and garden Rev. M erle Burres, P astor vices on Sunday. cutting of a huge wedding cake. tools. We supply plans, materials Phone 129R The young people will attend the Guests at the dinner besides the Sunday School 10:00 a. m. and pay for labor. You pay noth one Rally at Emmett, Idaho. bridal party were Edward McNally, Church 11:00 a. m. ing down and , . . Epworth and intermediate Lea father of the groom, Sophie Cooper, ^ — ASSEM BLY OF G OD Jack Wasmer, Wallace Knight, Bes gues 7:30 p. m. Every pair of these high quality shoes are dras- = Sunset Valley Avenue sie Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Solan, Har C larence B rotzm an. Pastor ticaliy price reduced. You’ll find the pair you = ley Curtis, Earl Hobnet. and Mr. and K IN G M A N K O L O N Y Sunday Scool 10:00 A. M. Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs. E. G. Mrs. Hal Chance. want. At the price you want to pay. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Osborn .superintendent. Budget Building allows 3 years to Evangillstic Service 8:00 P. M. M"rning Worship 11 a. m Visits In Utah pay. Simple as opening a charge Prayer Meeting. Wednesday 8:00 Mrs. Betty Farbes is visiting her Christian Endeavor 7:45 p. m. D resses $2 . 9 5 * 1 .9 8 P. M. account . . . . at daughter and her family at Copper- Evening Worship 8:30 p. m. field. Utah and will see her grand daughter graduate from High School and her grandson from grammer M e n ' s D r e s s S h i r t s ____ 9 8 c f school. To Utah Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and 2 P ie c e S e r v ic e S u it s $2 .4 5 | Lyle will spend the week end visit m m m ing In Utah and Mrs. Cottle and Lyle A regular $2.98 value. Sanforized. “ T h e re ’« n ynrfl nen r y o n ” Phone 94 will remain for a two weeks visit Phone 15 Nyssa NYSSA ATTEND SMORGOSBORD won by Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell and with relatives and friends. D W IG H T S M IT H , M anager A ttends G rad u ation Mr and Mrs. John E. Ostrom were Mrs. Bernard Frost. A T K E S O N ’S S T O R E Mrs. J. C. Bowman left on Thurs guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Poise day for a visit to Portland where she in Boise on Sunday when the latter CARD PARTIES Men’s and Ladies Wearing Apparel entertained about fifty guests at Mrs. Leslie McClure, Mrs. Omer will visit with her sisters and attend an elaborate Smorgosbord. Adkinson and Mrs. Carlos Buchner the graduation execrcises of her Third and Main Streets, Nyssa entertained at dessert and contract niece. SUNDAY PICNIC at a series of parties at the home m in in i hi n 11II11 in m u 111 it it hi hi 1111 i > i urn min 11 mini hi hi iihhi nfini iiiitiiiiu mimii hiii niimiii ¡7 A group of about forty persons of Mrs. Buchner on Friday evening who were former friends and neigh and Saturday afternoon. Cut roses bors in Haakon county, South Da in profusion were used as room and kota enjoyed a picnic at the home table decorations. of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Robbins on Guests for seven tables were in Sunday. The group comprised of nine vited for Friday evening when pri families who are now living in this zes were won by Mrs. William E. district. Schireman, Mrs. Herbert H. Fisher and Mrs. Glea Billings. - I - THURSDAY BRIDGE For Saturday afternoon, guests Mrs. Keith Bailey entertained the were invited for six tables and prizes members of the Thursday afternoon went to Mrs. Burnell Brown. Mrs. INSURANCE bridge club at her home on Wednes Joe Trent and Mrs. Carl Coad. R eal Estate day afternoon. Inviting Mrs. Bur- —8— Grocery Specials for Saturday, May 31 nall Brown as a guest for the after VERNA MITCHELL HONORED “ As Close As Y our T eleph on e“ P hon e 64 W e will b ' > i all day Friday, May 30 noon. High scores were made by Mrs. Mrs. Fred Mitchell was hostess at Frank T. Morgan and Mrs. E. D a lawn party and shower at her Memorial Day Norcott. home Saturday afternoon in hon j oz. bottle or of her daughter, Vema.who is to C e r ic 4 8 c WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE be married June 1 to Mr. Morgan Mrs. Robert Thompson was hostess Hanson of Ontario. Guests.were Mrs. » • Surefine 8 oz. bottles to the Wednesday evening bridge Earl Strickland. Mrs. Fred Stephens. CORNELL BOWLING club at her home this week and in Mrs. Prillen, Mrs. Earl Crocker, Mrs. K e c tin 2 for 2 5 c vited Mrs. Frank Rambaugh and Coulter. Mrs. Will Orr. Mrs Elton ALLEYS Mrs. Charles Paridis as lor the Smith. Mrs. Lila Mitchell. Mrs. Cal Main Street evening. Following cards a late lahan. Mrs. Buffington, Mrs. John Nyssa 3 5 c O a ts 9 lb. bag supper was enjoyed. High scoress for Strickland. Mrs. Ole Ege. Mrs. Chas. Double Feature the evening went to Mrs. A. V. Cook Chritten and Miss June Mitchell. P edS Sun Valley No 2 cans and to Mrs. Ernest McClure. Refreshments were served. Friday and Saturday, May 30-31 2 5 c Visits Parents Cards Announce Birth Visit From New Plymouth CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Sixth Near Main Vera Martin, Pastor Home From Hospital BUILDING PERMITS J Complete Gate City Dairy =ii 11 u 1111111111 ri h 11 ri ri h ri ri h 11111111111111 ri i m 111111111111111 ! 11111111111111111 ! ri 111111111111 ri ri h 111111111111 mu n 11 i 11 in 11111 Living Room Set - or a C lea n U p S h o e S a le Lawn Chair .... L A D IE S | and Children's S H O E S 1 Low $ ffJ per As #]P Month USE YOUR CREDIT at Reg. [B JH S ElP A Y EfiT Ej COMPA ¡2 -s- Nordale Furniture Store Take Your Time! D R IV E CAREFULLY YOU MAY KILL ONE OF MY CUSTOMERS FOOD Bernard Eastman VALUER Nyssa P i for NYSSA Phone 108 P e a n u i B u iie r C ra ck e rs P itte d S a la d fa[b 17c J J ! * .« . O a teS 2 packages D r e s s in g qt jar P ork & B ea n s S h o r te n in g T o m a to 2 3 c J u ic e 2 7 c 3 1 c 2 9 c Ä 49c S 3 3f o r can 2 3 c ^ _____ Our Mothers L o O C O a 2 lb. cans 17c Begining Monday June 2 we will be OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P. M. W ILSON G rocery NYSSA OREGON A Dependable Food Store BIRTHDAY PARTY On May 9. 1941. Mardle Sallee cele brated her eleventh birthday An niversary when her mother. Mrs. A. C. Sallee Invited ten of Mardies friends to a theatre matinee. After wards the guests returned to the Sallee home to cut the birthday cake and enjoy refreshments. —f — OALLOPINO BREAKFAST The second In a series of gallop ing breakfasts sponsored by The Guild of St. Pauls was enjoyed on Friday morning by about thirty ladles. The breakfast was held at the home of Mrs. Dick Tensen and Mrs Bernard Eastman assisted with the coffee service Mrs. William E. Schlreman and Mrs. Sidney Bur- bridge were gallopers. - f - ENTERTAINS AT TEA Mrs Arthur H. Boydell entertain ed at an afternoon tea on Thursday complimenting Mrs. Leo Hollenberg and Mrs. Elwyn Smith who will leave soon after school Is out for Port land. The hostess presented each of the honor guests farewell gift. a TUESDAY EVENING BRIDGE Mrs. E. D Norcott was hostess to the members of the Tuesday evening Bridge club at her home on Park near Fourth Roses were used for decorations Mrs Leo Hollenberg was complimented with a handker chief shower Prizes at contract were PROGRAM THEATRE John Barrymore, Virginia Bruce, and Charles Ruggles in “ THE 1NVISABLE WOMAN” Tim Holt and Ray Whitley in “ THE FARGO KID” Sat Mat l 30 p m Aqm 5c-20c; Evening. 10c-33c, Includes tax ■■ t- POD Y O U IP V A C A TÊON 1940 BuickSuper A~Dr.Sedan 16,000 Mile*. New Rubber. One of the best cars on our used car lot. 1940 Chev. 2-Door Sedan Good Rubber. Motor Guaranteed 1935 Plymouth Sedan Looks and Drives like a New Car LES JONES Lodge Motor Co., Caldwell Chrysler and Plymouth Car,—International Track, PHONE CALDWELL 7t OR WRITE BOX *•*. CALDWELL Sunday and Monday, June 1-2 Martha Scott, William Caragan, Edmund Gwenn and Sterling Holloway in “ CHEERS FOR MISS BISHOP’ Merry Melody and Novelty Mat. Sun. 2:30, Adm. 10c-28c, Evening Adm. 10c-33c, Includes tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— Tuesday, June 3 | Phil Regan, Bert Wheeler and Tommy Dorsey in “ LAS VEGAS NIGHTS” Gabby Cartoon and The Green Archer ________________ Adm. Children 5c, Adults 15c________________ Wednesday and Thursday, June 4-5 Merle Oberon, Melvyn Douglas and Burgess Meredith in “ THAT UNCERTAIN FEELING” The Dionne Quintuplets in “ GROWING UP” Color Cartoon and NewTs Admission: lSc-33e, including Defense Tux