Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1941)
/ / — ______THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. MAY 29, 1941 land's parents, Mr and Mrs. Thom tended the baseball game. NYSSA HEIGHTS ason and Mr. and Mrs. Waterson, Mr and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz attend all of Melba, Idaho. Monday Call Seburn’s brothers, ed the annual meeting af the Far Mr. ad Mrs. Arte and two Grover Cooper has been 111 for John and Cecil arrived from Ta mers Cooperative Creamery company sons of Oomocopta. Oregon visited J several days and Is under the care coma. Washington and Wednesday In Payette. Idaho Wednesday. at the Nick Smit home last week. I of the doctor. Mrs. Carl Seburn with John and Mr. and Mrs. B. Ross Evans The C. C. C. boys gave the local Cecil took their mother to Boise John Hickey and his daughter State evangelists were dinner guests Hazel spent the week end with his boys a run for their money Sunday where on Thursday she underwent In the J. B. Quigley home Thursday. daughter Mrs. Chrales Barnhart afternoon in a game cf baseball an operation on her eyes. Nadean Fisher while running rell I The local boys were badly beaten. and family in Elgin. Oregon. Mrs. Paul Balder was hostess to Mr. and Mrs. John Reffett, Mr. the Just-a-mere club at her home and suffered a badly lacerated leg. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor of It was necessary to take six stitches Emmett are living at the Jake Groot and Mrs. Rob Thompson and Mrs. Friday afternoon, eighteen ladles In closing the wound and Nadine place. Mr. Taylor is employed by- Chadd attended Bacculeaureate at were present Including four guests, has been absent these last few days Nyssa Sunday evening. Jim Chadd, j Mrs. S. P. Bybee took charge of the Mr. Groot. of school. Mrs. Calkins, a Red Cross Nurse Bob Reffett and Pete Cloninger are program of which Mrs. Dave Beers Our High School graduates for graduates of Nyssa High school this won the prize in Bingo. A most de has a class of 24 women. Classes are the year of 1941 are: Miss June licious lunch was served. Mrs. John held Tuesday evenings and Friday year. Arnold Wolfe arrived Sunday eve Stafford will be hostess on Friday Webster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. afternoons of each week at the ning to spend ten days visiting his June sixth, at her home In Nyssa G. E. Webster and Miss Norma Sui school house. ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen parents. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wolfe. Mr. Fisher purchased a milk cow Suiter. Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and Arnold Is a teacher In the Elwood, Friday. family and Mrs. Gilbert Sevan vis Nebraska schools. His uncle, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bybee and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wakewood and family were Sunday dinner guests at ited Sunday afternoon in Wilder. L. J. Hartman of Waverly, Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kyser and fam the home of his brother, Wilford Miss Aleda Dunn Is the only grad came wlthhim. ilies drove to Boise Sunday even Bybee near the C. C. C. camp. uate of the high school in Ontario A regular meeting of the Board ing where Wakewood and Kyser at- this year. Mr. Orvill Hickman mowed and of Directors of the Community Hall Jake Groot Is stacking his hay will be held Tuesday. June 3rd, in the raked the first cutting of alfalfa for and went on Sunday with the Gor this week Dan Carbett the last of the week. evening. don’s on a fishing trip in the Unity Evelyn Hotter, almost cut her fin Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sebum and The Pleasant Hour club honored country, reporting a very pleasant ger off last Friday. Evelyn Is the Mrs. John Strickland with a Stork family and Moat Corlett motored to day and lots of fish. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Shower at the home of Mrs. Fred j Boise Sunday where they visited Betty Jean Skinner entertained Art Helter. Stephens, Friday, with Mrs. Ste-1 oven night and Sunday for a group with Mr. Sebum’s mother who is Chris and John VanZelf and their phens and Mrs. Ege as hostesses. reported doing nicely. of school friends who were; Velma Mother spent Sunday afternoon in O. J. Kurtz’s are remodeling ’ the McDermitt, Ileen Slippy, Marie Interior of their house. Caldwell. Loveland Florence Russell, Junita V A L L E Y V IE W Twenty three ladies of the Ar Culbertson, Grace Kygar and Lois cadia Sunshine club met at the Mrs. Martha Amidon and Alva | Patton. home of Mrs. Inga Robbins May 23 Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Buckland and Mrs. Ben McConnell and Mrs. A. A Amidon and family attended the Bratton were assistant hostess: 23 Wedding of Miss Mary Stoneman Mrs. Charles Culbertson of Nyssa pennies were taken in penny drill, and RogerHyeston in Star Sunday. were dinner guests of the Kllng- the aftemaan was spent In social Miss Stoneman is Mrs. Amidon's backs Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peutz were Pay hour. The club meets the 5th of granddaughter. The Hyeston’s will make their ette visitors at the home of Henry June, at the Valley View school Peutz Saturday. house for a pot luck dinner with home in California. Mr. Clarence Davis is working at Mrs. Bertha Culbertson was a din the Valley View club. ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jimmy and Jan^ Lakey have been the State game farm. Tom and Dick Kanady who are on Skinner Sunday evening. sick; with tonsillties. John Zlttercob construction work In Wyoming vis has been sick with a sore throat. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robbins held ited relatives here from Friday un a picnic on their lawn Sunday for til the following Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spitz arrived a group of their friends from North at the A. A. Braton home Sunday Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dowers and noon. They have been teaching at family spent Sunday in Wilder with Wolfe Creek, Oregon the past win ter and Intend to spend their sum Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edinmiller. mer vacation In Eastern Oregon. Mrs. J. S. Rees left Tuesday to SUNSET VALLEY visit friends in Emmett, Idaho. —Elopes Henry Davis is quite ill,. Vera —Dies The Sunset Community Auxiliary Shelton is helping Mrs. Davis with —Gets Married served a banquet to the Lions club her house work. —Has Quests of Nyssa Thursday evening at the Mrs. W. G. Armstrong. Mrs. Vem —Goes Away Nyssa High School. The Auxiliary Armstrong and son Harold are ex —Has a Party wishes tc thank all these who co pected home from Fallon, Montana —Has a Baby operated to make the banquet a this week end. —Has a Fire success. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seavy spent —Is 111 The Auxiliary has pastponed the the week end In Pendelton. Bethel —Has an Operation regular meeting at the hall until and Elma Brown stayed with the And more and more —Has an Accident Tune 6. When new officers will be Seavy children. men are fin d in g —Buys a Home elected. lhal out every day. —Wins a Prize Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner, Mrs. Have you? —Receives an Award Jay Howard and children and Mr —Builds a House and Mrs. Sweatland went fishing on A four-year-old —Makes a Speech iv his k ey f fa- a ifMifcty Dry Creek Monday. —Holds a Meeting m ous since Owyhee parents and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vogt and child 1870 —Or Takes Part In any ren accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack the High School graduates have en Other Unusual Event DeOss of Adrian to Albany. Oregon joyed the graduation and various en 93 PROOF last week. They returned Saturday tertainments put on by the school at Adrian the passed week. Those Last weeks heat brought out fight- *ng rattle snakes. Kenneth Loren- were Grace Kygar, Juanita Culber on’s milk cow was bitten on the tson, Betty Skinner, Ileta Frank udder and has been very sick, The lin, Evelyn Gregg, Homer Brewer, Hills dog was also bitten on the jaw. Bud Stewart Schweizer and Loretta The 11 year old daughter cf Mr Mitchell, Grace Kygar had the dis and Mrs. W. T. Cannon, Betty made tinction of being one of the two a trip to Portland last week for an honor students. The Owyhee Community club met xamination at the Shriner's hos with Mrs. Franklin near Parma for pital. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Ellison and their regular meeting. A good at P H O N E 19 daughter Edith of Nampa and Mr. tendance enoyed the afternoon. and Mrs. Joseph Ellison of Kansas Prizes were won by Martha and City. Mo. were guests at the E. J Doris KlingbarkJ and Bertha Cul bertson. A special guest of the oc Hobson homo Friday. Mr. Sweatland’s daughter and two casion was Mr. Franklin’s mother small children of Melba spent last who is here visitoing from Illinois. The next regular meeting will be week at the parental home. Mrs. L. Newgen and Bob were din air the Klingback home when the ner guests at the Reuben Henshaw club will entertain the N. G. club home In Apple Valley taking Miss of Payette on the next regular date. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley Mable Henshaw home. Dinner guests at the Sweatland spent Saturday night with their hotre Sunday were: Mrs. Sweat- daugter. Mrs. Wm. Gordon In Vale Arcadia Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell. Rent. Find, or Hire Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word for each Issue Minimum cash In advance :s 25c. MISCELLANEOUS Cl 1 Y PROPERTY For Rent MISCELLANEOUS For Sale WANTED—All your »eldmg Jobs. Wt promise good work and lair MODERN HOUSE 3 liige iocms ! FURNITURE LIKE new. 1 oil burn prices. Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone bath and clothes closet, nice fenced ing heater; 1 General Electric re yard t .' l tr^es. Call Journal. lMtfe frigerator; 1 electric Sewing mach 56 W. ine; 1 dining room suit, 1 living BRAKE WORK—Let us put your TWO I aOM and screen porch ap room suit. Call alter 5 p. m. John furnished or unfurnished, car or truck brakes in first class parirne Lienhard, Kelly Houses. condition. Special equipment and Mrs. O. I. Kim^v. ltt blocks ncrtli TRACTOR TIRES, 2 sets, 900x36, trained men at your service. Pruyn Sugar 1 -tory. used, plenty ol rubber left. Terms Auto Repair. Phone 5CWfc 3 R o o t . FURNISHED house. Mod maybe arranged. Thompson Oil Co. KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi ern, nlc:' lawn, electric refrigeration. lMtfe 22M tic. tive prices. First class quality. Call J o :inai. ï OR SALE—complete pumping Nyssa Lbr. Co.. Goode Ave. and THREE RCOM modern home. 2 equipment. Consisting of 500 feet Highway 20f, Phone 108. 16Mtfc blocks from Main completely fur plank flume, 400 leet 18 Inch wood FOR PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. nished l-'ctric cocking stove, refrig pipe, 10 horse Fairbanks electric mo Phone 78J. tic. erator, water heater. Will rent un tor, Fairbanks pump, valves, etc. As til Spt. 1, 1941 lor $15.00 per month. AUCTION SALE EVERY FRIDAY Irwin Elder, 252 N. First. 29M lxp. itood as new. This equipment Is ca pable of pumping and handling 200 Why haul your livestock 20 miles inches of water—Ira Ure, Nyssa. to an out of town sale yard, when CITY PROPFRTY 28 tic. you can get more here at home? We For Sale always get the high dollar for your stock. You help yourselves when you patronize your home business. Nyssa LOVEL1 MODERN 5 room hom e- Sale Yard, Floyd Robinson (owner) oak—electric water heater — lMtfe beautiful lawn—s h a d e—connected Commencement exercises were city sewer. Garage. Buy a ready built home—save $1000.00 or more. Lo held Wednesday evening. May 21st »‘ Piano instruction. Advanced stu-J' cated—Good Ave. between 3rd and fer the eighth grade graduates. The Xdents and beginners. JÎ address was given by Mr. D. W. 1th St. Inquire—Oscar C. Olsen. Rwanda Callahan, Phone, 11U^ Patch. Principal of the Adrian Un FOR SALE or rent. Tavern, known ion High school. as the Bank. Attractive terms. See The following program was pre Frank T. Morgan. 16Jtlc Consult us on your wiring needs sented : and meter set-ups. Processional, Nyssa Band; Invoca GOOD HOMESITES on First and Work guaranteed to meet State Park, Cash or terms, Frank D. tion, Reverend Lloyd M. Pounds; requirements. Hall. 13Mtfc Two numbers by Nyssa Band; Dutch Prices right Dance, Primary Grades; A group of Information free Songs including. "Voices In the NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP W A N TED Woods” , "A Pledge,” Sweet and I8Atfc Low," and “ Country Gardens;” PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper School chorus; Two numbers by cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone Nyssa Band; Introduction ol speak 39M. 24Atfc. er; D. S. Matton; Address, Mr. D. GARBAGE HAULING. City »licen W Patch; Lloyd Adams, chairman al the school board presented the ced. Owen Gann, Phone 119R diplomas to Mildred Adams, Robert CARPENTERING, concrete work, Bower, Kenneth Chard, Donald Duf kalsomining or painting by hour or fy, Dale Glenn, Lola Rookstool, contract. C. J. Keizer, 381 Ennis Ruth Scales, Dale Varbel, Bonnie Whipple and Cecil Whitman; Bene Ave. lOAtic NYSSA STEAM diction. Reverend Pounds; and Re WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton LAU NDRY cessional, Nyssa Band. rags, must be of fair size, no ov Phone 88J eralls. lace curtains nor other harsh On Friday, May 23rd„ Oregon Trail school closed for another year. “ W e Wash Every Day” materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. In the morning proceeding the an WANTED—Highest prices paid for nual picnic a P. T. A. meeting was hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur held following a short business niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi- meeting, Mrs. John Adams sang a REPAIR SHOP solo accompanied by Mrs. Lewis way north. Electric Welding New officers for the coming year GAS AND OIL were installed. Mrs. F. C. Fry gave .heinstallation ceremonies. New o f NEW AND USED PARTS ficers are Pres., Mrs Geo. Wilson: NYSSA AUTO CO. Mrs. Walter Thompson took the Vice-pres., Mrs. Lloyd Adams; and Highway 20, North End of Town 4-H Club Girls of this community Secretary & Treasurer, Mrs. F. G to Ontario Saturday. Including the Holmes. No P. T. A. meetings will girls who went were Betty Black- be held this summer. FURNITURE bum, Leona Johnson, LaVone and The Mother’s club will hold its For Sale Estelle Osborne, Luanne Gonnason, first summer meeting on Friday MODERN THREE room home, Nice Joanne Hibbert, Rose Marie Grah afternoon, June 6th, at the schoo lawn, cellar and screen porch, fen am. and Ellen Ann Herrman and house. Mrs. F. C. Fry and Mrs. Vic Marshall have been appointed to ced yard. Clean with linoleum on Lois DeLashmutt. bedroom and kitchen floors. Large Mrs. Grover Vest and Mrs. Bob plan the summer programs. All cupboard and close closet. Call Jour Vest were Sunday visitors in Pay- members should plan to attend. Bring Cookies. nal. 22M tfc. I ette. Mr. and Mrs. Jack’ French went cn Mr. and Mrs. Walter Benson were Musical Instrument | a fishing trip Sunday. Sunday dinner guests at the F. G. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Waud, Norman, Holmes home. For Sale and Jack were Sunday dinner guests Jaclgie Chard who has had the UPRIGHT GRAND piano. Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy of Whooping cough is reported to be Ernest McClure. First near Locus. Adrian. better. 22M tfc Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hirst and Eth H. J. Ulrey has just finished el Louise were week end guests at building a hay derrick. | the parental George Clowers home. Larry and Lila Mae Holmes have Evelyn Hathaway of Adrian is | visiting at the Frank T Johnson the Whooping cough. The 4-H girls attended the Spring home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank and Fashion Show in Ontario Saturday. Marvin of Vale visited at the Tom Nearly all of the girls received re wards on their work. lone Benson Lee home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Kessler of Bounti was awarded fiarst on her dress and ful, Utah came Monday to visit their Paty Chard receiveed first on her son and family. Mr. and Mrs. V. L style review. Oregon Trail Riverview P rofession al C a r« Is Please If Anyone FIRST RUMBLED INTO OREGON. there's a Setter KentucA Sou/hon than OLD HERMLTA OwyJ lee That’s News We Want It The Gate City Journal ★ ★ UNION PACIFIC * ★ for Care-free Vacations DR J. C. B O W M AN Veterinarian Phone 39W J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for their kindness to us In our time of sorrow Also the American Legion, Rev. Burres. the Pall bearers, Mrs. Carlos Buckner and Mrs. Ernest McClure for their beautiful songs and also the Latter Day Saints church. Mrs. Dot Toombs and family Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Toombs Sr., and families. Pd. Adv. NYSSA LIBRARY Open each week day from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. Saturday. 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian ___ Mrs. S. B. Davi* OPTOMETRIST “See McFaU and See Better” DR. J. A . McFALL EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEW ELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON The peace that our departed know cannot be felt by those here. What we can contribute to the peace of mind of those who are grieved is the assurance of dig nity and good taste, and as reasonable an ex pense as is possible. Please let us help you. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME A m b u la n c e Phone 73W S e rv ic e Nyssa Kessler on their way to Portland to attend the graduation exercises of their Son from the Portland Med ical school. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ford spent Saturday night in Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. George Clowers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moss of ntario: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hirst and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chico West, Mr. and Mrs. Rommel Moss and family and Mr. and Mrs.Wlley Clow ers went on a fishing trip to the dam Sunday. In the evening they en joyed a fish fry at the Rome» Moss home. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Simmons of Wilder were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Simmons Marie Sweet of Ontario is spending this week end with Leona Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ford had as their Sunday dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McDowell of Homedale. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Kessler and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gaham went on a fishing trip to the Owyhee Dam Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Frank Dewey of On tario were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lutes Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Wiley Clowers spent from Tuesday to Thursday with her sis ter. Mrs. Harold Perkins of Vale. Gilbert Lutes has been working in the onions the past week. Three carloads of cattle were ship ped from here the past week! Haying has commenced. Sunday School will be held at the W. O. Bailey heme Time 2:30. Christian Endeavor will be held at the James McGinnis home Kath leen Loe will be leader .. . and we really mean it # There’s a reason for tender, quality meats— it dosen’t just “ happen” — • Our beef and pork stock is carefully selected and then— G RA IN FED! Buy Beef By The Quarter Pork By The Half Or Whole CUSTOM BU TCH ERIN G EVERY TH U RSD A Y Fischer’s Slaughterhouse Phone 05R1 I Mile West of Nytza on Alberta Ave. Vacation by train this year. The cost is low. You •njoy superb air-conditioned comiort . . . you save time . . . and you avoid highway hazards and unexpected expense. Accommodations to suit your desires—soft-upholstered C oach seats—restful S leeping Car berths — d e licio u s Dining Car meals. Registered Nurse-Stewardess service on principal trains. SAMPLE L O W ROUND TRIP FARES from Nyssa to: In Chllenger In Standard In Coaches Sleeping Cars* Sleeping Cars* $53 50 $46 20 $38 10 L or Angeles 72.50 58 05 64 49 Chicago 42 85 41 09 Denver 36.51 65 65 58 67 5162 Kansas City 19 85 1585 17.85 Portland ...... • Berth extra. Similar low fares to other points Libera! return limits. A! v, very low one-way fares. Ask about l avrl on credit—no money down—pay later Por further detail« consult: E. C. CRANDALL. Phone 71 N t m , Ore. a i UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD