THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941 The Gate City Journal WINIFRED BROWN THOMAS . . . . Owner LOUIS P THOMAS . . . . Editor and Publisher INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS AND RELIOION. OPTIMISTIC IN DISPOSITION—WITH NO INTERESTS TO SERVE EXCEPT THOSE OF MALHEUR COUNTY SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly in Advance) $1 00 0ft ADVERTISING RATES 30c Open rate, per inch... 30c National. Per inch Classifieds. Per word ___01c Minimum 25c Published every Thursday at Nyssa Malheur County, Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3. 1879 than March, 1940, with average hourly earnings at 69.7 cents, or Lower Bend $29 11 a week. Frank Kutch is visiting relatives SELECTIVE SERVICE Congress amended the Selective in LaGrande this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Russell at Servlc Act to exempt from service tended the Military Funeral for under the Act former regulars and Charley reservists of the Navy. Marine Corps, day. Toombs in Nyssa Wednes and Coast Guard. Deputy Director Hreshey announced that although Misses Florence Russell and Marie the Army has sufficient dental and Loveland attended a slumber party veterinary officers, dentists and vet* Saturday night as guests of Betty rinaries and students In these pro Skinner at Skinners’ comor. fessions should be deferred to avoid Miss Jean Bunchs’ parents came from LaGrande Sunday morning a civilian shortage. The OPM informed Selective Ser and took her home for the summer. vice Headquarters there will soon be The Big Bend P. T. A. will give a a shortage In the metal-working trade and urged deferments to avoid this. OPM pointed out that when a skilled worker Is Inducted, the plant loses not only th^ indi vidual but also the time of a skilled man needed to train a replacement. LABOR DISPUTES double shower Wednesday evening at the school house honoring Miss Emma Young of Ontario, who will become the bride of Lewis King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe King at an early summer wedding and Miss Icel Col lins, who will become the bride of Dick Case, son of Mr. and Mrs Cecil Case, the following day May 29th. Both girls are former District 47 teachers and the boys have grown up in the community. Billy Stradley of Arcadia spent a few days last week visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stradley. Miss Theresa Gehrert, accompan Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Jamison were in Boise Thursday. Frank Savage returned last week from the west coast where he has been employed the past several months. Several from this community at tended the Baccalaurate Services Sunday evening. Erls Jamiscn and Irvin Topllff are the only seniors BUENA VISTA from this district. Mr. and Mrs James Stephen and Mrs. A. E. Nuborg's two little ied her sister, Mrs. E. M. Hauser and son home to Ontario for the summer, after the picnic Friday. Mrs. Charles Witty, Carol and Joe Witty. Bernice Choney and Eloise Russell attended the 4-H Spring Fair Saturday riding down on the Hatch bus. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Estimated Receipts balance on hand at the beginning of the 1 Estimated illy 1, 1941.) for which this estl- fiscal school year (July mate is made ....... .......................................9 00.00 2. To be received from the County School Fund ............................................................... be received from the Elementary School NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of 3. To Fund ................................................................. School District No. U 5, of Malheur County. State of be received from the State Irreducible Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of the said district 4. To School Fund .................................................. will be 1941. held at at 8:00 the o'clock High school on for the the 23rd day of of 5. To be receiveil for Vocational Education June, p. m., purpose (State and Federal Funds) $ 1.380.00 discussing the budget for the fiscal sciiool year, be 6. To be received from the Non-High School ginning July 1, 1941, and ending June 30, 1942, herein District for: after set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levy Tuition ............................................................. 700.00 ing a district tax. Transportatii n .............................................. 325.00 7. To school be received tuition for elementary pupils from ............................................. 8. To be received from interest on deposits and sinking fund .......................................... 9. To be received from other sources .............. 10. TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS (Items 1 to 9. Inc.) ....................................... $ 2,405 00 Expenditures Estimates Estimated Expenditures and months budget of Expenditures for three fiscal years expenditures allowance for school six next preceding the current lor the current year school year ensuing ITEM Detailed school year Budget expenditures Year 'First Expenditures the last 'Second Give Year in detail allowance in detail for year of the Yearly Give three-year totals Yearly period totals I. GENERAL CONTROL Personal service: (1) ................ $ 1,500.00 600 00 600.00 958.30 (2) Superintendent Clerk 240.00 120.00 120.00 OPM Associate Director Hillman, HflMM II Ml M PIIIHI III 111111 III HIM HI UHM HI HI HIM HI III III III III Hill III HI III HI HI HI HI 11IIHIII HIM Ill'll HI speaking in New York, said "there are no Insoluble problems In man agement-labor relations, . . . only some prejudices . . . that must be eliminated" to creat the "mutual trust which must animate any sound labor policy.” Cooperation will re sult, he said, when labor problems are treated not as a "nuisance" but "worthy of serious study and con Plaintiff, vs. O. J. Winston; Oliver sideration." J. Winston; Herbert A. J. Winston; Winston; Ruth J. Winston; Fred PUBLIC ATTITUDE I the unknown heirs or devisees of s William A. Batt, Deputy Defense | OUver Winston, Deceased; the un- known J. heirs or devisees of Albertina E I Production Director, speaking in ... , „ „ „ , Winston. Deceased; and also all Washington, said OPM, War and other persons or person unknown Navy officials are not satisfied with claiming any real right, property title or described interest in or the to application the defense progress. in on file herein “I do not want a single man or Defendants. woman to feel that we are right on, To Q j winston oliver j win_ Published through the co-operation of the the verge of becoming the arsenal ston. Herbert A. Winston, Ruth — Nyssa Gate City Journal, The National Editorial Association, ^ of democracy,” Mr. Batt said. “We | Winston, Fred J, Winston, the un- J. (3) office Stenographers and other known heirs Deceased, or devisees the of unknown Oliver J. Defense Advisory Committee and The Office of assistants..................... 1000.0 cannot produce . . . and preserve our Winston, (4) census Compulsory education and Government Reports standard of living in terms of elec heirs or devisees of Albertina Win .................................... Deceased, and unknown also all claim other fill HI III HIM I I M III HI HI HI III HI lll l l III IIHIII III IIMUMIIII I I IHHMHMMHHI H ill II I t III IIHIIIIIIIIII HI lil lll 11 HI HI HHiï tric conveniences and leisure hours, ston, Other ................................... services or person 2. (5) Supplies 50.00 A radical change of attitude must persons Federal Loon Administrator Jones paper editors, radio stations and take ing any right, title or interest In or 3. Elections and 125.00 place if we are to make good to the real property described in the 4. Legal service publicity (clerk’ s bond, announced the allocation of $650,- other sources of public information our promises application file herein, Defend audit, ............................... 50.00 000.000 for use In enlarging and to withhold news of merchant ships freedom. . . ” to the defenders of ants above on named: Other etc.) expense of general speeding the bomber program bv used to aid Britian and other de Mr. Batt said business must be IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 5. control : OREGON: You and each of you ( ) .................................................................................... building Government-owned plants mocracies. 100.00 willing to expand without immediate OF hereby are Drainage notified District that the is Nyssa- 6. Total Expense of General and increasing the supply of essen AID TO EUROPE Arcadia tlie regard for individual futures, labor Control $ 2,165.00 tial materials. and holder numbered of Certificates President Roosevelt authorized the must forget its differences in def owner II. IN S TR U C TIO N — Supervision of Delinquency 7511, Personal service: The War Department announced dispatch of two merchant ships to erence to more work, and Govern 7510, 7509, 7508, and on the 7aU7 20th issued (1) Principals .......................... 852.00 the award of contracts totaling $322.- Ireland with $500,000 worth of food ment must not allow politics or bur to plaintiff district day ol (2) ...................... of January, 1941, and Certificate 500,000 for 22-ton bombers to be pro for distribution to civilians under eaucracy to Interfere with defense. Delinquency numbered 7865 issued to (3) Supervisors ............................................. (4) office Stenographers and ............. other duced at new Government-owned supervision of the Red Cross. The FOREIGN AFFAIRS plaintiff district on Tax the Collector 26th day assistants plants at Fort Worth, Tex., and ships will sail under Irish registry Agriculture Secretary Wlckard, of June. 1935. by the of Supplies, principals and County, of Oregon, for the 2. supervisors Tulsa, Okla. The Department de- with Irish crews. speaking at Hutchinson. Kansas, said Malheur ............................ 150.00 amount Eight Hundred 3. Supplies, testing sCTibed the award of the contracts CIVILIAN DEFENSE 50 00 00 " . . . in Latin America many coun total Ninety-two and 32 100 Dollars Other Expense, expense Supervision of supervision 100 as a “major step toward the 500 President Roosevelt established an tries are watching to see whether ($892.32) the same being the amount .'). 4. Total $ 1,152.00 bombers a month goal" set by the Office of Civilian Defense and ap we will malje good our promise or the . due and delinquent for drain III. INSTRUCTION—Teaching district assessments the Personal service: President when he said the democ pointed New York's Mayor LaGuard- . . . simply talk and gesture . . . Mil age 1939, 1938, 1937, 1936, for 1935, $18,062.00 racies must achieve superiority in ia as Director to carry out programs lions of Britains are watching us years and. 1934 respectively, together with (2) Emergency Teaching 100 00 the air. OPM Director Knudsen for the protection of life and pro who can’t go unless our help is made interest and costs thereon accrued (3) ............................ and accruing upon real property as asked airplane manufactures to pre perty in an emergency with the vol effective. The Nazis and Fasciests sessed (4) ....................................... J. Winston, as 2. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc ) 1.960 00 pare to make an undisclosed ad unteer help of men, women and are watching us and every sign of Oliver to J. O. Winston is the who owner 3. Textbooks ........................... 10000 ditional number of heavy bombers. children of record, situated In Malheur Indecision and division fills them 4. Transportation throughout the nation. 375.00 Oregon, described as: 5. Other expense of teaching Joy. If we simply talk . . . they’ll County, The Navy reported its air pro 100.00 LaGuardia said volunteers with The West half of of Section Northeast quart 6. Total Expense of Teaehing $20,697.00 rule the world,’’ gram "slightly ahead of schedule” Director would be organized to protect vital er (W‘ / jNE!4) thirty (30) IV. OPERATION OF PLANT War Secretary Stimson and Navy Township nineteen (19) South of Personal service: with 3,500 planes on hand May 1, as In the event of an attack, Secretary forty-seven (47) W. M $56.78 Knox told their press con Range that compared with 2,172 ten months be utilities (1) Janitors and other carry on first aid and deal with plaintiff has E. paid 2.400.00 fore. The Department said that by problems of welfare, evacuation, ferences the Neutrality Act, which and state and county taxes to protect ( 2 ) January, 1942, its training program housing and food. prohibits American shipping in com the liens of said Certificates of De (3) will supply sufficient pilots for 15,- FBI Director Hoover announced bat zones, should be repealed and linquency. 300.00 ...................................... 000 planes, Its goal. U. S. should return to the for Said defendants and each of them 3. 4. Fuel 750.00 that 150,000 local law enforcement the Light and power 800.00 hereby are notified further that the mer policy of freedom of the seas. SHIPS officers are being enlisted In a vol Addressing the Society of Naval Ar Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage District will 5. Water and sewer 253 00 plan to rout fifth colmrfn- chitects and Marine Engineers, Mr. apply to the Circuit Court ot the 6. Telephone.............................. 100 00 The Maritime Commission an untary Other Expense expense of of operation County and and judgement State aforesaid for all a 8. 7. Total 100 00 nounced the delivery of seven new Lsts. operation $ 4,703.00 foreclosing Knox said the U. S. must be pre decree ships, an addition of 50,200 tons, to COST OF LIVING V. MAINTENANCE AND REPA1__ claims and interest of the above pared to make sacrifices “that will named deiendents, and each and 1. Repair and maintenance of fur the American merchant fleet. The Labor Secretary Perkins announc match any sacrificees made by any every thereof, and also foreclosing niture and equipment 300 00 Senate and House enacted legisla ed a 2.2 percent rise in the cost of generation liens against the property above 2. buildings Repair and and maintenance of before us.” the tion authorizing the President to living in larger cities above the 1935- Secretary of of Americans grounds: described and mentioned in said Hull, speaking Delinquency, and requisition foreign shipping immob 1939 average and 3.7 per cent above In Washington, State ................................................ 1,000 00 said control of the Certificates 2 ) ........................ quieting against the of title you thereto in and the 3. ( <1> ilized in U. S. ports. Maritime Com August, 1939, just prior to the Europ seas Is a prime objective plaintiff and each Other expense of maintenance of the Axis mission Clinirman Land askld news- ean war. She said food prices were and Its program for world domina every one of you. And you and each repairs 100 00 up 5 percent over last autumn, rents tion. Should the Axis succeed. Mr. of you hereby are summoned to ap 4 and Total Expense of Maintenance pear first within 60 days after the date ami Repairs $ 1,400 00 up 0.3 percent in the last month, Hull said, all countries will face ec of of this summons VI AUXILIARY AGENCIES and clothing up 2.2 percent. The onomic enslavement and control of exclusive publication 1. Library: of the day of first publi Labor Department reported, how cation. and defend action, or (1) etc.) Personal ............................... service (librarian, business by military pay the amounts due interest as this above shown, ever, the earnings of workers in the international and political forces. together with all thereon (2) Library books ...................... manufacturing industries advanced accruing, and as together with fee, a rea 3) Health Supplies, repairs, etc............. 540.00 75.00 to new high levels-5 4 percent more FOREIGN TRADE sonable sum attorney and 2. service: President Roosevelt, opening for the costs and disbursements of (1) Personal service (nurse, eign Trade Week, said "the dictator plaintiff incurred, and in case of etc.) .................................... your failure foreclosing so to do, decree will your be (2) Supplies and of other expenses 25.00 nations already have achieved ser rendered all of SHELTON’S DAIRY ious economic 3. Transportation pupils: encirclement of the U. claim and Interest in and to said (1) service 00 S.” He said all Americans should property, and also foreclosing the <2) Personal Ru’Mxiies and other expenses 4.375 75 00 MILK of said certificates of delin fight against the economic slavery lien (3) Repair and replacement of quency, s including taxes paid and busses auxiliary ....................................... 200.00 CAR l It. LOAD to which Germany and her allies attorney’ fee and costs Incurred 4. Other agencies: would subject the world. against the land and premises des (1) Personal service.................... ATTORNEY-AT-LAW cribed, quieting (2) ................. Supplies and other expenses 100 00 HEALTH „ and and each of you as title to said against above (3) PHONE 31 Legal Advertisement you described property, (4) ...................................... Nyssa, Oregon This summons is published by or 5. Total Expense of Auxiliary SUMMONS $ 5,390 00 der of the Hon. Robt. M. Duncan. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR OF THE Judge of the above entitled court, VII. FIXED CHARGES STATE OF OREGON 1. Insurance .................... 182.65 made the 23rd day of April. 1941, and 2. Rent ..................................... L. A- Moulding, M.D. MALHEUR COUNTY supplemental order directing repub 3. Other fixed charges: Physician and 8urgeon Drainage District, lication of summons, dated the 26tli ( ) ....................................... .............. Drinking Shelton’s A Nyssa-Arcadia Quasi-Municipal Corporation, day of April, 1941. Phone 37 4. Total Fixed Charges Carl H. Coad VIII. CAPITAL $ 18265 Dairy Milk will do won Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 „ Residence , , Attorney for Plaintiff Dally- Except Sunday 1. New sites OUTLAYS and Address: Nyssa Ore Notice To Hog Raisers Dated and 1st publ.. May I, 1941 2. New Buildings ders for your complex- Fry Building Last publ.. May 29, 1941. 3 repairs) Alteration of buildings (not With the installation of a new 350 00 tion and general health. scale at 4 New furniture, equipment and TOWNSEND CLUB replacements 1.675 00 IRRIGATION DISTRICT 5. Assessments for betterments THE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS OWYHEE Notice It's Extra Rich so of Hearing MEETINGS 6 other capital outlays: we are now receiving your hogs NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, (1) Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday order some today! there every Friday, paying the That Petition for Inclusion of Lands (2) Into the Owyhee Irrigation District 7. Total Ground at 8 p. m. at City Hall Capital Improvement Ontlavs $ 2.025.00 highest price the market permits have been filed with the Board of SERVICE A. L. McClellan President Directors of said District, and that IX. 1. DEBT snd seeking to serve you In every the Princlnal on bends (Include Shelton’s Dairy of said land and petitioner Don Graham ......... Secretary negotiable war possible way. is as owner follows: rants issued intrest-bearing under section 35- The Public Is Invited James Jaramillo and Rita Jara- 1104) PHONE 05J2 2.000 00 mlllo: NELSWL and SELSW<4. 7 Prineitwl on warrants FRANK KULLANDER Section 5. Township 18 South of 3 Princlnal on other Indebtedness NYSSA AERIE Range 45 E. W. M. 4. Interest on bonds 1,490 82 Interest on warrants 600 00 F. O. E. NO. 2134 all in Malheur County, State of Ore 6 5. Interest on other Indebtedness THIS WEEK IN DEFENSE brothers from Boise visited them last week. E. L. Jamison, Mr. and Mis. C. C. Wyckoff and children. Mr and Mrs. Alva Ooodell and children were in Ontario Saturday. The ladles at tended the 4-H club spring fair In which Donna Belle Ooodell placed first Inclothing project and 2nd In cooking. Frank Savage has erected a new granary. 1 \ (r p n c ip i n . „ ... — » « -a v i. K A jA - iiu itu iv a 200.00 21.50 50.00 77.48 72.05 75.00 75.06 50.00 69.84 25.00 50.02 75.00 142.52 995 00 $ 1,595.74 600.00 1,043.89 10.00 51.45 $ 952.48 600.00 100 00 48.68 4 90 $ 653.58 50.00 25.00 $ 675.00 57.92 58.03 $ 1 169.84 9,107.58 9,31000 50.00 250.00 187.50 100 00 $ 9,897 50 15,274.88 480.07 300.00 124.78 $16,179.73 256.11 155.40 93.20 $ 9,612.29 1.190.00 456.84 362.86 328.41 119.11 43 81 1553 $ 2,516.56 311.30 249.54 57.85 61869 1,200.00 2,168.98 500.00 475.00 700 00 164.00 62.50 50 00 $ 3,151.50 325.00 250.00 60.00 635.00 681.05 949.75 873,63 301.82 72 60.00 41 $ 5,107.64 694.11 46.78 700 50.00 00 1.99001 59.10 15.00 2,100 00 26.40 3,462 73 7.82 1.406 00 81.10 278.45 48.50 408 05 2.50 98.40 100.00 123.56 100 00 83 50 $ 2.255.61 ________ $ 3.065.00 91.33 $ 5.745 30 825 80 $ 74.59 $ 166.33 $ 867.22 1,353.00 1.71046 1,725 00 7,23521 1 681 80 $ 3,392.26 1.500 00 $ 3,225 00 2,261 69 $10,019 90 74531 745.31 493 44 1 Meets Wednesday Night AT EAGLES HALL Visiting Eagles Welcome HARRY MINER. Sec BERNARD FROST. Pres. GATE CITY LODGE No. 214 Meet« Tuesday« 8 p. m. I.O.O.F. Temple First Street. South Virgil E. Johnson. Noble Orand M. F Solomon Secretary CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Beef for the Hide Hog« 200 lb«. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cen* per lb Let us do your work! NYSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6 300 00 $ $ gon. Transfers to sinking fund That the prayer of said petition 7 Other debt service: and petitioner Is that an order be 8. M) made by the Board of Directors of f2) ..... the Owyhee Irrigation District In T p *a t rteht S e r v lr f $ 1 non 8S 1.238 75 1 045 31 cluding the lands described In such . a EMERGENCY $ 2000 00 $ 20000 $ 1.000 00 » 1.073 65 etltlons and as hereinabove set forth within the boundaries of said Dis •Tills district has operated a high school for only 2 years. trict. NOTICE FURTHER IS GIVEN RECAPITULATION That said petition will be heard and considered by the Board of Direc Total estimated expenses for the year (sum of tors of the Owyhee Irrigation Dis items I 6. II 5. I ll 6. IV 8. V 4. VI 5. Vll 4. trict at Its regular meeting to be VIII 7. IX 9. X held Mi Tuesday, June 3, 1941. at 8: »43 805 27 00 o'clock P. M. at the District off Total estimated receipts ........................................................ » 2.405 00 ice at Nyssa. Oregon, and all per Balance, amount to be raised by district tax «41 400 27 sons Interested, or desiring to obtect thereto, are notified to appear at the office aforesaid, at the time above Indebtedness this May 2«. 1941 stated, and show cause in writing, if of bonded indebtedness (include all ne Dated Signed: any they have, why the prayer of 1. Amount gotiable interest-bearing warrants Issued un Ward Wieneke Dale Garrison said petition should not be granted der section 111-1016, O C. L A.) *11.75000 District Clerk Chairman Board of Directors Dated this 6th dav of May. 1941, Amount of warrant indebtedness on warrants by order of the Board of Directors issued and endorsed “not paid for want of Approved by Budget Committee May 2«. 1941 Frank T Morgan. Secretary funds ___________ $ 4.000 OOC A. H Boy dell Owyhee Irrigation Distic t Amount O . J Mitchel’ of other Indebtedness First publ. May »19 4!. Chairman. Budget 4. Total indebtedness (sum of items I. 2. 3) . «45.750 00 Secretary. Budget Committee Last publ May 29. 1941. Committee