THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1941 ■ e • corn, Mrs Hugh McConneU and crowm; d-mt make a very g x i fire he told us "and Prank Parkers will IS O IO n y Mrs Clarence E Elliott. but it sure makes a grand smoke be out untill tomorrow" Mr and Mrs. Meritt M. Greellng The lightning had struck near his It is getting a little late for to pltnt The Home Economics club oi the i house It splintered some cross arms Kingman Grange met at the home left on Saturday morning for Yak­ B j The Happy Fanner com too. It Is commonly thought that an on a pole and blew up the trans of Mrs. Conrad Martin on Tuesday ima. Washington where they will visit their son and wife. old farmer don’t need to know much former at his house. Our principal topic in Cow Hollow afternoon. The members embroid­ i now is "haying’' up to Tuesday Well it would be a wise old bird that ! The Power man told us that there ered dish towels during the after-1 These attending the funeral for | morning nobody irt Cow Hollow had knew It all about farming. Most of had been over a thousand dollars neon after which the hostess served Charles Toomb In Nyssa on Wednes­ day were; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton, I cut much hay as yet But all is med­ us would of got caught on that one worth of damage done to transfor­ deliciouse refresments. itating on it. The first cutting of of plowing under a green manure mers at the places he had allready Te A. N. K, Garden club met at Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin, Mr. C. called. One transformer at a pump­ M. B eaumont and Mrs. Arthur crop of alfalfa hay. \ hay is going to be very grassy and the home of Mrs. Raymond Holton Last year Chet Sage and Elza ! ing plant that was blown up will on Wednesday afternoon. After the Cartwright. presents quite a problem. If you cut Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborn were ( it too early the alfalfa will be very Niccum both plowed under a green cost four hundred dollars to replace hostess served a dessert the ladies i washy thereby damaging the qual- manure crop of alfalfa hay. They j We appreciate the kind of service drove to Nyssa and visited Mrs. Gar- j shopping in Nyssa on Wednesday. the Idaho Power company gives us 1 ity of it. Also if you cut it too early plowed It a couple of weekk earlier The Sunday 8chool orchestra ret Stams beautiful flower gardens the grass will come again in the sec­ when It wasn't quite so tall and the | and feel that any one else will have j and then attended the meeting oi practiced at the Marrion Kurtz ond cutting of hay and come so man with the plow for some reason to go a long way to beat It. home in Newell Heights on Sunday the Civic club. quickly that tt will ripen before the did a better job of turning it under Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shaw ana j afternoon. • WHY ARE THEY BETTER? because with too. Chet followed the tractor and | hay will do to cut at all If you family attended church services in Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cotton at­ let the first cutting of hay go too plow continualy with a two section scientific “ Quick Freezing” vitamins are sealed Weiser on Sunday. tended the funeral for Gene Wheeler harrow. : long to cut it and the grass gets Miss Agness Nicols has returnee held in Ontario on Thursday. His into the fruit or vegetable, thus preserving for "I don't know how many times I very ripe it damages the quality of Class day exercises were held to her home In the Kolony after home had been In Oregon Slope and j the hay very much. The ripe grass have harrowed it all together” "Six Tuesday, May 20, at the Adrian High completing another year of teaching your table that “ garden freshness” that cannot •ie was burried in the Payette Rose is like so much straw and the ripe or eight times maby" was his re­ School. After the high school band In the Wilder High School. Memorial Park Cemettry. be had from old fashioned methods of storage ! grass seed gets into the stocks mark, when asked by Clarence Nic­ played two marces, a welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark were in Mr. Prank Cummings mother and cum. i mouth and makes such sores that such as canning or root cellar storage. speech was given by Grace Kygar Payette and Vale on business on father are visiting here from Arco, they wont eat enough hay. So the For Pete's sake “how many times honor student. Wednesday. Idaho * big problem is to know just when have you harrowed this anyway” Donna Mae and Wier Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newbill and Each class gave a short skit. The • ECONOMIZE NOW !, by storing surplus gar­ to cut it. This cloudy rainey weather j “Anyway I know I cant harrow it Myrtus Fyfe returned to Lorenzo son. Donald spent Sunday as the first skit by the seniors was the ac - doesn't simplify the problem either enough.” « Idaho on Monday. They had been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gar­ den vegetables and fruits in our scientific cold We had plenty of experience with ! He sure had the ground smothed ing cut of their class prophecy. The thinning beets for Dale Ashcraft. Junior class was represented by the rison in Nyssa. storage lockers. hay last year. Adolph Schneider has down and It killed every bit of the Mrs. Mary Nicols and Mrs. Wayne Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Chandler around twenty acres of wet hay in alfalfa and held plenty of moisture demonstrating of a new kind of in­ Woods are the owners of new elec­ and Wesley Jones of Caldwell were strument by Moris Gale. The Soph­ the shock! now. untill away up into the summer. • FOOD STORED NOW, is food saved for your Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and omores' skit was 'T h e Train to tric refrigerators this week. Doc. Raffington and Ray Manley Miss Jeanette Martin left on Sun­ Mrs. J. G. Lane and family. Elza dident harrow his ground so Moontown.” The Freshmen skit was are having some difficulty with much. He had so much to do any­ table during the winter months. day morning for Genesee Idaho Mrs. Mary Nichols, Agnes and their ground where they plowed up way he harrowed it several times a mimic of the seniors receiving wher she will visit with relatives for their diplomas. James Nichols were in Nampa on a crop of alfalfa for to plant com and he thought that it should be a week. Thursday. Emily Otis, another honor student Doc. says "Plowed up is right.” ! enough. There was lots of alfalfa Mr. Raymond Chandler delivered Members of the second division The alfalfa had gotten pretty large come up In Ezras com and it dryed gave a speech on Youth Organiza­ the message from the pulpit of the cooking club and their leader Mrs. before they plowed it. It was getting out so much that almost a third of tions. Kingman Community church on Awards were given by the leaders Sunday morning. Due to illness the Mildred Hite enjoyed a picnic Sun­ a little late but that heavy crop of j his com never came up until he of different activities. Special awards student minister, Wallace Jamison, day afternoon at Snlvley Hot alfalfa would make a good green j watered it. Springs. All members of the club manure crop. The fellow that plowed Cow Hollow’s community Hall Is were: Scholarship, Grace Kygar, was unable to be here as planned. SAVE it never got it turned under very burning the lights this week with Otis, Citizenship award. Lou­ Mr. Leslie Jones of Caldwell accom­ have completed their work 100 per Summer Through good and they both went and disked Church services Sunday, Monday, ise Klingback, Post Graduate; most panied Mr. and Mrs. Chandler and cent. Delicacies Bible school for all Catholic child­ Scientific the ground two or three times then Tuesday and Wednesday nights. valuable football player; Stuart Sch- sang two solos during the church on Your Table ren opened in Ontario on Monday harrowed it two or three times. Well Grange meeting Thursday night and wiezer, Eldon Tollman; most valu­ services. Refrigeration All Winter the disk cut the hay loose some and a dance Friday night. Some of us able basketball player, Johnny Tim- Mrs. Conrad Martin, Miss Jeneatte morning. Those attending from the tore the alfalfa crowns loose a lot Hollowites may go to bed early Sat­ merman. Martin, and Betty Jean Toomb were Kolony are taken down in a bus. On Tuesday Mrs. Clifford Jordan and the harrow dug them to the urday nite. The football trophy was given by in Nyssa on Saturday morning and surface of the ground untill there Saturday evening Cow Hollow re­ the Eder Hardware and the basket­ called on Mrs. Robert Toomb and and five fo her 4-H club girls from White Settlement spent the day at was no hopes of getting a com plant­ ceived a pretty fair electrical storm. ball trophy by Howard Hatch. Both Mrs. Bernard Eastman. er in the ground. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewinson the home of Mrs. Clarence E. Elliott. It was a little more than we usually of these trophies are given as a per­ Doc raked and burned his a get. Never rained much but th: manent posession and anyone winn­ and son from Oakland, California A picnic lunch was enjoyed at noon. little then went in and did the best | thunder and lightning sure gave us ing them three years in succession. are visiting at the Charles Wilson 3 Blocks North of “ Y* PHONE 124 he could at planting it but Roy has | some good entertainment for a The program ended with the band home. Mrs. Lewinson and Mrs. Wil­ been trying to get his into a little j while. Lightening struck a little tree playing “God Bless America” and son are sisters. better shape. Green hay and alfalfa in Adolph Schneiders yard it blowed the guests were invited to inspect the Those attending the 4-H Spring If it weren't for heartburn and Show in Ontario on Saturday were the tree all to bits and left a hole class rooms and exhibits. In the ground that looked like the Adrian High School Teachers Mrs. Chrales Wilson, Mrs. Jack “ fullness" caused by acid stomach, you might get some rest! ADLA Tab­ tree had been dynamited. Vacations lets contain Bismuth and Carbonates One bolt of lightning struck; the Mr. George Serino left Sunday ac­ guests at the Ivan Findley home for quick relief. Ask your druggest power line near Frank Parkers companied by Bob Gibons as far Sunday, May 18th. for ADLA Tablest tomorrow. house and blew the fuse out at the as Gresham where Bob will be em­ Funeral services were held Tues­ NYSSA PHARMACY transformers at most of the houses ployed. Mr. Semio and Mr. Cook are day afternoon for Arthur Hawkins, j in Cow Hollow. to work on fishing boats on the 78 year old farmer of this vicinity. Was milking a cow near the trans­ Columbia river. Mr. Hawkins passed away Friday former when the fuse went out Miss Elanor Beier accompanied night. Death was due to heart with a crack like the report of a 22 Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Cook as far as failure. rifle followed by the boom of the Newport. They left Tuesday morn­ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawkins and thunder, more like, we would Imag­ ing. family who moved to the coast ine of one of Hitler’s big Bertha's. Miss Dalphine Molstrom left Sun­ about two months ago returned to It looked as tho all the lights in day for Lake View where she will j attend the funeral. Cow Hollow had went out as it was ustt before returning to her home Bill McElory and his class of after eight o'clock we did not go in Adams. Sunday school boys enjayed a pic­ down to try to telephone the Idaho Mr. and Mrs. P. A. DeLapinasse nic Sunday. Power Company. Didnt figure we left Monday morning. Mrs. DeLa­ Wayne Harris, who has been em­ could catch anyone at that time of pinasse will go to her father in ployed by the Local Creamery com­ day and on Saturday too. Sunday Salem and Mr. DeLespinasse will pany of Ontario plans to leave for morning we sort of wondered what attend summer school at the Uni­ the coast soon where he will take a Mrs. Raffington, Mrs. Chuck Share versity of Oregon. V V /H iC H are really better at course in butter making. and any others, who had a fine elec­ Mrs. Watts will attend commence­ ” household arithmetic— men A committee meeting was held tric range and had disposed of the ment exercises at Oregon State with at the Roy McNeal home Wednes­ or w om en? Let’s look at the old wcod stove, was going to do her sister, Mrs. Haworth. SAFETY - CHECK day afternoon. question in terms of insurance. about breakfast. , • Mr. Johnson will spend most of Leta Goodell returned to her em­ W hat woman would carry Sunday morning we still did not his vacation near Adrian. LUBRICATION ployment near Jordan Valley after only $ 1,000 in fire insurance on go down to telephone for we figured Preparations have been made In a visit*with her parents, Mr. and furniture, clothing, etc., when it some one would be down town and the Future Farmers department for Mrs. L. E. Goodell. HERE’S WHAT WE DO: tell them. As Sunday wore into eve­ representation at the Eastern Ore­ would cost several times as much The annual school picnic was ning and still no Idaho Power man gon Livestock) show to be held in l.uhriratr your car from the Manufacturer's specifications, using a check-chart diagram to replace them ? What woman held Thursday. Dinner wasserved at showed up we began to wonder if Union. June 5th. 6th. and 7th. does not know what a financial noon and following it two ball games of your particular model. the Power Company had gone high The local department will take were played. The mem vs the Boys burden w ould fall on her if her Keep a record of the job so that we can notify you when your ear needs service again. hat on us and dident work, on Sun­ two of Earl Pircey's prize hogs, two j and the Women vs the Girls. h u sb a n d were in ju red in an days. Perform these 7 Extra Safety Service Checks Free: Poll-Angus baby beef owned by The annual P. T. A. picnic will be accident ? Yet many a man over­ Along about seven o'clock we saw Dwain Hatch, and one Registered j held June 15th. looks these vital needs. an Idaho Power car comming down Sorthom heifer owned by Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sayers and So heres a p r a c tica l sug­ the Hollow and we began waiving Wilson. Adrian will also be represen­ j Martin. Mrs. Gregory Ross and gestion to husbands and wives. frantically to attract their attention. ted by a livestock judging team. I Karen were Monday visitors in Don't guess about insurance . . . We dident want another night with­ Kenneth Mace returned to Ore­ Nampa. out any lights. consult this agency for expert gon after a two year stay In Iowa Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson of Sun- “Are you sort of bussy today" we Saturday and called on his sister, nyside.Washington are visiting at advice on which policies to buy— There YOU GO for Motoring Pleasure on Decoration D a y .......... asked upon his arrival. how much — and what to d o in Mrs. Everett Points. the home of their son. Lyle Ander­ “ I worked untill midnite last nite" event of loss. The Sophomore class planned a son and family. was the reply and was up at four swiming party for Wednesday night A family dinner was held at the o'clock this morning and at It and Invited the entire school to at­ home of Mrs. Annie Harris, Sunday again.” We forgave him for being tend. They took a bus and left after in honor of the birthday of her so long getting here without him school Wednesday night. They spent little grandson. Ronald Whitsell. even asking. the evening swiming at the pool in Phone 97 Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNeal and Nyssa “Of the twelve homes in Cow Hol­ Nampa, Third and Main Streets PHONE 11 family of Boise were Sunday guests low ten of them was out of lights" Mr and Mrs. Everett Points called of his brother. Ray McNeal and on relatives in Nyssa Sunday. family. Mr. and Mrs. D. W Patch were Sunday dinner guests at the W. T. McPartland home. Stuart Schwiezer. record older in low hurdles and one of the three boys from Oregon invited to com­ pete In the Compton Relays held Annually at Compton, Junior College in Compton. California, plans to ac­ cept the Invitation. The two other boys were: Ray Johnson of Melford. This new model is an acknowledged leader state record holder in the 440, Peake of Milwaukee, in the 880 in its price class. It has many of the quality and Mrs. Dan Holly and Mrs. Dennis Patch attended the Civic club flow- j efficiency features that have made DEXTER er show In Nyssa Tuesday. Kingman Cow Hollow Frozen Foods... are BETTER FO O D S! Adrian Closed A ll Day Memorial Day Polar Cold Sto rage Cr Lo cker Plant CAN’T YOU SLEEP? Get Your Car Ready for that Week End Trip LET US - - £ 4 * “ /° “ f i I.T ire s 2 . Ste e rin g gear 3* Brakes 4 . W heel bearings 5 . Shocks absorbers 6 . W ip e r blades 7. Ligh ts THOMPSON OIL CO. Fra n kT . Morgan AN UP VALUE WASHER AT A NEW DOWN-PRICE LINCOLN HEIGHTS Bible school will begin at the school house. May 28th. and will continue for one week. Mr and Mrs. j Ray Chandler of Caldwell will be | the teachers. The following Sunday a program will be given by the pu- plls. Simday School will begin at j 10:00 o'clock. Instead of at 2:00 p j m. A Young Peoples Organization will be formed Sunday evening Adults may also meet on Sunday- evening. depending on the intrest shown. Mrs. Jack Pettet spent Friday and Saturday In Ontario where she at­ tended 4-H meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Orla Bishop and Raymond Findley were Nyssa visit­ ors Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs. William McElroy and Mr and Mrs. Orla Bishop and j daughters were Sunday dinner J washers famous. Even though its cost is low,this machine is entirely dependable in every detail It has DEXTER’S high-wing,corro-vane,French type agitator that washes so quickly and thor­ oughly. Note the sturdy, compact wringer with its massive, streamlined feeding table and gear head. The white, enameled tub is standard cap­ acity, completely rubber-cushioned and has four, horizontal cleansing cleats YOUR OLD MACHINE WILL MAKE THE DOWN PAYMENT NYSSA IMPLEMENT CO. Phone 4. NYSSA