JOURNAL 77><?NYSSA Published at Nvssa, Oregon VOLUME XXXVL, NO. 21 LOCALJEWS GATEW AY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE______________________ _ _______________ Pic r Collapse KiUs Foreman Fastest Growing City In Oregon ________ NYSSA, OREGON, THURSRAY, MAY 29, 1941____________ Change Made In A A A Wheat Vote Requirements - - - $1.50 PER YEAR “ The War Is Approaching** Two Call Dates For Selectees Hospital Ground Presented At Lion’s Banquet Lodge To Attend Church Two dates have been set for the William Hamer Utley, 61. road On Sunday, June 1, the members foreman was crushed to death Mon June call for selectees according to of the Odd Fellows and Rebeckahs day afternoon when a concrete The Nyssa Lions Club were reci Amendments to the Agricultural R. D. Lytle, chairman of the Malheur will meet at the City Hall at 9:15 a. bridg' pier collapsed at Bully Creek, pients, last Thursday night of a for Adjustment Act passed by congress County Local Board. All men will re m. and go In a body to the Episcopal five miles west of Vale. mal contract for the gift from, the last week and signed by the Presi church. Rev. Stanley Moore will port to the board at Vale. Amalgamated Sugar Company, for Utley was standing near the p er, dent on Monday of this week elimi preach the sermon and upad the ser The first date is set for 2 p. m. the ground for the Nyssa hospital. at one end of the bridge on which nate the effect of the marketing vice. All members of the order living on June 3, when tnree men will re Ray G. Larson, district manager for constrrcticn was in progress, when quotas on most of the farms in Mal in this community are Invited to the pier collapsed. Workmen were heur County. Tlie principal amend port and later be transfered to Port the company made the presentation join in the worship. still removing the timber and de ment is to the effect that those land. They are Ray D. Klnlon, Vale, at the banquet, which was attended South Dakota Picnic bris Monday night in an effort to farms which have planted in 1941 (transferred from Missouri), Harold by about 100 members of the Nyssa A group of former South Dakotans recover the body, plnne.l t . ,’ sr- fifteen acres or less of wheat, are not F. Carpenter. Seneca, (transferee! Lions Club, their wives and guests. of Nampa, came to Nyssa on a good neath. The club must, under the terms affected by the quotas and therefore from 111.) and Ivan F. Moreland. will Tour, on Sunday to call on for of the gift use the land only for Ontario (transferred from Calif.) Utley, an Ontario man, had lived those farmers will not be eligible to mer friends and folks of this com The second date set June 16. will the erection of a hospital, and for In Malheur county for four years. vote in the referendum to be held cn munity. Comprising the group were take six more county men, Cecil G. no other purpose. Construction must Surviving him are his wife; three Saturday, May 31. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piersall, Mr Any farmer who is growing fifteen Benson, Benj. F. Brunson, Francis be started within twelve months sons, Harold andRalph Utley of and Mrs. E. B. Wintrode, Mr. and P. Robinson, Charles W. Jones, time from the forming of a cor Klamath Falls, and George, 15, at acres or less of wheat in 1941 will be Mrs. John Penzien, the Misses Win poration. Simon Corta and Claude Hickey. Ontario; a daughter by a former able to market the wheat from his trode Burnie and Waltham. They W. D. Shaw, of the general office marriage, Mrs, Mildred Hinkleman acreage without interference from visited and picnicked at the home of in Ogden, of the company was the the quotas if they are voted on fa of Klamath Falls. Mr and Mrs. L. E. Robbins with the principal speaker of the evening vorably by growers. Therefore, far Babcocks of Ontario, Herrmans and pointing out the advantages of a mers with less than 15 acres of H. E. Collins' of Nyssa and Mrs. Vi community hospital and the need wheat will not be eligible to vote PRESIDENT F. D. ROOSEVELT king and Mr. Lewis of Boise. for safety practices. Entertainment and it will be useless fer them to was furnished by a trio of Mrs. John Annual Picnic appear in the voting places on Sat President Roosevelt, in his radio declared that he had I Tuesday Young's girl singers and R. G. Whit An annual picnic is scheduled for urday. talk Tuesday night, said that “ the night) declared an "unlimited na aker. A comedy skit of how a surg Nampa, in August. It is requested Other amendments to the Agri war is approaching the brink of the that all former South Dakotans be The 4-H Spring Fair held at On cultural Adjustment Act passed by Western Hemisphere itself. It is tional emergency exists” and called The Budget committee for Nyssa ical operation Is performed In a hos present at the time, as a really en tario last week-end was the most Congress and approved by the Presi eoming very cloae to home.” As a re upon all citizens for unity that de Union High School met an Monday pital was put on by members of the joyable time is assured. successful event of this Wind ever j dent raised the marketing quob’ sult of this approach, the President mocracy might live. evening, May 26, to construct the club. Mayor and Mrs. Olson were guests Arrangements for a good program held In the county according to the | penalty from 15c a bushel to 50 pe* budget for the fiscal year beginning are now under way, Including club members and leaders partiei-1 cent of the basic loan rate offered July 1st. The committee was com of honor. The followinr are the highlights Our patrols 'are helping now to Toastmaster was Robert Sawyer speeches, games and music. Exact patlng, and the many spectators who cooperators and sets the wheat loan posed of George Mitchell, chairman. of the President’s talk: insure delivery of the needed sup date will be announced later. viewed the exhibits and watched the j rate at 85 per cent of the wheat A. H. Boydell, clerk, Mrs. Frank Fry. and the dinner was served by the It is unmistakably apparent to plies to Britain. All additional ladies of the Sunset Community various contests. Visit From California parity price as of the beginning of all of us that, unless the advance measures necessary to deliver the A. C. Sallee and G. A. Cleaver from club. the community at large; Dale Garri Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis were Miss Louise Schneider. Assistant the marketing year. of Hitlerism is forcibly checked now, goods will be taken. son, Mrs. Alice Holmes, William surprised Saturday morning by a State Club Leader, who judged the j Those Malheur farmers who have the Western Hemisphere will be visit from Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lewis exhibits and contests, was quite J planted more than 15 acres of wheat DeGroft, R. G, Larson and C. C. within range of the Nazi weapons Your government has the right Mrs. Lewis's brother of San Fran pleased with the quality of the work , this year are eligible to vote and of destruction. Wyckoff, members of the Board of to expect of all citizens that they Education. cisco. displayed, and stated that it com- J should appear at one of the voting take loyal part In the common work Mrs. Lewis's mother, Mrs. Hattie pared favorably with the werk being places In Malheur County, which The budget, as constructed, calls The Nazi world does not recog of our common defense—take loyal Holman, and two brothers, David done in other parts of the State. for the expenditure of $43,805.27 as will be in change of community A. nize any God except Hitler; for part from this moment forward. and Tommy, were also week end Exhibits in the various classes A. A. committeemen, are as follows: the Nazis are as ruthless as the compared with last year's budget of Farmers, business men and scien- were judged and put on display Fri guests. Big Bend Community, Wade Communists in the denial of God. Collective bargaining will be re $42,861.27. This represents an in tlsta Joined hands Monday In Na day afternoon, and the various con Attend Conference School; Kingman Community, King- tained but the American people ex crease of $944.00. The increase is mpa to form an organization to Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and two children, tests were held throuight the day man Kolony School; Nyssa Commu If the Axis powers fail to gain pect that Impartial recommenda due to the fact that the district must make use of farm products in Ind on Saturday. Janice and Douglas, motored to nity, Nyssa City Hall; Ontario Com control of the seas, they are cer tions of our government services begin to retire the bonds Issued for ustry and to make an endeavor to Baker Wednesday afternoon to stay Nola Caverhill and Lois Jordan, a ' munity, County Agent's Office; Pay- tainly defeated. TVidtr dreams of will be followed both by capital and the purpose of constructing the lodate factories In Idaho and East until Sunday. Mrs. Lewis will then team from the White Settlement ette-Gre. Slope Community, Park world domination will then go by by labor. school building. The allotment for ern Oregon to take the raw product leave the children there with her cooking club won first In the cook School; this purpose amounts to $2,000. The from the farm and process It Into Vale Community, Vale the board. mother and return to Nyssa when on ing division of the demonstration City Hall: Harper Community, Old We in the Americas will decide actual estimate cost of conducting products useable to industry. Monday she and Mr. Lewis will go team contest, with their demonstra School House, Harper. The 150 farmers and businessmen The present rate of Nazi sinkings for ourselves whether, and when, the school is actually $1,056 less than to Salt Lake for L. D. S. Church tion on making an angel food cake. Under the quota system, which re of merchant ships is more than and where our American Interests it was last year. H ie amount to be attending the meeting elected W.J. Conference. They will be accompan Idaleen Maw and Winona Hen ler quires a favorable vete of two-thirds three times as l.igh as the capacity are attacked or our security threat raised by district tax will be $41,- Lloyd.Nampa. president, John Chur- ied by Morgan Hansen, Verna son placed first In the clothing di of those wheat producers voting If of British ship yards to replace ened. 400.27 M compared to a levy last chill.Boise, vice-president and ” Mitchell and Mrs. A. Mitchell. vision of this contest with their dem it becomes effective, any farmer who them: it Is more than twice the year of $41,251.27; an increase of Gale, secretary. Nyssa was rt onstration on Removal of stains. ia growing wheat in execss of his combined British and American out On Vacation With profound conciousness of $149.00. The complete budget esti nlzed In places on various comm Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Simianer Irene Conner and Lucille Skeen was acreage allotment, provided this put of merchant ships today. my responsibilities to my country mate appears elsewhere In this Issue. lttees, with the appointment to the Potato Starch committee of Frank and their two sons are on a ten day the only team entered in th miscel acreage is over 15 acres, will be sub men and to my country's cause, I ject to the penalty on any acreage vacation and left Friday for Prairie laneous division. T. Morgan as chairman. Fred Bur- It is time for us to realize that have tonight issued a proclamation The Style Review was held Sat in excess of his acreage allotment. the safety of American homes even that an unlimited national emer gesser, chief chemist at the Nyssa City, where they were guests of Mr. This provision is part of the Agricul In the center of our country has gency exists and requires the str and Mrs. Harold F Bayer and at urday afternoon. factory of the Amalgamated Sugar Winners in the different divisions tural Adjustment Act passed by a definite relationship to the con engthening of our defense to the ex company, to the Research committee tended the Rodeo. They will visit at La Grande and Baker before their of the Style Review were: House Congress and is intended to help tinued safety of homes In Nova treme limit of our national power and L. P. Thomas to the Publicity dress, Helen Schweizer of Owyhee; meet the very heavy wheat surplus Scotia or Trinidad or Brazil. return home. committee. and authority. Over 100 cotton mattresses have Cotton school dress, Donna Dim- situation which leaves with the Queens For Fair Must Register Special guests at the meetig were already been constructed from the United States a surpuls of nearly a All young ladies who wish to run mlck of Owyhee; Informal party Arnold P. Yerkes, head of the res second carload of cotton delivered in the Queen Contest for the Mal dress, Vera Orr of Owyhee; Best year's supply on hand. It is expected to Malheur County under the cotton earch and development division of heur county Fair must register with dress and accessories, Nadine Wilson that the total carry over at the end mattress program of the Surplus the International Harvester com Miss Thaddene Jennings at the of Kingman Kolony; Tailored cos of the 1941 market year will be over Marketing Administration, according pany; Dr. H.K. Benson, head of the Frank Morgan Real Eastate Office tume of wool and acessories, Elea 500.000,000 bushels. This is 200,000.000 to Information released from the chemistry and chemical engineer bushels more wheat than the sur nor Clement of Grove. not later than Wednesday, June 4, ing department of the University county agent's office this week. plus present in 1932 when wheat The four winners In the upper di 1941. of Washington; Dr. E. V. White of Six centers are In operation now sold for 25c a bushel. The quotas visions of this contest are eligible To Visit Over Week End the University of Idaho; Earle O. Gene Brady, Nyssa high school Under the joint auspices of the at Adrian, Nyssa, Vale, Wlllowcreek, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and to compete at the State Fair next are an effort to prevent low prices Reed, supervisor of Agriculture and Nyssa Post’s of the veteran's of For such as this from appearing again. Boulevard Hall and Oregon Slope Junior, was selected bw a committee their children will visit with relatives fall, as are the winning teams in Industrial development division of eign Wars and the American Legion, The quotas will directly affect only composed of members of the high Ccmmunlty Hall. It Is expected that the Union Pacific; and C. J. Strike, in Twin Falls over the Memorial day the demonstration team contest. citizens of Nyssa will gather Me those persons who have approved Donna Dlmmlck was awarded a few of the Malheur County far school faculty. Lions Club and week end. president of the Idaho Power com grand champion of all cooking ex mers but will indirectly affect every Chamber of Commerce, to attend the morial Day to honor the nation's applications for mattresses on file pany On Vacation dead. farmer because of the influence that now will make the matteresses which Mr and Mrs R A Thompson left hibits on her loaf of bread, and Na- annual “Beaver Boys' State,” ac In his talk to the group, Yerkes The ceremonies will be held at they are eligible for before addition Saturday on a motor trip through deen Wilson was selected as the the price of wheat has had on the cording to announcement this week the grade school grounds. Organ al applications can be accepted. Ad said "Cherrurgy seeks new markets price of other feed grains and on the middle west Th-y expect to be grand champion winner of all clo by Wesley J. Browne, Commander of for farm crops and new crops to re thing exhibits with her clothing IV thepri ces of livestock and livestock I the Nyssa Post of the American izations will meet at the old Post ditional cotton has been ordered and place surplus crops in order that away about two weeks office building on 8outh First street will be received here sometime dur products. exhibit. The award for these plac- Visit From Hunington Legion. The State will be held on at 10:00 a. m. tomorrow (Friday) ing the summer and at this time we may produce more things that we Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen and two ings will be scholarships to 4-H the Oregon State college campus and from there will march to the other individuals who are eligible can consume and thereby have a Summer School in 1942. the awards of their friends visited on Sunday June 22 to 29. school grounds. Following the cere may make application for mattresses higher standard of living for all. at the parental Charles Garrison being given by the County Fair Approximately 250 boys from 16 monies at the school, both the Legion and they will have an opportunity Board. home and fished at the dam. to 19 years will take part in this and the V. F W. will go to the cem to make mattresses in most com STUDENTS DISPLAY ART An exceptional record was made by Visit In Portland citizenship training program, which etery to hold their respective ser munities later. The display of arts and crafts Mr. and Mrs. Martin Osborn, Miss the Richland Clothing Club led by is headed by D. M. McDade of Port vices. The Auxiliaries will also take It Is expected that the mattress over the week end In several of the Thaddene Jennings and Earl Os Mrs. J. M. Ridder. All nine members Proposed creation of a public util land, president and an advisory part in the ceremonies. center at Arock will again start work store windows on Main street born spent the week end in Port of this club exhibited, and were ity district in Barter county was committee of leading state officials In the line of march will be the shortly and a new center will be brought many expressions of praise land and Corvallis where they visited awarded Six blue ribbons, two red snowed under by a vote of nearly and citizens including Governor V. F. W„ Legion, and the Auxiliar opened at Harper soon as some of from those who examined them. The Marlon Osborn a patient at the ribbons, and one ribbon-of-merit. three to one in an election held Tues. j Sprague and Secretary of State Earl ies, the Legion and L. D. S. troops the centers now operating have com wood work and soap carvings were The following gives the blue-rib The total vote was 808 for and 2393 Snell. Emmanuel Hospital and then the of Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, C. C. pleted their work. Notices are being made under the direction of Grant men attended a Blue Mountain seed bon winners in each of the ex against. Aftera rriving, the boys form their C. boys from the Nyssa camp, the mailed from each center to each In Rlenheart. teacher In the grade hibits: meeting. In the city of Baker the vote was own government with officers the I Mayor and councllmen, and mem dividual who Is approved for mat school by pupils In his classes. The Cooking: From Los Ange'es Rachel Shaw. Selma Stam. Leola 547 for and 2005 against. In the ru same as those in this state, thus bers of the Odd Fellows and Rebek- tress construction telling them when precision of detail in their patterns Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. ahs. to appear to make their mattress. and the grace of lines In the carv A. C. Sallee were Mr. Sallee's sister, Dlderckjson. Edna Hicks, Rubv Bol- ral precincts the vote was 261 for learning citizenship from actual j practice. If anyone Is not able to appear on ings were astonishing, and showed Mrs. Mildred Brandt, Boise. Mrs. les. Betty Lomax. Hazel Lynch, Glor and 388 against. The district was to have taken j Last year, Frank Johnson, now HOLD REVIVAL the date scheduled, they should go the signs of real artistry. Ralph Eyre and Mr. Eyre of Los ia Russell. Lcnabelle Stevens, Mary over by the purchase on condemna- [ living in Los Angeles, was selected j The Church of the Nazarene be to the center and make arrange Another program carried on at Angeles While in Nyssa the visitors McGee, gan a series of tent evangelistic ments with the supervisor of the the grade school this year under tion the property of the Eastern to attend the state. Cooking II: were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. meetings at Sixth and Good on Oregon Light and Power Co., and to | center. Individuals in charge of the the tutelage of Mrs. Smith was that Nola Caverhill. Lois Jordan. La- Transportation and tuition ex George Sallee. of puppetry. With her aid the young vonne Underdahl. Lois Qowey. Joyce have purchased power from. Bonne- | penses are being borne by the Nyssa Wednesday evening when Rev. Olenn various centers are as follows: In Jerome Griffith, Superintendent of Oregon. Mrs. Cora Tomlinson, her mother, Kurtz, June Decker. Winifred Aus- ville. A similar proposal was enact- [ Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club Oregon Slope. Mrs. Clara Howard; sters have through the year made Idaho, Utah Nazarene district will Mrs. Mattie Moreland and her dau man. Irene Tucker. Louise Colley, ed last November by a small major- I and the American Legion. [ Boulevard. Mrs. J. D. Falrman; Vale. the puppets from paper machee de preach for the coming two weeks. ghter, Claudine Tomlinson visited Rosemary Stevens. Barbara Dale. ] ity In Union county north of here j I Mrs. T. B. Duncan; Wlllowcreeki corated and dressed them. The per As a special singer and song leader with a view to having the two coun- ] CookingHI: over the week end with friends at Pete Stoneberg; Nyssa. Mrs. Charles formers presented "Rip Van Winkle” the well known Evangelistic soloist. to the school under her direction on Marjorie Merrick, Helen Schwei- ties join in a public ownership Jerome, and Twin Falls and Hazel- | Orlder; Adrian. Mrs. F. E Deffer. Harold Baumgardner has been en move. The Eastern Oregon com j zer, Donna Dimmlck. Margaret Friday. ton. . . . High school graduates suddenly gaged. The meetings promise to be pany serves both counties. | Pounds. Carol Witty. In Port'and Attend Grand I/idte becoming young men and women very inspirational and The Nyssa Clothing I: Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Langton Mr. and Mrs. Lon Root who were LEGION COMMANDER TO and every one wishing them a whole pastor Vern Martin and his congre Betty Newbill. Mary Lou Jensen. JIM ATKF.NSON AGAIN left on Monday for Portland to get delegates to the Grand Lodge of the PRESENT AWARDS world of luck! . . . A1 Thompson on gation extend a cordial invitation to their son Pat from the Shriners Ethel Kanyid. Lavina Presley. Grace PROMOTED The American Legion awards for Rebekahs and Odd Fellows at Baker Corporal James B Atkenson, a a vacation leaving the Journal mluns every one to attend. hospital where he has been for sev I Foster. last week returned home Thursday. good citizenship and Americanism its ace reporter . . . after all these To Live At Yakima member of the 89th Reconnaissance Clothing H. eral months receiving treatment for will be presented to the winners this Cecil Fagan who has been workntg In Vale Lorn a Chandler. Elaine Reed. Lois Squadron, stationed at McChord rains folks wondering how come all th after effects of poliemyelltls. Mr. and Mrs Oordcn Smith went year by Wesley Brown Commander the dust . . . the Ernie McClures gett at Yakima returned this week to Field. Washington, was recently pro Mitchell. Charltne Chrltton. Helen News Of Grandson to Vale on Monday after receiving of the Nyssa American Legion Post, ing ready for a tralior trek and the move his family there. On Tuesday Mrs. Lillian Newby Schwiezer Anna Jean Gardner, moted to the grade of Sergeant in word that Mr 8 mlth's brother, Lou, at the graduation ceremonies on Les McClures ready to flit to new the United States Army Air Corps. Home From Hospital received word that a son had been Mary Lou Jensen. Veleta Blbbev Thursday evening. fields . . Happy landings to them Sergeant Atkenson enlisted on his Mrs Warren Oraves and baby had been killed there. Clothing III. bom to her son-in-law and daught . . summer or not the balls still daughter returned home from the Leave For Nebraska current term in the Army at March Donna Winslow. Donna Dlmmick. er. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Larsen, now Mr. and Mrs. Oltbert Hasty and Visit From Gooding Field. California. March 4. 1940 He clicking at the bowling alley . . . Nyssa Nursing Home Sunday. Aloha Maw. Donna Belle Goodell. living in South Carolina. Hear Shay Bybee told the boys how Mrs. John Ed holm and Mrs. Ral their sons, with Darreld Btelnkfc left S on d ay Guests Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. At Clothing L. D. S. Primary to warm their hands on that snowy Sunday guests at the Orovcr on Tuesday morning for Red Cloud. ph Palkner of Ooodlng are guests Fern Rooks tool Nadeen Wilson. kenson of Nyssa. Oregon. The Primary of the L. D. 8 church fishing trip . . . and that there Is Douglas home on the Owyhee were Nebraska. The Lomax children went of their daughter and sister. Mrs A. will meet during the summer months Winona Henderson. Idaleen Maw no guest tooth brush at the Harry Misses Melda Chamberlain. Nyssa. as far as Oxford, Nebraska with C. Sallee and Mr. Sallee, to attend New Car the first Wednesday of each month Eonni? Whipp’.e. Margaret Mitchell of Owyhee, and them where they will spend the sum the graduation exercises this evening Norman Douglas is driving a new Hahns . . . The next meeting will be Wednes | Clothing V. when Lucille Sallee will graduate. mer with their grand parents. i Mr and Mrs Albert Larsen lone Benson. Bernice Whipple I Ford. day June 4. 1941 at p. m. 1942 High School Budget Show s^* Slight Increase 4-H Spring Fair Winners Named Farm Chemurgy Council Formed More Cotton For Mattresses A sked Pick Gene Brady Nyssa Citizens For Legion To Honor The “ Boys State” Nations Dead P.U.D. Beaten In Baker County ROUND TOWN TV: 7