Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1941 FOR SALE are still as badly swamped with work Bob McCoy To Graduate and then return their, to their CRESCENT SEAL (made by the as ever, or maybe a little worse. homes. If one stops to change gar Mrs. C. L. McCoy left today for makers of Gold Seal) lincleuu. rug, Doc Rafiington has a tractor turn- ments. to powder the nose or to take Portland where she will witness the 9x12 only $3.95. A large variety new May 23rd, the grade school w ill1 ing under a good crop of alfalfa out hair rollers, there is a monetary graduation exercise»* at Columbia patterns. Linoleum rug mats 18x36 fine which goes into the Guild hold their last day of school picnic \ hay for to raise com on the ground at the school house, instead of th* Roy Manley has a tractor turning Preparatory as her son Robert is a inches 25 cents; 27x38 inches, 35 treasury. park as had been previously announ-I under a crop of hay too for to raise member of the graduating class Bob cents. The Nyssa Trader sells for - 5 - took hist grade school work! and the less, main highway north. Open more com. WEEK END GUESTS first two years of high school at Sundays. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Patton c j Tuesday could see two tractor Nyssa. He plans to begin a medi Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis enter tained a number of guests over the Owyhee spent Sunday at the parent- working for Chuck Share. Couldn’t cal course next fall. FOR RENT : see just what they were doing. They week end which included: Dorothy al Jeb Wilson home MODERN THREE room home, Nice Hill and Jack Conklin of Baker, Mr. lawn, cellar and screen porch, fen The Rev. B. Ress Evans and w ife! were ^ ° ver a ralse in * * *r0“ nd CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Lowell Stoddard of Weiser, of Nyssa were dinner guests of Mr One had a disk and the other a plow ced yard. Clean with linoleum, on Virgil Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Wil and Mrs. Wm. Teter Saturday. J Locked from here like they were We wish to thank all of those who bedroom and kitchen floors. Large running circles around one another j were so kind to us in the bereave cupboard and close closet. Call Jour lard Lewis of Baker. The Big Bend P. T. A. held instal Roy Manley bought another corn ment at the loss of our little sonTed- nal. 22M tfc. lation at the last regular meeting j planter into the Hollow this spring ATTEND BRIDAL PAIR of the year Wednesday evening Mrs so now we have two and they sure dy. Especially to the congregation FOR SALE of the Church of Christ, the Method Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis attended Walter Strcviley was installed as ist Society for Christian Service, The UPRIGHT GRAND piano. Mrs Miss Hill and Mr. Conklin in Weiser President and Mrs. Zeb. Wilson as are going. Ernest McClure, F’irst near Locus Eliza and Clarence use each others church of the Nazarene for their Sunday afternoon when they were Vice President and Mrs. Joe King as 22M tfc married by President Scott Brown Secretary, and Harry Jurgens as machienery and loan each others 1 aid and beautiful floral offerings machienery. The com planter some and to the L. D. S. membership for of Weiser Stake of the L. D. S. Treasurer. times gets sort of complicated. One the use of their church. Also to Miss FDR SALE church and latter atended the wed man asked Ezra for the use of the Martin, Claudine Tomlins and Mrs. FURNITURE LIKE new. 1 oil burn ding supper in Hotel Boise. ing heater; 1 General Electric re SUNSET VALLEY planter. Weise for their ainglng. And to Rev. -5 — "Sure you can use it next” and he B. Ross Evans for his comforting frigerator; 1 electric Sewing mach FAREWELL PARTY ine; 1 dining room suit, 1 living Mr. and Mrs Clyde Teeters and , The report of a purse being stolen tells him where it is or he thinks it words and to Rev. Beem for his sym room suit. Call after 5 p. m. John pathy and help. The pall bearers Mrs. John Westerfield were honor at the danc? a t ‘ he hal1 * is. Someone else asks Clarence the Marvin Wheeler, Orville Marshall. Lienhard. Kelly Houses. guests at a covered dish luncheon was a n^take. The ycung ac y 1a and afternoon party given at the s'mP*F dropped the Purs® rom e same day for the use of the plante- ! Glen Greer, Gen Weeks, Carl Hen F O R R E N T Methodist Parsonage by the mem- ! P °c*tet and found it righ aw ay in "Sure you can have it next" and h ’ derson. George Bassler. Also the 3 ROOM FURNISHED house. Mod tells him where it is or he thinks it Nyssa Funeral Home for efficient ern, nice lawn, electric refrigeration bers of the Women’s Association of i the car she came in The Ladies Auxiliary of the Com is. and sympathetic arrangement c f the Call Journal. Christian Service on Friday after 22M tfc. Well it is up to them to find it j services. noon. The honor guests were each munity Hall will meet at the hall, May 29. on Thursday instead of May and I guess first come first served. FOR SALE presented with a farewell gift. Signed: One fall Ezra went to hunting 30, as it is Memorial Day. Mrs Pom Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Miller. ROUND EXTENSION table, solid eroy and Mrs. Newgen will be host for his potato digger as he wanted Sadie Mae, and James Eldon Miller $1.95: used chairs 75 cents; used BRIDE-TO-BE ENTERTAINED to use it some himself. He finally Mr. i.nJ Mrs. Wallace Gregg and beds 75 cents up; springs $1.00 and Miss Betty Hannon, who leaves ess. Bernice Gregg. up. The Nyssa Traders sells for less, shortly to become the bride of Dr. A special meeting was held Tues located it way down between Nyss main highway north. Open Sundays. Flank Tyler of Maryland was com day evening to plan the banquet to and Ontario setting in a field. Th plimented with a party given by Mrs be served to the Lions club at the man who had borrowed it had re FOR SALE Too Late to Classify Merle Burres at the Methodist Par Nyssa High school, Thursday even loaned it. The man who had it last HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Swan had gone to the hills to get seme sonage on Tuesday evening. ing. FDR SALE Economy King seperator, | Apartments No. 6. 22M ixc poles and the man whose field it - 8 - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gueck enter $10.00 guaranteed to separate to ! FATHERS AND SONS BANQUET tained company from Caldwell. Sun set in thought it belonged to the man who brought it there and did your satisfaction or your money On Wednesday evening last at the day. not want to give it up as he was back. Easy washing machine $7.50, j High school the annual Fathers and also attended the picnic. going to dig some more spuds if the sewing machine $5.00. The Nyssa Sons banquet was given by the mem A. R. Roberts is confined to his Trader sells for less. Main highway bers of the Epworth League of the bed with asthma and heart trouble. price came up. We have a weed in Cow Hollow, north. Open Sundays. Methodist church. Mrs. Cash Turner is visiting her that is a new one for most everyone Irvin Topliff, Epworth League FDR SALE daughter, Mrs. Jay Howard of Boise. It grows to about ten to twelve in president was toastmaster for the ches high has a rather large leaf NEW UNFINISHED desk, 4 drawers, j evening and introduced the theme of a rather peculiar weed. You plow in may be used as vanity, only $5,75: the evening, ‘"Ibe Highroad.” Rev. the spring and you find a long ropy New hardwood chairs, $ .92. New j George Roseberry, Caldwell gave the root about a half inch thick running chests, 8 drawers, $2.75 and up; new invocation. Ralph Teeters, repre By The Happy Farmer paralell with the top of the ground. unfinished tables $3.49. The Nyqsa senting the sons spoke on the“ Road Fred LaShouse cant hear the radio Trader sells for less, main highway j Behind" and C. C. Wyckoff respond so we told him one morning ih,u Never found an end to one yet. Tis north. Open Sundays. ing for the fathers talked of the the radio says it will frost tonight. a fairly soft root. You twist the root “Road Ahead.” On the program was In the afternoon we see him riding in your fingers and it has a dozen FDR SALE 15c CENTS stringy cords in it The root is easily a duet sung by Oscar Bratton and a harrow. SUPERBUILT VELOUR d a v e n o broken. It is a dessert plant but it Oscar Bratton and a piano solo by He stops and shouts "Say did you thrives well under irrigation. Grows beds, have no sag guarantee con PER LINE Robert McDonald. say that the radio said it was going in patches and completly covers the struction, are made of all new ma The main speaker of the evening terials aa specified on the label, as to frost tonight or freeze up this ground. It matures very little if any was Rev. LeRoy Walker of Nampa required by the Oregon state law. afternoon? seed, but comes from the root When who chose for his subject "Whose There was a nice crowd out last we first come here some of us was Unlabled davenos are contrary to Son Art Thou?" CORNELL BOW LING Thursday nite to see about our new alarmed at the great quanities of it. Oregon state law and may contain used filler. These Daveno beds are Grange. It seems to be about as harmless a TUESDAY AFTERNOON $50.00 values and sell at $35.00 tap ALLEYS BRIDGE PARTY In two weeks from, last Thursday weed as we can raise. It matures estry Davenos at $24.95 and $27.50 Nyssa Main Street Mrs. John Bishop was hostess to nite or Thursday nite, May29th the early in the summer and is dormant The Nyspa Trader sells for less. the members of the Tuesday after organizer will be back with us to the rest of the summer. You sort of Main highway north. Open Sun noon Bridge club at her home this hold the installation ceremony. The forget about it but here it is next days. week for dessert and contract and officers for our new Grange will be spring bright as ever. invited Mrs. FYank Morgan, Mrs. Installed. Keith Bailey and Mrs. R. G. Larson Those ceremonies will be open to III to play as guests for the afternoon, the public. The organizer says that | Proceeding the regular rubbers of | it will be a very beautiful ceremony. | contract comical games were played j The first nite when the organizer | at which Mrs. Larsen and Mrs. Mor- was here he named over four or five j I’ve found ADLERIKA satisfactory." gan were winners. At contract Mrs of the benefits to be derived from (H. B.-Mich.) When bloated with Bumall Brown and Mrs. Bailey made being a Grange member. Among 1 gas, annoyed by bad breath or sour stomach, due to delayed bowel ac high scores. them was education. Chuch Share puls in "Education tion. try ADLERIKA for QUICK DINNER PARTY al tr right" by the time we get this relief. Get it TODAY. NYSSA PHARMACY Complimentating Harold Taylor organized we will all know a lot Lower Bend CIVIC CLUB FLOWER SHOW MR. AND MRS. CLUB On Wednesday afternoon over a ENTERTAINED hundred members and guests gather- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hollenberg were ed at the Parish hall to enjoy the again honor guests when Mr. and annual guest day and spring flower Mrs. Arthur H. Boydell entertained show given by the Nyssa Civic club themembers of the Mr, and Mrs. Many gue.qts represented more than club at dinner and contract on Wed- eighteen rural community clubs be- > nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hol- tween Nyssa and Adrian. lenberge are members of long stand- The flower show this year was ing in the club and were presented devoted particularly to flower ar- with a gift during the evening, rangement and many lovely and in- High scores at contract went to dividual displays were exhibited. Mr. George Mitchell and Mr. Boyd- Flowers for corsages were given b y ; ell. Mrs. Clarence W. Barrett which were | --------- arranged by the Flower committee THURSDAY EVENING BRIDGE under the direction of Mrs. Gilbert Members of the Thursday evening Allsebrook, Mrs. Clarence Brewster, | Bridge club were guests at dessert Mrs. Grant Lewis and the Girl and contract at the home of Mrs Scouts. John Bishop on Wednesday evening Tire program for the afternoon Mrs. Leslie McClure was honored by was a musical treat and with the a farewell handkerchief shower pre oath of allegiance, followed by group ceding the evenings play of con singing led by the club quartette. tract several humorous games were The quartette is composed of Mrs played at which Brs. Bert B Lien- C. L. McCoy, Mrs. Ernest McClure, kaemper and Mrs. Bernard East Mrs. Carlos Buchner and Mrs. Char man were high. Prizes at contract les Grider. Then followed a duet went to Mrq. R. G. Whitaker, Mrs. composed of Mrs. Bernard Eastman Omer Adkeson and Mrs. Lienkam- Sr,, and Mrs. John Whalen accom per. panied by Mr si. Jack) Hannigan, all of - 5 - Payette. Mr. Parent then presented BIRTHDAY PARTY his Hi School poetry choir, Reid Complimenting the birthday anni Cottle accompanied by Sid Smith versary of their son-in-law, Orval played a trumpet solo. Mrs. Herbert Brooks, visiting from Nebraska, Mr. H. Fisher accompanied by Mrs. Car and Mrs. Arthur E. Wilson enter los Buchner was violin soloist. tained at dinner on Tuesday even Tea was poured from a lace cov ing last. Guests Included Mrs. ered flower decorated table by mem Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCon bers of the refreshment committee nell, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Moore o f which Mrs. A. C. Norcott was and baby of Payette, Mrs. Charles chairman. Leuck, Mrs. C. Vail, Mrs. Barber. Following dinner cards were enjoyed at the McConnell home at which Mrs. More and Mrs. McConnell made high scores. - TAK E YOUR TIME! DRIVE CAREFULLY! You May Kill One Of My Customers BERNARD EASTMAN INSURANCE Real Estate “ As Close As Y our T e le p h o n e " P h on e 64 Nyssa 5 - WEDNESDAY EVENING CLUB Mrs. A. V. Cook was hostess last week for the members of the Wed nesday evening bridge club and in vited Mrs. Frank Rambaugh and Mrs. Morris F. Solomon. High scores were made by Mrs. Sidney Burbridge and Mrs. Cook. j -8 - OALLOPING BREAKFAST The first of the Galloping Break fasts. a summer series of which will be given by the Guild of St. Pauls Episcopal church was given on Fri- 1 clay morning at the home of Mrs. j Gilbert Allsebrook with Mrs. William I E. Schireman and Mrs. Charles Grider and Mrs. Bernard Eastman doing the galloping. About thirty ladies were picked up without warn ing. taken to the home of the hos tess where a progressive breakfast was served to a gay and motley as sembly. The idea of the party is for some of the hostesses to call for the, ladies unannounced and to take them as they are to the breakfast FOOD VALUES Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday May 23 & 24 C a k e F fou r Swan Down Pkg. 23c 5c All Flavors Jell© Each Pride 1 lb. Cookies Package packages Marsh Mallows? 2 lb. for 25c Post Toasties tZV 19c Qt jars Salad Dressing Gold Bar Ik Crystal White Soap giant bars 7 for 29c cans Tuna 2 for 29c Palm Olive Soap 3 bars for 19c Johnson Glocoat _9 L can Peets Granulated Soap large pkgs._______ 25c Shortening Surefine 3 lb. can 49 c */2 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 6 P. M. SATU R D A YS, 9 P. M. W ilson G rocery OREGON NYSSA A Dependable Food Store j Cow Hollow Bowl Tonight ONLY TWO BIG DAYS LEFT OF OUR who left Tuesday for Palermo Is land for a years work. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Taylor entertained at dinner for Mr and Mrs. Robert Odoms and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Everett, Wei ser and Harold. HOLLENBERGS ENTERTAINED On Monday the Eastern Stars and Masons gathered about fifty strong, at the Masonic hall to honor Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hollenberg at a fare well dinner. Tire hall was beautifuly decorated in cut fowers. And at the dinner served buffet style from a long lace covered table. Mr and Mrs. Hollenberg were es corted to the head of the table where they were prsntd with a silvr tray ngraved with the Masonic and East ern Star in.sign as Pinochle and con tract were enjoyed after dinner at which Miss Eva Boydell and Mrs. El- den Stirnweis made high scores - 8 - THURSDAY AFTERNOON BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Ida Robertson was hostess for the members of the Thursday afternoon Bridge club last week and invited Mrs. A. L. Fletcher and Mrs Burnall Brown as guests for the af ternoon. Mrs. Tom Eldredge made high score at contract for the a f ternoon. more than we knew before.” B U IL D IN G P E R M IT S Well We have elected Chuck Share The following applications for as our first Grange Master so his educational career is well started. building permits have been filed with the Citv Recorder- There are thirteen officialsf if I am not mistakn) in this Grange Bn(j I No. 469 D. W. Hurley Rernod. Cab none of them have ever been in a in s Lot 11 Blk 86 Westfield $600 00 No. 470 W. A. Mttchel Erect Dwel Grange before so expect we are due ling Lot 28 Glasgow Tract $2.000.00 for more fun. No. 471 Albert D. Watson Remod. The organizer says that he will have to make two more trips back and Add Dwelling unplatted West $350.00 here to help us. After that guess we of Blk. 41 Park Add. May 22, 1941. will have to be on our own. If no written protests have been Money is not as scarce at this filed within ten (10) days from the time of year but we would like to date of this publication by owners have some more membrs Especially of property in the City of Nvssa. some one that has been an active the above applications will be ap proved. member at sorr. other Grange We may need an engineer when we get FDR SALE 4 Good milk cows. Give over 300 pounds butterfat. Jake all this machienry to moveing. Most of the Cow Hollow farmers Kollen, Rte. 2, Nyssa. 22M lxp NYSSA Phone 108 PROGRAM THEATRE Friday and Saturday, May 23-24 George Brent and Brenda Marshall in “ SOUTH OF SUEZ” VALLEY V IE W A large crowd attended the shower I honoring Mr. and Mrs Dick Alex- [ under Thursday evening at the Knox Alexander home. Games were play ed many useful and lovely gifts were | received, at a late hour refreshments were served. FYed Moller shipped beef cattle to ! Portland Thursday He accompanied { them. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds left | last week end for Parrie city. They will vacation in California for a | while after which Mr Reynolds will resume his Job at the "Look out" j station in Grant county. Mr and Mrs Ben McConnell moved the rest of their things from the Arcadia t cache rage the last of the week and Miss Betty Hannon left for her home in Buhl. Idaho Saturday morning. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deep-felt thanks to our many friends for their kindness and sympathy during the bereavement of our beloved husband and father. Warren Bert Hoxie. Mrs W B Hoxie. and Family 45th ANNIVERSARY SALE HURRY! IT’S YOUR LAST CHANCE Nylon Hose The Popular American Hose Of Today Reg. $1.50 2 Days Only! *1*15 Limit 2 Pair Sampson Card TABLE Checker Board Top Sale Price Mens Hose Rayon and Silk Fancy-Latest Designs Reg. 25c Now! 45c 3 pr. for Childrens Sandals White or Brown *1.98 79c Down Comfort Mens Work Pants Reg $22.50 *15.45 Green Covert Cloth S a l M ai. 2.SO p. m., Aam. 5c-20c; Evening, 10c-33c, includes tax Chenille Spread 88c Sunday and Monday, May 25-26 Beautiful Designed Joan Blondell, Ronald Young, Carole Landis, and Dennis O’Keefe in Reg. $9.95 Hopalong Cassidy in “ IN OLD COLORADO” *7-145 “TOPPER RETURNS” Musical comedy and color cartoon Mat Sun. 2 30, Adm. 10c-28c, Evening Adm. 10c-33c, Includes tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— Tuesday, May 27 — W T are making YOUR DOW N PAYM ENT Mens Slack Suits Sanforized Material »1.74 of Garden Hose “ TH EY K NEW W H A T THEY W A N T E D ” $5 Shorts and The Green Archer On Any Appliance $69.95 or over Fiber Reinforced 25 foot Carole Lombard and Charles Laughton in Adm. Children 5e, Adults 15c ___ ________ 95c Wednesday and Thursday, May 28-29 Deanna Durbin, Franchot Tone, Walter Bren nan, and Robert Benchley in “ NICE GIRL” Shorts and News Ite-Itc, Itirludint Defense Tax GOLDEIM RULE M AKE IT RIGHT STORE NYSSA OREGON