THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL SUNSET VALLEY Worthwhile club at Martha Langley's May 15. Pland were made to have a community party at the Hall on Saturday night. Plans were also made to entertain the O. K. K. club the next meeting to be held June 3 at the Mable Bollctho's home Martha Lorensen as hostess. Club members please note the change in this meeting from Thursday to Tues day. Mr. and Mis. Boyd Query were week end guests at the C. A. Ditty home. Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and Sharon c f Nyssa visited this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Bey Warren while Mr. Landreth is seeking em ployment at Hermiston. DANCE To Modern and Old Time Music By Con Christiansen’s Orchestra Sat. May 24, at 9 P. M. SUNSET VALLEY COMMUNITY HALL Proceeds to pay for equipment for our hall ADMISSION 45 CENTS Ladies Free Among those attending the show "Gone With The Wind on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Swetland, (he Kenneth Lcreasen family, Don Parker, the Hudd Robb and Lester j Kendall families. Mrs. Otto W olfe entertained Sun day in honor of Twila's birthday, a ; number of friends. Guests were; Beth and Charles Chapin, Duane and Lulabelle Wilson, Mona and Jay Mitchell and Darlene Robb. Mrs. H ow ar’ F va -r r accompanied h r ,-.-rem , Mr. an, Mrs. T. H. Bi wrr. Mr-. Jchn West fall and Mrs. Ernes; Barker tc On tario M ay to attend the funeral of Char Garner. Mrs John and Tressa r ty attend’ d the funeral also. Mr ai Mrs Oce Schweitzer and sen Bob attended "Gone With The W ind” on Monday at Nyssa. Mr. ai Mrs. L ster Zurcher of Homcdal pent Sunday in the par- ential C.i -rby Wilscn heme. Mr an:' Mrs T. H. Brewer, Hom er, W ilir and Don of Owyhee were Sund iy t inner guests in the Howard Evan.- hot 'e. In the evening they at tended the Baccurlaurate services in Adrian Roy Warren had the misfortune to lo;e a valuable milk cow Sunday by bloat. Shirley Price an eighth grade graduate of the Owyhee school who just reached her 12th birthday this spring parsed with good grades and also received a certificate for Palmer method penmanship, has set a rec ord finishing 8 years of grade school Save Time and Money P R U Y N ’S G A R A G E Second and Main St. HOW>23 MONTH BUILDS A HOME •.**•"* **•"* Jt'- ____ .... _______ r L— if J 1 * *.*' c i j O T iL lT f t u y 1 ^ y f iJ'V'ml l : IL »»' A l u V lM f i B O O M n o * . ia - c |je>i o dùüm 1 9 9T . I Ö « - - * iTCUt-N n r ] T l 6 6 -* G lL L p in six years. Shirley plans to enter Adrian Hi. this faU. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barrett and two children of Mema. Nebraska visited Thursday and Friday with her sister, Mrs. Gouer Cooper and Mr. Cooper. The Barrets went to Meridian. Ida ho where they have employment. Mrs. R. W. Bolitho and daughter’s returned Monday from a weeks visit with her mother at Kuna. Viola Hintz, Tressa and Robert W t y visited Mr and Mrs. Boyd Query in Nampa Monday evening. a. m. Mr Hawkins was among th* early settlers of this project, com- ther were called from Kansas. Mrs. Nathaniel Ashby and Infant son came home from the Nyssa hos pital Thursday. Jackie Ward has the mumps. Sev eral cases of whooping cough are also reported. Most of the beets In this com munity have been thinned and sev eral have started to hay. Friday is the last day of school. In the morning the P. T. A. will hold a business meeting followed by a picnic luncty Baseball games will be played in the afternoon. Everyone is invited to bring a bas The Sunday schocl has agreed to ket lunch and come sponsor a Boy Scout troop. Tentative plans are to hold Vacation Bible School for two weeks starting May 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Farley pre sented the Sunday School with a book “ Hurlbuts Bible School". The Merry Matrons club met at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pennington the home of Minnie Mitchell Wed. left Sunday for Stanfield, Oregon, afternoon. A social afternoon was where they will reside. Mrs. Penning enjoyed by six members and two ton has been spending some time at guests. Nova Olenn aid Iris Church. the home of her parents, Mr. and Club will meet Wed. May 28th at Mrs. George B. Ward. the home of Gladys Davis with V i Three pupils from Lincoln Heights ola Adams assisting. Roll call will were members of the Senior grad- j be answered by giving a favorite re- uation class of Outario the past ceip. Refreshments were served by week, they were: Ruth Branom, M il the hostess. dred Anderson and Bob Goodwill. W. A. Mettlen who has been ser Relatives received word from Rey| iously 111 at the home of his daugh Whltsell, who is under the doctor's j ter, Mrs Ewen Chard Is better. His care at Portland, that he had under- sen, Clyde and Mr. Mettlen’s bro- vene an operation on his shoulder ming here from California. Funeral last week. Mr. Whitsell had planned services were held Tuesday afternoon to return home soon but on further in Ontario. examination specialists found that an operation would be advisable. Miss Kathryn Nielson has accept ed a position with the Ontario schools. Kathryn has taught the pri Mrs. Olen Lay and two sons Fay mary room at Harper the past year and Giles of Powers. Oregon are Miss Marjorie Nieslon of Boise and spending a few days with Olen Lay several friends visitedd at the Tim here. Mrs. Lay and Fay will return Nielson home Sunday. Marjorie will the first of the week, but Giles will remain for a weeks visit. remain this summer with his father. Leta Goodell, who is employed Bill Kipp went to Portland Friday near Jordan Vlalley arrived Thurs with a load o f cattle. day noon so that she might attend Mr. and Mrs. Berthelson have been the graduation exercises of her bro hired to teach here next year. ther. Bobbie, which took place that A large crowd attended the School evening. She will remain for a week's Picnic here last Friday afternoon visit at the home of her parents, The ladies of the Sunshine club gave Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Goodell. Mrs. Betty Hannon a handerchief Clarence Dale of Midvale spent shower. They also presented her Sunday at the Jack Pettet home. with a electric toaster. The M. J. Pettet family of Kuna Miss Grace Tarr of Wilder is visit visited at the Jack Pettet home W ed ing this week with Mrs. Gilbert nesday evening. Swan and Mrs. George Molller. The Patch and Chat club met at Lee Dali of Pendleton spent the the home of Zola Pettet Thursday week end with his mother, Mrs. Anna afternoon. She was assisted by the Dali. co-hostesses; Neva Barnes. Grace Mr. and Mrs. John Zittercob re Houston and Ruth Smith. Roll call ceived word from their daughter was answered by each member giving Evelyn, who Is attending college at the name of a magazine she would Corvallis that she was pledged last exchange with some one. week to the Alpha Lamba Delta N a A discussion of what possibilities tional honary for Sophomore women there might be of building a com whose grades were 3.3 or better. munity hall was held. Mrs. Florence Bill Snader Is building a new Findley and Mrs. Edith Rookstool house. gave topics pertaining to Oregon Louise Orris of Jordan Valley history. After the meeting a lunch spent the week end with her folks. of lee cream and cake was served. Twenty seven were present at The June meeting will be held at Sunday School Sunday. Scripture the Roy McNeal home instead of at reading was given by the young peo the George Markham home as was ple. previously planned. Mr. and Mrs. Olen Lay visited at Neighbors and friends met at the the G. F. Garren home Sunday. Archie Hawkins home Friday-even The National Red Cross Nurse met ing, to chlvaravl Mr. and Mrs. Fred at the school house Friday and Hawkins recent newlyweds. Mr organized red cross classes. They Hawkins is well and favorably known will meet Tuesday night for the first and is a graduate of the Ontario class. High school with the class of 1939 Jack Shenk got his Index finger He was an active member of the F cut o ff at work in the sugar factory. F. A. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter of Hun- Mrs. Hawkins is of Fruitland. Ida ington Beach, Calif., visited last week ho. with Mrs. Anna Dali. Eighth grade graduation exercises Erma Lee Orris who has been at were held at the Boulevard Grange the Otis Dullard heme was able to Hall Thursday evening. May 15th. be moved to her home last week. Ten pupils were from Lincoln Mrs. John Flannery of Nyssa is Heights, namely: Bert Garner, Mil- helping Mrs. Sam Caldwell. ton Green, Dale Green. Clyde Hain- The young people of the neighbor line, Helen Kielhorn, Charles Farley. hood held a welner roast Sunday eve. Geraldine Pettet. Dcnna Winslow. Those present were: Jack Zittercob, Dolly Hawkins and Hallle Weldon. Donald Hickey, Beverly Ann Vre, Lincoln school closes this week Dcnna Mactherly Jean and Pearl with a picnic which will be held Orris, Geneira Hipp, Hilda Swan, Thursday, May 23rd. Grace Tarr, Gerald Zittercob, and Arthur Hawkins died suddenly at Wilma Bullard. his home.Saturdaymoming at 3:00 LINCOLN HEIGHTS Oregon Trail ¿ D IN L 1 1 L ' e u ‘. ^ 6 ‘ 9 vice-president, Mrs. Lucy Glass: urday. secretary, Mrs, Everett Points; treas- Harvey Otis and his daughter urer, Mrs. Ada Perry, historian, i Mrs Bernice Antrim, sergeant at |traded cars ta 8aturd* y arms, Erma Points. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Points and Friday night the Juhlur class of . Mr. Bazz Thomas of near Boise were Adrian High School left at four- Sunday callers at the Everett Points thirty fog Nampa on a swimming home. party. They swam for about three hours and ate a picnic lunch at the park. Mrs. K. I. Peterson, and her dau ghters, Donna and Arlene, Mrs. Ev erett Points, her daughter, Erma. Mrs. John Auker, er children, Delor es and Lester were In Caldwell Sat- Whether it’s a Adrian The American Legion Auxiliary post No. 109 met at the home of Mrs. Everett Points, former president, Tuesday night. May 13 to elect new officers. Officers elected were: Pres ident, Mrs. Pauline Eachus; vice- president. Mrs. Hilda Davis; second Riverview fl y I .cl the Building Bug Bite You Not a mansion, but a well-planned home that pro vides for future expansion. Ideal for a young couple just starting out, or an older pair whose children have grown up. Note first of all that the arrangement provides for duplicating the bedroom by merely adding a room on the other side o f the bath. The hall would connect both. The living room is large, the kitchen compact and the dinette convenient. W hile this plan has no basement, one could be included for small additional cost. In most cases, ownership of a lot is sufficient equity to swing the deal, and the monthly payment includes all charges . . . interest, taxes, insurance and regular reduction of the principal. This home was planned by Boise Payette home designers. Let them plan one to h TOUR needs and YO'JR bur'?-»’ iM io ê të i ? œ ™ LU M B ER am and Geneva are 111 with the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Kessler’s Sun day dinner guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bailey were Thursday visitors at their son, Earl Bailey's home in Vale. Mrs. George Clowers, Allan, Vio let and Tommie, Mrs. Floyd Hirst, and Ethel Louise, Mrs. Harold Per kins and children, Mrs. Romrre'.l Moss and children, and Bob Frost were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Wiley Clowers of Nyssa in her n: * home. Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Klinkenberg have moved from the Ray farm to a new residence. Sunday School at 2:30. Everybody welcome. Cristian Endeavor will be held at the James McGinnis home. Harriet Herman will be the leader. Complete Living Room Set - or a “ SATU RD AY, M A Y 24” Arcadia • Have your motor tuned up or repaired before you start on that trip. Phone 56 W THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1941. COMPANY W »0 £N... AND A r (TH/A£T/C Y V / H I C H are really better at ” household arithmetic— men or w om en ? Let s look at the question in terms of insurance. W h at wom an w ould carry only $ 1.000 in fire insurance on furniture, clothing, etc., when it would cost several times as much to replace them ? W hat woman does not know what a financial burden would fall on her if her h u s b a n d were in iu re d in an accident? Y e t many a man over looks these vital needs. So here s a p r a c tic a l sug gestion to husbands and wives D on’t guess about insurance consult this agency for expert advice on which policies to b u y - h ow much — and what to d o in event o f loss. •There's a yard Dear you” DWIGHT SMITH, MANAGER PHONE 15 NYSSA FrankT. Morgan Phone M Miss Ann Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnson and Charles Scott, son of Mrs. Scttt were married at a lovely church wedding in Los Angeles Saturday. Miss Johnson was a graduate of Nyssa High School In thirty nine, attended College of Idaho and latter attended college In Los Angeles. H ie ladies of this community gave Mrs. Ed. W olfe a surprise on her birthday at a pot-luck-dlnner. They presented her with a friendship quilt. The program consisted of a I mock wedding which the audience enjoyed. Those there included: Mrs. George DeLashir.utt, Mrs. Joe Wand, Mrs. Ed. Gonnseon, Mrs. V. L. Kes sler, Mrs. Eva Quinley, Mrs. Jack French. Mrs R. H. Johnson. Mrs. I Frank T. Johnson and the honored | guest Mrs. Ed. Wolfe. W iley Clowers, Phillips Clowers, M r Paul, Rommell Ross, Floyd Hirst and George Clowers went on a fish ing trip to the Owyhee Dam Sunday j M r and Mrs Jack French were In Payette on business Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Frank T Johnson ' were visitors of Mr and Mrs. Hath- j way and family In Adrian Saturday Mr and Mrs Charles Frank and I Marvin of New Plymouth were Tues day evening dinner guests of Mr ind Mrs. Tom Loe and family. Mrs Jack French had several lad ies at her home Wednesday at a Quilting bee" Those there were: Mrs George DeLashmutt. and Mrs R. H. Johnson. Prank T. Johnson has purchased j a new car. Thelma Florea. Mrs Frsnk Orah- WILL APPRECIATE Lawn Chair .... A GOOD WRIST WATCH USE YOUR CREDIT Hamilton- Westfield at -Choose One From The Nation s Leaders— Nordale Furniture Store Elgin - Bulova Waltham as low as $10.75 Phone 94 NYSSA Paulus Jewelry Store NYSSA The Winner of the FREE trip to Salt Lake City With all expenses paid for a 9* ' g three day conference of Re m m tail U. S. Tire Salesmen. LAURENCE HI F IN D L IN G Placing close behind was Wendell Webster, in second place and M onte Jensen third. and remember---- U.S. T IR E S will give you and your Family a trip FREE of tire hazards or worry--- ”For Safety’s Sake” buy a t re that is I. Q U IC K E R S T O P P IN G 2. B L O W O U T R E SIST IN G 3. THE L O N G E R M ILEAG E TIRE * mm » nsa ; ty V:'* .''‘W9WA • i urn unncKcs im tan mni * BUY U.S. TIRES All The Candidate! wish to take thia opportunity to thank all of their friends for the support given them du \:i* t! e contest. THOMPSON OIL CO. Third and Main Streets PHONE 11 Nyssa