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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1941)
THE NYSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L goal, get out o i the drifting T class j TH U R SD A Y, M A Y 22, 1941 to reach the heights of achievement loneacir ness. And at the Paulus Muntjewerff took charge. Fran- Morning. on the stage Mrs. Monday to the American Legion Auxiliary Conslder Helen Keller Perhaps one then start out and work. It is nu ' jewelry stare here in Nyssa they cis president reviewed an Mrs. article on Mr and Robert Clark and Girls State at Corvallis in June. o f the most widely honored and re- time for shirkers nor lazylng in the have a special lot of fine watches as the "Eating Habits" of children and children were dinner guests of Mr Mrs DeHaven reviewed an article and Mrs. Donald Clark on Wednes spected women in the whole world, sun of youths time. There never wa well as many other lovely gifts chos- on "Ways That Suceed W ith Child - day. The occasion being Mrs. Rob Honored and loved in Japan and a royal road to learning, nor is there en for graduation presents ert Clark’s birthday anniversary. England and Gerirany just as sh. one that brings final and satisfying A friends small tad not long since ren Mr and Mrs. Vernon Parker and is her own land, these United States, success in life. asked his dad for a nickle. “ Why o n Saturday afternoon the local Perhaps no other person has given H ie Hess affair, so it has come to [ don’t you spend your own money,” | 4-H leaders and members held their children of Adrian and Gordon so much comfort and aid to those be called, still remains an enigma, the father wanted to know, “ I c a n 't1 annual spring Style Review. The fol- Toomb of Nyssa were guests of Mr whose physicial sight has gone, as I f England knows why he is there, its all in the bank." he was inform lowing program was enjoyed by a and Mrs. William Toomb Sunday she. Y et since she wag nineteen j it is not telling. Perhaps dare not ed by his offspring. Lucky youngster, large crowd o f mothers and friends; evening for a waffle supper. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Martin and months old she has been denied her and no doubt the real reason and he had been given a small bank ac a com et solo, “Old Black Joe" by 0 Instead of waiting until material vision he'"-ir''> answer will not be divulged till peace count at oirth and had been taught Donald Hatch, Leona Dutton and Betty Jean Toomb were in Ontario you save the cash, you can *To lock cn c «r i?.-e rn - >■ - i has come again to a stricken ecnti- to add to It all that was given him Joyce Kurtz gave a demonstration shopping on Friday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur make home repairs and alter only courag and spiritual vision j nent. We wcnder too, what form of as gifts till already a tidy sum was on the cooking of macaroni and such a- is denied t: the mcs.t of u Plague will strike ere the hostilities waiting for his future education. cheese. Verla McDermott and Lois Cartwright on Sunday were Mr. and ations on the A. B. C. M ON Things About Nyssa’s Shops Many cf the things women strive for are ended. Science has done much to And here at Nyssa this branch of Gowey gave a demonstration on the Mrs. Ray Cartwright of the Big T H L Y P A Y M E N T PLAN right and hold necessary to happiness eliminate the old order of war fol the First National Bank of Portland malting of a Vegetable Salad this Bend, Mrs. Naomi Cartwright of now! Caldwell and M r and Mrs. Albert have no been hers, yet should she lowing plagues, but with medicines offeres all manner of money saving demonstration was from the second Comes graduation time. Already be asked he wculd nn doubt scoff at and immunization impossible in oc means and protection against fin division work The next inumber was Welch on Newell Heights. 0 The A. B. C. PLAN wiU Reverend McKune of Nampa held many of these boys and girls have having *:en a martyr. Her life has cupied and shell shocked areas some ancial loss in case the family should a clarinet trio by Joyce Kurtz, Car provide the money without de- services in the Koiony Sunday morn accepted wee niches in the econom been a full one. Pull of service tc old one will take on new life be deprived by death of the father, oline Scheimer and Betty Newbili. <ay, without red tape and you or a new one come to light. Who there is a trust department that then a stencil demonstration by ing. This was his last sermon here ic field. T ’is easier to do this year, others r a i a great love for all liv pay only a small convenient as the student minister, Wallace will care for the estate and see to its Shirley Smith and Sebr.a Stam. A ever, until the big epidemic o f in ing thinr Rich beyond measure in than for a decade past. But many amount each month. Patato Soup demonstration was Jamison is to arrive in time to take service and true enjoyment. So can fluenza ever gave much heed to distribution. stand and wonder which way to Think not that because summer given by Laura Olson and Lots Cow- charge of the services next Sunday. be the life o f each one of us if w? old fashioned Grippe or thought to 0 Fix up your house the turn. Blaming fate that there chan will but an 1 future goat cf spirit prevent It. It just went with winter is coming on that one can sit down ey. Mrs. D. L. Anderson then had simple A. B. C. way. ces are small, that they cannot do ual worth rather than the heights of and bad weather. And that was and rest in the shade and not get charge of the style review given by Visit Sister this for lack of funds nor that be the second and fourth year clothing what influenza was till it became an that detested "tire bulge" midships. flnanci: gain. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McPherson of cause of fam ily ill health. They T ie n t-o, many no doubt in the epidemic and was blamed on Spain. Nor that it will be easily taken off clubs. Mr. E. M. Hauser then gave a Portland with his sister, Mrs. Ed. are, they think doomed to failure short talk after which the girls and Whatever it is that strikes it will do once aquired. But a dally dozen at centuries past have claimed that tc Beam of Ironside spent from W ed from the start. Not unless they want bo Fresi ’ nt c f this great, land re greater damage than all the shelis the Nyssa Bowling Alley will help their leaders served tea and cookies nesday until Saturday at the Will to be. Not unless the spirit to do is quired a robust man with ell r f v,<- of the warring nations put together. a lot towards keeping it away alto with Mrs. Harvey Otis and Mrs. C. H. Beam home and Mr. McPher lacking and the fine steel of deter But one of the best ways to guard gether or removing it painlessly and C. Cotton pouring. facilities in perfect condition. Y et son attended the Stockmans conven- mination and courage that it takes the cne chosen by the electorate for against epidemics is the building up quickly if perchance It has already Phone 118 Miss Agnes Nichols and Mr. El vention in Ontario. Mrs. Beam and the past ten years to steer this coun of a high resistance aganst all man- assembled. For any waistline is mer Prank attended eighth grade her guests attended the Buckeroo GOOD AVE A H IG H W A Y 201 try through th maze of deppression, er of infection and there is no better bound to show up with all the graduation exercises in Adrian on Breakfast given by the convention. threats cf war. even to war itself way than that to give the who! stretching it takes to put a ball Thursday evening. They drove over Visits From Boise perhaps, has been one with scarce family plenty of pure, state tested down the alley and Into the head from Wilder. I Mr. and Mrs. Tyler of Boise were any use of his lower limbs. Whether fresh milk. And here in Nyssa the pin. And it is grand fun besides. Mr. Rober Clark and M r Elmer week end guests of Mr and Mrs. one sees eye to eye with our leader. Gate City and Shelton’s Dairy is But a little exercise and a little Dutton attended a cooperative seed w ill. H. Beam. whether we disagree with his every [ on hand each day with a morning discretion in the matter of food and meeting in Ontario on Wednesday Delma Ward Chosen policy and yet no one can deny that and evening delivery to serve their one need not worry about execss evening. Mrs. Walter Thompson announ to have reached the political heights I Pa-brons with milk fresh from the avoirdupoise winter or summer and Polly anna club met at the home ced this week that Delma Ward, and to have carried on through the cows and produced under state in at Barney Wilsons Grocery store of Mrs. John Thiel on Wednesday j had been chosen by the high school years required an indcminable cour- spected and approved methods, they do have what it takes in food afternoon with sixteen members faculty as the outstanding student age and an inner vision above that Now the old Jalopie or the new to keep the torso on the straight present. The next meeting will be on of the year in civics and government of most of us, who but sit and watch , Puddle jumper may not be allergic and narrow. Plenty of fresh fruits th Lee Thrasher lawn with Mrs and had been designated by them as to praise or blame. Money helps. It to epidemic bugs but they sure can and vegetables. Presh Juicy carrots, Jack Korn as hostess. their choice for the girl to be sent may make the lower and first steps get a ktnk in their innards at the grated on green crisp lettuce leaves Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy and | — ------ -------- a bit easier, but in this day of free most inconvienient times. Just when with hard boiled eggs and given a fam ily spent Sunday in Murphy, i and easily obtained education pov the payment falls due at the bank french dressing will go a long ways Idaho as the guests o f Mrs. Piercy's erty cannot hinder the final success and the family is about to take off toward filing up the inards and adds brother, Kern Thurman and family. ful result. Our own grandmother on the annual vacation trek. little to the what is already there. Harvey Holton and Dorothy Niel But the best preventative against Try some of those filler upper foods was want to tell us when we alibied son attended the motorcycle races in Jalopie woes is to drive the family that we could not or lacked as starters and you will be pleasant Ontario on Sunday afternoon after I the time to do something, that we carry all, the farm truck or the trac ly surprised how little of the build which they were supper guests in | did not want to badly enough. That tor into Pryun’s at his garage on er outers you will realy want. But the Raymond Holton home. Second just o ff main and let the beware of the sweets A little to keep seems to be the answer. Mr. W. R. Zinn of Portland was One chap we know who will some beys there check it over and repair up the balance but no over indulg- a guest in the Elmer Dutton home We are pleased to announce any damage done. It will save many day be noted among the ‘great sur ance if a stream line anatomy is to from Tuesday until Friday of this before winter comes check geons of his generation leaves this a head ache later on. and oft a few be obtained and maintained. week. Our appointment as agents for week for a far away island, to work simoleons in the family poke. your heating p l a n t and And speaking of foods and fuel, no Mr. and Mrs. Donald Clark and | And happy is the graduate be it car no matter how new or how an for a year to save his money, to do flues for needed repairs— nephew Gary Clark were Sunday I without the happy times of that last lad or lass who goes out from sc he el cient will run without gas, oil and dinner guests of Mrs. Clarence El | year at school. He will take a corre- to fight the way of life with a new water, and a dab of grease now and liott and family. In the afternoon BE SURE YOU ! spondence course while he works waten from mother and dad in the then, but at the Thompson Oil Ser they drove to the Richland District that later he may return to begin pccket or on the wrist. Something vice station they do have what it and acted as judges at some 4-H ARE INSURED I that long upward climb to an M. D. tangible that in those hours and takes of all three and do dispense it demonstrations. No easy road at best but this lad’s days and months alone perhaps that with cheerful grin, and tires are Mrs. Herbert Shaw, Naomi and plans are made, and he is unafraid. will remind them of loved ones at their speciality. David Shaw and Mr. Hugh McCon This complete line of Veterinary Supplies includ home and give them the courage I And some day we’ll all be saying “ I But Butch does claim and he is nell drove to Parma and Caldwell on and will to carry on in spite of dis- right that everyone should have knew him when- es many useful remedies as well as the new com Wednesday. They brought home two Phone 53 But first one must have a desired i couragement and an all consuming some meat in the diet. I f it is that hundred baby chickens with them bined F R A N K L IN BLACKLEG and M A LIG N one looks for slimness then says from the Caldwell hatchery. A N T EDEMA BACTERIN and other BACTER- Butch eat more lean meat, if it is Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Piercy spent th» liver that ails one then eat more Friday in New Plymouth and on INS for C ATTLE , SHEEP, HORSES, HOGS and liver. Lean or fat. In quanities large their way home stopped in Nyssa PO U LTR Y. __________ or small one can get the very best at and were supper guests of Mayor the Nyssa Packing company store and Mrs. J. C. Olsen. Ask for FREE Franklin Calf Book on Main near First. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and Many of our friends did see the children of Adrian and Mr. and Mrs. last showings of “Gone With The W illiam Toomb were Sunday dinner j W ind” at the Nyssa theatre last guests in the parentlal Robert Toomb I C u st o m e rs w h o p u rch a se a m odel E R - 4 1 7 K e lv in a to r range, w ill have it w ired week and on every side we heard home in Nyssa. ‘‘YO U R R E X A LL STORE” nothing but praise for the show free. T h is o ffe r go o d fo r a lim ite d tim e. N o in cre ase in price . . . we w ant Mrs. Conrad Martin accompanied NO DRAIN O n Your Purse Ye Snooper’s Column Nyssa Lumber Co. A FLUE A. B. C. in poor M ONTHLY repair PAYM ENT caused • PLAN • this - ATTENTION! STOCKMEN and FARMERS FRANKLIN VETERINARY SUPPLIES AND VACCINES N Y S S A R EA LT Y and Insurance Co. F R E E RANCE WIRING NYSSA PHARMACY yo u to b ecom e a cq u a in te d w ith th e ra n ge th a t h a s e ve ry th in g . and the appreciation of being able Miss Jeanette Martin to Boise on to see it at home at such reasonable Sunday afternoom and spent the cost. But it is ever the policy of the night in Meridian returning home | managment at that fine show house to give the very best in cinema per formance; at reasonable prices. And with the hot months ahead one will always be assured of a cool and com fortable spot to spend the evening for as soon as the hot days come the air cooling device will be set in motion. And Max at the Polar Gold Stor age didst tell us this week that he has ordered recepticals just made fer staring fresh fruits and veget ables this summer for winter’s use. Just the right size they are and the right shape for economical storage in thelockers. But Max says that folks are already speaking for their lockers and they are going fast. And there did also see some beau- tious halves of beef and veal ageing in the cooling room, and waiting the time to be cut up and put in some body’s locker and was told that they were from the Jake Fischer farm and were butchered at his new ab- batoir, where they do custom butch ering as well. And Tom Nordale at his furniture mart on Moin near Second did show us some of his fine wares that had just arrived, ordered with an eye to please some June bride, but lovely they are and would be a source of joy to any lady be she a June bride or celebrating her golden wedding anniversary or any place between. And chairs too, comfy and roomy for the man of the homestead. Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad vertisers and ye wilt not waste thy time and thy gas going farther Phone 14 NIGHT PHONE— Mr. Adkinson— 71 to build your credit reputation Û 7Z \ Features Never Before Offered At Fhis Price! s° ^ r oM*TiC •od e le “ ric rT j?U|.t,0f T,m« Minder and Selector « co n n e ctin g T i m e r S,w , , c il f o t Scotch Ko t t U m e r to oven '« - b ig ^ ^ / P P lla n c e o u " ’ suaometic inr> '•** * 2 ™ with - D * Luxe IS * ? beet switches with Signal L ivh t. *■ Wlttl individual >'n* Storage' d t « » 0 warmer ? }raw er* *°d one l » m p - P o " ^ ” on J i«r e inside ami out. “ » ' • e " Thu magnificent 1941 Model BR-4 1 7 .hewn .b o re is the latest and finest o f all Kalvinator electric ranges— unsur- pessed in beauty, de luxe down to the last detail, and inth every advanced feature that a modern electric range can offar. Y et we offer it now at a ISO saving comparad to last year’s prices. Look over its features— then come in and have i, demonstrated. Y ou ’ll agtea I f . tbe value o f a lifetime! « a . L ! 0r ° n'y Liberai Trade-In Allowance on Your ° l d Range SEE YOUR KELVINATOR DEALER Nyssa Implement Company PHONE 4 FINANCE NYSSA Member - Electrical Equipment Sales Association K IN G M A N K O L O N Y The Kingman Koiony Parent T ea cher Association held their regular meeting at the Kingman grade school on Friday afternoon. This was the last meeting of the year and at the close of the program the follow - ing officers were installed by Mrs Charles Newbili to take over the work for the following year: Mrs D L. Anderson as president, Mrs Francies Defier as vice president, Mrs. DeHaven as secretary and Mrs. James McGinnis as treasurer. The Pre-school cctrmlttee report ed that there were, nine pre-school children examined by Doctor Kerby aat the Health Clinic held at the High school. The program was in charge of the Pre-school group In the absence of their president. Mrs Walter McPartland, Mrs Qerrttt USED any branch FIRST BANK NATIONAL $ OF PORTIAMO $