THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY. MAY 22, 1941 T Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell, Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Result« at a very low coat. One trial will convince RATES: One cent per word lor each Issue Minimum cash In advance is 25c. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—All your welding lob«. We promise good work and fair prices Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone 56 W. BRAKE WORK—Let us put your car or truck brakes In first class condition. Special equipment and trained men at your service Pruyn Auto Repair. Phone 56W. KALSOMINE, PAINT at competi tive prices. First class quality. Nyssa Lbr. Co., Goode Ave. and Highway 201, Phone 108. lOMtfc FOR- PLUMBER call J. C. Smith. Phone 78J. tic. AUCTION SALE EVERY FRIDAY Why haul your livestock 20 miles to an out of town sale yard, when you can get more here at home? We always get the high dollar for your stock. You help yourselves when you patronize your home business. Nyssa Sale Yard, Floyd Robinson (owner) lMtfc t or Sale POULTRY RECORD OF PRODUCTION Leg horns yearling hens, brooding e- quipment, feeding troughs, waterers, laying batteries that will double the capacity of your house. See Frank Parr 4t4 miles south Nyssa. 24Atfc. HIGH QUALITY chicks available every Monday starting Feb. 17. All popular breeds from bloodtested flocks. Custom hatching done. Or der yours now. Vale Electric Hatch ery. Vale, Oregon. 31J tie. BABY CHICKS. Hatching every Tuesday and Friday. We do cus tom hatching. Thompson's Ontario Hatchery. 16Jtfc FOR SALE—Baby chicks Mondays and Thursdays. 200 up 8% cents each, under 200, 9 cents each. Cus tom hatching 3 cents per egg. Pay ette Valley Hatchery. Phone 6221. Two miles north Frultland. 6F tie. For Sale CITY PROPERTY ¿•Piano instruction. Advanced stu-X Xdents and beginners. X Rwanda Callahan, Phone, liu 5 LOVELY MODERN 5 room home- oak floors—electric water heater- beautiful lawn—s h ad e—connected Consult us on your wiring needs city sewer. Garage. Buy a ready built and meter set-ups. home—save 81000.00 or more. Lo Work guaranteed to meet State cated—Good Ave. between 3rd and requirements. 4th St. Inquire—Oscar C. Olsen. Prices right Information free FOR SALE or rent. Tavern, known NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP as the Bank. Attractive terms. See 18Atfc Frank T. Morgan. 16Jtfc GOOD HOMESITE8 on First and Park, Cash or terms. Frank D. Local and Long Distance Hall. 13Mtfc HAULING Phone 72W WANTED Lawrence and Barnett 4Mtfc PAINTING, KALSOMINING, paper cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone 39M. 24Atfc. NYSSA STEAM GARBAGE HAULING. City lincen- LAUNDRY ced. Owen Gann, Phone I19R Phone 88J CARPENTERING, concrete work, kalsomlning or painting by hour or “We Wash Every Day” contract. C. J. Keizer, 381 Ennis Ave. lOAtfc WANTED TO BUY—Clean cotton REPAIR SHOP rags, must be of fair size, no ov Electric Welding eralls, lace curtains nor other harsh GAS AND OIL materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. NEW AND USED PARTS WANTED— Highest prices paid for NYSSA AUTO CO. hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur Highway 20, North End of Town niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hl- way north. For Rent CITY PROPERTY FOUR ROOM modern furnished air conditioned apartment. Herbert H. Fisher. lMtfc MODERN HOUSE. 3 large rooms. bath and clothes closet, nice fenced yard and trees. Call Journal. lMtfc TWO ROOM and screen porch ap- partment. furnished or unfurnished. Mrs. O. M. Kimsey, Hi blocks north Sugar factory. Professional Car.Is DR. J. C. BOWMAN Veterinarian Phone 39W J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Sarazln Clinic NYSSA OREGON MISCELLANEOUS For Sale TRACTOR TIRES, 2 sets, 900x36, used, plenty of rubber left. Terms maybe arranged. Thompson OH Co lMtfc FOR SALE—complete pumping equipment. Consisting of 500 feet plank flume. 400 feet 18 Inch wood pipe, 10 horse Fairbanks electric mo tor, Fairbanks pump, valves, etc. As good as new. Tills equipment Is ca pable of pumping and handling 200 inches of water—Ira Ure. Nyssa. 28 tfc. For TRADE WELL IMPROVED 40 acres near Nampa to trade for 10 to 40 acres improved near Nyssa. Phone 687R3 Nampa. lM4xc For Sale MACHINERY MOWING MACHINE. Jake Fischer SMttc CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all of our friends for their kind sympathy and help following the accident and during the Illness of our little son, John. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Toombs. Pd Adv NYSSA LIBRARY "*HA Open each week day from 2 p. m to 6 p. m. Saturday. 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. ALL PATRONS WELCOME Librarian Mrs S. B. Davis • f OPTOMETRIST “See Melali and See Better“ DR. J. A. McFALL EYESIOHT SPECIALIST ONTARIO OREGON WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONTARIO OREGON CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks to the many friends and relatives for their kindness during the recent Ill ness and death of our beloved fa ther. Harlan Maw and family. Mrs. G. C. Fretwell and family. Mrs. Pearl Dow and family. Mrs. Gladys Andersen and family. “SATURDAY. MAY 24” OWYHEE Eleven pupils graduated from the eighth grade in Owyhee and took part in the exercises of the com bined schools at the Adrian High school auditorium: Della Kygar rep resented her school with a recitation. Following are the graduates, Donald Brewer, Melvin Crocker, Georgia Hill is, Marjorie Hite. Della Kygar. Lois McGinnis, Verd Mitchell, Don ald Mittleider, Donald Pitkin. Shir ley Price and James Robb. The school closed Friday. There were four pupils with perfect attendance rec ords, Upper room, Lulu Belle Wilson, Intermediate, Wm. Barker and Fred Klingback. and lower room Bob Barker. A pre-school clinic was held at the school house Friday. Wlm. Peutz went to Portland with cattle Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ness Hatt and son, Donald were Sunday dinner guests at the Chas. Bradley home. Albert Codr left for Santa Monica. California where his brother Is work ing at the Douglas Air Craft factory, for a visit of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Skinner held a fare well party for Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McMillan Friday evening. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker, Mr. and Prank Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Culbertson and Miss Lois Patton. Mr. and Mrs. McMUlian left Sun day for their home at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright have moved to the Chas. Bradley ranch. Mr. Wright will work for Mr. Brad ley this summer. Mr. Benedict held preaching ser vices after Sunday school at Owyhee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Strickland en tertained at dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow. Little Miss Trula Franklin of Par ma Is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Gerald Slippy. The p. ace that our departed know cannot be felt by those here. What we can contribute to the peace of mind of those who are grieved Is the assurance of dig nity and good taste, and as reasonable an ex pense as Is possible Please let us help you. NYSSA FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Phone 73W Nyssa Electric W ater Heating Costs 10% Less Under New Lower Rates Hot water— when you want it— for 10 per cent less cost! That's one of the important benefits to our customers from the latest reduction in electric rates. Your water heat ing rates have always been low— now they're 10 per cent lower than ever before! Make use of this still-cheaper service to have all the hot water you want, for dishes, for cleaning, for washing, for bathing E L E C T R IC IT Y FOR Y O U R M O N E Y — and more comfort and convenience for your dollar, under the new lower electric rates. Mr. and Mrs. c" C. Wyckoff, Bet ty, Barbara and Jean called at the A. A. Braton home Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Day called at the Cecil Florea home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wicklander were dinner guests at the E. L. Jamison | home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jamison accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wicklander to Grange at Cow Hollow. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Maize and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hof fman spent Sunday at the S. B. Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Day and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day spent Sunday at the Alfred Scott horn- near Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff at tended the funeral of Mr. Maw which was held at Roswell Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Nyborg spent the w’eek end at Boise. Mrs. J. W. Jennings entertain’d the "Out Our Way" club at her heme Thursday afternoon. The Idaho Power Co. has just fin ished running power lines to the re Mitchell Butte mainder of Buena vista. The fam Buster Talbot while playing Fri ilies that will receive power in the day had the misfortune of being shot in the eye by a B. B. gun he was rushed to a hospital in Boise where It was necessary to operate. Saturday morning and remove his eye. He will be in Boise for an in definite time to keep infection from the other eye. Jack Mettlen of Lucas. Kansas visited his sister, Mrs. E. B. Smith Tuesday. Mr Mettlen was called to Oregon due to the illness of his fa ther Wm. Mettlen. Mrs. Clyde Mitchell visited Mrs. Marrion Chard at Oregon Trail Fri day. Mrs. Alfred Adams and family of Nyssa were Sunday visitors at the Harold Ftveroat home Robert Marrs who has been in the C. C. C. at Riggins. Idaho re turned Sunday to his home. Mrs. Millie Hardman entertained the Study club Tuesday. Thirteen members were present. A Mothers' Day program was enjoyed and alsc a flower exchange. The next meet ing will be at the home of Mrs. E B Smith. Mrs. Larkin of Ontario will give a lecture and demonstra tion. -------------------------------- NYSSA HEIGHTS MORE B u e n a V is t a as money V pare mumps. next few days will be: George Clea- , George cleaver and Alva Doodell Mrs. Fred Sessler left Saturday last ver, Frank Savage. J. W. Jennings, had their beets thinned the past far a trip through the middle west. S. B .Hoffman, Glenn Hoffman and week. Mrs. Sessler will stop at South Da- Joe Callahan. " Kota while Mr. and Mrs. Fox will Betty Wyckoff returned to school Left For East \ drive on Nebiaska and Kansas. Monday after recovering from the Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Fox and ^ _____________________ Mrs Dwight Seward’s little dau ghter is ill with pneumonia. Miss Norma Suiter spent the week end at Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Bartholoma were transacting business in Ontario Monday. Mrs. Carl Seburn, Mrs. Dave Beers and Mrs. Dan Corlectt attended a farewell luncheon for Mrs. Wester- field and Mrs. Teeters of Nyssa at the M. E. Parsonage Friday. Avon Ferbache of Omaha, Nebras ka is visiting his cousin. Orvalle Maze and family. Mrs. Glen Suiter visited the Thorp Iris garden in Payette Sunday. Mrs. S. P. Bybee, Ray. Collsn and Garry drove to Boise Sunday to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jen sen. Mr and Mrs. J. E. Keyser and daughter accompanied them and visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodland, Dale and Gale were callers in the Roger Tucker home Monday evening. Snow was falling at Unity Sunday where the S. P. Bybee's went fishing. Mrs. John Oliver of Jordan Valley, Mrs. Fay Davis, Mrs. Warren Stim- rn.el and Mrs. Manford Stimmel and children of Homedale visited at the home of their brother and Uncle, Glen Suiter Friday. Jim Musselini, Jay Bybee. Delbert Malloy. Marrion Suiter and John Scott went to the Owyhee dam fish ing Sunday. Tommy Ridder of Richland dist rict was over night guest Thursday of Mont and Jimmie Joe Corbett Glen Suiter was rushed to the Clinic Sunday evening for emerg ency treatment. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith of Nyssa called on Mr. and Mrs. Dave Beers and Doris Thursday evening. Mrs. John Bartholoma and Mrs. Dave Beers attended the Helping Hand club which met the the home of W. O. Bailey, River View district Thursday with Mrs. French as hos tess. A Pot-luck dinner was served at noon, a mock wedding furnish J the entertainment for the afternoon. This was In honor of Mrs. Edward J. Wolfe’s birthday anniversary. Mrs. Frank Graham is suffering with the mumps. | Mrs. Glen Suiter attended the Iris | flower show 'in Caldwell where she j took third place In the seedling class | Mr and Mrs. Silas Hoffman of Buena Vista district visited Mon day in the John Bartholoma and W O Bailey homes. Visiting Thursday at the S. P j Bybee home were Mr and Mrs Wll- | I ford Bvbee accompanied with their | visitors Mr and Mrs Dick Stoker and family and Mrs. Art Weston of Roy. Utah. Mr and Mrs Baker of Sausaltto California visited with the Dave I Beers family Thursday on their way | to visit in Nebraska and expect to tour the Mid west states and make their return by the southern route Mr and Mrs F J Cahill and Mr and Mrs Jack Simpson were fish ing at the Owyhee dam Sunday I D ££edtucitU A H O 1? POWER Docs So MUCH-Costs So U T T L E! «wmMMO&K . ....... N CHEVROLET'S THE LEADER! 11 fin d » J j r « f K S p t : - DRIVE IT r ^ T mí(o ONCE DRIVE IT MAYS fi « st , h a n d y o u 'll FlRSr ¡U as °»ong '"SA llS ^ . 0 ,/ Core P r ' c e - fo r ,( L ' » the #_ SeemsEVERYBODYS Saying *9 e»-dl< " ’e tenth -» "FIR STBECA Cables Chevrolet Company Phone 62 Ontario, Oregon