/ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1941 £11NII11I I HI II11I I111111I II I 111 II II I III I II II II I li I! I IHII HI IIIIH HI 11H HI H HI II II I HIM m NWg CHATTER BOX CLUB The Chatter Box Club held its reg­ ular meeting at the Jim. Mussolini home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. John Bartholoma was In charge of the program which was on Holland. Eleven members were present. The guest that enjoyed the afternoon watering tank was about all that MAY 6 RUTH BRATTON TO MARRY Adrian High School Band ........... Frank de Lesplnasse, Director = were Mrs. Herman and Mrs. Beers Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bratton, Val­ there were to mark the spot besides - 8 — Nyssa High School Glee Club.................Mrs. John Young, Director ^ ley View, announced the wedding of the old Lackey house. He was one TUESDAY EVSNING BRIDGE their daughter, Ruth Christina, to of th stock holders in the old cheese 1. The Little Old Garden Mrs. J. J. Sarazin was hostess for Curtis Wright Foster, son of Mr. factory and has owned and operated 2. Homing and Mrs. W. W. Foster. Nyssa to the flour mill for many years. String Ensemble....................................... Charles Wilson, Director ^ the Tuesday evening Bridge Club take place this evening at the Meth­ Vocal Solo ....................... - .................................... Mrs. Orris Donahue g this week at dessert and contract. - 8 - Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Accompanist = Mrs. Henry Hartley and Mrs. Ar­ odist Church, Fruitland, with the GIRL SCOUTS ENTERTAIN thur H. Boydell were winners for Rev. James K. Allen officiating. 1. In The Garden Of Tommorow The benefit dessert card party giv­ the evening. Following the wedding ceremony a en by the Girl Scouts at the Parish _ 2. Asleep In The Deep - 5 - reception for relatives and members hall on Friday evening was a delight­ ~ Trumpet Solo...................................................................... Reid Cottle ~ Mrs. John Young, Accompanist £ MEETING POSTPONED of the bridal party will be held at ful affair. , The next meeting of the W. C. T the home of the brides parents. Im­ 1 Deep Purple Dessert tables were decorated with U. has been postponed from the mediately after this the couple will 2. Columbia sprigs and cones of fir with cut leave for Glendale. Cal., where Mr = Rythm Aces ............................ ................... High School Orchestra — first Tuesday in May until the sec­ flowers used about the hall. ond Tuesday in May, which will fall Poster Is employed at the Lockheed 1. Alexander The Swoose The evenings program and enter­ on May thirteenth. The place ol plant. 2. Wise Old Owl tainment was begun by a short flag meeting will be announced later. = Musical Trio Charles Wilson, Mrs. Charles Wilson, - - 8 - drill by the girl scouts directed by Mr. Charles Strong — - 8 - GOLDEN WEDDING their leader. Mrs. Clarence Brewster OFFICERS INSTALLED 1. Extase CELEBRATED followed by group singing of the Star The Auxiliary of the V. F. W. held 2. Ave Marla—Schubert Tuesday, April 29, marked the Spangled Banner. Pianist for this U /ocal S olo.......................................................................Charles Jones g their Installation for new officers r.t fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr was Jean Taylor, Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Accompanist g 1 their meeting at the Legion hall on and Mrs. P. M. Warren. The day At the close of the program the ; Friday. Mrs. George McKee motored 1. Forgotten was celebrated by a family dinner girls assisted in the serving of des­ over from Emmett to take her oath 2. Duna given at the Warren home in the sert and coffee. All the prizes given g Piano Solo ............................................................ Mrs. Gordon Finlay £ as senior vice-president. Mrs. A. V. afternoon at which twenty-eight were made by the scouts under the Cook was installed president. A soc- 1. Ritual Fire Dance were present. In the evening old direction of Mrs. Gilbert Allesbrook. 1 ial hour and refreshments were en- 2. Brahm’s Cradle Song friends called to pay their respects. Prizes for the evening were award­ g Sugarettes ............................................Mrs. John Young. Director £ I joyed at the close of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Warren were the 1. Ah, Sweet Mystery Of Life Warren’s broth Roy Haley of New ed to Glea Billings who won the door prize, to Mrs. J. J. Sarazin. Mr. 2. Italian Street Song Two sons, Marvin of Corvallis and j and Mrs. Grant Rinehart and Leo j Adrian High School Band Frank de Lesplnasse. Director g Earl Warren and his family of Yak­ Hollenburg as winners at bridge and ima were unable to attend but all to Mrs. G. W Humphreys, Miss Mar- Mrs. Bill Olson was shopping in the rest of their children were pres- gurite Wilson, William De Groft, Caldwell Monday. nt. These included Mrs. R. F. Re- MAY 8 and Hugh Rowe winners at pinochle. Homer Brewer, Merrill Tallman, berger and her daughter of Port­ Nyssa High School Band .......................... Gordon Finlay, Director Patronesses for the affair were £ Don Davis, Bill Hamilton, and Bill land, Mrs. Leona Bingham and her | £ L. D. S. Sextette Wanda Callahan, Accompanist g Mrs. Keith Bailey, Mrs. C. E. Taylor, Lease returned from, the State F. son Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Warren j 1. Amaryllis Mrs. William E. Schireman, Mrs. K. F. A. Convention at Corvallis. and their two daughters of Nyssa, I 2. I Dream Of Jeannle Billy Hamilton won second place Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams and E. Kerby, Mrs. Leonard Church, Mrs. Musical Kindergarten Mrs. Gordon Finlay. Director £ in the state in the judging of baby Grant Lewis and Mrs Gilbert Allse- £ their daughter of La Grande, Mr. 1. Pop! Goes The Weasel! brook. Assisting Mrs. Brewster and beef. The team won fifth in their and Mrs. Roy Warren of Rupert, and 2. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star the Scouts were the assistant lead­ judging of beef and sixth in the Mrs. Dick Wells of Ontario. Mrs. 3. March Of The Little Lead Soldier’s judging of swine. recipients of many handsome gifts. ers Miss Harriett Sarazin and Miss s Trumpet Solo ............................................. Gordon Finlay s Vera Jensen. John Davis, San Bruno, Californa, Plymouth was also present. Mrs. Gordon Finlay, Accompanist g called Wednesday at the K. I. Peter­ Besides their sons and daughters, 1. Stars In A Velvet Sky son home. Mr. and Mrs. Warren have sixteen MR. AND MRS. CLUB 2. Gypsy Love Song LaVone Hinton has been in the The Mr. and Mrs. Club was en­ grandchildren and two great grand g Vocal Solo ................ ...................... Mrs. Clement McCoy g hospital since Thursday due to an children. tertained on Wednesday evening by Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Accompanist g attack of appendicitus. Forty-eight years of their married Mr. and Mrs. Burnall Brown and all 1. The Hills Of Home The Band of Adrian High School life, Mr. and Mrs. Warren spent in members were present. Following 2. Brahm's Lullaby £ attended the Music Contest at La Nyssa and have been associated with dinner, contract was played at which £ Violin Duet Mrs. Herbert Fischer. Star Robinson. £ Grande. They left Friday morning its growth and activity since. Mr. Mr Larson and Mr. Arthur H. Boy- Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Accompanist £ on the large school bus and return­ Warren assisted Mr. Emison in dell were winners. Later several 1. Symphonle Concertante ed Saturday morning. Nyssa's first store when it and the rubbers were played between the lad­ £ Rythm Band.............................................Miss Eva Boydell, Director g The rating for the Class C bands ies and the men and at this the lad­ 1. The Toymaker's Dream were Union. Halfway. Hepner first les were high score holders. 2. A Tune For June division; Adrian. Bums. Imbler. sec­ CALL FOR WARRANTS 3. Our Starry Flag * ond division; Wasco, third division. CAROL WHITAKER CELEBRATES 5 Notice is hereby given that war­ Vocal Solo................................................................Malcolm Crawford £ Arlene Peterson attended the mus­ rants numbered 178 to 234, in­ In honor of the fifthblrthday an­ Mrs. John Schenk, Accompanist £ ic Festival at La Grande and spent clusive issued by School District niversary of her daughter Carol, Mrs. 1. Funiculi, Funlcula the week end with Miss Idamary No. 26, Malheur County, and en­ Ronald Whitaker invited twelve of 2. I Am An American Prouty. the third and fourth grade dorsed “not paid for the want of Carols friends and six of their g Piano Duet Gondoliere Barbara Browne, Donald Eldredge £ teacher at Kingman Kolony, at the funds" are hereby called for pay­ mothers to a lawn party on Sat­ Trio Polonaise Militaire Barbara Browne, Donald £ home of her parents in La Grande. ment on or before, Monday. May urday afternoon. £ Eldredge, Jeanne Taylor g Mr. an dMrs. Everett Points visited 5, 1941. A fish pond where the youngsters £ Violin Solo Mrs. Herbert Fischer g relative in Nyssa Sunday. hooked prizes was the crief source Interest on the above warrants Mrs. Carlos Buchner, Accompanist g Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cahill of near of amusement for the afternoon. will cease on Monday. May 5, 1941 1. Danse Russe Nyssa were Friday supper guests at Two lighted birthday cakes and a 2. Cossack the K. I. Peterson home. B. B. Lienkaemper bowl of pansies decorated the lunch­ i Civic Club Quartette............................. Mrs. Clement McCoy. Mrs. = Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton from Cleik of the Board eon table set on the lawn. Carlos Buchner, Mrs. Charles Grider, Mrs. Ernest McClure £ Washington have been visiting Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper, Accompanist £ friends and relatives during the past 1. The Bell’s Of St. Mary’s week. 2. Stars Brightly Shinning The Adrian F. F. A. Chapter elect­ g Nyssa High School Band Gordon Finlay, Director £ ed their new officers for the coming ■iliHII III III Illill III III III 11111 Mil HI HI I11111:1111111111 111111111111111 m 11111111 | | | 111 | |,| || 11 n 111111 year last week. m inim 1 Program Com pleted For N yssa M u sic W e e k O bservance | Tuesday I Adrian Thursday -s - -s - FOOD V A L U E S Grocery Specials for Friday and Saturday, May 2 and 3 Crackers 2 Lb Packages Crackers Ritz 1 Lb. Package Corn Flakes 2 Prunes Sunsweet 2 Lb Packages Plums 2'/2 Gold Bar 3 for Peaches 2‘/ 2 Gold Bar 3 for Peas No. 2 Gold Bar 3 for Matches Carton of 6 boxes Dash Giant Package Dreft Large Package Soap Ivory Medium Size bars 3 for Soap Camay Toilet 3 bars Soap P G White Naptha Giant bars 8 for & 17c 23c 19c 19c 43c 50 c 44c 17c 45c 23c 17c 17c 29c OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 6 P. M. SATURDAYS, 9 P. M. NYSSA G rocery idable Food Store OREGON WEDNESDAY EVENING BRIDGE Mrs. Herbert H. Fischer was host­ ess for the members of the Wednes­ day Evening Bridge Club at contract and a late supper. Holders of high scores for the evening were Mrs. Harry Miner, Mrs. Emma Quinby. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman. Mrs. Eastman and Mrs. Bert B. Lien­ kaemper were invited to play as guests for the evening. SUNSHINE CLUB The Sunshine Club of the Rebek- ahs will be entertained at the Odd Fellows hall on Friday afternoon by Mrs. Owen Gahan, Mrs. Cliff Greer, and Mrs. Betty Forbes. The pro­ gram will be dedicated to Mother's Day. MS Get a NEW DAVENO FRIDAY PARTY On FYiday afternoon Mrs. Aubrey Fletcher and Mrs. Thos. Turner were hostesses at a dessert contract party to which guests to make up five tables of cards were invited. Tables and rooms were pretty In their decorations of spring flowers. Prizes at cards went to Mrs. Ar­ thur H. Boydell. Mrs. Burnall Brown and Mrs. E. S. Frost. BUY N O W - PAY LATER Nordale Furniture Store Phone 94 NYSSA $ 200 . 00 . 8 FOR SALE MELOTTE CREAM separator *15. Large De Laval *12.50. Guaran­ teed to separate to your satisfaction or your money refunded. The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main hi-way north. COMFORTABLE Add new beauty to your home with Spring Styled Furniture. The following applications for building permits have been filed with the Citv Record-r' No. 464—J. L. Wolf.—erect dwell­ ing. Lot 13, block 40, Park addition, No. 465—Carl Mitzel—erect gar­ age. Lot 5 and 6, Block 143, Ward addition, $150.00. If no written protests have been - 8 - filed within ten «10) days from the THURSDAY BRIDGE date of this publication by owners Thursday Evening Bridge Club of property in the City of Nyssa, the above applications will be ap­ was entertained by Mrs. Ronald proved. Whitaker at her home last week and Mrs. F. M. Reiner was invited Too Late to Classify as a guest player for the evening. FOR SALE Mrs. Riener made high score at con­ tract, Mrs. Orner Adkeson second CLEARANCE. ROUND mirrors 22x22 Beautiful etched designs $1.25. and Mrs. Malcolm Crawford receiv­ Console mirror $1.25. The Nyssa ed the consolation prize. Trader sells for less. Main hl-way, - - north. W. S. of C. S. The Woman’s Society of Christian FOR SALE Service will meet with Mrs. W. W MOTHER’S DAY special. Velour Foster on Thursday afternoon. May platform rocker only $9 75. green, 8, at two o'clock. gold, vine, rust. The Nyssa Trader sells for less main hi-way, north. ANNIVERSARY PARTY Morgan Park Club will hold its FOR SALE Anniversary party Saturday night ARMSTRONG LINOLEUM rugs 9 about 7:30 at the park. This will be xl2, $4.95. Linoleum mg mats. a Weinie roast for all members and 18x36, 25 cents: "27x36" 35 cents. thetr families. Bring your own bread The Nyssa Trader sells for less, main and cups for coffee and be ready hi-way north. for a good time. FOR SALE FTLECTRIC RANGES, Hot point or Westinghouse, guaranteed $12.50. The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main hi-way north. Or add a Eounging Chair BUILDING PERMITS YOU’LL WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK, TOO! If your home and car are covered by Insur­ ance. Let Us Check It For You— BERNARD EASTMAN INSURANCE Real Estate “As Close As Yowr Telephone- Phone 64 Nyssa FOR SALE NEW PORCELAIN bathtub *1500 New kitchen sink with drain- board, *7 50 The Nyssa Trader sells for less. Main hi-way. north. FOR SALE NEW FINISHED nursery chairs with enamelled vessels. *1.98. new toll- I et seats *1 29 High chairs *2.25 The Nyssa Trader sells for less Main j hi-way north. FOR SALE 5 PIECE METAL breakfast set fin­ ished with red or black top. only *18 95 Metal kitchen stool, red and white or black and white (1 58 The Nyssa Trader sells for leas. Main hl- north. way GROCERY SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday McConnell’s Drive-In North Side of “Y” Ny.sa M ATCHES COFFEE Buffalo Brand O u r Best 16c Carton 18c per lb. McConnell’s Drive-In “Golden Freeze” Ice Cream, qt 23c EXTRA SPECIAL! 2 Ice Cream Cones 5c 3 MATCHED MAKEUP FOR NEW, NATURAL ieauty Does your purse reveal one kind of face jiowder, a different rouge and lipstick? T hen there’s a thrilling diseovery for you in this matched m akeup in which all your eosmeties blenu in flattering color harm ony . . . a harm ony keyed to your m ost im­ portan t |KTsouality color, the coUir vs o f your eyes. T ry this practical short-cut to new beauty . . . be one of th e 9 o ut of 10 women who say M arvelous M akeup gives them im m ediate new loveliness. ■4r ^áíiáÉ !S ( / Harmonizing FACE POWDER ROUGE LIPSTICK ¿y R I C H A R D HU Et N U T ITIARV€LOUS Éye - n u îte /e t/ ITI A K € U P SSL NYSSA PHARMACY “ YOUR REXALL STORE” Phone 14 NIGHT PHONE— Mr. Adkinson- -71 PROGRAM ■w , q 8 THEATRE DOUBLE FEATURE Friday and Saturday, May 2-3 Gene Autry and Smiley Burnett in “RIDIN’ ON A RAINBOW” Lloyd Nolan and Irene Hervey in ‘‘MR. DYNAMITE” Sat Mat.. 2:30 p. m., Aam. 5c-20c; Evening, 10c-33c, Includes tax Sunday and Monday, May 4-5 Jean Arthur, Robert Cummings, and Charles Coburn in “THE DEVIL AND MISS JONES’ Comedy and “GREECE FIGHTS BACK” Mat. Sun. 2:30, Adm. 10c-28c, Evening Adm. 10c-33c. Includes tax — BARGAIN NIGHT— Tuesday, May 6 The Aldrich Family in “LIFE WITH HENRY” with Jackie Cooper Comedy and “The Green Archer” Adm. Children 5c, Adults 15c Wedne»day and Thursday, May 7-8 Barbara Stanwyck. Henry Fonda, Charles Cobum, and Eugene Pallete in “THE LADY EVE” Color Cartoon and News Admission 10c-33c Including Defense Tax fc