THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Classified Advertising The Ideal Way To Buy, Sell. Rent, Find, or Hire. Big Results at a very low cost. One trial will convince. RATES: One cent per word for each issue Minimum cash In advance Is 25c. MISCELLANEOUS I or Sale Farmers Auction Sale POULTRY W e need more fat, feeder and weaner pigs, cows, heifers, and feed­ RECORD OF PRODUCTION Leg­ horns yearling hens, blooding e- er steers to fill the demand. W e sell machinery, furniture, and livestock qulpment, feeding troughs, waterers, every Friday. We also have some laying batteries that will double the nice heifer calves every Sale day. | capacity of your house. See Frank Parr 414 miles south Nyssa. 24Atfc. Have calls for more milk cows. H IG H Q U A L IT Y chicks available Nyssa Sale Yard every Monday starting Feb. 17. All Floyd Robinson, Owner 3Atfc papular breeds from bloodtested flocks. Custom hatching done. Or­ P A IN T IN G , PAPE R IN G , all kinds der yours now. Vale Electric Hatch­ of Interior decorating. References. ery. Vale, Oregon. 31J tie. R. T. Sanders, Box 234, Nyssa. B ABY CH IC KS—N. H. Reds, B 13M8xp Rocks, Buff Orpingtons and W. WANTED— All your welding jobs. Leghorns. Pullorum tested. 9c each. hatching. Patch Bros. Wt promise good work and fair Custom prices. Pruyn Auto Repair, Phone Hatchery, Payette, Idaho. 27F 12xc ■iiW. B ABY CHICKS. Hatching every BRAKE W O R K —Let us put your Tuesday and Friday. We do cus­ car or truck brakes in first class tom hatching. condition Special equipment and Thompson’s Ontario Hatchery. trained men at your service. Pruyn lGJtfc Auto Repair Phone 56W FOR SALE Baby chicks Mondays K A L 5 0 M IN E , P A IN T at competi­ and Thursdays. 200 up 8‘4 cents tive prices. First class quality. each, under 200, 9 cents each. Cus­ Nyssa Lbr. Co., Gocde Ave. and tom hatching 3 cents per egg. Pay­ Highway 201, Phone 108. 16Mtfc ette Valley Hatchery. Phone 6221. FO R PLUM BER call J. C. Smith. Two miles north Fruitland. 6 F tfc. THURSDAY, M AY 1, 1941 end. The three returning Sunday evening. Mrs. C. E. Elliott and Mrs. M Kurtz took a group of school child ren to the Music Festival in Vale Friday. Rachael and Naomi Shaw Dick Anderson, Lorna Ditrtcksen Joyce Kurtz, Richard and Elva Finn were the students who took part. For Rent CITY PROPERTY Big Bend luckily turned out to be minor ones Ed Mortenson was a Sunday din­ ner guest at the Silas Hoffman home in Buena Vista. Jay Howard, who moved to Boise last fall, left Wednesday for Fresno, California, with a crew cf carpen­ ters and their manager, to build an Air Port in that city. Mr Howard's family remained in Boise, with plans to follow as soon as Mr. Howard is settled. They will visit with Mrs Howard’s parents, Mr. and Mrs Cash Turner of this vacinity while waiting. Mr Howard was employed at the Boise Air Port. Ben Vaught moved his wife and two small children with their trail­ er house to the Sweatland home Saturday, where Mr. Vaught is em­ ployed. Mrs. Lloyd Landreth and smatl daughter, Sharon, are staying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warren for a few days while her husband makes a bus­ iness trip to Nevada. Mrs. Buffington is going to Ontar io every day for electric treatments from Dr. Palmer. to La Grande Friday with the Adrian Band. Mrs. Sid Flannigan returned from Seattle, Wash. She visited at Walla Jim Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walla also and saw many of her Roy Warren of this vicinity has old school friends as well as re­ made application and passed the lative«. examination to Join the Navy. He Homedale were guests at the home of Is now at the parential home await­ Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson of ing the final notice of entrance. Pete Wilson. THREE ROOM home on North May Day will oe celebrated at Big Third. Water and sink in kitchen. Bend Park Friday, May 2. Miss Dor­ Enquire Journal. lM tfc othy Hamilton will be crowned Queen. Both Bend schools will be THREE ROOM furnished house, represented in the pageant. nice lawn and trees, completely Robert Fretwell who spent the win­ furnished. Clean and comfortable. ter in Oakland, California arrived Call Journal. lM tfc home last week, Fred McConnell of Caldwell made FOUR ROOM modern furnished two trips to the Bend last week, set­ air conditioned apartment. Herbert ting stakes for the new short cut H. Fisher. lM tfc of ditch being built by Riverside Ir ­ MODERN HOUSE. 3 large rooms, rigation District. Mrs. Gus Slllonis and children bath and clothes rtoset, nice fenced yard and trees. Call Journal. lM tlc were shopping in Parma Saturday. Mrs. M. E. Regers who has been TW O ROOM, clean house. Tree.1; suffering with a severe cough left Mr. Matlider is replanting his lawn and garden. See Bud Short. Wednesday for Portland to enter a beets which didn’t come up, due to 1M2XC Sanitarium for further treatment. Mrs. E. E. Parker and Mr. and the hard rain we had just after he SEVEN ROOM house, with garage. Mrs. Glen Fisher were Caldwell bus- planted. The ground is a clay soil Loring Taylor. lM2xc. which packed so tight the plants i iness visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Reilley and could not come through. For Sale little son of Monrovia, California, The 4-H Sewing and Cooking MACHINERY ! visited from Saturday till Tuesday group under the supervision of Mrs. at the Walter Bishop home. They Neil Dimmick raffled a bed-spread 1 M O LIN E 4 RO W beet cultivator. are on their way to Cody, Wyoming at the dance Saturday night. The 1 Moline beet puller, all attach­ pleo Hoffman is driving a new proceeds, which was about $16. is to ments, nearly new. A. R. White Ford car purchased last week from finance a trip to Corvallis Summer Hardware Co. Emmett. 17A4xc Garber Motor Company. School of a delegate chosen to go. Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop and Miss Lois Mitchell is to go, in case Phone 78J. For Sale tfc. baby of Nyssa were Sunday callers Miss Orr cannot make the trip. Fred For Sale AUTOS and TRAILERS in Brumback home. Kratzburg of Nyssa won the spread. AU C TIO N SALE EVERY F R ID A Y CITY PROPERTY Mr. and Mrs. V em Fisher and The Sunset Community Auxilllary Why haul your livestock 20 miles 1928 SEDAN, tires goed. runs good. little daughter weie Sunday guests will hold a regular business meet­ to an out of town sale yard, when LO VELY MODERN 5 room home new license, new battery. Will sell in Arch Parker’s home. ing on Friday, May 2, at 2 p. m. at oak floors—electric water heater — cheap or trade for anything. F. C. you can get more here at home? W e Mr. and Mrs John Timmerman of the Hall. Everyone Invited. always get the high dollar R i y . u. beautiful lawn—s h a d e—connected Hathaway, Rt. 1 Nyssa. lM lxp Newell Heights and Mr. and Mrs The Community Hall Board of stock. You help yourselves when you city sewer. Garage. Buy a ready built — I Gerritt M untjewerff and Marie were Directors will meet Tuesday, May 6 , patronize your home business. Nyssa home—save $1000.00 or mere. Lo­ FARM LANDS Sunday callers in Case Muntjewerff’s at 8 p. m. for a regular business Sale Yard, Floyd Robinson (owner) cated—Good Ave. between 3rd and For Sale heme. meeting at the Community Hall. lM tfc 4th St. Inquire—Oscar C. Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Bennett en­ On Sunday, May 11, the Misses FAR M FO R sale. 3'4 miles west FOR SALE or rent. Tavern, known tertained guests from Baker Sun­ Sarah Humphrey and Florence Cobb ~L O S T of Nyssa. J. T. Long, Nyssa, Ore­ as the Bank. Attractive terms. See day. will begin a series o f meetings as 24A2XC. 16Jtfc gon. _____ ___ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stansell and Missionary servants of an undenom­ W A TE R M A N ’S PEN. color red. R e­ Frank T. Morgan. ward. Leonard Huseby, Post O ff­ FINE 40 ACRES improved farm two daughters of Payette, Mrs. Lora inational Organization of Bible GOOD HOMESITES on First and ice. lMlxc. Modern home, milk house, barn Pillsbury and Miss Margery Cam- workers. The time of their services Park, Cash or terms, Frank D. and feeding pen." On hiway, school , eron were Sunday guests of Mrs. P will be announced later. No changes Hall. 13MtfC will be made in the time of Sunday bus and mail route. Deep well, water B. Anderson. | Consult us on your wiring needs School. These services will be held I and meter set-ups. i LO T 3 BLOCK 65, Greens addition pil>ed over placé, electricity. Inquire at the Sunset Community Hall. 23J tfc. to Nyssa. L. W. Tebow, 606 Veneta Journal. Work guaranteed to meet State Everyone welcome. j Ave., Bramerton, Wash. 13M8xp i equirements. Dinner guests at the R effett home Prices right Bob R effett and Pete Cloninger Sunday were Glendon and Georgia FIVE GOOD building lots. Cheap Information free returned from the Corvallis F. F. A. Hillis, Lillie Mae Schneider, Lloyd for Cash. Southwest corner, Sixth NYSSA ELECTRIC SHOP and Park. Bill de Groft. lOAtfc Convention Sunday full of enthus­ Parker, Mrs. Newgan, and son, Bob. 18Atfc Mrs, R. S. Quick, was called to iasm over the wonderful things they Mrs. Chas. Wilson visited FYlday Boise last week where her mother, saw. among which the large dairy with Mrs. L. B. Landreth in Nyssa. W ANTED Mrs. Boy passed away on Thursday. barn stands out in Bob’s mind. It Misses Naomi Laurenson and Ma- HELP W ANTED Local and Long Distance Funeral services were held the fol­ is a U-shaped building with one be Roberts, and Ellis Givens went FULLER BRUSH CO„ has opening lowing Tuesday. H AULING winig alone costing $120,000. Other for man with car. About $20.00 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strang of j interesting things were the Agricul Phone 72W per week to start. Write W. A. Moody Homedale formerly of Big Bend ture Jamboree, Horse Show and the Lawrence and Barnett I 1307 N. Twentieth, Boise, Ida. LM ixp I were callers Sunday at the Harry i baseball game between Oregon State 4Mtfe Russell home. an(j Idaho State Colleges, Oregon TO R E N T or put up on shares ten Mr. and Mrs. Miles Teter and state winning, to twenty acres of hay. Marion family of Vale spent Sunday at the The boys stayed at Fraternity Chard. Rt. 1. 24A3xc. parental Wm. Teter home. House with 26 other of the 400 rep- NYSSA STEAM Mrs. Roy Cartwright has been ill | resentative who were there. P A IN T IN G , K ALSO M IN IN G , paper LAUNDRY Summer work started last week cleaning. Andy McGinnis, Phone and under the Doctor's care tre past ten days. Phone 88J 39M. 24Atfc. in this vicinity with beet and onion Mrs. Harry Russell and Mrs. thinning on the Sid Flannigan “We Wash Every Day” GARBAGE HAULING. City l i c e n ­ Claude Eachus attended an Amer­ ranch. ican Legion Auxiliary meeting In ced. Owen Gann, Phone 119R Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Karrer were Nyssa Wednesday evening given for at the W. T. Cannon home last week C ARPENTERING, concrete work, Mrs. Laura Good, Dept. Pres. on business concerning their place R E P A IR SHOP kalsomining or painting by hour or Mary Lou Jackson has returned which Mr. Cannon is farming. They Electric Welding contract. C. J. Keizer, 381 Ennis to school after her recent operation. are visiting with Mrs. Karrers re­ Ave. lOAtfc G AS AND O IL Mrs. Glenn Gaylord of Roswell latives in Ontario. NEW AND USED PA R TS It would seem that our little val­ W ANTED TO B U Y —Clean cotton spent Thursday visiting Mrs. Harry Russell. NYSSA AUTO CO. ley is full of bad horses. Sunday rags, must be of fair size, no ov­ Both rooms of District 47 school afternoon Bobbie Rookstool was Highway 20, North End of Town eralls, lace curtains nor other harsh attended the Music Festival In Vale thrown from his horse which result­ materials. Journal office. 31 0 tfc. Friday and enjoyed a picnic din­ ed in a cut across his forehead and W ANTED--Highest prices paid for ner at the Vale park. Adults attend­ cheek. This is the fourth accident hides, wools, pelts, metals, fur­ ing from here were, Mrs. Theresa with horses this spring which all niture. The Nyssa Trader, main hi­ Gehnert, Miss Jean Burch, Mrs. Hoarce Chaney, Mrs. Albert Bowen. way north. Mrs. FYank Wilbur. Mrs. Harry Jer- gens. Mrs. Zeb Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. MISCELLANEOUS Chas. Witty, Mrs. Cecil Case, and For Sale Tom Case. ^^¿ULTS/ This Year Plant the Champion Hybrid Corn of Orego loweaim Hybrid “King of the Hybrid” Here is the record— won first NINE places in 1940 Official Oregon (Eastern Division) State Hybrid Corn Yield Contest. High Yield was 125.69 bushel to the acre. 90 and IIO Day Maturity $7 per bushel W e also have Open - pollinated Corn Sunset Valley Lower Bend Minneseta 13-90 day Maturity A l THOMPSON and SONS C O A L — G R A IN — FEED mere can you find Entres like etc Price so Low DR J. C. B O W M A N Veterinarian P h o n e .1 9 W J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Sarazin Clinic N YSSA OREGON NYSSA LIBRARY Open epch week day from 2 p m. to 6 p. m. Saturday. 2 p. m. to 8 p. m. A L L PATR O NS WELCOME Librarian Mrs. S. B. Davis O P TO M E TR IS T “ See McFall and See Better” DR. J. A. M cFA LL E YE S IG H T SPE C IALIST O N T A R IO OREGON W YCKOFF J E W E L R Y STORE O fficial Tim e Inspector f t » Union Pacific O N T A R IO OREOON TR AC TO R TIRES, 2 sets, 900x36, used, plenty of rubber left. Terms maybe arranged. Thompson Oil Co. lM tfc NEWELL HEIGHTS Bernard Frost and his staff of as­ sistants brought with them a splend­ j POTATOES FOR stock feeding id program for our Parent-Teachers FREE for hauling away. Jake j Thursday night. It being a health 1 Fischer. Alberta Ave. 24tfc _____ program, a movie on the effects of T E N T HOUSE. 9x12. Joe Stam alcohol on the baby and mind w re ranch. 6*2 miles southwest Nyssa shown. Mr. Ralph Gale's talk, explaining 24A2xp the Nationl Farm Chemurgic move­ FOR SALE— complete pumping ment, Its purposes and objectives equipment. Consisting of 500 feet was very educational. Several pack­ plank flume. 400 feet 18 inch wood ages of seed were taken home to be pipe, 10 horse Fairbanks electric mo­ planted as part of an experimental te r. Fairbanks pump, valves, etc. As J program. iood as new. This equipment is ca- | Modern Pioneer Club of Newell pable of pumping and handling 200 Heights is meeting this Tuesday with in .-¡IPs of water Ira Ure, Nyssa. ^ rs- Jake Borge. 28 tfc Rev- McKune of Nampa will again fill our church pulpit at nine-thirty Sunday morning. Rev McConnellee For Sale of Ontario preached to well filled SEED room. The choir is again singing an BLISS T R IU M P H seed potatoes. anthem each morning during the church service. 75 cents. Gerrit Stam. 24 A2xp. Kenneth Parker of Big Bend has W H IT E ROSE seed potatoes, 2 for 1, been employed by Bill Wood to do to responsible growers. J a k e the Irrigating this summer. Betty Lou Newblll of the Kolony Fischer. 27Mtfc spent part of last week with Joyce BLISS T R IU M P H seed potatoes on Kurtz while her mother was in Eu­ shares. 2 for 1. Ira Ure, Phone gene attending the State Parent- 06R2 Teachers meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill have For Sale moved into the new tenant house on the Carl Hill ranch. FARM PR O D U C E Miss Idamary Prouty and Dudley POTATOES for stock feed. $2.00 per Kurtz left Thursday for La Grande ton. Ira Ure, Phone 06R2. 6 Mtfe Dudley entered the Trombone solo OOOD 3RD cutting hay, about ten contest with Miss Prouty as his ac­ tons. George Clowers. lM lxp companist. He received a rating of a n. FYlday evening several Newell For T R A D E Heights, Kolony and Adrian Young W ELL IM PROVED 40 acres near folks enjoyed a dinner at the Prouty Nampa to trade for 10 to 40 acres home In La Grande as guests of I improved near Nyssa. Phone 887R3 Mamary. Ellen Judd and Arlene Peterson remained over the week Nampa. lM4xc ”2 . • - * \i OR those who rent, May 1st may present two un­ pleasant alternatives: move, or pay more rent. To home owners, it’s the beginning of another gardening season . . . another out-of-doors season for the whole family as it builds new values, financial and psychological, into their homes. You can own a home for what you are paying for rent (perhaps for less). And you can remodel now at far less cost than later. ■ F Aak about oar "ona-atop" bulldlnc aarrlca — eomplata from plan to financing. Phone, p r drup in, umd tecure p/ paw complete, beautiful plum bum bt. JÄSSSÄ 41 • 60001 A V I U HIGHWAY 101 . 1 TMt sig n or GOOO tu n u c If ; l»MONt in ■ Joan t DSTADw rape ( T A R T with the massive, all-steel, 614 I cu. ft. cabinet, itself. It ’s brand-new— utterly different— amazingly beautiful and powered by the Polarsphere Sealed Unit. Then look inside. That Stainless Steel Cold- Ban eliminates 80 hard-to-clean screw- heads. That glass-covered Sliding Crisper holds loads o f leafy vegetables— keeps them S garden-fresh for days longer. L ook at the Pop-Out Ice T rays— Polar Ligh t— frozen food space— the big M oon­ stone Cold Chest. Yes, where can you find extras like these at a price so low ? W h y right on our show­ room floor— together with eight other sen­ sational 1941 Kelvinators. S A V E U P TO $ 3 0 COMFAASO W ITH LAST VBA« • FR IC K SS- 6 . All-steel cabinet. Big 6% cubic foot size. N ew Polar Light . • . space for frozen food . . • 2 extra-fast Freezing Shelves . . . Polarsphere Sealed Unit. Only S 1 2 4 . 9 5 Mo