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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1941)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL politicians and the favored few will reap the rich reward. It is useless and foolish to rant against it, it has has been so since Cain killed Abel I and will be so till at last the race learns to live each day by the Gold en Rule, singly and collectively. But in reading this writers sug gestion that women cease to bear j sons to be turned tc gun fodder ere they scarce have learned to shave, j we were reminded of a story we read several years ago. The race of Man in this tale had displeased God. mightily, and He having become weary of his offspringss ofienses Tilings About Nyssa's Shops decided to remove all life from this planet. So from that time on there In Sunday’s paper we read a let were no more births, neither of man ter written by a mother of two sons nor beast. Each person living was In protests of the draft and the ever | left to drag out his existence until increasing possibilities cf war in all the mortal shell finally wore o f its complete horror. away. At first everything was grand. She said that she did not bring Gone was that sense of responsibil them, these sons, forth to this earth ity that kept the nose of the race to and raise them with self sacrifice the grind stone. Everyone went and great love to have them in the everyplace, saw all of the things dawn of their adulthood slaughtered they had dreamed of seeing, did the in a war kindled by international things that they had hoped to do. war monger's greed and the stup Only to suddenly discover that all idity and cupidity of politicians. She incentive for living had ended. No threatened that women would some longer did they try to raise bigger day refuse to have children only to and better crops, nor tended the see them snatched from them by a soil nor their flocks. Each lived a bayonet or enemy bullet in the em hand to mouth existence and waited the day cf end. Buildings crumbled bittered battle. But women will not follow her ad for want of care. No new ones were vice .Not until men too become sane built to replace them, cities were deserted, factories closed, artists laid and resolve to do likewise. If only there was some way in down their brushes and authors their which the sons of the mighty, the pens. Little by little the shorter liv influential and the wealthy could be ed animals were gene. Only Man made to take their places in the was left, and one by one they too front lines along with the plow boy, 'eid down to die, till a solitary mor the white collared man's son, the tal flying over miles of ruined civil school teachers, and factory workers, ization was left. We gathered that maybe then, war would not seem so | his days were numbered and when necessary to them. Only such a small they had finally ended the God porportion of these chosen ones are I above would create a new race with ever found in front lines in the uni I mere wisdom and senses than this form of the buck private. Working I present one had manifested, their way to the top along with the j It was not a pretty nor a happy sons of men and women to whom tale but left us with the feeling that they refer as "masses” . Theses boys regardless of the great distance the so it seems are dispensable, the sons human race must still go before it o f the masses, so it seems to the ec r n even think of calling itself the onomic scheme. The sens of the fav- Sons of God, still evclution and gradual progression would be a more cred lnfluentir.l are no.. We are aghast when we read of pleasant way than the complete ex- the great horde:; of the youths of perminatlon of present creation. Ad we read this day in the Farm other nations being killed on the battle grounds of Europe. And yet Wife's Column of the daily State- perhaps those who will have paid the man of the farm woman who beat supreme price will be considered her pup unreasonably and cruelly fortunate by their comrades who because she thought he was doing will be left to carry on when civil what she had trained him tc do. Nn ization has spent itself and the rem thought entered that women's mind nants of the race pick up the ends that her dog would not knowingly of living to carry on and perhaps to disobey her nor that in his ignor work out a happier scheme of liv ance he deserved any mercy, even ing. Those years to follow after will as she must pray for mercy some not be easy for those of us who will day for her own misdeeds be they have to carry the load of readjust made in ignorance or willfully. No thought of the Golden Rule did she ment and reconstruction. It will be we who carry the load have when she knowingly and will o f taxation. We who will be deprived fully hurt another creature for do of our little pleasures and our few ing what he thought was right. luxuries, our automobile, our pleas Many other ways she could have ure Jaunts, the new home, the price taken to teach him the right thing c f a much needed operation and a to do, but she is his owner, his million of things we have consider “master, she the all powerful. She ed were ours if we worked hard and can hurt where and when she will, stretched the pennies far enogh. We of such stuff are Hitler's made. Sorre will stretch them allright, farther day there may be laws enforced to than we ever have done. But tc pay govern such persons. But the lady taxes and more taxes. We and our who wrote of it. who had the spirit children and our children's children. to face a neighbor's wrath is cour There is no escape. We have had no ageous indeed and perhaps her tell say in the matter nor will we have. ing of it will shame the culprit in But the money lenders, the muni others eyes and she will learn a les tion makers, war profiteers, for we son long delayed. For the pup's sake will have them regardless of all leg we hope he runs away and stays. islation against it, the international But he will not. He will be faithful and loving even in the face of cruelty, poor treatment and neglect. A shame indeed to the women who owns him. Fortunately the owners of pets and dumb animals who are kind and understating to their pets and beasts are mere in number than | those who abuse them. It is a good deal like the happily married, their | names never make the headlines. Rather is it those whose broken mar- ! riage make the headlines and we CARL li. CO AD | come tothe belief that no marriage is lasting nor happy. Instead there ATTORNEY-AT-LAW are hundreds cf thousands of men PHONE 31 and women through long years walk side by side in harmony and hap Nyssa, Oregon piness. bound with that unseen tie which is the golden thread of their L. A. Maulding, M.D. life and which when snapped by the death of one leaves the other Physician and Surgeon like a ship with a broken rudder in Phone 37 an open sea. Hours: 10 to 12 and ! to 5 But if each has been wise as well Daily- Except Sunday as loving during life then the one Pry Building who must carry on alone will be as sured an ease of mind, comfort in the lonely years if sufficient income TOW NSEND CLUB has been provided. And one of the best assurances of this is life insur MEETINGS ance. So too is all manner of other Meeting 2nd and 4th Tuesday insurance wise, crop insurance a- at 8 p. m. at City Hall gainst fire, hous? and home insur A. L. McClellan....... President ance and accident insurance. There are three firms of long standing her? Don Graham _____ Secretary in Nyssa which ha$e been proven The Public Is Invited trustworthy and honest in all of their dealings. Men and women who live NYSSA AERIE as we do and who will see that the policy is kept. There is Frank Mor F. O. E. NO. 2134 gan at his Real Estate office near Meets Wednesday Night First and Main and the Nyssa Real AT EAGI.ES HALL ty on the south side of the street Visiting Eagles Welcome from him down a block or so near HARRY MINER. 8ec where Third and Main join there BERNARD FROST. Pres. is Bernard Eastman at his Realty office. Wait not until the loss has GATE CITY LODGE come and try and repay the loss, for it is too late then and the prices are No. 214 so low as to make procrastination, folly. Perhaps no other insurance of a long life and a well one is better Meets Tuesdays than the proper feeding of the hu 8 p. m. man animal, particularly while it is I.O.O.F. Temple growing For it Is by that method First Street, South ; that the human machine is kept Virgil E. Johnson, perking through the years Teeth we Noble Orand are told are all important to the M. F. Solomon human being While store teeth are Secretary better than none even the best of these can give only a fraction of the Ye Snooper’s Column P r o f e s s io n a l C a rd s T>rotectlon and aid of the original ones. One of the best teeth and bone builder uppers and keeper-up pers is milk. Whole fresh milk, pro duced under the modern sanitary methods and distribution under state inspected dairies. But Nyssites need not worry about this for there are two of the finest whose record at the State department of health is outstanding for purity and low bacterial count. They are the Shal- ton and the Gate City dairies. And each make deliveries morning and evening. Meat too must be proparly killed and sanitarily cared for if It is to give to us what it should in nutri tion value. And at the Nyssa Pack ing that is what they have, meat properly butchered and properly stored. And speaking of nutritional and health giving value it is pur ported to be better to get a piece of meat that requires long chewing so that the teeth and jaws get proper exercise. But tis a tender juicy steak that they do dispense at the Nyssa Packing Company mart. And at Jake Fischers Slaughter house where they do custom butch ering under the latest and most ap proved standards one gets fine ser vice and high standard products. It is refrigeration which more than all else has made it possible for families to enjoy fresh foods without fear of so called summe diseases. Refrigeration that keep:; perishables at an even low temper ature away from contamination cf flies and insects. The new electric ret i igerators are a far cry too in advance of the old fashioned ice box and among the best of these is that new Kelvinator that the Nyssa Implement does traffic in. Now comes the time for irriga ting, long days when the life giving waters will run through the thous ands of little ditches over the land where in the fall rich harvests will be taken to feed man and his beasts But there is a right way to let this water run and a wrong way. The latter will let the land wash and waste the water where the right way keeps the water where it should be at all times and the land is preser ved for other years. One of the things that the wise irrigator looks to. is his dams and cut outs. And in this he uses dair canvas and the best is none to good for the thrifty land holder. But the very b^st of dam canvas can be purchased here in Nyssa at the Golden Rule, that make it right store, in various grad s and at various prices to fit the in dividual need and the individual purse. With summer comes vacation time and week end and Sunday trips to the mountains and way places for picnics. Tis then that the old Jalopy must be in first class order, to take any trail ahead on all four and re turn without mishap. And this it will do if it is taken in to Pryun's gar age for an overhaul and pepper-up- Der treatment. For those mechanics there can restore life to a motor which have been given up as extinct specie and will prolong the life of a new one. He is just a bit of a black pup, in to everything and more bother than good, but he has wormed his way into the hearts of those who own him till they would not take twice the price they paid to possess him. And In his snooping about did run upon a bit of too old meat laid by to be deposited in the garbage C3n. To his mistress’ dismay he managed to pull the paper down to his level and there upon gobled the whole of it in a couple of gulps. She was sure he would die of canine ptemain but we advised her that if his stomach did not like It, up It would come. But instead of dire death or even gastric discomfort and disturbances the pooch became live lier and friskier than ever. The imp And the mistress yet cannot see how he lived through it. At Wilson's Grocery store on Main THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1941 near Second they carry a whole case of shelves filled with nothing but various brands of pooch food. And at such reasonable prices. But so do they at that store carry every thing fancy and staple for food for the human being as well as his canine and feline pets. A neat array of toilet and laundry soaps and cleaners is stocked there as well. Soaps that were once considered lux uries are now priced so that every one may enjoy them. Skin fresh ening and toning up soap6 that doc tors recommend. With a real warmth to the at mosphere these last few days one is reminded that soon the time for air cooling and conditioning will be at hand if a body is to dwell in any kind of comfort. At the Nyssa theatre where they are always thnking of what ill please thei- customers, an air cooling system has long been in stalled and at the first suggestion of a warmish atmosphere the fans will start moving and one will see their favorite pictures and the fine shows displayed there in comfort an quiet. What with the old jalopie in good perking order and one of those new permanents that the Ruth Beauty nook is giving these days in milady’s hirsute appendage, she will be in fit shape for a month's vacation or a ’ ay’s jaunt without any advance notice. If it is a lunch or grub for a month or the replenishing of the household pantry shelves then a trip to Mc Connell's market at Main, east of the Y. will stand one in good stead, for it is fine groceries and fine fruit, and vegetables that the purchaser gets at that fine grocery store. Shop in Nyssa with Journal ad vertisers and ye wilt not wast thy time and thy gas going farther. S u n se t Valley Twelve members of the Worth While Club met with Martha Lang ley on Thursday, April 17. Due to the absence of Jaoth president and vice-president, Mrs. Queck presided for tlie afternoon. Handkerchiefs were sent to past members who have moved away, Mrs. Tiffany, Mrs. Leach and Mrs. Howard. Next meet ing will be with Lucille Kendall, May 1st. • Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Queck of Caldwell visited at the Roy Queck h e m e Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Distler and family of California, visited last week at the Pete Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Newgan of Wilder were Sunday guests at the Negan home. The Union Sunday School wishes all these interested to be present, April 27, for the election of officers and teachers for the coming year. The first election was only tempor ary for 1 month. Mrs. Buffington was on the sick list the past week. Mrs. Henry Terra up and around again after being in bed with a cold for several days. Twila Wolfe of this district was selected as one of the Owyhee Schcol representatives to spell in the contest at Nyssa Tuesday of this week. Paul and Wilfred Gilbert went to Giassey Mt. Monday to bring in their horses. Dude Parker of Cow Hollow went with them to get his. Mrs. Schneider has been suffer ing from a boil on her arm and went into the Doctor Sunday for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gee and fam ily of Apple Valley were Sunday guests at the Kendal home. A group of ten young people ac companied by Mrs. L. E. Newgan and Mas Ora Newgan motored out to the hills Sunday with a picnic. Mr and Mrs. Orland Black of Nampa were Sunday guests at the •J. A. Black home. Ed Steiner returned permanantly from Momument, C. C. C. last week on the Sweatland place. He expects a pinochle party at th-> Jesse Ford and is staying at the Ira Chadd j to move his family soon. home Saturday evening. home. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner were in Mrs. J. W. Jennings is on the sick Bob Reffett and Pete Clonlnger [ Thursday. list. will leave Wednesday for Corvallis I Mr and Mrs. W. E. Sweatland where they will attend the conven 1 and Mr. and Mrs. C-sh Turner i tion of the Future Farmers of Amer motored to Grassy Mt.. Sunday ica. Bob won highest honor in act afternoon to see the new coralls built ivity of his class. Pete won a schol there during the winter by the j arship last fall at the County Fair. Schweizer brothers, Oscar Anderson They will return Suday. and Chuck Share. They report about Wilfred Gilbert was surprised last 75 horses corailed, some branded, I week when he received an Angle whose owners have been notified to i Cake in the mail, as an Easter gift bring them in until the Round-up I from his foster-mother in Mound of unbranded stock is finished. Valley, Kansas. Mrs. Myrtie Sweatland and Mrs. 1 L. E. Newgan has been called to Cash Turner were Ontario visitors serve on the jury in Vale, beginning Wednesday. Monday, April 28. John Reffett recieved painful bruises about his knee Saturday while plowing sod with a walking plow. The double-tree broke and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and the lines about his waist pulled him boys. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Day spent forward over the plow. His leg Sunday visiting in Wilder. caught under the plow handle and Mr. and Mrs. John Barthoioma, the force of the lines was so strong Dorothy, Jimmie, and Johnnie. Mr. as to almost break his leg. and Mrs. Lee Hoffman spent Sun Motorists report grass 6 in. high day at the S. B. Hoffman home. in the hills, due to so much early Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jamison, Mr. rainfall, which has also been a boon before winter comes check and Mrs. Claude Day and Mr. and to farmers, delaying irrigation of your heating p l a n t and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended the crops almost a month. Very few flues for needed repairs— benefit dance in Cow Hollow Fri crops had needed water before this day evening. week, except small seed on spring BE SURE YOU The "Out Our Way” Club held its plowing. The few warm days we’ve regular meeting with Mrs. S. B. had lately has put inches on grain ARE INSURED Hoffman Thursday. crops. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Goodell of Bob Reffett, Pete Cloninger and Glen Nottingham of this vicinity Vale called at the Leslie Topliff ere among the high school group wHo home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff and went to Boise for Senior sneak day. Phone 53 The A. R. Roberts home was re Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodell attended modeled recently with a full cement basement, wall board celling clear- Estimates Furnished Work Guaranteed through and a large screen porch. They have also installed electricity lately. Bob Reffett was busy for a few days spreading paint on the Mart- enson Ranch house. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bolitho and children and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Pomeroy motored to Rockville, Sun day afternon, calling at the Strode ranch, where they enjoyed the beaut 2 cents per square foot iful yard, which is practically inlaid with slate rock and surrounded by Phone 3 Payette. Idaho large old trees. They came home via I. O. N. thru the Gem district and report it to be the cleanest farm district they have ever seen as it is free of unsightly weed growth. Burt Turner and his friend of Vale were Sunday dinner guests at the Cash Turner home. Ben Vaught of Adrian is working A FLUE in poor repair caused this - Buena Vista N Y SSA REALTY and Insurance C o. P.L. J O H N S T O N FLOOR SANDING CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CUTTING Notice To Hog Raisers With the installation of a new scale at TIIE RAILWAY STOCK YARDS we are now receiving your hogs there every Friday, paying the highest price the market permits and seeking to serve you In every possible way. acm e s Son Francisco, Los Angeles CM E BAKER VALLEY DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. BAKFR DISTRIBUTORS NYSSA PACKING CO. PHONE 6 faeòavino Him. y n | ---------- y SAVE OJV GAS SAVE OJV OIL SAVE OJV UPKEEP A n a in a d d itio n to s a v in g m o n e y « v a r y d a y 90H.R S B S W a n d In s v ^ r y w a y , y o u ’ll a l s o o n | o y t h e * w o w *« « « ?£sj? UWTOtO « I « , “ ? 0" livelier pe rfo rm an ce a n d m e re lu x u rio u s tom- fort of th e o n ly lo w -p r ic e d c a r w ith a ll th o fin e -c a r fe a tu r e s liste d h e re In C h e v r o le t ’s f a m o u s " Q u a l i ty Q u iz .” W h y f a y M o r e ? -O îïïït ____ e .llT C U n0 BEER Brewed with ?aiifit Northwest Hops and Barley Let us do your work! FRANK KULLANDF.R SAVE OJV 1 HZJICHASFfff/CE k Acme Beer brings the goodness of quality... the lively sparkle and mellow flavor that come only from skillful brewing of costly ingredients. Enjoy the West’: r’s best seller... Acme Beer! »fwfties Beef for the Hide Hogs 200 lbs. $1.50 Cutting 1 cent per lb. Grinding 1 cent per lb. Grinding and Seasoning 2 cent per lb, Why A c c e p f le s s ? AGA/N CHEVROLET!! THE LEADER [ye h " ‘ Try It! I'lWl 11 > » l Cables Chevrolet Company Phone 62 Ontario, Oregoo