THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1941 De Loris Ward and Mamie Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Orval Child and nify the fact “There is plenty room | cf Emmett were Sunday visitors at Clowers and Stunz. They had a swell did tight smart with them. children, and Mr and Mrs W J the O. Z. Matthews home. And Goodell is not only a hog at the top." How we envy the young j time Just as though they ere tarmers ------ i Buess of Vale were Sunday dinner caller. He makes a fine auctioneer. man with the white shirt and the too. Mrs. Teresa M Beranek of Baker stg at th? Erse! Buess home >t ^ c M Tensen a n d , — 7 ^ Mr and M rs. Ezra and By The Happy Fanner Our music was a bit home-made. ’ specially when it comes to selling big smile so earily going hand over 4i hand up the ladder with sparkling Our opening night at the Cow We really got a good buy on a piano those purty boxes. Clayton Jensen homes. George E. Buess visited at the S. success Just up at the top of the The contest for the most popular fer ten dollars. And a couple of Hollow Club House was a huge suc Mr and Mrs. Jake Fischer enter- j Mrs. Chrlstene Jensen of Parma would use A D L E R IK A they would ladder. cess. We had a large croud and every folks brought their violins and one girl was a close and heated con- tained at a late supper after the p. and D. O. Bybee homes in Nyssa. leel better. I'm 70 and have had it on Sometimes as we are working (and t s t with Alta Loma Howell carry body had a fine time. Most all were a guitar. It was really fun to see day dreamingithe scene shifts and Lien's Club Dance in Nyssa: Mess- j spent Sunday with Mrs. Luther Fife. hand for 14 years.” (L. M.- 80 . Dak.) farmers altho there was several out some of us old farmes. that look too ing o ff highest honors. The high Jake Fischer, Art Neeley, and Bert we see a tall greased pole. Tall. It ers and Mesdames Frank Quigley from town. Among them were the stiff to even make a good hay hand, ! paint as the contest between Arch .of Wilder. Jack Groot, Luray Tra- Shelton attended the Bi-Ag meet For Q UICK bowel action and relief goes up, up, and up. So tall that when that music get to going we F astman and Russel Howell to see from bloating gas, try A D L E R IK A bert. Desmond Jones and Lucille ing in Ontario Monday vening. would prance around like a young who was the uggliest man. Arch beat when the man is up to it endeeavor- Maxwell o f Caldwell. Bud Wilson of Oregon Trail and tiday. ing to climb he can see no top. It him a nickle but Russle made him colt. Mrs Teresa Beranek received word C. M Tensen were in Harper and Just goes on up. Many a slippry spot N YSSA PH A R M A C Y Doc Roffington. who is close in earn his cake and the roars of laft- of the death of her husband who Westfall on business Wednesday, on that pole. T o Good Old Fashioned Music ure almost raised the root. the neigborhoed of seventy, told us The All-American football star did passed away at the hospital at Ha at W ell the Spirit was running high. some time ago that he was just as he go easily step by step up the lad wthorne. Nevada, Tuesday. Mrs. young as the youngest man in Cow Everybody had a swell time and the | der or did he dig in. fight the pole Beranek is the mother of Mrs. C. M Hollow. He had worked harder on the social paid better than fifty dollars inch by inch and overcome many a Tensen and Mrs. Clayton Jensen. financing end of this building than | on the lumber debt. Mrs. J. J. Whalen of Payette and 5 Miles West o f Highway on Us «im m unity correspondents has ' slick spot. anyone out here. At the community When you slip and slide back 2- Mrs. John Lackey were in Nampa Klamath Ave. hard time finding anything to write gathering the other night everyone ways you take o ff some cf the cn business Thursday. as agreed that Old Doc was the | so wh“ n a neighbor hands us news grease perhaps it wen't be so slick C. M. Tensen contracted his j items we appreciate it. The other j youngest man there all right. On Proceeds to pay for equipment up to that point next time. lambs for future delivery. Saturday .1 day a neighbor lady handed me a those Squares boy could he swing for hall. Ws wonder what Shirley Temple. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Youngberg slip of paper with the following them. COME AND B R IN G Y O U R Harry Bridges Jack Benny. Henry and Mrs. Howard Collins and son, p r rp w n s Ed Jamison hands has been cn item •Elza Niccum and family made Ford or even Adolph Hitler thinks. rnd Jim Youngberg of Lebanon | the farm a bit too long to be the Is it a friendly ladder. Feet firmly were overnight guests at the Ed ' musicians that they once was. But a trip to Parma Saturday with a planted and your hand cn the next Wolfe home Saturday. he got them limbered up on the bag of wool for the wool pool." Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Atkeson and While there he met the hog and rung. | Piano and even on the guitar and A short while back we thought F. family. M. W. Osborn, and Thud- lamb shipper Clint Allen and was talking to him when Buford Kuhns, D. R. was just at the top and about dene Jennings were dinner guests their county agent walked up to ready tc be retired in that easy chair at the Jake Groot home in honor of speak to him. Mr. Allen as geing to of "Accomplished S uccess ." but oh! Elizabeth Atkeson's birthday F ri introduce him. when they found out no! Now we think he lacks on up the day. pcle and sees more slippry spots a- Floyd Thompson and I. L. Cooper they knew each other. left Friday with a truckload of M r Kuhns was Elza's seventh head. Climbing the greased pole is a rattle for Rigby. Idaho. grade teacher. He had also knew Mr. and Mrs. John Ernest c f Fred La Shouse W’ho was with Elza. great sport. Oh. yes, back to earth again ant! Mountain Home. Mrs. Les Ernest cf R y Mannley had the misfortune to loose a valuable horse when a so the gentle bull. Roy said the bull ■lyssa, and M r and Mrs J. J. Whal- had never showed any signs c f being ■n of Payette were Sunday after- called gentle bull gored it. We considered Buford Kuhns one bad at all. The herse was a fine toon visitors at the John Lackey of our best friends. He grew up an three year old. Just about ready tc borne. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and orphant bey in South Missouri came be put in tne harness and Roy need to Idaho and taught the country ed her badly. The bull was just a Vei! were business visitors in Pay school at Amsterdam one year and young half grown bull But he had ette and Ontario Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Butcher and went to Moscow, Idaho, for to go to horns and nc bull Is perfectly safe the agriculture school. The next we and esp. dally bewaie of his horns family of Vale were Friday aft°r- heard of him, he is now County Arch Eastman came over Monday oocn visitors at the X. L. Cooper he and Rcy dehorned the bull and home. Agent at Caldwell Fred Koopman was a dinner The magazines arc full cf the ad-, put a drug in his noes. Pete Cloninger left Wednesday quest at the S. D. Goshert home in vertisements of c o r r e s p o n d e n t schools. They show us how we elbow morning .for Corvallis to attend a Nyssa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Grammon of cur way around among each other in four day school there. He won a this crowded world trying to eak scholarship in his Future Farmer Ontario were Sunday dinner guests t the Earl Farr home. out a living for ourselves and our work and gets all his expenses paid Mr. and Mrs. J. Roskelly and Lynn loved ones. They try to show us how on the trip. When Lieutenant Cloninger was Chambers of Smithfield. Utah, are we cculd so easily climb the ladder to success with their help. And mag in charge cf the Nyssr C. C. C. Camp visiting at the L. T. Chambers home. he caught the Pioneer spirit and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Jensen. M il thought he wanted to be a farmer ler Jensen, and Mrs T. M. Beranek so he filed on a homestead out here. of Baker were Sunday dinner guest It's next thing to home comfort—plenty of room to move Pete was Just a little sprout then. at the C. M. Tensen home. about . . . soft upholstered seats where you can relax Very small to his age then and the Mr. and Mrs. Russell Davis who only boy. We recall hearing Clon have been visiting at the Luray Tra- and read . . . tables for writing . . . sleep-inviting berths inger say, “ I want to make a farmer bert home left Saturday for Wyom . . , delicious Dining Car meals. You avoid highway of Pete." ing. and weather hazards. Accommodations to suit you r Pete knew about as much about Mr. and Mrs. Ora Friel and f am farm life then as we do of life in ily were Sunday dinner guests at the desires. Convenient, time-saving schedules. New York City. Cloninger has learn James Taylor home in Parma. ed a whole lot about farm life him Lily Matthews visited Ada Belle SA M PLE LO W ROUND TRIP FARES self since those days. He certainly Shaw In Apple Valley Sunday. from Nyssa to: has did a thorough Job of making Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and Mrs. M al In Challenger In Standard a farmer o f Pete altho we fear he colm Crawford, members of the L In Coaches Sleeping Cars* Sleeping Cars has repented of it some. Pete is a 1 D. S. Sextette participated in the $38 10 $46 20 $53 50 Los Angeles farmer for life now and here is Stoke M. I. A. Music Festival at H9.90 Chicago . . . . . . 57 15 62.15 hoping he keeps climbing and wins Weiser Sunday evening. Mrs. Castle 42 85 Denver . . 36.51 41 00 many a leadership. Callahan was their accompanist { 65 65 Kansas City . . 51.62 58 67 17.85 1985 At the box supper the other night Vivian F ife played a violin solo. 1585 Portland . . a party o f six arrived about one * Berth extra. Similar low farea to other points. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toombs and Take advantage of the spring o'clock from Hood River. They were Gordon were Sunday dinner guests Liberal return limit*. Also very low one-way lares. lull— most of the men fo-’ks are friends and relatices of the Parkers. at the N. E. Hatt home in Owyhee. A tk about travel on credit— no money down— p a y l a f r busy—so now is your chance to Including Frank, Dude and Bills Pete Tensen and Gerrit Stam at bowl to your hearts content or mother. For further details consult: tended a P. U. D. meeting in Vale E. C Crandall learn how. They arrived about midnight at Tuesday evening. Phone 27 Frank's and finding no one at home Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Buess and Mr. Nyssa, Oregon they recalled having heard of the and Mrs. George E. Buess and sons There’s rebellion in the air! Want to box supper so came on over. from Utah were week end guests know where? It’s in the home that at the Ersel Buess home. doesn’t have automatic hot water serv John Cerva r f Co’ ”! well spent Nyssa Main Street ice ! And no wonder — who wants to LpB 0 ^ ^ a i i : i m _____________________ Tuesday evening at the C. M Ten-1 get up in the morning and wash their b 4 4 0 14 1 M^ e 1 1 Thirteen representatives of the sen home. ears in ice-water? For that matter, Mrs. Walter Boyer and her mother Lincoln Sunday School attended the who wants to get up in the morning of Ontario called at the Dick Groot j Union Sunday School Convention at and light the water heater, or fire the Caldwell Tuesday. This was the lar home Sunday. furnace, in order to get some hot Bud Wilson of Oregon Trail and | gest representation of any one water? school. The meeting was directed by C. M. Tensen were at Freezecut. where their sheep are at present. When you install an automatic elec Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chandler. Those tric water heater in your home you attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Monday. BUDGET Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster and Farley. Mrs. Annie Harris. Mrs. Jule avoid all this and bring yourself the UILD IN q Houston, Mrs. Ralph Barnes. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. 8 . B Davis of Nyssa comforts and joys of a constant supply called at the Ed W olfe home Sun Vern Smith. Betty Bushman. Helen | o f piping hot water, always on hand, Penninton Lorraine Farley, Martinj day afternoon. day and night. Install one in your home Mrs. T. M. Beranek. Mr. and Mrs. Sayers. Roscoe Branom. and Martin now. Little Willie will be glad to wash C. M. Tensen and Neil attended a ! Sink. his ears if you do! See your nearest conferninity of Christine Doctrine Several ladies who are members of 1 electric dealer for complete details. the Patch and Chat Club, met at meeting at Ontario Monday. Jess Barker of Brogan spent Sun the Orien Hainltne horn? Tuesday day at the O. Z. Matthews home. evening for a business meeting. Alberta Valley Cow Hollow 1 If More Old People DANCE si One Six Slngl P E tt SUNSET VALLEY COMMUNITY HALL Saturday, April 26 ADMISSION 45 CENTS Ladies Free COMPLETE COMFORT SALi erty ta: tribute« year wl ward t activlti accordl tax coi Elect In prof list, wl place t 565. Mor« paid b; are co which 390 fro be col elude: 340; C $126.63 $162.86 $271,9C heur, Morro' man, Wasco 342; \ Con: treatn pital 1 until trol d ferenc intern board struct for a ial pr their they fense tlve si consti which group main Thi gettlr hlgge that L. L. Indus said, last } o f dr age t On plate and groui by S This used Ph subjs lng i mer slons rath« regul o+t a U N IO N PA C IFIC T R A IN ! LADIES ATTENTION! EARS ANYMORE CORNELL BOWLING ALLEYS Lincoln Heights - Use M o d e rn iz e Your O ld H o m e! No Cash Needed! U m BUDGET B U ILD IN G To have New Hardwood Floor* Baltam-Wool Insulation Garage An Extra Bedroom A New, Modern Kitchen A Roof of Cedar Shingle* Im the were tory. Indu tal I mon pare $110 men tod a an li Po list ■ hav« cour stats a. I WON T WASH MY Recreation Room Fireplace Pay Monthly Why put up with an old-fashioned, uncomfortable or unsightly home when BUDGET BUILD ING will so easily modernize it? You might just as well ENJOY living in it! BUDGET BUILD ING makes it possible to make minor repairs or do a major remodeling job without a cash down payment. All costs for materials AND labor are lumped into one contract that may be paid for monthly over a period of from three to five years. In addition to that, you may have the advice and assistance of skilled home designers in planning and estimating your work. No additional charge is made for this service. W hy not get in step with 1941! Look over the old place. Make a list of the improvements you need, then start your remodeling plans with a visit to . . . AND P A B C O PAINT inside and out There's a PABOO paint or varnish for every Job. Used and recommended by better painters everywhere! LUMBER: «^COMPANY •There's a yard near you” DWIGHT SMITH, MANAGER NYSSA PHONE 15 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Smith were Sun- j day dinner quests at the Ralph | Barnes home. Mr. and Mrs. George Kinzer and daughter of Parma were Friday vis itors at the Ray McNeal home. j Mr. and Mrs. Henry McNeal of Meridian visited at the home of their son, Roy McNeal and family. Mr. McNeal has recovered from his recent severe illness. Lincoln Sunday School mot Sun day morning with eighty-eight pres ent. The younk people's class un der the direction of Mrs. Jule Hous ton was in charge of the services Scripture was read by Verdo Harris and a special song was sung by the class. A new birthday bank has been purchased by the Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Johnson were Sunday dinner guests o f Mr. and Mrs. EmU FYank. Mr. and Mrs. Bunt Bishop and ! family. Mr and Mrs Roscoe Find- I ley and son. of Nyssa. Grover Find- | ley and Ida Norland of Nyssa visit- , ed at the Ivgen Findley home Sun- 1 day. | 44 members enjoyed an Easter egg j hunt last Monday night at the Rob- ] ins home. Glenn Ward made a business trip 1 to Boise Tuesday. The Patch and Chat Club met j Thursday at the home of Mrs Lyle \ j Anderson for their monthly meet ing. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Bil! Walz. Mrs Clarence Ross. Mrs Jack Pettet and Mrs. Tom Pettet The members exchanged plants and flowers. The Club Is busy making a j layette for the Red Cross The next meeting will be at the Jack Pettet home. _________________ Get An Automatic ELECTRIC WATER HEATER VNbwEW... AND AufTH^ETlC V W H 1 C H are really better at ” household arithmetic— men o r w om en ? L e t’s look at the question in terms of insurance. W h at w om an would carry on ly $ 1.000 in fire insurance on furniture, clothing, etc., when it w ould cost several times as much to replace them ? W h at wom an does not know what a financial burden would fall on her if her h u s b a n d w ere in ju r e d in an accident ? Y e t many a man o ver looks these vital needs. S o here's a p r a c tic a l sug gestion to husbands and wives D on't guest about insurance . . consult this agency lor expert advice on which policies to b u y - h ow much — and what to d o in event of loss. FrankT. Morgan Phone 97 I D ¿Cecttia&s AHO?POW ER Dots So MUCH-Costs So LITTLE!