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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1941)
r/ieNYSSA Published at Nyssa, Oregon. VOLUME XXXVI, NO. 15 LOCAL NEWS GATEWAY TO THE OWYHEE AND BLACK CANYON IRRIGATION PROJECTS IN THE HEART OF OREGON’S SUGAR EMPIRE Price Named As Grade School Principal JOURNAL a ■'* k. Fastest Growing City In Oregon NYSSA, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 17,1941 Mattress Projects Alley Closed By To Re-Open Soon Council A t $1.50 PER YEAR Council Awards Owner Confesses To Firing Garbage Contract The city council, Monday night Restaurant Monday Morning awarded the new garbage contract to Commuity centers where mattress Hearing Church To Lay Corner Stone— are constructed under the cotton Members and the Board of Dir The school board of district 2G es mattress project will be re-cpe..ed Over the written objections of two A. O. Gann, following the opening Ira Cray. 60, owner of the Hut, a ectors of the Methodist church will (Nyssa) last Thursday night named next week if the expected second petitioners, K. R. Nusser and his of the bids, and Interviewing the hold dedication services for their Owen Price, former Nyssa teacher carload of cotton arrives. Advise has wife, and Carl H. Coad, Nyssa At bidders by the committee appoint ?U Dress Rehearsal small restuarant on First Street South, Wednesday night signed a parsonage and the ceremony of the principal for the grade school frr been received by R. M. McKennon, torney, and following a spirited de by the council. This committee »as laying of the corner stone for their as confession admitting that he had County Agent, that this material will bate beween Coed and Robert D. composed of Councihnen McClure Held O n Lions the coming year. fired the restuarant, according to new church on Sunday afternoon, to Price Is well known here having be on hand early next week. and Smith, and City Health Officer Lytle, Vale Attorney, representing Sergeant of State Police Ted Chamb which all friends of the church are taught In the Nyssa .schools from Some changes will be made In the Mr. and Mrs. Hurley, who had pet- Dr. L. A. Maulding. Three bids were "Fashion Show” ers. invited. submitted, the one by Gann, the tltioned the council for the closing, operation of the mattress centers. 1930 until 1937. He was assistant In order that country members Coach and taught in the upper The principal change will be an in the city council, sitting in special other two being submitted by H. E. Under the utmost secrecy a dress The fire was discovered by night will not have to make an extra trip grades. He attended the Eatem Ore crease in cost per mattress, which session Monday night, ordered the Miller and J. C. Coil. Gann’s bid was (and what dresses) rehearsal wi. policeman Kenneth Lang ton. who there will be a basket lunch fol gon Normal for two years, later at must be paid by the family, from alley in Block 86. Westfield addition considered as the most favorable, held Tuesday night by those mem turned in the alarm at arcund two lowing church. Many former mem tending subject to the reservation with a bid of $120 per year for three bers of the Nyssa Lions Club who a. m. Monday. Following a tip, that the University of Oregon seventy-five cents to $1.25. Hie add closed, bers and several former ministers and Washington. for the city’ s use for water and sew years, and a truck that will meet the will model in the “fashion show” a person was seen running from the itional fee will be used to hire and who have occupied the Nyssa pulpit He is at present temporarily em pay local supervisors who spend er right-of-way. City Attorney Flet requirement* of the regulations laid during the intermission at the hard scene of the fire, Langton began an are expected to be present. Cere investigation and after interview cher, disqualified himself for the down for garbage hauling. their time superintending the con time benefit dance to be given in the ing ployed with the Oregon State E r- struction of the mattresses. Com.- hearing by asking the monies will begin at three. and questioning several persons, council to ex | Nyssa School gymnasium. The contract will give Gann the ployment Service. Sheriff Glenn. Later the V. F. W. Elects Officers— muity committees will continue to be cuse him, because of his having rep exclusive right to haul garbage for While this reporter was admitted called State Police and the State Arson responsible at each center, but they resented Walter Fox In a suit with hire in the city limits. The Auxiliary of the V. F. W.’s | to the rehearsal under a promise squad by Lieutenants H. W. will hire one or more Individuals who Hurley. The council granted the city Another contract which will be not to divulge anything that trans Howard headed held their annual election of officers A. K. Lumsden entered will do the actual work of super attorney his request at their last meeting held at the pired, it will be no breach of con Into the and entered into, Is that of the sextons investigation. Cray’s arrest vision. It Is telt unfair to ask com Lytle called ta the attention of job at the city cemetery. This con fidence to reveal that Fred Burgess- Legion Hall on the evening of April munity committeemen to spend the the council that the alley in question tract. which will be a lease for three er is simply stunning In his latest for questioning followed and he 11 the confession In the county time necessary without compensa had been used i»s such for a long years on the city owned property ad streamlined tailored black and white signed Those taking office for the com at Vale last night. ing year will be Mrs. A. V. Cook, As promised the readers of the tion. period of time, and that the Hur jacent to the cemetery, will be with suit, with Hershel Thompson lend Jail When the volunteer fire depart- president: Mr. George McKee, first Nyssa Journal in last weeks Issue Applications for about 1250 mit- ley’s were agreeable to any reser B. B. Baker who has had a simillar ing a “homey” touch to the show vice-president; Mrs. Wm. Packer, the following is a further diegest of tresses have been approved from el vations that the council saw fit to contract for the past year. In ex in his polka dot ensemble. Another mnt had extinguished the blaze it second vice-president; Mrs. Alva the report of the Hydroelectric Com igible families and about 475 of these Impose with the closing order. Coad change for his duties as sexton, heart stealer is the bowffant sheer was learned that several utensils had been filled with gasoline and Goodell, conductree; Mrs. Chas. Par mission of Oregon on the establish have been made. The second carload in his remarks to the council ques- which the care of grounds which will be modelled by Bernard cloth made into wicks had been adis, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Jake ing of a People's Utility District in of cotton will make an additional lioned the procedure in the filing of and the includes Frost. These, with the many more digging of graves, Baker will In them to assure their cat Kolen, guard; Mrs. Andrew McGin Malheur county. At the outset of the 480 mattresses. the petition, and pointed out that have the farming privileges on the models to be displayed are consider placed nis. trustee. ed a revolution In that they liter ching on fire. Why such did not report it says that the “engineer If the project continues to run property lying to 'h? west of the adjacent land. happen Is laid principally to the fact In-tallation of the new officers ing report is hypothetical and for the ally sing of spring. more cotton and ticking alley in question would be damaged if will trke place at the next meeting, purpose of analysis. It Is not intend smoothly, Dancing will start at 9 p. m. to that the building had been insulated it was clossed. Nusser verbally with will be obtained so that the period April 25. the music of the Rythm Aces. Sug with sawdust and when this became ed as recommendation that the dis taking applications will be opened drew his objections when it was gested costume* for the dance pat damp and fell. It acted as a smoth trict follow anyone line of procedure for shown that his, property nor any Drive To Mruntaim— VP again and other families which rons are overalls and aprons. Tickets ering agent. Policeman Langton had On Tuesday A1 and Herschel Definite Information as to when have not applied previously will be other would still be served by sew may be obtained from any member a narrow escape when he picked up Thompson drove to Unity for wood the district. If formed, could ex able to obtain a mattress. ers and water. one of these gasoline filled utensils, of the Nyssa Lions Club. and returned the same night. They pect Bonneville power. Is contained Each family will be notified by The council agreed to hold an which he trought contained water report wood to be very scarce in that in a letter attached to the report card when the v are to come to the other special meeting next Wednes As an added convenience for both was about to throw onto the live area, the road, however, is in good from Bonneville Power Administra mattress center to make their mat day night to set a date for the hear laborer and employer the Oregon coals in the kitchen range. Fortun Employment Service has open- condition and the snow practically tion. In this letter It is stated that tress. ing of establishing an improvement Etste ately for him, the handle broke, and d three temporary offices in the "Our program (Bonneville) calls for gone. district In the area between Main It was then that it was discovered county, according to Charles M. Par the construction of 230 kv transmis Carrots Blighted— street and Good Avenue from First that gasoline had been placed In a adis, manager of the Ontario off lines to interconnect with the J. T. Waters. Boise representative sion Street we t to and including Third number of the utensils. ice. Idaho Power Company at Hunt- for Northrop King Seed Company inton street. Ir this Improvement district Plans for the coming Malheur Cray will appear before Circuit in 1944. together with their Nyssa represent it is coni nplated to giade and oil One office has bee opened in Nyssa County Fair are getting under way Judge Duncan. Monday in Vale. Cray snd is located in the office of the Tills construction, of course, is con ative, R. A. Thompson went over the streets, build curbs and gutters according to Miss Thaddene Jen said that he would waive preliminary Nyssa Realty Company and is under tingent upon the Company’s will much of the land contracted by his and provide some sort of storm nings, secretary of the Fair Board. hearing a plead to the charge of the charge cf Harold Smith. Port firm for seed carrots and found that ingness to enter into an interchange The county court has under con sewer. The Board has that land. The telephone number for they will put on the announced much of the new growth had been contract with the Administration sideration four farms as likely pulling arson. The building and equipment, ser this office is Nyssa 127. Another contest, which proved so horse attacked by an unknown rot condi and upon the appropriation of the locations for the county experiment popular last iously office has been opened In the Nyssa year. Rules and regulations damaged was covered by In tion which will require the entire necessary funds by Congress. When al farm, following the filing of a re will be surance. FSA Farm Labor Camp, with Flet announced at a later date. planting to be plowed under and the and if such a permanent intercon port from the committee to investi cher Milton from the Ontario Em The race for Queen of the Fair land put into other crop. One of the nection with the Idaho Power Com gate possible locations. ployment office in charge. The tele is now on. Miss Jennings said, when biggest losers is Jensen who planted pany's facilities is made, it would The recommended farms are the phone number for this office In 300 bags of roots at the old Idanha be quite possible to transfer energy Tensen, Fred Bailey, Taggart, and Board announced that they to the Company and the over its E. D. McCarthy farms, all located Nyssa’s high school track team Nyssa 01R2. Another office has been the orchard. would receive applications for cand epened in Vale, but as yet no one placed second in the Snake River existing transmission facilities to any within the recommended feur mile Vlley relay meet held at Ontario has been put In charge of iL Em idates. Qualifications are that the Works At Feed Store— point In Malheur County. triangle Clarence Mull has taken the posi delivery must be able to furnish a good In the meantime, as stated last tion. around Cario Highway junc Wednesday by scoring 21 points as ployers in this vicinity wishing farm girl tion left vacant at the Thompson week horse, a neat riding outfit and be Farmers are again being advised labor may call at either of the rff- Emmett took top honors with 24. the district would have to Seed and Feed Store by Owen Gann, Frank Morgan, member of the Other teams finished as follows: ices personally or may telephone well qualified In horsemanship. A this week that May 1 is the dead In Bonneville power over it's committe, who has been awarded the garbage bring snapshot must accompany each ap said that Dean Schoen- for signing estimate shets under own transmission lines from Durkee, 19; Ontario. 10; Payette, 8; their requirements. The Oregon plication. The candidate who Is line contract for the city. feld and a Mr. Bessey of Oregon Weiser. the Agriculture Conservation Pro State Employment Service, Paradis Baker County. The lines of the Ida Attends Jamboree— as the Malheur County Fair gram If they expect College would be in the county and Adrian 6. to participate said, is asking the farmers here to chosen Power Company reaching now State Slim Musser returned on Tuesday ho Nyssa gained most of its points Queen will be sent to the Boise Saturday to view these places and co-operate In gauging the number of Western Idaho Fair In Boise, the In 1941. Unless these forms are signed Durkee are now deemed of suf give their approval. in the distance events by taking evening from Portland where he at into workers needed by anticipating labor Caldwell Night Rodeo and the Nam compliance will not be checked next capacity to give stable oper tended the Jamboree for Chevrolet ficient first in the distance medley and th“ needs fall and payments cannot be earned. in advance, in order that lab ation. celebration. salesmen. Slim reports a fine meet In thereport the annual Interest one and one-half mile relay. Dis may be brought in sufficiently pa Applications Second slgn-up meetings will be ing and was one of the fortunate charges would amount to $52,364. BROWNIE’S CAFE TO covery of Jim Gahan as a distance orers should address their in advance and that farmers also letters to Miss Jennings, at Nyssa. held at the Court house In Vale on ones to attend the $10,000 Jamboree Repayments or amortization pay BE REMODELLED runner was a pleasant surprise to let the service know about when the Wednesday, April 23 and at the Nys Coach Irwin Elder, and Jim has farmer banquet. At this event nationally ments which Include principal and will be through with his j sa Schoolhouse on Thursday, April known talent had been procured as interest would amount to $81,907 Following the signing of a new measured up by taking first place in crews. 24, for the convenience of farmers well as outstanding men . s speakers. from the fifth to 30th year (this is lease for a period of five years for every event he has enter this year. living in these e/eas. Tese meetings squad placed second in the shot- Paradis said that the avallabl“ Buys New Truck— building now ossupied by Brown The based on 30 year bonds). Deprecia the farm outlook was not as good as will start at 8 p. m. Previous meet The Idaho Power Company at tion put and in the broad jump. ies' Cafe, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown costs would annually amount to announced that they planned ex Results: Shotput. Emmett, first; it has been in past years, due to the ing have already been held In these Nyssa tool: delivery this week of a $30,519 and It assumes a new system tensive remodelling. defense piogram. He said that a re nev; Chev olet pt’kup Tie car is at the starting communities and four others. Farm Nyssa, second; 440, Emmett, first; of the deprec By Wesley Sherman cent survey showed that there were painted tire well known tan and iation period. It point ers In the Jordon Valley. Danner an Weiser, second; 1*4 mile relay. Nyssa This remodelling, for the most might be found in Coach John Young’ s Nyssa High not nearly enough local people to Brown of the Company and sale was adequate for a system which has part, will provide for a dining room first; Adrian, second; broad jump, Arock communities will be contacted farm labor needs and that School Bulldogs had their own way by made through Slim Musser. Anyone may prepare Emmett, first. Nyssa. second: sprint, it fill Is the estimated already served a considerable port with a seating capacity of b“tween about 75 per In the Oregon division of the Snake their a supervisor. Easter Guests— estimate sheets county medley. Ontario, flist; Weiser. sec cent of the need that ion of its useful life (Ed. note:—this 75 and 100 persons. It Is planned of labor would have River Valley baseball league this office on any day of In the the week. Guests on Easter day in the Gro lalatter statement is probably based also, the Brown’s said, to make this ond; distance medley, Nyssa, first; week. They won their third confer to be brought In from outside ver Douglas home in the Owyhee on Adrian, second; 880-yd. relay, Wei sources. the assumption of the district dining room available for social ser, ence victory against no defeats while were Mrs. Leslie and Mr. and Mrs. buying first; Emmett, second; shuttle out the Idaho Power Com gatherings and banquets. The re other teams In the loop were play RINEHART RESIGNS Lester Larsen. Caldwell. Miss Nelda pany lines). Operating expenses modelling will take place as soon as hurdles, Payette, first, Weiser. sec ing “dog eat dog." Chamberlain, Nyssa, and Miss Mar which included taxes would amount the Owyhee Beauty Shop owners ond. FAMILIES ARRIVING Behind veteran Frank Wilson's ex TEACHING JOB garet Mitchell of the Owyhee. to $165,463 which added interest and find a new location, for it is this pert pitching the Blue and White Grant Rinehart handed In his res Suffers Accident— AT F. S. A. CAMP depreciation charges for the first part of the building that will be oc HAROLD KURTZ IS scored a 7 to 0 shutout against Har ignation Mrs. A. J. Faucher. who suffered four the school board of dis year would total $248,346. Each cupied by the dining room. a badly sprained leg. week before year after that this cost would rise This will be the second major re F. F. A. PRESIDENT Farm labor families are arriving per and defeated Vale last Friday trict 26 to (Nyssa) last Friday. The by a »core of 5 to 1. In both games last when she slipped on the step. to at a fast rate at the Nyssa FSA $277,889 For the first four years modelling job on the cafe since the resignation will take effect at the Wilson held his opponents to two Is reported to be improving. according to Roy Searles, the district could expect an Brown’s have owned it, the first be Harold Kurtz, former vice-presi camp, end of the current school year. hits. Morfltt was on the catching manager of the camp. Seventeen surplus of $38,854. but after that, ing the installation of the new dent, was recently elected president families have arrived since the open end In both games. A home run with Rinehart said that he planned on LEGION AUXILIARY SEEKING when amortization payments would booths, back bar and counters. of the Future Farmers of America ing last week. These families rep none on by Don Eldredge was a devoting his full time to his In GIRL FOR STATE CAMP have to be made, this revenue would for the coming year. The beginning resent about 60 persons of whorr highlight of the Vale game. surance business. MAYOR OLSEN DONATES IVY of the F. F. A year is in April. Dew about The American Legion Auxiliary decrease to $9,311. 35 are farm laborers. Tomorrow (Friday) the Bulldogs He has been a teacher In the ey Thomoson was elected vice-pres PLANTS FOR CITY PARK hopes that a girl from this area to Vale for a second encounter grade school for the past six years. ident; Keith Herrman. secretary; Searles left Wednesday night to go may be sent to the Girls State Camp SELECTEES CALLED with the Vikings. Nyssa's high-pow attend a conference, of FSA camp Harold Boyles, treasurer; and Don Mayor and Mrs. J. C. Olsen this about twenty miles from Salem dur officials, to be held In the regional ered ’’murderers’ row” will face the Visit From Prlnevllle— Bishop. Reporter. week donated eight Boston Ivy FOR APRIL 22 ing the week from June 22 to 29 and office 1n Portland. He expects to be offering of highly-publicized Tommy E. H. Belknap and Mrs. Belknap plants to the City Park Board for The new president, along with gone has arranged to defray a part of the Three selectees from Malheur planting Atkina, star Viking hurler. who fan of Prlnevllle were visitors of Mr. edtout three or four days. around the hand ball court. four other boys, will represent the expenses. The Civic Club will also county will be called for induction This donation brings to mind the Nyssa chapter at the State Con ned 14 men this week against Ad and Mrs. Omer Adklnson on Friday. help financially but there will still into the army on April 22, according work that has been done on the city vention to be held at Corvallis, Ore LEO HOLLENBERG ATTENDS rian who bowed In defeat, 3 to 2. be about eight dollars to be raised to an announcement from the Mal park, which was started last fall. gon, April 24-26 The other boys to INLAND TEACHERS MEETING Second In the league Is Ontario Visit« From Denver— Anyone wishing to contribute to this heur County Local Board. They v ill About three quarters of the park has go will be Dewey Thomoson and with two wins against two losses. Miss Dallas Foltner. Denver was a regardless of how little or how great report to the local board at Vale at been planted to lawn, paths have Pete Cloniger. who won Scholarships Leon Hollenberg. principal of the They split games with Harper, lout week end guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. Is asked to do so and may leave 2 p.m. and will then be sent to the been laid out and consructed. new to the convention, at the Malheur Nyssa grade school attended the 43 to Nyssa. and won from Adrian. C. Bowman. their money with the Gate City induction station at Portland Vale and Adrian also split their annual meeting of the Inland Teach have been planted and a Fair last year. Irvin Topliff. who won ers Association, held In Spokane. games to help put the Bulldogs on Son Visits— Journal or any member of the aux- Those called are Ira A. White. shrubs start made on the east tennis court, the Eastern Oregon Hog calling April lllary. 11. The association Is com top of the heap. Wm. Estes Rio Tlnto, Nev., spent David R Morgan. Ontario, all this work being done under the contest, and one other boy yet to be posed 8 of to teachers These girls camps were started as Harper. from Oregon. Ida Easter week end with Dr and Mrs. foremanship of Ed Stienke with Lester B Duncan. Vale Two selected. a part of the Americanization pro and ho, Montana, and Washington. All FARM UHEMURGIC J. C. Bowman alternates are also named in the N. Y. A. boys. Later it is planned to gram of the Legion and any girl re- call. schools In the Snake River valley MEETING POSTPONED F Brunson and put In a wading pool for small child garless of whether or not her Francis Benjamin In Baker— were represented at the meeting, ex- ren This pool will be located Just P. Robinson, both of On father Is a legkmaire is eligible to ceptlng Vale and Ontario. Hollen- The Farm Chemurglc meeting Mr and Mrs 8 D Ooshert and north of the handball court ROUND TOWN attend. Certain academic standards tario. berg said that there were about 4300 slated for Tuesday of this week was Mr. and Mrs. Marion Kllnkenburg Any civic organization who would . . .the cold winds bringing out teachers registered at the meeting postponed until Monday. April 21. and their family motored to Baker are required and the girl selected Hundred Attend Cantata— care to make donations of equip Malcolms red sock Cap again. must show a tendency and aptitude Three ADRIAN and that It was one of the most because of the inability of Ralph for Easter where they visited at the ment or plants may do so by con i Special'—Three hun for leadership and civic attainment dred people attended the Easter ser tacting any member of the park Mrs Don M searching for a good Instructive that he had attended. Oale. sales manager of the Harry Sales home Sunday night hear Wesley On hia return. Hollenberg stopped Idaho general At the camp besides the regular Power Company and a mem Return From Vacation— given at the Adrian Union board which consists of Mayor Ol sleep Sherman had a turn for the worse routine there are classes in social vices to act as Finish Judge ber of the National Farm Chemur Mr and Mrs. Clarence Brewster High School Gym at which time sen. Dr. Kerby. Jesa Thompson. Cliff last Saturday. . . surveyors busy at In Portland and civic training and goemmental the the Relay Carnival held at Hill glc Council, to be present to give returned on Sunday form a trip to Main, and L. P Thomas Sunday School Community choir on Main for that new paving job . organization, as well as all manners gave the Cantata "Our Living Lord." Military Academy had the good his talk. nice to have the Ronald Burks in fortune to see the and worlds of popular sports to be enjoyed, such Mr. R O. Chandler. A. S S. U. Bars New Fords— record The meeting will be held In the Jacksonville. Ill and Denver Oolo. as archery, badminton, horseback Missionary of Caldwell, gave the In W W Seward of Junctura and town for a visit. . . Butch sleeping high jump for indoor track equalled high school study hall at • p. m They made their return trip in a riding, different games of ball and vocation. Rev Sawhill. D. D F Chesley Hart of Harper, each bought through the fire whistle. . . don't when Les Steard of the University I ! and Is under the sponsorship of the new car purchased at Detroit. Mrs. forget to write to the friends in the of Oregon cleared the bar at 6 foot j Nyssa Lions Club with Bernard Brewster was away for over a mon swimming read the Easter story and at new Ford pick-ups this week from U 8 fighting forces. . . Mrs. W. C. Richardson is chair Seattle, 9 % inches. Thirty seven schools com- ; Frost. Fred Burgesser and Frank th and Mr. and Mrs Brewster join the Malheur Motors. Nyssa Ford man of the committee In charge of the close of the Cantata, spoke the dealers. ed her three weeks ago Morgan. peted In this meet. (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a benediction this activity. . Report Analysis On County P.U.I). Employment Offices Opened Plans Under Way For County Fair Court Considers Four Farms Nyssa Second In Valley Relay Meet Second Sign-up Meeting Slated Bulldogs Lead In School League '